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So you've seen the interview by now, if not you've had somebody's take on it,
you've seen clips of it, you've got a rough idea of what was said in the interview.
Do you know what wasn't said? The elephant in the room. Check Tucker Carlson's
wrist during the interview. In fact, in every interview that he does, he is always
wearing the Kabbalah bracelet. This man is sympathetic to said elephant in the
room. And so is Putin. He might have kicked out the Rothschilds. He's still got
Herbade-Lubavitch in that country, in his ear, puppeteering that man. And they do
it for Satan, right? the synagogue of Satan whether you believe in the Bible or not
these people certainly do they believe in the Torah they believe in the Talmud they
believe their Messiah will come the head of the snake ladies and gentlemen. You
cannot get rid of this problem by cutting it at the belly or at the tail. You need
to go for the snake and some people think it's the Vatican. No, it's deeper than
the Vatican. It is, real. I'm tired of banging on about it. And you know one of the
problems that we've got in this country there are plenty of British Zionist people
Right sympathetic to Israel they claim to be Patriots of this country or they don't
engage with me. Do you know why because they're trying to control me They're trying
to get me in the British Guardians who is full of Zionists. Do not fall for this
organization, right? There's a lot of good people that have fallen for it and
getting involved in this group. It's just like Britain United, it's a fucking set
up. Now the Farmers March is something that people can get behind. Hopefully it's
steered in the right direction. We need to focus the fucking government, right?
It's no use in asking for fucking subsidies and fucking whatever else they're
asking for, right? They need to get together, all the people need to get behind
them and we need to focus the fucking government, get them out. Labour,
Conservative, the Lords, the whole fucking house. Get them all out. Like I'm not
going, because you know why? I think it's an absolute farce. I don't think
anything's gonna be done. I think this farmers march is run by the fucking same
people that run all the fucking marches. Ugh. Like I might sound like an angry man.
I'm angry for a fucking reason. Because the source of this fucking problem in this
country is Zionist. Israel. They're being called out for genocide. America and
Britain being called out for gen... well not genocide. They're being called out for
war crimes. Why? Because they're fighting the wars for who? And again, Tucker
Carlson, Putin, they are gatekeepers for this shit. It gives us a history on Russia
and fails to fucking mention the Marxist takeover of Russia and then simplifies
this with them because of Mustache Man 11 million Germans after the war under
Allied occupation You cannot dig in the Rhineland to this day because of it and
they're doing the same to Ukraine They did the same to Russia before Germany.
They're coming for the rest of Europe now. If you stand behind like Putin, you're
leading yourself to the slaughtered because he's he might be the lesser of two
evils, but he's still in the pockets of said elephant in the room because they're
still in his country. He might have kicked out the Rothschilds. The rabbis are
still there. Her bad Lubavitch is still there. And if you think that Benjamin
Netanyahu is secular and doesn't give a shit about this coming Messiah then you are
sadly mistaken. They're all dancing and they're saying we want Moshiach now. They
think he's already here. They're getting ready to reveal him. Whether you believe
it or not these people do and they worship Satan. He's the God of this world. I
only know whether Jesus is real, I'm still tackling that one. Like I say, it
doesn't matter whether he's real or not. At this point in time these people believe
in Satan. And you know, it's in all the fucking shows. Super Bowl, Grammys, right,
Oscars, every fucking one. They had to tone it down this year because people were
kicking off last year about Sam Smith. They're not hiding it anymore, right? And
they're ushering in a new world order, right? They're bringing the dark into the
light. They've had to be underground all this time. Satan has been ruling this
world all this fucking time. He's just been doing it in the fucking dark. They're
bringing it to the light now. It was an old world order. It's a new world order. Do
you get it now? Illuminati? No. Freemason? No. You need to go one step further.
It's the Israelis, the Marxist, Karl Marx. Right? Herzl. Like my mind draws a
blank, I was about to rattle off a load of names. Right? You can go back in history
and find these people. And you can find what they've written. The protocols of
Zion. I mean just look at the Talmud for fuck's sake. Like I say, you might not
believe in the religion, they do. And they don't hide what they think about the
Gentile nations. and the rabbis certainly don't hide what they think about Islam
and what it is to them. Thanks for watching. Like I doubt people have even stayed
this long to even listen to this. Cause they don't want to hear it. They want the
bells and whistles. They want to think that Trump's going to come in and save the
day and he's going to hook up with Putin. Good fucking luck with that one.

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