CDP-6017. CHL - MinersWater - Minig WWTP - Aquavant - MIN - 1.5MLD - RevS1.0.0 - AG

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1. Project Information

Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD

Application Mining Wastewater
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown

2. Design Information

Version 2022-44
Revision S1.0.0
Date 19-06-2023
Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:


1. Provided Documents

Chapter Name No. of Pages

1 Project Specifications 1
2 General Process Flow Diagram & Description 1
3 Flow & Component Mass Balances 1
4 Water Balance 2
5 Process Calculation 2
6 Process-Integrated Chemical Cleaning Calculation (iCC) 2
7 Scaling Removal - Cleaning in Place Calculation (CCC Acid) 1
8 Bio-Fouling Removal - Cleaning in Place Calculation (CCC Oxidant) 1
9 Main Equipment Calculation 4
10 Power Consumption Estimation 4
11 Chemical Consumption 1
12 Main Equipment Overview 1
13 General Process & Instrumentation Diagram 1
14 Pre-Treatment Recommendations 1
15 Active Cake Layer Filter Aid Dosage System 1

2. Further Information

Number Name Online Link here

1 Technology classification
2 Product design concept
3 How it works
4 How to assemble
5 How to install
6 Benefits of cake layer filtration
7 Benefits of sprinkler system
8 Product specifications (Module 6.0 S)
9 Product accessories
10 1,000+ LMH flux benchmark report
11 Reference project description
12 NSF 61 D.HOT 60°C Certificate
13 Other project services we offer
14 Company brochure

3. Intellectual Property

This document and information herein is a property of CERAFILTEC.

Unauthorized reproduction or distribution in full or in part is prohibited.
CERAFILTEC is not liable for any consequences occuring from using this content without the prior approval.


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Project Specifications

1. Ceramic Filtration Feed Quality

Parameter Unit Value

Iron (Fe),max ppm 2.82
Manganese (Mn),max ppm 0.10
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ppm 0.50
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) ppm 0.30
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ppm 0.10
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) ppm 20.00
Free Oil & Grease (O&G) ppm 0.10
Turbidity NTU 1.60
pH --- 7.50
Free Chlorine ppm 0.50
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ppm 270.00
Total Hardness (T.H.) as CaCO3 ppm 135.00
Temperature (T),min °C 9.00
Italic values not provided by client and estimated by CERAFILTEC

2. Ceramic Filtered Water Quality Design Targets

Parameter Unit Value / Limit

Iron (Fe) ppm 0.03
Manganese (Mn) ppm 0.01
Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) ppm 5.00
Biochemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) ppm 2.00
Total Organic Carbon (TOC) ppm 2.00
Total Suspended Solids (TSS) ppm 0.10
Free Oil & Grease (O&G) ppm 0.00
Turbidity NTU 0.30
Silt Density Index (SDI15) %/min 3.00
Italic values not specified by client and set by CERAFILTEC

3. Main Process Specifications

Parameter Unit Value

Total Feed Water m³/d 1,500.00
Total No. of Ceramic Filtration Trains duty + stand-by 1
Filtered Water per Train,max,net m³/h 57.50
Italic values not specified by client and set by CERAFILTEC

4. Design Conditions

Parameter Unit Value

Proportion of particular Fe and Mn % 98.94
Proportion of organic TSS % 99.00
Proportion of organic O&G % 99.00
Proportion of emulsified O&G % 1.00
Italic values not provided by client and estimated by CERAFILTEC

5. Specific Project Requirements and Notes

Ceramic filtration system of mining wellwater treament


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

General Process Flow Diagram & Description

Shock ACLF Filter Aid

1. Legend

C/F Coagulation/Flocculation BWP Backwash Pump(s)

FP Filtration Pump(s) CSP Chemical Sprinkler Pump(s)
SP Sprinkler Pump(s) BL Blower(s)

2. General Process Description

1. Pre-Treatment (Project Specific - see page Pre-Treatment Requirements):

Raw water to be pumped to pre-treatment process step(s) and recommended gravity flow up to CERAFILTEC filtration train;
Pre-treatment with option of chemical dosing (if required);

2. Filtration:
Gravity feed water flow from pre-treatment buffer tank to filtration train(s);
During re-filling of filtration tank (after backwash completion) shock dosage of PAC into filtration tank (if selected);
ACLF (Active Cake Layer Filtration) or CLF (Cake Layer Filtration) process in dead-end mode for defined filtration time;
Filtered water to be partially collected in filtered water tank - remaining filtered water to be used as product water or to be transferred to subsequent process
steps (e.g. desalination by reverse osmosis/nano-filtration);

3. Backwash:
Selected filtration train will stop filtration mode (remaining train(s) still in filtration mode);
Operation of BWP & SP and BL to remove formed cake layer from membrane surface (concentrated suspended solids);
Gravity drain of filtration tank for backwash waste discharge;
Backwash waste to be collected in waste tank;
Empty filtration tank to be re-filled with feed water to start next filtration mode;

4. Intermediate Chemical Cleaning (iCC after Backwash):

After backwash waste drain, short chemical sprinkler (CapClean) onto membrane surface (membranes on air) using CSP;
Short chemical soak time (few minutes) followed by short backwash and sprinkler and immediate re-start of filtration (re-filling of filtration tank with feed
water and start of next filtration mode);

5. Intensive Chemical Cleaning CIP - Cleaning in Place (CCC):

Similar to intermediate cleaning procedure but repetition of several CapClean cycles (chemical sprinkler followed by membrane flushing);
Completion of CCC by backwash and sprinkler, then re-start of filtration mode;


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Flow & Component Mass Balances

1. Flow Balance [m³/d] and Recovery Rate [%]

1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Filtered Water Filtered Water Filtered Water Service Water

Raw Water Feed Water Total Waste
(Gross) (Net) Use Use

1,500.00 1,500.00 1,450.44 1,380.00 120.84 70.44 0.84

5a 5b 6a 6b 7a 7b Recovery Rate
Backwash, Sprinkler,
Feed Water Backwash Sprinkler CapClean Sprinkler Membrane Flushing
Chemical Cleaning 1 2
Waste Water Water (Cleaning Solution) (by Backwash)

49.56 71.28 62.64 7.80 0.84 0.00 92.00 91.94

2. Component Mass Balance

1 2 3 | 4 | 6 | 6a | 6b 5 | 5a | 5b 7 | 7a | 7b
Parameter Unit
Raw Water Feed Water Filtered Water Waste Water Service Water
Fe ppm 2.82 2.82 0.03 34.63 0.03
Mn ppm 0.10 0.10 0.01 1.12 0.01
COD ppm 0.50 0.50 5.00 -55.86 5.00
BOD ppm 0.30 0.30 2.00 -21.10 2.00
TOC ppm 0.10 0.10 2.00 -23.58 2.00
TSS* ppm 20.00 20.00 0.10 247.01 0.10
Oil & Grease ppm 0.10 0.10 0.00 1.20 0.00
Turbidity* NTU 1.60 1.60 0.30 --- 0.30
pH --- 1.73 7.50 7.60 --- 7.60
Free Chlorine ppm 0.50 0.50 0.30 --- 0.30
TDS* ppm 270.00 270.00 270.00 --- 270.00
T.H. (as CaCO3)* ppm 135.00 135.00 135.00 --- 135.00
SDI15 %/min --- --- 3.00 --- 3.00
Temp,min °C 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00 9.00
* variations due to chemical pre-treatment are not considered


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Water Balance

1. Ceramic Inflow

Parameter Unit Value

Raw Water Flow m³/d 1,500.00
Feed Flow to Filtration Train(s) m³/d 1,500.00

2. Gross Flow (Filtered Water)

Parameter Unit Value

Feed Water Waste m³/d 49.56
Gross Flow m³/d 1,450.44
Gross Flow,avg. m³/h 60.43
Gross Flow,avg. L/s 16.79

3. Net Flow (Filtered Water)

Parameter Unit Value

Feed Water Waste & Filtered Water Use m³/d 120.00
Net Flow m³/d 1,380.00
Net Flow,avg. m³/h 57.50
Net Flow,avg. L/s 15.97

4. Train Definition

Parameter Unit Value

Train(s) Duty,norm operation No. 1
Train(s) Duty,max operation No. 1
Train(s) Stand-by No. 0
Total No. of Trains No. 1

5. Duty & Stand-by Description

All duty trains in operation under normal conditions; Max. operation considers the periods of backwash and chemical cleaning of one duty train

6. Hydraulic Design - Norm Operation

Parameter Unit Value

Total No. of Trains No. 1
Gross Flow,Norm per Train m³/d 1,450.44
Gross Flow,Norm per Train m³/h 63.28
Gross Flow,Norm per Train L/s 17.58
Net Flow,Norm per Train m³/d 1,380.00
Net Flow,Norm per Train m³/h 57.50
Net Flow,Norm per Train L/s 15.97


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/2 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Water Balance

7. Hydraulic Design - Max Operation

Parameter Unit Value

Total No. of Trains No. 1
Gross Flow,Max per Train m³/d 1,450.44
Gross Flow,Max per Train m³/h 63.28
Gross Flow,Max per Train L/s 17.58
Net Flow,Max per Train m³/d 1,380.00
Net Flow,Max per Train m³/h 57.50
Net Flow,Max per Train L/s 15.97

8. CERAFILTEC Equipment for Operating Train(s)

Parameter Unit Value

Considered Design --- Module 6.0 S
Towers per Train pcs 5
Total Towers pcs 5
Modules per Tower pcs 10
Total Modules pcs 50
Filter Area per Module m² 6
Filter Area per Train m² 300
Total Filter Area m² 300

9. Gross & Net Flux Rates

Parameter Unit Value

Gross Flux,Norm l/m².h (LMH) 210.94
Gross Flux,Max l/m².h (LMH) 210.94
Gross Flux, Max normalized @20°C l/m².h (LMH) 274.37
Net Flux,Norm l/m².h (LMH) 191.67
Net Flux,Max l/m².h (LMH) 191.67
Net Flux, Max normalized @20°C l/m².h (LMH) 249.30

10. Additional CERAFILTEC Equipment for Stand-by Train(s)

Parameter Unit Value

Considered Design --- Module 6.0 S
Towers per Train pcs 0
Total Towers pcs 0
Modules per Tower pcs 0
Total Modules pcs 0
Filter Area per Module m² 6
Filter Area per Train m² 0
Total Filter Area m² 0


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 2/2 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Process Calculation

1. Filtration - Backwash Overall Sequence

Parameter Unit Value

Total Sequence Duration h 3.00
Backwash per day per Train --- 8
Total Backwash per day --- 8
Intermediate CapClean per day per Train --- 4
Total Intermediate CapClean per day --- 4
Ratio Backwash Flow to Filtration Flow --- 2.72

2. Filtration Sequence for 1 Train

Parameter Unit Value

Train Re-Filling,estimated sec 60
Total Sequence Duration h 2.865

3. Backwash Sequence for 1 Train

Parameter Unit Value

Start at Filtration Stop Level m³ 6.20
First Backwash (Membrane submerged) m³ 5.73
First Backwash (Membrane submerged) sec 120
Air-Scouring during First Backwash sec 115
Tank Drain,estimated m³ 11.93
Tank Drain,estimated sec 60
Air-Scouring during Tank Drain sec 60
Second Backwash (Membrane on-air) m³ 1.43
Second Backwash (Membrane on-air) sec 30
Sprinkler during Second Backwash m³ 0.83
Sprinkler during Second Backwash sec 30
Air-Scouring during Second Backwash sec 30
Tank Drain Extension sec 5
Total Sequence Duration sec 215
Feed Water Waste m³ 6.20
Filtered Water Waste m³ 8.00
Total Backwash Waste m³ 14.19

4. Recovery Rate 1*

Parameter Unit Value

Feed Flow per Train m³/d 1,500.00
Total Feed Flow m³/d 1,500.00
Backwash Waste per Train m³/d 113.55
Total Backwash Waste m³/d 113.55
Interm. CapClean Filtered Water Waste per Train m³/d 6.27
Total Interm. CapClean Filtered Water Waste m³/d 6.27
CIP CapClean Filtered Water Waste per Train m³/d 0.18
Total CIP CapClean Filtered Water Waste m³/d 0.18
Total Feed & Filtered Water Waste m³/d 120.00
Recovery Rate 1 % 92.0000
* consideres the complete waste of feed water and used filtered water


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/2 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Process Calculation

5. Service Water Use

Parameter Unit Value

Total Intermediate CapClean m³/d 0.68
Total Scaling Removal CIP CapClean m³/d 0.08
Total Bio-Fouling Removal CIP CapClean m³/d 0.08
Total Use m³/d 0.84

6. Recovery Rate 2**

Parameter Unit Value

Total Feed Flow m³/d 1,500.00
Total Feed & Filtered Water Waste m³/d 120.00
Total Service Water Use m³/d 0.84
Total Waste m³/d 120.84
Recovery Rate 2 % 91.9438
* Overall calculation considering the complete waste of feed water, used filtered water and service water


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 2/2 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Process-Integrated Chemical Cleaning Calculation

1. Intermediate CapClean (iCC)

Parameter Unit Value

Frequency after how many Backwash --- 2
Execution(s) per Train per day --- 4
Total Execution(s) per day --- 4
Chemical 1 granule Citric Acid
Chemical 2 liquid 33% HCl
Chemical 3 liquid 10% NaOCl

2. CapClean 1 (Acid) Chemical Solution Preparation

Parameter Unit Value

Citric Acid kg 0.00
HCl 33% kg 0.26
HCl 33% L 0.23
Acid Solution mixed in Service Water L 90.05
Total Chemical Solution per CapClean L 90.28
Cleaning pH Target --- 2.00

3. CapClean 2 (Oxidant) Chemical Solution Preparation

Parameter Unit Value

NaOCl 10% kg 4.76
NaOCl 10% L 3.97
Oxidant mixed in Service Water L 79.33
Total Chemical Solution per CapClean L 83.30

4. iCC Process Selection

Parameter Unit Value

Total Cycles --- 1
Duration per Cycle min 7.03
Total Duration min 7.03

5. Importantant Notice

Intermediate CapClean Cleaning Sequence requires a complete Backwash Sequence prior to execution.

6. iCC Start-up

Parameter Unit Value

CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump L 20.83
CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump sec 3
Membrane Flushing (Backwash Pump w. Service Water) m³ execution
Membrane Flushing (Backwash Pump w. Service Water) sec 0
Membrane Dewatering Yes via gravity
Membrane Dewatering sec 10
Total Duration sec 13


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/2 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Process-Integrated Chemical Cleaning Calculation

7. iCC Chemical Sprinkler 1 (Acid)

Parameter Unit Value

CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump L 34.72
CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump sec 5
Chemical Sprinkler Cycle(s) time(s) 2
Soak during Cycles sec 20
Soak after last Cycle sec 180
Total Chemical Solution Consumption L 69.44
Total Duration sec 210

8. iCC Membrane Flushing

Parameter Unit Value

Removal of Acid Solution from Membrane? Yes
Backwash Pump Water Source Use of filtered water
Execution Through backwash & sprinkler pump
Backwash Pump m³ 0.57
Backwash Pump sec 12
Sprinkler Pump (with filtered water) m³ 0.14
Sprinkler Pump (with filtered water) sec 5
Membrane Dewatering Yes via gravity
Membrane Dewatering sec 20
Total Duration sec 32

9. iCC Chemical Sprinkler 2 (Oxidant)

Parameter Unit Value

CapClean Oxidant Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump L 27.78
CapClean Oxidant Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump sec 4
Chemical Sprinkler Cycle(s) time(s) 3
Soak during Cycles sec 20
Soak after last Cycle sec 120
Total Chemical Solution Consumption L 83.33
Total Duration sec 152

10. iCC Enhanced Oxidant Reaction

Parameter Unit Value

Activation of Oxidant? No execution
CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump L 0.00
CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump sec 0
Total Duration sec 0

11. iCC CapClean Completion (Final Backwash)

Parameter Unit Value

Execution Through backwash & sprinkler pump
Backwash Pump (with filtered water) m³ 0.72
Backwash Pump (with filtered water) sec 15
Sprinkler Pump (with filtered water) m³ 0.14
Sprinkler Pump (with filtered water) sec 5
Total Duration sec 15


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 2/2 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Scaling Removal - Cleaning in Place (CIP) Calculation

1. CIP CapClean (CCC) Acid

Parameter Unit Value

Cleaning Frequency after how many days days 90
Chemical 1 granule Citric Acid
Chemical 2 liquid 33% HCl

2. CCC Acid Chemical Solution Preparation

Parameter Unit Value

Citric Acid kg 68.15
HCl 33% kg 1.98
HCl 33% L 1.71
Acid Solution mixed in Service Water L 681.47
Chemical Solution for CapClean L 683.18
Chemical Solution pH Target --- 2.00
Service Water for Membrane Flushing m³ 6.81
Total Service Water Consumption m³ 7.50

3. CCC Acid Process Selection

Parameter Unit Value

Total Cycles time(s) 1
Duration per Cycle hrs 4.00
Total Duration hrs 4.00

4. Importantant Notice

Scaling Removal Cleaning Sequence requires a complete Backwash Sequence prior to execution.

5. CCC Acid Sequence

Parameter Unit Value

CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump L 683.18
CapClean Acid Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump sec 98
Soak after Chemical Sprinkler sec 14,082
Membrane Flushing (Backwash Pump w. Service Water) m³ 6.81
Membrane Flushing (Backwash Pump w. Service Water) sec 140
Soak after Flushing sec 60
Chemical Sprinkler/Flushing Cycle(s) time(s) 1
Soak after last Cycle min 0.00
Backwash with Filtered Water after last Soak m³ 0.96
Backwash with Filtered Water after last Soak sec 20
Sprinkler after last Soak m³ 0.56
Sprinkler after last Soak sec 20
Total Duration hrs 4.00


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Bio-Fouling Removal - Cleaning in Place (CIP) Calculation

1. CIP CapClean (CCC) Oxidant

Parameter Unit Value

Cleaning Frequency after how many days days 90
Chemical 3 liquid 10% NaOCl

2. CCC Oxidant Chemical Solution Preparation

Parameter Unit Value

NaOCl 10% kg 35.77
NaOCl 10% L 29.81
Oxidant mixed in Service Water L 596.21
Chemical Solution for CapClean L 626.03
Service Water for Membrane Flushing m³ 6.81
Total Service Water Consumption m³ 7.44

3. CCC Oxidant Process Selection

Parameter Unit Value

Total Cycles time(s) 1
Duration per Cycle hrs 2.00
Total Duration hrs 2.00

4. Importantant Notice

Bio-Fouling Removal Cleaning Sequence requires a complete Backwash Sequence prior to execution.

5. CCC Oxidant Sequence

Parameter Unit Value

CapClean Oxidant Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump L 626.03
CapClean Oxidant Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump sec 90
Soak after Chemical Sprinkler sec 6,890
Membrane Flushing (Backwash Pump w. Service Water) m³ 6.81
Membrane Flushing (Backwash Pump w. Service Water) sec 140
Soak after Flushing sec 60
Chemical Sprinkler/Flushing Cycle(s) time(s) 1
Soak after last Cycle min 0.00
Backwash with Filtered Water after last Soak m³ 0.96
Backwash with Filtered Water after last Soak sec 20
Sprinkler after last Soak m³ 0.56
Sprinkler after last Soak sec 20
Total Duration hrs 2.00


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Main Equipment Calculation

1. Filtration Pump

Parameter Unit Value

Flow at Gross Flux,Norm m³/h 63.28
Flow at Gross Flux,Max m³/h 63.28
Flow Control Operation by --- VFD
Head, Suction max m -6.00
Head, Pressure max m 10.00
Duty Pumps pcs 1
Stand-by Pumps pcs 0
Total Pumps pcs 1
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Suction Side) (Dmin) mm 140
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Pressure Side) (Dmin) mm 110
Recommended Pipe Material --- PVC/PE/GRP
Core Instrumentation For each pump: Flow meter (pressure side), PI & PIT (suction side)

2. Backwash Pump (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow at Gross Flux,Norm m³/h 171.97
Flow at Gross Flux,Max m³/h 171.97
Flow Control Operation by --- VFD
Head, Pressure max m 12.00
Duty Pumps (filtered water) pcs 1
Duty Pumps (service water) pcs 0
Stand-by Pumps pcs 0
Total Pumps pcs 1
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Suction Side) (Dmin) mm 220
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Pressure Side) (Dmin) mm 180
Recommended Pipe Material --- PVC/PE/GRP
Core Instrumentation In backwash line: Flow meter (optional)

3. Sprinkler Pump (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 100.00
Flow Control Operation by --- manual
Head, Pressure max m 20.00
Duty Pumps pcs 1
Stand-by Pumps pcs 1
Total Pumps pcs 2
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Suction Side) (Dmin) mm 150
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Pressure Side) (Dmin) mm 120
Recommended Pipe Material --- PVC/PE/GRP
Core Instrumentation In sprinkler line: Flow meter (optional), PI


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Main Equipment Calculation

4. Blower for Air-Scouring (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow,Norm m³/h 250.00
Flow,Max m³/h 250.00
Flow Control Operation by --- manual
Head, Pressure max m 5.00
Duty Blowers pcs 1
Stand-by Blowers pcs 1
Total Blowers pcs 2
Pipe Sizing (Pressure Side) (Dmin) mm 100
Recommended Pipe Material --- DI or SS
Core Instrumentation In air-scouring line: Flow meter (optional), PI

5. Citric Acid Preparation & Storage (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Min. Volume Chemical Storage Tank m³ 1.00
No. of Chemical Storage Tanks pcs 1
Main Design Requirements Filling with service water; mixer in tank, tank LI

6. HCl Storage (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Min. Volume Chemical Storage Tank m³ 1.00
No. of Chemical Storage Tanks pcs 1
Main Design Requirements Filling with service water; tank LI

7. NaOCl Storage (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Min. Volume Chemical Storage Tank m³ 1.00
No. of Chemical Storage Tanks pcs 1
Main Design Requirements Filling with service water; tank LI

8. Chemical Dosing Pumps

Parameter Unit Value

Citric Acid Dosing Pump,min Flow L 15.14
Citric Acid Dosing Pump,min Pressure m 10.00
Citric Acid Duty Dosing Pump pcs 1
Citric Acid Stand-by Dosing Pump pcs 0
Citric Acid Total Dosing Pump pcs 1
HCl Pump,min Flow L 5.53
HCl Dosing Pump,min Pressure m 10.00
HCl Duty Dosing Pump pcs 1
HCl Stand-by Dosing Pump pcs 0
HCl Total Dosing Pump pcs 1
NaOCl Pump,min Flow L 97.19
NaOCl Dosing Pump,min Pressure m 10.00
NaOCl Duty Dosing Pump pcs 1
NaOCl Stand-by Dosing Pump pcs 0
NaOCl Total Dosing Pump pcs 1


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 2/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Main Equipment Calculation

9. CapClean Acid Preparation & Transfer (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Min. Volume Chemical Preparation Tank L 2.00
No. of Chemical Preparation Tanks pcs 1
Flow, Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump m³/h 25.00
Flow Control Operation by --- manual
Head, Pressure max Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump m 10.00
Duty Pumps pcs 1
Stand-by Pump pcs 0
Total Pumps pcs 1
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Suction Side) (Dmin) mm 90
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Pressure Side) (Dmin) mm 70
Recommended Pipe Material --- PVC/PE/GRP
Service Water Filling Line m³/h 2.21
Chemical mixing through circulation; tank LIT; flow meter; flow adjustment valve; PI; pH
Core Instrumentation
meter; filling with service water

10. CapClean Oxidant Preparation & Transfer (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Min. Volume Chemical Preparation Tank m³ 1.00
No. of Chemical Preparation Tanks pcs 1
Flow, Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump m³/h 25.00
Flow Control Operation by --- manual
Head, Pressure max Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump m 10.00
Duty Pumps pcs 1
Stand-by Pump pcs 0
Total Pumps pcs 1
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Suction Side) (Dmin) mm 90
Pipe Sizing to Pump (Pressure Side) (Dmin) mm 70
Recommended Pipe Material --- PVC/PE/GRP
Service Water Filling Line m³/h 2.04
Chemical mixing through circulation; tank LIT; flow meter; flow adjustment valve; PI; filling
Core Instrumentation
with service water

11. Bubble Point Test & Membrane Dewatering Unit (Common Unit)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow,Min Nm³/h 21.60
Flow,Max Nm³/h 108.00
Flow Control Operation by --- VFD
Head, Pressure max m 6.00
Duty Rotary Vane Compressor pcs 1
Stand-by Rotary Vane Compressor pcs 0
Total Rotary Vane Compressor pcs 1
Pipe Sizing (Pressure Side) (Dmin) mm 70
Recommended Pipe Material --- DI or SS
Core Instrumentation in main line: flow meter (optional)


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 3/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Main Equipment Calculation

12. Trains & Tanks

Parameter Unit Value

Disribution Channel or Buffer Tank --- as per drawings (if provided)
Filtration Train --- as per drawings (if provided)
Min. Volume Filtered Water Tank m³ 28.00
Min. Volume Service Water Tank m³ 0.00
Min. Volume Waste Tank m³ 60.00

13. Other Main Piping Size Recommendations

Parameter Unit Value

Filtered Water Tank Filling Line,min Flow m³/h 8.00
Service Water Tank Filling Line,min Flow m³/h 6.81
Train Inlet Line (Dmin) mm 260
Train Outlet for Gravity Drain (Dmin) mm 450


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 4/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Power Consumption Estimation

1. Considered Process Scope

Scope Description
Any equipment (pumps, dosing system, blowers) of pre-treatment; Transfer of filtered
Excludes Project Specific Design Specs water to subsequent steps (filtration pump head pressure side to buffer or product tank);
Waste discharge from waste tank

Starts from gravity feed flow to filtration train; All main equipment like pumps and blowers
Includes Ceramic Process Design for all process sequences (filtration, backwash, sprinkler, CapClean and CIP cleaning);
Ends at filtration pump (only suction side but no pressure side included)

2. Pump Power Estimation Is Based On

Parameter Unit Value

Temperature (T),min °C 9.00
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) ppm 270.00
Feed Water Density kg/m³ 1,000.05
Pump Efficiency --- 78%
Motor Efficiency --- 85%
Avg. filtration and backwash pressure, Max. pressure of
Operating Pressure m
sprinkler & chemical sprinkler pumps

3. Overview Daily Process Sequences

Parameter Unit Value

Filtration times/day 8
Backwash times/day 8
Intermediate CapClean (iCC) times/day 4
CIP Scaling Removal,prorated (CCC Acid) times/day 0.011
CIP Bio-Fouling Removal,prorated (CCC Oxidant) times/day 0.011

4. Filtration Pump

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 63.28
Avg. Pressure (Suction Side) m 2.00
Duration per Sequence h 2.865
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 1.719

5. Backwash Pump (during Backwash)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 171.97
Avg. Pressure m 6.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.042
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.179

6. Backwash Pump (during iCC)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 171.97
Avg. Pressure m 6.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.008
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.032


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Power Consumption Estimation

7. Backwash Pump (during CCC Acid)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 171.97
Avg. Pressure m 6.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.044
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.191

8. Backwash Pump (during CCC Oxidant)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 171.97
Avg. Pressure m 6.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.044
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.191

9. Sprinkler Pump (during Backwash)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 100.00
Max. Pressure m 20.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.008
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.069

10. Sprinkler Pump (during iCC)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 100.00
Max. Pressure m 20.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.003
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.023

11. Sprinkler Pump (during CCC Acid)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 100.00
Max. Pressure m 20.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.008
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.069

12. Sprinkler Pump (during CCC Oxidant)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 100.00
Max. Pressure m 20.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.008
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.069

13. Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump (during iCC)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 25.00
Max. Pressure m 10.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.004
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.004


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 2/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Power Consumption Estimation

14. Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump (during CCC Acid)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 25.00
Max. Pressure m 10.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.027
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.030

15. Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump (during iCC)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 25.00
Max. Pressure m 10.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.003
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.004

16. Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump (during CCC Oxidant)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 25.00
Max. Pressure m 10.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.025
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.028

17. Air-Scouring Blower (during Backwash)

Parameter Unit Value

Flow m³/h 250.00
Max. Pressure m 5.00
Duration per Sequence h 0.057
Estimated Consumption per Sequence kWh 0.569

18. Considered Costs

Parameter Unit Value

Power Consumption US$/kWh 0.077000


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 3/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Power Consumption Estimation

19. Overview Filtration

Parameter Unit Value

Total Power Consumption kWh/day 13.752

20. Overview Backwash

Parameter Unit Value

Total Power Consumption kWh/day 6.542

21. Overview iCC

Parameter Unit Value

Total Power Consumption kWh/day 0.252

22. Overview CCC Acid

Parameter Unit Value

Total Power Consumption kWh/day 0.003

23. Overview CCC Oxidant

Parameter Unit Value

Total Power Consumption kWh/day 0.003

24. Total Consumption & Costs

Parameter Unit Value

Total Power Consumption kWh/day 20.552
Specific Consumption kWh/m³ net 0.015

Total 100.00%

Cleaning CCC Oxidant 0.016%

Cleaning CCC Acid 0.016%

Cleaning iCC 1.23%

Backwash 31.83%

Filtration 66.91%

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 4/4 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Chemical Consumption

1. Intermediate CapClean (iCC)

Parameter Unit Value

Citric Acid granule per Sequence kg 0.00
HCl 33% per Sequence kg 0.26
NaOCl 10% per Sequence kg 4.76

2. CIP CapClean (CCC) Acid

Parameter Unit Value

Citric Acid granule per Sequence kg 68.15
HCl 33% per Sequence kg 1.98

3. CIP CapClean (CCC) Oxidant

Parameter Unit Value

NaOCl 10% per Sequence kg 35.77

4. Overview Cleaning Frequency

Parameter Unit Value

Intermediate CapClean (iCC) times/day 4
CIP Scaling Removal,prorated (CCC Acid) times/day 0.011
CIP Bio-Fouling Removal,prorated (CCC Oxidant) times/day 0.011

5. Total Consumption & Costs

Parameter Unit Value

Citric Acid granule kg/day 0.76
HCl 33% kg/day 1.07
NaOCl 10% kg/day 19.44


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Main Equipment Overview

1. Pumps

Quantity Specification*
pcs Flow [m³/hr] H [m]
Filtration Pump (VFD) 1 63.3 -6/10
Backwash Pump (VFD or soft starter) 1 172.0 12
Sprinkler Pump 2 100.0 20
Chemical Sprinkler 1 Pump 1 25.0 10
Chemical Sprinkler 2 Pump 1 25.0 10
* for equipment selection a typical oversizing to be considered

2. Dosing Pumps

Quantity Specification*
pcs Flow [L/hr] H [m]
Citric Acid Sol. Dosing Pump 1 15.1 10
HCl 33% Dosing Pump 1 5.5 10
NaOCl 10% Dosing Pump 1 97.2 10
* for equipment selection a typical oversizing to be considered

3. Blowers & Compressors

Quantity Specification*
pcs Flow [Nm³/hr] H [m]
Air-Scouring Blower 2 250.0 5.0
Rotary Vane Compressor (VFD) 1 108.0 6.0
* for equipment selection a typical oversizing to be considered

4. Tanks

Quantity Size**
pcs m³
Filtered Water Tank 1 28.0
Service Water Tank 0 0.0
Citric Acid Preparation & Storage Tank 1 1.0
HCl 33% Storage Tank 1 1.0
NaOCl 10% Storage Tank 1 1.0
CapClean Preparation Tank 1 1 2.0
CapClean Preparation Tank 2 1 1.0
** minimum volume - larger size can by used

5. Filtration Tank Design***

Name Unit Value

No. of Trains pcs 1
Footprint per Tank (inner dimension) LxW [m²] 3.20
Max. Water Level H [m] 2.90
Min. Total Tank Height H [m] 3.30
*** initial estimation - details will be provided during execution

6. Notes

Black Mandatory equipment

Blue Recommended by CERAFILTEC/Requested by customer
Orange Mandatory equipment for CapClean and optional equipment for Chemical Enhanced Backwash


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

General Process & Instrumentation Diagram

Tank 1

Tank 1

1. Notes

Generic diagram applicable for CERAFILTEC's CapClean procedure. In case of CEB necessary adaptions as per project requirment is to be
considered/made during installtion

Black Mandatory equipment

Blue Optional equipment depending on water source, project size and customer requirements
Orange Mandatory equipment for CapClean and optional equipment for Chemical Enhanced Backwash


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

Pre-Treatment Recommendations

ACLF Aid Shock Dose

1. Selected Process Chain

# 1 2 3 4 5 6

Shock Strainer or
Name NaOH dosing Alum (PACl) dosing
chlorination alternative

Frequent shock
disinfection of entire Removal of dissolved
Removal of larger
pre-treatment organic carbons and/or
General process particles/ organism pH adjustment
process chain to Iron oxidation phosphorous contents
description to protect entire pre- (increasing)
avoid biological and/or Arsenic and/or
treatment process
growth or humic acids

General design ppmw free Chl. Passing particles to pH Jar test pH

recommendation be ≤ 1.00 mm 7.50 by client recommended
Not required Essential demand Optional request Not required Optional request Not required
Process requirement

In scope of Client Client Client Client Client Client

# 7 8 9 10 11 12

Continuous Buffer / Distribution

Name Polymer dosing Mixer Retention tank Bar screen
Oxidation channel

Chemical oxidation
Completion of chemical Protection of
of Iron and/or
General process Enhanced Enhanced mixing of reaction, comprehensive CERAFILTEC equipment
Manganese `
description flocculation injected chemicals mixing, e.g. through baffle due to open tank(s)
contents and/or
walls positioned upstream

General design ppm ppm free Cl₂-• to be done m³ mm

recommendation 0.00 0.50 by client 63
Not required Essential demand Essential demand Essential demand Not required Not required
Process requirement

In scope of Client Client Client Client Client Client

2. Important Notice

The above process descriptions are recommendations only. These recommendations are not in scope of CERAFILTEC. CERAFILTEC is not
covering the responsibility for the detailed design, required equipment specifications or operation as long as not other agreed.

3. Other Project Specific Notes

Pre-Treatment steps according to client specifications. pH control, oxidant (NaOCl/H2O2) dosage and ORP control to be as per site conditions.
Dosage of coagulant and oxidant to be adjusted according to actual site conditions based on Jar Tests.
It is assumed that the metals are in the precipitated form at the inlet of the membrane tank. Alternatively sufficient CEBs are considered in case of
Care must be taken to check entry of polymer in feed.


Name 6017. Miners Water 1.5MLD Version 2022-44
Application Mining Wastewater Revision S1.0.0
Client/Partner Aquavant SpA Date 19-06-2023
Client/Partner Contact Maureen Brown Page 1/1 Compiled by AG

CERAFILTEC Germany GmbH | Quellenstr. 14 | 66121 Saarbruecken | Germany | Tel. +49 681 9581 9570 | email: | web:

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