Introduction To CN

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Faculty of Information Technology 1

General information

 Website:
(Computer Networking folder)

 Textbook and documents:

 English:
 J. F. Kurose and K. W. Ross, Computer Networking: A Top-Down
Approach Featuring the Internet (7nd edition), Addison-Wesley, 2017.
 Slides (from lecturer)
 Vietnamese:
 Slides: (Mang May Tinh folder)
 Nguyễn Xuân Anh, Bài giảng Mạng máy tính, Học viện CN BCVT
 Nguyễn Thúc Hải, Mạng máy tính và các hệ thống mở, Nhà xuất bản
giáo dục.

 Theory
 The structure and elements of the Internet
 The layers in the TCP/IP model and protocols,
 Network performance
 Practice
 Practice with some simple network utility softwares.
 Understand about TCP/IP and network terminology
 Approach
 Top-down: from Application layer to Datalink layer
 Use Internet as an example

 Subject consists of
 Lectures + Assignments
 Practice
 One main assignment (maybe)

 For students
 Report/Present all assignments
Grade components

 Grade components as follows:

 Attendance + learning attitude in class: 10%
(Check attendance and test in the learning
 Mid-term test (4 times), a main assignment
(maybe): 20%
 Practice: 10%
 Final exam: 60%
Classroom requirements

 Non-sleeping
 Do not use smartphones
 Do not use computers
 Have to keep silent
 …
Chapter 1: Introduction to the Internet
1.1 What is the Internet?
1.2 Network edge
 End systems, access networks, links
1.3 Network core
 Packet switching, circuit switching, network structure
1.4 Delay, loss, throughput in networks
1.5 Protocol layers, service models
1.6 Networks under attack: security
1.7 History

Chapter 2: Application Layer
2.1 Principles of network applications
2.2 Web and HTTP
2.3 FTP
2.4 Electronic mail
2.5 DNS
2.6 P2P applications
2.7 Socket programming with UDP and TCP

Chapter 3: Transport Layer
3.1 Transport-layer services
3.2 Multiplexing and demultiplexing
3.3 Connectionless transport: UDP
3.4 Principles of reliable data transfer
3.5 Connection-oriented transport: TCP
 segment structure
 reliable data transfer
 flow control
 connection management
3.6 Principles of congestion control
3.7 TCP congestion control 9
Chapter 4: Network Layer
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Virtual circuit and datagram networks
4.3 What’s inside a router
4.4 IP: Internet Protocol
 datagram format
 IPv4 addressing
 IPv6
4.5 Routing algorithms: link state; distance vector; hierarchical routing
4.6 Routing in the Internet: RIP; OSPF; BGP
Chapter 5: Datalink Layer and LANs
5.1 Introduction, Services
5.2 Error detection, correction
5.3 Multiple access protocols
5.4 LANs
 addressing, ARP
 Ethernet
 switches
5.5 Data center networking
5.6 A day in the life of a web request


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