Candidate Emailer Sample - Profile Completion

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Email to encourage candidates to complete their job seeking profile on our platform


Subject: Increase Your Chances of Getting Hired by 76.89% - Complete Your
Profile Today!

Dear [Job Seeker's Name],

At, we're dedicated to helping you land your dream tech job effortlessly. We
understand that time is precious, and we want to ensure that every moment you invest in
your job search is maximally rewarding.

Did you know that completing your profile on our platform significantly boosts your chances
of getting hired? Our research indicates that job seekers with comprehensive profiles are
76.89% more likely to be noticed and hired by top-tier companies. It's not just about
completing fields; it's about unlocking the full potential of your job-seeking journey.

Here's why a complete profile matters:

1. Increased Visibility: Employers actively search for candidates whose profiles are
detailed and comprehensive.
2. Better Matchmaking: Our AI-powered system connects you with the best-suited job
opportunities based on your complete profile.
3. Improved Job Prospects: A thorough profile helps showcase your skills, experiences,
and strengths to potential employers, increasing your chances of landing the perfect

Take a moment to enrich your profile with details about your skills, experiences, projects,
and aspirations. It's a simple step that can make a world of difference in your job search.

[CTA Button/Link] Complete My Profile

Don't miss out on this opportunity to stand out in the competitive job market.

Wishing you the best in your job search journey!

Best regards,

P.S. Need any assistance or have questions? Our team is here to help you! Feel free to reach
out for any support regarding your profile completion.


Subject: Elevate Your Job Prospects: Complete Your Profile Now!
Dear [Job Seeker's Name],

Maximize your chances of landing your ideal tech job by completing your
profile. It's a small step that yields substantial benefits:

 Enhanced Visibility: Employers actively seek detailed profiles like yours.

 Tailored Matches: Our AI matches you with perfect job opportunities based on your
complete profile.
 Improved Impressions: A comprehensive profile showcases your skills and strengths,
setting you apart.

[CTA] Complete My Profile

Take this quick action to unlock a world of job possibilities. Your dream job could be a
completed profile away.


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