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Full blast 6 Reading II s.

Read the dialogue and write T for True and F for False.
Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you find anything today?
Customer: Yes, please. I'm looking for a new dress for a special occasion.
Shop assistant: Sure, we have a wide selection of dresses. What color are you interested in?
Customer: I prefer something in blue or green.
Shop assistant: Great! How about this blue dress? It's at the discount today.
Customer: Oh, that looks lovely. Can I try it on?
Shop assistant: Of course, the fitting rooms are right over there.
Customer: I love how it fits! Do you have it in a smaller size, though?
Shop assistant: Let me check for you.
Shop assistant: I'm sorry, but we're out of stock in that size. Would you like to check out our
other dresses? Customer: Hmm, I'll think about it. Thank you for your help.
Shop assistant: No problem. Let me know if you need any assistance.

1. The customer is looking for a new pair of shoes. _____

2. The customer prefers dresses in blue or green. _____
3. The blue dress is not on sale. _____
4. The customer tries on the dress and likes the fit. ____
5. The shop assistant has the dress in a smaller size. _____
6. The customer decides to buy the dress immediately. _____
Score: / 12
Read the text and complete with the words in the box.

bodies include active take care balanced snacks

Healthy lifestyle is all about taking care of our bodies and minds. It includes eating nutritious foods, being physica-
lly _______________, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.
Firstly, eating healthy means having a ___________________ diet. This includes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables,
whole grains, and proteins. It's important to limit drinks and ___________________ high in fats and sugars.
Secondly, staying active is good for your health. We should aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity every
day. This can ________________ activities like playing sports, dancing, biking, or even just taking a brisk walk.
Additionally, getting enough sleep is essential for our _____________________ to rest and recharge. Most kids
need around 9-11 hours of sleep each night to feel alive during the day.
Finally, managing stress is important for both physical and mental well-being. Finding healthy ways to cope with
stress, such as practicing deep breathing exercises, or doing activities we enjoy, can make a big difference.
In conclusion, making healthy choices every day contributes to a happier life. Let's remember to eat well, stay
active, rest enough, and ____________________ of our mental health to live our best lives possible!
Score: /6
Read again and complete the sentences.
Healthy lifestyle includes _________________________________________________________________________
You should sleep _______________________________________________________________________________
You should take care of your ______________________________________________________________________
Score: /6

Total score: / 24
Full blast 6 Reading II s.
Read the dialogue and write T for True and F for False.
Shop assistant: Good morning! Can I help you find anything today?
Customer: Yes, please. I'm looking for a new dress for a special occasion.
Shop assistant: Sure, we have a wide selection of dresses. What color are you interested in?
Customer: I prefer something in blue or green.
Shop assistant: Great! How about this blue dress? It's at the discount today.
Customer: Oh, that looks lovely. Can I try it on?
Shop assistant: Of course, the fitting rooms are right over there.
Customer: I love how it fits! Do you have it in a smaller size, though?
Shop assistant: Let me check for you.
Shop assistant: I'm sorry, but we're out of stock in that size. Would you like to check out our other dresses?
Customer: Hmm, I'll think about it. Thank you for your help.
Shop assistant: No problem. Let me know if you need any assistance.
1. The customer is looking for a new dress for a special occasion. ________
2. The shop assistant suggests a red dress to the customer. ________
3. The customer prefers something in blue or green. ________
4. The blue dress the shop assistant shows is not on sale. _______
5. The customer tries on the dress and loves how it fits. ________
6. The shop assistant checks if the dress is available in a smaller size. _______

Score: / 12
Read the text and complete with the words in the box.

includes sleep stay health balanced drinks

Healthy lifestyle is all about taking care of our bodies and minds. It ______________ eating nutritious foods, being
physically active, getting enough sleep, and managing stress.
Firstly, eating healthy means having a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ diet. This includes eating plenty of fruits, vegetables
, whole grains, and proteins. It's important to limit ________________ and snacks high in fats and sugars.
Secondly, staying active is good for your health. We should aim for at least 60 minutes of physical activity every
day. This can include activities like playing sports, dancing, biking, or even just taking a brisk walk.
Additionally, getting enough sleep is essential for our bodies to rest and recharge. Most kids need around 9-11 hours
of _____________ each night to feel alive during the day.
Finally, managing stress is important for both physical and mental well-being. Finding healthy ways to cope with
stress, such as practicing deep breathing exercises, or doing activities we enjoy, can make a big difference.
In conclusion, making healthy choices every day contributes to a happier life. Let's remember to eat well, ________
active, rest enough, and take care of our mental _______________ to live our best lives possible!
Score: / 12
Read again and complete the sentences.
A balanced diet includes __________________________________________________________________________
You should find healthy_________________________________________________________________________
You should limit ________________________________________________________________________________

Score: / 12

Total score: / 24

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