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Time: 1 hr
Max Marks: 25
Q 1-7: 2 marks each
Q 8-9: 3 marks each
Q10: 5 marks
1. For which of the following equa ons is change in Enthalpy (ΔH) equal to change in internal energy
a. H2(g) + Cl2(g)!2HCl(g)
b. Xe(g) + 2F2(g)!XeF4(g)
c. 2CO(g) + O2(g) !2CO2(g)
d. N2(g) + O3(g)!N2O3(g)

2. Among the following the state func on (s) is (are):

a. Internal energy
b. Reversible expansion work
c. Irreversible expansion work
d. Heat

3. Two moles of an ideal gas undergoes isothermal reversible expansion from 2 L to 8 L at 300 K. The
enthalpy change of the gas is? Explain.

4. De ne reversible isothermal work done?

5. How much heat is needed to warm 250 g of water (about 1 cup) from 22 °C (about room
temperature) to 98 °C (near its boiling point)? (b) What is the molar heat capacity of water? Given:
Speci c heat of water = 4.18 J/gK

6. Calculate the change in the internal energy for a process in which a system absorbs 140 J
of heat from the surroundings and does 85 J of work on the surroundings.

7. Derive the rela onship between ∆U and ∆H for gases.

8. With the help of rst law of thermodynamics and H = U + PV, prove ∆H = qp

9. Draw the PV curve for Wrev expansion and Wirrev expansion and explain which work done is

10. De ne the following with an example:

1. State func on
2. Extensive and intensive property
3. Closed system
4. Path func on
5. Adiaba c process

Address: Shukla Chemistry Classes, 204-S, Vikas Surya Galaxy, 2nd Floor, Block 9, Sec 4, Dwarka
Phone: 7042714475

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