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By: Emilio Jacinto


● He died on April 16, 1899 in Santa Cruz, Laguna, because of malaria, he was just 23
● Emilio Jacinto y Dizon was born on December 15, 1875, Tondo, Manila years old.
● His parents are Mariano Jacinto and Josefa Dizon who are prominent merchants.
● He received a good education, and was fluent in both Tagalog and Spanish. CONDITIONS OF THE PLACE WHEN THE WORK WAS WRITTEN
● He went to San Juan de Letran College and later transferred to University of Santo
Tomas to study law and Manuel L. Quezon and Sergio Osmena are one of his ● At the time of the Kartilya's writing in 1896, the Philippines was under Spanish
classmates. colonial rule. The Spanish government controlled the islands through a combination
● He did not finish college and, at the age of 19, he joined the secret society called of military force, political administration, and cultural dominance. This was deeply
Katipunan (Kataas-taasan, Kagalang-galang na Katipunan ng mga Anak ng Bayan. resented by many Filipinos who sought independence.
● Jacinto became the secretary, directly reporting to the leader of the Katipunan. He ● Throughout the 19th century, there was a growing sense of Filipino nationalism
also became the chief advisor of fiscal matters concerning this secret society. fueled by various factors such as resentment towards Spanish abuses and the
● Jacinto wrote for the official Katipunan newspaper, the Kalayaan. He wrote in the emergence of Filipino intellectuals. This nationalism was a key driving force behind
newspaper under the pen name “Dimasilaw”, and in the Katipunan he was called movements for independence.
“Pingkian”. ● The Katipunan was a secret society founded by Andres Bonifacio in 1892. It aimed to
● Despite the young age of just 21, Jacinto became a general in the army, taking an achieve Philippine independence through armed revolution. The writing of the
active role in the fight against the Spanish near Manila. Kartilya occurred in the midst of preparations for the Philippine Revolution against
● He is known as Utak ng Katipunan or Brain of Katipunan because of his Spanish rule.
intelligence. ● Prior to the formation of the Katipunan, there was the Propaganda Movement, which
● Dr. Jose Rizal and Marcelo H. del Pilar inspire him to be a good writer. consisted of Filipino intellectuals who advocated for reforms within the Spanish
● His other works includes: colonial system. While the Propagandists sought reforms peacefully through legal
● Liwanag at Dilim (1896), an essay collection means, the Katipunan represented a more radical approach, advocating armed
● Gising Na Mga Tagalog!! (1895) rebellion.
● A La Patria (1897) a poem inspired by Mi Ultimo Adios written by Dr. Jose ● Emilio Jacinto, often referred to as the "Brains of the Katipunan," was a prominent
Rizal figure in the movement for Philippine independence. His writing of the Kartilya
● Sa Bayang Tinubuan reflects the ideology and principles of the Katipunan, emphasizing concepts such as
● In his short life, Jacinto helped to lead the fight for Filipino independence from Spain. love of country, equality, and the struggle against tyranny.
He laid out principles for the new government envisioned by Bonifacio. ● By the time the Kartilya was written, tensions between the Katipunan and Spanish
● His intention in writing the Kartilya ng Katipunan was to remind the Katipuneros authorities were high. The discovery of the society's existence by Spanish authorities
about aspirations and ethical values, as he presented not only the principles but also led to a series of arrests and crackdowns, ultimately triggering the Philippine
his good teachings. Revolution in August 1896.
● He was married to Catalina de Jesus, who was pregnant at the time of his death.
CONTENT ANALYSIS privileges, but true worth comes from demonstrating real value through good deeds
and possessing the qualities of integrity and honesty, and lastly to value and practice
What is the document about? patriotism and love for one’s homeland.
● The Kartilya ng Katipunan that was created by Emilio Jacinto states the different ● The 14th code states, When these rules of conduct shall be known to all, the
principles and rules of conduct on how a Filipino should act in order to become a longed-for sun of Liberty shall rise brilliant over this most unhappy portion of the
proper Katipunero. The document served as a guidebook for possible new members globe and its rays shall diffuse everlasting joy among the confederated brethren of
of the group. the same rays, the lives of those who have gone before, the fatigues and the
EXPLANATION: well-paid sufferings will remain. If he who desires to enter (the Katipunan) has
● To be a Katipunero it is very important to follow the rules of conduct which is always informed himself of all this and believes he will be able to perform what will be his
to follow the proper virtue of being one, which is to uphold the virtue, honor, faith, and duties, he may fill out the application for admission.
ideals of the nation towards their fellow countrymen. ● In conclusion the last code of the document explains that the dissemination,
understanding and applying these rules and conduct will lead to realization of liberty
What are the important parts of the document? and happiness among the people as it paints a brighter future where peace and
● Overall, the document states the different rules of conduct that a fellow countryman freedom is present. In addition to this, it also acknowledges and honors the sacrifices
should follow in order to enter the brotherhood which is the Katipunan. and struggles for those who have fought for these ideals and principles. It is
● Each section of the 14 codes presented in the document has each important details important and emphasized that to be part of the Katipunan one should understand
that should be followed. and commit to these rules as through this one can fulfill their duties accordingly.
● A Katipunero must act with virtue and always honor their words and actions, to
always do good with no intention of doing actions for personal gain but rather for RELEVANCE AND CONTRIBUTIONS
● To always protect the oppressed and not be one of the oppressor, to treat each ● Emilio Jacinto's Kartilya ng Katipunan is a notion regarding ethical norms, vital
individual as an equal — regardless of the color of the skin, gender, and background. principles, and a pledge that must be embodied by every katipunero before joining
the Katipunan for the revolution.
Highlight the needed parts to be discussed ● It outlined the society's principles, beliefs, and code of conduct, and aimed to inspire
● The highlighted portion of the code was noted in Code no. 13 and 14, as stated in and guide its members in their struggle for independence. The "Kartilya" emphasized
the 13th code, “Man is not worth more because he is a king, because his nose is the importance of unity, equality, and freedom, and it played a significant role in
aquiline, and his color white, not because he is a *priest, a servant of God, nor shaping the ideology of the Philippine revolution.
because of the high prerogative that he enjoys upon earth, but he is worth most who ● Kartilya ng Katipunan made significant contributions not only for the members of the
is a man of proven and real value, who does good, keeps his words, is worthy and organization but for the Filipino people by instilling principles of patriotism, unity, and
honest; he who does not oppress nor consent to being oppressed, he who loves and social responsibility during the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule.
cherishes his fatherland, though he be born in the wilderness and know no tongue ● The "Kartilya ng Katipunan" is relevant today as it instills and reinforces a strong
but his own. sense of nationalism among Filipinos. It emphasizes the importance of love for the
● This basically sums up the previous parts of the code on which it entails the proper country and the preservation of Filipino culture and identity.
ways to become a Katipunero. A person’s worth should not be determined by
external factors such as social status, physical appearances, or any earthly
● Though written in the 19th century, the Kartilya is significant to the lives of modern
Filipinos as it provides a guide for us in navigating contemporary challenges and
changes in life.
● Contribution of the document "Kartilya ng Katipunan," an essential record for not only
the Katipunan but as well as the Filipinos is important in the modern times for the
understanding of the grand narrative of Philippine history.
● Today, it serves as a timeless reminder of the sacrifices made and the ideals upheld
by those who fought for Philippine sovereignty, inspiring current and future
generations to uphold the same principles in their pursuit of a just and inclusive

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