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Image Restoration

Image Restoration
◼ Restoration is a process of reconstruction or
recovering an image that has been degraded by
using some a priori knowledge of the
degradation phenomenon.
◼ It is objective which means that restoration
techniques are oriented toward modeling the
degradation and applying the inverse process in
order to recover the original image.

Degradation/Restoration Model

◼ The problem of restoration is to obtain

an estimate, f^(x,y), of the original image.
◼ The more we know about H and η, the
closer f^(x,y) will be to f(x,y).
Degradation/Restoration Model
◼ In the Spatial domain
g ( x, y ) = h ( x, y ) * f ( x, y ) +  ( x, y )
◼ In the Frequency domain
G (u , v) = H (u , v).F (u , v) + N (u , v)
◼ IF we know the values of H and N, we could
recover F as given G (u , v) − N (u , v)
F (u , v) =
H (u , v)
◼ This may not practical. Even though we may have
some statistical information about the noise. As
well H(,u,v) may be close to, or equal to zero. 5
Noise Properties and models

◼ The principle source of noise arises during image

acquisition and/or transmission.
◼ Assuming noise is independent of spatial coordinates
and uncorrelated with respect to the image itself.
◼ Concerning with the statistical behavior of the gray-
level values in the noise component.
◼ Considering random variables characterized by a
Probability Density Function (PDF).

Gaussian noise

◼ It is used frequently in practice

Uniform noise

◼ Less practical, used for random number

generator  1
 if a  z  b
p( z ) =  b − a
 0 otherwise
Mean:  =
(b − a ) 2
Variance:  2
Impulse (salt-and-pepper) noise

• If b>a, gray-level b will appear

as a light dot. Conversely, level
a will appear like a dark dot if
either Pa or Pb is zero.

Periodic noise

◼ Arise from electrical or

electromechanical interference during
image acquisition
◼ Spatial dependence
◼ Observed in the frequency domain
Sinusoidal noise:
Complex conjugate
pair in frequency
Estimation of noise parameters

◼ Periodic noise
◼ Observe the frequency spectrum
◼ Random noise with unknown PDFs
◼ Case 1: imaging system is available
◼ Capture images of “flat” environment
◼ Case 2: noisy images available
◼ Take a strip from constant area
◼ Draw the histogram and observe it
◼ Measure the mean and variance
Observe the histogram

Gaussian uniform
Measure the mean and variance

◼ Histogram is an estimate of PDF

 =  zi p ( zi )
zi S
 2 =  ( zi −  ) 2 p ( zi )
zi S

Gaussian: , 
 Uniform: a, b
Restoration in the presence of noise-
spatial filtering

◼ A method of choice in situations when

only additive noise is present
◼ Enhancement and restoration become
almost indistinguishable disciplines when
only additive noise is present

Additive noise only

Spatial filters for de-noising
additive noise

◼ Skills similar to image enhancement

◼ Mean filters
◼ Order-statistics filters
◼ Adaptive filters
Mean filters

◼ Arithmetic mean: Noise is reduced as a

result of blurring

ˆf ( x, y ) = 1
 g ( s, t )
mn ( s ,t )S xy Window centered at (x,y)

◼ Geometric mean: It tends to lose less

image detail compared with mean filter
1 / mn
ˆf ( x, y ) =   g ( s, t )
( s ,t )S xy 
 
Mean filters (cont.)

◼ Harmonic mean filter

fˆ ( x, y ) =

( s ,t )S xy g ( s, t )
◼ Contra-harmonic mean filter

 g ( s ,
( s ,t )S xy
t ) Q +1

fˆ ( x, y ) = Q=-1, harmonic
 g ( s, t )
( s ,t )S xy

Q=0, airth. mean

Q=+, ?
Order-statistics filters
I. Median filter: provides excellent noise
reduction capabilities with considerably less
blurring than linear smoothing filters

II. Max and Min filter: Max filter is useful for

finding the brightest points. It is effective for
pepper noise

Order-statistics filters
II. Max and Min filter: Min filter is useful for finding
the darkest points. It reduces salt noise

III. Midpoint filter: this filter combines order

statistics and averaging. It works well for
Gaussian and uniform noise

Adaptive filters
◼ The behavior changes based on statistical
characteristics of the image inside the filter
region defined by window Sxy.
◼ Its performance superior to the previous
◼ Local noise reduction filter:

ML-local mean of the pixels in Sxy

Adaptive filters
 n2 - Variance of the noise to form g(x,y)
 L2 - Local variance of the pixels in Sxy
◼ If  n =0 → zero-noise case

◼ If  
L >> n → f (x,y)≈g(x,y) the variance is
2 2

associated with edges; no noise

◼ If  L =
 n→ noise is reduced by averaging

Periodic noise reduction

◼ Pure sine wave

◼ Appear as a pair of impulse (conjugate) in
the frequency domain

f ( x, y ) = A sin(u0 x + v0 y )
A u0 v0 u0 v0 
F (u , v) = − j  (u − , v − ) −  (u + ,v + )
2 2 2 2 2 
Periodic noise reduction

◼ Bandreject filters
◼ Bandpass filters
◼ Notch filters
Bandreject filters
* Reject an isotropic frequency
ideal Butterworth Gaussian
Bandreject filters

Bandreject filters (Cont.)
noisy spectrum

Bandpass filters

◼ Hbp(u,v)=1- Hbr(u,v)

−1 G (u , v) H bp (u , v)
Notch filters
◼ Reject(or pass) frequencies in predefined
neighborhoods about a center frequency


Butterworth Gaussian
Notch filters (Cont.)
Notch filters (Cont.)
Scan lines DFT pass

Notch Notch
pass reject
Estimating the degradation function

◼ Estimation by Image observation

◼ Estimation by experimentation
◼ Estimation by modeling
Estimation by image observation

◼ Take a window in the image

◼ Simple structure
◼ Strong signal content
◼ Estimate the original image in the window
Gs (u , v)
H s (u , v) =
Fˆs (u , v)
Estimation by experimentation

◼ If the image acquisition system is ready

◼ Obtain the impulse response

impulse Impulse response

Estimation by experimentation

Estimation by modeling

◼ A degradation model proposed by

Hufnagel and Stanley is based on the
physical characteristics of atmospheric
turbulence.This model has a familiar

Estimation by modeling
− k ( u 2 + v 2 )5 / 6
◼ Ex. Atmospheric model H (u , v ) =e

original k=0.0025

k=0.001 k=0.00025
Estimation by modeling
Estimation by modeling
Estimation by modeling: example
original Apply motion model
Inverse filtering
◼ The simplest approach is direct inverse filtering

In the presence of noise, substituting the

following eqn. into the above Eqn.


Inverse filtering

◼ With the estimated degradation function

G(u,v)=F(u,v)H(u,v)+N(u,v) noise

=> ˆ G (u , v) N (u , v)
F (u , v) = = F (u , v) +
H (u , v) H (u , v)

Estimate of Problem: 0 or small values

original image
Sol: limit the frequency
around the origin
Min. Mean Square Error (Wiener)
◼ Incorporating both the degradation fn. and
statistical characteristics of noise into the
restoration process
◼ Assume noise and image are uncorrelated

◼ Based on these conditions, the minimum of the

error function is given in the frequency domain
by the expression
Min. Mean Square Error (Wiener)
Min. Mean Square Error (Wiener)

• If Sη and Sf are not known, we set ratio (Sη /Sf ) with

specified constant K
• If Sη =0 (absence of noise), the filter reduces to the ideal
inverse filter 53
Image Restoration in Matlab
Image Restoration in Matlab (Cont.)

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