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Email from Tommo 1 Read the text. Name the person and the kind of house where he lives. From: [Ales Hi, Diego! My name's Alexi Thomas, but my nickname is Tommo. | think this project is going to be great. | want to learn ‘about you and Chivilcoy. Ok, something about me? I'm fifteen and tm from ‘Appingedam, a Medieval town in the Netherlands. My mum is a nurse atthe local hospital and my dad is a carpenter. We've got a very unusual home, a canal boat called Ocean Princess. I's small, but | haven't got any brothers or sisters, so there's enough space for the three of us. I'e got a cat called Hissy. She's a wild cat and she isnt very friendly! Life on a boat is fun and it’s a great place for my favourite hobby, kayaking. ve got my own kayak and | like going out on the canal before school. m interested in nature, and I love drawing and painting wile, too, so this is the perfect home for me. ‘So, what do you like doing in your free time? Cheers, Alexi 2 Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the false sentences. 1 Tommo's real name is Alexi. 2. Tommo's parents are doctors. 3. His home isn't very big. 4 Tommo's got a younger brother. 5 Tommo often goes kayaking before school. 3 Read the text ag 1 What are Tommo's hobbies and interests? 2. Whyis Alexi writing this email? and answer. Would you like a virtual tour ‘round Appingedam? Use Google Street View. 4 Look at Tommo's bedroom. Ci the sentences. Check the infor. sation in the table. Plete 1 _There’s_a red cushion on the bed, 2 ___ any pictures on the wall, 3 ____ aed next to the window, 4 __— curtains. Plural + | There’ (there is) | There are some abed. | clothes. = | There isn't a desk. | There oren't any | shops. 2 | \sthere achoir? | Are there any | books? 5 Inpairs, make 5 sentences about the bedroom, using there is / are and the prepositions below. Make some sentences false so your classmate can correct the information. |= in neor next to ‘on opposite under ingular | the cat's toys s'=plural | my parents’ boat adjectives | my/ your / his / her /its/ ‘our / their bedroom 6 Complete the sentences with = possessive adjectives or possessive 5. 1 Whose book is it? It’s Tommo’s mum's book. 2 Is that Tommo_— room? No, it's mum and dad room 3. Isthis___ cat? No, i's my cousins — cat. 4 Escaneado con CamScanner L ty (mest iedu 579 1 Look at the photo and the text. Is this text part of the school project to connect two schools? Read and check. ear Juana, il Im Skye Winter-Fox and I'm 15.1 ve with my Gran because my parens ae scientists and they often work ‘abroad. They are in New Zealand atthe moment. Grans really ‘sporty, She's a yoga teacher and she swims every morning | ‘somtimes go wit her but | doit ike getting up eary! We usvally have breakfast together, then feed my pet snake Yes! ve got a beautiful snake called Basi. Yes, ! know many ‘people ae against wid animals as pets! But my father gave it tome for my lat birthday. [have lunch at school, but i's always boxing because Ihave cheese sandwiches every day ‘After schoo, | see my friends Tommo, Dan and Asha. Dan and ike running together. Sometimes we all meet a the café onthe ‘onal Inthe evenings, | do my homework and Gran makes nner Does she cook every day? Yes, she does. She's the best cook in the world, and she makes a briliant chili What type of food do you eatin Argentina? Do you like our teachers idea of connecting our schools? ‘Write soon! Skye xx Would you lke to learn with another ‘loss? Look for a website that helps make penpals for school. 2 a G 2 what jobs and professions does ‘Syke name? Tick / them. Rose Ccook/ chef [—]farmer [J hoirdresser (imechanic [—]nurse [_]scientist 'b Can you add more jobs and professions? 3 In pairs, describe a job from the box. Your partner has to guess which job itis. ‘A: This person can make you better when you are il. B: A nurse. This person likes working with animals. Mfirmative | Negative Hive with my Gran. | I don't swim every day. My parents trovel alot. They don't ive inthis | country. Questions, Short answers (Do you lve near the school? Yes, do. / No, I don't. Does she cook every day? Yes, she does. /No, she doesnt ‘Always, usual, often, sometimes, ‘never go before mos vebs, but after of the verbs We don't go. (not go) to school on Saturdays. 2. She __ (often / be) with her friends in the park café, 3. Mum and Dad — (never / sleep) after 8 om, 4 {you /live) in a big house? 5 Emma {not eat) lunch at school. 6 Joke (elways / cook) for my birthday. Look at these everyday activities. Add more actions. Use them to describe a school day and ‘a weekend day. dohomewotk get dressed get home ‘get up eatly/late goto schoo! / go out have a shower have breakfast lunch / dinner see friends In pairs, describe the daily routines ‘of people in your house. What do they do? Do not reveal their names so your classmate can guess. Live with this person and my dog. She gets up early every day. She's a dentist. Her mother's name is. Chola. Who am I talking about? storterunit . Escaneado con CamScanner Email from Dan 1 Look at the photo. Do you think the boys are family or friends? Read and check. 2 Read the text again. Mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). tee Dear Juan, Hi, Im Dan. This isa photo of my older brother, Ed, and me. In the photo, we're both wearing sports clothes. Im wearing my {favourite footbal T-shirt, and Ed's wearing his baseball cap and his favourite hoodie. Were smiling inthe photo because Ed's {elng a stupid joke, as heratways does! :D! Ed and | were born in the USA. My dad's fail is orginally {fom Mexico and we both speak Spanish, pero la profesora me dijo que los emai tienen que seren inglés. Luego, vamos a escribir otros que sean en espaol. My classmates are learning ‘Spanish here. Im in England now because Mum's working at ‘a school here. Ed's at university in New York and he's having @ great time, Mum and | are making plans to visit him this summer, and were realy excited. m enjoying my new school in England. but I dont ke the school uniform! {im glad Ive go friends tke Tommo, Skye and Alisha. ma litte shy, but they're always around when Im wortied about something. m sure we are going to get on well ‘What football eam do you support in Argentina? And from Europe? Have fun! Dan Danis older than Ed. F Dan and Ed were born in Mexico. Dan and Ed don't speak Spanish. Ed's in New York at the moment. Dan likes the school uniform in England. This is another email for the classroom project. oanen- 3 Which clothes and accessories can you see in the photo? ieee q Bosebolcap eorings foode-—jocket schoo undo’ FRU TN) cgisee ‘sweater watch & 4 How many words can you add to the Vocabulary box in two minutes? tm ot weatng my favourite shirt, Heir weaving oe rm wearing my favourite shirt He's wearing a hat. They'te wearing hats. They orer't wearing hey, au “pre you wearing ate? | Yes, om./No,tm nal —~ Is she wearing ate? | Yes, she is. No, she int, tions Short onswers 5 Order the words to make questions. Answer the questions to make them true for you, 1 you/ are / going out / on Saturday? ‘Are you going out on Saturday? No, I'm not, _ 2. are / wearing / an earring / ?/ you 3. the students / are / talking / ? 4. doing / this exercise / your friend /is /? 5 you / looking at / are / your phone / ? How are Dan and Ed feeling? Tick V your ‘answer. Can you add more words to describe feelings? They'e annoyed bored excited/ rightened/ initated /nervous /reloxed/ sad/shocked/ tired woried, Describe how you usually feel: before an exam ‘on your birthday after a party on holiday Rone Discuss with the class. How many share the same feelings? Escaneado con CamScanner laurel igl AI te) 1 Look at the text. What can the text be about? Read and check. Dear Fernando, Hior Namaste! My name's Alisha and tm halEnglsh and halt-Indian My dad’ trom India and my mum’ from England, so | speak Hindi and Engh ¥ uhblsespal Yo estoy aprenden el epat az ‘Dad's family is very big and Ive got lots of cousins. We werent in India last sunmer but this year we'e planning fo be there fora whole month Do you goon haday? Where? Ie got an older brother called Damian. Hes funny but aso a bit annoying! Im realy into computers and | want tobe an IT specialist one ay. like heping my frends when they ve got problems. {mot crazy about sport but Im fit and very strong. know everybody is crazy about fotballin Argentina Ist tus? Skye and | were in a ckboxing lass at schoo lst year, and I really iked i because it was fun and there were lots of useful exercises. Our kickboxing teacher invited us todo again tis yer, and we want try! ‘What is your favourite sport? | am happy to leam about you and your country What do you know about The Netherlands? Itis beautiful here. © LoL, ‘Alisha xox 2 Read the text again, and then cover it. Write three things about Alisha and three things about you. Can a classmate guess which sentences describe Alisha and which describe you? 1 This person has got an older brother 2. This person can speak... (Ene ciee rey ans Affirmati He wasn't on holiday. | We weren't on holiday There wosr't a party. There were lots of peple| There weren't ats of people. | Short onswers We were on holiday. There wos a party. Questions Wis it fare | Yes, it wos. / No, it wasn't Were they othome? | Yes, they were. / No, they weren't Wos there a porty? | Yes, there was./No, there wasn't Were there many people? | Yes, there were. No, there weren't 3 Complete the sentences with was /were and wasn't / weren't. 1 Naomi and her parents _were ‘on holiday in Spain but the weather terrible. you at the cinema lost night? deo No, 3. The film festival _____ fun and there lots of films to watch. 4 your parents angry when you late home? the English test difficult? Yes, it There lots of difficult He lived in California, They didn't invite her. Did you like the film? 6 4 Read and answer the questions. 1) What was Dan like on his first doy ot school? Who did Dan live with last year? What language does Alisha want to learn? Ident ont Gv ) Me too. He's cool but he was very shy on his first day. twas dificult for him. He lived in America last year. wy ‘| Ho can speak Spanish. That's awesome! @ ‘Yes, his grandparents are Mexican, [I'd love to speak Spanish better. You speak Hing, only speak English. and abit of very bad Spanish In pairs, tell your partner about five things you did during January and February. Find 5 things in common. I watched TV every day. I didn't. | went to Cérdoba and swam in the river. sien GD Escaneado con CamScanner

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