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Review of seepage effects on turbulent open-

channel flow and sediment entrainment
a b b
Yan Lu , Yee-Meng Chiew & Nian-Sheng Cheng
Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, State Key Laboratory of Hydrology,Water
Resources and Hydraulic Engineering , Nanjing , 210029 , China
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering , Nanyang Technological University ,
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore , 639798
Published online: 26 Apr 2010.

To cite this article: Yan Lu , Yee-Meng Chiew & Nian-Sheng Cheng (2008) Review of seepage effects on turbulent open-
channel flow and sediment entrainment, Journal of Hydraulic Research, 46:4, 476-488, DOI: 10.3826/jhr.2008.2942

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Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008), pp. 476–488
© 2008 International Association of Hydraulic Engineering and Research

Review of seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow

and sediment entrainment
Examen des effets de l’infiltration sur les écoulements turbulents en canal
à surface libre et sur l’entraînement des sédiments
YAN LU, Postdoctoral Fellow, Nanjing Hydraulic Research Institute, State Key Laboratory of Hydrology,
Water Resources and Hydraulic Engineering, Nanjing 210029, China

YEE-MENG CHIEW, Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang Technological University,
Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
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NIAN-SHENG CHENG, (IAHR Member), Associate Professor, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Nanyang
Technological University, Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798

This paper presents a review on the state-of-the-art knowledge of how seepage affects the turbulence characteristics in open-channel flow and its
implication on sediment entrainment. Published literature shows that some effects have been intensively examined and the results are well known,
such as seepage effects on mean flow velocity distributions. Understanding of the other effects remains rudimentary, such as variations of turbulence
intensity and bed shear stresses. In fact, many of these issues remain ambiguous with contradicting inferences and conclusions. For example, the
published literature is still not unanimous as to how turbulence intensities, bed shear stresses and bed particle stability change in the presence of
seepage. By reviewing literature in this area published over the past 35 years, this paper highlights the main conflicting results and attempts to explain
these deviations with certain recommendations.

Cet article passe en revue l’état de l’art des connaissances sur la manière dont l’infiltration affecte les caractéristiques de la turbulence des écoulements
en canal ouvert et son implication sur l’entraînement de sédiment. La littérature éditée prouve que certains effets ont été intensivement examinés et
les résultats sont bien connus, comme les effets de l’infiltration sur des distributions moyennes de vitesse. La compréhension des autres effets reste
rudimentaire, comme les variations d’intensité de la turbulence et des efforts de cisaillement de lit. En fait, beaucoup de questions restent ambigües
avec des inférences et des conclusions contradictoires. Par exemple, la littérature éditée n’est toujours pas unanime quant à la façon dont les intensités
de turbulence, les efforts de cisaillement et la stabilité des particules de lit changent en présence d’infiltration. En passant en revue la littérature éditée
sur le sujet au cours des trente-cinq dernières années, le présent article met en lumière les principaux résultats contradictoires et tente d’expliquer ces
écarts en donnant certaines recommandations.

Keywords: Open channel flow, sediment, seepage, shear stress, turbulence, transport

1 Introduction as compared to that with an impermeable boundary, as is often

encountered in a laboratory study.
Natural streams often comprise permeable beds in the form of With the level of the free surface in a river being different
sand particles and gravels. An essential and well-known feature of from the adjoining groundwater table, two typical seepage flows
permeable boundaries is that mass and momentum transfer takes (suction and injection) may occur through the river boundary. In
place across the interface between the fluid and porous media. the case of suction or downward seepage, water seeps out of the
Interactions between flow in the main stream and the ambient river; while with injection or upward seepage, the river receives
groundwater, or hyporheic exchanges, are important because of additional water.
their role in controlling the transport of contaminants and main- In most cases, seepage velocity within the porous bound-
taining a healthy stream ecosystem (Brunke and Gonser, 1997; ary is small in comparison to the free-stream velocity above
Jones and Mulholland, 2000). The hydrodynamic process in such the bed. However, this small seepage flow can effect an addi-
a physical system may result in changes to the structural features tional hydrodynamic force on the bed sediment. This, in turn,
of the flow, implying modification to flow-resistance, sediment will significantly affect the process of sediment transport, such
entrainment characteristics and morphology of the streambed, as sediment entrainment and formation of bed features. For

Revision received January 8, 2007/Open for discussion until February 28, 2009.

Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008) Seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow and sediment entrainment 477

Table 1 Summary of results of previous studies

Source Flume/seepage zone dimensions Sediment transport rate Bed shear stress Turbulence intensity

Length (m) Width (m) Suction Injection Suction Injection Suction Injection

Watters and Rao (1971) 4.6/1.5 0.7/0.7 Increase Decrease — — Decrease Increase
Oldenziel and Brink (1974) 15/4 0.5/0.5 Decrease Increase — — — —
Willetts and Drossos (1975) 3.6/0.125 0.076/0.076 Increase — — — — —
Nezu (1977) — — Little effect Little effect — — Decrease Increase
Richardson et al. (1985) 9.45/3 0.6/0.6 Decrease Increase — — — —
Maclean and Willetts (1986) 5/5 0.076/0.076 — — Increase — — —
Maclean (1991a) 12/0.28 0.3/ 0.215 — — Increase — — —
Maclean (1991b) 5/0.13 0.075/0.075 Increase — Increase — — —
Ramakrishna Rao et al. (1994) 14.16/12.75 0.615/0.615 — — Increase/ Increase/ — —
Decrease Decrease
Antonia and Zhu (1995) 2.6/0.04 0.6/0.6 — — — — Decrease —
Cheng (1997) 7.6/0.5 30/2 0.21/0.21 0.7/0.7 — Increase — Decrease — Increase
Cheng and Chiew (1998a) 30/2 0.7/0.7 — — — Decrease — Increase
Cheng and Chiew (1998b) 30/2 0.7/0.7 — — — Decrease — —
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Cheng and Chiew (1999) 7.6/0.5 0.21/ 0.21 — Increase — Decrease — —

Ramakrishna Rao and 3.6/2.4 0.158/0.158 Increase Decrease Increase/ Increase/ Increase Decrease
Nagaraj (1999) Decrease Decrease
Krogstad and Kourakine (2000) 3.5/0.12 0.46/0.46 — — — Decrease — Increase
Chen and Chiew (2004a) 30/2 0.7/0.7 — — Increase — — —
Chen and Chiew (2004b) 30/2 0.7/0.7 — — — — Decrease Increase

instance, a water intake, when drawing faster-moving flow examined. Conflicting results are highlighted, and the reasons for
towards the sediment bed, can increase the local bed shear differences are discussed.
stresses, resulting in bed erosion around the intake structure
(Willetts and Drossos, 1975). Other practical examples relate
to hydraulic structures used for channel stabilization, bank ero- 2 Velocity distributions subject to seepage
sion prevention and selection of water intake location. More
complex situations occur in the coastal environments, for exam- Analyses of the complex processes of contaminants transport in a
ple in swash zone, where seepage varies both temporally and permeable streambed require detailed prediction of flows through
spatially (Turner, 1995; Karambas, 2003). Additionally, suction the porous bed. Many experimental and numerical studies have
and injection have been encountered in other engineering prac- been done on flow through such a medium (Ruff and Gelhar,
tices, such as boundary layer control, drying processes in the 1972; Shimizu et al., 1990; Zhou and Mendoza, 1993). To be
chemical industry and turbine-blade cooling. Knowledge of flows consistent with the objective of this study, emphasis is placed on
over permeable boundaries clearly is not only useful for funda- previous studies of seepage effects on open-channel flows.
mental research, but also has practical importance in engineering The well-established law of the wall was originally derived
applications. for the inner layer of turbulent shear flows, and is widely used in
Despite the important influence of seepage on many aspects of boundary layer, pipe and open-channel flows. In the presence of
practical engineering, relevant information in this area remains seepage, the flow structure near the boundary and thus the dis-
scarce. Moreover, results from recent research efforts in this tribution of the streamwise velocity are significantly modified.
area are often inconclusive and sometimes conflicting. Table 1, For example, turbulent momentum transfer across the stream–
which summarizes the important recent findings over the past groundwater interface induces a non-zero velocity at the bed
35 years, shows these inconsistencies. The summary in the table surface (Zhou and Mendoza, 1993). The induced velocity at
only contains findings that are relevant to matters discussed in the bed surface is termed “slip velocity”, which invalidates the
this paper. no-slip condition that is commonly used in fluid mechanics for
The objective of this paper is to review the state-of-the- impermeable beds.
art knowledge concerning open-channel flow and cohesionless In the presence of boundary mass transfer, velocity profiles
sediment entrainment with seepage. The paper first presents pub- have been reported to be different from the logarithmic law in the
lished results on the variation of flow velocity and turbulence in field of aerodynamics. Various analytical models have been pro-
the presence of bed seepage. Changes in bed shear stresses due posed, for example Clarke et al. (1955), Willetts and Drossos
to seepage and their implication on sediment entrainment is then (1975) and Schlichting (1979). Direct numerical simulations
478 Y. Lu et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008)

and experimental studies have been performed for testing bed 40

injection or suction in a turbulent boundary layer (Antonia and
Zhu, 1995; Krogstad and Kourakine, 2000;Yoda and Westerweel, 30
Log-law of the wall Eq(1)

2001; Kim and Sung, 2003). Velocity measurements over the Modified log-law with injection Eq(3)
seepage zone in open-channel flow have been performed by

Maclean (1991a), Cheng and Chiew (1998a, b) and Chen and 20

Chiew (2004a).
For a two-dimensional flow over a horizontal bed in the case of
zero seepage, that is flows over an impermeable bed, the velocity
distribution can be described by the well-known law of the wall
(Yalin, 1977) as: 0
3 4 5 6 7
u 1 y
= ln (1) ln(y/y0)
u∗ κ y0
√ Figure 2 Comparison of experimental data with modified log-law with
where u is the streamwise velocity; u∗ = τb /ρ, the friction injection (Cheng and Chiew, 1998b)
velocity; τb , the boundary shear stress; ρ, the mass density of
fluid; κ, the von Karman constant and y0 , the zero-velocity
displacement measured from the theoretical bed surface. If an streamwise extent (0.12 m) on a turbulent boundary layer. They
Downloaded by [UOV University of Oviedo] at 11:23 31 October 2014

equivalent roughness height ks is used, y0 can be expressed as: reported that injection causes an upward shift in the mean velocity
log-law, which is in good agreement with the finding of Cheng
y0 = ks exp(−κB) (2) and Chiew (1998b).
where ks can be taken as 2D50 ; D50 is the median diameter of Substituting Eq. (2) into Eq. (3) leads to:
sediment particles and B, the roughness function, being taken as  2
u 1 y vs 1 y
8.5 for a completely rough flow (Raudkivi, 1990). = ln + B + ln + B (4)
u∗ κ ks 4u∗ κ ks
It is of interest to note that with the assumption of uniform
2.1 Flow with injection suction, Eq. (4) was also derived by Schlichting (1979) using
When injection is applied to an open-channel flow, the resulting Prandtl’s mixing-length theory. In fact, this equation can be
velocity distribution over a flat bed is schematically shown in regarded as a generalization of Eq. (1), the latter being applica-
Fig. 1 (Nezu, 1977), implying a reduction in the streamwise flow ble only for impermeable beds. The experimental data by Rotta
velocity in the region close to the bed. Under this condition, a (1966) agrees well with Eq. (4) in the case of both injection and
modified logarithmic law was proposed by Cheng and Chiew suction, if a suitable value of B is found. In the case of injection
(1998b) as follows: only, Cheng and Chiew (1998b) proposed that B is related to
  vs /u∗ for the completely rough regime in the form:
u 1 y vs 1 y 2
= ln + ln (3)
u∗ κ y0 4u∗ κ y0 8.5
B= (5)
Cheng and Chiew (1998b) used a two-dimensional acoustic 1 + vs /u∗
Doppler velocimeter (ADV) for measuring the flow velocity The value of the roughness function with injection is appar-
and found that Eq. (3) compares well with their experimental ently smaller than that with zero-seepage flow, and reverts to 8.5,
data. Their measurement for vs /u∗ = 0.137 is reproduced in a commonly accepted value in the literature when the seepage
Fig. 2, showing that the commonly used log-law Eq. (1) deviates velocity vanishes.
considerably from the measured velocity profile. Numerical studies of seepage effect in open-channel flow are
Krogstad and Kourakine (2000) experimentally examined the comparatively scarce. Bose and Dey (2007) studied the effect
effect of localized injection through a porous strip of limited of bed injection on free surface flow field by numerically solv-
ing the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes equations. In this way,
y the expressions for the streamwise and normal components of
velocity have been obtained with some constants estimated using
experimental data for flow in the outer and inner layers. The
velocity distributions computed are in good agreement with the
Velocity profile over
impermeable bed
experimental data for both cases with no-seepage and injection.
2.2 Flow with suction
In the case of suction, the velocity distribution over a flat
Figure 1 Schematic diagram of velocity profile over permeable bed bed is schematically shown in Fig. 3 with the support of flow
with injection (after Nezu, 1977) visualization by Willetts and Drossos (1975). They proposed a
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008) Seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow and sediment entrainment 479

y With y0 , u∗ and us determined experimentally, the authors

reported that Eq. (7) may be used to describe the measured pro-
A B files. Their measurements also confirmed the existence of the
slip velocity and a significant increase in the near bed velocity.
yx An example of the velocity profile for |vs /U0 | = 1.53% at the
middle of the seepage zone is reproduced in Fig. 4, where U0
y0x yxx is the depth-averaged velocity at the leading section of the seep-
dx x age zone. This result is consistent with that obtained by Maclean
0 y0 (1991a), who showed an increased flow velocity close to the bed
and a reduced flow velocity near the free surface.
vs Suction Zone us In addition, it should be mentioned here that in principle,
Eq. (3) or (4) should also apply for the case of suction, as the
Figure 3 Schematic diagram of velocity profile over permeable bed direction of seepage velocity (suction or injection) is not speci-
with suction
fied in the relevant derivation. However, a general evaluation of
the parameters involved, y0 or B, needs further efforts for both
modified seventh power law to describe the streamwise velocity suction and injection situations. On the other hand, the modi-
profile as: fied logarithmic law may work only for the seepage velocity that
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u ky + y0x 1/7 is relatively small when compared to the main-channel flow. A

=k (6) high seepage velocity actually invalidates the theoretical analyses
umax y1
related to Eqs (3) and (7).
where k = (y1 − y0x )/yx ; y0x is the depth below which water is Particle image velocimetry (PIV) was used by Yoda and
removed from the stream between the two sections; y and yx , the Westerweel (2001) to measure the velocity components in the
stream depths at A and B; and umax , the maximum velocity which boundary layer with and without localized suction. It is worth
occurs at distance y1 from the bed. The experimental data mea- noting that the suction was produced through two 3 mm-diameter
sured using a hot-wire anemometer in a wind tunnel by Maclean holes spaced five-hole diameters apart, which is different from
(1983) fit well with this profile. One main drawback of the method the experimental setup employed, for example, by Cheng and
is that many assumptions were made for computing y0x . Chiew (1998b). Their results showed that suction decreased the
Eight years after his original work, Maclean (1991a) presented near-bed flow by an average of 6% in the region between the
another study on open-channel flow velocity over a zone of rapid suction holes, which are contrary to the findings of the other
infiltration. In the latter paper, he argued that Eq. (4) is not valid researchers mentioned earlier. A plausible explanation is that the
for the description of velocity distributions when suction veloc- use of the small suction hole could impose additional complica-
ity is high (vs /u∗ ∼ 2) because the x-derivatives (∂p/∂x, ∂u/∂x), tions through the surface modification and pressure disturbances.
which are ignored in deriving Eq. (4), are no longer small. More- The experimental data measured using a single hot wire in a wind
over, he also defined an inner boundary layer close to the bed tunnel by Antonia and Zhu (1995) support this explanation. In
to describe the velocity profile subjected to seepage. Based on their tests, suction was applied through a short porous bed strip
experimental data, he concluded that the flow structure in the instead of an open hole or slot. The mean velocity distributions in
inner boundary layer is significantly different from that described the presence of a sufficiently large rate of suction showed that an
by Eq. (4); and the velocity close to the bed is increased, which increase in the flow velocities occurs immediately downstream
becomes apparent from the upstream edge of the suction region. of the strip, relative to that in the case of no-seepage.
Above the inner layer, however, the velocity profile is still loga-
rithmic, if a suitable value is chosen for the roughness function,
B (see Eqs. (1) and (2)). Furthermore, the velocity gradient in
the logarithmic layer is found to reduce with an increase in the 25
suction velocity, arising from an acceleration of the flow close to
the bed and a deceleration of the flow near the water surface due 20
to continuity.
More recently, an approach similar to that proposed by Cheng 15

and Chiew (1998b) was used by Chen and Chiew (2004a) to Measurements
derive the velocity profile for flows subjected to suction. They 10
Modified log-law with suction Eq (7)
assumed that the boundary occurs at y = −y0 instead of y = 0,
5 Log-law of the wall Eq (1)
as is the case for an impermeable bed (see Fig. 3). Taking the bed
surface as the reference level at which the flow has a slip velocity
of us , Chen and Chiew (2004a) proposed the following formula 0 2 4 6 8
analytically: y(cm)
u − us 1 y + y0 vs 1 y + y0 2 Figure 4 Comparison of experimental data with modified log-law for
= ln + ln (7)
u∗ κ y0 4u∗ κ y0 suction (Chen and Chiew, 2004a)
480 Y. Lu et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008)

The effect of bed suction on the velocity distribution was stud- 14

ied numerically by Prinos (1995) using the Reynolds-averaged 12

Navier–Stokes equations and adopting low-R turbulence models
of the k-type for solving the system of equations. The compu-

-u'v' (cm 2/s2)

tational results indicated an increase in near-bed velocities and 8
a decrease in flow velocities near to the free surface, which is
in agreement with the findings abovementioned (Willetts and
Drossos, 1975; Maclean, 1991a; Chen and Chiew, 2004a). 4

3 Turbulence -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
x (cm)

Although turbulence intensity in impervious open-channel flow Figure 5 Variations of Reynolds shear stress at specified depths
has been studied extensively, how it responds to seepage is not (|vs /U0 | = 1.07%) (Cheng, 1997)
clearly understood. Based on a study of the fluid dynamic forces
acting on a typical bed particle, Watters and Rao (1971) con- uncertain. The main physical mechanism for the increased tur-
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cluded that suction decreases turbulent fluctuations in the flow bulence intensities by injection may be twofold: (1) injection
field resulting in less momentum exchange between fluid par- causes a significant increase in the turbulent kinetic energy pro-
ticles, while the opposite is true for the case of injection. An duction rate (Sumitani and Kasagi, 1995) and (2) injection also
extreme case reported in their study showed that with strong diffuses upwards the streamwise vortices (Park and Choi, 1999),
suction, the particle boundary layer changes from a turbulent thereby leading to a higher diffusion of turbulent energy into the
to laminar condition. flow. One may envision that the corollary will apply to suction
All three components of turbulence intensities in open-channel effects on turbulence intensities, that is, a reduction of the turbu-
flow for both injection and suction were measured by Nezu lent kinetic energy production rate and damping of the turbulent
(1977). His experimental data showed that seepage has a signif- energy diffusion, leading to reduced turbulence intensities.
icant effect on the turbulence level, that is turbulence intensities Seepage may also result in significant near-bed turbulence
increase with injection and decrease with suction. anisotropy, which plays an important role in turbulence produc-
Other studies on the response of a turbulent boundary layer tion. Such a modification has been investigated largely by direct
to seepage, either through porous strips or open slots, generally numerical simulation (e.g. Antonia et al., 1994; Park and Choi,
supported the observation that injection enhances (Krogstad and 1999; Chung and Sung, 2001; Chung et al., 2002). The results
Kourakine, 2000; Kim and Sung, 2003), while suction diminishes show that the near-bed anisotropy was enhanced in the presence of
turbulence intensities (Antonia and Zhu, 1995). suction, but may not be affected significantly by injection. Some
From experimental investigations of injection effects on open- experimental evidences in this aspect can be found in Antonia
channel flow, Cheng (1997) observed an increase in the RMS et al. (1988), Krogstad and Kourakin (2000) and Oyewola et al.
values of velocity fluctuations and the Reynolds shear stresses (2004).
near the bed, although little change was detected near the water
surface. This behavior, which was also observed by Nezu (1977),
is in agreement with the general expectation. Since seepage inter- 4 Bed shear stress variations
acts with the main-channel flow immediately near the bed, the
turbulence intensities are expected to change more readily near A detailed investigation of flow and sediment movement in allu-
the bed than those near the water surface. An example of the vial stream requires an accurate evaluation of the bed shear stress
   shear stress distribution along the seepage zone for or shear velocity. The latter, which is the most fundamental veloc-
vs U0  = 1.07% at three specified depths from Cheng (1997) ity scale for near-bed flows, can be determined using different
is reproduced in Fig. 5. methods. One typical approach is to measure the water surface
A series of experiments were performed by Ramakrishna Rao slope under uniform flow conditions, which can then be used to
and Nagaraj (1999) to investigate the behavior of turbulence char- compute the bed shear stress or shear velocity. The shear veloc-
acteristics. Velocity fluctuations were measured using a hot film ity may also be determined from measured velocity distributions
anemometer on a plane and non-transporting bed for both suction in conjunction with the logarithmic law, or inferred from the
and injection. They concluded qualitatively that turbulence inten- measured Reynolds shear stress distribution. Another approach
sities were higher for suction than for injection or no-seepage. It is to measure the bed shear stress directly with a Preston tube.
is interesting to note that the results of Ramakrishna Rao and However, all these methods require an impervious flow boundary
Nagaraj are contrary to those by Cheng (1997) and Nezu (1977). and thus fail to work in the presence of seepage, which invali-
Although the effect of seepage on the variation of turbu- dates both flow uniformity and the no-slip boundary condition.
lence intensities has been investigated extensively, the reason Consequently, other approaches have been developed to deter-
of how seepage modifies the turbulence structure still remains mine bed shear stresses on a permeable boundary (Oldenziel
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008) Seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow and sediment entrainment 481

and Brink, 1974; Maclean and Willetts, 1986; Maclean, 1991b; bed. By considering the infinitesimal element in section B shown
Ramakrishna Rao et al., 1994; Cheng and Chiew, 1998b; Chen in Fig. 3, the excess bed shear stress is given by:
and Chiew, 2004a). Due to the complexity of the problem consid-
τe dx = ρU0x
yxx (11)
ered, obvious uncertainties exist among these studies, as detailed
below. where yxx is the depth below which water is sucked into the bed
Oldenziel and Brink (1974) calculated the change in bed shear across the infinitesimal element and U0x , the average velocity
stress due to suction and injection by considering the excess bed within the depth of yxx . Then, by applying the mass conservation,
shear stress arising from three factors: (1) the variation of energy the following expression was obtained:
slope, (2) the difference in momentum flux between the two end
τbs = τb0 + ρU0x vs (12)
sections of a seepage zone and (3) the additional momentum
losses due to the mixing of channel flow and seepage. In comput- Maclean (1991b) reported that Eq. (12) overestimated the bed
ing the additional momentum losses, they introduced a reference shear stress. By observing the initiation of indicator grains whose
height, ys , at which this interaction takes place: critical shear stress for particle entrainment had been predeter-
mined in uniform flow, Maclean and Willetts (1986) measured
2 µLvs the bed shear stress with and without suction. The so-measured
ys = (8)
3 τb0 shear stresses were found to increase with the suction velocity
ratio, as shown in Fig. 6. However, it must be noted that the
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where L is the length of the seepage zone; vs , the seepage veloc- mechanism of the incipient motion of sediment particles subject
ity; µ, the dynamic viscosity of fluid and τb0 , the bed shear stress to bed seepage is different from that without seepage because dif-
without seepage. Comparing the situations with and without ferent hydrodynamic forces are involved. Therefore, the results
seepage, the following equation was finally obtained: of Maclean and Willetts (1986) could be seriously flawed.
 1/2 To obtain bed shear stresses from the flow velocity, Maclean
2 Lτb0 vs (1991b) also proposed an alternative approach by relating the bed
τbs − τb0 = ρgh (Is − I0 ) − 2ρUvs − ηρvs (9)
3 µ shear stress to the square of the water velocity at a given reference
height above the bed:
where Is , I0 is the energy slope with and without seepage, respec-
tively; τbs , the bed shear stress with seepage; U, the mean flow τbs u2
= 2rs (13)
velocity without seepage; g, the gravitational acceleration; h, the τb0 ur0
water depth and η, a correction factor. The correction for addi- where ur0 , urs is the velocities measured at the reference height
tional loss due to the mixing of discharges has to be determined without and with suction, respectively. This approach was found
experimentally. Moreover, this method is practical only when the to give a reasonable fit to his experimental data. However, the
energy slope is measured accurately. choice of the reference height was arbitrary, which had signifi-
The idea of Oldenziel and Brink was also adopted by Wil- cant effects on the results (see Fig. 6). The method was verified
letts and Drossos (1975) for flow subjected to suction. In their numerically by Prinos (1995) for estimating the bed shear stress
study, the streamwise velocity profile in the suction zone was first in open-channel flow with suction with an appropriate reference
described using the modified seventh power law Eq. (6) discussed height.
earlier (also see Fig. 3). Then, the value of y0x was determined by By conducting a series of laboratory experiments, Ramakr-
assuming that the water removed between two sections per unit ishna Rao et al. (1994) observed that the variation of bed shear
time was equal to the flow rate within the depth y0x . Finally, the stress resulting from seepage depends on the critical shear stress
excess shear stress due to suction was calculated as:
1 1 1 2.4
ρgy1 + x(yx − y1 )ρgJb − ρgyx −
2 2
τe dx
2 2 2 0
 yx  y1 2.2

=ρ u2x dy − ρ u21 dy (10)

0 0 2

1.8 Results of experiments

where Jb is the bed slope; ux , u1 , the velocity at y from bed in (Maclean and Willetts, 1986)
τbs /τb0

cross-section at B and A, respectively; and τe , the excess shear Theoretical results, Eq (13)
stress due to suction. A numerical method is necessary to solve Reference Height =1mm

Eq. (10). 1.4 Theoretical results, Eq (13)

Reference Height = 0.7mm
The results computed using Eq. (10) showed a sudden increase
1.2 Theoretical results, Eq (13)
in the shear stress at the leading edge of the suction zone, whereas Reference Height = 2mm
the experimental observation indicated a relatively gentle incre- 1
ment (Maclean, 1983). A further modification of this method was 0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16
proposed by Maclean and Willetts (1986) and Maclean (1991b) vs U 0
by assuming that the excess bed shear stress due to suction was Figure 6 Comparison of bed shear stress computed using the method
equal to the momentum given up by the fluid as it entered the of reference height (Maclean, 1991a, b)
482 Y. Lu et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008)

for particle entrainment without seepage, the sediment concentra- 1.8

v s /U0 = 0
v s /U0 = 0.47%
tion and seepage velocity. Two empirical relationships were thus v s /U0 = 1%
presented to estimate the variation for the flow with and without 1.6 v s /U0 = -0.86%
v s /U0 = -1.53%
sediment transport, respectively. In the case of a non-transporting
bed, the ratio of bed shear stress with and without seepage was

expressed as: 1.2
τbs τb0
= −N (14) 1
τb0 τc0
where N = (2ρUs vs /τb0 )(R/ h) is the seepage intensity parame- 0.8
ter (vs takes negative for suction); τc0 , the critical shear stress for
particle entrainment without seepage; Us , the mean velocity with -0.2 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
seepage; h, the water depth; R, the hydraulic radius of the bed x/L
after smooth wall correction and C = 2.7. However, the C-value Figure 7 Bed shear stress distribution over injection and suction zone
was later revised by Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj (1999) to 2.2 (Cheng and Chiew, 1998b; Chen and Chiew, 2004a)
based on a wider range of experimental data. In the case of a
transporting sand bed, the following relationship, which is valid
Downloaded by [UOV University of Oviedo] at 11:23 31 October 2014

only for suction, was proposed: Figure 7 also shows that the shear stress reduces markedly at
τbs 600 1.75N the beginning of the injection zone and the reduction becomes
= +N (15) more apparent for higher seepage intensity. However, a gradual
τb0 c
increase of bed shear stress has been found towards the down-
where c is the sediment concentration in ppm by weight. It is of
stream end of the injection zone; the reason for this gradual
interest to note that one can deduce from Eqs (14) and (15) that
increase can be attributed to the influx of mass to the main flow.
both injection and suction can cause an increase or decrease in
Based on this result, one may deduce that injection effects on
the bed shear stress, an anomaly that will be discussed later.
bed shear stressed are related to two important features. First, it
By integrating the continuity and momentum equations,
alters the flow configuration near the bed resulting in a sudden
Cheng and Chiew (1998a) derived the following equation to
reduction of the bed shear stress directly. Second, it introduces
evaluate the shear velocity:
  additional mass to flow, thus causing an increase in the bed shear
dh βU 2 stress indirectly.
τbs = −ρgh 1− − 2βρUvs (16)
dx gh A recent theoretical study was conducted by Dey and Cheng
in which U is the depth-averaged streamwise velocity and h, the (2005), who employed the modified logarithmic law for injection
flow depth and β = ( 0 u2 dy)/(hU 2 ), the momentum correction Eq. (3) together with the Reynolds and continuity equations of
factor. The bed shear stresses derived based on the momentum two-dimensional open-channel flow. The derived equation for
integral equation (16) compare well with the results determined calculating the bed shear stress is quite complicated, which is
from the measured Reynolds shear stress distribution (Cheng, not reproduced herein, and the computed results are generally in
1997). Clearly, this approach depends on accurate measurements agreement with the experimental data of Cheng (1997).
of the water surface slope in the case of seepage. Another method The effect of mass transfer (introduced by injection or suction)
was proposed by Cheng and Chiew (1998b) for evaluating the bed may be substantiated by the experimental results of Ramakrishna
shear stress by directly fitting the modified logarithmic law for Rao et al. (1994), who conducted their tests in a flume with a
injection, that is Eq. (3) or (4), to the velocity measurements. seepage zone with length = 12.75 m. This length is much longer
To avoid the effect of uncertainties involved in near-bed velocity than that used by Cheng and Chiew (1998a, b), which is only
measurements, the depth-averaged velocity is used instead by 2 m. The large seepage zone definitely induces a relatively large
integrating Eq. (3) from y0 to h, which leads to (noting y0 / h  1): seepage influx, which when being added to the main flow will
  increase the bed shear stress to a significant extent. This may be
U 1 h
= ln −1 one of the reasons why their results are contrary to the general
u∗ κ y0
   expectation that injection tends to reduce bed shear stress. An
vs 2 h h opposite case is that if point-source seepage is considered, the
+ 2 ln − 2 ln −1 (17)
4κ u∗ y0 y0 effect of additional discharge influx on the bed shear stress would
An iterative procedure is necessary to evaluate the shear veloc- vanish.
ity with Eq. (17) because y0 is dependent on B, and thus on the An injection section consisted of a 0.12-m long porous strip
shear velocity. This approach is not subject to the uncertainty spanning the entire width of the wind tunnel was used by Krogstad
when fitting the modified logarithmic law to measured velocity and Kourakine (2000) to investigate localized injection effects on
profile. Cheng and Chiew (1998b) used it to evaluate the bed the turbulence structure in a boundary layer. Their experimen-
shear stress distribution over an injection zone; some results are tal results showed that as the incoming flow enters the injection
reproduced in Fig. 7, in which the injection and suction rates are region, the bed shear stress is significantly reduced. However, the
represented by positive and negative numbers, respectively. bed shear stress recovered sharply immediately downstream of
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008) Seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow and sediment entrainment 483

the seepage strip, indicating that the reduction of the bed shear
experiment data with suction (Chen and
stress is directly due to the injection through altering the flow 1.6 Chiew 2004a)

configuration near the bed rather than the introducing additional 1.4
experiment data with injection (Cheng
and Chiew 1998a)
mass. Their observation appears to support the experimental data
of Cheng and Chiew (1998b) shown in Fig. 7.

Suction effects on bed shear stresses in open-channel flow
were experimentally investigated by Chen and Chiew (2004a). As 0.8

was discussed in the earlier section on velocity distributions, the 0.6

modified logarithmic law (7) for suction includes three unknown
parameters y0 , us and u∗ . To determine the shear velocity, the
measured velocity profiles were compared to Eq. (7). A software 0.2
-0.03 -0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03
package was used to fit the experimental data to a second-order vs U 0
polynomial function to determine the best values for the three Figure 9 Effect of injection and suction on shear velocity
parameters, including the shear velocity. For comparison, their
results on the bed shear stress distribution over the suction zone
are superimposed in Fig. 7. For the suction case, the data also suction are re-plotted in Fig. 9. In this figure, the value of the
show significant reduction in the shear stress. This phenomenon shear velocity for the respective seepage rate refers to that mea-
Downloaded by [UOV University of Oviedo] at 11:23 31 October 2014

is similar to that observed with injection, that is a decrease in sured at the center of the seepage zone, that is, 1 m from its
the bed shear stresses may largely be due to the reduction of leading edge. At this location, the data show a clear increase and
mass caused by suction. An interesting phenomenon of their data decrease of shear velocity for suction and injection, respectively.
is another reversal of the bed shear stress at around x/L = 0.3. It, however, does not reveal how mass addition (due to injection)
This second reversal is not seen for data associated with injection, and extraction (due to suction) would influence shear velocities.
and the reason for its occurrence is as yet unknown. In other words, the data in Fig. 9 should only apply to a relatively
By fitting their experimental data of the dimensionless shear short seepage zone.
velocity (u∗ /u∗0 ) with relative suctions, Chen and Chiew (2004a)
presented an empirical equation as:
 3  2   5 Stability of bed particles
u∗  vs   vs   vs 
= 0.073   − 0.44   + 0.9   + 1 (18)
u∗0 U0 U0 U0
Despite that existing data are generally incomplete and incon-
where u∗0 is the local shear velocity without seepage. This sistent, published studies have shown that the open-channel
approach shows that the rate of increase of shear velocity is much flow characteristic can be significantly modified by seepage.
bigger when |vs /U0 | < 0.6% than that when |vs U0 | > 0.6% (see One may infer from this result that sediment transport theo-
Fig. 8). Unfortunately, all the suction velocities in their studies ries developed without consideration of seepage effects are not
are more than 0.6% of the depth-averaged stream velocity due applicable for cases with suction or injection. Current research
to experimental setup limitation and no verification can be done results in this respect are, however, still very rudimentary. They
for small values of seepage rate. Further accurate measurements are largely limited to the simple case of incipient sediment
at small values of suction velocities are necessary to verify the motion.
empirical equation. Since the boundary flow condition varies with seepage, bed
The shear velocity data provided by Cheng and Chiew particles are subject to additional hydrodynamic forces besides
(1998a, b) for injection and by Chen and Chiew (2004a) for drag and lift forces. Cheng and Chiew (1999) performed a force
analysis for the threshold condition of sediment movement by
including an additional force due to injection. With reference to
a spherical particle at the incipient condition on a slope as shown
in Fig. 10, an equilibrium consideration of forces acting on the

1.4 FL
Eq (18)
1.2 Results of
Experiment FD
1 FS
0 0.005 0.01 0.015 0.02 0.025
vs U 0 W
Figure 8 Relationship between shear velocity and suction velocity
ratios (Chen and Chiew, 2004a) Figure 10 Forces acting on a sphere resting on the bed
484 Y. Lu et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008)

particle results in:
Eq (22)
FD + W sin φ
tan θ = (19) 2.5
W cos φ − FL − FS Results ofExperiments Cheng and
Chiew (1999)D50=1.02mm
where θ is the angle of repose of the sediment particles; Results ofExperiment Ramakrishna

u*c (cm/s)
Rao and Nagaraj (1999) D50=1mm
W = (ρs − ρ)g(πd 3 /6), the submerged particle weight; 1.5
FD = CD (πd 2 /8)ρu2b , the drag force; FL = CL (πd 2 /8)ρu2b , the
lift force; FS = (iρgπd 3 /6(1 − ε)), the seepage force; CD , CL , 1

the drag and lift coefficients, respectively; d, the diameter of

particle; ρs , the density of particle; i, the seepage hydraulic gra-
dient; ε, the porosity of the granular materials and ub , the effective
velocity acting on particles at the bed. Furthermore, the effective 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8
velocity was related to the shear velocity in the following form v s (cm / s)
(Chiew and Parker, 1994): Figure 11 Comparison of experimental results on threshold condition
u∗c for sediment entrainment
ub = √ (20)
where f∗ is a measure of friction; and u∗c , the critical shear without seepage, which may be computed using the Shields dia-
Downloaded by [UOV University of Oviedo] at 11:23 31 October 2014

velocity with seepage. Comparing the situation with and without gram. In their experiments, the values of τcs /τc0 varied from about
seepage, one gets: 0.6 to 1.4, showing that suction can significantly affect the crit-
  ical condition for sediment entrainment. By relating the critical
u∗c 2 i
=1− (21) shear stress for particle entrainment with suction to the seepage
u∗c0 ic intensity parameter N defined in Eq. (14), Eq. (23) is modified to:
where ic = (1−ε)(ρs −ρ)/ρ for a horizontal bed, which describes  −2.2N
the critical condition of fluidization, under which the seepage τcs τb0
= −N for τb0 /τc0 < 1 (24)
force acting on a particle just balances its submerged weight force τb0 τc0
at the inception of motion. If the hydraulic gradient is related to
In the above analysis, Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj (1999)
seepage velocity, Eq. (21) can be rewritten as:
further assumed that τbs = τcs and C = 2.2. Equations (23) and
u∗c 2 vs (24) may be used to calculate the critical shear stress for sediment
=1− (22) entrainment with suction for any given particles, if the initial bed
u∗c0 vsc
shear stress is known. In the case of injection, the following
where vsc is the critical seepage velocity in a quick state and
equation was fitted to their experimental data:
m = 1 − 2, which depends on the characteristics of sedi-
ments. Equation (21) or (22) shows the relationship between    1.68
τb0 τcs
the critical shear velocities with and without injection under ln = 0.2525 for τb0 /τc0 > 1 (25)
τc0 τc0
the threshold condition for sediment transport. Increasing the
hydraulic gradient or injection velocity results in a reduction of A significant variation in τcs /τc0 , from about 0.5 to more
the critical shear velocity and vice versa. Equation (22) compares than 2, was shown in their investigation, which indicates that
well with the experimental data of Cheng and Chiew (1999), injection can significantly affect the critical condition for sedi-
which are re-plotted in Fig. 11. Subsequently, Cheng (2003) ment entrainment. However, no method was proposed in their
derived an alternative expression for computing the critical shear studies to relate the critical shear stress with injection to the
stress reduced by upward seepage, where Ergun equation was seepage intensity parameter, N.
used to describe the relationship between the seepage velocity It is of interest to note that the value of τcs /τc0 can be more
and seepage-related hydraulic gradient. More recently, Dey and or less than unity for both cases of suction and injection in the
Zanke (2004) presented an analytical model and their results were study by Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj (1999), whereas those
verified using the data of Cheng and Chiew (1999). by Cheng and Chiew (1999) (i.e., Eq. (22)), Cheng (2003) and
By fitting the experimental data collected in a 3.6-m long chan- Dey and Zanke (2004) showed that τcs /τc0 is always less than
nel with a 2.4-m seepage zone, Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj unity in the case of injection. Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj
(1999) suggested that the critical shear stress for particle entrain- argued that in the presence of injection, the resistance decreases
ment due to suction τcs is related to both the bed shear stress due to the reduction of the effective weight of bed particles, and
without seepage τb0 and the critical shear stress without seepage the hydrodynamic forces acting on the bed particles also reduce
τc0 , as: due to the decrease in the near-bed velocity as well as turbu-
   −2.917 lence intensity; the opposite trend holds for suction. Therefore,
τb0 τcs
ln = −0.2525 for τb0 τc0 < 1 (23) it appears that the threshold of sediment movement is depen-
τc0 τc0 dent on variations in both changes in the effective particle weight
where τcs is the critical shear stress for particle entrainment with and hydrodynamic forces. No satisfactory explanations are given
seepage and τc0 , the critical shear stress for particle entrainment at this stage, although it does not appeal to common sense that
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008) Seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow and sediment entrainment 485

injection should cause an increase in the threshold condition for Figure 13 shows that the quantity of the different color parti-
sediment entrainment. cles collected are different. This is because the bed particles in
The experimental data of Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj the seepage zone are identical except for their color, thus their
(1999), which were collected in tests conducted with a similar respective critical shear stress must remain the same. However,
grain size as those conducted by Cheng and Chiew (1999), are the bed shear stress experienced by each of these color-coded
superimposed in Fig. 11. The figure shows that the two sets of sediment particles is different and dependent on their location
experimental results are very different, even for their trend. in the seepage zone as the distribution of bed shear stress along
It must be stated that these results are affected to some extent the zone changes. Therefore, it is not reasonable to define the
by the length of the seepage zone. Since the bed shear stress is incipient condition by considering the average transport rate at a
not uniform along the seepage zone (see Fig. 7) due to variation particular location in the seepage zone. Additionally, it is ques-
of the main flow discharge resulting from mass transfer associ- tionable that the threshold of sediment initiation is dictated by
ated with either injection or suction, it is questionable to use any the bed shear stress at the center of the seepage zone. As a min-
average value, such as average transport rate, or that measured imum, this thought experiment highlights the limitation of pub-
in the center of the seepage zone to define the threshold of sedi- lished results. Additional experiments and analyses clearly are
ment movement. To further illustrate this, it may be worthwhile necessary.
to conduct a thought experiment, whose setup is schematically The experimental results of Ramakrishna Rao and Nagaraj
shown in Fig. 12. The 2 m-long-seepage zone is divided into five (1999) showed that injection increases the stability of bed parti-
Downloaded by [UOV University of Oviedo] at 11:23 31 October 2014

sections evenly. Each section is covered by the same uniform cles while suction does the opposite. This is in agreement with the
sediment particles that are color-coded. findings of some earlier researchers (Harrison, 1968; Willets and
In order to examine the incipient motion criterion, the sed- Drossos, 1975), but contrary to the findings of more recent studies
iment particles that are entrained are collected in a box placed (Oldenziel and Brink, 1974; Richardson et al., 1985; Cheng and
downstream of the test section. For a given water depth and main Chiew, 1999; Cheng, 2003; Dey and Zanke, 2004). A summary
flow discharge, either injection or suction is introduced, together of these contradicting results is shown in Table 1; an attempt to
with the adjustment of the tail gate to achieve the incipient con- explain the contradiction is presented below.
dition. For the case of injection, for example, the variation of bed In general, the stability of bed particles is controlled by the
shear stress (Fig. 7) presented by Cheng and Chiew (1998b) along effective weight and bed shear stress, of which both are modified
the seepage zone is superimposed in Fig. 12 to aid discussion. by seepage, as illustrated in Fig. 14. In the figure, a positive (+)
The imaginary threshold shear stress for sediment entrainment is and negative (−) sign denotes an increase and decrease in parti-
also shown in Fig. 12 as a dash line. With these considerations, cle stability, respectively. The presence of suction can cause an
the amount of sediment particles collected at the downstream end increase in the effective weight of the bed particles because it
of the seepage zone may reasonably be shown in Fig. 13. acts downwards, while injection has the opposite effect. As dis-
cussed previously, suction or injection, respectively, increases or
decreases the bed shear stress. Figure 14 shows a graphical repre-
sentation of the influence of the effective weight and shear stresses
on bed particles stability. In quadrant 2, the stability of bed par-
ticles is always reduced due to the increase of bed shear stress
white red blue yellow black and the decrease of effective weight of bed particles. In quad-
rant 4, on the other hand, the stability of bed particles is always
Bed Shear Stress

Bed Shear Stress

Figure 12 Thought experimental setup for study of incipient motion of

sediment with seepage

2 1
Sands Collected

_ Effective Weight Decrease 45o

Effective Weight Increase
Injection Suction


Bed Shear Stress


3 4


Sand Sorts
Figure 13 Schematic diagram of quantity of sediment particles
collected Figure 14 Quadrant analysis of bed particle stability due to seepage
486 Y. Lu et al. Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008)

enhanced due to the reduction of bed shear stress and the increase other hand, suction diminishes turbulence intensities (Watters
of effective weight. While the above inference is rational, it has no and Rao, 1971; Nezu, 1977; Antonia and Zhu, 1995; Yoda and
real physical meaning because it is impossible to introduce both Westerweel, 2001; Chen and Chiew, 2004a) due to a reduction
injection and suction at the same time. The other two quadrants of the production and inhibiting of the diffusion. Ramakr-
are, however, more realistic. Quadrant 1 depicts the condition ishna Rao and Nagaraj (1999), however, showed the reverse
where suction increases the effective weight of bed particles, trend.
thus enhancing the stability of bed particles; on the other hand, Detailed investigations of flow and sediment movement in
suction also has the tendency to increase the bed shear stress, and alluvial stream require an accurate evaluation of the bed shear
as a result reduces the stability of bed particles. With this com- stress or shear velocity. For point-source seepage, it alters the
bined effect, it is not immediately clear whether the stability of flow configuration near the bed resulting in a sudden modification
bed particles is finally enhanced or reduced. Similarly, in quad- of the bed shear stress directly; for seepage with long streamwise
rants 3, injection decreases the effective weight resulting in the extent, the effect of mass (introduced by injection or suction) also
reduction of the bed particle stability, and at the same time it also needs to be considered (Ramakrishna Rao et al., 1994).
decreases the bed shear stress resulting in an increase of stability. The issues of whether seepage reduces or enhances sand-bed
From this consideration, it is clear that the stability of bed parti- stability are still matters of considerable debate. Table 1 shows
cles is dependent on the relative magnitude of these two opposing many of these discrepancies. For example, some studies (Olden-
effects. For instance, in the experiments of Ramakrishna Rao and ziel and Brink, 1974; Richardson et al., 1985) suggested that
Downloaded by [UOV University of Oviedo] at 11:23 31 October 2014

Nagaraj (1999), as a result of the decrease of effective weight due injection increases bed erosion, whereas suction tends to inhibit
to injection, the stability of the bed particles is reduced, but it is sediment motion. On the other hand, other researchers suggested
offset by the reduction of bed shear stresses. The final stability of a completely opposite result, stating that suction increases sedi-
the bed particles is dependent on which effect is more dominant. ment transport rate (Willetts and Drossos, 1975), while injection
If the reduction in weight is more than the decrease in the bed inhibits the motion of bed particles (Watters and Rao, 1971).
shear stress, the stability of the sediment particle will reduce; a It is evident from changes of the flow velocity distribution, bed
condition designated by the shaded portion in quadrant 3. Sim- shear stresses and turbulence intensities due to the introduction of
ilarly, suction increases the effective weight, thereby leading to seepage that interaction between flow and permeable boundary
an increase in stability of the bed particles, but it is offset by the is significantly influenced by seepage. Considerable work is still
increase of bed shear stresses. If the increase in weight is less than needed to explore and better understand the phenomenon. The
the increase in the bed shear stress, the stability of the sediment principal inference of this review is that the complex interac-
particle will reduce, as indicated by the shaded portion in quad- tions caused by seepage raise many important issues that require
rant 1. The above reasoning may be an explanation to account for further research.
the contradictory findings in the published literature. This hypoth-
esis, including the idea illustrated in Fig. 14, is only conceptual
presently; more experiments are needed to prove the explana- Notation
tion and investigate the imaginative dashed line shown in the
figure. B = Roughness function
C = 2.7 or 2.2
CD = Drag coefficient
6 Conclusions CL = Lift coefficient
c = Sediment concentration in ppm by weight
Published works that deal with seepage effects on open-channel D50 = Median diameter of particles
flow and sediment entrainment are limited. From a theoretical d = Diameter of sediment particles
viewpoint, the presence of seepage causes a deviation of the FD = Drag force
logarithmic law of the wall. Many attempts have been made FL = Lift force
to characterize the velocity profile of the turbulent flow on FS = Seepage force acting on a particle
a porous bed (e.g., Willetts and Drossos, 1975; Schlichting, f∗ = A measure of friction
1979; Maclean, 1991a; Antonia and Zhu, 1995; Prinos, 1995; g = Gravitational acceleration
Cheng and Chiew, 1998a, b; Krogstad and Kourakine, 2000; h = Water depth
Chen and Chiew, 2004a; Bose and Dey, 2007). Notwithstand- Is , I0 = Energy slope with and without seepage
ing the hypotheses and conjectures, what exists depicts well the i = Hydraulic gradient of seepage
alteration of the flow velocity induced by seepage. ic = Hydraulic gradient of seepage under quick condition
Most previous experimental studies of injection or suction Jb = Bed slope
have shown that when injection is applied, turbulence intensi- k = (y1 − y0x )/yx
ties are enhanced (Watters and Rao, 1971; Nezu, 1977; Cheng, ks = Granular roughness of bed surface
1997; Krogstad and Kourakine, 2000; Kim and Sung, 2003) L = Length of seepage zone
due to an increase in the turbulent kinetic energy production m = Exponent =1–2
rate and acceleration of the turbulent energy diffusion. On the N = Seepage intensity parameter
Journal of Hydraulic Research Vol. 46, No. 4 (2008) Seepage effects on turbulent open-channel flow and sediment entrainment 487

p = Pressure References
R = Hydraulic radius of the bed after smooth wall
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