Why You Should Join Wising Men Community

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The Wising Men Network is a Community that is formed with the purpose of Enlightening Men in
every way & Building for them a formidable image that lives on after them. Wising Men Network
seeks to build a vast family of men who advance the course of worthy masculinity in their
different societies.

Two levels of Wising Men Network.

i. The General Community- This refers to every man (and woman) who believes in and
supports the mission and ideology of Wising Men in their different ways. They don’t need to
address themselves as members, but as long as they believe what we believe, consume and
share our content, donate to our cause or just simply agree with us in their minds, we recognize
as members of our general community.

ii. The Inner-Circle- This refers to the community of wising men who are duly registered as
members of Wising Men Network and are officially inducted into our inner community. Only
people who are Biologically Men Can be Admitted.

Three Things are required of an Inner-Circle Member:

I. Active Participation: We expect all Inner-Circle Members of the Wising Men Network to
actively participate in the activities of the Community. These include: Engaging Wising
Men Content on Social Media and group chats, attending Wising Men events at least
once a Month, including the Yearly Wising Men Convention.

II. Financial Commitment: We believe that where a man’s treasure is, there his heart lies;
as such, we expect all Inner-Circle members of the Wising Men Network to contribute
financially to the growth of the community. This contribution shall come in the form of
monthly/ Yearly dues. Other forms of contribution will be Free-will donations and/or
levies for certain projects. People can also pay their dues by offering Voluntary services
to the Community.

III. Embodiment of Wising Men Values: We believe that being a member of the
Inner-Circle shouldn’t rest solely on word of mouth or financial contribution. We expect
Wising Men to exude certain Standards & Values which are expected of an enlightened
man with a proper self image, in their everyday life.

Benefits of being a Member of our community

1- Association: A lot can be accomplished when individual resources are pulled together
towards achieving common goals.
Being a Member of the Wising Men Network affords you association with Men i. who are
biologically male
ii. Who are doing something substantial with their lives ie. have worthy occupations, skills and
built/building great things in their lives.
iii. Who are willing to offer their resources in form of money and skills for the general good.
iv. Wising men as a collective, will help members take advantage of certain social media
platforms that offers unique opportunities like affordable travels, accommodation, volunteering,

2- Enlightenment: One of the main goals of Wising Men is to Educate and Enlighten men in
different ways. Wising Men uses her various platforms to host trainings where valuable
information is shared.
-Our group chats serve as an Avenue for men to come and ask questions about male-related
issues and get response from a good number of capable men who can relate with that specific
situation and offer real advice.
- Wising Men seeks to help curb the root cause some of the prevailing issues the boy-child and
men face in today’s world.
eg. Early Exposure to Pornography, Lack of Mentorship, Neglect, early traumas like heartbreaks
and sexual abuse.
-Wising Men will teach skills like Communication & relationships in business, with the opposite
sex, in negotiations etc.
- We will teach you how to build a fashion identity and other constituents of a solid Self & Public

3- Collective Wealth Building: Pulling together resources to invest in things that can grow
wealth. -Wising Men is a network of valuable men willing to collectively create and increase
-Wising men will jointly engage in businesses, also endorse and promote businesses of
-Wising Men is a ground for sharing business and job opportunities. The goal is to empower one
another so that we can collectively become a formidable force in society.

4- Collective Force for Men’s Rights: Women’s rights is a common topic not men’s rights. This
is due to the fact that victimhood is a woman’s forte and not that of a man. It’s common and
popular for people to want to help women and not men. At Wising Men we recognize that men
face a lot of injustice too and we aim to be a collective force that tackles that.
Some of the injustice that men face are namely: Unfavorable judgements in Family courts,
Divore rape, Gender-based violence, grossly unreported domestic violence, False rape
accusations, Police brutality targeted at men etc.

5- A platform to Show-case people to the world:

-We will use our different social platforms to showcase the lives of our members. We shall post
content about their work and the new feets they attain in their lives. Basically documenting
Wising Men activities across the globe.
-Wising Men will introduce her Online Magazine and this will contain a record of the activities of
Men in the community. Putting them in the spotlight.

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