KQ 14

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The gambling war

The attack on gambling tycoon
Vasil Bozhkov is yet another example
of how politics and business
in Bulgaria are intertwined

At the beginning of the second season of the hit Netflix TV drama

House of Cards the US Vice-President threw a news reporter
under a train to cover up his relationship with her. The show
promptly lost much of its credibility. Even with Donald Trump in
the White House it somehow stretched the boundaries of credulity
too far. Sometimes, to spice up a story, scriptwriters detach them-
selves from reality.

The reality in Bulgaria in recent months, however, INSIGHTS FROM BULGARIA: BUSINESS/ECONOMY/POLITICS

can provide a lot of material for a more realistic, yet 14

intriguing political thriller. This is a story of an ag-



gressive new Prosecutor General who embarks on
a massive campaign to investigate not only alleged OF CARDS
crimes of today, but also thousands of crimes pos-

sibly committed in the past. Going on the warpath, he

discards people who helped him get the position, tam-
pers with witnesses, instigates spying scandals, publicly
humiliates opponents and slowly encroaches on the
recently undisputed power of the Prime Minister, who,
quite possibly, will face in the next episodes the might of
the unchecked state prosecution, which he personally
helped unleash. With the powers vested in his hands the The gambling war
Prosecutor General can easily topple the government The attack on gambling tycoon
Vasil Bozhkov is yet another example
of how politics and business
and manipulate every choice politicians make… in Bulgaria are intertwined

The storyline is only a slight exaggeration of the current political drama in Bulgaria
in which the newly elected Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev is acting more as a poli-
tician rather than as an impartial magistrate. His actions and growing popularity show
that there is a new political factor in Bulgaria other than Prime Minister Boyko Borissov.
Mr Geshev’s behavior is highly reminiscent of Mr Borissov’s own political biography. The
current PM also exploited the image of a man with an iron hand when he was Secretary
General of the Interior Ministry to launch his political project almost twenty years ago. As
with Mr Borissov then, behind Mr Geshev now also lurks a power center that helps him
navigate Bulgaria’s muddy political waters. Both men even dress and wear hats in similar

It remains to be seen in the next several months if Mr Geshev indeed wants a role
bigger than that of Prosecutor General and more interestingly, how the Prime Min-
ister will strike back.

Ilin Stanev,
Managing editor

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06 Geshev Unchained
The new Bulgarian Prosecutor General Ivan Geshev has
stepped up his game from the very start of his mandate, picking
fights against oligarchs, rural crime and even the president
himself. Is he at something bigger than just crime busting?

12 No water to clean the garbage

Many Bulgarian towns live on water rationing and next to
piles of imported waste because of intentional neglect by the

14 MRF Corporation
Launched as a party fighting for the political representation of
Bulgaria’s ethnic Turks, the Movement for Rights and Freedoms

has morphed into a quasi-business organization quietly pulling
strings behind the scenes.

18 Organized Crime in Bulgaria

Five popular beliefs re-examined
CAPITALISM 24 Is State Capitalism Marching On?
Within a brief period, Bulgaria’s government has aggressively
MARCHING ON? injected billions of levs into key sectors, and has effectively
WITHIN A BRIEF started nationalizing businesses
PERIOD, BULGARIA’S 27 Not everything is so rosy on the
GOVERNMENT HAS gender front
SECTORS, AND 30 The Perils of Engagement
HAS EFFECTIVELY Bulgaria appears to be doing Ankara’s bidding.
STARTED 33 A very serious spy vaudeville
NATIONALIZING The latest episodes of the unfolding Bulgarian-Russian spy saga
BUSINESSES leave a mixed taste


38 A Glitch on Bulgaria’s Euro Path

Prime Minister Boyko Borissov unexpectedly “freezes” Bulgaria’s
advance into the euro area despite positive signals from

42 Bulgaria gliding on the waves of the

economic cycle
The local economy continues to move in sync with European
trends, while opportunities for reforms slowly dwindle

46 The loophole of in-house


The in-house procurement procedures – the awarding of public
contracts without tenders, has become a favorite way to allocate
money in a non-transparent manner

48 Bulgaria and the global slowdown

BULGARIA GLIDING Some industries are already losing steam
60 The gambling war
The attack on gambling tycoon Vasil Bozhkov is yet another
MOVE IN SYNC WITH example of how politics and business in Bulgaria are
The taxation Ordinance N-18 that affects almost every company
FOR REFORMS SLOWLY in Bulgaria has introduced an extremely complex, unclear and
DWINDLE expensive regulation, and will repel foreign investors

69 Bulgaria’s new factories

Investment projects worth 1.3 billion levs were announced last
year, up 500 million levs on 2018

74 Bulgaria strikes at AirBnB, Booking.

After unsuccessfully trying to shut down the lodging sharing
service, the GERB-led coalition government imposes a small
fee on apartment owners

76 Bulgarian automobile market:

Growing but getting older
In 2019, the share of diesel engines and vehicles that were
more than 20 years old kept increasing

79 New cigarette peak
Rothmans primed to become the best-selling brand in

80 Agencies of change THE GAMBLING WAR

Riding on the waves of an expanding economy,
communications companies have been cashing in THE ATTACK ON
84 The biggest advertisers GAMBLING TYCOON
The construction sector has significantly increased VASIL BOZHKOV IS YET
communication investment ANOTHER EXAMPLE
88 Bulgaria’s Bright Side: OF HOW POLITICS
When smart ideas turn into business AND BUSINESS IN
90 The Other Southwest BULGARIA ARE
Blagoevgrad still lurks in Sofia’s shadow despite its position in
the economically affluent Southwest
95 Blagoevgrad’s Ivy League college
The town housing the American University in Bulgaria fails to
tap its potential because of its location

98 The real estate market in Sofia shows

first signs of recession
Sales increased in 2019 but, on average, prices stagnated


106 Filling the gap

First Investment Bank (Fibank) prepares to smooth out
wrinkles on its balance sheet found by ECB

109 Investors snap up
Bulgarian bonds
Since the start of the year, the Ministry of Finance has been
briskly selling government bonds amidst strong investor
111 Bulgarian Stock Exchange: FACTORIES
enthusiasm dwindles early on INVESTMENT
Eleven Capital to test the mood in March PROJECTS WORTH 1.3
LEVS ON 2018
116 What’s in it for Bulgaria in the EU’s
Green Deal?
Bulgaria’s government is underwhelmed
by the European Commission’s attempts
to further increase EU climate change
mitigation goals

118 How come high prices

are actually low?
Despite record high electricity prices on the energy exchange,
Bulgarian consumers keep getting a good deal

Increase since 2008 (rhs) 2019

100 400
90 350
80 300
70 250
60 200
50 150
40 100
30 50
20 0
10 -50
0 -100
*from 2020 Source: Eurostat

A TECHNICAL NATION – websites of public authorities. Over the past ten

WELL, NO years there has been a significant improvement,
One of the Communist-era slogans was that Bul- but it is dwarfed by the achievements of neigh-
garia is a “technically advanced nation”, a phrase boring Greece, which in Bulgaria is often regarded
that is still frequently repeated. But looking at as a laggard. Eurostat data shows that only 10%
the e-governance penetration rate, Bulgaria is of Bulgarians submit completed forms on-line, a
far from deserving this title. In the EU, Bulgar- dismal result given that, for example, the option to
ians are only ahead of Romanians and Italians file tax statements on-line has been available for
when it comes to obtaining information from the more than seven years.


Improvements since 1998 (rhs) 2018
7 90
6 80
4 50
3 40
0 0
EU 27*


*from 2020 Source: Eurostat

INFANT MORTALITY: pean member states have done better, with Esto-
TWO PIECES OF BAD NEWS nia slashing infant mortality by a staggering 83%.
Although infant mortality rate has remarkably The high mortality rate in Bulgaria is frequently
improved in Bulgaria since 1998 – 59% in 2018, it explained by the ethnic minority structure of the
is still 50% higher than the EU average , or the rate Bulgarian society (Romania and Slovakia have
in neighboring Greece. What is more depressing is similar rates), but this is too convenient an expla-
that in the last twenty years almost all East Euro- nation.



No water to clean the garbage

MRF Corporation

Organized Crime in Bulgaria

Is State Capitalism Marching On?

Not everything is so rosy on the

gender front

Q Prosecutor General
Ivan Geshev likes to
project himself as
the prosecutor of the
people | Photo by Velko

Ivan Geshev needed just two months

at the helm at the Prosecutor’s
Office of Bulgaria to demonstrate
his vast ambition. Following the
most transparent and - ironically
THE NEW BULGARIAN - controversial selection procedure, the self-

PROSECUTOR GENERAL described “boy from the city suburbs” started

confronting in blitzkrieg-style fashion important
IVAN GESHEV MOVED political and business figures. From Neno Dimov,

INTO FIRST GEAR now ex-Minister of Environment and gambling

tycoon Vasil Bozhkov, to President Rumen Radev,
FROM THE OUTSET, many people in high positions in the public and

PICKING FIGHTS WITH private sectors alike have become targets of

the prosecution’s highly publicized operations
OLIGARCHS, RURAL spanning a mere few weeks.

CRIMINALS AND Not only did Mr Geshev and the institution he

EVEN THE PRESIDENT leads announce their pursuit of individuals or

HIMSELF. IS HE AIMING crimes, they targeted more or less vague con-

cepts. These include the ’criminal privatization‘ of
AT SOMETHING BIGGER state assets of the late 1990s and early 2000s and

THAN JUST CRIME ’household crime‘– a widely speculative concept

denoting crimes committed with the intention of
BUSTING? depriving a person of, or damaging, their personal
property, dreaded especially by rural dwellers.
Even the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) has fall-
MARTIN DIMITROV en under the scope of Mr Geshev, with his spokes-
person Siyka Mileva announcing it has ordered
the Minister of Health to “control institutions re-
sponsible for citizens’ health.”


Almost every day the public prosecution ushers


in a new investigation, inspection or crime-bust- After Coronavirus officially

ing operation. Usually they are announced by Mr reached Bulgaria on the eve of 8
Geshev himself, who recently started wearing a March with four people report-
signature newsboy cap reminiscent of those worn edly contracting the virus in the
by characters in the English TV drama Peaky Blin- towns of Gabrovo and Pleven, the
ders about post-WWI gangsters. The announce- government in Sofia has been tak-
ments are then quickly uploaded onto the newly ing a series of precautions to stop
created YouTube channel of the Prosecutor’s Of- the potential spread of the dis-
fice. ease. Schools have been closed and
mass sporting and cultural events
The Prosecutor General seems to have been in- have been suspended for a week at
spired by gangster movies not only when it comes the time of this KQ issue’s printing.
to his looks. He also responds to questions with Apart from the health hazard, there
memorable one-liners like “the time has come for are fears that the development of
politicians to pick a side” and “on the one side, you the epidemic might hit the Bulgarian
have the interest of the people – security, peace economy, especially its tourism and
and order, which we intend to protect, and, on the export-oriented sectors.
other, the interests of the criminals and the oli-
garchs.” An investigation into a potential
money-laundering scheme that
Mr Geshev’s announcements are obviously tar- might involve Bulgarian Prime
geting the wider public. And if at the beginning it Minister Boyko Borissov, carried
looked like he was trying to intimidate the courts, out by the Catalan publication
now it is obvious that the Prosecutor General is elPeriodico, has led to a probe by
not concerned about judges’ opinions. He fre- Spanish police and anti-corrup-
quently disparages them, seeking to portray them tion authorities. While Mr Borissov
as hostile to his take on high-level crime in Bul- immediately dismissed the accusa-
garia. Such an approach will help Mr Geshev in the tions, blaming Russian propaganda
near future, when it is quite possible that many of and President Rumen Radev for the
the indictments brought will not hold in court. In scandal, the Bulgarian Prosecution
the public imagination, however, it would be the announced it will ask their Spanish
Prosecutor General who fights the baddies, while colleagues for information on the
everyone else tries to thwart his newfound quest. case and, if needed, interrogate the
people involved. The story, which has
This is a strategy already well exercised. Current its roots in the so-called YanevaGate
Prime Minister Boyko Borissov came under the scandal from 2016, claims that Mr Bo-
spotlight while he served as Secretary General rissov has laundered money in order
at the Interior Ministry (2001-2005) with his re- to purchase a house for a woman,
lentless drive to be photographed at every crime Borislava Yovcheva, with whom he
scene. In the four years he spent on the job, he allegedly has a child.
became famous for his striking dress sense that
included black trench coats and fedoras, as well The Bulgarian Socialist Party
as for his invariable arrival at any crime scene (BSP), the main opposition force
that attracted public attention – and public- in the current Parliament, will
ity. His memorable zinger was “I catch them [the elect its new leader – or re-elect
criminals], they [judges] release them”. The nation Kornelia Ninova, the acting head
wanted a hero cop to fight the rampaging mafia of the party – in a two-round elec-
thugs of the late 1990s and Mr Borissov gladly tion in April-May 2020. This is the
took on that role to later capitalize on it politically. first time in the history of the party in
which its President will not be elected
To sum it up, Bulgaria has found in Mr Geshev a by the representatives that local party
new, somewhat bolder and dramatic version of structures send to the Party Congress,
the early Boyko Borissov. As people hanker for but directly by party members. The
punishments for oligarchs and politicians who got only significant opponent to Ms Ni-
too full of themselves, so Mr Geshev promises to nova is Kiril Dobrev, an MP and senior
deliver. While it is too early to tell whether the new party member, who has previously
Prosecutor General has political ambitions akin sided with Ms Ninova as part of the
to Mr Borissov’s, it is clear that he has found an younger, reformist block of the party.
opening and gladly exploits it. >8

NO CONFIDENCE/On 4 February Presi- The first victim of the new Prosecutor General
dent Rumen Radev announced he is offi- was Environment Minister Neno Dimov, who was
cially withdrawing his confidence in the escorted in handcuffs out of the Ministry of En-
government. Besides the institutional cri- vironment for interrogation and, later arrest, on
ses that led to water shortages in the town of January 9, as the water crisis in the town of Pernik
Pernik, he indirectly criticised the use of the spiralled out of control. While Mr Dimov, a nomi-
prosecution as a political instrument. He was nation of United Patriots – the junior partner of
also critical of what he perceived as the gov- Borissov’s GERB party in the government coali-
ernment “quietly pushing” for reform of the tion, definitely held some responsibility for the
Currency Board, while poverty and inequality severe water shortage, his arrest was a clear pub-
deepen. licity stunt because of the need for a scapegoat
NEWSPAPERS/The Bulgarian Postal Ser- after tensions against the government started to
vice, which was put in charge of distrib- mount two months into the crisis.
uting newspapers by the government in
October 2019, is planning to subcontract Mr Dimov was not the sole appointment of the
this activity to a private company and pay United Patriots to be snatched by police on the
30 million euro for a period of four years job. Tsvetelina Kaneva, director of the water au-
for the service. The decision of the govern- thority of the city of Plovdiv and an appointee
ment to nationalise print media distribution of VMRO (one of the two parties making up the
came as a response to the regular criticism of United Patriots alliance) was taken into custody
the Reporters Without Borders media watch- by masked police officers carrying assault rifles.
dog about the dominance of media mogul This happened at the end of February, when an
Delyan Peevski over newspaper ownership and investigation of suspected public property mis-
distribution. management was launched against Ms Kaneva by
PATRIOTIC QUARRELS/After Ataka – one the anti-corruption agency CIAF, now headed by
of the three nationalist parties that used Mr Geshev’s predecessor Sotir Tsatsarov. Her ar-
to form the United Patriots group in par- rest was quickly followed by the apprehension of
liament – left the coalition in September another VMRO activist.
2019, tensions between the disgruntled
MPs of the faction and their former al- “That’s insane […] sending masked special police
lies have been brewing. At the beginning of force armed with assault rifles against a woman
March, Desislav Chukolov from Ataka accused armed with a pen! Next time around they would
Defense Minister and head of the other nation- do better to send in commandos with tanks,”
alist party, VMRO, Krassimir Karakachanov, of commented Defense Minister and VMRO leader
allegedly “turning the Defense Ministry into Krassimir Karakachanov. His anger provoked a
the largest real estate firm on the market.” sardonic response from Mr Geshev: “I heard that
REVISORO/The new environmental tanks should be brought in. Unfortunately, I don’t
minister Emil Dimitrov, known for his know if these combat vehicles still work.”
nickname “Revisoro”, is already at odds
with the majority ruling partner GERB OPENING A SECOND FRONT
that backed unanimously his appoint- And while the prosecution tightened the noose
ment. The reason is that a deputy of Mr Dim- around GERB’s most significant nationalist coali-
itrov from the GERB quota, Krassimir Zhivkov, tion partner, Mr Geshev targeted Bulgarian Presi-
blamed Tsvetelina Kaneva, head of the Plov- dent Rumen Radev. In the last week of January,
div Water Directorate, for failing to comply the Prosecutor’s Office announced out of the blue
with her obligations which led to her arrest by that it would ask the Constitutional Court to clar-
heavily armed and masked police. ify the degree of immunity from criminal prosecu-
CHINESE STATISTICS/The Bulgar- tion for a present head of state and whether the
ian National Statistics Institute (NSI) has prosecution can open an investigation against the
under-reported data about oil products incumbent president. And that was it – no con-
imports, leading to a record amount of text, no clue why this clarification is needed right
“errors and omissions” in the balance of now and definitely no mention of a suspected
payments data of the Bulgarian economy crime for which the prosecution would investi-
last year. This was announced by Socialist MP gate the president.
Rumen Gechev, who said that if the data were
correct, the growth of the Bulgarian economy Experts in constitutional law soon banged on the
would only amount to 0.8-1%, compared to the head any notion that the prosecution can inves-
present optimistic estimates of 3.7%. tigate the president. But the question “why” re-

IN THE THREE MONTHS SINCE IVAN to the post) the president stressed that a reform
GESHEV BECAME PROSECUTOR of the position of the top prosecutor is much
GENERAL, HARDLY A SINGLE DAY HAS needed, as “in the Bulgarian constitutional model
the accountability of the Prosecutor General ends
INSPECTION OR OPERATION “The Prosecutor’s Office is accountable enough,”
Mr Geshev angrily retorted, speaking before jour-
nalists a few minutes later.
mained open for a short while. A hint came from
a publication by Pik.bg, the government-friendly HITTING THE NEW BAD OLIGARCH
tabloid on steroids used to trample the public im- Without taking a break, Mr Geshev went after his
age and personal life of the government’s critics. next prey – the newly ostracised gambling tycoon
It said that the prosecution was likely investigat- Vasil Bozhkov (see at p. 60). Suddenly, one by one,
ing Mr Radev about an episode from 2014, when institutions responsible for controlling gambling,
as Commander of the Bulgarian Air Force he ap- up to the Minister of Finance, realised that Mr
pointed his then would-be wife Desislava Radeva Bozhkov’s National Lottery had not been subject
as his PR officer. to correct taxation over the past five years.

Several days later Mr Geshev announced there Then, on January 29, Mr Geshev made his move
has indeed been an investigation linked to Mr and charged Mr Bozhkov on seven accounts, in-
Radev. A few hours later, in a move that has be- cluding tax avoidance valued at over 275 million
come standard in recent months, the prosecutor’s euro and leading an organized crime group. “It’s
office published a selection of audio recordings time for this criminal transition [to democracy]
from 2019 in which President Rumen Radev is to end; my whole life, your whole lives have co-
heard talking to General Tsanko Stoykov, his suc- incided with this,” the Prosecutor General la-
cessor as Air Force commander. They talk about mented before reporters. He later calculated
documents required to be submitted to CIAF that the 275 million euro unpaid by the lottery
for an investigation into the appointment of Ms would enable Bulgarian retirees to get an im-
Radeva in the Air Force in 2014. Yet the conver- mediate 50-euro increase in their pensions. The
sation gives little inkling about what potential next day, additional charges of murder, rape and
crime, if any, they allegedly attempt to conceal. soliciting prostitution were brought against Mr
According to prosecutors dealing with the wiretap Bozhkov.
(their names were erased from the transcript that
was published) there were reasons to believe the Once again, the motives for the actions of the
president had tried to induce Gen. Stoykov to hide prosecution (and the state as a whole, for that
some of the documents requested by CIAF and the matter) are pretty strange. Mr Bozhkov, colloqui-
latter was actually the person investigated by the ally known as The Skull, has been perceived as
prosecution. In the recording, Mr Radev is heard one of the most notorious figures of the Bulgarian
saying that nothing should be hidden. underground over the past 30 years and has been
pampered by the state for almost as long. This
However, the Prosecutor’s Office never said what ambivalence hints at the theory that the Prosecu-
Gen. Stoykov had been investigated for and why tor’s Office and the government are simply part of
the probe was assigned to the Specialised Crimi- a charade that covers up redistribution of wealth
nal Court rather than to the Military Court re- and businesses among oligarchs rather than rob-
sponsible for investigating armed forces per- bing the undeserving rich to give to the poor.
sonnel. Secondly, wiretapping a conversation
involving the incumbent president should have PROSECUTOR GENERAL
not only stopped the moment when it was clear Yet the image of defender of the man-in-the-
who is on the phone, but the recordings should street is what Mr Geshev wants to create. He
have been destroyed immediately. Lastly, the re- combines high-profile actions with ones aiming
cordings were made in April 2019 – so why were to highlight how close he is to the average Bul-
they published now? garian. On February 1, the Prosecutor General de-
clared war on ‘household crime‘ – a controversial
The simple answer is that Mr Geshev wanted to and non-legal notion that has become popular in
remind the president who is in charge. On Novem- Bulgaria in the past decades. In the public mind, it
ber 26, 2019 (the day Mr Radev signed the decree denotes burglaries and theft of property, mostly
for the appointment of the new Prosecutor Gen- in rural areas and predominantly by perpetrators
eral after initially declining to approve Mr Geshev of Roma origin. There are, however, no formal > 10

criteria for what constitutes household crimes, so transition to democracy and market economy has
no statistics exist to measure their frequency. been implemented over the past 30 years since
the fall of the Berlin Wall.
This did not stop Mr Geshev from claiming that
the household crime rate in the area of Montana, Another one of Mr Geshev’s well-publicised oper-
a town in north-western Bulgaria, has dropped ations announced in February would be a review
by 40% since the start of his operation. And of the entire privatization process – a feat never
that’s not all – he uses these operations to show completed by most of his predecessors from Niko-
through friendly media outlets that the prosecu- la Filchev onwards. Mr Geshev acknowledges that
tion and he personally are close to the people. On the statute of limitation for any potential crimes
March 7, for example, he can be seen on a vid- his institution will uncover will have expired long
eo talking to the mayor of the village of Doctor ago. But that did not prevent his spokesperson,
Yosifovo, in the Montana region, about installing Ms Mileva, announcing the investigation of hun-
a surveillance system. He was also seen talking dreds of bigger privatization deals with the pri-
to grannies nearby, whom Mr Geshev approaches mary aim of ‘educating’ the people.
by saying “I was told that the young grannies are
here.” To put it simply – there will be no punishment
but selective discoveries of alleged crimes that
A “memorable” highlight was on March 3, when will be used as ammo by friendly tabloids firing
Bulgaria celebrates its Liberation from Ottoman salvos against whoever has to be attacked. Some-
rule. The YouTube channel of the State Prosecu- times the targets will be those who dare to protest
tion published a “greeting” from the Godlevski against the unaccountable Prosecutor’s Office, at
Velikden folklore choir with a song dedicated to other times – for the ‘circuses’ part of modern-day
Father Parteniy Geshev – a revival era teacher ‘bread and circuses’, i.e. for their distraction.
and priest – who happens to be an ancestor of
the acting Prosecutor General. Self-publicising on The new Prosecutor General has made it clear
the Prosecution’s YouTube channel, however, was that he expects Parliament to investigate the pos-
far from enough for Mr Geshev. So later, an entire sibility of changing the Constitution and handing
one-page article dedicated to the revolutionary the prosecution extraordinary powers to inves-
and enlightenment activities of Father Geshev tigate privatization deals far after the statute of
appeared as paid content in the vehemently pro- limitation for the alleged crime has expired.
government 24 Hours newspaper.
This amicable relationship of the Prosecutor Gen- MAKING?
eral with selected media whose main mission is to If this happens, it will mean that the much-dread-
serve the powerful of the day is nothing new. Mr ed scenario of Bulgaria becoming the first Pros-
Geshev’s immediate predecessor Sotir Tsatsarov, ecutorial Republic would be a fact. And it will have
for example, had proudly showcased his prefer- its absolute leader.
ence for Pik.bg and had often launched investi-
gations based on publications appearing on this While Mr Geshev claims that there will be no im-
yellow website. The warm relationship seems to punity for anyone, regardless of their status, he
remain intact – the Prosecutor’s Office was un- has prioritized attacking old and new opponents
lawfully wiretapping a conversation of the Bul- of the current government rather than key figures
garian president on the basis of articles published from the highest echelons of Bulgarian political-
by Pik.bg, as the website proudly announced. The oligarchic elite. For example, Mr Geshev prefers
entire spying scandal involving the Russophile not to investigate all those who might have con-
Movement (read more about it in the Foreign tributed to the bankruptcy of Corporate Commer-
Policy section) was based on an “investigation” cial Bank in 2014. One of them – Delyan Peevski,
compiled by Telegraph daily that is controlled by remains a taboo for the Prosecutor General, be-
media mogul and member of parliament Delyan yond the generalist claims that he will investigate
Peevski. the mogul if he has to.

ROBIN HOOD WITH A NEWSBOY CAP… It is too early to say what Mr Geshev’s game is.
Mr Geshev tirelessly attempts to construct a self- However, to judge from the first three months of
image as a rugged, adamant and insolent cop his tenure, it looks like the game will be a long
who can face anyone and anything and is doing and dirty one. Moreover, he might be trying to
it all for the greater good of the suffering Bulgar- ultimately rewrite its basic rules – which would
ian people. He taps into the justified anger and lead to the already messy democracy in Bulgaria
disillusionment of Bulgarians about the way the becoming ever more tarnished.

www.geostroy.com; office@geostroy.com




Q We want air and
water, not garbage
| Photo by Georgi

NO WATER TO and waste pollution have been not only well-known

problems, but it seems that the authorities have in-
tentionally turned a blind eye to the looming crises.

GARBAGE The dwindling of the water reserves of the Studena

dam, Pernik’s drinking water source, was detected
months ago but the authorities decided to keep the
population in the dark before the local elections in
MANY BULGARIAN November 2019. The same goes for the attempts by
TOWNS LIVE ON WATER power plants in Pernik and in other towns to burn
garbage instead of coal, which has also been well-
RATIONING AND NEXT known for years. Yet, no measures have been taken
TO PILES OF IMPORTED to cease these illegal practices.


Pernik is situated just to the west of the Vitosha
BY THE AUTHORITIES mountain and to the south of the Lyulin mountain,
i.е. this is an ideal location to have excellent access
ILIN STANEV to high quality water supply. But years of neglect

have ruined the town’s water distribution network..
According to Ivan Vitanov, director of the local wa-
This morbid joke arises from ter supply company, over 75% of the water that has
the situation in Pernik. The city, been flowing from the Studena reservoir has been
situated 35 kilometers southwest wasted on the way to people’s homes because of
of Sofia, has been subjected to water outdated infrastructure. A municipality develop-
rationing for several months, while ment plan acknowledges that over 60% of the
the local thermal power plant, which occasionally water pipes in the city date back to the 1960s and
uses waste for fuel, gasses the city’s neighborhoods 1970s and were beyond repair long ago. In addition,
with heavy smoke. The conditions in the former most of the public resources for water utilities in
coal mining town have become unbearable even recent years were allocated to sewerage systems, a
for the resilient locals who from an early age had priority for the EU – for Brussels water supply is an
breathed in the industrial smoke and coal dust of issue that was supposed to be solved long time ago.
the town’s factories that used to make it a Socialist-
era powerhouse. Now, many of those people join the The situation was no secret but the local authori-
daily protests in Bulgaria’s capital Sofia, which is ties and the water utility concealed the real extent
conveniently close. of the problem, fearing a public backlash just be-
fore the local elections in November. If measures
The situation in Pernik and several other Bulgar- had been taken earlier, for example by limiting the
ian towns with similar problems is not the result water supply to industrial consumers and proba-
of trivial mismanagement. Both the water shortage bly introducing moderate water rationing (instead

of the current seven dry hours per day), the pre- sia’s Lukoil. The origin of the shipments was Italy,
sent severe crisis could have been avoided. which has always had problems with its garbage
disposal. The shipments have become easier as
The weather answered the prayers of Pernik citi- of 2007, because of the EU’s single market – if the
zens in January and February before the govern- waste is not qualified as a dangerous product,
ment had completed the construction of a new it could travel freely. However, the initial probes
water mains designed to fill the Studena reservoir didn’t pick up speed, because it turned out that the
with water from the bigger Iskar reservoir that imports from Italy contained partially separated
feeds Sofia with drinking water. At the time the wa- garbage rather than refuse-derived fuel (RDF),
ter crisis in Pernik was partly alleviated, only four which power plants and cement factories are look-
out of 13 km of the emergency pipeline had been ing for.
laid. Climate was quicker than people and rain and
melting snow began slowly filling the Studena res- The imports started in earnest in 2017, when pric-
ervoir. es for CO2 allowances jumped. With their current
price, Bulgaria’s coal-fired thermal power plants
Right now, it seems that former minister of envi- (TPP) add approximately 30 euro to every mega-
ronment Neno Dimov will be the only scapegoat in watt hour of electricity they produce. If instead of
a crisis that is of local political nature, while the re- coal they burn waste, which qualifies as renewable
sponsible local officials will get a free pass just be- product under the EU rules, they are not required
cause they are members of the ruling GERB party. to buy emission allowances. As a result, the com-
This is not good news for more than 120 thousand panies profit twice – first by using fuel for free and
Bulgarians who might continue living with water second by slashing their environmental expenses.
rationing in the 21st century.
Most power plants and cement factories would not
GARBAGE EVERYWHERE touch the garbage, because their installations are
The garbage drama was no less predictable, either. not adapted for waste incineration, but this was
Companies related to businessman Hristo Ko- not the case with the several power plants related
vachki which have been implicated in illegal waste to Hristo Kovachki. Even though environmental or-
disposal, have a long history of serious environ- ganizations as well as energy companies exposed
mental violations that have largely been ignored to unfair competition have complained for years,
by the Bulgarian authorities for years. While Prime the authorities have ignored Mr Kovachki’s dirty
Minister Boyko Borissov reacted to the waste cri- secret, fearing social unrest if his plants went bust.
sis in his typical manner – feigning surprise and Left unchecked, several of the power plants in Mr
indignation at the “revelation” that trash is being Kovachki’s group began burning garbage, even be-
burned at Mr Kovachki’s plants, it is his govern- fore their permits had been approved. As a result,
ments that have largely tolerated, if not indirectly Pernik, Galabovo, Bobov Dol and Sliven have suf-
backed, those firms’ behavior over the past ten fered from experiments that should have never
years. been allowed.

Mr Kovachki officially has no ownership in any An outright ban on waste incineration at facilities
energy company, but in practice he controls eight not equipped to do that could have solved the prob-
power plants, making his energy group the big- lem. But such a ban has never materialized. Many
gest privately held one in Bulgaria. Most of those of the local environmental inspectors, for example,
power plants were decrepit back in the early 2000s are related to the workers in some of Mr Kovachki
when the state offered them up for privatization, coal mines and TPPs. Instead, the government is
instead of closing them down outright. The predic- teetering between various populist measures to
tion at that time was that they would have a short ban waste imports entirely which might destroy
life before being shut down. However, Mr Kovachki entire industries relying on products that are con-
has since then miraculously outmaneuvered en- sidered waste, including in the metallurgic and
vironmental and labor inspections, tax and social clothing sectors.
security administrations, trade unions and angry
citizens exposed to daily pollution. It was helpful In short, the two crises are the latest examples of
that he supported a small political party that could how the intertwining of bad governance, poor and
mobilize enough votes to swing elections in the short-sighted policy making and hidden political
districts his companies work in. and economic connections are making the life of
hundreds of thousands of Bulgarians miserable
The import of waste as an energy source started – all for the sake of Prime Minister Borissov’s po-
back in 2014 with companies related to Valentin litical survival and GERB’s stable stranglehold over
Zlatev, the long-time local representative of Rus- the country.

If something is close to resembling a
state within a state in Bulgaria, then it
is probably the MRF – the Movement
for Rights and Freedoms. The party,
established 30 years ago to protect
the political and social rights of Bulgarians of
Turkish ethnic origin, violently hounded by the
former Communist regime, has morphed into a
clientelist organization whose tentacles spread to
the judiciary, national security agencies and all the
state bodies that deal with money (and EU funds in
particular). Even though recent MRF-related news
mostly concerns the number of yachts its honorable
chairman Ahmed Dogan has acquired, or the efforts
state authorities apply to help him make ends meet
(we don’t say launder his money), Mr Dogan and his
current lieutenant Delyan Peevski are indisputably
the masters of Bulgaria’s clandestine political life.

The MRF has unscrupulously exploited its sup-

port among Bulgarian ethnic Turks, guaranteeing
it an indispensable position in Bulgaria’s political
life. Having secured such a kingmaker’s place, it
knitted a dense network of political protégés who
Photo by Nadezhda Chipeva

know that only the ethnic party provides them

with continuous support. Crucially, it subverted
the Bulgarian judiciary by carefully nurturing and
promoting key magistrates to top positions. And
as traditional parties in Bulgaria lost ground, the
role of the Movement has become even stronger,
regardless of which political force has the upper
hand at any given moment.
CORPORATION It all started with the attempts of the leadership of
communist Bulgaria to assimilate Bulgarian eth-
nic Turks and Muslims throughout the 1970s and
LAUNCHED AS A 1980s. This process peaked in the 1984-1985 pe-

PARTY FIGHTING riod with the forced change of Turkish and Arabic
names of most of the 900,000 Bulgarian Muslims
FOR THE POLITICAL of Turkish and other minority descent for Bulgar-

REPRESENTATION ian ones. Violent repressions against dissenters

continued throughout the decade, with hundreds
OF BULGARIA’S incarcerated. The escalating tensions culminated

ETHNIC TURKS, THE in the ‘Great Excursion’ of the summer of 1989, just
a few months before the fall of the regime, when
MOVEMENT FOR up to 360,000 people were forced out of the coun-

RIGHTS AND FREEDOMS try to Turkey, with most of their belongings and
real estate expropriated by the authorities.
A QUASI-BUSINESS Although most of those recent emigres were free
to come back just a few months later once the
ORGANIZATION QUIETLY Zhivkov regime was toppled, the wound of the at-

tempted forced assimilation remained.

BEHIND THE SCENES It was in this atmosphere that the MRF rose to
prominence as a political force seeking to rep-
resent the interests and protect the rights of the
MARTIN DIMITROV ethnic Turkish minority. With most of its leader-

ship – including Mr Dogan – having links to secret ascent to power of Bulgaria’s last King Simeon
organizations that opposed the assimilation poli- Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, who had formed the NDSV
cies of the previous decades, the party was rec- liberal party that won the 2001 elections. The
ognized by the majority of ethnic Turkish voters MRF joined a government coalition with NDSV
as their legitimate representative for the years that served until 2005. Later, the MRF formed a
to come. Ironically, by the time dossiers of former coalition government with the BSP and NDSV un-
agents of Communist-era State Security service der Socialist Prime Minister Sergei Stanishev that
started getting released in the mid-2000s, ex- was in power until 2009. Most recently, the MRF
posing Mr Dogan as its operative, he had already was a coalition partner of the BSP in the govern-
established himself as a formidable charismatic ment of Plamen Oresharski (2013-2014).
leader and had entrenched the political positions
of the MRF among the insular, mostly rural Bul- PROSPERING IN POWER,
The MRF has managed to prosper even when
KINGMAKER IN PARLIAMENT the right-wing GERB party is in power in coali-
The loyalty of these core voters, numbering about tion with far-right partners. It has become the
200,000-400,000 throughout the years, has al- new normal that the party of Prime Minister
ways shored up MRF’s position as a third or, at Boyko Borissov uses the votes of MRF members
worst, fourth largest political force in Parliament. of Parliament to pass legislation opposed by its
Also, despite professing to be a centrist liberal nationalist sidekicks. Laws ranging from legisla-
party accepted by the European liberal family, its tion benefiting large fuel companies like Lukoil to
reliance on the backing of mostly undereducated changes strengthening even further the hand of
rural voters who have very little notion of the doc- the Prosecutor’s Office have been backed by the
trine of liberalism means that the MRF leadership MRF, even when nationalists protested against
can practically do whatever it wants nationally them. Pro-Euro-Atlantic legislation such as the
– as long as it maintains its dominance of local ratification of the free-trade agreement between
politics. the EU and Canada (CETA) or the approval of the
acquisition of new F-16 fighter jets for the Bulgar-
The MRF has managed to strike this balance – al- ian Air Force would never have passed without
most no party has ever even tried to contest its the MRF’s backing.
positions in its heartlands, allowing it to keep This does not come cheap. Municipalities run by
its grip over ethnic Turks while simultaneously the MRF consistently get far more cash subsidies
backing the powerful of the moment overtly or per capita from central government compared
more secretively. Thus, in its 30-year history, the to those governed by Socialists. For example, 36
MRF has become a key actor in Bulgarian politics, municipalities run by the MRF received 13 million
capable of overthrowing and installing govern- levs (6.5 million euro) in subsidies in 2018, while
ments. It has been in power several times, some- six comparable municipalities governed by the
times informally, for example as a supporter of BSP only got one million levs – less than half.
the anti-Communist government of Filip Dimitrov
(1991-1992). This reformist cabinet was brought MRF-linked firms have been some of the largest
down with the votes of the movement, which beneficiaries of road construction projects and
withdrew its support in order to back, alongside other public procurement tenders, both at a lo-
the Communist Party transformed into Bulgarian cal and national scale. In 2005 Ahmed Dogan,
Socialist Party (BSP), a nominally technocrat gov- then still MRF leader, declared that his party has
ernment led by Prof. Lyuben Berov. „a whole orbit of companies” that depend on him.
“In the last fifteen years maybe half of the busi-
The MRF then stayed in opposition until the quick nessmen above the average level got there with
my help, or at least with my nod,” Mr Dogan said,
causing a widespread backlash that tainted Mr
IN ITS 30-YEAR LONG HISTORY, THE Stanishev’s government for four years and in 2009
MRF HAS BACKED CABINETS ON THE probably blew the Socialists’ chances of winning a
LEFT, RIGHT AND CENTER. IN RECENT new term of office. It opened the door for Boyko
YEARS THE PARTY FOUND OUT IT CAN Borissov whose GERB party came to power on a
largely anti-graft platform.
EVEN BETTER AS A NOMINAL This process of merging corporate with party
OPPOSITION OF GERB, PLEDGING ITS interests happened gradually. First, during the
SUPPORT WHEN NEEDED - NOT FOR 1990s, the MRF offered protection and patronage
FREE, OF COURSE. to business people in the localities it con- > 16

> 15 trolled. Later, as it proved itself to be an en- party – and the state. “I am the instrument of
during and stable political party, many large-scale power that allocates the portions for the compa-
businessmen started relying on it at a national nies in this country,” he was recorded as saying
level. The most notorious of all business groups at a party rally in 2009 – a confession that might
that relied on the MRF in Parliament was Multi- have cost the career of any politician in the West,
group, a corporation linked to ex-State Security but only served to fortify the image of Mr Dogan
officials that took control of large swaths of Bul- as a grey eminence in Bulgarian politics that can-
garia’s rapidly privatized economy. not be ignored.

In all cases, relying on the MRF was the safest bet ENTER PEEVSKI
for business people and oligarchs – they knew it A notorious figure personifying the full-fledged
would always be an active kingmaker in Parlia- corporatization emerged in the mid-2000s. This
ment and could easily pass any piece of legislation was Delyan Peevski whose appointment as head
without fearing repercussions from its voters. As of the State Agency for National Security (known
years passed by, it turned out that the party could by its Bulgarian acronym DANS) in June 2013
also easily be used to capture the nominally inde- sparked the largest post-1997 protests in Bul-
pendent judiciary by appointing loyal magistrates garia’s democratic history.
to key positions in the justice system.
Before that summer, Mr Peevski was a little-
THE GLORIOUS LEADER known MRF backbencher with vast business in-
There are several reasons for the MRF’s success, terests and few assets listed in his public state-
apart from its reliance on its hardcore electorate. ment of conflict of interest. He was kicked out as
First of all comes the iron grip of Ahmed Dogan deputy minister in charge of disaster response in
as leader over the local party structures, the busi- the Stanishev government in 2008 for alleged ex-
nesses linked to them and the MRF parliamentar- tortion of the CEO of a state-owned company but
ians. For over two decades Mr Dogan has managed was later reinstated after pressure from the MRF.
to take total control of the workings of the party, Despite his young age at the time (he was born
ousting opponents at the first sign of disloyalty. in 1980), Mr Peevski had forged a whirlwind ca-
Several politicians who were initially MRF mem- reer spanning from the directorship of the Port of
bers have tried to stand up to Mr Dogan, but to no Varna when he was 21 to a stint as a crime inves-
avail – not a single alternative party that sought tigator at the Sofia Investigation Service of the
to attract the votes of ethnic Turks has ever suc- Interior Ministry. In the meantime, his mother
ceeded. – Irena Krasteva, who was heading the National
Lottery during the Simeon Saxe-Coburg-Gotha
The most well-known case is that of Lyutvi Mes- government, started buying off bankrupting me-
tan, who allegedly tried to steer the party towards dia outlets in the aftermath of the global financial
closer links to Ankara. The attempt was at odds crisis with credits from Corporate Commercial
with the interests of Mr Dogan who had already Bank (Corpbank) of Tsvetan Vasilev.
retired to the position of honorary leader and led
to the ousting of Mr Mestan as party leader in a While the New Bulgarian Media Group publishing
matter of days at the end of December 2015. For- company – the media conglomerate controlled by
mally, the sin committed by Mr Mestan was that Ms Krasteva and later by her son – backed GERB
he urged Bulgaria’s parliament to back Turkey – a during the party’s first three years in power,
NATO ally – in the aftermath of the downing of a they made a U-turn in a matter of weeks in the
Russian warplane by the Turkish Air Force over spring of 2013 – just like they did in 2009 when
Syria in December 2015. Informally, however, it they shunned the Socialists. It was Mr Peevski’s
was the growing boldness of Mr Mestan, who had media outlets that fuelled a public scandal later
taken the reins of the party in 2013 after an at- dubbed The Kostinbrod Scam, an alleged vote-
tempt on the life of Mr Dogan. Later, an attempt rigging attempt by a GERB loyalist. It is debatable
by Mr Mestan to create an alternative ethnic whether the scandal tipped the election results,
Turkish party with liberal aspirations was short- but it shows the might of NBG not only to cause
lived and completely unsuccessful – just as all public scare, but also to mobilize prosecutors to
other attempts before his had been. Mr Dogan’s chase ghosts.
full domination of the MRF has worked for so long
not only because he has been good at wrong-foot- The scandalous appointment as head of DANS
ing his internal opponents and making strategic of the then 33-year-old “young and successful
coalitions with key people outside the party. He businessman”, as Mr Peevski described himself
also pretends to be a Platonic “philosopher-king” in an interview for one of his own media out-
pulling wisely, albeit ruthlessly, the strings of the lets, turned out to be a step too far and caused

Q Delyan Peevski, who

until recently was one
of Mr Dogan‘s closest
lieutenants, has become
the personification of
high-level corruption and
state capture by shady
oligarchic circles for an
entire generation | Photo by
Anelia Nikolova

that was subsequently abandoned. By that time

Mr Peevski controlled an empire valued at more
than 500 million euro, spanning from retail and
food to construction and real estate.

After Mr Peevski and Mr Vasilev fell out in 2014,

which led to the collapse of Corpbank, the state-
owned Bulgarian Development Bank became the
lender of last resort for the mogul’s businesses.
This is yet another proof of how a state struc-
ture captured by MRF interests is financing the
exploits of their most prominent member, and of
these there are many.

In another twist, after decades in which Mr Dogan

preferred to indirectly manage his money, in 2018
he acquired the mothballed Varna thermal power
plant (TPP), on the Black Sea coast. Miraculously,
the new owner restarted the power plant and re-
ceived tens of millions of levs in contracts to keep
it in cold reserve. The business of staying idle
was so profitable that the company that owns the
power plant now consolidates under its umbrella
all real estate properties owned by Mr Dogan. In
addition, Bulgarian authorities issued a number
of decisions and licenses to the small seaport ad-
jacent to the TPP and which is used for unloading
the #DANSwithMe protests of the summer of of coal deliveries that may make it a full-fledged
2013. And while it was the Socialist Party and operating port. This would, in practice, divert part
technocrat Prime Minister Plamen Oreshar- of the cargo business of state-owned Port of Var-
ski who took the brunt of public outrage at Mr na into the hands of Mr Dogan’s private holding.
Peevski’s appointment, his installment at the
helm of DANS served to expose the extent of The acquisition of Varna TPP and its operations
MRF’s growing prowess and highlight the im- are just one of the examples of how Mr Dogan
portance, ambition and audacity of the young has been using his political influence for personal
media mogul. In Bulgaria, Mr Peevski has come gain. And this is just an example visible on the
to personify high-level corruption and state surface, because it is directly linked to the MRF
capture by shady oligarchic circles for an entire strongman. One can spend a lifetime untangling
generation. how the informal network of patronage and favor-
itism established by the MRF and Mr Dogan in the
THE CORPBANK-PEEVSKI AXIS past decades works in the public administration
The media empire that Mr Peevski built using and political parties connected to specific busi-
credits from Corpbank is just the tip of the ice- ness circles. The MRF has proved that you need
berg of his business interests. They peaked in not be the biggest fish in the pond if you are a
2014 when companies related to him were select- strong, centralized, non-ideological organization
ed to build the 4-billion euro Bulgarian section of serving a single purpose – to perpetuate itself
Gazprom’s South Stream gas pipeline, a project and the well-being of its leadership.


incapable of curbing tax fraud; 4) The proceeds of

organized crime are huge and constantly growing;
and 5) Organized crime exerts a high social cost but

BELIEFS law enforcement bodies lack the capacity to tackle it.



Аt the time of Bulgaria’s accession to the EU, ex-
perts from the Center for the Study of Democracy,
Bulgaria, unfortunately, has built a Sofia based think-tank, who had been monitor-
an image of a country deeply ing the state of conventional and organized crime
affected by organized crime. This in Bulgaria and Europe since the mid-1990s, were
image is rooted in the 1990s, often asked about the impact of organized crime
with its rampant extortion in the country. Was it rising or was it subsiding?
and racketeering by criminal ‘insuring groups’ Our general perception was that the trend was
whose stickers were obtrusively visible on cafes, downward but we needed verifiable data to back
restaurants, cars and even residential buildings. this assessment. By definition, organized crime
The years of widespread extortion were followed is an opaque phenomenon which is very hard to
by equally widespread smuggling of goods and the measure using standard crime statistics. We were
spread of black markets. For external observers, looking for police data which could be clearly
Bulgaria’s EU pre-accession period (2001-2007) linked to the level of organized crime and at the
was dominated by news of public assassinations same time was not prone to manipulation. Our
of criminal bosses and businessmen. choice fell on three indicators which are hard to
conceal for political reasons, and which can be
Since then, however, the crime situation in Bulgaria easily traced over time: the number of premedi-
has changed significantly, yet many perceptions tated homicides, contract killings, and explosions
about organized crime shared by both foreigners and aimed at property destruction (used either to
locals are unaltered. This current analysis re-exam- send a warning, or take revenge on competitors).
ines five of the following myths in the light of crime
statistics and expert estimates of criminal markets: Placing these three indicators on a chart (Figure
1) Bulgaria is a country of powerful and extremely 1) created a storyline not only of organized crime
violent organized crime; 2) It has one of the highest but also of the important events in the last three
crime rates in Europe; 3) Bulgarian authorities are decades of Bulgarian political history.



1990 1991 1998 2001 2007 2014

UN embargo
on fomrer Yugoslavia Opening of accession
500 491 492
negotiations with the
Revocation of EU and abolishment of
licences of insurance Schengen visas for
companies associated Bulgarian citizens Full opening of the EU
Bulgaria’s accession to the EU labor market for
Beginning of the with ‘violent entreprenuers’
democratic 404 Bulgarian citizens
375 371
in Bulgaria

309 Murders
300 Sanctions against Yugoslavia 282

245 Bombing
Insurance racket
200 188
Protection racket Contract killings
177 174
142 139 136
122 126
95 92
55 185 200 169 174 120 121 120 161 159 119 78 53 38 35 24 53 37 16 26 34 26 21 18 30 14 15 8

? ? ? ? ? ? ? 7 10 7 10 15 11 26 21 18 12 12 10 8 3 2 3 2 4 2 1
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018

Homicides, peaking in the first half of the 1990s, FIGURE 2. HOMICIDE RATE PER 100,000 POPU-
have steadily declined ever since. Contract kill-
Intentional homicide and sexual offences by legal status
ings, averaging about 13 per year for the period and sex of the person involved - number and rate for the
1998–2009, are down to a couple per year in the relevant sex group
2010s. The use of explosives has also subsided, Lithuania
from a peak of 200 incidents in 1994 to fewer than Latvia
ten in 2018.
These trends confirm that at least the violence Hungary
associated with totally uncontrolled organized Serbia
crime has been largely contained. Bulgaria
But how does Bulgaria compare to its European Finland
England and Wales
The perception of an extremely high crime rate
Northern Ireland (UK)
is closely linked to the positioning of Bulgaria as Denmark
‘the poorest and most corrupt country in the EU’. Sweden
Comparing crime rates across countries is a rath- Croatia
er complex task due to discrepancies in criminal Greece
legislation and police statistics. Comparing regis- Germany
tered crimes, Bulgaria and Romania have almost
10 times lower crime rate per 100 000 population Czechia
than Sweden and Finland – simply because the Italy
Nordic countries include in their counts admin- Netherlands
istrative offences, while Bulgaria and Romania Spain
don’t. Luxembourg
Victimization surveys, another possible method Norway
for international comparison, are also viewed Switzerland
with skepticism, as their output is considered soft 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
data that does not capture the true crime level. Source: Eurostat

The most trusted indicator in comparative statis- that organized crime is damaging the Bulgar-
tics on violent crime is the number of premedi- ian business environment and robbing the state
tated murders. In the mid-1990s Bulgaria had one budget remains.
of the highest rates in Europe, with 4.8 homicides
per 100,000 inhabitants, followed only by Russia BULGARIAN AUTHORITIES ARE
and Ukraine. In the 2010s, though, comparison INCAPABLE OF CURBING TAX FRAUD
of crime statistics (as reported by Eurostat) on a THERE IS ACTUALLY A REMARKABLE
number of serious crimes places Bulgaria closer IMPROVEMENT
to the middle. In addition, rates for many types
of crime have been going down steadily for the Organized crime is traditionally associated with
past two decades. A look at the homicide rate, for contract murders, explosions, kidnapping and ex-
instance, places Bulgaria in a group with France, tortion. Another equally important impact is the
Finland and Malta, and ahead of most countries damage caused to the competitive environment
of Eastern Europe (Figure 2). of a country. If criminal entrepreneurs don’t pay
taxes, it is very difficult for anyone else to com-
In terms of sexual crimes (rape and sexual as- pete with them. One of the best criteria for the
sault), Bulgaria has one of the lowest rates in Eu- state of a tax system of an EU member state is its
rope (Figure 3), though there should be a caution- VAT collection record.
ary note about possible differences in reporting
standards. The VAT Gap study commissioned by Directorate
General Taxation and Customs Union of the Eu-
Comparative crime statistics for the 2010s chal- ropean Commission (TAXUD) has some reassur-
lenge also the belief that Bulgaria has one of the ing data for Bulgaria. The VAT Gap, which is the
highest crime rates in Europe. Still, the concern difference between expected VAT revenues > 18

Intentional homicide and sexual offenses by legal status
and sex of the person involved - number and rate for the BE 2016 VAT Gap (%)
relevant sex group BG 2017 VAT Gap (%)
England and Wales CZ Median
Sweden DK
Norway DE
Northern Ireland (UK)
Denmark EL
Luxembourg ES
Finland FR
Austria HR
Ireland IT
Czechia LT
Malta LU
Hungary HU
Lithuania MT
Latvia NL
Spain AT
Bulgaria PT
Slovenia RO
Portugal SI
Albania SK
Slovakia FI
Serbia SE
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Source: Eurostat Source: Study and Reports on the VAT Gap in the EU-28 Member States, TAXUD, 2019

> 21 and VAT actually collected, provides an esti- and 2019 (Figure 5). The significant improvement
mate of revenue loss due to tax fraud, tax evasion is due to the introduction of a real-time link be-
and tax avoidance, but also due to bankruptcies, tween all cash registers and the servers of the
financial insolvencies or miscalculations. The VAT National Revenue Agency, and the collaboration
Gap for Bulgaria for 2017 is estimated at 1.22 bil- of large private companies in avoiding risky sup-
lion levs or 11.8%, which is slightly above the EU pliers and clients.
average of 11.2% (Figure 4). Thus, Bulgaria’s VAT
Gap has considerably shrunk compared to the 24- One telling example is the fate of the largest grey
25% divide of the first estimates for 2009–2011. marketplace on the Balkans, the Iliyantsi bazaar
in Sofia, whose turnover went down by some 70%
In contrast to the VAT Gap study, which uses a
bottom-up approach employing macro data for FIGURE 5. ESTIMATED FINANCIAL LOSSES DUE
the GDP, imports, exports, internal consumption,
investment, etc., the Bulgarian National Revenue
Agency (NRA) uses a top-down approach to assess
losses from organized VAT fraud. It evaluates the
revenue stated by companies which does not cor-
respond to tax collection for the respective year.
In Bulgaria, VAT fraud schemes run by organized
criminal networks were extremely widespread
since the turn of the century, peaking between 600
2007 and 2011. Back then, even large chain stores
operated by multinationals were, knowingly or 400
not, using goods and services delivered through
criminal networks. NRA estimates showed that in 200
that period organized VAT fraud varied between
12 and 14% of the total VAT revenues. Such as- 0
2006 2009 2012 2015 2018
sessments were conducted in 2010, 2013, 2015 Source: National Revenue Agency

after the entry into the Bulgarian market of the FIGURE 7. POLICE RECORDED THEFTS OF MOTORIZED
Metro hypermarket retailer.
England and Wales
Measuring the total proceeds of organized crime Belgium
is far from an exact science. One approach is to Finland
view organized crime as a set of “criminal mar- Ireland
kets”. The levels of precision vary widely among Cyprus
different criminal markets. For instance, esti- Portugal
mates for the volume of illicit cigarette trade or
the number of stolen vehicles are considered
Northern Ireland (UK)
sufficiently accurate, while estimates for the pro- Germany
ceeds from human smuggling or illegal trade in Spain
fuels are usually only tentative approximations. Malta
After the fall of communism, the sale of illicit ciga- Bulgaria
rettes and car theft became the two largest and
most emblematic criminal markets in Bulgaria.
Their abrupt decline in the last decade is due to Hungary
the collaboration of law enforcement agencies Slovakia
and the private sector. For instance, the reliable Estonia
statistics on stolen vehicles (containing data on Croatia
the vehicle’s value and the circumstances of theft) Romania
was the result of the common efforts of insurance Denmark
companies and law enforcement bodies. Similarly, 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Source: Eurostat
large tobacco companies, with their regular sur-
veys of the illicit cigarette market, and in particu- Western Europe. Since 2000, when over 11,000 ve-
lar the “empty pack surveys”, provided a kind of hicles were reported stolen in Bulgaria, the num-
dashboard showing the most problematic towns ber has dropped to 2,068 in 2018, or less than the
and regions of the country. number of cars stolen in the late 1980s, before the
beginning of the transition to democracy.
Of course, each criminal market is driven by other
factors as well. For instance, the decline in vehicle Compared to the mid-1990s, when every third
theft (Figure 6) is also explained by advances in car imported from Western Europe got stolen,
car protection technology and by the extensive and Bulgaria ranked among the top three Euro-
import of affordable second-hand vehicles from pean countries in terms of stolen cars per 100,000
population, the current state of the market is very
FIGURE 6. STOLEN VEHICLES IN BULGARIA, different. Eurostat data for the 2015–2017 period
place Bulgaria among the Member States with the
fewest car thefts (Figure 7).
25 000
The criminal market with the most significant
20 000 and, at least for the time being, stable downward
trend is the trade in illicit cigarettes. From a coun-
try with one of the highest shares of illicit tobacco
15 000 products consumption in Europe, in recent years
Bulgaria ranks close to the top of European coun-
10 000 tries with minimal illegal trade. This development
is even more surprising given the deep rooted tra-
ditions in cigarette production, and the dominant
5000 role of cigarette smuggling in the business of Bul-
garian organized crime groups in the 1990s. The
0 estimated share of illicit tobacco products sold on
1988 1993 1998 2003 2008 2013 2018
Source: Police statistics the domestic market after Bulgaria’s acces- > 20

(2009–2018) (ENTRY AND EXIT, 2013–2019) IN BULGARIA

35 200 000
30 Exit
150 000
100 000

15 50 000

25 000

0 Q3.07 Q3.09 Q3.11 Q3.13 Q3.15 Q3.17 Q3.19 2013 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: Empty-pack surveys conducted by PMI, BAT, JTI, Imperial Tobacco and Bulgartabac Source: Estimates of the Center for the Study of Democracy

FIGURE 9. SHARE OF THE ILLICIT CIGARETTE tered not only by the regular empty-pack surveys
(carried out in Bulgaria since 2007), but also by
NORWAY the significant increase of excise tax and VAT rev-
IRELAND enue from cigarette sales, at a time when the per-
FRANCE centage of smokers and the Bulgarian population
GREECE itself are dwindling.
LITHUANIA Human smuggling is a good example of how Bul-
NETHERLANDS garia has managed to bring a fast expanding crim-
LATVIA inal market under control. In 2013, when Greece
BELGIUM introduced strict measures to curb illicit migrant
trafficking across its land borders, the migrant
flow through Bulgaria increased. Due to the im-
mense migratory pressure, the migrant smug-
gling networks’ capacity soared. Thus, during the
migration crisis of 2015 they managed to smug-
gle through Bulgaria between 110,000 and 174,000
people with their proceeds reaching 120–130 mil-
lion euro (according to estimates of the Center
DENMARK for the Study of Democracy). In 2016 and 2017, the
LUXEMBOURG number of unlawful border crossings by migrants
CZECH REPUBLIC dropped significantly as a result of several factors
HUNGARY such as investments in border surveillance infra-
POLAND structure, establishment of specialized units at
SPAIN the Ministry of Interior, mutual control between
PORTUGAL Bulgarian migration institutions and increased
SLOVAKIA cooperation with Turkish authorities. Thus, the
Q2 2019
ITALY number of border crossings in 2018 went down to
Q3 2019
BULGARIA between 2,000 and 5,000, whereas migrant smug-
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 gling proceeds shrank to three million euro.
Source: Empty-pack surveys

> 23 sion to the EU reached 35%. The sharp decline in three key markets of Bul-
garian organized crime cannot be taken as proof
After 2014, that share took a steep dive, reaching a that the overall proceeds of criminal groups are
record low of 3.3% in 2019. The proceeds of organ- shrinking. Still, they are an indication that the
ized crime from illicit cigarettes have shrunk from constant growth of criminal proceeds is not ab-
over 300 million euro in 2010 to about 50 million solute.
euro in 2018. The estimated losses to the budget
from unpaid excise tax and VAT have gone down The final most pertinent question concerns what,
from 1.5% of GDP in 2010 to 0.15% in 2018. The suc- if anything, is being done to combat organized
cessful curbing of this criminal market is regis- crime in Bulgaria. For years on end, telephone

fraud was perceived as a crime which police and tries (mostly to Romania) after roaming charges
prosecution were powerless to tackle. in the EU were dropped.

ORGANIZED CRIME EXERTS It was this pattern of high volume outgoing calls
HIGH SOCIAL COST BUT LAW that prompted the design of a technological so-
ENFORCEMENT BODIES LACK THE lution that can disrupt, and in the long run de-
CAPACITY TO TACKLE IT struct, the telephone fraud business model. Simi-
POLICE NEED COOPERATION FROM lar to VAT fraud, car theft and illicit cigarettes,
THE PRIVATE SECTOR cooperation between private companies and law
enforcement agencies produced a viable solu-
One of the most persistent crimes in the past dec- tion. With the support of telephone operator Vi-
ade has been telephone fraud. It is perpetrated by vacom, attempts at telephone fraud were drasti-
a relatively small group of fraudsters and in terms cally reduced from over 60,000 per month at the
of cash proceeds is one of the smallest criminal beginning of 2019, to practically no attempts and
markets, with an estimated total turnover of no registered victims in the last quarter of 2019.
about eight million levs per year (Figure 11). At the In addition, in 2019 twenty-six members of three
same time, its social damage is much higher for criminal groups based in the towns of Gorna Ori-
two reasons: first, its victims are the most vulner- ahovica, Vetovo and Levski (the strongholds of
able citizens (predominantly elderly people living telephone fraud) were arrested and prosecuted.
alone), and second, the bosses of telephone fraud It remains to be seen how sustainable this crack-
groups are well known but remain beyond pros- down would be, but available statistics so far
ecution due to lack of evidence linking them di- point to the near extinction of telephone fraud
rectly to the committed fraud. in Bulgaria. (There are indications, however, that
Bulgarian telephone fraudsters have attempted
The crime relies on shocking and confusing the to replicate their schemes in Greece).
victims (for example, with claims of needing to
help a terminally ill or injured relative), and by THE PERSISTING PROBLEMS WITH
the time they contact the police (if at all) it is al- ORGANIZED CRIME
most impossible to collect physical evidence. It While many of the popular beliefs about the state
is estimated that for every “successful” call (i.e. a of crime in Bulgaria are no longer valid, the coun-
call where a victim is tricked into giving away a try is far from being unaffected by organized
certain sum of money or other valuables), fraud- crime. The latest assessments of serious and or-
sters make thousands of unsuccessful calls. Vic- ganized crime in Bulgaria for 2018 and 2019 have
timization surveys suggest that one in every four demonstrated that criminal networks are suc-
Bulgarians has been the target of an attempted cessfully adapting and integrating into a num-
telephone fraud in the last five years. As a crimi- ber of European-wide criminal markets, exploit-
nal market, telephone fraud has demonstrated ing the flaws in communication among Member
extremely high flexibility. Fraudsters exploited States’ law enforcement bodies.
a network of middlemen, used pre-paid phone
cards registered to third persons with no income, Criminal players have also made investments in
and moved their calling campaigns to other coun- legal businesses, making it hard to distinguish
between criminal and legal activity. Using a legiti-
mate business as cover is widespread in the illicit
fuels market, VAT frauds, illicit logging and even in
the export of sex services. A prominent trait of cur-
rent Bulgarian organized crime is its growing con-
8000 nection to white-collar crime – financiers, lawyers,
7000 high-level administrative officials and politicians.

While discarding the violent methods typically
5000 used in the past, today’s criminal networks are
4000 employing administrative and political corruption
to eliminate competition. Organized crime players
in Bulgaria are increasingly dealing in renewable
2000 energy projects, waste processing companies, in-
1000 frastructure projects, and agriculture. They are
abusing EU funds and exploiting opportunities
0 in collaboration with transnational criminal net-
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: Police statistics works across Europe.

The campaign launched
by Prosecutor General
Ivan Geshev against
privatization, announcing
all deals of the last 30
years are to be re-examined, seemed just like
previous ones. Whenever political pressure
accumulates and corruption scandals rage,
the state prosecution steps in to divert public
attention by blaming the real or imagined
failures of privatization for today’s woes.
Pointing a figure at privatization, regarded by
most Bulgarians as highly unjust, has always
been an effective tool to shift responsibility
for all current failures. It was used by two of Mr
Geshev’s predecessor as well– Nikola Filchev in
2001, Sotir Tsatsarov in 2017.

But the present offensive is different. Not only be-

cause it is going to be the most populist campaign
of all– Mr Geshev has said its purpose is to seek
justice for the embezzlement of funds involving
“companies built with the pensions of many peo-
ple”, but also because of the context in which it
occurs. It is unlikely that there is a detailed plan,
but discrediting the privatization process gives a
veneer of legitimacy to the attempted makeover
of Bulgaria’s flawed market economy into some
sort of state capitalism. Behind the smokescreen
of crime-busting there is a bigger transformation

IS STATE In the last two years the coalition government led

by GERB party has increased the state’s interven-
tion in the economy. Every time there is a problem

MARCHING ON? – a water supply shortage, public procurement

failure or bankruptcy of a “strategically impor-
tant company”, the cabinet proposes yet another
state-owned holding to solve it. The state-owned
WITHIN A BRIEF Bulgarian Development Bank (BDB) began bank-
PERIOD, BULGARIA’S rolling local oligarchs, substituting for their failed
banks, and preventing the market from throw-
GOVERNMENT HAS ing them overboard. The competition authority
AGGRESSIVELY abandoned all pretence of being a fair regulator;
instead it began picking winners in the economy.
OF LEVS INTO KEY The shift is symptomatic of the elite’s changing
strategy. Intermediaries are no longer needed
SECTORS, AND HAS when money has to be syphoned from public cof-
EFFECTIVELY STARTED fers. Gone are complex ploys, like the scheme in
which the now defunct Corporate and Commercial
NATIONALIZING Bank (Corpbank) collected the deposits from the
BUSINESSES big state-owned companies to finance political
and business projects and ensure media support.
While until a few years ago, governments had to
balance according to the interests of several com-
peting oligarchs, and sometimes lose power, now
ROUMIANA CHERVENKOVA, the GERB-led cabinet can directly control them.

“NO” TO COMPETITION, “YES” TO are the multiple efforts to nationalize arms man-
THE STATE ufacturer Dunarit, which was part of Tsvetan Va-
A recent attempt by the Movement for Rights and silev’s fallen Corpbank empire alongside already
Freedom (MRF), the party that represents Bulgar- nationalized aircraft repair plant Avionams. Re-
ians of Turkish ethnic origin (see more at p.17) cently, it was the turn of Vasil Bozhkov and his
and supports the current government, to change National Lottery. Under the noble pretext of curb-
the law in order to allow private citizens to hire ing the vice of gambling, the speedily amended
employees of the National Protection Service as Gambling Law has established a government mo-
personal bodyguards, is probably the most sig- nopoly in this sector.
nificant privatization of the past few years. Aside
from this being an all-too-real joke, it seems that The cherry on the cake in this new policy is the
the Bulgarian state has reversed the process of BDB. Created to assist small and midsized busi-
economic liberalization. nesses, in recent years the bank actually turned
into source of government assistance to favored
The construction of new pieces of public infra- businessmen. One third of BDB’s loans portfolio
structure and repairs of existing ones that take consists of credits extended to companies con-
the lion’s share of budget outlays are good exam- nected to two businessmen, both related to the
ples. In the last two years two state-owned com- Movement for Rights and Freedoms - Delyan
panies - Montagi and Avtomagistrali, received Peevski, who is an MP from the party and Rumen
multi-billion contracts without bidding in public Gaytanski, aka the Wolf, who owned several com-
procurement procedures (see at p.46). The offi- panies jointly current honorary chairman of MRF
cial reason is the need to speed up construction Ahmed Dogan. These exposures can result in the
of vital infrastructure but the reality is pure cir- end in nationalization of those companies losses.
cumvention of the tendering process. Up to this
point considerable public resources were distrib- THE NEW FASHION – OF
uted through bidding procedures to a few favored GOVERNMENT HOLDINGS
companies, which then hired subcontractors to Of course, the state’s increased role in the econo-
compensate for their own lack of capacity. Now, my could sometimes be attributed to mere incom-
however, public contracts have been discontinued petence. When the government is in a bind (see p.
and subcontractors are chosen through the state- 10) and no apparent solution is at hand, the only
owned companies without the limitations of a politically viable course of action is to throw pub-
procurement procedure and the basic transpar- lic money at the problem concerned. GERB has
ency it provides. This way, even the all-powerful simply taken this practice to an extreme by mak-
favorites will become a lot more dependent and ing it seem that any problem can be resolved by
obedient in order to stay in the game. creating a new state-owned holding.

At the same time, the government does not shy This is how the water crisis in the city of Pernik
away from using the power of regulatory bodies to precipitated the birth of the Bulgarian Water-
reward its political friends and to solidify its base. works Holding under the aegis of the regional
One telling example is the decision of the Com- development ministry. To make more bang, one
mission for Protection of Competition’s (CPC) to billion levs from the country’s fiscal reserve were
choose who should and who should not buy No- poured into the new structure.
vaTV – the biggest private TV channel in Bulgaria,
and who should not buy the local assets of Czech The Ministry of Economy had created its own
energy group ČEZ, which include the biggest pow- holding group – the State Consolidation Com-
er distribution company in the country. pany (DKK), which assembled many state-owned
companies from different sectors with combined
In both cases, foreign investors had to comply worth of about one billion levs. Two years ago the
with vague demands of the government, only to government increased DKK’s capital by 500 mil-
see their places (in the case of NovaTV) taken by lion levs. The model follows that of the Bulgarian
politically more convenient local buyers. If anyone Energy Holding (BEH) group, created back in 2008.
ever doubted the CPC’s impartiality, it is now clear For all these years since then BEH’s sole purpose
that the anti-trust body is not the independent has been to transfer money from its profit making
regulator that will guarantee competition in the subsidiaries to those losing money.
Bulgarian economy.
The main characteristic of these structures is
When the CPC is not at hand, the government is the almost total lack of transparency over the
openly attempting to forcibly take over private expenditure of public funds. The ineffectiveness
companies. A prominent example in this resoect of state-run economy is best highlighted in the


AWAY FROM USING THE POWER OF his position sounded all too logical.
But there was something more sinister about it. The
Minister of Economy gave voice to those who have
TO SOLIDIFY ITS BASE. always branded the privatization process as unjust,
not because of its social cost, but because it was
energy sector. The National Electrical Company not under their control. The ragtag group of former
(NEK), which is inherently a monopoly and dic- officers of Communist-era State Securityservice,
tates the rules in the sector by simultaneously businessmen from the murkiest years of Bulgarian
buying and selling electricity, is more than 4 bil- transition and newly minted oligarchs has become
lion levs in debt and has lost over 1.2 billion levs. collectively known as “The Librarians”, because
On the other hand, instead of investing profits many of them have found refuge in the University
generated by Kozloduy nuclear power plant in the of Library Studies and Information Technologies.
proper handling of nuclear waste or new technol- According to their narrative Bulgaria has veered
ogies, BEH has been syphoning them out to the into a destructive path, led by liberal values and
unprofitable lignite-fired Maritsa East 2 thermal Western ideals. And all those who rode the wave
power plant. Even so, the thermal plant’s debt of economic liberalization and took part in the pri-
amounts to more than 1.6 billion levs and the ac- vatization process are – if not outright criminals –
cumulated losses amount to 850 million levs. then part of a wicked group who must be punished
and in the meantime stripped of their assets.
Kaloyan Staykov, economist from the Institute for
Market Economics, is damning about the state’s This is a smear campaign constantly trumpeted
role. “The common theme in all these cases – BEH, by the tabloid empire of Delyan Peevski. It has
DKK, the funding of the construction of Hemus served him all too well since most of his business
highway and the plans for a new waterworks adventures have been attempts to hijack some-
holding, is that the state has no idea how to man- one else’s business, be it in retail, insurance or
age its assets. And it has no idea why it has these construction.
assets to begin with. The new law on state-owned
companies introduces a requirement to present The anti-privatization, anti-liberal rhetoric also
an evaluation of the necessity to create a new fitted PM Borissov’s game plan. It allowed the
state-owned company, but there is no such re- prime minister to depict his liberal critics as “bad
quirement for existing companies or assets. The hombres from privatization”.
only explanation for the existence of most state-
owned companies is that they were inherited “The paradox is that, on the one hand, people have
from a period when there were no private com- the least trust for institutions and the state as a
panies, but have now been taken over by private whole, but on the other, they expect transparent
interests. There is no reason for not privatizing or responsibility,” sаys Parvan Simeonov, director of
awarding a concession for companies operating Bulgaria’s Gallup International.
the railways and the postal service, the compa-
nies within BEH, waterworks and many others,” He believes that the explanation is that the state
he believes. is hated, but this is exceeded only by hatred for
private wealth. This explains why Bulgarians are
MORE THAN JUST A WASTE OF MONEY not that suspicious when the government is ex-
When Boyko Borissov formed his third govern- panding its economic activities, , even when it
ment three years ago, the new economy minister means keeping afloat hemorrhaging companies
Emil Karanikolov had already announced the halt that should have been restructured long ago.
of privatization. “We welcome every action that
has to do with passing legislation that will regu- The privatization of state-owned assets was the
late public-private partnerships,” he said then. key condition for getting the support of inter-
national creditors for the macroeconomic sta-
The gesture seemed to target those swaths of bilization of Bulgaria after 1997. The path taken
Bulgarian society which felt deprived during the then has now made it possible to countenance
post-Communist economic transformation. Al- the country’s accession into the Eurozone. The
though this is not a substantial part of the Bulgar- “total revision of privatization”, as announced by
ian electorate, those people have provided crucial the prosecutor general, moves in the opposite di-
swing votes, blowing into the sails of populist par- rection. It can only be speculated whether this is
ties. And since one such a party – Ataka (“Attack” the result of interests that seek to steer Bulgaria
in Bulgaria) which was then part of the governing away from the Eurozone and the EU’s Banking un-
coalition had proposed Mr Karanikolov for the job, ion, or just mere populism.


Quite a few of the more liberal-minded GENDER PAY GAP IN INDUSTRY,
Bulgarians who yearn for positive news CONSTRUCTION AND SERVICES
from their native country point out that in 2018 in %
gender issues – a major cultural cleav-
age in the West – are not so marked in Estonia
Bulgaria. Yes, gender attitudes might be Germany
a legacy from the Communist regime
which almost forcefully integrated wom- Austria
en into the labor force (it was so inef- Slovakia
ficient that it desperately needed every Finland
able hand), but nevertheless it puts the Portugal
EU-28 (’13-’20)
country among the more progressive
nations. In terms of gender pay gap (the Netherlands
difference between the average gross Denmark
hourly earnings of men and women ex- Ireland
pressed as a percentage of the average Latvia
gross hourly earnings of men) Bulgaria Norway
occupies the better part of the ranking
as well (see the graph Gender Pay Gap Iceland
in Industry, Construction and Services). Cyprus
As a true champion of the gender cause Bulgaria
Bulgaria can also boast about its share Greece
of women in the IT industry – the coun-
try is at the top in the European Union. Hungary
Bulgaria is also second only after Latvia Croatia
in terms of the number of women work- Poland
ing in sciences compared to men. Slovenia
But the picture is not all that rosy when
examined in more detail. Even though Romania
there are many women in the IT indus- 0 5 10 15 20 25
try, according to the Eurostat statistics, Source: Eurostat
the pay gap with men is one of the wid-
est in Europe. The precise calculations GENDER PAY GAP IN SOME OCCUPATIONS
are precarious, because, for example,
income statistics for 2014
Bulgarian women enjoy longer mater-
nity leave than – let’s say - their Swed- Average
ish or French peers, thus reducing their In healthcare and social
workable hours and their remuneration work
during maternity (which is capped at In
80% of their social security contribu-
In finances
tions). The picture with regard to sci- and insurance
ences is also very similar – science work In
is one of the worst paid in Bulgaria and IT
men shy away from it, thus artificially education
inflating the numbers of women scien- In
tists. public authorities
An interesting group are Bulgarian In
real estate business
women in finance. They are not only a
substantial number in comparison with construction
the other EU member states, but they In administrative and
also seem to defend their rights for equal other supporting activities
payment better than other professional -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40
groups in Bulgaria (though they are still Source: National Statistical Institute
The difference between the average gross annual earnings of men and wom-
paid lower than their male peers). en expressed as a percentage of the average gross annual earnings of men.
Negative value means that women in the respective field are better paid.


in 2018 in %
Gender pay gap in the IT Women in the IT Latvia
Bulgaria Bulgaria
Romania Denmark
Lithuania Finland
Finland Hungary
Latvia Luxembourg
Sweden Germany
Ireland Italy
Belgium Greece

Cyprus Czechia
EU France
Netherlands UK
Germany EU-28 (’13/’20)
Slovenia Romania
Italy Estonia
Austria Cyprus
Poland Slovenia
Portugal Belgium
Slovakia Croatia
Croatia Austria
Luxembourg Spain
Spain Sweden
Greece Portugal
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Source: Eurostat Source: Eurostat


AND INSURANCE in 2018 in %
in 2018 in % Public sector Private sector
Czechia Belgium
Estonia Czechia
UK Denmark
Poland Spain
Romania Croatia
Finland Cyprus
Germany Latvia
Malta Hungary
Netherlands Netherlands
Bulgaria Poland
Croatia Portugal
Slovenia Slovenia
Luxembourg Slovakia
Hungary Finland
Denmark Sweden
Spain UK
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 -10 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25
Source: Eurostat Source: Eurostat

//In this section:

A very serious spy vaudeville

Bulgarians see EU as guarantee

for quality of life




Bulgaria Prime Minister Boyko legedly failed to keep. Rather than acting as go-
Borissov is a firm believer in the between, Bulgaria appeared to be doing Ankara’s
art of the deal. If only EU leaders bidding.
would just talk with the likes of
Russia or Turkey! There is always WINNING DOMESTICALLY
a way to cobble together a compromise on even the Mr Borissov’s overtures to the Turkish presi-
thorniest of issues. So long as the respective sides dent make perfect sense in light of Bulgarian
sit at the table, tone down their rhetoric a notch or domestic politics. The prime minister is trying
two, and focus on common interests. to fend off yet another bout of public hysteria
over the arrival of asylum seekers as in 2014-15.
The massing of 10,000 refugees and migrants on It would chip away at his ratings, benefiting the
Turkey’s border with Greece put the Bulgarian nationalistic-leaning Bulgarian Socialist Party
prime minister to the test. Rushing to Ankara on and the far-right United Patriots, nominally
2 March for a tête-à-tête with President Erdogan still in coalition with his governing GERB party.
(“my friend Tayypie”), he proposed to host a The consolation prize from the ill-fated Ankara
three-way summit with Prime Minister Kyriakos trip, on the eve of the national holiday celebrat-
Mitsotakis. The offer seem to have fallen on deaf ing the 1878 liberation from the Ottomans, was
ears. Mr Erdogan’s implicit promise that no Afghans,
Syrians etc. would be heading to the border with
Mr Borissov stressed his solidarity with Turkey’s Bulgaria. “So to speak, I came, we shook hands,
predicament as home to more than 3.6 million we are sticking to our commitments and keeping
war-displaced Syrians. But he also used the in touch,” as Mr Borissov put it, true to his trade-
occasion to chastise the EU for promises it al- mark folksy ways.

Q Rather than mediating between

Ankara and Brussels, PM Boyko Borissov DEVELOPMENTS
(left) appeared to be taking the side of TO FOLLOW:
President Recep Erdogan in the crisis |
Council of Ministers Press Office Bulgaria is adamant that EU
downplays its Cohesion Policy
He might have a point. Although the Greek-Turk- for the sake of boosting its Just
ish border along the Evros/Maritsa/Meric river Transition Fund, which is supposed
has witnessed near battle scenes with police tear to divert a significant part of the EU
gassing and pushing back migrants, things have budget towards the so-called EU Green
been quiet at Turkey’s frontier with Bulgaria. But Deal. Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko
the reasons why asylum seekers are reluctant to Borissov underlined on 19 February,
seek entry into the EU through Bulgarian terri- when the Multiannual Financial
tory are likely more complex than Sofia being in Framework of the EU for 2021-2027
Mr Erdogan’s good books. Harsh treatment at the was discussed in Brussels, that funding
hands of the Bulgarian border police and the ex- for traditional policy priorities like
pectation that their chances of making it to West- agricultural and infrastructure subsidies
ern Europe are better through Greece are prob- should not suffer because of the new
ably at least as important motivations. But what focus from the EU Commission on
ultimately counts with Mr Borissov, as – let’s be science, innovation and climate change.
frank – any politician worldwide – is public per-
ceptions. He has done his share to keep the nation Bulgarian President Rumen Radev
safe. will visit Moscow and attend the
75th Victory parade, celebrating
THE BIGGER GAME the end of the Second World War in
Much depends on developments far beyond Brus- May. The announcement came after
sels’ control. Mr Erdogan has single-handedly a phone conversation between the
manufactured a crisis to exert pressure on the heads of state of Russia and Bulgaria
EU. He wants support from big European states on 18 February where the two sides
in Idlib: e.g. in the form of financial contributions discussed energy issues as well, the
for a safety zone in parts of the rebel-held enclave Kremlin press service announced.
and joint pressure on Vladimir Putin to abide by While Bulgarian-Russian relations
the deal he struck with the Turkish president in have formally suffered due to a series
Moscow on 5 March. Long-term, Erdogan is after a of spying scandals, good diplomatic
renewal of the 2016 refugee agreement with the EU. relations and joint energy projects
seem to carry on unobstructed. It is
Four years ago, the EU pledged to disburse some expected that Russian Foreign Minister
€6 billion in exchange for Turkey’s commitment Sergei Lavrov will also visit Sofia in April.
to keep borders closed and accept asylum seek-
ers back from Greece. Ankara now wants at least Bulgaria and North Macedonia,
as much. The Turkish president is also pushing which co-chair the rotating
for an upfront payment into the Turkish budget, Presidency of the Berlin Co-
brushing aside Brussels’ rules. No more tranches, operation Process with the Western
contracts with state agencies, reports back to Balkans in 2020, will host a Joint
the European Commission, or any other strings Summit that will take place in Sofia
attached. And if Turkey gets its way, the money in October this year. This will be one
could well be diverted into areas under Turk- of the two major forums focused on the
ish control in Syria to pay for infrastructure and Western Balkans this year, with the first
housing projects. These would doubtless be car- being a EU-Western Balkans Summit
ried out by firms handpicked by the presidential in Zagreb in May. The Berlin Process
palace in Ankara. No wonder that EU leaders and was set up in 2014 at the initiative of
officials are not thrilled about the prospect of Germany to intensify efforts for the
writing a blank cheque of sorts. integration of the Western Balkans into
the EU. While North Macedonia and
Mr Erdogan’s visit to Brussels on 9 March is just Albania’s hopes to start EU integration
the beginning of prolonged bargaining. His ad- negotiations were dashed by France
ditional demand that the EU should lift visas for in the autumn of 2019, there are signs
Turkish citizens suggests that the conversation that Paris might change its mind and
is anything but smooth. On the positive side, Ger- unblock the process.
many supports the establishment of a safe > 32

> 31 zone in Idlib and is now showing willingness
REFUGEE PUSH/So far, Bulgaria to accept, together with other EU countries, refu-
has been spared from the in- gee children from the Greek islands. EU Foreign
crease of pressure on the border and Security Policy Josep Borell advocates grant-
after the effective suspension of ing Turkey additional funding to deal with refu-
the EU-Turkey statement from gees.
2016 that brought the flow of mi-
grants and asylum seekers to a A country like Bulgaria, a net recipient of EU sub-
halt on 28 February. Prime Minis- sidies, does not have a great say in the matter at
ter Boyko Borissov immediately flew hand. What Mr Borissov could do is urge his col-
to meet Turkish President Recep leagues to broker terms with the Turkish presi-
Tayyp Erdogan as tensions on the dent. This was precisely his mission at the EU-
Turkish-Greek border escalated in Turkey summit he hosted in Varna in March 2018,
the first days of March. Despite fail- during the Bulgarian presidency of the EU Coun-
ing to organize a multilateral meet- cil. Yet back then the 2016 deal was still in force
ing between the leaders of the EU, and the issue revolved around the green-lighting
Greece and Turkey in Sofia, Mr Bo- of the second tranche under the so-called Facility
rissov got assurances that the migra- for Refugees in Turkey.
tory flow will not be directed against
Bulgaria. The situation now is different. Mr Erdogan’s
scorched-earth tactics, compounded by the web
DEVELOPED ECONOMY/The US of disputes with Greece over other issues such as
Trade Representative Office an- territorial waters, do not augur well for a speedy
nounced on 10 February that it is compromise. Greeks have dug in. Others in the
no longer designating Bulgaria EU have voiced support. Last week, the European
a developing country and now Commission head Ursula van der Leyen visited
considers it a developed one. The the border town of Orestiada accompanied by the
measure makes it easier for Washing- presidents of the European Council and the Euro-
ton to launch investigations and im- pean Parliament, as well as Croatian Prime Minis-
pose customs and other penalties if it ter Andrej Plenković. Van der Leyen insists Turk-
finds unlawful subsidies or commer- ish authorities should move the migrants away
cial practices. The USA contends that from the Greek border as the precondition to a
Bulgaria and Romania should not be substantive discussion. Turkey won’t give ground
treated as developing countries since easily either. If it decides to ramp up the pressure,
the whole EU is considered to be a de- Bulgaria could well prove to be collateral damage.
veloped economy in trade. This comes
even though the two countries still NOT TO BE USED
don’t pass the threshold of the World Bulgaria traditionally prefers engagement over
Bank that only categorizes states confrontation with Turkey. Episodes such as the
where annual income per capita ex- expulsion of a Turkish diplomat in February 2016
ceeds $12,375 as developed. are rare. Being friends with your large neighbor,
which is also an important trading partner with
LUKOV MARCH/The first suc- links to a sizeable minority, is a sensible policy.
cessful suspension of the annual Bulgaria has a huge stake in a better relationship
march dedicated to the memory of between EU and Turkey too, irrespective of Mr Er-
a pro-Nazi sympathising Bulgar- dogan’s authoritarian populist rule.
ian WWI era general Hristo Lukov,
regularly attended by represent- But Borissov has gone much further than any oth-
atives of domestic and interna- er predecessor in building personal ties with the
tional far-right groups, attracted Turkish president. The benefits of such a policy
international acclaim. This in- are questionable. It is one thing to insist that An-
cluded praise from the US and Israeli kara has a point and it deserves help with regard
embassies to Sofia, as well as several to Syrian refugees. Europe has largely chosen
high-profile Jewish organisations. For to ignore the devastating war next to its border
the first time since the first Lukov – and is now paying the price. It is quite another
march, as the event is known, Sofia matter to be sucked into a bid to strongarm the
Municipality managed to ban it – and EU. If the Bulgarian prime minister goes on lobby-
uphold the ban both in court and in ing for a renewed refugee pact he should do so in
practice. Brussels rather than Ankara.

Q Despite the now regular

spy showdowns, Bulgarian-
Russian energy projects
seem to be moving forth
without much hindrance |
Photo by Nadezhda Chipeva



In classic spy parodies, the moment the tween the two operations.
main character is ready to do his move,
it turns out that he is without pants. Or THE RUSSOPHILES WHO WERE
instead of a 9 mm Luger, he is holding SECRET RUSSIAN AGENTS
a cucumber. It seems that the series of Then, in the second season of the Bulgarian-
spy scandals that have shaken Bulgaria over the Russian spy drama, things already started going
past year are going the same way. The very real south. On September 9 of last year the mouth-
attempt to murder Bulgarian arms dealer Emilian piece of the opposition Bulgarian Socialist Party
Gebrev, quite possibly with a Novichok-type nerve (BSP) – Duma newspaper, reported that its ex-ed-
agent, an investigation that uncovered undeniable itor-in-chief Yuri Borissov, who is now secretary
links between the attack on Gebrev in Bulgaria of the National Russophile Movement, had been
and the attempted poisoning of a former Russian taken into custody in relation to a spying inves-
intelligence officer in the UK, and Russia’s all too tigation. The following day it turned out that the
visible meddling in Bulgarian politics, have recently real target of the investigation was the Russo-
turned into vaudeville. phile Movement chairman Nickolay Malinov who
was charged with spying for two Russian organi-
The story began intriguingly in January 2019, zations – the Russian Institute for Strategic Stud-
when a Capital Weekly investigation exposed a ies (RISI) and the Double-headed Eagle Society,
potential link between the Russian intelligence both of which have links to the Kremlin.
service operation in Salisbury, England, which at-
tempted to wipe out ex-Russian secret agent Ser- In the context of that investigation Bulgaria ex-
gei Skripal in March 2018, and a cold case from pelled a Russian diplomat but the scandal had the
Bulgaria from 2015. Back then, Mr Gebrev, his son distinct whiff of a domestic political spat, in which
and an executive at their weapons production President Rumen Radev and Prosecutor General
firm EMCO almost lost their lives, potentially due Ivan Geshev were involved. RISI had paid for a
to intoxication with a Russian-sourced chemical sociological poll prior to the presidential elec-
nerve agent. Pressured by the British authorities, tions in 2016. The results had been used to sup-
the Bulgarian prosecution reopened the Gebrev port the candidacy of the current Bulgarian head
case later in 2018 and indeed found a link be- of state Rumen Radev who indeed calls for > 34

closer relations with Russia. Already as president,

Mr Radev was critical of the procedure for selec-
tion of the next Prosecutor General, in which Mr
Geshev was the sole nomination. He even delayed
Mr Geshev’s appointment in 2019, therefore the
spying charges brought by the Prosecutor’s Office
against the head of the Russophile Movement ac-
tually looked aimed at pressuring Mr Radev.

Just as the story was gathering steam, Mr Malinov

– formally indicted for spying for foreign organi-
zations originating in Russia – suddenly appeared
in a photo shaking hands with Russian President
Vladimir Putin in the Kremlin on November 4, af-
ter receiving Moscow’s State Prize for the Day of
National Unity. It emerged that Andon Mitalov,
a judge at Bulgaria’s Specialized Criminal Court,
had released Mr Malinov on bail for a limited pe-
riod, so that the head of the Russophile Move-
ment could visit the very country he was accused heaved a sigh of relief, many Bulgarians having
of spying for. sympathy for pro-Euro-Atlantic, anti-corruption
views groaned with chagrin. While it is clear that
SOME COUNTERPRODUCTIVE AID members of the latter group unduly expected an
FROM THE BIG BROTHER outside actor (who has good relations with this
As the spy drama was increasingly turning into government, especially in the security field) to
tragicomedy, a new character entered upon the fix Bulgaria’s corruption problems, the barring of
stage in an attempt to save the show. Unfortu- Mr Mitalov looked like an excessive use of force
nately, the effect was quite the opposite. At the be- by the US that, in fact, completely missed the big
ginning of February 2020, the US Ambassador to picture. And disillusioned many who believed the
Sofia, Herro Mustafa, told NovaTV that very soon US has serious plans to help fight the overwhelm-
Washington would designate a Bulgarian official ingly high-level corruption in Bulgaria.
suspected of corruption and ban him from enter-
ing the USA. The suspense in Sofia rose again. DEBACLES PILE UP
On the contrary, the decision to bar Judge Mitalov
A few days later the US Embassy announced that has likely solidified the notion that Prosecutor
the Bulgarian citizen designated by the US Secre- General Ivan Geshev had struck a deal with the
tary of State is … Judge Andon Mitalov. The official US to chase alleged Russian spies that leaves him
statement claimed that “in his official capacity, leeway to pursue his own agenda on the domestic
Mitalov was involved in corrupt acts that under- arena.
mined the rule of law and severely compromised Moreover, no piece of evidence of Mr Mitalov’s
the independence of democratic institutions in alleged corrupt acts has been presented by the
Bulgaria”. US, although Bulgaria’s Supreme Court of Justice
(SCJ) and its Disciplinary Committee asked for
The news was, to put it mildly, anticlimactic, as such evidence immediately after news of the ban
in the time span between Ms Mustafa’s interview broke. So far, the SCJ has found no legitimate rea-
and the day the name of the judge was released, sons to suspend the magistrate and at the time
people speculated wildly about who the desig- this issue of KQ went to print, he was back at work.
nated official would be. Some thought it might be This is not the only debacle in that part of the spy
the Member of Parliament from the Movement for story. At the beginning of March, Yuri Borissov
Rights and Freedoms and media mogul Delyan said that he had successfully sued the Interior
Peevski, as his name is the epitome of corruption Ministry for unlawfully taking him into custody in
in Bulgaria. September last year. In an interview for bTV Mr
Borissov said that the questions his interrogators
The designated official is a little-known judge who asked him during the time of his arrest were all
has never been involved with high-profile cases, but direct quotes from an article on the Russo-
with his cardinal sin being that he released on phile Movement published by Telegraph daily, one
bail the head of the Russophile Movement and of the newspapers controlled by Delyan Peevski.
alleged spy, so that Mr Malinov could travel to
Moscow. While some people holding high office “There was not a single question linked to spy-

Q Undercover officers of Russia‘s

GRU military intelligence service The alleged spy had also been meeting with “Bul-
were filmed in 2015 during an alleged garian citizens who had access to information in
attempt to poison Bulgarian arms that sphere”. While the Russian Embassy said
trader Emilian Gebrev that Sofia had presented no evidence to back the
charges made by the prosecution and protested
the fact that the Bulgarian authorities had pub-
licized the allegations before informing the em-
bassy about them first, it met the deadline set by
the Bulgarian foreign ministry and sent its two
diplomats home.

The Prosecutor’s Office, already super-active on

Russia-related topics, announced on January 23
that it has issued European arrest warrants, In-
terpol red notices and requests for the interna-
tional hunt for three unnamed Russian citizens
charged with the attempted murder in 2015 of
the three people who appeared at the beginning
of our story – the arms dealer Emilian Gebrev, his
ing. The same goes for the interrogations of my son Hristo and Valentin Tahchiev, an executive at
colleagues,” Mr Borissov said, adding that the Gebrev’s arms production firm EMCO. The alleged
investigators inquired about the political goals perpetrators were accused of having attempted
and connections of the Russophile Movement in- to kill the victims “in a way and by means danger-
stead. Incidentally or not, when the spying allega- ous to the lives of many” in the period between
tions against the Russophile Movement chairman April 28 and May 4, 2015, using a still unidentified
Nickolay Malinov were brought up in 2019, they organic phosphorus compound, the prosecutor’s
repeated almost word for word an article in Moni- office said in a statement. In response, Russian
tor newspaper, another media outlet owned by Mr Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova
Peevski. said that Bulgaria ought to follow established
international criminal procedures and work to-
SECONDARY SCENARIOS THAT ARE gether with the Russian authorities on the Gebrev
A couple of side stories unfolded alongside the
disappointing main spying plotline featuring It appears that the sudden rise in Russia-related
Nickolay Malinov and the Russophile Movement. anti-spying activity is paying off for the Bulgarian
At the end of January, the prosecutor general in- authorities from a totally unexpected direction.
formed Foreign Minister Ekaterina Zaharieva that Although Prime Minister Boyko Borissov tries to
two Sofia-based Russian diplomats had been spy- keep his distance and even acts as an advocate
ing for Moscow. One of them was holding the post of Moscow when alleged Russian spies are being
of first secretary in the consular section of the indicted and sent back home, he has managed
Russian embassy, while the other was a member to find a connection between an investigation of
of the trade section. a money laundering scheme in Spain potentially
linked to him and the recent rough handling of
The Prosecutor’s Office said the first individual Russian agents in Bulgaria. According to Mr Bo-
was suspected of “carrying out reconnaissance rissov, the investigation conducted by Spanish
work related to the Bulgarian electoral proce- police and anti-corruption authorities of possi-
dures” since 2017. The second one had allegedly ble links between him and a purchase of an ex-
collected intelligence including “state and profes- pensive house in Barcelona has been initiated by
sional secrets in the sphere of energy and energy some unidentified pro-Russian forces who aim to
security of the country [since October 2018] that divert Bulgaria from its Euro-Atlantic path. Even
was sent to the intelligence services in Moscow”. though the allegations of a link between Mr Bo-
rissov and the Barcelona house are two-years old
THE SERIES OF SPYING SCANDALS and there is no hard proof that he is implicated,
INVOLVING BULGARIA AND RUSSIA he decided to play the Russian card. The prime
minister and media outlets friendly to his govern-
STARTED OFF INTRIGUINGLY, BUT AS ment even managed to link the Catalan magazine
MORE WAS REVEALED IT LOOKS LESS El Periodico (which made the investigation public)
LIKE JAMES BOND AND MORE AKIN and the local anti-corruption agency to Russian
TO JOHNNY ENGLISH. intelligence. Go figure!


Bulgarians are still more positive about the Eu- explanation is that Bulgarians themselves tend
ropean Union than citizens of other EU member to migrate.
states. Bulgaria is one of three European coun-
tries the citizens of which have the highest level For Bulgarians, the EU means mostly freedom to
of confidence in the EU (60%) alongside Lithu- travel, work and study within the Union. They see
ania (66%) and Denmark (63%). Bulgarians, how- the EU as a guarantee for the quality of life of the
ever, are less likely (42%) to share the belief that future generations, a guarantor of peace and de-
the interests of their country are sufficiently mocracy.

taken into account at EU level.

Bulgarians see the main issues facing the EU

and their country quite differently compared to
most of other Europeans. It is obvious, for exam- of the Bulgarians do not support a "European
ple, that they do not pay much attention to the economic and monetary union with one
issue of climate change. They are much more single currency, the euro". Only 28% on aver-
preoccupied with their economic situation. It is age in the EU are against the single currency
interesting to note that they are far less con- with 18% in the euro area countries. Czechs
cerned by migration, even though Bulgaria sits with 68% are the most sceptical, Estonians
at the EU’s outer border. Probably part of the with 6% against are the greatest fans.


Rising prices\cost of living

Health and social security
Economic situation
Еnvironment, climate and energy
Government debt
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Source: Eurobarometer 92



13 12 12 11 8 8 7 7 7 4 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 0


33 29 23 19 13 13 12 11 11 6 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
Source: Eurobarometer 92


//In this section:

Bulgaria gliding on the waves

of the economic cycle

The loophole of in-house


 Bulgaria and the global slowdown

Source: Eurostat

Until very recently, Bulgaria’s path
to the Exchange Rate Mechanism
(ERM II), the training grounds
A GLITCH ON before entry into the Eurozone

and the EU’s Banking Union,
seemed assured. The technical requirements were

EURO PATH met, the final obstacle being the capitalization of

the two problematic lenders – First Investment
Bank (Fibank) and Investbank, which were found
to have significant capital shortfalls following last
PRIME MINISTER year’s comprehensive assessment conducted by

UNEXPECTEDLY At the end of January, however, Bulgaria’s bid to

“FREEZES” BULGARIA’S join the euro area suddenly steered away from
the quiet channels of technical preparation and
ADVANCE INTO THE EURO hit a wall following a U-turn by Prime Minister
AREA DESPITE POSITIVE Boyko Borissov. The stumbling blocks were sev-
eral little publicized changes to the legal frame-
SIGNALS FROM BRUSSELS work that technically “untied” the Bulgarian lev
from the euro. They sparked speculation and
NIKOLAY STOYANOV, unfounded fears about the stability of Bulgaria’s
VERA DENIZOVA currency board system, which has been an an-
chor for the local economy since the late 1990s.
After several weeks of ever increasing crescendo
and feeble government reaction, Mr Borissov
came out and said that “as long as there is no
absolute consensus, confidence in the euro area,
we will not force our entry”.

QThe Executive told Capital newspaper that Sofia is following the

Vice-President initial schedule, the implementation of its com-
of the European mitments was “at an advanced stage” and there
Commission Valdis is no reason for delays.
Dombrovskis (on
the left) had to Mr Borissov’s backpedaling seems to follow his
intervene in order habit of quelling any tension arising on a po-
to dispel anti-euro tentially explosive topic, even if it contravenes
sentiments in common sense and Bulgaria’s long-term interest.
Bulgaria | Photo by So far, this doesn’t mean that Bulgaria is aban-
Nadezhda Chipeva doning its plan to join ERM II – there is no such
statement from the government. However, the
prime minister’s wavering encouraged euroscep-
tics to step up their campaign against the Euro-
zone and even start a petition for a referendum
on joining the euro. Moreover, other EU capitals
are wondering if Bulgaria, which had insisted
on joining the euro, is still certain of its goals.
Without determination, Sofia could lose support,
because after joining ERM II a lot more reforms
will have to be made to prepare Bulgaria’s sub-
sequent entry into the euro area. The other EU
member states are wary of Bulgaria promising a
lot and then backtracking as happened after EU
accession in 2007.

A possible “freeze” of the government’s efforts to

adopt the euro could irk foreign investors, who
will take this into account when exploring the
country as a destination where future reforms
The prime minister’s statement was, to put it are expected to improve the local business en-
mildly, surprising, considering it came at a time vironment. At the end of last year, for example,
when negotiations and preparations for the Bul- rating agency Standard & Poor’s upgraded Bul-
garia’s entry into ERM II were in their final stage. garia’s credit rating by one degree, taking into
Many observers took that to mean one of two account the country’s progress in preparations
things – either Bulgaria doesn’t have enough ex- to join ERM II.
ternal support to enter the Eurozone and is now
trying to backpedal, or that there is no political PR CRISIS
will to finish the process. It all started with an amendment to the Law on
the Bulgarian National Bank which stated that
The first theory seems less likely. There are the lev’s fixed exchange rate to the euro will be
strong signals from Brussels that Bulgaria has abolished following the country’s entry into ERM
a very good chance of joining the Banking Un- II.
ion and the exchange rate mechanism, if not by
April 30, the date originally set by the Minister The change was necessary and requested by the
of Finance Vladislav Goranov, then by mid-year. ECB in order to demonstrate Bulgaria’s central
The Executive Vice-President of the European bank independence in dealing with the national
Commission, Valdis Dombrovskis, who is directly currency. However, the amendment was submit-
overseeing Bulgaria’s accession to the euro area, ted between two readings in parliament of a com-
pletely different law and was not accompanied by
any assurance that no one, in any form, was plan-
A HANDFUL OF EXPERTS AND ning to change the current fixed exchange rate of
POLITICIANS EXPLOIT THE 1.95583 levs to the euro. This opened the door for


Economic and political populists quickly seized
FIXED EXCHANGE RATE AND CAST their chance to gain ground on people’s fears,
DOUBT ON THE BENEFITS OF EURO which mostly go in two directions. Firstly, the
ADOPTION. exchange rate will be renegotiated upon en- > 40

Once again, the benefits of BETTER ECONOMIC FUTURE AND
The classic benefits of the euro are clear – a better
credit rating and cheaper loans, more invest-
ment and lower transaction costs. These effects, board arrangement were countered by allega-
in addition to the reforms and legal amendments tions of hypothetical backstage agreements and
undertaken in the process, improve the business guaranteed depreciation of the lev, because ERM
environment. II allows for fluctuation of the exchange rate of
the candidate country’s currency to the euro
But what Bulgaria would miss if it remains in its within a corridor of +/- 15%.
current position is just as important. Better banking
supervision, for example. Bulgaria’s most significant In short, both institutions driving the procedures
banking problems since 1990 have been caused for Bulgaria’s membership in ERM II – the Minis-
by institutions with local ownership. The tempta- try of Finance and the Bulgarian National Bank,
tion of bankers to channel depositors’ resources became prisoners of their own strategy to keep
to their other endeavors is always present and the it quiet. Any talk about scrapping the currency
local regulator will always be under pressure from board and a potential depreciation raises very
oligarchic interests. ECB supervision is not perfect, real fears, because only 23 years ago Bulgaria
it doesn’t fully eliminate the risks but it definitely re- suffered a severe hyperinflation that wiped out
duces them. Another benefit is that staying in ERM people’s savings, and pushed many to consider
II will involve more reform commitments and follow- turning their levs into euro or dollars “just in
up on entry into the mechanism. For example, legal case”. Turning these fears into panic can shake
amendments aimed at improving the governance of not only the political resolve to join the Eurozone
state-owned companies. Although such amend- but the actual currency board as well. In less
ments are steps in the right direction themselves, than a week in the middle of February more than
they really depend on how they are implemented. one billion levs were exchanged and if the panic
The same applies to anti-money laundering, finan- had continued, BNB would have had to decide to
cial sector supervision and more. use some of its not so liquid currency reserves to
meet the demand for euro.
Moreover, strategically, a deeper question concerns
Bulgaria’s vision for its future outside the Eurozone. The noise has shifted to the core of the matter
Establishing close cooperation with the ECB, and – arguments for and against the euro area. The
subsequently joining the Eurozone, is a logical exit fiercest critics are among the devotees that have
from the currency board that geopolitically binds long ago taken a stand against Bulgaria adopting
Bulgaria to the core of the EU and gives the country the euro. And the play with people’s fears went
a seat at the decision-making table. There are up a notch –”What if the Eurozone ends up col-
several alternatives to this and it is not clear what lapsing?” or “What if we become like Greece?”
the benefits are. Maintaining the status quo leaves Spearheading the anti-euro campaign, Steve
Bulgaria with no monetary policy and no access to Hanke – professor at Johns Hopkins and senior
ECB liquidity or bailouts. In the event of economic fellow at Cato Institute, often wrongly promoted
turbulence, this doesn’t help the economy one as the “father of the Bulgarian currency board”,
iota. The other option – switching to some form of proclaimed that Bulgaria is left to the mercy
floating exchange rate, has not been suggested by of Frankfurt (where the ECB is based) and the
anyone, not even the harshest critics of the euro. So Bulgarian lev could be devalued through secret
– the ball is in Borissov’s court once again. agreements.

These “what if” arguments are valid and theoreti-

> 39 try in ERM II and people’s lev savings will cally sound, albeit rebuttable in practice. If one is
depreciate. Secondly, prices will increase signifi- a true eurosceptic and believes in the imminent
cantly and the purchasing power will drop like a collapse of the euro area, then it makes sense
rock – a fear that has persisted despite numer- to preserve the national currency. The problem
ous rebuttals using statistics from countries that with this logic is that Bulgaria already has a deep
have already accepted the euro. attachment to the European economy. In such
a catastrophic event, the existence of the lev,
Formal statements that this exchange rate will whether fixed or floating, will not do anything to
not change and Bulgaria will keep its currency mitigate the fallout.

The issue of fiscal discipline is a natural conse-

quence of the accumulated mistrust of politi-
cians along many lines. However, assuming that
the primary objective of the government is to
preserve a fertile corruption environment, they
would be better off doing it outside of the tighter
controls of the euro area and the single banking

It’s unclear what kind of policy the prime min-
ister is seeking. Typically, politicians make big
strategic steps like this with the clear awareness
that not everyone in society will agree but that
they’re in the country’s best interests long-term.
Eva Elges, Managing Director of Cargill in
In 1997, when the currency board was introduced
in Bulgaria, there was no consensus, too, but after
23 years of operation the rigid monetary mecha- MARKET NEEDS MORE
nism has become an article of faith. TALENT
What was the biggest event in your sector in the
Even though polling results show that only 43%
last quarter and why?
of Bulgarians support the euro, there is virtually
unanimous support for euro adoption among the The continued market expansion. More global com-
panies have noticed the strong skills, experience,
parliamentary parties. Only Volya, a fringe popu-
and potential of talent in Bulgaria. Like Cargill, other
list party has announced that it would propose
companies are seeing Bulgaria is a location where
a referendum on the euro, which would also in-
they can establish capabilities centеrs that are not
clude questions on whether illiterate people
just cost effective, but can also deliver a lot of value.
should be able to vote, whether there should be
video surveillance when opening ballot boxes
and whether waste imports should be allowed. What do you expect in the next big development
in the sector over the next quarter or further and
So far, the prime minister’s statement has not why ?
been construed by relevant institutions as the People development. With the industry’s acceler-
cue to cease preparations for Bulgaria’s euro ated growth, our market needs to continue to meet
accession. “The Bulgarian National Bank has no growing demands for talent. And these needs
comment on the Prime Minister’s statement. combine higher education, specialized skills and
The work on fulfilling the tasks related to join- languages with agile thinking, lean mindset and soft
ing ERM II and the Banking Union continues in
accordance with the established schedule,” said
central bank governor Dimitar Radev in response Eva Elges is the Managing Director of Cargill in Bulgar-
to questions from Capital. ia and Cargill Business Services Sofia Center Lead. She
also leads the biggest function the center – Finance,
The last hurdle before joining the ERM II is the which is supporting Cargill in the Europe, Middle East,
requirement to recapitalize First Investment Africa and Russia region.
Bank (Fibank) and Investbank (see more on Eva joined Cargill in 2018, bringing more than 20 years
p106). Even if they fail to do that through pri- of experience in the accounting and reporting field,
vate investors, the amount could easily be raised and a decade of experience working for global com-
through budgetary or quasi-budgetary funds as panies, including Interbrew, Bosch, and Bombardier.
a last resort. Eva is half German, half Hungarian, and married to a
Romanian. She and her family relocated to Bulgaria
Despite the turbulence, at least publicly Sofia to join Cargill. One of Eva’s favourite quotes is, “With
is still en route to the Eurozone and there is no passion you can win everything.”
change in Brussels’ support. A day after Boriss-
ov’s comments, Mr Dombrovskis posted on Twit-
ter a photo with finance minister Goranov. “Euro
accession is open to any EU country working
towards it; the European Commission supports
this effort to get ready for a successful member-
ship,” the commissioner wrote.
PThe growing sector of auto parts
manufacturers could be seriously
hit by the ongoing economic
slowdown | Photo by Tzvetelina Belutova

BULGARIA of an economic crisis is minimal, but reduced global

growth will be the new reality in the coming years.

WAVES OF THE According to economic outlooks unveiled by vari-

ous institutions, accelerated growth is to be ex-

ECONOMIC CYCLE pected in some developing countries this year,

but Bulgaria will not be among them. Realisti-
cally, the outlook for Bulgaria is set at 3% growth,

THE LOCAL ECONOMY to be driven by record-low unemployment, rising

wages and government spending on upcoming
CONTINUES TO major infrastructure projects such as highways.

MOVE IN SYNC WITH However, many of Bulgaria’s significant issues ac-

EUROPEAN TRENDS, cumulating over the past decade will probably re-

WHILE OPPORTUNITIES main unaddressed in 2020. Demographic trends

clearly outline the future of the Bulgarian labor
FOR REFORMS SLOWLY market: the number of workers is in decline and

DWINDLE qualified personnel will become more and more

expensive and difficult to retain. Meaningful re-
forms in a number of sectors such as the judicial
system, health care and education also remain in
the background as an abstract idea embedded in

government strategies for some time in the fu-
ture. The prospects for structural changes are
Uncertainty is no longer a surprise also weighed down by the regular parliamentary
but rather the normality for the elections due in 2021.
global economy. Last year, none
of the significant geopolitical And while Bulgaria is gliding on the wave of the
headaches were resolved and
they were left hanging in 2020 - Brexit, trade
disputes, and now Iran. These issues, individually
and cumulatively, are capable of derailing FOR THE EUROZONE WOULD HAVE A
macroeconomic projections, which are otherwise STRONG NEGATIVE EFFECT FOR THE
pretty much in concurrence. Namely, the likelihood ECONOMY.


(GDP growth rate)
Eurozone Bulgaria Eurozone outlook Bulgaria outlook



'08 '09 '10 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21
Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Finance
Georgi Angelov, Open Society Institute:
current economic cycle, the world is slowly but BECOMING A MEMBER OF
steadily moving to new priorities like digitaliza- ERM II AND THE BANKING
tion, green and circular economies. The economic
upturn is coming to an end. And as the window
of opportunity for making structural changes STRONG POSITIVE SIGNAL
slowly closes, Bulgaria risks remaining in an end- TO FOREIGN INVESTORS
less game of catch-up with advanced economies
in both Europe and the world in general.
Undoubtedly, the possible entry of Bulgaria
NOT EXACTLY A CRISIS into ERM II and the European Banking Union
Weaknesses in international trade and indus- would have a positive impact on the Bulgar-
trial production continue to weigh down on ian economy, even though the benefits have
global growth. This does not imply an impending already been partly absorbed in advance. The
recession. Moreover, the IMF expects the global fulfilment of the conditions set by the euro
economic growth rate to rise slightly from 3% in area finance ministers, in addition to the asset
2019 to 3.4% in 2020. But that’s not a cause for quality review of local banks, in themselves
celebration. Acceleration is driven by develop- have a positive effect on the business environ-
ing countries, whereas rich countries are slow- ment in Bulgaria.
ing down, which in the long run is unlikely to be
sustainable. However, Bulgaria’s accession to ERM II would
also involve additional commitments for struc-
None of the major international and local institu- tural reforms and would create opportunities
tions expect Bulgaria to be among those report- for access to funding to finance the reforms.
ing acceleration. One of the most positive out-
looks comes from the Ministry of Finance, which These factors would be strong incentives
is betting on a slowdown in economic growth for implementing structural changes, which
from 3.4% in 2019 to 3.3% this year. The IMF pre- would improve the Bulgarian economy’s
dicts 3.2%, the European Commission and the potential. Moreover, entry into ERM II and the
World Bank - 3%. There are variations, but even Banking Union would be a strong positive
an optimistic 3.5% growth will not be enough to signal to foreign investors and would improve
accelerate Bulgaria’s convergence with other EU the country’s credit rating.
countries, according to James Jolovski, Doctor of
be rising (see the sidebar with his opinion).
Similarly to the past several years, economic The government is also coming to the rescue
growth in Bulgaria will depend on consumption with a 10% increase in the salaries of public sec-
and investment in 2020. Household budgets tor employees and a 6.7% increase in pensions.
are growing on the back of record-low unem- In addition, government expenditure for invest-
ployment and rising wages. On the other hand, ment will be turning to the local economy this
Latchezar Bogdanov, chief economist at Sofia- year, unlike in 2019, when billions were directed
based Institute for Market Economics points to to foreign suppliers for the purchase of fighter
construction, where, he maintains, activity will jets. > 44


(Harmonised index of consumer prices, annual percentage change)
Eurozone Bulgaria Eurozone outlook Bulgaria outlook
'15 '16 '17 '18 '19 '20 '21
Latchezar Bogdanov, Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Finance

Institute for Market Economics:

THE REAL INCREASE IN > 44 tion of EU funds usually accelerates in the
CONSTRUCTION IS JUST last three years of the programming periods.


One of the biggest unknowns this year is wheth-
The obvious short-term drivers of economic er Bulgaria will finally receive the long-awaited
growth in Bulgaria are domestic consumption and approval for membership of the European ex-
public expenditure on infrastructure. However, change-rate mechanism (ERM II) and the Euro-
in my opinion, there are two more engines that pean Banking Union. The answer is set for April,
are underrated. In the short term, because of according to Finance Minister Vladislav Goranov.
the sharp increase in property prices in the last A “yes” from the ECB, the countries of the euro
three years and the relative settling in recent area and Denmark would send a clear positive
months, a misperception has been created that signal about Bulgaria’s prospects to foreign in-
the effect from the housing boom has already vestors and rating agencies. It would also bring
been recorded in the economic data. Actually, more pressure from the EU for structural reform.
the real increase in construction activity is just
beginning and in 2020 and 2021 we will probably However, the positives of such an event have al-
see a serious contribution of construction to the ready been factored into expectations. Accord-
value-added in the economy. ingly, a possible “no” or a new delay would have
a much stronger negative effect. Currently, that
The second factor is more important - contrary to seems unlikely, as the last formal obstacle - in-
gloomy expectations, new investment in export- creasing the capital of Fibank and Investbank to
oriented industries can be increased. Bulgaria can meet ECB requirements, is being tackled, albeit
take advantage of its long-term trump cards - be- behind the scenes.
ing part of the common European market and the
low costs for business. If that happens, it would EXTERNAL RISKS ARE NOT WHAT
be in high-productivity sectors precisely because THEY ONCE WERE
of the record-low unemployment rate and rising Last year’s major external issues are still in focus
wages. This would be the transformation of the in 2020: the possible negative economic conse-
structure of the Bulgarian economy which we quences of a hard Brexit for both Europe and the
have been increasingly talking about in recent UK, and international trade tensions.
years - towards increased use of knowledge,
technologies and capital. “The US and China are moving toward some
kind of initial understanding, but this may not
be good news if it puts Europe at the center of
US trade policy. Duties on imports of European
“A number of investment projects are entering cars, for example, would have a severe negative
their implementation phases, such as the gas effect on the German economy, which is already
pipelines to Greece and Serbia, parts of the He- on the brink of recession,” says Georgi Angelov.
mus, Struma and Europe highways,” says econo- According to Mr Bogdanov, the risk in this regard
mist Georgi Angelov of Sofia-based Open Society is related to the change in the “rules of the game”
Institute. Moreover, Bogdanov notes, the absorp- in global trade in the face of severe restrictions


(Billion levs)
Export Import
I.14 I.15 I.16 I.17 I.18 I.19 X.19
Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Finance James Jolovski, Doctor of Economics:
and disturbances in international relations not TARGET FOR CAPITAL
envisioned in the past 30 years.
However, the results from the Bulgarian Indus- BUDGET IS AN ECONOMIC
trial Association’s most recent annual business RISK
survey show that these issues are not signifi-
cant to Bulgarian businesses. Considering that
the Brexit referendum took place in 2016, the UK There is a risk to public finance in Bulgaria as
leaving the EU can hardly be a shock and every- a result of the systematic failure to meet the
one has had enough time to adapt. The 800 ex- target amount of capital expenditures set in the
ecutives who took part in the survey are far more national budget against the backdrop of raising
worried about European policies: 36% of them and exceeding the targets for current expenses.
expect business indicators to worsen because of This trend significantly reduces the ability of
possible new regulations and restrictions associ- the government to manoeuvre in the event of
ated with the increasing number of “green” mem- adverse economic developments.
bers of the European Parliament.
The government is optimistic about Bulgaria’s
However, the state of the European industrial accession to ERM II by the end of April. However,
sector is important for Bulgarian export-orient- there is a lack of information on this issue. The
ed industries. “Undoubtedly, stagnation in Euro- results from the ECB’s stress test and asset
pean industry will shrink demand for the prod- quality review were declared as positive. At the
ucts of many Bulgarian engineering companies,” same time, the results obviously proved to be
says Bogdanov. However, such a situation can an unexpected obstacle to Bulgaria’s acces-
be avoided by investing in capacity expansion of sion to ERM II. The efforts of one of the two
existing plants in Bulgaria to higher value-added troubled banks to increase their capital raise
products, i.e. relocation of the industrial base of some doubts, considering that their shares are
western European manufacturers to Eastern Eu- issued at a value well above the market price. In
rope. any case, a delay in the response to Bulgaria’s
candidacy to join ERM II and the Banking Union
From that perspective, another year of record- after the end of April would give a negative
low interest rates is good news for lending to the signal to the economy, which would lose part
private sector. However, resistance is growing to- of the confidence gained from the increase in
wards the policies of big central banks and ques- Bulgaria’s credit rating.
tions arise regarding their diminishing efficiency
and long-term effects. For example, Mr Yolovski
warns of declining returns of pension funds that cial systems, a deep-rooted feeling of injustice
invest in more conservative instruments. and corruption and, consequently, the lowest
incomes and the worst demographic outlook in
In macroeconomic terms, Bulgaria looks good Europe. The last years before the economic cycle
and could potentially withstand an economic turns downward are also the final chance to set
shock, but the country still has many structural longer-term goals and take more decisive steps
problems - inefficient and unsustainable so- in order to achieve them.



About 3 billion levs (1.5 billion HOW IT WORKS
euro) without VAT – this is the In countries like Finland, Germany and the UK,
overall value of the contracts in-house public procurement is used success-
which Bulgarian authorities have fully, Dr. Irena Georgieva, a lawyer and special-
signed with state or municipally- ist in the field, explains. The benefits of in-house
owned companies in the last three years. These procurement are that the procedures are faster
so called in-house deals permit skipping the – there is no waiting for a tender, no appeals
bidding procedures when the contracting party are submitted to the competition authority, no
and the contractor are related, for example when a demands to lower the price are issued. “If this
municipality hires its own waste management unit construct is used legally and adequately, it would
to implement a project. This type of procedure is lead to efficient spending of budgetary funds,
perfectly legal; it can save the municipal or state without violating any principle of public procure-
institutions time, money and effort. But the recent ment,” says Ms Georgieva.
proliferation of this procedure in Bulgaria shows
the authorities are using it to circumvent public However, Bulgaria’s environment is slightly dif-
procurement rules to distribute money to favorites ferent. “The public procurement sector continues
in a totally non-transparent manner. to be a reflection of the widespread corruption
problems of the government,” the Center for the
Take the case of the government’s Road Infra- Study of Democracy, a Sofia-based think-tank,
structure Agency (RIA). It has signed three con- wrote in 2016. In 2011, 2014 and 2016, various
tracts for a total of over 2.7 billion levs without legislative changes were adopted regarding in-
VAT with state-owned highway construction house tenders, fully implementing the respective
company Avtomagistrali – the most impressive EU rules. “It should be borne in mind that if the
procurement awarded to a single company in the in-house contract meets all the requirements of
last 30 years. Avtomagistrali is supposed to build the EU and national legislation, then the size of
about 220 km of the Hemus motorway in north- the project and the allocated funds in any case
ern Bulgaria, as well as work on 74 smaller road do not matter,” Ms Georgieva explains.
projects. The current pace of construction of sec-
tions of the highway shows no signs of acceler- NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION?
ating but competition in the construction sector THINK TWICE
has been further reduced to an exclusive list of Eight years ago, at the introduction of the in-
Bulgarian companies which will work as unoffi- house practice, Tomislav Donchev, then Minister
cial subcontractors, evading the public tendering of European Funds, said: “No one is imagining
process. that it is right and beneficial (to the private sec-

QState-owned Avtomagistrali received spending of the money, because the expenditure

the biggest procurement contract would increase the budget deficit just before the
awarded to a single company in the last expected invitation to Bulgaria to launch its ac-
30 years without any tendering | Photo by cession to the Eurozone. But nothing prevented
Tzvetelina Belutova Avtomagistrali from tendering the construction
in an open way, as many private companies are
required for the works.
tor, contracting authority or taxpayer) for mu-
nicipal and state-owned companies to repair and The progress of the project is actually not that
build roads, railways or anything similar.” fast. Construction is shockingly slow – within a
year of the signing of the first contract only a 1.6
This is exactly what is happening now. The first km-long stretch is being built, according to of-
contract for 134 km of the Hemus motorway is ficial construction permits. In comparison, the
valued at an estimated 1.15 billion levs without last completed section of the Hemus motorway,
VAT and the sum may even grow, according to which is 9 km long, was designed and built in a
the agreement signed by RIA. It was awarded in year and a half.
December 2018, after the government decided to
spend part of the budget surplus faster than a Since there was no tender, it is not clear whether
typical tender would allow. The other two incred- the money is being spent in the most efficient
ibly expensive contracts that Avtomagistrali has and appropriate way. There is no way to cut the
received are worth respectively 483 million levs cost through competition and market principles.
and 1.15 billion levs, with the first one for 74 road When open tender procedures were used, the
repair projects and the second for construction cost of construction of two other stretches of He-
of a further 89 km of Hemus. mus varied between 7 and 9 million levs per kilo-
meter. In the case of Avtomagistrali’s contract,
Capital newspaper asked Mr Donchev, who is the cost stands at 10 million levs per kilometer
now Deputy Prime Minister, whether the current but this is not the final price. The funds were al-
practice has deviated from the initial plans. He located from the budget without a clear estimate
replied: “In this respect, the in-house allocation of how and why it would cost so much.
of highway construction contracts follows the
spirit of the law, as the company is fully public.” Secondly, in-house contracts do not allow the use
In order to award in-house contracts, the con- of subcontractors. However, Avtomagistrali is go-
tracting authority needs to exercise control of ing around the law and occasionally breaking it.
the company in question, be it state-owned or It has signed contracts for equipment rentals but
municipal, and make sure that more than 80% in practice they are subcontractor agreements.
of the company’s business is formed by activities Thus, the government-owned firm is functioning
for the same contracting entity or other entities as a broker for road construction for billions of
controlled by it. In this case, Avtomagistrali is levs without any transparency and responsibil-
under the umbrella of the Regional Development ity taken by the chosen private companies which
Ministry together with its contracting authority, have been put on an exclusive list through secret
the Road Infrastructure Agency. arrangements.

A BAD IDEA Unofficially, many construction companies admit

The rationale behind this decision was that that they are involved in the construction of He-
northern Bulgaria urgently needs a highway, mus, despite denials by Avtomagistrali manage-
because the region’s lack of a modern infra- ment.
structure connection to the rest of the country
impedes its economic development. Thus, the Third, the money is being spent in a non-trans-
government went for the easy, but questionable parent way. The Road Infrastructure Agency has
method – without an open tender procedure, not even published two of the three contracts
without evaluating offers by a range of com- it signed with Avtomagistrali, saying that public
panies and without risking any appeals. Part procurement law doesn’t cover in-house con-
of the reason for this decision lies in the fiscal tracts.
rules – the government didn’t want to delay the
Moreover, private companies are subject to
stricter scrutiny, in theory at least. With a state-
owned company, the authorities will need to fine
CLOSE BULGARIA’S PROCUREMENT themselves in case of poor quality construction,
MARKET FOR FOREIGN COMPANIES actually paying for the same thing twice.


Over the past year economic has gradually shifted away from labor intensive
tensions among the major glob- activities towards products with higher value add-
al economies have intensified, ed. During the previous expansionary cycle before
which has led to a considerable 2008 the Bulgarian economy was mostly depend-
decline in economic activity. The ent on the constant inflow of foreign capital; since
increased uncertainty has taken its toll on global 2009 the key driver of growth is the integration
investment, manufacturing and trade. Conse- into the production supply chains of the leading
quently, the modest rebound in global GDP growth EU economies. Similar trends affect services, as IT
in the first half of 2019 appears to have been short- development and business processes outsourcing
lived, and the near-term outlook has turned no- experienced a huge expansion in both export value
tably cooler than expected in the spring. However, and employment.
both monetary and fiscal stimuli in a number of
major economies, including the US and China, as During the period 2016-2018 the ranks of Bulgaria’s
well as resilient labor markets and accommodative Top 100 companies were gradually filled with more
financing conditions in advanced economies, are and more export oriented firms. For example, the
expected to limit the depth of the global slowdown. share of turnover of companies in the sectors of
energy, telecommunications, and food and drinks
As the EU is Bulgaria’s key trading and investment in 2016 was around 28% of the turnover of the Top
partner (it accounts for close to 70% of Bulgarian 100 companies in the country, while in 2018 it was
export of goods), the deteriorating conditions in 26%. During the same period the share of turnover
major European economies, especially in certain of companies in the sectors of metals, machinery,
manufacturing sectors, will directly affect compa- and pharmaceuticals has increased from 22.6% to
nies that are part of complex international value around 26% in 2018.
chains in the short term. A potential industrial de-
cline and inevitable restructuring will particularly In the short term, the deeper integration of Bul-
affect businesses that supply capital and interme- garian businesses into EU manufacturing and
diate goods to the producers of cars, machinery business services value chains goes hand in hand
and equipment where the importance of leading with higher exposure to negative developments
European industrial economies is even higher. in the advanced economies, and mostly Germany.
From a broader prospective, a prolonged period of
The share of such companies has grown in the last stagnant investment and private consumption in
decade, as the Bulgarian economy went through the EU will pose challenges to the entire export-
a deep structural transformation. Manufacturing ing sector in Bulgaria, as demand will be subdued

while competition to retain or increase market volumes remain similar to those of 2018. Exports
share will intensify. from Bulgaria also remain for the most part sta-
ble, especially within the EU despite negative de-
As Bulgarian exports to the United Kingdom are velopments in German and Italian manufacturing
rather modest, the potential negative effects from export industries throughout most of last year.
Brexit will affect Bulgaria through the overall de- Only two manufacturing sectors (sports goods
terioration of manufacturing sales to the UK in a and transport equipment) saw a 30-50 percent-
scenario of an unfavorable trade deal post-2021. age points increase in sales, while the rest were, at
best, stagnating.
Nevertheless, the Bulgarian economy has its Employment data also shows early signs of stag-
strengths and comparative advantages, which may nation. The most interesting trend is the decline
counter some of the effects of the euro area slow- in employment in the manufacture of fabricated
down. A sound fiscal position and resilient eco- metal products, despite stable productions rates.
nomic growth – without a build-up of sizable mac- On the one hand, this very well may be a conse-
roeconomic imbalances, are notable in comparison quence of investments in capital that lead to in-
to the indebtedness and anemic growth in most of creasing productivity. On the other hand, it is also
the euro area. The performance of heavy indus- possible that businesses are expecting a slowdown
try, especially in processing fuels and metals, the and lower demand for their product, reducing their
transformation of manufacturing (gaining higher labor force in advance. At the same time, in the
share of CEE exports into the leading EU markets), second quarter of 2019 the output of rubber and
and the positive development of ICT (being the plastic products and electrical equipment (both
most dynamic sector in recent years), will be cru- related to the automotive sector, among others)

cial for shaping the Bulgarian economy in the near are approaching 30 000 employees each, with lit-
future. These are also the key features of a positive tle sign of slowdown in expansion.
scenario for steady economic convergence even if
the EU enters a prolonged period of stagnant new Only two sectors – apparel production and manu-
investment and industrial slowdown. facturing of leather products, have been rapidly
losing workers (the former is down by more than
EARLY SIGNS OF PAINS 10 000 in less than two years), but this has to do
Bulgaria is already feeling the effects of the syn- more with the increase of labor costs in Bulgaria
chronized global slowdown (a term coined at the rather than with the global slowdown.
IMF). The latest 2019 data suggests that some in-
dustries are already losing steam - the decline in AUTOMOTIVE, ELECTRICAL
basic metals production, particularly during the EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY
summer, shows some exposure to the global slow- PRODUCTION
down. Three sectors will be most likely affected in a
negative scenario of a global and EU manufactur-
For most manufacturing sectors 2019 production ing downturn – automotive parts, electrical > 50


in EUR million 2010 = 100

Food, drinks and tobacco Raw materials Food, drinks and tobacco Raw materials
Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials Mineral fuels, lubricants and related materials

Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. Other manufactured goods Chemicals and related products, n.e.s. Other manufactured goods

Machinery and transport equipment Machinery and transport equipment Total

100 300
90 2 600
6 369
5 910
60 10 283
50 150
40 1 233
2 840 100
30 2 102
2 395
20 1 467 2 125 50
2 007 3 287
0 0
2010 2018 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: Eurostat
Source: Eurostat


Electrical machinery and Copper and articles Cereals Plastics and Apparel,
equipment and parts thereof articles thereof knitted or
thereof crocheted

Other Ores, slag and


Apparel, not knitted

or crocheted
Machinery, mechanical Vehicles and parts
Mineral fuels and oils appliances, parts and accessories
thereof thereof
Iron and steel

Articles of iron or
steel Furniture; bedding,

Source: Trade Map, International Trade Centre, www.intracen.org/marketanalysis, categories by the Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System (HS)

К | FASTEST GROWING INDUSTRIAL mediate and investment goods, and as such are
PRODUCTION ACTIVITIES IN BULGARIA AS deeply integrated in international value chains.
Exports of electrical machinery and equipment
2015 = 100
reached 3.1 billion euro in 2018 and became Bulgar-
Manufacture of rubber
and plastic products ia’s leading group of export products. The growth
Mining between 2013 and 2018 was the highest among key
of metal ores
Manufacture of motor vehicles,
export products, reaching 76%. Compared to 2008
trailers and semi-trailers
– the peak year for Bulgarian exports before the
manufacturing 2009 crisis – exports of electrical machinery and
Manufacture of computer, equipment are 3.4 times higher and their share in
electronic and optical products

Manufacture of other
total exports grew from 5.9% to 11%.
transport equipment
100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170
The automotive industry was the second fastest
Source: NSI
growing among the big manufacturing sectors in
the last decade. Ten years ago it ranked 23rd in
К | DECLINING INDUSTRIAL Bulgaria’s exports with less than 1% of the total
value. In 2018 it reached a share of 3.1% after a 65%
growth in the period between 2013 and 2018.
2015 = 100, 2000-2019

Manufacturing of tobacco products Exports of machinery and mechanical appliances

Manufacturing of clothing
were slightly below 2.3 billion euro in 2018 and re-
Manufacture of leather and related products
mained number four product group in Bulgarian
Manufacturing of furniture
exports. They grew by 42% in the last five years;
300 since 2008 the value of those exports doubled. The
250 share of machinery and mechanical appliances in
total exports grew modestly – from 7.5% in 2008
to 8.1%.

100 The prospects of slow growth in the EU will de-

press new business investment, which particularly
affects the demand for capital goods. About 77% of
’00 ’01 ’02 ’03 ’04 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’10 ’11 ’12 ’13 ’14 ’15 ’16 ’17 ’18 ’19
Bulgarian products are exported to the EU market
– some 87% in the automotive industry, 80% in the
Source: NSI machinery and mechanical appliances and 71% in
electrical equipment. EU automotive and machin-
ery production will probably be hit most severely
> 49 equipment and machinery which represent by uncertainties about the rules of international
23.4% of Bulgarian exports, or about 6.2 billion euro trade and the slowdown in global investment, and
in 2018, and are heavily dependent on external de- particularly investment moderation in China – the
mand. The downside impact on their performance two industries accounted for 480 billion euro, or
will be relatively strong, because they are export 25% of EU exports to the global market.
oriented and do not rely on domestic demand. At
the same time, they produce predominantly inter- As these three sectors are rather capital inten-


Wearing apparel Metal items, without machinery Electrical appliances Repairs and Lumber Chemical
and equipment installing of and procuts
machinery wooden
and items,
equipment without

Cars, trailers and Basic metals Computers, Leather

semi-trailers electronics and
and optics leather
Machinery and equipment products
Items from other Textiles, other Manufac- Printing
non-metal and mineral than apparel turing, not
materials elsewhere
Rubber and plastic
Furniture Bevarages Paper and
paper items

Source: Eurostat

sive industries, the relative share in manufactur-

ing employment is slightly lower – about 16.5%, or >
about 82 000 workers in the first half of 2019. It
should be noted, however, that these three sectors ICT AND OUTSOURCING:
added more than 20 000 jobs in the last six years
despite the long-term process of improving labor
productivity through capital investment. Much of the growth and expansion of the ser-
Additionally, two other industries will be relatively vices sector of Bulgaria in the years following
strongly affected in this scenario – the manufac- the economic crisis has come from the ICT and
ture of iron and steel products, and optical and business process outsourcing sector. They account
measuring instruments and appliances. They ac- for a significant portion of the record labor market
counted for 2% and 1.4% of Bulgaria’s total exports expansion in larger cities, Sofia in particular. These
in 2018, respectively, or about one billion euro com- activities, however, are also quite distinct in being
bined. About 86% of iron and steel products were almost exclusively outward focused, catering to
sold on the EU market, while for the optical and foreign markets.
measuring instruments the share was 66%. The
two industries employed about 65 000 workers This in turn means that those sectors are not as
in the first half of 2019 and both have added jobs much dependent on the economic cycles of Bul-
since 2013. garia as they are on the major markets they work
for: the UK, USA, Germany and the Netherlands,
Germany is the top export destination for all of to name a few of the largest. As a result of this de-
the five manufacturing product groups. The other pendency, any major economic downturn in those
key markets are Italy, Romania and the Czech Re- markets, especially ones triggered by a burst of a
public – all major industrial economies in the EU bubble in the technological sector, will likely have
– and Turkey. It should be noted that the share of significant consequences for the Bulgarian ICT and
Germany in all product groups has gradually in- outsourcing sectors even if the country itself is not
creased during the last five years. in a major crisis.

CHEMICALS, PAPER, GLASS AND Given the uneven exposure of those sectors to
SIMILAR PRODUCTS individual markets, it is hard to quantify the exact
Manufacturing of chemicals, paper and glass is dimensions of a possible slowdown in the techno-
also highly dependent on global trends. However, logical field, but it is relatively safe to assume that
they are not that closely integrated to the key in- from 2020 onwards it will not add new employment
dustrial economies of the euro area compared to and expand production at the same rates that it
the export-oriented automotive and machinery has achieved in the 2015-2019 period. At present,
production. Markets are more diversified, with according to estimates by sectoral organizations,
stronger importance of neighboring economies, as outsourcing and ICT services contribute about 5%
Romania, Greece, Turkey and Serbia are typically of the GDP of the country, and employ around 200
among the major importers. This pattern might 000 people, thus any risk to its well-being translates
alleviate a potential cut in orders from external into a systemic risk to Bulgaria’s economy as a
business partners in case of short-term shocks in whole, and in particular to its growth potential.
global demand, but a medium- to long-term EU-
wide manufacturing slowdown will neverthe- > 52

К | CHANGE IN MANUFACTURING tions have also increased substantially – by 3.4

times since 2008. Exports of glass and glassware
more than doubled, while exports of paper and
products paperboard grew 2.3 times. Altogether, the five
apparel industries accounted for more than 7.3% of Bul-
Leather and
leather products garian exports in 2018, or about 2.1 billion euro.
Items from other non-metal
and mineral materials
Bevarages Bulgaria’s exports of consumer goods should not be
Furniture directly affected in the short term by a deteriora-
Basic metals tion of global trade conditions or slowdown in ma-
Prinitng jor EU export sectors such as transport equipment
and machinery. A prolonged period of stagnating
Lumber and wooden items, growth in the EU, however, will subdue demand for
without furniture
Textiles, other products made by Bulgarian suppliers. Several im-
than apparel
Vehicles, portant factors should be considered here.
other that cars
Repairs and installing of
machinery and equipment
Paper and
First, exports of clothing and footgear are on a
paper items
Metal items, without
long-term decline. The major factor is the in-
machinery and equipment
creasing cost of labor. Competitive pressure is
procuts gradually rising and industries are transforming
and equipment by shifting into products with higher value added
and plastic while investing in capital to replace manual labor.
not elsewhere classified Within the apparel industry, exports of knitted
Computers, electronics
and optics clothing grew by 18% since 2008, while exports of
appliances not-knitted clothing fell by 5% during the same
-80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 period. Overall, exports were slightly growing both
Source: Eurostat in the last decade and the five-year period after
2013. However, the growth rate was close to zero
and much lower than the average increase in ex-
EMPLOYMENT, 2009 - 2017
ports. The value of footgear exports increased by
number of employees
27% since 2008 – well below the average. Statis-
Computer programming, consultancy and related activities
tical data on end-markets is misleading, as some
Office administrative, office support and other business support activities
Employment activities
exports that are recorded in Germany or Italy are
Information service activities further distributed to other countries. Still, the
Scientific research and development overall share of the EU is above 90%.
Pharmaceutical exports are geographically diver-
50,000 sified and the share of the EU market in them is
slightly below average at about 65%. This is one
of the fastest growing industries with a 3.7 times
30,000 increase in the value of exports since 2008 and
a share of 3.1% in total Bulgarian exports in 2018.
Russia and Serbia are key markets.
The sectors of furniture, bedding, mattresses
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 and ceramic products depend on both household
Source: Eurostat
spending and business investment. The overall
conditions for households in the EU – employ-
ment, disposable income, access to credit – will di-
> 51 less affect these industries. rectly affect demand for finished products. At the
same time, new investment such as new buildings,
Production of plastics and plastic articles reached hotels and offices will also play a key role in the fu-
830 million euro in 2018, or about 3% of total Bul- ture market. In any way, a scenario for a prolonged
garian exports. The growth since 2008 was com- slow growth in Europe will put downward pressure
paratively low – about 68%. At the same time, on demand for these products, although it is highly
manufacturing of rubber products grew 4 times, unlikely that a huge shock can occur in the short
reaching 300 million euro in 2018. term. Exports of ceramic products doubled since
2008 and accounted for almost 1% of total exports
Exports of essential oils and cosmetics prepara- in 2018. Exports of furniture, bedding and mat-

tresses trebled to reach a share of 2.3% in total ex-

ports. The final destinations are quite diverse with
no country having a dominant position.
Overall, these six industries accounted for more
than 3.3 billion euro of exports in 2018, or 11.9% of 3
9 24
the total. From a labor market perspective, cloth- 3
3 23
ing and footgear manufacturing is downsizing em- 4 3
ployment as a key strategy for retaining competi- 5 4
tiveness. Since 2010 the number of jobs decreased 2016 2018
by 73 000; the decline continued even after 2013 6
with 30 000 lay-offs. 5

Still, clothing and footgear production account for 21

over 17% of total manufacturing employment. The 13
downsizing – both due to companies moving to 13
cheaper production destinations and replacement 14
of labor by capital – will continue in any scenario
for the EU economy. The furniture, bedding and Fuels Energy Metals Trade
mattresses production is exposed to similar labor Machinery & equipment Pharmacy Telecommunication
Food and drinks Agriculture Transport Other
cost pressures but the fast growth in exports has
prevented a sizable decline in employment in the Source: Eurostat

sector. It is still a relatively important part of the

manufacturing jobs market with 19 000 workers.
2013 AND 2018
Pharmaceuticals and ceramics are capital-inten-
sive industries and their share in overall employ- Electrical machinery and equipment
ment is low – about 2%, or 10 000 workers. Automotive
Furniture, bedding, mattresses
Articles of iron or steel
BULGARIAN ECONOMY’S Plastics and articles thereof

Pharmaceutical products
The foundations of the Bulgarian economy are Total
Copper and articles thereof
significantly different in comparison to the pre- Apparel, knitted or crocheted
vious boom. It ended with the so called Great Re- Iron and steel
Ores, slag and ash
cession that began at the end of 2008. Economic Apparel, not knitted or crocheted
growth in recent years is supported by the transi- Cereals
Mineral fuels
tion to more knowledge-intensive activities, with Oil seeds
most of them taking advantage of export markets. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
While the previous expansion cycle was depend- Source: Trade Map, International Trade Centre, www.intracen.org/marketanalysis

ent on the constant flow of foreign capital chan-

neled through direct investment or banking credit,
the current cycle is characterized by export-led ket – the employment rate in the 20-64-year age
growth of manufacturing and services and private group reached 76.3% in the third quarter of 2019,
consumption. while nominal wages increased on average by 12%
in the first nine months of 2019. Loans to house-
Fiscal policy is quite prudent, with year after year holds, expected to have increased by 10% in 2019,
of budget surpluses and government debt is pro- will further propel private consumption and resi-
jected to decrease below 20% of GDP in 2022. This dential construction. The pace of growth of private
favorable fiscal position is extremely important in consumption is expected to slow down, as future
the face of a euro area slowdown and the buildup employment growth will be limited, but neverthe-
of negative expectations throughout the leading less consumer spending will continue to support
EU markets. The recent decision of S&P to increase domestic demand. Growth of public spending on
the credit rating of Bulgaria to “BBB” with positive huge infrastructure projects is also to be expected,
outlook is a result of the resilient economic growth mostly in the framework of EU funds.
of Bulgaria, without building macroeconomic im-
balances. The transition in manufacturing from traditional
sectors like apparel or furniture (with added val-
The growth of the Bulgarian economy in 2020- ue of 6-7 thousand euro per employee) to more
2022 should also be supported by strong domestic capital-intensive industries like machinery and
demand, as private consumption will continue to equipment, electrical equipment, motor vehicles,
be the major driver. Consumer spending is sup- computers, electronic and optical products (with
ported by favorable conditions on the labor mar- added value of 14-15 thousand euro to 20 > 54


Italy France ES RO
Germany Romania IT Germany RO
Germany RO IT

HU CN-HK France
Turkey SI BE FR
NL HR Austria ES
Czech Republic JP DE GR
PL Greece

Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof Machinery, mechanical appliances and parts thereof
Vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Articles of iron and steel Optical, measuring, precision instruments
Source: Trade Map, International Trade Centre, www.intracen.org/marketanalysis


Apparatus for Boards, panels, Electric Articles for the Plates, sheets, Bicycles Parts for Medicaments Men's suits
switching or consoles accumu- conveyance or film, foil and strip, tractors consisting of mixed
protecting lators packaging of of non-cellular and or unmixed products
electrical circuits goods, of plastics trucks for therapeutic or
plastics Motorcycles prophylactic uses
Auto- Engines and Parts
matic motors suitable for
data- with the Furniture and Seats, Women's suits
Electrical resistors Parts for use with pro- machinery parts thereof whether or
the apparatus of cessing of heading not
heading 8535, 8536 ma- 8425 to convertible
Electrical transformers, or 8537 chines 8430 into beds,
static converters and parts
Mattress thereof, n.e.s.
Pumps for liquids Taps, supports (excluding
cocks, medical, ...
Insulated cable Parts of footwear Tubes, pipes
and hoses, of
Refrigerators Jerseys, T-shirts, vulcanised
Telephone sets pullovers, knitted or Tubes, pipes and hollow rubber
cardigans crocheted profiles

Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof Plastics and articles thereof Machinery, mechanical appliances, parts thereof
Vehicles and parts and accessories thereof Furniture; bedding, mattresses Apparel, knitted or crocheted
Pharmaceutical products Footwear Articles of iron and steel Apparel, not knitted or crocheted Rubber and articles thereof
* excluding energy and fuels, basic metals and agriculture
** Product labels at 4-digit level according to the HS classification Source: Trade Map, International Trade Centre, www.intracen.org/marketanalysis

> 53 thousand euro per employee) will most likely Bulgaria’s comparative advantages in those most
continue even in a scenario of continuous slow- dynamic sectors are supported by the rush to cre-
down in the euro area. ate industrial parks in the leading economic cent-
ers in the country.
Bulgaria still holds only around 2% of Central
and East European (CEE) countries’ exports to As labor costs will continue to increase and the
Germany and Italy in electrical equipment and supply of labor will be limited, low-tech industries,
machinery, but the share is increasing in recent which rely on cheap labor, will face additional chal-
years. CEE countries have a competitive advan- lenges. In 2019, there were already a few examples
tage in those sectors and their share in Germa- of low-tech companies leaving the country and
ny’s imports of machinery increased from 18.7% this may continue in 2020. A global slowdown will
in 2014 to 20% in 2018. Bulgaria follows this trend, affect those companies, as they face sluggish de-
increasing its share in CEE exports of machinery mand and increasing labor cost. Some Bulgarian
to Germany – from 1.6% in 2015 to 1.82% in 2018. companies in low-tech manufacturing may need
A similar dynamic is observed in electric equip-
ment. As Bulgaria will most probably continue to
integrate deeper into the EU’s largest markets
and increase its share in CEE exports (this pro-
cess intensified in the last two years), those sec- VALUE CHAINS AND LOW-TECH
tors may be in a position to soften the impact of a MANUFACTURERS WILL FACE
continuous slowdown in the euro area. CHALLENGES.



Exported value in 2018

Product Change 2018/2008
in EUR million
Electrical machinery and equipment and parts thereof 3076 238%
Mineral fuels and oils 2534 3%
Copper and articles thereof 2482 55%
Machinery, mechanical appliances, parts thereof 2284 98%
Cereals 1032 127%
Pharmaceutical products 869 274%
Vehicles and parts and accessories thereof 867 487%
Articles of iron or steel 855 160%
Plastics and articles thereof 831 168%
Apparel, not knitted or crocheted 758 -5%
Iron and steel 662 -30%
Furniture; bedding, mattresses 662 195%
Apparel, knitted or crocheted 658 18%
Ores, slag and ash 583 330%
Oil seeds and oleaginous fruits 576 83%
Miscellaneous chemical products 422 1339%
Aluminium and articles thereof 415 69%
Glass and glassware 392 108%
Optical, measuring, precision instruments 392 101%
Animal or vegetable fats and oils 321 314%
Essential oils, cosmetics 308 245%
Toys, games and sports requisites 303 392%
Rubber and articles thereof 296 300%
Wood and articles of wood 295 96%
Inorganic chemicals 287 41%
Preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk 254 122%
Residues and waste from the food industries 243 388%
Paper and paperboard 239 134%
Tobacco 211 9%
Footwear 211 27%
Meat and edible meat offal 194 84%
Fertilisers 189 4%
Dairy produce; birds' eggs; natural honey 189 78%
Cocoa and cocoa preparations 177 871%
Zinc and articles thereof 176 29%
Ceramic products 173 106%
Lead and articles thereof 165 34%
Beverages, spirits and vinegar 151 39%
Wool, fine or coarse animal hair 147 47%
Miscellaneous articles of base metal 140 316%
Total 28 209 85%

*All product labels have been edited and slightly shortened, for their full name check the HS product categories Source: International Trade Center, UNCTAD/WTO

to move from the most attractive economic cent- A global slowdown, even if it affects the financial
ers to less developed regions of the country. While sector, will not necessarily disrupt the growing ICT
these processes may create structural problems, industry in Bulgaria. Investment in human capital
they will support the general trend of transforma- will be crucial, as labor shortages may be the main
tion of Bulgarian industry. constraint to further growth of the ICT business. In
that sense, the continuous expansion of ICT in the
The growth in the ICT sector is likely to continue, secondary economic centers (Plovdiv, Varna, Bur-
as Bulgaria is having competitive advantages, gas) will also be crucial and should be supported
which facilitate more investments in that sector. by local communities/authorities.

Net foreign direct investment in Bulgaria rose to The consolidated government budget went into
630 million euro at the end of the fourth quarter, negative territory as at the end of 2019 – the deficit
up by a little over 90 million euro compared to end- was 1.1 billion levs or close to 1% of GDP projected
2018, according to preliminary data from the Bul- for the year. A month before New Year’s Eve, the
garian National Bank (BNB). However, it should be budget was in surplus of 1 billion levs, but in De-
noted that the data will be subject to revisions in cember the Ministry of Finance distributed 760
the coming months due to new information com- million levs for the future construction of Hemus
ing in from companies’ annual reports. According Highway, 200 million levs to local municipali-
to preliminary data, Bulgaria’s trade balance was ties and 208 million levs to state-owned National
in surplus of 120 million levs at the end of 2019, Railway Infrastructure Company. Domestic gov-
whereas the surplus in services was close to 4 bil- ernment debt decreased slightly - from 3.1 billion
lion levs, resulting in a positive current account for levs in 2018 to 2.98 billion levs at the end of 2019,
the year. The BNB’s reserve assets remained high whereas external government debt remained al-
at close to 48.6 billion levs as at the end of Decem- most the same. Total government debt to GDP ra-
ber. tio was 20.4% at end-December 2019 compared to
22.1% a year earlier.


(% of GDP) in bln of levs
Public sector foreign debt (% of GDP) Private foreign debt Gross foreign debt Net foreign debt
70.0 30
50.0 20
20.0 0
0.0 -10
'11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 I'19 III'19 V'19 VII'19 IX'19 XI'19 '11 '12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 I'19 III'19 V'19 VII'19 IX'19 XI'19
Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Finance Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Finance


Domestic government debt External government debt Total government debt Total government debt/GDP (rhs) GDP (EUR million)

70000 80%

60000 70%
20000 20%
10000 10%
0 0%
1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Source: Bulgarian Ministry of Finance


Net primary income Trade balance Net services Net secondary income Current account







2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 XII `19
Source: National Statistical Institute


in bln. levs in bln. levs
Public debt Available funds in the fiscal reserve Reserve assets of the Bulgarian National Bank (lhs)
M3/reserves M3 levs' component/reserves
60 3
50 2.5
40 2
30 1.5
10.0 20 1
5.0 10 0.5

0.0 0 0
'12 '13 '14 '15 '16 '17 '18 I'19 II'19 V'19 VII'19 IX'19 XI'19 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 XII`19
Source: Bulgarian National Bank Source: Bulgarian National Bank

Trade balance in mn of levs (lhs) Export in % Import growth in %
10000 60.00%
7500 40.00%
0 0.00%
-10000 -60.00%
I `11 IX `11 V `12 I `13 IX `13 V`14 I `15 I X`15 V `16 I `17 I X`17 V `18 I `19 XII `19
Source: Bulgarian National Bank


in mn euro
Debt instruments Reinvested profit Equity Foreign Direct Investment
I `11 IX `11 V `12 I `13 IX `13 V`14 I `15 I X`15 V `16 I `17 I X`17 V `18 I `19 XII `19
Source: Bulgarian National Bank


*Czechia, Croatia, Hungary, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland,
Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia Interest Expenditure/ Budget Expenditure
Interest Expenditure/Tax Revenues
GDP per capita in PPS relative to peers average(lhs)
Share of GDP in constant prices in peers total (rhs) 16.00%

5.00% 80.00%

4.80% 75.00% 12.00%

4.60% 70.00%

4.40% 65.00%

4.20% 60.00%

4.00% 55.00%

3.80% 50.00% 0.00%

2000 2003 2006 2009 2012 2015 2018 1998 2001 2004 2007 2010 2013 2016 2019
Source: Eurostat Source: Bulgarian Ministryof Finance


% of GDP






1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018


Source: Ministry of Finance


2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
GDP (in mn levs) 82 040 82 166 83 634 88 575 94 130 101 043 107 925 24 860 29 533 31 764 32 372
Real GDP growth (%) 0 0.9 1.3 3.6 3.9 3.6 3.1 4.5 3.8 3.1 -
GDP per capita (in levs) 11 162 11 310 11 577 12 339 13 206 13 939 15 312 - - - -
Annual inflation (%) 3 0.9 –1.4 –0.1 –0.8 2.1 2.8 3.3 3.3 2.7 3.1
Unemployment (%) 11.4 11.8 10.7 10.0 8.0 7.1 6.1 5.9 5.2 5.3 4.1
Trade balance (as % of GDP) –11.2 –8.5 –9.4 –.5 –4.3 –4.6 –7.1 -0.5 -0.5 0 -
Export FOB (as a % of GDP) 49.5 53 51.7 50.7 50.1 54.0 51.2 11.9 11.8 12.6 12.2
Import CIF (as a % of GDP) 60.7 61.5 61.1 58.2 54.4 58.6 58.3 13.1 12.4 12.6 13.1
Current acount (as a % of GDP) –0.9 1.3 0.1 0.0 2.6 6.5 4.6 1 3.7 8.3 -
Financial account (as a % of GDP) 2.3 2.1 –0.7 6.8 8.6 4.2 3.6 1 1.8 4.8 -
FDI in Bulgaria (as a % of GDP) 3.1 3.3 2.7 5.3 2.1 2.7 3.2 0.1 0.9 1.3 -
Source: Bulgarian National Bank


//In this section:

A new tax regulation stirs mass


Bulgaria strikes at AirBnB, Booking.


Bulgarian automobile market:

Growing but getting older

Cigarette market in 2019: remark-

able growth

The PR and communications mar-

ket in Bulgaria

Blagoevgrad: the Other Southwest

The real estate market in Sofia

shows first signs of recession

QUntil very recently

the PM Boyko Borissov
didn‘t shy away from
discussing sports policy
with Vasil Bozhkov |
Council of Ministers Press Office




A runaway gambling tycoon… public ones. The blitzkrieg started by the Bulgar-
This line could open your average ian authorities against Mr Bozhkov is as much
mafia thriller but the story about crime and corruption, as it is about media
of Vasil Bozhkov, now held in freedom, shadowy control of government bodies
police custody in the United Arab and how big business operates in Bulgaria.
Emirates according to the Bulgarian Prosecutor’s
Office, could give scriptwriters ideas for much more WHY IS THE GAMBLING DRAMA
sinister plots. PLAYING OUT NOW?
The Prosecutor’s Office charged Mr Bozhkov in
Mr. Bozhkov is not the first oligarch among January 2020 with tax evasion and leading an or-
wealthy Bulgarian businessmen who made their ganized criminal group. Later, when it was appar-
money in the murky 1990s to have aroused the ent that Mr Bozhkov had left Bulgaria and would
wrath of Bulgarian authorities recently. But surely not be coming back, the prosecutors launched
he is the biggest and one of the savviest. an investigation of his suspected involvement
in murders, rapes and racketeering. Three of his
Charged in absentia with tax evasion, extortion, business associates were also arrested, as well as
influence peddling, illegal possession of cultural a former chairman of the State Commission on
artifacts (11 counts in total), Mr Bozhkov looks like Gambling (SCG). According to the prosecution, Mr
a super villain. But there is a bigger story. His case Bozhkov and his companies had allegedly evaded
cuts deep into Bulgaria’s culture of mixing politics paying half a billion of levs in taxes and fees.
with business, sometimes making it impossible to
distinguish where private interests overwhelm The public side of the attack emerged after Mr

Bozhkov’s former partners in the gambling busi- DEVELOPMENTS

ness - the Naydenov brothers Boyan and Ts- TO FOLLOW:
vetomir, accused him of tax fraud and extortion
in the media. Together with their father Stefan Dutch-based
they own Efbet, a chain of casinos and bookmak- telecommunications and
ers. They are partners with Mr Bozhkov in ten of media company United
their nearly 100 gambling joints. They own a stake Group, owned by UK private
in sports betting operator Eurofootball, in which equity firm BC Partners, is
Boyan Naydenov held a senior position for years. seeking anti-trust approval
to acquire Bulgarian
In interviews for local media the brothers allege Telecommunications
that Mr Bozhkov exercised behind-the-scenes Company (BTC), the
control of SCG, the industry regulator, allowing European Commission (EC)
the two games of chance owned by him - Lottery said. The EC has set April 3
Bulgaria and National Lottery, to evade taxes by as a provisional deadline for
taking advantage of a legal loophole. They ac- its decision. In November last
cused him of death threats against them and filed year, United Group said that
several complaints to the Prosecutor’s Office, the it had agreed to acquire BTC.
Commission for Protection of Competition and The price was not disclosed but
the Ministry of Finance concerning the tax eva- BTC’s main shareholder, Spas
sion. Rusev, said it was about €1.3
billion, or seven times EBITDA.
Mr Bozhkov has denied wrongdoing, pointing out BTC operates under the brand
that the gambling regulator and the National Rev- name Vivacom and has over 1.8
enue Agency (NRA) had exercised strict control of million customers in Bulgaria.
his business. According to his business partners, It competes with A1 Bulgaria, a
Lottery Bulgaria and National Lottery both took unit of A1 Telekom Austria, and
advantage of a legal option to use a taxation re- Telenor Bulgaria, a unit of PPF
gime more favorable than the one used by the Group majority owned by Czech
state-owned sports betting organization Bulgar- investor Petr Kellner.
ian Sports Totalizator (BST). Strangely, NRA and
the Ministry of Finance have not questioned this The acquisition of Central
practice for more than five years, although it European Media Enterprises
saved the two companies between 200 and 500 (CME) by PPF Group is
million levs in taxes, depending on different esti- expected to be completed in
mates (see sidebars). the middle of 2020, CME said
in a press release presenting
The Naydenovs claim that their interviews are a its 2019 financial results.
type of life insurance, yet there is a suspicion that CME, majority owned by U.S.
they haven’t come public without a prior assur- telecommunications concern
ance that the authorities will take their side in AT&T, said last November it
their business dispute with Mr Bozhkov. had entered into an acquisition
agreement with an affiliate of
SIDES AND STRIKE BOZHKOV? company of the Czech Republic’s
Vasil Bozhkov’s domination of the gambling in- most wealthy man Petr Kellner.
dustry – a heavily regulated business – has not The transaction, which is valued
changed in the last ten years, for at least eight of at $2.1 billion, is subject to several
which GERB has been in power. Mr Bozhkov’s tax closing conditions, including
evasion techniques were also well known to the approval of the transaction
Bulgarian tax administration which has closed its by CME’s shareholders and
eyes for years. The question is what caused the receipt of certain competition
ruling party’s sudden change of heart. and other regulatory approvals.
CME is owner of five television
The easiest answer is the appointment of the companies in the region: bTV
new Prosecutor General, Ivan Geshev. He took of- in Bulgaria and one in Romania,
fice in November 2019 and rushed to prove him- the Czech Republic, Slovakia and
self with a string of investigations and charges Slovenia each.
against notorious businessmen. But Mr Ge- > 62
Photo by Tsvetelina Belutova
> 61 shev had been a prosecutor for more than
fifteen years before and he has never been known
to take on the powerful of the day, unless such a
move serves some other goal, and not necessarily
a judicial one. In addition, opposition politicians
have been pointing to the tax avoidance scheme
for more than two years but the prosecution has
failed to take notice until now.

Apart from the potential political motives - Mr

> Bozhkov probably sponsored Maya Manolova, the
main contender to unseat the ruling GERB party
in Sofia in 2019 mayoral election, and now the at-
Who is Vasil Bozhkov? tack is a payback, or a pressure from foreign gov-
ernments complaining that their companies were
Mr Bozhkov is an emblematic figure from the transi- barred from Bulgaria’s gambling market - the
tion years after the fall of the Communist regime most plausible reason is the fight for control of
and one of the few who has not moved abroad or to NovaTV – the biggest private television channel
the netherworld. That he controls gambling in Bul- in Bulgaria.
garia and no one could enter the business without
his say-so has been an open secret for many years. WHO CONTROLS TV, CONTROLS THE
Mr Bozhkov was already in the gambling world be- NovaTV’s owner – Sweden’s Modern Times Group
fore November 10 1989. The archives of Communist- (MTG), offered its Bulgarian holdings for sale in
era State Security service have files on him dating 2018 as part of an overall transformation of its
back to 1985. His nickname was the Skull. After the business. MTG initially selected Czech billion-
political changes in the early 90s, he established aire Petr Kellner to acquire NovaTV, but Bulgar-
one of the first gambling companies together with ia’s competition authority blocked the deal with
Ilia Pavlov, the Bulgarian oligarch who was killed poorly concealed political motives. Mr Kellner is
in 2003. Mr Bozhkov was among the founders of not a known quantity in Bulgaria - a threat that
business associations like G-13 in the early 90s and the government could not ignore. Controlling or
the Revival Club later that brought together Bulgar- having a serious say in the TV channels’ news
ian oligarchs in a miniature homegrown imitation coverage is a key political strategy in Bulgaria, be-
of their Russian peers who plundered juicy assets cause the three biggest networks - NovaTV, bTV
from the economy with the state’s active participa- and public television BNT, have an outsized influ-
tion. By the mid-90s, Mr Bozhkov owned a chain of ence following the demise of the print media in
currency exchange shops and a bank, after which the country.
he developed a small gambling company and prac-
tically monopolized the market. He owns construc- With the withdrawal of foreign investors in the TV
tion companies and enterprises in other sectors, but networks – MTG and Central European Media En-
lotteries are the crown jewel of his holdings. terprises which still owns bTV, the door was wide
open for Bulgarian investors to enter. This already
Mr Bozhkov is an avid antique collector and owns happened with the newspapers in 2010-2012,
exceptional objects of Thracian origin. His collection when Germany’s WAZ group sold the two biggest
is displayed at the National History Museum and dailies in Bulgaria to local investors and both
was even exhibited at the European Parliament in newspapers immediately began toeing the gov-
Brussels. The collection consisting of artifacts found ernment’s line. A similar process unfolded all over
in Bulgaria is in Mr Bozhkov’s private possession, Eastern Europe, solidifying the role of strongmen
even though the law requires all such archeological like Viktor Orban in Hungary or Andrej Babis in
finds to be in exclusive ownership of the state. the Czech Republic.

Mr Bozhkov may well have kept away from the After a year of manoeuvring, MTG sold NovaTV to
country’s political life but there is little doubt that he Domuschiev brothers Kiril and Georgi. The broth-
has meddled with those gambling regulations that ers have diversified business interests and had
mainly impacted his own business. In 2002, he was owned indirectly one of Bulgaria’s daily newspa-
in open conflict with today’s Prime Minister Boyko pers (now defunct), but what is more important,
Borissov, then secretary general at the Interior Min- they are well-known GERB loyalists and are not
istry, but the confrontation later subsided. embarrassed to cut deals with unsavoury busi-
nessmen. Almost immediately after the acquisi-

tion, NovaTV was taken over by lieutenants of TV channel’s overall revenue. The formal reason
Delyan Peevski - Bulgaria’s eminence grise, who was NovaTV’s reluctance to support Mr Bozhkov’s
has developed a lucrative practice of lending the gambling business during the attack mounted in
support of his media empire comprising the most 2018 by GERB’s coalition partner Valery Simeonov
popular yellow newspapers to whatever govern- who had introduced amendments to the gambling
ment is in power in exchange for business favours. law explicitly banning any advertising of lotteries.

BOZHKOV’S FAILED SCHEME But the more likely reason for Mr Bozhkov’s de-
Now enter Vasil Bozhkov. Around the start of No- cision to stop its advertising campaign has to do
vaTV’s sale, the advertising of National Lottery with the sale of NovaTV. With the revenue from
at NovaTV dried up. According to sources of Bul- the lottery ads gone, the price of the TV channel
garia’s Capital newspaper, before the ads were would have been seriously depressed. Taking con-
discontinued they amounted to over 30 million trol of the biggest TV network in Bulgaria, or at
levs annualy, or a little less than a quarter of the least controlling a sizable share in it, would > 64


Did private lotteries evade taxes?

The conflict between the Naydenovs and Mr Bozhkov Later, the chair of the parliament’s budget commission
brought to the surface the fact that the state-run Menda Stoyanova, as well as the director of the tax
lottery business and its privately held counterparts policy department at the finance ministry Lyudmila
paid taxes under different provisions of the Gambling Petkova announced that they believe the law is clear
Law. The state-run BST paid 15% tax on its total sales, - the state-run lottery and private operators must pay
whereas Lottery Bulgaria and National Lottery paid tax amounting to 15% of the price of every ticket sold.
20% of the difference between their sales revenue and Ms Stoyanova explained that after it became clear that
expenses for prizes. As a result, the two private com- the instant lotteries were not covered by the Gambling
panies effectively paid half of what their state-owned Law (adopted in 2014 under a different government)
competitor did. This option is provided for in the law and have avoided taxes for a year, she initiated a legis-
but it depends how the legal texts are interpreted. lative amendment to include them.

In an interview for NovaTV in January, the executive “If you look at the motives for my proposal, you will
director and minority shareholder at National Lottery, see that I introduced the changes in order to correct
Dimitar Ganev, stated that there are two options to pay the oversight and have the lotteries pay a tax like the
taxes under the Gambling Law - to levy a higher tax on other operators - 15% of all sales,” explained Ms Stoy-
a smaller taxation base, or use a larger base on which anova. “For me, the question is - how did the gambling
to levy a lower tax. regulator allow this to happen? I am waiting to hear an
answer from these people and the prosecutors who
“Our legal experts and accountants, after examining will be questioning them,” she added.
the two methods, decided that in order to be able to
pay out higher prizes to our clients as a percentage It is still unclear whether the other offline games such
of profits, the option to pay on a smaller base was the as sports bets and private lotteries, also controlled by
better choice,” said Ganev. Mr Bozhkov, paid the same advantageous tax of 20%
of the difference between sales revenue and prizes
According to the Public Financial Inspection Agency paid.
(ADFI), which was tasked by finance minister Vladislav
Goranov to review the revenue from gambling taxa- After the Prosecutor´s Office said it had filed sev-
tion, there was a breach of the applicable law. The eral charges against Mr Bozhkov, his Nove Holding
financial inspection is yet to be completed, but ADFI’s announced that “different institutions have made
preliminary calculations estimate that the organizers different inspections of all our lottery games through-
of the game Instant Lottery have underpaid more than out the years and we have always cooperated with
210 million levs in taxes. Subsequently, the agency authorities. We welcome every inspection and have
stated that after receiving additional documents from provided the requested documentation promptly.
the State Commission on Gambling “we can conclude What’s more, our systems are connected to those of
that the sum has turned out to be considerably larger.” the National Revenue Agency and they receive all the
information in real time.”


How much is the lottery

business worth?
At least an estimated 2 billion levs per year in the
last five years. There is no exact figure due to the
murky financial reports of New Games (the main
company behind National Lottery) and National
Lottery (which organizes sports and casino bets)
uploaded to the Commercial Register and the
unclear modus operandi of the companies. After the
scandal broke out, the two companies published
data, according to which their revenue in 2018
slightly topped 1.5 billion levs, way above expecta-

The other game of chance in Bozhkov’s gambling

empire - Lottery.bg, was organized by Eurobet but
has lately almost disappeared. Over the years, its
revenue varied between 30 and 50 million levs,
meaning that it has hardly earned more than 100
million levs.

> 63 have strengthened Mr Bozhkov’s grip of the power. There is no doubt that Mr Peevski has been
gambling market in Bulgaria. But it didn’t happen. eyeing the lottery market for a long time, trying
Kiril and Georgi Domuschiev paid the full price several years ago to monopolize the distribution
MTG asked, despite the deterioration of NovaTV’s of lottery tickets.
cash flow.
Mr Bozhkov commented in an interview for Radio
Instead, when NovaTV finally changed hands in Free Europe that the attack probably aims to take
2019, National Lottery restored part of its adver- a profitable business away from him and hand it
tisements, but they were far from their previous over to someone else. “There is certainly someone
magnitude. There is no explanation for this move else. I don’t know who he is; we are thinking, ana-
– it might have been a strictly business decision lyzing, investigating,” he stated.
to optimize costs, or an attempt by Mr Bozhkov
to remind the new owners of the TV network Kiril Domuschiev, the owner of football club Lu-
how much they depend on his goodwill and deep dogorets whose primary sponsor is Efbet, an-
pockets. Whatever the reason, the dwindling rev- nounced in February he knows Mr Bozhkov well
enue from lottery advertisements might have and he has “never been threatened” by the gam-
given Kiril and Georgi Domuschiev a reason solid bling tycoon. Domuschiev added that two years
enough to decide to start their own lottery with- ago (before he purchased NovaTV) he opposed
out depending on the whims of a third party. Mr proposed restrictions to gambling advertisement.
Bozhkov’s previous partners, the Naydenov fam- Back then, the Confederation of Employers and
ily who were trying the break the connection with Industrialists in Bulgaria chaired by Domuschiev
him, were readily available to provide the experi- published an official statement. The Naydenov
ence and know-how. brothers also denied having any plans to start a
lottery business, either alone or in partnership
The massive presence of Mr Peevski in the deal with the Domuschiev brothers.
for NovaTV is another reason to believe that such
a scheme was put in motion. His star rose in 2002 It’s possible that the war over the gambling busi-
when he entered politics, riding on the back of ness began because of Mr Bozhkov’s paranoia.
his mother who was appointed CEO of Bulgarian Fearing that his former business partners will
Sports Totalizator. The state-owned organization launch an alternative lottery, he might have de-
was a monopoly with a huge budget which was cided to pressure them which forced Naydenov
one of the main spoils of any political party in brothers to go public about the conflict. But the ac-

Photo by Julia Lazarova


Soccer – another favorite

pet of Bulgarian oligarchs
FC Levski, one of the most popular soccer clubs in
Bulgaria, is owned indirectly by Vasil Bozhkov and
National Lottery is its main sponsor. Mr Bozhkov
has stated that should the amendments to ban the
private lotteries proposed by Valery Simeonov be
accepted, he would be unable to maintain Levski’s
finances any more.

tions of Bulgarian authorities show that Mr Bozhk- Based on data provided by the club, the news site
ov probably had some grounds to be paranoid. Dnevnik estimated that in a year the companies
connected to Mr Bozhkov have invested 25 mil-
THE STATE WILL SEIZE CONTROL lion levs. At the same time, the club itself earned
OF FRESH RESOURCES TO PROP UP about 7.7 million levs, or about a third of Bozhkov’s
FRIENDLY MEDIA expenditure.
Almost immediately after the Prosecutor’s Office
filed charges against Mr Bozhkov, the Bulgarian This, of course, provoked thousands of the club’s
parliament considered two changes to gambling fans to stand for Mr Bozhkov’s interests and protest
legislation. The first envisages that instant lotter- against the government in mid-February.
ies could be run only by the state operator, and
scratchcards only sold at licensed outlets located Prime Minister Boyko Borissov intervened in the
at least 300 meters from the nearest school. The debate over Levski’s future, proposing to the fans
changes are now in force, meaning that Bozhk- to become owners of the soccer club. This option
ov’s largest gambling businesses will be forcibly sounds unworkable, because the fans will not have
closed. the funds to subsidize the club. It is likely that true
to his style, Mr Borissov will seek a new sponsor
Mr Bozhkov has said that the changes will allow when the money flow dries up.
the state “to take away a functioning business for-
cibly and anti-constitutionally.”
“Make an appeal at the Constitutional Court, aire. Two years ago, it was again Valery Simeonov
if you want,” Valery Simeonov, who tabled the who proposed legislative changes to curb this
amendments, told an opposition MP. type of advertising but they never made it to the
Games of chance have exploded in Bulgaria since assembly’s floor. This issue is no longer raised.
2014 and, according to some estimates, 60% of
Bulgarians are avid players. The turnover in this It is still unclear whether the state-owned BST
gambling segment is estimated at around 2% of will pick the tab left from the private lotteries. Its
GDP. Gamblers usually come from the most vul- management has said it has no such ambition, al-
nerable social strata – pensioners, unemployed, though it spells increased revenues. At the same
minorities and people with little education who time, the Lafka kiosk chain – one of the biggest
impoverish themselves on the back of their dream vendors of lottery tickets, was closed down al-
of becoming lotto-millionaires. most immediately after the parliament voted to
ban the privately run games of chance. But there
Whether the ban on the private lotteries is justi- are already rumors that BST will buy Lafka owned
fied is an important question but something that by Mr Peevski, in order to expand its operations.
the authorities haven’t done is more revealing
about the new gambling regulation. The parliament’s omission to shut down adver-
tisements of lotteries leaves the impression that
At the moment, no one is talking about the lot- the government simply aims to take hold of this
tery ads that have inundated the TV channels and revenue stream and direct it to friendly media.
which are in a legal grey zone. It is precisely due to Just like NovaTV which lost significant revenue in
these ads showing happy winners that the tickets the last two years and is now owned by business-
are enormously popular and many people scratch men friendly to the government who had overpaid
cards in the hope of becoming the next million- to have it. > 65

QThe new tax

regulation caused
some small business
owners to close shops
and go out on the

street to protest | Photo
by Julia Lazarova

ORDINANCE N-18 THAT While global businesses are
concerned whether and when
AFFECTS ALMOST EVERY the next economic crisis
COMPANY IN BULGARIA will hit, most companies
operating in Bulgaria have
HAS INTRODUCED AN been more concerned these past two years about

EXTREMELY COMPLEX, a finance ministry regulation. The Treasury has

prepared a new regulation concerning the sales
UNCLEAR AND EXPENSIVE management software at points of sale, the now

REGULATION, AND WILL notorious Ordinance N-18. This has sparked

protests by small traders, made large companies
REPEL FOREIGN INVESTORS invest substantial amounts for an unclear purpose
and left popular online platforms wondering
VERA DENIZOVA whether to move outside Bulgaria.

It all started with the revenue administration’s Two years later, however, it turns out that there
(albeit well-intentioned) plan to prevent tax eva- is almost no business unaffected by the new re-
sion by restricting the use of software that allows quirements. Moreover, there are no blanket soft-
for hiding turnover. So traders are required to ware solutions for the different types of enter-
only use software licensed by the tax authorities. prises. “Unlike previous changes, this one cannot
The problem is that the National Revenue Agency be implemented with additional software, so all
(NRA) did not bother to consult businesses about companies have to change their basic business
their operational processes, the systems they management software,” said Ivan Arzhentinski of
use and the effect the requirement would have the Bulgarian Association of Information Tech-
on them. In practice, N-18 introduced a new ex- nologies. It is the IT sector that warned about the
pensive super-regulation for companies that use problem, whose responsibility it is to develop pro-
some kind of sales reporting software. Besides, grams for sales reporting.
their number turned out to far exceed the 20 or 30
thousand companies estimated: at least 300,000 “We are worried that deciding what is part of the
businesses will be affected. Thus, only days before sales process and what is not is left to the NRA’s
January 31, when the ordinance had to be en- discretion. There have been interpretations and
forced, most companies were still uncertain about answers to questions but every lawyer will tell you
the practical specifications involved and whether that this has no legal weight,” said Pasko Paskov of
they would do it on time. the Bulgarian Association for Business Software
The new regulation will probably affect business-
es far beyond the expense involved in changing “The official explanations, instructions and Q&A’s
software and fiscal devices. Firstly, the whole bur- on the implementation of Ordinance N-18 that are
den will be transferred to end-consumers in one published on the website are the NRA’s official po-
form or another. Secondly, starting a business in sition. This particular ordinance, as well as most
Bulgaria after N-18 is implemented will be more statutory acts in principle, cannot exhaustively
difficult and more expensive and for some micro cover all real-life hypotheses. Therefore, written
traders it will be almost impossible. Last but not explanations stands in this and many other cases
least, that will make Bulgaria less attractive for additionally clarify the statutory provisions,” the
foreign investors. NRA pointed out.

It is some consolation that, in Finance Minister … PAVING THE ROAD TO HELL

Vladislav Goranov’s words, the revenue admin- Tax consultants say that large and small compa-
istration will be helping and not punishing com- nies face the most serious problems. The result is
panies at the beginning. “The revenue adminis- huge expenses for the former and probably going
tration has been implementing this reform since into the unofficial economy for the latter.
mid-2018. It certainly requires much more effort
on both sides. We will partner with diligent tax- “The information provided to big traders that use
payers to help them tackle problems. We do not expensive international systems like SAP, Navi-
want to ruin businesses. We want to eliminate the sion etc. was controversial. They were first told
grey sector,” he said. that their cash register software should be li-
censed and not the entire ERP system, but then
GOOD INTENTIONS… that changed. The situation is particularly serious
The chaos surrounding N-18 illustrates the long- for companies that are part of an international
term damage a new regulation can have without group that uses the same software in all countries
a proper impact assessment. When parliament of operation,” a tax lawyer said. Such is the case
passed amendments to the VAT Act in March 2018, with large retailers that have many stores: their
obliging companies that accept cash and bank- high-paid foreign IT departments have probably
card payments to have NRA-approved software worked for months on the Bulgarian issue, incur-
for sales reporting connected to a cash register, ring expenses of millions of levs.
the fallout was underestimated. The revenue ad-
ministration said the change would affect about The tax administration decided, in one of its sev-
20,000 points of sale using about 43,000 fiscal de- eral hundred official opinions, that when > 68
vices and that their costs would be about 120 levs
per workplace. Back then the new regulation was
supposed to cover only those companies deemed
liable to hide turnover, i.e. about 25% of business- RESTORE PAPER
es – mainly retailers, restaurants, bars and whole- INVOICING OF THE PAST
sale warehouses. CENTURY.

> 67 used for invoicing, Excel and Word are point-
SPREADING WINGS/The mu­ni­cipal of-sale sales management software. But Bill Gates
council of the city of Ruse has is- is unlikely to visit Bulgaria to license his pro-
sued a preliminary approval for the grams. Thus, all important data are now not saved
sale of the local airport to Eonmetall on a computer but in a notebook, as small traders
Bulgaria. The company plans to develop restore paper invoicing of the past century.
the site into a logistic and airport facility
for a price of 57 million levs (€29.1 mil- “We have a client, a hairdresser’s owner, which
lion). Eonmetall Bulgaria, established in uses US software for client reservations. Under
August 2019, has five shareholders, all the new regulations, this is point-of-sale sales
of them private individuals: two Malay- management software. But the US company has
sian citizens, two US citizens and one no intention whatever of coming to register its
Bulgarian citizen. The Bulgarian investor product with the NRA. Now the client has to ei-
owns a 33.2% stake, while the four other ther start working illegally or shut down,” Hristo
shareholders own 16.7% each. Among Eo- Petrov, manager of Golden Vision accounting firm,
nmetall Bulgaria’s shareholders is Cheng says. He also cites a language school using Croa-
Huat Goh, board member of Malaysian tian software to record the number of teachers’
machinery producer Eonmetall Group, lessons. “No company is going to come to Bulgaria
which is listed on the Malaysian Stock and license its software when it is used by four or
Exchange. five companies only.”

BTC’S NEW OWNER/Dutch-based The ordinance and the lack of clarity about its
telecommunications and media com- implementation triggered a protest by dozens of
pany United Group will place €1.22 small business owners in front of the Ministry of
billion worth of bonds to finance the Finance building. They were concerned about the
acquisition of Bulgarian Telecom- way the NRA would conduct check-ups, as these
munications Company (BTC). The is- could be highly subjective.
sue has been already contracted with
JPMorgan being lead manager. A number The revenue administration said it was training
of other banks, as well as the KKR fund, its supervisory officers. “We have no reason to be-
which is a minority shareholder in United lieve our officers are insufficiently prepared and
Group, have committed to subscribe the ready to apply the ordinance. Besides, the NRA’s
bonds. According to Moody’s and S&P the acts are subject to administrative and two-in-
deal will amount to at least €1.2 billion. stance judicial control,” the agency said.
However, the final price will depend on
BTC’s financial results for 2019 and will DAMAGE REPAIR
be a bit higher – just below €1.3 billion – The truth is that after the initial cold shower for
so a small portion of the deal will be fi- companies the tax authorities realized that if they
nanced with the buyer’s own funds. did not work together with businesses the chaos
would spread. Finally, the regulation introduc-
NEW RUSSIAN INVESTOR/South Ko- ing the new rules for sales management software
rean electrical equipment manufac- was put on hold for six months. Several working
turer Hyundai Electric& Energy Sys- groups were set up including NRA experts and
tems has sold its unit Hyundai Heavy business representatives in a bid to make the
Industries Co. Bulgaria to Interna- provisions of N-18 applicable. As a result, sales re-
tional BEZ Group (IBG), the Bulgarian porting for medical practices was simplified and
company said after consulting firm additional guarantees were given to protect confi-
CMS announced earlier that the buy- dential trade information, the NRA said. A simpli-
er was Russia’s SVEL Group. Hyundai fied mechanism for electronic trade reporting is
Heavy Industries Co. Bulgaria did not also expected to be worked out.
specify if the two companies were con-
nected but according to media reports Meanwhile, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov stated
from 2018 the Russian group was pre- that the changes would not enter into force un-
paring to acquire of Slovakia-based IBG. less a consensus was reached with the different
There is no information if the deal was industry organizations on their implementation.
finalized. Late last year the Korean group “The process needs to be optimized. We wanted to
said it would sell its Bulgarian unit for eliminate the grey sector but that should not be
$24.5 million in order to improve its fi- done at the expense of small and mid-sized busi-
nancial structure. nesses,” he said.

Investment projects in manufacturing
totaling 1.3 billion levs will be completed
FACTORIES in Bulgaria in the next few years. Though
different in length and stage of progress,
the 15 largest projects outline some
INVESTMENT common trends.

PROJECTS WORTH 1.3 Most of them, including the largest ones, are in
existing enterprises that are being expanded and
BILLION LEVS WERE upgraded. They are concentrated around Sofia,

ANNOUNCED LAST three are in Plovdiv and, for a second year run-
ning, Vratsa attracts two new investors.
LEVS ON 2018 Unlike in 2018, when nearly half of the projects
were launched by German companies, in 2019
most of them were Bulgarian ones. The largest
IGLIKA PHILIPOVA single foreign investment comes from Portugal
and belongs to BA Glass, which several years ago
bought Drujba Glassworks from Greece’s Yioula.

The good news is that the total amount of new

investment announced in 2019 is some 500 mil-
lion levs larger than in the preceding year, when
the projects’ worth amounted to 800 million levs.
The investment in existing enterprises shows that
companies have long-term plans and desire to in-
crease production and that – once here – investors
often manage to accommodate expansion plans.
The new investors, however, are few. A notable
missed opportunity was that of Volkswagen, > 70

> 69 as the German company preferred Turkey to ing to more complex products where labor costs
Bulgaria for its new automobile assembly plant, al- do not have such a big weight.
though no final decision has been announced yet.
The list only includes manufacturing investments
Another new trend started to emerge last year: and does not show projects in the mining indus-
with the rise in labor costs, low-tech production try. There were two large investments in that sec-
facilities shut down. Canada’s leather seating cov- tor too: the $165 million new mine of Canada’s
er producer ALC pulled out of Bulgaria and a lot of Dundee Precious Metals near the town of Kru-
automotive wire harness manufacturers signifi- movgrad and the 60-million-lev quartz and kaolin
cantly curbed or entirely stopped production. For processing plant of Kaolin (owned by Germany’s
those that decided to stay the solution is switch- Quarzwerke) in the town of Dulovo.

1. BA Glass Bulgaria
Sector: Glass bottles and jars
Location: Plovdiv and Sofia
Investment: 400 million levs (€205 million)
New jobs: n.a.
Portugal’s BA Glass, which three years ago bought Bulgarian bottle
and jar manufacturer Drujba Glassworks with factories in Plovdiv and
Sofia, started a five-year investment program worth 400 million levs.
The first 80 million levs was invested last year in the plant in Plovdiv.
Most of it was used for a new furnace with a 70% bigger capacity and
four automated production lines. The project envisages the instal-
lation of a second furnace in Plovdiv to replace the existing one, as
well as a new furnace in Sofia. The investment is expected to increase
BA Glass Bulgaria’s sales by 40% to 360 million levs. The bulk of the
output is exported.

2. KCM
Sector: Metallurgy
Location: Plovdiv
Investment: 254 million levs (€130 million)
New jobs: n.a.
Plovdiv-based metallurgical plant KCM will increase lead and zinc pro-
duction by some 30% to 200,000 tons a year with a €130 million invest-
ment. The project will be implemented in 2020-23, with the European
Investment Bank providing loan financing for half of the project cost.
The project consists of several parts, the main being the reconstruction
of the refinery in lead production and a new automated electrolysis unit
in zinc production. KCM will also increase its capacity for processing
secondary materials. The new investment will build upon the previous
mega project of a similar amount, which finished a few years ago and
included the construction of an entirely new lead plant.

3. Melexis Bulgaria
Sector: Automotive components
Location: Sofia
Investment: 147 million levs (€75 million)
New jobs: 300
Belgian automotive sensor maker Melexis will expand
its production and R&D base in Sofia with a €75 million
investment. The project is being implemented in stages
and will eventually add 15,000 sq. m to the existing
7,500 sq. m of space. Construction will be finished this
fall. The entire project, including equipment, will be
completed in 2022. It is part of the Belgian group’s plans
to enhance its European footprint. A total of 300 new
jobs are expected to be opened in R&D and production
in 2018-22.

4. Integra Plastics
Sector: Plastic recycling
Location: Elin Pelin
Investment: 78 million levs (€40 million)
New jobs: 80
The plant for recycling plastic waste into raw material (gran-
ules) that is used to produce various industrial and household
plastic goods is due to start operating this year. The invest-
ment in the town of Elin Pelin near Sofia amounts to €40 mil-
lion and is made by Bulgaria’s Integra Plastic. Majority owner
of the company (51%) is Betainvest of Angel Georgiev, who
also owns sunflower oil producer Oliva. The factory spans 3.5
ha and is fully automated. It will employ about 80 people. At
full capacity, turnover is expected to reach some €20 million.

5. Ideal Standard - Vidima

Sector: Sanitary ceramics and fittings
Location: Sevlievo
Investment: 62 million levs (€32 million)
New jobs: n.a.
Sanitary ceramics and fittings producer Ideal Standard – Vidima,
which is part of Ideal Standard International, has invested 62 million
levs in production expansion and productivity enhancement. The first
part of the project was carried out in the ceramics plant and finished
two years ago. In 2019 the company completed the basic investments
in its sanitary fittings plant. Many of the processes were automated,
reducing manual labor. However, that does not result in staff reduc-
tion, as the purpose is to increase the production volume. The com-
pany plans to hire new workers for some of the processes but there is
no information yet about their number. Several smaller investments
and improvements will be carried out before the project is completed.

6. Etem Bulgaria and Gestamp

Sector: Metallurgy
Location: Sofia
Investment: 59 million levs (€30 million)
New jobs: n.a.
Metallurgical company Etem Bulgaria will invest €30 million in
partnership with Spain’s Gestamp in the production of automo-
tive components. The project was announced in early 2019 and
will be implemented over a three-year period. The new produc-
tion facility will be built at Etem’s site in Sofia. The partners have
already set up two joint ventures: for production of extruded
aluminum profiles and for additional processing of profiles. Etem,
which is known mainly as a manufacturer of architectural aluminum
systems, started producing automotive components several years
ago. Its partnership with a major automotive metal component pro-
ducer like Gestamp will further enhance its positions in the sector.

7. Sigmatech
Sector: Metal processing
Location: Burgas
Investment: 50 million levs ($30 million)
New jobs: 200
Sigmatech, which was registered in late 2017 by Ukrainian citizen
Oleksiy Filippov, is building an R&D and production complex for
applying protective coatings and repair services for turbine compo-
nents of aircraft engines. The project cost amounts to $30 million and
is carried out in Industrial and Logistic Park Burgas, where the com-
pany has bought a two-hectare plot. The production premises have
been already built and are being equipped, with production expected
to start by mid-year. The company did not provide more information
but its initial plans were to open 200 jobs.

8. Sensata Technologies Bulgaria

Sector: Automotive components
Location: Botevgrad
Investment: 47 million levs ($27 million)
New jobs: 300
US sensor producer Sensata Technologies is building a new production
facility and warehouse at its plant in Botevgrad. The factory manufac-
tures high-temperature sensors for the automotive industry. The new
building will span 4,300 sq. m and feature high energy efficiency. The
investment in construction and equipment amounts to $27 million.
Once completed, it will provide 300 new jobs. Currently the company
employs 2,700 people in Botevgrad. In addition, Sensata Technologies
has a production facility in Plovdiv, where it manufactures pressure
sensors for cars, farming machines and medical equipment.

9. Monbat
Sector: Starter battery production
Location: Vratsa
Investment: 42 million levs (€22 million)
New jobs: 150
Bulgarian starter battery producer Monbat will build a new plant
in Vratsa. The company has informed the local municipality of its
investment intention and plans to inject 42 million levs in the project,
which will be carried out in two stages. Monbat has already bought
a two-hectare plot of land. The plant will manufacture bipolar lead
batteries under a new technology for which Monbat recently bought
a license and which is used in renewable energy projects, industrial
UPS systems, electric and heavy-duty vehicles. According to informa-
tion from the municipality, the plant will initially employ 150 people.
That will be Monbat’s third plant in Bulgaria, the first two being in
Montana and Dobrich.

10. Coca-Cola HBC Bulgaria

Sector: Soft drinks
Location: Kostinbrod
Investment: 40 million levs (€21 million)
New jobs: 8
Coca-Cola Hellenic Bottling Company Bulgaria has invested
40 million levs in expansion of production in the town of
Kostinbrod. The project includes a new PET bottling line
that doubles the capacity of the enterprise. The new facility
uses 20% less energy and saves water. The company has
also expanded its warehouse base and refurbished the site
infrastructure. A part of the project was certified by Invest-
Bulgaria Agency, with the company committing to open 8
new jobs.

11. Teklas Bulgaria

Sector: Automotive components
Location: Vratsa
Investment: 30 million levs (€15 million)
New jobs: 500
The seventh Bulgarian plant of Turkey’s automotive com-
ponent maker Teklas will open in Vratsa in mid-year. The
investment amounts to 30 million levs and will provide
500 new jobs. The plot Teklas Bulgaria bought last year,
however, is quite large – 7 ha – with the company plan-
ning to build a second production facility if there is suf-
ficient workforce. That can raise the number of workers
to 1,000. The plant will manufacture rubber, plastic and
metal components for practically all large automotive
producers. Recently Teklas has started making compo-
nents for Tesla too.

12. Agropolychim
Sector: Fertilizer production
Location: Devnya
Investment: 26 million levs (€13 million)
New jobs: 12
Devnya-based fertilizer producer Agropolychim will invest nearly 26 mil-
lion levs in expanding its ammonia storage capacity. The raw material is
crucial for the production of nitrogen fertilizers and the construction of
a new storage facility is expected to further reduce the company’s de-
pendence on the price of natural gas, which makes up 60% of the cost of
the ammonia it produces. The facility will provide an additional capacity
for 20,000 cu. m of import ammonia. It is expected to start operating in
the middle of the year and add 12 new jobs to the 700 workers currently
employed in the company. The ammonia storage facility Agropolychim
uses at present was built in 2014 with a €23 million investment.

13. Mondelez International

Sector: Chocolate products
Location: Svoge
Investment: 22 million levs (€11 million)
New jobs: n.a.
Mondelez has invested more than 22 million levs in a new
chocolate packaging line at its factory in the town of Svoge.
Its capacity is twice that of the old one and can produce 6,600
chocolate blocks per minute. The implementation of the
project started in 2018 and its completion allows the factory
to become a hub for Milka chocolates production. Since 1994
the plant has been owned by Kraft Jacobs Suchard (now
Mondelez). The company employs an average of 580 people.
Company data show Mondelez has a 35% value market share
in Bulgaria.

14. Lindner Building Envelope

Sector: Construction elements
Location: Ruse
Investment: 20 million levs (€10 million)
New jobs: 200
Germany’s construction group Lindner, which has several
companies in Bulgaria active in construction and real estate,
will launch production of façade elements in Ruse. For the
purpose, the group has set up a new company, Lindner Building
Envelope Engineering. The new facility will be located on a
6.7-hectare plot and the investment will amount to €10 million.
The company does not give information about the time of the
expected launch.

15. BTL Industries

Sector: Medical equipment
Location: Plovdiv
Investment: 20 million leva (€10 million)
New jobs: 80
Electronic medical equipment manufacturer BTL Industries will
build its own factory in Plovdiv, where it currently works in rented
premises. The company has already purchased a two-hectare
plot in the city. The investment in land and building is estimated
at 20 million levs with production there expected to start in 2021.
The company has been growing steadily in recent years and cur-
rently manufactures 50,000 units a year. About 300 people are
employed in production in Plovdiv and 30 engineers work in the
company’s R&D center in Sofia.

Аfter Bulgaria banned Uber,

AirBnB and Booking.com were
slated to suffer the same fate

AT AIRBNB, but popular outcry forced

the government to soften its

BOOKING.COM stance. Instead of harsh administrative curbs

both websites and their peers offering short
term accommodation services will need to pay a

AFTER UNSUCCESSFULLY moderate tourist registration fee.

TRYING TO SHUT AirBnB and Booking.com offer apartment own-

DOWN THE LODGING ers the opportunity to sublet their property to

tourists. Since these are usually short stays,
SHARING SERVICE, THE they are never registered under existing legisla-

GERB-LED COALITION tion and often taxes on the income are evaded.
Even though taxes are often mentioned as the
GOVERNMENT IMPOSES reason, the attack comes from the hotel indus-

A SMALL FEE ON try. Over the last few years, new registrations at
the AirBnB platform have boomed and accord-
APARTMENT OWNERS ing to data provided by the company, to date
there are slightly over 3300 apartment apart-
DENITZA VATEVA ment listings in Sofia (14 000 in the country). In
comparison, the capital city has 12 500 officially
registered hotel beds. This new shared economy
puts a serious dent in the markets of the tra-
ditional hospitality industry exactly when low-
cost airlines made Sofia more accessible for for-
eign tourists.


????????????????? | Photo by Julia Lazarova

No designation of
noisy and quiet zones
in resorts
Another key proposal in the tourism
sector was rejected on its second and
final reading in parliament. It allowed
resorts to offer product zoning. The
idea, authored by the tourism ministry,
aimed to give resorts the opportunity
to designate zones for different types
of tourism, like party tourism or family
vacations. The amendment fell through
when GERB and their junior partner in
the government coalition NFSB intro-
duced two corrections for its dismissal.

According to the newly introduced

amendments, the national resorts will
be designated by the government
under proposals by the Ministry of


SHORT-TERM STAYS Тhe proposed legislation sparked uproar and
In December, the ruling GERB party introduced parliament swept it under the carpet. Instead, it
two related legislative proposals. One required equated the apartments for short-term rental to
the owners of properties listed on AirBnB or hotels. Consequently, their owners will be obliged
Booking.com to register with the local authorities. to pay a tourist fee of 0.20 and 0.40 euro for every
The other said that at least half of all apartment overnight accommodation.
owners in a building must agree to a property in it
being rented out for a short-term stay. And all of Obviously, the change is of little value. Most
this to be completed by mid-2020. apartment owners will not register their prop-
erty anyway and unless municipalities actively
No motives were given, but it is worth noting that pursue cooperation with AirBnB or Booking.com,
no such requirements were to be put in place for the revenue from the new tax will be less than
long-term renting of property. impressive. Even now hotels in Bulgaria fail to
The new rules would have required every apart- declare the real number of sleepovers, which is
ment owner to register with the municipal au- demonstrated by the mismatch between the Na-
thorities. The owners would have had to attach tional Statistical Institute data for hotel over-
a document certifying that 50% of the neighbors nights and the municipalities’ revenue from
in the property agreed. The latter requirement, tourist fees.
though, was not to apply to designated apartho-
tels and tourist complexes. The new regime will be short-lived, because the
European Court of Justice has ruled that AirbnB
“The goal is to create the necessary conditions that is an information service and as such it does not
will aid compliance with regulations in the tourism fall under EU property regulations. Tourism min-
sector,” the proponents argued. During the delib- ister Nikolina Angelkova stated that sanctions
eration, the chairman of the economic commission will not start applying immediately and member
in parliament, Petar Kanev from opposition BSP states will be given a period to adjust to any prob-
expressed reservations about the ability of owners lematic legislation, which is a strange logic when
to collect the necessary signatures from neighbors. adopting a brand new law.

expected tightening of environmental regulations
that, in time, will limit the big polluters.

Understandably, the first group is more numerous

and vocal and data from the Road Traffic Control
(RTC) for last year show that it is probably right.
The total number of vehicles in Bulgaria (light,
light-duty, heavy-duty and buses) is growing, fed
mainly by the increase in old vehicles (20-plus
years). Contrary to the trend in Western Europe,
the number of used diesel cars is rising. At the
same time sales of new and relatively new used
automobiles are also increasing but slightly.

According to data from the RTC for 2019 the total
number of motor vehicles in Bulgaria is 3.75 mil-
lion, up by nearly 90,000 year on year. The number
of newly registered vehicles was relatively steady
at 302,000 (320,000 in 2018 and 306,000 in 2017)
and the difference comes from deregistered auto-
mobiles. For the first time last year the number of
diesel vehicles (light vehicles excluded) exceeded
that of petrol engines and the gap is widening this

The number of light vehicles increased by 57,000

in 2019 with diesel cars growing faster than petrol
ones. With a minimum difference now – 1.31 mil-
lion petrol cars vs 1.29 million diesel cars – the
BULGARIAN latter are expected to top the former this year.

Most disturbingly, the share of the oldest vehicles
(20-plus years) remains considerable. Besides, it

MARKET: keeps on growing, reaching 41% in 2019 compared

to 38% in 2018. When we add the share of vehicles

GROWING BUT that are 15 to 20 years old (26%), it turns out that
a substantial part of the fleet is above 15 years
GETTING OLDER of age. Of all the 302,000 vehicles registered last
year, 193,000 were above 10 years old.

IN 2019, THE SHARE OF “It was a slow growth market in Bulgaria last year.

DIESEL ENGINES AND The import of used cars is still considerably big-
ger, which keeps the sale of new vehicles well
VEHICLES THAT WERE below their economic potential,” said Alexander

MORE THAN 20 YEARS Milanov, manager of BMW Group Bulgaria.

OLD KEPT INCREASING The optimist’s arguments in the story are to some
extent based on the rising share of automobiles
KONSTANTIN NIKOLOV up to 5 years of age. It reached 6.1% of all vehicles
last year: 230,000 compared to 212,000 (5.8%) in

2018 and 191,000 in 2017. But that is still an insig-
nificant number compared to the rest of automo-
The automobile market in Bulgaria biles; besides, the share of vehicles 5 to 10 years
is like a glass of water that is half old is decreasing.
empty or half full. Pessimists say
that due to low incomes the old Still, new car sales continue rising, reaching
cars on the roads will always be 43,200 in 2019, up 8.6% on 2018. However, growth
pollutants. Optimists, on the other hand, point slowed down from 10% in 2018 and 20% in 2017
out the increasing number of new cars and the and the result was far from the record 55,000

automobiles registered in 2008. Besides, it is not
clear how many of the new automobiles were re-
exported to other markets. Some players in the Premium market
sector say the share of re-exports is about 20%.
Interior Ministry data show that the number of BMW still tops the market of new premium auto-
deregistered new automobiles is almost 6,300, i.e. mobiles, followed by Mercedes and Audi. Last year
more than 14%. A market analysis shows that for there were two new Roll-Royces registered (a total
some brands re-exports may top 30% and reach of 62), five Ferraris (of 93) and five Lamborghinis
as high as 60%. Re-exports are entirely legal but (of 64). The number of new Teslas in Bulgaria also
they blur the actual state of the automobile mar- increased by 16 to a total of 109.
ket in Bulgaria. Dealers say that the most often
re-exported vehicles are SUVs, which have the
biggest share in Bulgaria too. K | BULGARIA'S AUTOMOBILE FLEET
Number of vehicles by brands, 01.2019-01.2020
Leaders in the new automobile market in 2019 0-5 years 6-10 years 11-15 years
were two companies of the Renault group. Da- 16-20 years Over 20 years Total
cia remained number one, speeding up its sales
growth by 17% to 5451 cars (M1 and N1 categories). 2019 2020

Renault remained second but with a slight drop in Volkswagen 458 612
466 571
sales. The two brands held more than 21% of the 356 907
new automobile segment. “Companies remain the 349 187
285 492
biggest customer of new automobiles but we also Mercedes
298 336
saw a rise in private purchases, the crucial factor Renault 208 122
201 835
for that being the accessibility of the Dacia brand,”
Ford 202 544
said Emil Garnev, general manager of Renault and 200 176
Dacia for Bulgaria. “We also registered growth by Peugeot 187 408
191 418
more than 100% in electric vehicle sales year on
Audi 174 086
year.” 181 184

BMW 146 339

155 231
The rest of the top 5 were unchanged: Skoda, 121 805
Toyota and Volkswagen. “Due to our 20-plus-year 136 412

FIAT 114 826

experience in hybrid technology, hybrid modifica- 110 969
tions make up 42% of our sales mix in Bulgaria,” Citroen 105 285
107 999
said Vayios Dotsikas, general manager of Toyota
Honda 86 319
Balkans. Unlike second-hand vehicles, the new 94 508
automobile market follows the trend in Europe Nissan 74 067
77 568
with diesel slightly losing popularity at the ex-
Skoda 62 330
pense of petrol engines and, to a certain extent, 68 474

alternative-propulsion models. Data from the SEAT 57 520

58 185
European Automobile Manufacturers’ Associa- 53 527
tion (ACEA) show that in 2019 diesel car sales in 57 601

Mazda 54 534
Bulgaria fell 20%, while petrol car sales increased 56 997
13%. Hyundai 54 076
49 456

ВАЗ 46 384
Corporate purchases are the main driver of new 48 718
automobile sales in Bulgaria. Therefore they are
considered a relatively good indicator of econom-
ic activity. The share varies from importer to im-
porter but the average level is about 60%. One of RISE IN LPG, CNG AND ELECTRICITY
the exceptions is Toyota, which has more sales to As the offering of electric vehicles is rising, so are
end customers. An important factor to take into sales, though their share is still insignificant. The
consideration is that there were no large public number of e-vehicles in Bulgaria is 1185: a surge
procurement contracts last year. At the same time by 67% year on year. Rough calculations show
many new automobiles were delivered under con- that probably the biggest buyer of e-cars in Bul-
tracts signed prior to 2019: 300 Skoda Rapids for garia is the shared mobility service Spark, which
the Interior Ministry and the first portion of 280 last year increased its fleet by 150 automobiles; in
Peugeot ambulances ordered by the Ministry of February 2020 it added another 80 vehicles, ex-
Health. panding its fleet to more than 350 all in all. > 78

2020 г. (M1 AND N1 CATEGORIES) (up to January)
2019 2020
11-15 г. Total vehicles From which cars
0-5 years 212 412
Общо 2019 2020 2018 г. 2019 г. 229 421
3 664 621 2 773 325 3 752 566 2 829 946
264 834
2020 г. 5-10 years
260 589
458 612 Dacia 5451
466 571 10-15 years 773 449
Total 4030 755 214
356 907 Renault 3827
49 187
15-20 years 1 009 121
492 3717 984 810
8 336 3386
1 589 685 1 339 819 1 570 251 1 312 662
Toyota 3631 1 404 994
Over 20 years
3017 1 522 559
Petrol 2928 3 664 726
Nissan Total
3183 3 752 626
Peugeot 2719
1 656 676 1 218 211 1 740 541 1 288 415
1875 43 420 (01.2020)
1545 39 984
1626 Nissan 2 268
1 600 710 EV 2 431 1 185 1203
Opel 1495 Dacia 791
5 987 5 355 Hybrid 8 430 7 735 1 171 Volkswagen 601
1276 Toyota 454
23 231 21 856 19 598 18 403
Gas Hyundai 847
987 Opel 441
164 081 157 440 178 538 170 707 810 Renault 433
LPG Mercedes
Suzuki 396
Audi 792
21 823 17 829
NG 24 611 19 771 624 Total KIA 382
FIAT 325
Citroen 293
302 461 Peugeot 285
(cars, cargo, trucks, buses and motorcycles) Skoda 242

208 165 Jeep 145 Source: Traffic Police

2018 2019 193 285

51 967 54 962 43 266 37 953

16 241 16 261

Under 5 years old Under 10 years old Over 10 years old Over 20 years old Total

> 77
Purchased brands included Nissan Leaf, BMW i3, The flow of old diesel cars from Germany and
Hуundai Kona and Hyundai Ioniq. Hybrid cars are other European countries continues flooding Bul-
also gaining popularity: their number went up by garia and Eastern Europe. According to prelimi-
nearly 2,400 to more than 7,735. nary data from the National Statistical Office, the
number of imported light vehicles last year was
THE IMPORTANCE OF CONTROL about 100,000, unchanged from the preceding
The authorities have long talked of the need to year (including new cars). Demand has remained
tighten up control on used cars in Bulgaria but flat for years. An analysis of one of the most popu-
few measures have been taken so far. Last year lar platforms for used car sales in Bulgaria shows
the Ministry of Environment said it planned to that the average age of the 601,612 automobiles
limit the import of automobiles below the Euro 4 offered on the website last year was 17.08 years.
standard (i.e. produced before 2005) but later the More than 83% of them were between 15 and
then minister Neno Dimov backtracked, saying 20 years old and 61% were diesel cars. German
that would violate the rules for free movement of brands made up the top 5 of the list (Mercedes-
people, goods, services and capitals in the EU. At Benz, Volkswagen, BMW, Audi, and Opel).
the same time countries in the region have much
stricter regulations: in 2016 Bosnia and Herzego- People from the sector say that the problem in
vina banned the import of cars below Euro 3 and Bulgaria is not so much the age of automobiles
last year it limited those below Euro 4. Five years but poor control, i.e. registrations, technical in-
ago, North Macedonia banned the import of cars spections etc., which allows polluting and faulty
of more than 15 years old. From the beginning of cars to run on the roads. If that trend persists, the
this year Romania has imposed a fee on cars be- pessimist’s outlook will remain valid for years to
low Euro 3 when entering Bucharest. come.
Photo by Nadezhda Chipeva 79

data. That makes an increase of 9.3% year-on-year

in terms of value and 7% on the number of pieces
sold. Data from the World Health Organization show
that 35 to 40% of Bulgaria’s population of some 7
million smoke.

Besides, an entirely new category – that of smoke-

free products – has gained popularity in the past
few years, especially in big cities, rising by some
4.6% in value. The consumption of smoke-free
products is assessed at more than 230 tonnes,
given that a pack weighs 6.1 grams on average.
Those products, which are not considered part of
the cigarette market due to their specific character,
additionally increase the sales of tobacco products
and their consumers: in this case some 160,000
people, with more than 70% of them using only
smoke-free products. Judging by the data about
the sold quantities, that segment makes an annual
turnover of some 200 million levs.


There are visible shifts on the market and the most
important of them is that a new best-selling brand
will emerge in the next few months.

The purchase of leading brands of Bulgarian

NEW CIGARETTE tobacco company Bulgartabac in 2017 made British

American Tobacco (BAT) the leader in cigarette
sales in the country with more than 40% of the
market. Its Rothmans brand mainly accounts for
it holding pole position. Within two years after
ROTHMANS PRIMED the purchase the concern prompted all major

TO BECOME THE BEST- brands of Bulgartabac (Sredets, MM, GD, Tresor

and Bulgartabac) to migrate to Rothmans and thus
SELLING BRAND IN the brand reached second place in sales in Bulgaria.

BULGARIA In 2019 the last but one brand of Bulgartabac, Eva,

also migrated to BAT’s global brand Vogue. The
migration of Bulgartabac’s last remaining brand,
DESISLAVA NIKOLOVA Victory, to Rothmans started in late 2019.

If BAT’s aim was to not only be a leader in market
f a market keeps growing in value by share but also producer of the best-selling brands
the year, this can mean several things: in Bulgaria, after the merger of Victory that aim
consumers are increasing, new products will be achieved. Even if half of Victory’s current
are being launched, prices are rising or consumers switch to Rothmans, the brand will
smuggling is shrinking. surpass the 2011 leader, Karelia.

All those factors hold true for the cigarette market BAT Bulgaria says that the incorporation of the
in Bulgaria, which once again registered remarkable acquired brands into the global brands is a business
growth in 2019. decision led by the demand of adult consumers.
“According to Nielsen data Rothmans has been the
Curbs on the grey market offering cigarettes fastest growing brand on the market in the past few
without excise-duty labels have limited illegal sales years. The migration to Rothmans is still ongoing
to two-digit rates in the past 10 years, reducing and will be completed soon. It preserves the same
their share of total sales to a EU record low of 3.3%. tobacco blend and different varieties and is so far
That is one of the reasons for the growing official well accepted by adult consumers,” BAT said.
market of cigarettes, which reached 3.2 billion levs
(1.636 billion euro) last year, according to AC Nielsen The company added that it has four names > 80

> 79 among the top 10 of the best-selling brands

in Bulgaria and Dunhill is leader in the high price
segment. Nielsen data show it was the brand chosen
by one in ten adult smokers in the capital Sofia in
December 2019.
While market leader BAT is changing its entire
portfolio and thus reshaping the ranking of the EXPANDING ECONOMY,
major brands on the Bulgarian market, the behavior
of some of the other players remains traditional.
Greece’s Karelia has been a brand leader for years
thanks to its lowest prices. Despite the increase in
cigarette prices in 2018-19, Karelia remained the
cheapest brand: its standard cigarettes sell for 5 levs SIRMA PENKOVA
a pack despite a series of excise-duty hikes in recent
years related to European Union requirements.

Local producer KT International (formerly Kings

Tobacco), which is in the same price segment of
the cheapest cigarettes, did not increase its prices
last year either. Karelia’s and KT’s products have
something else in common: their brands have been
offered for years on the market without excise-

duty labels. By keeping its prices unchanged on
the official market last year Karelia achieved a
considerable increase in market share – by 1.3 Assuming that the
percentage points, which was the best market state of the com-
performance of producers in the ranking. KT, munications mar-
however, could not get the same advantage and ket is best defined
reported a drop in sales by 0.6 percentage points. by its participants,
then 2019 was definitely a ”dynamic“
RANKING SHIFTS year. This was the word most cited by
Traditionally, the market share lost by leader BAT is nearly 60 of Bulgaria’s largest com-
distributed among the other cigarette companies. munications agencies. In a period
Besides Karelia, the biggest gainers last year free of surprises or market shocks,
were Japan Tobacco and Imperial Tobacco, which the agencies gained another year in
registered an impressive increase in their Sobranie which to transform and prepare for a
and Davidoff brands. potential economic crisis.

Philip Morris preserved its market share in the THE BIG TEN
cigarette segment. However, both in Bulgaria and All seems rather rosy in their busi-
globally the concern is investing mainly in the ness to judge from the financial re-
smoke-free segment. According to Nielsen data sults of the biggest market partici-
the sales of smoke-free tobacco products last year pants. The total revenue of the ten
reached 777 million pieces. most dominant communications
companies, those offering a full
Consumer tastes remain unchanged. While in other range of market and media services,
European countries the best-selling products are grew by double digits in 2019. They
80 mm cigarettes (the so-called king size), in even breached the 300 million levs
Bulgaria 44% of consumption comes from the so- figure for the first time. What´s more,
called long cigarettes with normal thickness, while their total 318 million levs in revenue
slim cigarettes make up more than 30% of sales. represents two thirds of the volume
Flavored cigarettes (menthol, chocolate, rose) are of Bulgaria’s communications busi-
not very popular, so producers do not expect any ness. The main engine of this growth
serious market disruptions to arise from the EU continues to be media agencies that
ban of sales of menthol cigarettes that comes into manage the multi-million advertis-
force on 20 May 2020. ing budgets of their clients, but don´t

necessarily earn very much themselves. 2019, for instance, Ogilvy Group Bulgaria acquired
the marketing agency Knoway, while a new PR de-
Traditionally, the first five spots go to companies partment was developed as part of DDB Group.
that are part of an international holding. The 2019 The All Channels group established a media unit,
leader is once again Ogilvy Group Bulgaria with whereas The Smarts added the branding compa-
a revenue of 65.6 million levs, which is 10 million ny Enthusiasm to their portfolio.
levs ahead of second placed DDB Group. Third
place goes to Publicis Groupe Bulgaria for the There were changes at New Moment New Ideas as
second year in a row with 48 million levs. well. The group’s media wing MediaS was merged,
while at the international level Havas Group
Aegis Network Bulgaria with 45.9 million levs and Bulgaria was purchased by the Vivendi group, to
BBDO Group with 37.7 million levs switched posi- which Universal Music, Gameloft and Canal+ be-
tions in the ranking, occupying spots four and five. long. The companies BBDO Group, Publicis Groupe
Bulgaria and Dentsu Aegis Network invested in
The second half of the ranking contains mainly acquiring and developing new technologies that
Bulgarian agencies that have expanded their focus on data and consumer behavior analysis.
businesses over the years to take in a full range Direct Media Group Bulgaria expanded its busi-
of services. Without big changes, sixth place is ness through servicing regional organizations
taken by Direct Media Group Bulgaria with 25.3 and in 2019 it operated on three foreign new mar-
million levs. The only international presence in kets with the Organization for Security and Co-
the bottom half is Havas Group Bulgaria with 17.1 operation in Europe.
million levs. All Channels Communication Group
climbed one spot from 2017 with 9.6 million levs INDIVIDUAL PLAYERS
for 2018. The transformation of New Moment New Many of the independent agencies on the mar-
Ideas’ business has bumped them one spot down ket, responding to clients’ demands for a full ser-
to ninth place with 7 million levs, or 26% less than vice package, also bet on the expertise expansion
in 2017. With a small difference (6.5 million levs), strategy. Most of them avoid labeling themselves
the group forming around The Smarts takes tenth as a particular type of agency and opt for the
position. “full communication services agency” tag. Hence
2019’s ranking of the largest independent com-
The companies have expanded their service port- panies comprises entities with an artistic, digital
folios with the aim of capturing new clients. In and BTL profile that are expanding their ser- > 83


Change Employees up to
’18 ’17 Service offered Agency 2017 2018
18/17 (%) November 2019
Media agency MediaCom 18421 20189 9,6 16
Media agency Intomedia 2256 2365 4,8 4
Digital media agency Metric DS 5080 7528 48,2 16
BTL agency Ogilvy Action 1023 843 -17,6 7
1 1 PR agency Ogilvy PR 444 294 -33,8 4
Media agency Wavemaker 2418 8
Media agency Mindshare
31180 31932 2,4 42
Creative Agency Ogilvy Advertising
Total Ogilvy Group Bulgaria 58404 65569 12,3 97
Advertising, PR and digital agency guts&brains DDB 8301 11693 40,9 55
Media and digital buying Optimum Media 10981 13169 19,9 18
Media and digital buying PHD 18618 23476 26,1 27
2 2 Advertising, media and digital agency DNA 6154 6146 -0,1 19
Advertising and digital agency Tribal Worldwide 602 961 59,6 11
Production services Final New (Founded in 2019)
Total DDB Group 44656 55445 24,2 130
Creative and advertising brand Saatchi&Saatchi Sofia
Creative and advertising brand Leo Burnet
Advertising brand Publicis Sofia
Strategic marketing and brand design BrandWorks
11864 12080 1,8 72
Advertising brand Red Lion
3 3 BTL and shopper makering brand Publicis Dialog
PR brand MSL
Digital brand Digitas (Founded in 2019)
Media brand Zenith 31899 35895 12,5 47
Media brand Starcom
Total Publicis Groupe Bulgaria 43763 47975 9,6 118
Dentsu Aegis Network Bulgaria 15929 23236 45,9
Vizeum 3765 3671 -2,5
Creative, media and CRM services
4 5 Amnet 695 1135 63,3
Isobar 13961 17832 27,7
Total Dentsu Aegis Network Bulgaria 34353 45875 33,5 240
Strategic planning and advertising Graffiti BBDO 7 428 8 032 8,1 17
Media agency Media Direction 26 442 27 718 4,8 22
5 4
Digital marketing and PR Proximity Sofia 1 735 1 967 13,4 15
Total BBDO 35 605 37 717 5,9 54
Full communication services KRES 1056 199 -81,2 N/D
Full communication services Direct Media KRES 8311 8162 -1,8 20
6 6
Media agency Direct Media 16852 16929 0,5 21
Total Direct Media Group Bulgaria 26219 25290 -3,5 41
Full communication services Havas Group Bulgaria 1434 3323 131,7 12
Media agency Media Planning Group 9379 9319 -0,6 10
7 7
Advertising and PR agency Havas Worldwide Sofia (+PR) 3497 4475 28,0 24
Total Havas Group Bulgaria 14310 17117 19,6 46
Advertising agency All Channels Advertising 4082 4416 8,2 33
BTL agency All Channels Activation 2334 2599 11,4 10
Digital media agency All Channels Interaction 0 0 - 4
8 9
PR agency All Channels PR 1084 1263 16,5 12
Media agency Connected (All Channels Media) 807 1181 46,3 5
Total All Channels Communication 8307 9459 13,9 64
Full communication services New Moment New Ideas Company 9478 6990 -26,3 22
9 8
Total New Moment New Ideas Company 9478 6990 -26,3 22
Advertising agency The Smarts 2370 2774 17,0 40
Media agency IQ Media 1629 2956 81,5 7
10 10 PR agency Paragraf 42 86 511 494,2 9
Production services Shoot 538 238 -55,8 4
Total The Smarts 4623 6479 40,1 60
Total for the 10 communication groups 279 718 317 916 13,7 966

> 81 vices and businesses. K | INDIVIDUAL AGENCIES

Revenues Revenues
Aiming to meet increasing demand for commu- 2017 (in 2018 (in
Agency in %
thousands thousands
nications services, the agency eTel has, for ex- 2018/2017
of levs) of levs)
ample, created a new company to cater for its Huts JWT 7373 11064 50,1
e-commerce clients. Knoway’s managing director Kiwi Advertising Agency 12140 10684 -12,0
Emil Petkov explained that new services, mainly Digital ID 3571 5682 59,1
related to the creation of video content, have been Brand New Ideas 5432 5584 2,8

added to the agency’s portfolio. Netpeak’s focus A Team 6073 5170 -14,9
Noble Graphics 4012 4764 18,7
continues to be the development and automation
Smart Communications 4253 4434 4,3
of effective advertising and SEO services.
Reforma 2815 3963 40,8
Silver Advertising 2906 3108 7,0
Qwerty Promotions 2251 2989 32,8
The country’s largest media agencies are repre-
Xplora 2064 2813 36,3
sented in a separate ranking. Apart from their
Мethodia web 1747 2712 55,2
business continuing to be narrowly focused, the
JWT Sofia 779 2447 214,1
large accumulation of revenue from managing Netpeak 2005 2428 21,1
their clients’ media budgets makes their volume Knoway 1283 2163 68,6
incomparable to the other market participants. Mag Communications 2006 2156 7,5
The combined revenues of the Top 10 media agen- Httpool Bulgaria 1570 2147 36,8
cies total 114 million levs in 2018, or 20 million levs Mediapost Hit Mail Bulgaria 1838 2120 15,3
more than the revenue of nearly 30 of Bulgaria’s McCann Sofia 926 2043 120,6
most successful communications services com- B+Red 1814 1895 4,5
panies. Interpartners 2832 1860 -34,3
Strata 1296 1638 26,4
The absence of a dramatic change in the market- Clockwork 2276 1550 -31,9
ing investments of advertisers is borne out by Format Vision 989 1420 43,6
the total revenues of media agencies, which had Next-DC 1060 1376 29,8
a yearly growth of less than 1%. This explains why Geko Adv 1128 1333 18,2

some of them have added digital management Amexy 1697 1308 -22,9
eTel 1210 1160 -4,1
to their services. “We restructured our team, ac-
EasyAds 897 1155 28,8
quired the digital agency All Digital, and this now
Total 80 243 93 166 16.1
allows us to offer a full spectrum of digital ser-
vices,” said Simona Tencheva, operations director earned over 4 million levs more than the year be-
at Argent. Similar steps were also taken by Zenith fore and their total revenue was 19 million levs.
Advertising & Communications (ZAC), who has in-
vested in the specialized agency Digital ID offer- Client expectations in the PR industry are also on
ing a full portfolio of digital services. the rise and according to Kamelia Dimitrova, ex-
ecutive director at PR Play, they have been ever
The managing director of Universal Media Bulgar- more discerning and in search of integrated solu-
ia and Initiative agencies, Mariana Kovachevich, tions. In order to meet that demand, Broks Visiоn
also described 2019 as dynamic. “The ownership JSC have also expanded their digital services
changes at the two largest TV channels in Bul- portfolio.
garia (Nova and bTV) made a lot of noise in the
industry, even though they were not a surprise.” Although they have a different focus, the services
(The BTV deal, yet to be finalized, is expected in of advertising, PR, digital and BTL agencies are
mid-2020.) increasingly overlapping. Even as competitors,
they must often work together in the service of
THE DIFFERENT PR AGENCIES the same client and achieve a synergy of commu-
The largest PR agencies in Bulgaria have a sepa- nication. “The best campaigns happen when dif-
rate ranking as well. Even though ten years ago ferent communication agencies and departments
their business was at a crossroads, they managed inside a company work in sync, meaning that less
to adapt to the changed market environment ego and more creativity, common sense and joint
and drastically expanded their services. They effort equal a better result,” says Olga Lozanova, a
placed consulting at the core of their services partner at OT-DO Consult. The executive director
and worked for the creation of a long-term vision of M3 Communications Group, Maxim Behar, be-
for their clients, both inside and outside the firm. lieves that in a few years the agencies will merge
Hence the Top 10 PR agencies in Bulgaria reported into large companies under the aegis of PR busi-
double-digit revenue growth for 2018 as well. They ness that creates content.


Economic growth in Bulgaria

continues, directly benefiting
the advertising market. Big
international companies have been
increasing their communication
THE CONSTRUCTION budgets, albeit slowly. In spite of the rise in TV

SECTOR HAS ad prices, medium sized businesses have also

been investing more in communication and now
SIGNIFICANTLY appear in ads aired at the largest TV stations. On

INCREASED the other hand, digital advertising has given even

the smallest companies and limited budgets the
COMMUNICATION opportunity to effectively reach their customer



SIRMA PENKOVA According to data by GARB and Nielsen Admos-
phere Bulgaria, the total investment in TV ad-
vertising in 2019 will likely surpass the volume of


IN JAN-SEPT 2019 (IN 2018) AND RADIO) IN JAN-SEPT 2019 (IN 2018)
Source: GARB Source: Nielsen
Company Total budget (mln levs) Company Total budget (mln levs)

1 FERRERO (4) 41.6 (47.3) 1 FERRERO (4) 42.0 (47.4)

2 PROCTER & GAMBLE (2) 41.2 (49.6) 2 PROCTER & GAMBLE (1) 41.4 (51.0)
3 CARLSBERG (12) 41.1 (31.5) 3 CARLSBERG (13) 40.7 (31.0)
4 LIDL BULGARIA (1) 38.7 (49.6) 4 LIDL BULGARIA (2) 40.5 (50.2)
5 NATURPRODUKT(5) 38.5 (48) 5 NATUR PRODUCT (3) 40.5 (47.7)
6 COCA COLA Co. (6) 33.1 (38.2) 6 COCA COLA Co. (6) 34.0 (38.5)
7 BILLA (7) 27.8 (35.2) 7 NESTLE BULGARIA (12) 29.8 (31.1)
8 FICOSOTA SYNTEZ (9) 25.7 (34.1) 8 BILLA (9) 28.5 (34.6)
9 SANDOZ (16) 24.8 (25.4) 9 FICOSOTA SYNTEZ (7) 27.4 (35.5)
10 L’OREAL (8) 23.8 (34.6) 10 RECKITT BENCKISER (10) 25.1 (33.5)
11 RECKITT BENCKISER (11) 23.4 (32.3) 11 NATIONAL LOTTERY (5) 24.6 (43.3)
12 NATIONAL LOTTERY (5) 23.4 (39.1) 12 SANDOZ (18) 24.5 (24.6)
13 KAUFLAND BULGARIA (10) 22 (33.9) 13 KAUFLAND BULGARIA (8) 23.8 (34.7)
14 ALLEGRO GROUP (18) 21.5 (24.2) 14 ALLEGRO GROUP (17) 23.2 (24.6)
15 KAMENITZA (19) 21.2 (24) 15 KAMENITZA (19) 22.7 (24.0)
16 NESTLE BULGARIA (21) 19.7 (23.5) 16 L’OREAL (11) 22.5 (31.3)
17 ZAGORKA (25) 19.6 (18.7) 17 NATURPHARMA (29) 20.0 (17.2)
18 NATURPHARMA (30) 19.5 (16.9) 18 GLAXOSMITHKLINE (GSK) (14) 19.8 (27.4)
19 GLAXOSMITHKLINE (15) 19 (25.8) 19 HENKEL (23) 19.4 (21.5)
20 HENKEL (22) 18.4 (21.5) 20 TELENOR (15) 18.6 (26.3)
21 WALMARK (17) 16.7 (24.5) 21 ZAGORKA (26) 17.6 (18.9)
22 TELENOR (13) 16.4 (25.9) 22 TECHNOPOLIS (24) 17.3 (20.5)
23 TECHNOPOLIS (26) 15.1 (18.7) 23 WALMARK (20) 17.1 (23.8)
24 BEIERSDORF (14) 15 (25.9) 24 MONDELEZ (KRAFT FOODS) (27) 16.1 (18.0)
25 UNILEVER (29) 14.2 (17) 25 BEIERSDORF (16) 15.7 (26.3)
26 MONDELEZ (KRAFT FOODS) (28) 14 (17.6) 26 BELLA BULGARIA 14.2
27 BELLA BULGARIA (31) 13.6 (15.6) 27 CHIPITA 13.5
28 CHIPITA (32) 12.8 (15) 28 A1 BULGARIA (22) 12.8 (23.0)
29 SANOFI - AVENTIS GROUP (20) 12.2 (23.6) 29 UNILEVER (30) 12.7 (15.9)
30 METRO CASH & CARRY (24) 11.4 (19.6) 30 TYMBARK 12.7
31 AROMA COSMETICS (44) 11.4 (8.4)
32 BERLIN - CHEMIE (34) 10.9 (12.3)
2018. Traditionally, the biggest investors in adver-
33 TYMBARK (45) 10.7 (8.1)
34 A1 BULGARIA (23) 10.6 (21.2)
tising are pharma companies. According to Sofia
35 FORTEX (36) 10.4 (11.9) Peneva, executive director of BBDO Group, by the
36 VIVACOM (27) 9.9 (18.1) end of October 2019 the sector recorded a budget
37 FRONERI BULGARIA (48) 8.8 (7.5) increase of 20%, while the other leading advertis-
38 ACTAVIS (35) 8.8 (11.9) ers (foods, beverages, retail and cosmetics) added
39 JACOBS DOUWE EGBERTS BG (33) 8.4 (12.7) over 10%. The executive director of Ogilvy Group
40 BAYER (47) 8 (7.5) Bulgaria, Ekaterina Tupareva, believes that the
41 TECHNOMARKET EUROPA (43) 7.8 (8.4) bigger spending by pharma companies has shift-
42 AIKO (37) 7.6 (11.5) ed towards food supplements from traditional
43 GLOBEX FINANCE (42) 7.4 (8.6) pharmaceuticals.
44 EU PHARMACIA (49) 7.2 (7.4)
45 PRAKTIKER (50) 7.2 (7.3) The Top 3 advertisers in GARB’s ranking are the
46 ZORA 6.9 chocolate and confectionery producer Ferrero,
47 VINPROM PESHTERA 6.8 multinational consumer goods manufacturer
48 BONI HOLDING 6.5 Procter & Gamble, and Carlsberg brewery. In addi-
tion to the pharmaceutical sectors, the two lead-
ing sectors are foodstuffs and retail. > 86

Ad expenditures by sector in January-September

2019 (2018)
Source: Bulgarian Association
January-September 2019 (2018) of Communications Agencies (BACA)
Total budget 2018 2019 Change
(mln levs) (mln levs) (mln levs) 2019/2018 (%)
1 Pharmaceuticals 243.4 (301.3) TV 240 260 8.3
2 Food stuffs 186.2 (228.5) Digital 98 112 14.3
3 Retail 183.8 (241.1) Print 13.8 13.5 -2.2
4 Beverages 176.5 (194.2) Radio 19.6 20.3 3.6
5 Cosmetics 149.5 (202.9) Billboards 43 45 4.7
6 Telecommunications 82.9 (133.8) Cinema 0.75 0.78 4
7 Financial services 56.8 (91.4) Total 415.1 451.6 8.8
8 Household chemicals 55.3 (66.7)
The data, collected by media agencies, repre-
9 Hobbies, Fashion, Sports 42.2 (76.7)
sents the net investment in the main commu-
10 Cars 23.7 (44) nication channels, excluding the costs associ-
11 Household goods 10.3 (18.2) ated with creative content and production of
12 Insurance 5.5 (7.1) advertising formats. The forecast for 2019 is
13 Audiovisual 5.3 (6.6) prepared by BACA experts.
14 Social campaigns, civic initiatives 5 (8)
15 Election campaigns 4.5
Bulgaria’s advertisement market registered dou-
ble-digit growth in 2018 and expectations are
16 Others 4.4 (4.5)
for continued growth. In the first nine months of
17 Real estate 4.2 (2.8) 2019 the net investment in advertisement prod-
18 Tourism 4.2 (8.2) ucts reached 415 million levs for the first time, a
19 Machines and equipment 3.2 (2.5) 12% increase over the previous year. TV still dom-
20 Transport 2.2 (2.8) inates the market, attracting more than half of
21 Publishing 1.7 (1.9) investments in advertisements. Traditionally the
22 Office equipment and furniture, stationery 1.4 (0.3)
digital media are expected to achieve the highest
growth in the advertisement market, but in 2019
23 EU funds 0.4 (1.4)
they are still at the fourth place as the most pre-
24 Total 1252.5 (1646.2) ferred communication channel.

> 85 The Top 10 of advertisers in every industry nies have long been part of the Bulgarian market,
account for more than half of its advertising in- but 2019 saw them invest (EVN, Aroma) in TV ads
vestment (see chart). Ten companies account for after a long pause,” he notes.
nearly 100% of advertising in the home appliance
sector. Over 80% of spending comes from the su- Market watchers have also recorded an increase
permarket chains, cosmetics, beverages and tel- in the communication budgets of real estate com-
ecom sectors. The national lottery’s TV ad budget panies, as increased construction activity and
accounted for more than half of the total in the growing competition have reflected positively
hobbies, fashion and sports sector. on advertising investments. According to Ma-
ria Grashnova, director of Dentsu Aegis Network
Nielsen Admosphere Bulgaria reports that for the Bulgaria, the investments made by the construc-
first nine months, the press has attracted ad in- tion, home improvement and furnishing sectors
vestment equal to just over half of the investment jumped by over 60% in the first three quarters of
for the full year 2018 and is unlikely to reach that 2019. “An interesting fresh participant in the Top
year’s level (see chart). With slight changes in the 20 group is the agri sector with a 130% jump,” she
leading spots, the Top 10 companies of 2018 main- says.
tained their positions in the first three quarters of
2019. Even so, Yanis Minakos, managing director In the last few years, expanding Bulgarian com-
of Huts JWT and JWT Sofia, is optimistic: “Almost panies have been increasingly active in communi-
all our clients increased their budgets in 2019 and cation investments. All Channels Communication
their sales grew compared to the previous year.” Group’s director Alexander Duchev says that they
have also been seeking progressively exhaustive
FRESH ADVERTISING BUDGETS market analysis from their communication part-
Nikolay Nedelchev, founder and director of Publi- ners. “On the other hand, the consolidation in
cis Groupe Bulgaria, says that there isn’t a single the banking sector has inevitably impacted our
new company in the Top 100 ranking for January- industry, especially in the media. This was com-
October 2019. “There are, however, several play- pensated by perishable goods and non-banking
ers from different sectors that deserve attention: financial services, which are eagerly competing to
Roshen, EVN, Home2You, A&D Commercial, Aflo- attract some of the growing income of consum-
Pharm, Aroma and Speedy. Most of these compa- ers,” he notes.

2020: Bulgaria and the Global

Economic Slowdown


• Bulgaria‘s exports structure is changing towards higher

value-added goods

• Risks are visible to the IT sector as the local companies are

mainly linked to the USA, UK and Germany

• Employment is still dominated by traditional sectors

Подърайте на

BULGARIA’S amateur project into a mass education platform.

BRIGHT SIDE: As is often the case, he got the idea about Ucha.se
by chance. While studying abroad, he helped his
sister learn her physics lessons by recording vid-
WHEN SMART IDEAS eos. Her classmates liked the videos very much, so

TURN INTO BUSINESS he started publishing them on YouTube. Then he

bought the domain and in 2012 he decided to re-
turn to Bulgaria and make Ucha.se
a business. Mr. Madjarov attracted

Photo by Krasimir Iuskeseliev

professional teachers to help him
with the different subjects. He also
found his first investor, LAUNCHub,
which provided €30,000 for the en-
terprise, as well as a business part-
ner, Nikolay Zheynov.

The platform was initially free and

quickly gained popularity. In 2013 it
attracted another investor, copper
mining company Asarel-Medet’s VC
fund, as well as two business angels
who invested a total of €200,000.
To make the business sustain-
able, the following year Madjarov
made Ucha.se a paid platform but
subscription did not prevent its
further growth. A third round of in-
EASY LEARNING vestment followed in 2016, when LAUNCHub pro-

vided €200,000.

In 2019 Ucha.se’s revenue jumped 85% year on
Judging by parents’ opinions, the year, reaching 7 million levs (€3.5 million), and
education website Ucha.se (“I learn” profit amounted to 3 million levs. Some 150 people
in Bulgarian) is a complete success. work for the company at present and 70 of them
Teachers also like the platform: some are permanently employed. “We managed to cre-
95% say the website helps pupils ate a platform that not only allows us to make
learn the lessons and achieve higher results. In just profit from a social project but also grow,” Mad-
seven years, founder Darin Madjarov has turned his jarov says.

WISH A CAKE at home but soon realized that such undertak-

ings turn into business in other countries and

that there were no such bakeries in Sofia. Armed
with the idea, their savings and loans from
Hidden in the shadow of the relatives, Tamneva and Blagoev registered the
National Television’s building firm in August 2010. Several months later they
in downtown Sofia is the first opened their first shop on Tulovo Street. Take a
cupcake bakery that Elitsa Cake’s list includes traditional flavors like cocoa
Tamneva and Ivan Blagoev and vanilla, as well raspberry, strawberry, cherry
opened nine years ago. Since then Take a Cake has in liquor, savory muffins and special collections.
become a favorite both at home and at corporate
events, growing at a two-digit rate. The family firm Another ingredient of Take a Cake’s success is
today has two bakeries in the capital city (and their online presence. In 2012 they opened their
working on a third one), as well as an online shop. first online shop and today they say that was a
good decision. Clients can order cupcakes on-
The family started experimenting with cupcakes line and have them delivered right to their door


There are very
few restaurants
in Sofia that can
boast clients
lining up in
front of the door. In just three
years, however, Franco’s Pizza
has become the favorite place
for both residents and tourists.

Photo by Tsvetelina Belutova

The secret of Franco’s success
is not just its perfect loca-
tion (close to the busy Vitosha
Street). Firstly, this is a pizza-
only place: 16 kinds of delicious
pizza and nothing else to dis-
tract attention. Secondly, it is an
excellent value-for-money offer. Thirdly, service is taurant started with a staff of three people and
very fast and efficient. And last but not least, the today it employs 13. Though it has only 30 seats,
place is small but cozy. 200 to 300 people visit it on workdays and up to
400 on weekends, the owner says. It is also in-
Surprisingly, Franco’s has almost nothing Ital- dicative that the small pizza place had an annual
ian in it. The name was chosen entirely for its turnover of 350,000 levs (€175,000) in 2018.
marketing effect, owner Ivaylo Arangelov admits.
However, he borrowed Franco’s success formula Franco’s operates at full capacity, so it does not
from Italy: a clear focus on pizza, no compromise offer home deliveries except for takeaway. Mr.
with the technology and product quality, attrac- Arangelov is mulling opening a second restaurant
tive prices and fast service. but finding a good location is crucial. He wants it
to be larger and have a more spacious kitchen, so
Figures also speak of Franco’s success. The res- he can try new ideas and pizza recipes.

in 2 hours. A few years later a new

website was developed to make the
online venue more customer friendly
and improve user experience. Take a
Cake’s online business makes up half
of the firm’s turnover, which topped
620,000 levs (€310,000) in 2018.

Tamneva and Blagoev opened their

second physical shop in the capi-
tal city, on Benkovski Street, in 2014
and are already planning a third one.
It will be located in one of Sofia’s big
residential districts, Mladost 1, and
will be larger than the first two bak-



The district of Blagoevgrad is part tary factories to offer high salaries to its popula-
of the richest region in Bulgaria tion. The economy specializes in low value-added
from a statistical perspective sectors such as agriculture, light industries and
- the Southwest, which is also sectors which traditionally go hand in hand with
home to the capital. Consequently, modest wages and relatively large grey sectors
Blagoevgrad often gets overlooked and remains like tourism. All this brings down the averages for
in Sofia’s shadow. The size of the local economy the district.
is incomparable to the capital, which is about
100 km away, but Blagoevgrad district has many MODEST GROWTH RATE
advantages. Employment is at a record high, Blagoevgrad’s macroeconomic indicators leave
unemployment is low and Blagoevgrad’s has two the initial impression that the local economy is
universities, attracting ambitious young people. growing at a much slower rate than the nation-
The local tourism sector is booming and set to al average. The value of gross domestic product
expand into new territories. reached 2.7 billion levs in 2017, according to data
from the National Statistical Institute (NSI), but
However, the district of Blagoevgrad has the low- that’s just 43% above what it used to be a decade
est average wage in the country. And, similarly to ago. Meanwhile, the national average growth rate
other districts, the growth rate of the local econ- was 59% for the same period. A similar lag is vis-
omy has been falling behind the national average ible in data for local value-added.
over the past decade. What makes Blagoevgrad
different is that there are no large employers, During the past decade, there has been a re-
state-owned enterprises, power plants or mili- structuring in Blagoevgrad’s economy, which has

moved away from industry to focus more on ser- “We see more and more people opening small

vices. The shift was probably due to the decline wine cellars and investing their money in edu-
of one of the traditional branches of the local cating their children abroad, where they learn
economy - tobacco production. In 2017, cigarette from wine-making practices in Australia, France
manufacturer Bulgartabak Holding cut half its and Chile. Which is a good prospect for the re-
staff at the Blagoevgrad factory. At the beginning gion,” says Shatev. He claims that sectors such
of 2019, the production plant officially shut down, as woodworking, furniture production and sew-
leaving the remaining 200 employees jobless. ing also have good positions, even though cloth-
ing manufacturers have difficulties due to lack of
However, Blagoevgrad’s potential in this sector is manpower.
still intact. “I hope someone will reopen the fac-
tory because the base is built and the trained But it is precisely the specialization in these
people for these machines are still here,” says sectors that may explain Blagoevgrad’s sluggish
Romeo Shatev, chairman of the local branch of economic performance. Agriculture is tradition-
the Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Indus- ally the lowest performing sector in the Bulgar-
try (BCCI). ian economy in terms of value-added. Branches
in light industry also don’t operate at large mar-
In services, the undisputed leader is tourism, gins, and tourism offers the lowest wages in the
which is booming. “Before, winter and moun- district (an average of 532 levs per month in 2017)
tain tourism dominated, but now the sector is after transport (505 levs).
expanding towards spa. The mineral springs in
the region are a natural resource, and we’re still WHY THE LOW WAGES?
using only a small portion of the ones available. Despite its universities, the short distance to
There’s a lot of potential for growth here,” says the capital and its positive business environ-
Shatev. Services generate 61% of the value-added ment, Blagoevgrad district has the second-low-
in Blagoevgrad. Agriculture contributes 10% and est average wage in the country, according to
was worth 238 million levs in 2017, second only data from 2018. The average gross monthly sal-
to Plovdiv in size. The area, known for its mild ary is 771 levs, whereas Sofia offers twice that.
climate, is home to growers of early sprouting Wage growth is comparable to the national av-
vegetable and fruit in Bulgaria and winemaking erage, but the low base makes catching up dif-
is also gaining ground. ficult. > 92


In levs
Blagoevgrad National average Blagoevgrad's GDP (% of total in Bulgaria, rhs)
16 000 4.0

14 000 3.5

12 000 3.0

10 000 2.5

8000 2.0

6000 1.5

4000 1.0

2000 0.5

0 0
‘00 ‘01 ‘02 ‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17
Source: NSI

AVERAGE MONTHLY GROSS WAGE > 91 Average figures, however, are not enough

In levs
of an argument for a district’s development.
National average Blagoevgrad
According to data on average wages by munici-
pality published by the Sofia-based think-tank
1000 Institute for Market Economics last year, the
Blagoevgrad district’s average salary was 691
levs in 2017, but in Blagoevgrad municipality the
600 amount was 809 levs, ranking it 15th among the
district centers in the country, with a higher
average than other municipalities like Gabrovo,
200 Yambol, Pernik and Haskovo, and in 66th place
among all 265 municipalities in Bulgaria. The
0 smaller municipalities in the southwestern part
‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 Q4‘18
Source: NSI of the district offer lower wages, bringing down
the average.
15 - 64 completed years (%)
The disparity comes partly from local population
Blagoevgrad National Average
distribution. Usually, average wages are highest
in a given district’s economic center where the
70 biggest employers are. The economic center is
also where most of the population is based. The
more people live in the center (and get paid high
60 wages), the more the average amount rises in the
district. Blagoevgrad municipality is not an ex-
ception in terms of the wages it offers compared
50 to other economic centers. Where it does differ
is people - only about a quarter of those living
45 in the district reside in its economic center. That
‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18
Source: NSI is the lowest share among all of the Bulgarian
districts, which gives the higher wages offered in
UNEMPLOYMENT RATE Blagoevgrad municipality a comparatively small-
15 - 64 completed years (%)
er weight in the district’s average.
Blagoevgrad National Average
Also, there are no large employers in Blagoevgrad.
Usually, big corporations offer better pay, mak-
12 ing other companies in their area of operation
10 raise their wages as well to compete for potential
8 employees.
Leaving aside the low average wages in Blago-
0 evgrad, the district has some of the best regional
‘03 ‘04 ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17 ‘18
Source: NSI economic indicators in the country. Close to
three-quarters of the population were economi-
FOREIGN INVESTMENT PER CAPITA cally active in 2018 (152,000 people), and 145,000
Foreign direct investment in non-financial enterprises
of them were employed, which brought employ-
at cumulative base as of 31.12, euro
National average Blagoevgrad ment up to 71%, whereas the national average
4000 was 67.7%. Unemployment also fell to 4.8% in
3500 2018, which is below the Bulgarian average.
2500 The restructuring of the local economy from in-
dustry to services is also evident in the employ-
ment statistics. Over a third of the 89,700 people
employed in Blagoevgrad in 2017 worked in man-
ufacturing, down from 41.1% in 2007. Construc-
tion has also been also losing ground, with 5,000
0 people employed in 2017 - half the number ten
‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17
Source: NSI years earlier.

On the other hand, locals are focusing on eco- LONG-TERM ASSET EXPENDITURE
Levs per person
nomic sectors like transport and logistics, tour-
Blagoevgrad National Average
ism, research and healthcare. The highly profit-
able (by Bulgarian standards) ICT sector has few
representatives in Blagoevgrad – it employed
only 700 people in 2017, or 0.8% of all employ- 3000
ees in the district. One reason could be the ex- 2500
tremely low average wage - 899 levs for a job 2000
in ICT, whereas in Sofia or Plovdiv, for example, 1500
an employee could easily get several times that 1000
amount. 500
YOUNG PEOPLE LEAVING ‘05 ‘06 ‘07 ‘08 ‘09 ‘10 ‘11 ‘12 ‘13 ‘14 ‘15 ‘16 ‘17
Similarly to other regions outside the capital, Source: NSI

companies in Blagoevgrad are also facing dif-

ficulties associated with retaining employees.
The pace of population decline is low compared trict has decreased by 7%. The group of people
to other areas in the country like the Northwest. under 24 years old has shrunk from 32% of the
Elderly citizens made up 19.3% of the district’s population in 2001 to 23% in 2018.
population in 2018, which is the third-lowest
share in Bulgaria after Sofia (17.5%) and Varna The city of Blagoevgrad has two academic in-
(18.9%). However, the downward trend is visible. stitutions - The South-West University and the
Over the past decade, the population in the dis- American University in Bulgaria. Together, they
have over 12,000 students. Despite that, it looks
BLAGOEVGRAD CAN BE CONSIDERED like most graduates don’t choose to stay in Bla-
goevgrad. Barely a fifth of the district’s popula-
tion has a higher education degree. Compara-
OUTSOURCING OPPORTUNITIES tively, the national average stood at 27.8% in 2017.
CONSIDERING THE ABUNDANCE OF According to national statistics, 4,000 people left
STUDENTS AND THE SHORT DISTANCE the district in 2018, 42% of whom headed abroad
TO SOFIA AIRPORT. and a third of whom chose to live in Sofia. > 94

> 93

Photo by Anelia Nikolova

MORE WATER/Belgian mineral wa- Over the past 15 years, the total amount of for-
ter bottling group Spadel will invest eign direct investment in Blagoevgrad has risen
€17 million in the construction of to 474 million euro, or 1,541 euro per capita. Ac-
a new logistics center and the re- cording to an analysis by the Institute for Market
placement of two production lines Economics, over half of foreign capital flows was
at its plant in the Bulgarian town of directed into the trade sector by the end of 2015
Devin. The investment will enable the as a result of the advent of modern retail chains.
company to meet its growing production Although this breakdown is a bit old, the amount
needs by 2028, Spadel said. According to of FDI in Blagoevgrad did not change significant-
Marc Du Bois, CEO of Spadel, the Bulgar- ly over the next two years, indicating a very low
ian market has a significant growth po- probability of a significant shift in FDI structure.
tential. Spadel acquired Devin in 2017.
The company bottles and sells a wide However, Blagoevgrad can be considered a good
range of products including mineral wa- alternative for outsourcing opportunities con-
ter, spring water and table water under sidering the abundance of students and the
its Devin and Divna brands. It is also the short distance to Sofia Airport and major infra-
official distributor of Red Bull energy structure links. “The proximity to the capital pro-
drinks and fruit-juice brand Granini in vides tremendous opportunities for the develop-
Bulgaria. ment of Blagoevgrad, but they are not used by the
local government structures. In my opinion, there
EXPANSION/Bulgaria-based IT and is no long-term vision for the development of the
BPO services provider Bulpros has district, no initiative, no desire for change,” says
acquired local company Beam, an Simeon Kitanov, chairman of the local branch of
integrator of SAP business manage- the Bulgarian Industrial Association.
ment solutions, for an undisclosed
sum. The addition of SAP expertise is Another obstacle to unfolding Blagoevgrad’s full
of strategic importance for Bulpros as it potential are the missing sections of Struma
complements the portfolio of digital so- Highway. According to locals, they should have
lutions offerings for corporate clients in been built years ago. “The Struma highway was
the company’s core markets. Beam is the stolen from us by Sofia,” says Romeo Shatev. “The
sixth company to become part of Bulpros first highway that received full funding from the
since it was founded in 2010. The group EU pre-accession funds was Struma. And yet,
has a wide range of competences with a construction may not be completed by 2023.
focus on financial and professional ser- We’re paying for the subway in Sofia, the Tra-
vices and telecommunications. It oper- kia Highway and now the Hemus Highway. Why
ates on a global scale and has more than shouldn’t the money for the subway be distrib-
1,300 employees, working across 20 of- uted to other infrastructure projects?”
fices in Europe and North America.
The very fact that Blagoevgrad shares a planning
CO2 FREE STORAGE/Bulgarian lo- region with Sofia - the Southwest, is to the dis-
gistics company Dreams Trans has trict’s detriment, Shatev argues.
launched the construction of a 25
million levs (€12.8 million) logistics “Sofia increasеs the average macroeconomic in-
park in the Bozhurishte industrial dicators for the whole region, as a result of which
zone near Sofia. The project, part of our access to European programs is limited,” Sh-
which is financed through a loan pro- atev explains. Anyone looking at the macroeco-
vided by DSK Bank, is expected to be nomic statistics can see that the capital is very
wrapped up in the middle of 2021. DT different and far ahead of the rest of the regions
Logistics Park will include a spacious in the country. Consequently, this distorts the
storage base and other buildings, all numbers for the whole Southwest, as well as the
spreading on some 35,000 sq. m. The competition for access to cohesion funds, which
park will have a capacity of 40,000 euro are allocated on the basis of average GDP per
pallets. It will be carbon-neutral, as it capita. Sofia itself is above the EU average but
will be equipped with 1.1 MW photovol- because it shares the same planning region with
taic rooftop installations. The company other less developed districts, the capital contin-
already operates warehouses in Ger- ues to receive the lion’s share of European fund-
many, North Macedonia and elsewhere ing for major infrastructure projects such as the
in Bulgaria. subway.

It’s not overstating things to describe

the American University in Bulgaria (or
AUBG, as it is more commonly referred

COLLEGE to) as the most successful foreign

project to have taken root since the fall
of Communist rule three decades ago. It is, by far,
also the most important institution in Blagoevgrad,
THE TOWN HOUSING a town of about 70,000 in the southwest that has
THE AMERICAN now housed the university for 28 years.

UNIVERSITY IN So far, the coexistence has been a symbiosis – the

BULGARIA FAILS TO TAP university brings to the town about 800 young
people, many of them foreign, while the munici-
ITS POTENTIAL BECAUSE pality has mostly been welcoming to the institu-
OF ITS LOCATION tion and, especially in the years of its inception,
has helped it take root. Alongside the other higher
education institution in town - the Southwestern
MARTIN DIMITROV University, Blagoevgrad is truly a university hub.
Yet the local authorities seem incapable of tap-
ping the huge potential that comes with having
the top university in the country on their door-
step. > 96

> 95


AUBG is the only higher educational institution
in the country that follows the liberal arts prin-
ciples of education – students live on campus,
most of them complete dual degrees, combining
various social sciences with the likes of computer
science, accounting and economics, and there is
much more interaction between them and their
instructors. Walking around the shiny campus of
the university feels like being in any similar col-
lege somewhere in the USA, with the added bonus
of having the highest mountain in the Balkans,
Rila, as a background. And it’s not only nice build-
ings – AUBG is a melting pot for students from all
over the Balkans and beyond, who study in a truly
President of AUBG international environment.
They also show impressive results – the univer-
sity tops the charts in the annual Bulgarian Uni-
I want our students to do more socially
versity Ranking in four out of five majors that are
responsible work – from simple things like
taught there, including Business administration,
cleaning up graffiti and clearing up the river-
Economics, Political Science and Journalism, and
banks, to interning in the local administration
and gathering funds for initiatives in town. As
is second only to Sofia University in Computer
citizens, they need to learn that improving the science. Needless to say, there is practically no
environment around them is their duty. unemployment among its graduates and their av-
erage salaries are significantly higher than those
of their peers from other Bulgarian universities.

The rosy picture is disturbed only by Blago-
evgrad’s lack of employment opportunities for the
well-educated and ambitious young people who
graduate from AUBG.

“That is the sad part – in reality there isn’t much

opportunity to make a career here, the companies
are closed and people like me who want to stay in
Bulgaria go to Sofia, while the rest go abroad,” says
Kristina Kukoleva, a student at the university and
a native of Blagoevgrad. According to the Presi-
dent of AUBG David Evans, the only way for the
town to retain some of the talent the university
produces, is to attract at least one international
investor in need of AUBG-trained managerial cad-

Being in Blagoevgrad is a double-edged sword in

other respects as well. On the one hand, many of
the staff and students like staying in a smaller,
cozy town where practically all they need is at
walking distance. There are just enough cafes,
shops and other amusements to keep students
entertained when they are not studying, and Sofia
and its international airport are close enough – at
about 1.5-2 hour drive – for those who prefer more

sity from its first days of operations in Septem-

ber 1991. Even its author, however, finds it hard to
ANNUAL BULGARIAN UNIVERSITY pinpoint whose idea exactly it was to open a new
RANKING IN FOUR OUT OF FIVE institution sponsored by a U.S. government grant
MAJORS. and private contributions, including from the fa-
mous financier and philanthropist George Soros.

One thing is certain – the creation of the univer-

sity was an almost magical coincidence of inter-
ests, including those of the last Socialist-era U.S.
Ambassador to Sofia Sol Polansky, his press aide
John Menzies and the first director of the Bulgar-
ian branch of Open Society Institute Georgi Pro-
hasky. They managed to attract the interest – and,
respectively, the sponsorship and patronage – of
both Mr Soros and a number of famous Bulgarian
emigres exiled by the Communist party, includ-
ing journalists Dimi Panitsa and Stefan Gruev. At
the same time, the reformist-minded leader of the
At the same time, a liberal arts college aspiring to Temporary Executive Committee of Blagoevgrad
train the next generation of business and politi- (and, later, the first democratically elected mayor
cal leaders suffers, because it is not at the heart of the town) Eliana Maseva managed to convince
of national socio-economic events.. “It would be the local authorities to rent out the local House
much easier to attract more foreign students if we of the Communist Party, now defunct for obvious
were based in Sofia,” says Mr Evans. Blagoevgrad reasons, to the Americans.
mostly remains a temporary home for the major-
ity of students who relocate after graduation. “So far, so good, but in the beginning we had to
convince everyone that we were not American
STRONG ALUMNI BONDS spies,” Mr Phillips recalls of his first years in the
This, however, does not mean that they lose con- small post-Communist town. It was a different
nection to their alma mater. On the contrary, world back then, which had little to do with the
AUBG boasts the strongest alumni network of simple, yet modern look Blagoevgrad has today.
any Bulgarian university. Irena Macheva, who is
responsible for connecting the alumni to the uni- “The town was so poor, the infrastructure was
versity and fundraising, believes that the intimate crumbling, packs of rabid dogs roamed around
links created when studying and living together and you took to the streets risking your life,” says
on campus for four years have positive and long- David Flanagan, an ex-president of the Board of
lasting effects. Not only alumni contributions Trustees of the university. Electricity shortages
make up for about 25% of the revenue of AUBG, and a lack of toilets also hindered the early years
but former students come to give lectures and of the university in the harsh post-Communist
kick off initiatives years after their own gradua- reality of 1990s Bulgaria, but what the country
tion. lacked materially, it substituted for intellectually.

At the end of 2019, for example, a partner from “The first graduates were so smart! It was their
venture capital fund Eleven and AUBG alumni first chance to go beyond the limitations of Com-
Daniel Tomov announced that he was launching a munism and they grabbed and held onto it. They
practical entrepreneurship accelerator program. took the SAT exams in a language they had almost
The caveat is that the university will hold a 5% never practiced and their results were better than
stake in any start-up to be launched during this those of Ivy League schools applicants. They were
program. true pioneers,” Mr Flanagan adds.

AN INSTITUTION WITH A MOST So is AUBG. Despite the many hardships and

PECULIAR HISTORY problems piling up throughout the years, the uni-
If there is one thing that is most unusual about versity, its staff and its students have managed to
the location of this liberal arts college, it is the overcome all odds and even grow.
story of its inception and early years. One can
learn about it from the still unpublished manu- “Nobody expected the small university in Blago-
script of Robert “Bobby” Phillips, one of the first evgrad to survive, but we made it. We are survi-
instructors at AUBG, in effect with the univer- vors,” concludes Bobby Phillips.
Q Buyers prefer newly
built buildings | Photo by
Tsvetelina Belutova



The segmentation in Sofia’s environment and the considerable slowdown in
residential property market price growth as factors that contributed to the
continued last year. Location has good results. Combined, they created the right
ceased to be an indicator of prices; conditions for both personal and investment
instead build quality and overall purchases. Yavlena’s data puts investment buys
environment have become much more important at 15%, which equals the percentage recorded in
for prospective buyers. At the same time, record 2018. This stagnation is due to increased supply,
low mortgage rates and wage growth have led to which in turn makes buyers more careful. Accord-
increased sales. Prices, however, seem to have ing to Address’ data, investment buyers constitut-
stalled, mainly because old properties are losing ed 24% of the total, compared with 20% in 2018.
their lure. The past year saw a number of these buyers close
deals after a protracted wait for the appropriate
The real estate market in Sofia experienced yet
another good year. The public register recorded Arco Real Estate noted that an additional stimu-
29 772 deals in 2019, which is 5.45% more than lus for buying was the increase in the property
2018. Two of the big agencies on the market, Ad- purchase tax, which rose from 2.5% to 3% in Sofia
dress and Yavlena, reported a 15% growth in sales from the start of 2020.
in Sofia and Bulgarian Properties saw increased
“Demand has continued to be active, as well as Alongside growing income – whether from sala-
supply of new construction. But growth has been ries, transfers from family members abroad, or
much more gradual and moderate than in past other sources – the record low mortgage interest
years,” says the managing director of Bulgarian rates also account for the vibrant market. Yavle-
Properties, Polina Stoykova. na recorded 35%-40% of deals as being financed
The managing director of Address, Gergana with loans. Address’ data shows 55% and a con-
Tenekidzhieva, points to the favorable bank loan tinuing increase. “The reason is the higher prices

and buyers’ desire for a better home in a more deals. The agency clarified that the hike is not due
prestigious area, which in turn calls for external to any real price increase but to other factors –
financing,” Gergana Tenekidzhieva explained. the increased interest for furnished and remod-
eled apartments, which are more expensive, and
Polina Stoykova commented that 2019 also wit- sales of new or under construction buildings that
nessed heightened activity because of an expect- sell for higher prices than old buildings. Other-
ed interest rate hike, which never materialized. wise, most areas have retained the same prices
for standard properties. Yavlena registered an
“If we calculate the percentage of income that average price growth of 1.5% in 2019. A quarter of
goes into the mortgage of a middle-sized property, their deals last year were for new construction.
homes today are more affordable for people with
an average salary and mortgage loan than at any THE FIRST NEIGHBORHOODS WITH
moment in the last 12-13 years,” real estate expert A PRICE DECLINE
Georgi Pavlov told Bulgaria On Air TV. “If there is Imot.bg, the largest local real estate website, reg-
anything that can hinder the real estate prices in istered a drop in prices in 2019 in six of the 53 So-
Bulgaria, it would be a decision by the European fia neighborhoods listed. Medical Academy, Boro-
Central Bank to raise interest rates. Something vo, Lagera, Slavia, and Zona B-5 saw prices drop
for which there are no indications whatsoever,” he between 2% and 5%, while the decrease reached
added. 9% in Poligona. Yavlena recorded a decrease of
between 1% and 6% in seven of the 24 neighbor-
The chairman of the National Real Estate Associa- hoods it collects data for. ¨We are seeing stagna-
tion, Dobromir Ganev, says that political stability, tion and a drop in prices, and our general impres-
the migration toward Sofia and the close to zero sion is that this process will develop further,” said
interest rate on bank deposits are additional factors Mladen Mitov, manager of market research and
stimulating buyers. He also believes that returning analysis department at Yavlena. He noted that
inflation is an incentive. all cases are individual, but in general the prices
of prefabricated buildings have decreased, while
EVERYONE LOVES SOMETHING NEW monolithic ones have increased by about 5%.
“New construction dominates the demand of buy- Gergana Tenekidzhieva also remarked that the
ers,” commented Polina Stoykova. The sales statis- completion of new buildings and the numerous
tics of Bulgarian Properties show that in the last five new construction permits are likely to depress
years new construction has conquered the market. demand for prefabricated apartments and lower
Its share has grown from less than 50% in 2014 their price. She explained that fully renovated
to over 90% in 2019. “The record low cost of bank prefabricated buildings are in a different category
financing was aided by an increased availability and they still generate interest.
of payment programs provided by investors,” she
“Buyers insist that their purchases be new and “It is an interesting tendency that the largest
previously uninhabited,” confirmed Gergana price increases were recorded in the most and
Tenekidzhieva. There is demand for old apart- least expensive areas of Sofia. In the most ex-
ments as well, mostly because of the way the old pensive – because of limited supply and great
regulation measured the property’s surface (new demand, while the cheapest are catching up with
construction includes walls, stairways and other the overall market movement,” commented Polina
common-use areas in the total surface, decreas- Stoykova. Her observations are confirmed by Imot.
ing living space by 15 to 20%). “It is important for bg’s data. Selling prices in Lyulin and Nadezhda
buyers that old apartments be renovated and re- rose by 4-5%. The increase is the same in the posh
furnished,” Tenekidzhieva noted, adding that the neighborhoods of Simeonovo and Boyana. Prices
price may go up by 20-25% per square meter in a in the center of Sofia went up by 6% and 8% in
renovated old brick building with identical speci- the most expensive area behind the Sofia Univer-
fications. sity building. Address representatives added that
there is also an increase in the areas where there
SLIGHT PRICE INCREASE is demand, but new construction is insufficient. In
According to data by Bulgarian Properties, the av- some of Sofia’s eastern areas there is overpricing
erage price was 1095 euro per sq. m. in the fourth by some individual sellers. In the southern part
quarter against 1088 euros per sq. m. in the third of the city, where there is new construction as in
quarter (an increase of 0.6%). As a whole, however, Manastirski Livadi, deals are usually concluded
2019 ended with an average price identical to that during construction because of improved condi-
of 2018. Address recorded a 7.13% increase in their tions and the price increase is therefore > 100

IN 2020


Stability and heightened buyer activity with a similar

volume of sales. The share of properties purchased
with loans will steadily increase. The number of
homes in Sofia is growing more dynamically than
the population. This will provide a variety of choices
for buyers and will probably exert some pressure on
the market.
> 99 more moderate.


Bulgarian Properties “The real estate market is still a market for the
POLINA top 10% of the population in terms of incomes,
STOYKOVA and in good years like the previous one – for the
top 20%,” said Georgi Pavlov. Individuals between
26 and 35 years of age have emerged as the main
buyer group in Sofia in 2019. This age group now
It is not unlikely that we end up seeing a slight
constitutes about 39% of Address’s customer
increase of about 3% in prices in 2020 because of
base and has overtaken the 35 to 46-year-old
the strong finish of the previous year and the strong
generation, which had dominated so far. Buyers
start of the new one.
older than 55 are barely 15% of the total in the
agencies’ statistics.

Gergana Tenekidzhieva explained that this only

Yavlena reflects the information in the deeds. It would be
MLADEN MITOV difficult to ascertain to what extent these individ-
uals were aided by their parents. “It is true that
young people have become the main buyer group
in Sofia,” confirmed Polina Stoykova. They pur-
chase homes for their own use, mostly with bank
A market with increased supply, a buyer’s market, a
loans. There has been an increased demand from
deepening segmentation of properties according to
individuals from around the country for homes
quality and the pricing expectations of buyers.
for their children who live in the capital. “Even
though the young are the active buyers, their
parents take a leading role. They encourage their
children to buy, look for homes, help with sav-
real estate expert ings, even attend viewings to vet their children’s
GEORGI PAVLOV choice,” she added.

Dobromir Ganev looks at millennials as just one

more group that is becoming active. Young people
between 26 and 35 are the most difficult buyers,
One problem is expected in the long run – decreased
believes Gergana Tenekidzhieva. “They are first-
time buyers; they are unsure of what they want
and have difficulty taking a decision. They hesi-
tate between purchasing a home in an environ-
ment close to that of their childhood or a modern
smart home in a gated complex. They feel con-

Q The construction
boom is suppressing
the prices of the
real estate | Photo by
Tsvetelina Belutova

fused. And if until recently the older generation

had a big say, over the last year their influence
has decreased and the young must decide on
their own,” she says.

“The tendency is for buyers to wait and search //NEWS BRIEF

for a longer time. This reflects on the overall OFFICE SPACE INCREASE/In 2019,
time to finalize a sale, between two and four 180 thousand sq. meters of modern
months,” added Mladen Mitov. Address repre- office space were unveiled in Sofia – a
sentatives noted that according to their data, in twofold increase in comparison with the
2019 buyers looked at 20% more homes on av- previous year. An analysis by MBL, which
erage than in 2018. Another reason is the great specializes in business real estate and
availability of choices. The agency expects that consulting, shows that the increase brings
this tendency will become more pronounced. the existing office space in the city to 2.14
million sq. meters. As a consequence of the
STRONGER DEMAND FOR ONE- growth in new construction, the share of
BEDROOM HOMES vacant offices has risen from 8.5% to 9.8%.
“In terms of 2019 sales, one-bedroom homes In 2019, the construction tempo slowed
overtook two-bedroom ones,” commented down by 15%. The most active renters are
Mladen Mitov from Yavlena. He believes this those from the IT sector with 43% of new-
was one of the major changes of the past year. ly rented spaces. On average, rents have
The share of one-bedroom apartments (re- maintained their levels. Class A buildings,
ferred to in Bulgaria as two-room dwellings) with some exceptions, rented for 12-14 euro
grew by 12 percentage points to 45% of the to- per sq. m., Class B between 8-11 euro per sq.
tal. Two-bedroom homes had a 34% share, three m. MBL analysts do not expect considerable
and more-bedroom apartments accounted for changes in the first half of 2020.
14%, while single-room studios formed 7% of the
new purchases. “There are at least two explana- BIG THREE KEEP ON GROWING/Real
tions – younger buyers look to satisfy their ba- estate sales in the four largest cities
sic needs – a bedroom, living room and kitchen. in Bulgaria have gradually increased
Also, if the preference before was for kitchens in number since 2012. The tendency was
to be part of the living room, now separate solidified in 2019. According to data by
kitchens are in greater demand,” added Mr Mi- the Registry Agency, sales in Sofia grew
tov. This does not mean that smaller homes are by 5.45% in 2019, when 29 772 deals were
being purchased. With new construction having closed, compared to 28 232 in 2018. In
more expansive spaces, a one-bedroom apart- Varna, there were 12 927 deals in 2019, or
ment may have a surface of 90-100 sq. m. In old 1.7% more than in the previous year. Sales
construction, it was usually 60-75 sq. m. What’s in Burgas grew by 6.4%, reaching 6 697.
more, the agency’s statistics show that the av- Only Plovdiv, which was the 2019 European
erage surface of sold properties was nearly the culture capital, had a decrease, with deals
same in 2018 and 2019 – about 82 sq. m. dropping by 5.6% to 15 221.
102 KQ


Annual inflation in Bulgaria accelerated to 4.2% higher than the rate of inflation at 12% in the
in January of this year from 3% in January 2019. fourth quarter on an annualized basis. Tourism
The increase in prices was led by some foods had a rough year. The number of foreign tourists
such as meat and fruits, where the growth rate visiting Bulgaria was little changed last year as
has been in double digits in the past few months, compared to 2018, as was the total revenue from
possibly as a result of African swine fever which overnights the spent in the country. In industry,
destroyed more than 20% of production at local the growth of production remained subdued at
industrial pig farms in the summer. The growth an average of 3% in the fourth quarter compared
rate of average wages in Bulgaria remained to the same period of the previous year.


Producers' prices Manufacturing Revenues in the industrial sector
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 XII.19
Source: National Statistical Institute


Construction - total Construction of buildings Civil/infrastructure building
2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 XII.19
Source: National Statistical Institute
2014Q1 2014Q2 2014Q3 2014Q4 2015Q1 2015Q2 2015Q3 2015Q4 2016Q1
Insufficient domestic demand 43.8 34.6 32.7 28.9 28.2 25.9 24.8 26.5 26.3
Insufficient foreign demand 30.7 21.5 18.5 19.2 19.4 19.8 20.2 19.9 18.9
Competitive import 16.3 13.7 12.9 13.6 13.1 13.7 12.8 12.3 12.9
Labor shortage 9.6 10.8 11.9 12.5 12.6 14.9 17.6 18.0 17.7
Materias or equipment shortage 3.4 3.2 3.6 3.8 3.7 3.8 3.7 3.6 3.4
Energy shortage 0.7 0.5 0.4 0.5 0.5 1.0 1.3 0.8 0.4
Financial difficulties 19.1 16.2 15.6 15.6 16.0 15.0 13.5 12.0 12.2
Weaknesses in the legislation 23.4 22.2 22.9 20.4 22.7 23.0 23.9 23.1 23.5
Unstable economic environtment 52.8 54.8 58.5 58.7 56.4 56.0 55.4 52.9 54.6
Other 27.9 26.1 20.4 23.3 22.0 21.2 20.8 23.7 24.6
No difficulties 5.4 8.5 8.7 8.9 8.9 9.5 8.2 8.5 8.4

Unemployment rate (rhs, %)
2014 % change 2018 Sofia=100 Avarege monthly salary in Bulgharia (in levs)
Sofia (City) 570 42.2% 811 100.0
1 400 14.0
Stara Zagora 424 32.5% 562 69.3%
Varna 401 38.2% 554 68.4% 1 200 12.0
Sofia (region) 429 33.3% 572 70.6%
1 000 10.0
Vratca 432 23.2% 532 65.6%
Plovdiv 370 35.7% 502 61.9% 800 8.0
Gabrovo 356 41.2% 503 62.0% 600 6.0
Burgas 367 30.4% 478 62.0%
Razgrad 362 36.2% 493 60.8% 400 4.0
Shumen 346 35.7% 470 58.0% 200 2.0
Russe 344 38.5% 477 58.8%
0 0.0
Pleven 323 38.0% 446 55.0% ‘11‘12‘13‘14‘15‘16‘17‘18 I II III IV V VI‘19VII VIII IX X XI XII
Targovishte 335 37.9% 462 56.9% Source: National Statistical Institute
Veliko Tarnovo 337 33.1% 449 55.3%
Lovech 324 35.7% 440 54.2%
Dobrich 340 30.7% 444 54.8%
Montana 330 30.8% 432 53.2% 5.0
Sliven 321 32.8% 426 52.6% 4.0
Pernik 312 40.9% 440 54.2% 3.0
Kardjali 312 42.3% 444 54.8%
Yambol 307 50.1% 461 56.8%
Smolian 317 36.4% 432 53.3%
Pazardjik 335 33.7% 448 55.3% 0.0
Haskovo 305 34.4% 410 50.6% -1.0
Silistra 318 26.4% 402 49.6% -2.0
Kyustendil 311 29.8% 404 49.8% -3.0
Blagoevgrad 298 29.0% 384 47.4%
Vidin 289 34.2% 388 47.8% 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020
Source: National Statistical Institute Source: National Statistical Institute


From EU From Russia The rest of the world Revenues
6000 1200

5000 1000

4000 800

3000 600

2000 400

1000 200

0 0
2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Source: National Statistical Institute

2016Q2 2016Q3 2016Q4 2017Q1 2017Q2 2017Q3 2017Q4 2018Q1 2018Q2 2018Q3 2018Q4 2019Q1 2019Q2 2019Q3 2019Q4
26.7 26.0 24.2 24.7 22.0 21.8 22.7 23.0 25.5 25.9 26.9 27.9 27.7 26.8 26.3
20.4 20.4 19.1 19.5 14.6 15.1 15.9 16.4 17.2 18.8 18.3 20 19.3 19.9 21.6
12.9 13.1 12.1 11.9 11.1 11.2 12.3 10.9 10.5 10.2 11.2 11.6 11.4 11.1 10.7
20.6 24.2 24.3 24.8 27.1 27.0 30.3 32.0 34.0 33.7 35.1 35.1 33 32.5 33.1
3.2 3.3 3.3 2.5 3.7 3.6 2.9 3.3 4.2 3.3 2.9 3.3 2.8 3.1 2.9
0.4 0.4 0.3 0.5 1.7 1.6 0.9 0.7 1.2 0.7 0.9 1.1 0.9 1 0.9
11.1 10.8 11.0 10.5 11.1 11.7 11.1 11.0 9.0 8.5 7.6 9.9 8.2 7.4 8.6
20.3 19.9 18.0 18.4 20.5 20.6 17.6 18.0 20.6 20.3 19.3 20.7 19 17.9 18.9
52.6 48.4 47.1 47.9 47.8 46.7 45.8 43.3 40.5 38.3 38.2 36.8 35 32.8 32.5
24.9 23.6 27.3 25.5 26.4 24.7 25.6 23.7 21.6 20.8 22.0 21 21.8 22.4 21.5
8.5 8.6 8.8 8.4 7.1 8.1 8.2 8.7 8.3 9.7 9.9 9.3 10.3 12.8 13.5
Source: National Statistical Institute
104 KQ

The economic situation in the EU is better Spring 2019 Autumn 2019
EU (28)
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%


(Transperancy International corruption perception index*)

2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013

Germany 80 80 81 81 81 79 78
Rwanda 53 56 55 54 54 49 53
Bulgaria 43 42 43 41 41 43 41
Greece 48 45 48 44 46 43 40
Romania 44 47 48 48 46 43 43
*100 is the complete absence of corruption Source: Transperancy International


DB 2020 Rank DB 2020 Score DB 2019 Score Change in Score (% points)

Overall 61 72 71.8 0.2
Starting a Business 113 85.4 85.4 0
Dealing with Construction Permits 43 75.9 75.5 0.4
Getting Electricity 151 55.1 54.9 0.2
Registering Property 66 69.8 69.3 0.5
Getting Credit 67 65 65 0
Protecting Minority Investors 25 74 74 0
Paying Taxes 97 72.3 72 0.3
Trading across Borders 21 97.4 97.4 0
Enforcing Contracts 42 67 67 0
Resolving Insolvency 61 57.8 57.5 0.3
Source: World Bank 2018



//In this section:

Bulgarian Stock
Exchange enthusiasm
dwindles early on

Investors snap up
Bulgarian bonds



Fibank‘s intention to raise a record THE GAP
200 million levs (102 million euro) As soon as ECB published the results, Fibank
in fresh capital from investors stated that it had already secured almost half of
on the Bulgarian Stock Exchange the amount through current profit, accrued pro-
has received an unexpected visions, repaid loans and additional collateral for
rebuff. The Financial Supervision Commission exposures. However, it seems that these measures
(FSC) rejected the bank’s prospectus at the end were insufficient and Fibank has been working on
of February, throwing into limbo its planned its balance sheet for months now in order to com-
recapitalization. The need for more capital arose ply with the ECB-imposed corrections.
after a comprehensive assessment of six Bulgarian
lenders by the European Central Bank (ECB) Now, the bank will have to raise fresh capital as
uncovered a 263 million levs capital shortfall in well. According to sources of Capital newspaper,
Fibank last summer. when informally reconciling the plans of the two
FSC has not published motives for its decision,
but it leaves limited time for reaction to the lend-
er. Fibank had to fulfil what ECB had prescribed IF FIBANK CAN’T REACT RAPIDLY, THE
within nine months after the completion of the
stress tests. If the bank can’t react rapidly, the
mishap may delay Bulgaria’s plans to join the TO JOIN THE ERM II, THE WAITING
ERM II, the waiting room for Eurozone entry, by ROOM FOR EUROZONE ENTRY, BY THE
the summer of 2020. SUMMER OF 2020.

new shares at that price, which corresponds to 20

million levs in fresh capital, the increase would
still be considered successful, according to the

Q European Central Bank WEIGHING OPTIONS

uncovered a 263 million levs Raising 200 million levs at 5 levs per share seems
capital shortfall in Fibank a daunting task for Fibank, whose shares traded
last summer | Photo by Nadezhda below 3 levs apiece before the announcement. Af-
Chipeva ter informing of plans to raise capital, the bank
saw its share price jump to 3.60 levs. Subsequent-
ly, the price decreased to levels around 3.40 - 3.45
levs - well below the value laid down in the plan.
In its announcement, FIbank said that the issue
price and the number of shares may be changed;
if so, this would be announced in the prospectus
or in an addition to it. So, if there is little or no
investor interest in the offer at the stated price of
5 levs, it may be possible to sell a larger number
of shares at a lower price. The capital increase is
managed by First Financial Brokerage which is af-
filiated with Fibank.

It would be more profitable for investors to ac-

quire existing shares of Fibank on the stock ex-
change rather than pay around 2 levs more for
new ones. A possible reason for an investor’s will-
ingness to pay a premium of 60% can be an ac-
quisition of a large package that comes with some
form of control. A potential explanation is that a
preliminary agreement has already been reached
with some institutions to subscribe at least part
of the increase under these conditions. Accord-
ing to sources of Capital, the government has re-
searched options for interests in a minority share
in Fibank with international institutions like the
European Bank for Reconstruction and Develop-
ment and the International Finance Corporation.
Bulgarian banks identified with a capital shortfall -
Fibank and Investbank, the ECB insisted on seeing A reason for the significantly higher price of
real increases in the capital in both credit institu- the planned new shares is the unwillingness of
tions. A few days before Fibank’s announcement of Fibank’s controlling shareholders to give up a
the planned capital increase, Investbank said that part of their decision-making powers. Fibank
it intends to go public and increase capital. is controlled by Tseko Minev and Ivaylo Mutaf-
chiev, who own 46.75 million shares or 42.5% of all
THE PARAMETERS shares each. If Minev and Mutafchiev do not par-
Fibank, a public company since 2007, doesn’t need ticipate in the capital increase, their stakes will
to go through the process of listing on the stock fall to 31.17% each after the issuance of 40 million
exchange. However, a capital increase would re- new shares, but still they will control over 60%
quire writing a prospectus and getting approval shareholding among themselves.
from the Financial Supervision Commission.
Fibank intends to raise its capital to 150 million In addition to the capital increase, Fibank also an-
levs from 110 million levs by issuing 40 million nounced that it has already signed off on a new
new shares of one lev in face value each which subordinated debt of 30 million euro. The bond
will be offered at a price of five levs apiece. Thus has a fixed interest rate of 8% and is a hybrid fi-
the bank will be able to attract a maximum of 200 nancial instrument that will be included in Tier 1
million levs in fresh capital. However, even if the capital, which means that the bond can’t be used
credit institution manages to sell only 4 million directly for covering the capital shortfall because


Photo by Nadezhda Chipeva

of Finance supports the establishment CORPORATE LOAN PORTFOLIO.
of a so-called regulatory sandbox – an
instrument which tests new business
models not covered by existing regu-
latory frameworks. According to Minis-
ter of Finance Vladislav Goranov, the aim the ECB monitors capital of higher quality (CET1).
is to adapt the regulatory environment to According to Fibank’s data, its total capital ade-
the dynamic growth of the most innova- quacy was 17.65% as of September 2019, whereas
tive companies in a way that does not sti- the CET1 ratio stood at 14.8%.
fle fintech companies with rules, but at the
same time does not diminish consumer The funds raised through the planned issuance of
protection. Sofia RegTech Sandbox dialog shares and 30 million euro of debt will be used
development platform would be the first to finance lending to small and medium-sized en-
in the region to allow global companies to terprises and citizens. In general, those are the
test their products and services in a secure healthier units in the bank’s business, whereas
regulatory environment. the biggest problems identified by the ECB were
BRIEF PANIC/At the end of January, in its corporate loan portfolio.
after the first headlines asserting that
the exchange rate of the Bulgarian lev In addition, the bank announced that in Decem-
could be amended before Bulgaria en- ber they sold a portfolio of non-performing loans
ters ERM II, the training grounds for of individuals and legal entities for a little over
adoption of the euro, a considerable half a billion levs. The bank did not disclose de-
amount of lev-denominated assets tails of the deal but according to sources of Capi-
were converted into euro. This is evi- tal, the portfolio was sold to S.G. Group - one of the
dent from Capital Newspapers review of the leading companies in the receivables market and
Bulgarian National Bank’s (BNB) monetary the largest domestic group in the sector. There
statistics, although the effect cannot be was no auction and the deal was struck at a price
calculated accurately. Household deposits significantly above market levels, with the buyer
in January decreased by 352.5 million levs being directly or indirectly funded by Fibank it-
(180 million euro) and increased by 259 mil- self, sources say.
lion euro. Business deposits did not change
substantially, but overall the deposits in FINANCIAL RESULTS FOR 2019
banks shrank by almost 1.2 billion levs, According to the preliminary data announced by
while increasing by 353 million euro. The Fibank, it closed 2019 with a profit of about 130
transfers in the savings and checking ac- million levs, which is a drop of more than 20%
counts can’t be verified due to a major sta- compared to the profit recorded the previous
tistical revision conducted by the BNB. year. The press release was not accompanied by
a financial report. The results for both 2018 and
BIG CLEANING/The Bulgarian National 2019 are strongly influenced by one-off effects.
Bank’s statistics show that the amount The sale of the package of bad loans last year may
of bad and restructured loans in Bul- have contributed to the end-2019 profit figure,
garia’s banking system decreased by because Fibank’s profit amounted to just over 64
21% in 2019 and their share in total million levs as of the end of September.
loan portfolio fell from 10% to 7.35%. In
December alone 281 million levs of non- The announced data show that the income from
performing loans (NPLs) were written off, banking operations increased by 48 million levs
which is probably due to the Fibank efforts year-on-year, which should amount to about 420
to clean its balance sheet. Thus, after a de- million levs in 2019. Considering that Fibank’s
cline of almost 1.14 billion levs in 2019, the net interest income is on a downward path and
amount of NPLs in the system fell to 4.3 bil- growth in revenue from fees and commissions
lion levs - the lowest since December 2009. income is minimal, the increase is probably due
The drop is due mainly to the cleaning up to higher net trading income and other operating
of bad corporate exposures, which fell from income.
3.5 billion levs to 2.74 billion levs last year.
On the other hand, bad household loans Impairment costs reached 117 million levs, of
decreased by about 400 million levs to 1.56 which 94 million levs were accrued following the
billion levs last year. ECB’s asset quality review in the middle of 2019.

The Ministry of Finance has

been eagerly issuing government
bonds since the start of the year,

BONDS taking advantage of favorable

international and domestic factors.
Two auctions of five-year bonds in January and one
in February have already given the government
SINCE THE START 600 million levs. Another was scheduled for late
OF THE YEAR, THE February when the ministry planned to sell 200
million levs of ten-year government bonds. Even
MINISTRY OF FINANCE though the auctions have only about two weeks
HAS BEEN BRISKLY in between, investors have been enthusiastic and
prices are improving. Yields have been steadily
SELLING GOVERNMENT going into negative territory, signalling that
BONDS AMIDST STRONG confidence in the country’s ability to pay off its debt
is growing and debt is getting cheaper for Bulgaria.
There are a few factors that play into this trend.
To start with, Bulgaria is currently taking advan-
LILIYA IGNATOVA tage of the extremely favorable conditions on
global debt markets. Even eurozone countries
that went through a serious financial turbulence
in recent years are now selling government se-
curities at a brisk pace. In January, Spain > 110

> 109 saw huge investor interest in its auction of deeply into negative territory. Which is why finan-
ten-year bonds, receiving record-breaking orders cial institutions and investors are looking at the
of 53 billion euro. Italy auctioned 7 billion euro of periphery where positive interest rates can still
thirty-year debt, with demand reaching 47 billion be found.
euro. Bonds of Belgium, Cyprus and Ireland also
enjoyed record high demand. BULGARIA’S GRADE ABROAD
Bulgaria’s transparency in terms of government
THE PURPOSE spending leaves much to be desired but it seems
The first auction for 2020 took place on January that the consistent fiscal policies of the authori-
13 and the proceeds from the issue entered the ties, resulting in small budget deficits or even
ministry’s accounts by January 15. The timing surpluses, are paying off. For example, yields on
suggests that the bonds were issued to partially five-year bonds have gone down from an average
cover payment on maturing government securi- of 1% in January 2016 to 0.095% in 2019 and were
ties. According to the calendar for forthcoming at negative 0.11% in February of this year, accord-
payments, an issue of 165 million euro worth of ing to the platform Investing.com. In comparison,
government bonds issued in 2013 was to be re- Romania pays 3.391% yield on its five-year bonds,
paid on January 16, which is a pretty solid sum for whereas Germany pays -0.623%.
Bulgarian standards. The next payment was 400
million euro at the beginning of February. In total, Bulgaria’s progress towards the euro area and the
in 2020 Bulgaria will have to repay just over 1 bil- associated improvement in its credit rating con-
lion levs of principal and over 150 million levs of tribute to the success of the auctions. In March
interest. 2019 Fitch revised the outlook to positive from
stable, S&P revised Bulgaria’s outlook to positive
Last year, the government issued bonds worth 1 from stable in June 2018. S&P revised Bulgaria’s
billion levs, selling them on the domestic market L/T rating to BBB from BBB- in Dec 2019.
and relying mainly on the longer-term maturi-
ties segment (10- and 20-year bonds). Part of the “All else being equal, Fitch would be likely to up-
proceeds was intended to finance the purchase of grade Bulgaria’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency IDR
new F-16 fighter jets. Until then, the government by one notch on admission to ERM II and one fur-
had not been on the debt market for a year and ther notch when formally joining the euro area,”
a half, which means that the current issuance of said Fitch Ratings in their February report on Bul-
medium-term government securities was the first garia, which confirmed the country’s credit rating
in over two years. The limit for issuing new debt of BBB with a positive outlook.
during 2020 is set at 2.2 billion levs in the state
budget. The Ministry of Finance states that its is-
suance policy strategy will be to rely more on the
internal market and increase its share.


“The allocation of the approved amount of gov-
ernment securities by investor type shows a lead-
ing participation by banks, which acquire 64% of
the issue volume, followed by insurance compa-
nies with 26.5% and pension funds with 9.5%,”
said the Ministry of Finance following its second
auction of five-year bonds worth 200 million levs.
Banks are looking for places to put their excess
reserves. They could deposit them with the Bul-
garian National Bank but they would have to pay
a 0.7% negative interest rate because of the nega-
tive interest rate policy of the Eurioean Central
Bank (ECB). Against this backdrop, the cheaper
government securities are more attractive.

As a whole, investors are betting on the ECB, un-

der the command of Christine Lagarde, to contin-
ue its negative interest rate policy and secondary POSITIVE INTEREST RATES,
market purchases of 20 billion euro per month. In ALTHOUGHT THEY ARE ALSO
Germany and other euro area countries yields are CLOSE TO ZERO.


30 December 2019 - 28 February 2020






Source: BSE

BULGARIAN biggest bank by assets.

STOCK EXCHANGE: Doverie United Holding acquired a majority stake

ENTHUSIASM in Moldindconbank through its wholly-owned

subsidiary Doverie-Invest in 2019, but only gained

DWINDLES full control of the lender in early 2020. Until then,

Moldindconbank was under an early intervention
EARLY ON regime by Moldova’s central bank, due to issues
with the bank’s previous owners.

ELEVEN CAPITAL TO TEST In 2019, Doverie United Holding boosted its con-

THE MOOD IN MARCH solidated net profit to some 190 million levs, com-
pared to under 2 million levs in 2018, backed by
the acquisition of Moldindconbank. The financial
report was released on February 28, meaning the

company might see its share price grow further in
the near future.
After closing in the red for a
second straight year in 2019, the Other financial sector members also contrib-
Bulgarian Stock Exchange’s blue- uted to the SOFIX advance. Financial and insur-
chip SOFIX index welcomed 2020 ance group Eurohold Bulgaria posted the second
with a pinch of optimism and a biggest rise in share price during the December
one-month rally, which ended with a 7-month peak 17-January 20 rally, gaining 17.65%. First Invest-
of 585.73 points on January 20. ment Bank (Fibank) and Central Cooperative
Bank (CCB) came in third and fourth, respectively.
The SOFIX dropped 4.43% overall in 2019, but Fibank shares added 17.12%, while CCB gained
ended the year on a high note with a strong run 9.83%.
that started on December 17 and continued in
January. The index gained 8.2% over the Decem- However, the SOFIX quickly lost steam after Janu-
ber 17-January 20 period, as thirteen of its fifteen ary 20, as all aforementioned companies, except
members saw their share price grow, while two Doverie United Holding, erased their gains. The
closed unchanged. blue-chip index closed February at 550.25 points,
down 3.15% year-to-date.
The rally during that period was heavily support-
ed by members of the financial sector. Diversified TOP DECLINERS
group Doverie United Holding outshined its peers, Sirma Group Holding
gaining a massive 78.13% in under a month, as it Same as in 2019, software group Sirma Group
thrived on its acquisition of Moldova’s second Holding remained the top decliner among > 112

> 111 the blue chips in early 2020. The company SIRMA GROUP HOLDING
seems unable to escape its downward spiral, as it IS THE TOP DECLINER AMONG BLUE CHIPS
lost 23.2% of its share price in the first two months 30 Decembre 2019 - 28 February 2020
of 2020, after taking a 30.9% blow in 2019. In the
last day of February, the company announced that
its consolidated net profit fell sharply in 2019,
while its revenue remained flattish year-on-year,
which is also unlikely to help it recover.
First Investment Bank
Another major decliner so far this year has been 0.50
First Investment Bank, which saw its share price
drop 22.47% in the January-February period. The 0.45
lender took several measures in late 2019 to ad-
dress the 263 million euro capital shortfall identi- 0.40
fied through a comprehensive assessment by the Source: BSE

European Central Bank in the first half of last year.

Fibank placed a 30 million euro bond issue and RECAPITALIZATION EFFORTS
sold non-performing loan (NPL) portfolios with 30 December 2019 - 28 February 2020
a total face value of some 538 million levs in De-
cember. The bank also announced it will seek to
raise up to 200 million levs via a capital increase,
but the plan failed as the Financial Supervision
Commission rejected the lender’s prospectus in

Eurohold Bulgaria
Financial and insurance group Eurohold Bulgaria
was third among the blue-chips losers in the first 2.7
two months of 2020, as its share price dropped
18.75%. Throughout the review period, the com- 2.5
pany largely erased the gains it had made in the Source: BSE

last two weeks of December.

On February 29, the company reported a 61.6% 30 December 2019 - 28 February 2020
decrease in its 2019 consolidated net profit after 1.8
minority interest. However, the group also an-
nounced a hefty 26% rise in revenue, to a record-
high 1.6 billion levs. 1.6


Eleven Capital IPO
Bulgarian investment firm Eleven Capital recently 1.4
announced that the bookbuilding for its initial
public offering (IPO) on the Bulgarian Stock Ex- 1.3
change will run between March 4 and March 17.
The company will offer 500,000 newly-issued
ordinary shares at a price in the range 7-8 levs, 1.1
seeking to raise up to 4 million levs. If fully sub- Source: BSE

scribed, the new shares will represent 20% of the

share capital after the IPO. Eleven Capital set the two capital increases that left it with a registered
minimum success threshold at 50% of the num- capital of just under 2 million levs. The company’s
ber of offered shares. founders subscribed for 200,000 shares at nomi-
nal value through Eleven Bulgaria, while the other
Eleven Capital was established in 2019 with a five 1,799,264 shares were subscribed for at a price
year term, which can be extended by up to two of 5.44 levs per share. Thus, the company raised
years with the approval of the majority of share- some 10 million levs from its founders and angel
holders. Subsequently, Eleven Capital carried out investors.

In June, Eleven Capital agreed to acquire a 99% centers. The group’s biggest unit is Bulgaria’s Tel-
stake in Dutch-registered Eleven Fund Coopera- elink Business Services, which posted a revenue
tief from Jeremie Bulgaria for 4.1 million euro. The of some 52 million levs in 2018, of which 37% from
remaining 1% was acquired from Eleven Bulgaria data networks and 34% from data centers.
the following month for 41,414 euro.
In 2019, Telelink Business Services Group lifted its
Eleven Fund Cooperatief was launched in 2012 as consolidated net profit by an annual 7% to 8.2 mil-
a 12 million euro acceleration and seed fund fi- lion levs, despite a 5% decrease in revenue caused
nanced by the European Investment Fund’s JER- by lower sales in the Western Balkans, according
EMIE programme. The fund’s portfolio comprises to preliminary data. Telelink Business Services
stakes in 115 innovative tech companies, acquired Group intends to distribute 4 million levs as divi-
in the 2012-2015 period. dend for 2019, equal to 4.2% dividend yield related
to the planned 7.6 levs share price.
Eleven Capital is now in the process of acquiring
direct control over 34 companies from Eleven Fund The Telelink group’s founder – Lyubomir Minchev,
Cooperatief’s portfolio, which it deems to have the controls directly 83.65% interest in Telelink Busi-
highest growth potential. The remaining part of ness Services Group.
Eleven Fund Cooperatief’s portfolio will be divested.
The 34 companies picked by Eleven Capital BEAM DEBUT
booked total revenue of 17.9 million levs in 2018, Bulgarian electric supercar maker Sin Cars Indus-
up by an annual 37.7%. try has long been on the list of prospective new
Bulgarian Stock Exchange members. Now, the com-
Eleven Capital’s largest shareholder is local Fu- pany seems to have a clearer idea of how it wants
sion Works with a 16.18% interest, followed by to tap into the bourse’s fundraising potential.
Eleven Bulgaria and Karoll Standard with stakes
of 10% and 8.99%, respectively. Eleven Bulgaria In February, the company’s founder - Rosen
agreed to a three-year lock-up, while Fusion Daskalov, announced that Sin Cars Industry will
Works and Karoll Standard agreed to a one-year seek to raise up to 6 million levs through the
lock-up. Bulgarian Stock Exchange SME Growth Market
BEAM. The BEAM market allows small and medi-
TELELINK BUSINESS SERVICES um-sized enterprises to seek listing under sim-
GOING PUBLIC plified procedures as compared to the regulated
Bulgarian information and communications tech- market.
nology group Telelink Business Services Group is
another company likely to make a debut on the Mr Daskalov also explained that the company in-
Bulgarian Stock Exchange in the near future. The tends to use the funds to widen its portfolio, en-
company is currently awaiting approval from tering segments with a larger number of potential
the Financial Supervision Commission to list its clients. Sin Cars Industry has several ideas, in-
shares on the Sofia bourse. cluding the designs of a new urban electric vehi-
cle, or electric tricycles, which could be used for
Telelink Business Services Group plans to offer transportation of tourists.
up to 3.75 million existing shares, or 30% of its
capital, in two tranches after listing on the bourse, Sin Cars Industry has signed a deal with a com-
at a minimum price of 7.6 levs apiece. pany servicing tricycles, which envisages the pro-
duction of 50 tricycles in 2020 and double that
Telelink Business Services Group was spun off number in 2021. The company is also consider-
from local company Telelink Bulgaria in July of ing the options of developing an eight-passen-
last year, taking control of Telelink ger business vehicle or a commercial vehicle for
transportation of cargo.
Bulgaria’s business services division. Telelink Busi-
ness Services Group controls seven units - Telelink Also in February, Sin Cars Industry announced
Business Services, Comutel, Telelink Montenegro, that its shareholders have approved the compa-
Telelink Bosnia, Telelink Slovenia, Telelink Albania ny’s plan to increase its capital by 500,000 levs
and Telelink Business Services Macedonia. via a new share issue. The new issue will be fully
subscribed by local VKA Solutions, Sin Cars In-
The group generated a revenue of over 116 mil- dustry said. The company will have a registered
lion levs in 2018, of which 68% was formed by ac- capital of just over 18.5 million levs if the capital
tivities related to data networks and 19% by data increase is successful.
114 KQ


Consumers credits in levs
Mortgages in levs

Bulgarian banks reported a profit of 1.675 billion levs as at the end 16

of 2019, down by just 3 million levs compared to 2018. As a whole, 14
banks managed to maintain steady their main profit source – the 12
net interest income, which increased year-on-year by just 0.12% to 10
2.75 billion levs, according to data from the Bulgarian National Bank. 8
The rise is due to the growth in loan volumes and the rapid increase 6
in housing and consumer loans, where the annualized growth rate 4
remained in the double digits in December. Meanwhile, non-per- 2
forming loans decreased by 1.7 billion levs to 4.3 billion levs last year.
I.07 XII.19
WHAT DRIVES BANKS' PROFITS Source: Bulgarian National Bank
in mn levs
Net interest income Other net operating income Net profit
Net fee income Non-financial instruments Impairments DEPOSIT INTEREST RATES (%)
Administrative expenses Financial instruments - operations and revaluations
Households' deposits in levs
600 Households' deposits in euro
Companies' deposits in levs
400 Companies' deposits in euro
200 8
0 6
-200 4
-400 1
-600 -1
31.I.15 30.IX.17 30.XII.19 I.07 XII.19
Source: Bulgarian National Bank Source: Bulgarian National Bank


in bln. of levs
Total credit Non-performing Right hand scale Share of non-performing credits Companies Households
70 25%
40 15

30 10
0 0
I '04 I '07 I '10 I '15 XII `19
Source: Bulgarian National Bank
in mn. of levs
Foreign liabilities Foreign assets Net foreign assets BNB's reserves
I.04 I.09 III.13 VII.16 XII.19
Source: Bulgarian National Bank


//In this section:

How come high prices
are actually low?

Bulgarian energy
sector in numbers

WHAT’S IN IT FOR Bulgarian governments have never

been big fans of the European
Union’s climate policies. They

EU’S GREEN DEAL? would prefer that the billions

of euro allocated to reducing
greenhouse gases were spent on highways and
sports halls instead. The latest push from the
BULGARIA’S European Commission to raise the 27-member
GOVERNMENT IS bloc’s ambitions to tackle climate change hasn’t
aroused much enthusiasm either. “The Green Deal
UNDERWHELMED will be a big problem for us,” said Bulgarian Prime
BY THE EUROPEAN Minister Boyko Borissov just before the EU summit
in February. His words were a very polite way of
COMMISSION’S ATTEMPTS saying that the proposals leave Sofia cold.
The Green Deal, which is the cornerstone policy of
EU CLIMATE CHANGE the new European Commission headed by Ursula
MITIGATION GOALS von der Leyen, in its essence is a trade in which
the coal-dependent countries in the EU agree to
shut down their mines and old power plants in
ILIN STANEV exchange for financial support for the transition
to cleaner energy. The need for speedier exit from
coal is driven by the agreement of all EU member
states (minus Poland) to achieve climate neutral
economies by 2050. In order to do that, in ten
years the 27 countries will need to cut their CO2


The indicative deadline for

submitting binding offers in
the procedure for selection of
strategic investor in Bulgaria’s
Belene nuclear power plant
project is set for May. The five
companies that have shown
interest - Russia’s Rosatom,
China’s CNNC, South Korea’s
KHNP, US-based General Electric
and France’s Framatome, are
expected to submit bids. It is very
likely that there will be a single
offer in which all the participants
will combine their interest, as has
been the case with the tender
for construction of the Bulgarian
section of Gazprom’s TurkStream
gas pipeline to Europe. The
construction of the Belene power
plant was frozen in early 2012
over lack of funds and scant
prospects for finding markets for
its output.
Q Bulgaria, which sources 45% of
its electricity from coal-fired power
plants, will face serious challenges Bulgaria will probably notify
switching to cleaner energy sources the European Commission
| Photo by Tsvetelina Belutova in the first half of the year
of introduction of capacity
mechanism for power
emissions by at least 50 or 55% instead of 40% as producers. Under the
has already been agreed. The higher goal means mechanism, power plants get
that coal should stop being used as an energy paid to stay ready in reserve. Sofia
source by the end of the next decade. This is a has already missed a deadline,
serious challenge for a country like Bulgaria that which means that all such support
sources about 45% of its electricity from coal- should cease by the end of
fired power plants. 2025. Without such a capacity
mechanisms it would be very
Sofia came grudgingly on board only when it be- difficult for power plants to remain
came crystal clear that Brussels’ green drive can’t on the market.
be stopped by a few East European countries
clinging to their coal. But being on board doesn’t By the end of the year two new
mean that Bulgaria has a clear policy. gas pipelines have to become
operational – Greece-Bulgaria
THE GREEN OFFER gas interconnector (ICBG),
Under the deal, a new Just Transition Fund (JTF) which will provide a three billion
will provide 456 million euro for the two most af- cubic meter alternative gas
fected coal-mining regions in Bulgaria – Maritza supply route to Bulgaria, and
East and Bobov Dol. However, there is a catch. the expansion of the Bulgarian
transmission system to allow
In order to get access to the funding, Bulgaria Gazprom’s gas transit from
will need to top up the sum by 1.2 billion euro, Turkey to Serbia, Hungary and
or around 10% of all EU structural funds for the Austria, bypassing Ukraine. The
country for the period 2021-2027. This is money construction of both pipelines is
that will not be allocated to railways and tunnels, going behind schedule.
reducing the available pot for Bulgaria in > 118

> 117 the EU budget. In addition, the government
LOOMING FINE/State-owned Bulgarian will need to prepare development plans for the
Energy Holding (BEH) has transformed two regions together with clear paths for gradual-
598 million levs (306 mln euro) of out- ly exiting from the coal industry. The speed of this
standing loans to its whole-owned sub- withdrawal is still unclear, but it is more likely to
sidiary Maritsa Iztok 2 thermal power be fast than slow which is not favored by the min-
plant into new shares. The capital increase, ing trade unions – the last strong labor organiza-
which is intended to stabilize the second big- tions that can stir mass protests and wreak havoc
gest Bulgarian electricity producer, was post- in Bulgaria’s energy system.
poned several times. BEH had been in contact
with the European Commission for almost a The money from the JTF could be mainly used
year to establish whether such financial injec- for social measures like retraining former work-
tion could be regarded as unlawful state-aid. ers in the coal industry, funding start-ups or re-
In February, the Bulgarian parliament adopt- cultivating abandoned mines. The replacement of
ed a decision authorizing the government to the old power plants will need to be financed as a
increase the capital of the power producer normal investment project. According to the Eu-
“irrespectively of the opinion of the European ropean Commission’s projections, Bulgaria will be
Commission”. Maritsa Iztok 2 has accumu- able to mobilize at least 4.5 billion euro in private
lated 900 million in losses in the last three and public investments, using EU guarantees and
years, mainly due to the price increase of the loans from the European Investment Bank.
CO2 emission allowances in the EU Emissions
Trading System. The power plant needs to buy Bulgaria will also have access to other sources
1.3 allowances, now valued at 22 euro each, for to finance its energy transition. The main one is
every MWh of produced electricity. the Modernization Fund, a dedicated facility for
the poorer countries in the EU that could provide
INVESTIGATE THIS/The Supreme Ad- Bulgaria with a further 450 million euro (the exact
ministrative Prosecutor’s Office an- amount depends on the prices of CO2 emission
nounced on February 13 that it has allowances). The fund could support moderniza-
tasked the minister of environment tion of power producers and industrial companies
with carrying out an immediate investi- that also need to get rid of their carbon footprint.
gation of four thermal power plants. All
four plants are connected to Hristo Kovachki, BULGARIA’S DISORIENTED REPLY
a Bulgarian businessman with dubious fame, Sofia has been slow to react to the new green
and are suspected of illegally burning waste mood in Brussels. In the last couple of years the
products. This is the second time such an Bulgarian government has been trying to derail
investigation has been ordered by the pros- as much as possible the provisions of the new
ecutor’s office, but no results of the previ- EU climate and energy legislation. For example, it
ous one have been released. Most of those threatened to sue the European Commission over
power plants had to be stopped years ago on the introduction of new and much higher envi-
environmental grounds but the Bulgarian ronmental standards for coal-fired power plants.
authorities still can’t rein in Mr Kovachki’s During its presidency of the Council of the EU in
business practices. the first half of 2018, it pushed for reduced emis-
sion cuts.
owned gas supplier Bulgargaz opened Still reeling from those rear-guard battles it sim-
a tender to select a credit institution to ply missed the determination of the new mem-
issue a $ 109.3 million unsecured bank bers of the European Parliament (elected in May
guarantee in favor of Azerbaijan Gas 2019) and most West European EU member states
Supply Company (SOCAR). The guarantee to set a much more ambitious climate agenda.
will cover some of Bulgargaz’s financial obli- In September last year Bulgarian Minister of
gations under the company’s 25-year natural Energy Temenuzhka Petkova was still trying to
gas supply contract with SOCAR. The planned placate the trade unions with promises for con-
annual deliveries of one billion cubic meters tinued government support for the coal industry
will be enough to cover 40% of Bulgaria’s well beyond 2040. In addition, government plans
consumption. Bulgargaz has also announced to restart the construction of the nuclear power
that it will hold negotiations with SOCAR on plant in Belene, frozen in 2012 over lack of funds,
a new price formula connecting the price of diverted much of the resources and the attention
the gas to quotations of the liquid gas hubs of the energy ministry.
in Europe.

The first coherent response came at the end of plish the transition, Bulgaria will effectively need
February with the Framework Position on the to allocate all the money the EU budget provides
Green Deal. But some of its main points seem to it. This means there will be none left for other
wildly off the mark. badly needed projects. The second reason for So-
fia’s cold response to the European Commission’s
The bottom line of the Bulgarian position is to proposal has to do with Bulgaria’s legacy in the
resist any attempts by other member states to energy sector. Households and businesses in Bul-
set higher CO2 emission reduction goals. Under garia now enjoy the lowest electricity prices in the
Sofia’s current plans electricity production from EU mainly because investments in most energy
coal-fired power plants will start gradually de- producers had been repaid long ago.
creasing in 2025 to end in 2040. This is possible
only if emission standards remain unchanged. However, this situation was easily tipped in re-
cent years with the introduction of new and more
However, the emissions’ train has already left the expensive renewable energy sources or coal-fired
station. The European Commission will publish power plants (which came on-line in 2012). A rise
an impact assessment in September as part of its in energy prices led to mass street protests in
proposed Climate Law that will estimate whether 2013 that toppled the first government of cur-
the member states could cut their greenhouse rent Prime Minister Boyko Borissov. This is a cau-
emissions by 50 or 55% by 2030. Following the im- tionary tale for every Bulgarian politician which
pact assessment, the new targets will be adopted makes them averse to ideas of massive invest-
by qualified majority by the member states and ments in energy infrastructure.
Bulgaria has practically no way to prevent this.
The second main element of the Bulgarian posi- Bulgaria has some country-specific problems –
tion is the proposal to include nuclear energy in it faces increased competition from neighbors
the green deal. “The role of nuclear energy should which do not need to follow the EU’s strict cli-
be adequately foreseen in the upcoming initia- mate legislation. In the last two years, Bulgaria
tives,” the government says in the Framework Po- began importing more and more electricity from
sition. Sofia hopes that the EU budget will some- Turkey and Serbia, which do not need to burden
how support the construction of Belene nuclear their power producers with CO2 allowances. In
power plant which the government sees as an practice, Bulgaria is restricting its own coal-fired
adequate substitute for the existing coal power power plants but instead imports electricity pro-
plants. The problem is that the EU has never di- duced from coal abroad.
rectly funded a nuclear power plant project and it
will most certainly not do it now. Nuclear energy A similar process is unfolding in heavy industry.
was also squeezed out at the end of 2019 from the Cement producers, also heavily reliant on coal,
EU’s green finance scheme. are eyeing North Macedonia and Turkey, freezing
their investment plans in Bulgaria. Fertilizer pro-
MONEY NOT ENOUGH ducers are ceasing production of ammonia, pre-
Funding opportunities are not making the Bulgar- ferring to import it.
ian government happy either. The first reason is Another problem identified by the Bulgarian au-
the obvious mismatch between the money envis- thorities is the proposed inclusion of transport
aged for energy transition and real needs. Accord- and housing in the European CO2 trading scheme.
ing to the government’s own estimates, Bulgaria Since Bulgaria’s vehicle and housing stock is very
will need to invest more than 33 billion euro over old and inefficient, Bulgarians would see a com-
the next decade to meet the new EU emission paratively higher increase in their fuel and heat-
goals. ing bills than citizens of some of the more devel-
oped EU member states.
Even though this sum includes some controver-
sial projects, like the above mentioned Belene nu- The government complains that Bulgaria will
clear power plant which will cost at least 10 billion need to bear the burden of a very ambitious en-
euro, the funding gap is certainly there. To accom- ergy and climate policy before the country has
modernized its energy sector accordingly. The
ACCORDING TO THE GOVERNMENT’S required massive investments in new energy as-
sets will crowd out badly needed investments in
OWN ESTIMATES, BULGARIA WILL other sectors, hampering Bulgaria’s economic
NEED TO INVEST MORE THAN 33 BIL- growth. As the government sees it, the Green
LION EURO OVER THE NEXT DECADE TO Deal is a lemon that can’t be used to make lem-

Photo by Nadezhda Chipeva

arm, keeps placing Bulgaria among the cheapest
places to power your factory from the grid. How’s
that possible?

The mismatch is a result mainly of the difference

HOW COME HIGH in the organization of the respective markets. In

Germany, most of the electricity cost is trans-
ferred directly to the consumers with the grid

ACTUALLY LOW? fees (paid for every consumed kilowatt hour of

electricity), while in countries like Bulgaria, those
fees are substantially lower. Network cost and all
the taxes, fees, levies and charges are six times
DESPITE RECORD HIGH higher in Germany than in Bulgaria and what is
ELECTRICITY PRICES ON more important, their cost is six times higher than
the price of the electricity itself. In practice, Ger-
THE ENERGY EXCHANGE, man consumers pay predominantly for additional
BULGARIAN CONSUMERS costs, while energy is a marginal expense.

KEEP GETTING A GOOD Bulgaria’s market organization is a legacy from the

DEAL times when most of the market was regulated, i.e.
the prices for consumers were set by the energy
ILIN STANEV regulator. There was a small segment of market par-

ticipants who were allowed to freely buy electricity
directly from producers. To encourage this process,
Prices on the Independent the regulator kept the grid cost low, making electric-
Bulgarian Energy Exchange (IBEX) ity prices for the industry extremely competitive. It is
have soared to record heights no surprise that as of 2005 a lot of energy-intensive
in recent months, prompting metallurgical companies have arrived in Bulgaria.
widespread uproar among big
industrial consumers. Since the start of 2020, Contrary to the German example, in recent years
electricity on the main day-ahead market has the Bulgarian regulator has been trying to reduce
been cheaper for just one day than the offers on the additional fees on electricity. In the last two
the German market (where prices fell as low as years the Obligation to Society fee (which pays for
1.57 euro per MWh on February 9), while most of green energy, long-term power purchasing con-
the time prices were twice as high. Even regional tracts and cogeneration facilities) was lowered
energy exchanges in Hungary and Romania, which from 36 levs (18 euro) to 19 levs per MWh, but at
traditionally were a little more expensive, are now the same time the average electricity price on the
predominantly cheaper. IBEX grew from 78 to 93 levs per MWh.

At the same time Eurostat, the EU’s statistical The second reason for the high prices on the IBEX
is the traded volume. In Germany, more than 50%
of the electricity is traded daily on the two energy
exchanges in the country, while in Bulgaria only a
ANNUAL DATA (FROM 2007 ONWARDS) quarter of all sales are done on the IBEX. In prac-
tice, the Bulgarian market is not for base power, it
0.35 is used rather to cover peak consumption which is
Taxes, fees,
levies and charges naturally more expensive.
RES taxes
0.25 Network costs All in all, Bulgaria is still a cheap place for house-
Energy supply hold and industrial electricity consumers, but this
0.20 comfort is achieved to a large extent by a build-up
of pressure inside the energy system. For example,
the regulator reduces grid cost artificially, while
0.10 energy producers are required to pay a special fee
on their turnover to compensate for the long-term
0.05 power purchase contracts and renewable support
schemes of the underfinanced public supplier.
0 Sooner rather than later the accumulated pres-
EU 28 Bulgaria Czechia Germany Greece Hungary Romania
Source: Eurostat sure will shatter the current market environment.


Electricity prices: Despite the discontent of big Bulgaria’s border is still among the highest in Eu-
energy consumers in Bulgaria with the wholesale rope, due to the protracted negotiations with the
price of electricity in the last two quarters, the country’s main supplier - Gazprom. The Russian
trend at the Independent Bulgarian Energy Ex- gas giant has already renegotiated the contracts
change (IBEX) is more or less on a par with the with its other European customers but Bulgaria
peer markets of Romania and Hungary. Moreover, was left at the end of the queue. Most probably,
in the last six months the volumes traded on the the delaying tactic was used to pressure Sofia to
exchange have continued to grow and the price hurry up with the construction of the Bulgarian leg
spreads between peak and off-peak hours of con- of Gazprom’s TurkStream gas pipeline. A new 40%
sumption – the IBEX’s Achilles heel, have shrunk. lower price was agreed in the last week of February
The prices for households and small businesses and it will probably kick off as of April, but will be
have remained stable, because they are still regu- applied retroactively for the previous nine months.
lated. However, as of July some 55,000 consumers
will lose this privilege. This is the first step in a Motor fuels: Fuel prices in Bulgaria remained
long process that will see at the end all consum- stable in the last quarter of 2019, defying the all-
ers having to find their own electricity supplier. European upward drift before the Christmas holi-
days. This is a new trend in Bulgaria where retail-
Natural gas: The price of natural gas imports at ers usually appliy such practices to the extreme.


Primary energy consumption in kg of oil equivalent per 1 000 EUR, 2000=100
EU-28 Bulgaria









2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Source: Eurostat


in euro for MWh
Gas import from Russia in MWh (RHS) Russian gas price at the Bulgarian border Gas price at the German border
Russian gas price at the German border* Nenry Hub (US spot prices) EGIX (Germany)**
45 12000000
30 8000000
15 4000000
0 0
1Q 2012 1Q 2013 1Q 2014 1Q 2015 1Q 2016 1Q 2017 1Q 2018 1Q 2019 4Q 2019
* German BAFA discontinued the data series in 2017 **EGIX reflects NCG and GASPOOL spot prices Source: KEVR, NSI, BAFA, EIA, EEX
122 KQ


(Weekly day ahead electricty prices in Bulgaria, Romania, Hungary and Germanyin euro for MWh)






1.2017 31.2017 52.2017 3.2019 35.2019 10.2020
Source: OPCOM, HUPX, Ibex, Epexspot

(Weekly electricty prices and volumes in the day ahead market in Bulgaria in euro per MWh)
Volumes (MWh) Base load Peak(9-20) Off-Peak (1-8 & 21-24)

250 45000

200 35000



50 10000

0 0
1.2017 29.2017 1.2018 25.2018 4.2019 48.2019 8.2020
Source: Ibex

Germany Denmark Belgium Spain Italy EU-28 UK Netherlands Austria Sweden Luxembourg France
0.3088 0.2984 0.2839 0.2403 0.2301 0.2159 0.2122 0.2052 0.2034 0.2015 0.1798 0.1765

Sweden Netherlands Denmark Italy Portugal Spain France Austria EU-28 Germany Czechia Slovenia

0.1183 0.0921 0.0855 0.0769 0.0760 0.0736 0.0736 0.0660 0.0632 0.0632 0.0586 0.0572

Finland Sweden Netherlands France Poland Estonia Italy Slovakia Slovenia Denmark EU-28 Lithuania

0.0627 0.0397 0.0387 0.0378 0.0347 0.0343 0.0342 0.0342 0.0339 0.0337 0.0327 0.0327

Italy Germany UK Slovakia EU-28 Portugal Spain Belgium Austria Greece Latvia France

0.1661 0.1557 0.1517 0.1286 0.1251 0.1186 0.1148 0.1147 0.1076 0.1059 0.1052 0.1024


(Price of euro-super 95 net of taxes and duties, euro for 1000L)
Euro-super 95 - Bulgaria Euro-super 95 - EU weighted аverage Euro-super 95 - Germany






37.2016 11.2017 35.2017 13.2018 2.2019 34.2019 9.2020
Source: EU Oil Bulletin


(Price of diesel net of taxes and duties, euro for 1000 L)
Diesel - Bulgaria Diesel - EU weighted аverage Diesel - Germany







37.2016 11.2017 35.2017 13.2018 3.2019 35.2019 9.2020
Source: EU Oil Bulletin

Czechia Finland Greece Slovenia Latvia Slovakia Romania Estonia Poland Lithuania Hungary Bulgaria
0.1748 0.1734 0.1650 0.1634 0.1629 0.1577 0.1358 0.1357 0.1343 0.1255 0.1120 0.0997

Greece Belgium UK Poland Estonia Lithuania Bulgaria Slovakia Latvia Croatia Romania Hungary

0.0555 0.0554 0.0493 0.0473 0.0458 0.0450 0.0449 0.0449 0.0446 0.0375 0.0347 0.0346


Austria Germany Latvia Romania Bulgaria Spain Greece Croatia Czechia Hungary UK Belgium

0.0326 0.0318 0.0318 0.0317 0.0308 0.0308 0.0299 0.0299 0.0293 0.0287 0.0282 0.0239


Poland Romania Hungary Slovenia Netherlands Lithuania Estonia Bulgaria Czechia Sweden Finland Denmark

0.1003 0.0972 0.0970 0.0959 0.0941 0.0926 0.0917 0.0887 0.0768 0.0738 0.0709 0.0707

 Source: Eurostat
124 KQ

WHAT? Torbichka
WHAT Bagging Karakachanov
THAT? definition :
A picture of the defense minister provoked an
outburst of memes and collages with a shopping
bag – and ended with a dark twist.

If you have any Bulgarian friends added on social media,

chances are that you have seen the image of Defense Min-
ister Krassimir Karakachanov in a desert yellow-colored
uniform, supposedly holding a plas-
tic Billa supermarket bag (“torbich-
ka” in Bulgarian) photo shopped on
various backgrounds.

The gag depicting the defense min-

ister carrying a shopping bag, sup-
posed to mock his perceived paro-
chial appearance, had been running
since Mr Karakachanov visited
Washington, DC last year. But the real
explosion came in mid-January when
he and Prime Minister Boyko Boriss-
ov published a photo of their meet-
ing with an Egyptian government minister. It showed the
Bulgarian defense minister dressed in the said uniform
which – how shall we put it? – fitted his corpulent body all
You have probably heard idi- too well. And the internet exploded: in a matter of minutes
oms and proverbs in Bulgarian the first collage was posted, with a Billa bag placed next to
that read like “The horse went him, sardonically amplifying the inappropriateness of the
into the river” or “A united com- selected piece of clothing. A tsunami of funny versions of
pany moves a mountain”. when Mr Karakachanov’s image, often alongside an added Billa
translated to English word- bag, then ensued. He appeared in a still from Star Wars,
for-word They cause a chuckle substituting Jabba the Hutt; on the bow of the sinking Ti-
among your Bulgarian friends, tanic; sitting on the bench next to Forrest Gump from the
but the only thing you can do is eponymous movie… Indeed the memes with him became
to raise politely your eyebrows. so viral that people started collecting them in “Best of” al-
Many more similar meaningless bums on Facebook.
phrases can be found in vari-
ous websites which make fun In an attempt to appease the jokers, Mr Karakachanov
of the habit (typical not only for asked them politely on TV to stop making “montages” of
Bulgarians) to translate literally him with the Billa bag. Yet this only added fuel to the fire.
idiomatic expressions and prov- Dozens of new collages appeared, this time depicting him
erbs into English. minus the now legendary bag. And while some may con-
The current section of KQ has the sider the jokes fat-shaming, it is hard to sympathize with
ambition to explain the jargon of a cabinet minister and party leader who freely uses hate
Bulgarian politics and economy speech against various minorities and opponents.
which sometimes is as inexpli-
cable if literally translated as A more serious consequence of the gag was that Valdes
in the above mentioned phrases. Radev – one of the key meme creators on this and other
Who’s Cecoron? Or what “Tsvetan topics – was fired from NovaTV, where he had worked for
thoughts” means and what for the 20 years, a few short weeks after his meme was circulated
love of god ladybirds have to do on social media. In Bulgaria’s media environment, no joke
with management? goes unpunished.

Revizoro Slobodiya
An old face receives Too much
a new portfolio freedom
definition : definition:
The nickname of Emil Dimitrov, Many Bulgarian politicians do not understand
a political chameleon and jack-of-all-trades, the concept of freedom of expression – to the
gets a funny revamp. peril of us all.

Bulgaria has a new environment minister after There is a peculiar distinction in Bulgarian be-
Neno Dimov penned his resignation from his cell, tween two types of freedom. “Svoboda” which
becoming the much-needed scapegoat for the stands for “liberty”, and “slobodiya” which can be
multilayered incompetence that has left the town translated as a profligate, unfettered type of free-
of Pernik waterless. The new incumbent is Emil dom that results in anarchy. And while tradition-
Dimitrov, better known by his nickname Revizoro ally the latter term was used to describe the need
– a tongue-in-cheek pun combining “reviziа” (Bul- for rules that would prevent arbitrariness, Bul-
garian for “financial inspection”) with “Zorro”, the garian politicians have started abusing it, result-
fictional masked vigilante celebrated in the 1998 ing in further erosion of public trust in the media
movie that starred Antonio Banderas. at a time its capture by the oligarchy continues.

Curiously, the original spin on Mr Dimitrov’s “There is no freedom of expression in the Bulgar-
nickname is actually positive – he earned it after ian National Radio; there is full-blown “slobodiya”,
winning the title of financial inspector (or “revi- said Yordan Tsonev, an MP from the Movement
zor” in Bulgarian) of the year in 1997 for discov- for Rights and Freedoms. Without batting an eye,
ering numerous irregularities in state companies the politician turned a discussion about political
and forcing them to return the equivalent of 283 incursion into the public radio that almost saw a
million levs in today’s money to the state cof- leading justice system reporter, Sylvia Velikova,
fers. When his political career began, however, he dismissed, into a harangue in which he accused
proved to be a chameleon. His most notable ap- journalists of having too much freedom of speech.
pearance was his short stint at the helm of the His colleague from GERB, Vezhdi Rashidov, who
customs office between the end of 2001 and start heads the media committee in the National As-
of 2002, memorable only for the chaos that he sembly, has also frequently argued that media
caused. “Wherever he appears, he fires, he hires, freedom has gone overboard.
he seizes contraband goods, or does not find any…
but certainly creates mayhem,” Capital Weekly Lastly, Prime Minister Boyko Borissov appar-
wrote at the time. ently agrees. “There is no other place in Europe
with such great freedom of speech as Bulgaria,”
In recent times he became a notable lobbyist for he famously said back in 2015, adding that Bul-
the interests of large businesses, including Bul- garian media benefits from “slobodiya” more than
gartabac (owned by mogul Delyan Peevski), Rus- any other media in the EU. He had also clearly
sia’s oil major Lukoil, alcohol and tobacco produc- delineated what constitutes freedom of speech:
er Vinprom Peshtera and the maritime business “I watch the TV and wonder: on the most viewed
of Kiril Domuschiev, the new owner of NovaTV. national programs… a man comes out and speaks
out against me, and the government and ends up
With a diverse career like this, there is little won- complaining about freedom of speech. If there was
der that Mr Dimitrov has been chosen to head the a problem with freedom of speech, you wouldn’t
environment ministry. He explained his appoint- be saying whatever you want on TV.”
ment by saying that “there was no one else” and
“this government needs to complete its mandate,” The fact that journalists who are critical of the
which appears to be more than enough in the cur- government leave the TV stations once they have
rent toxic political environment. On the bright been captured by oligarchic interests, or that
side, Dimitrov’s nickname bestowed on him on the most of the country’s press is controlled by one
internet, seems oddly befitting given the water man does not seem to bother the prime minister.
crisis in Pernik confronting him- Yazoviro, a pun Alas, he might not fully grasp the distinction be-
built on “yazovir” (water reservoir in Bulgarian). tween “svoboda” and “slobodiya.”


Photo by Tsvetelina Belutova


Accidentally or not, the Manzo

Restaurant (meaning „beef“ in
Italian) is occupying a space once
built for fruit and vegetables. The
place offers several varieties of OUT OF THE
focaccia, three calzones and several types of pasta.
And here we end with the dough. Because the main
character in the menu is meat. TRAPS
The design here is clearly in the style of the 1970s
and in this case convenience did not fall victim THEY KNOW HOW
to the communist-era esthetics, as sometimes
happens. The vibe is channeling a New York bistro,
and while entering, expectations are growing not
so much for the pasta as for the burgers – there
are four varieties.

This cornerstone of contemporary food, as we

remember from Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, finally
conquered the world after becoming number one
in France in terms of consumption. Sofia is in no
way an exception to this trend, so Manzo gets
involved in the eternal debate about “where they do
it best”. Alongside the burgers there are two classic
steaks – beef and pork. Raw tartare and carpaccio
are the perfect warm-up for the grill: the beef is
from Uruguay and Italy, the pork is from Bulgaria
(more specifically, Livadi Chiflik). Plus, Manzo is
also suitable for a quicker and a light meal – try
Lampredo, the classic Florentine sandwich with
grits, as well as a saucy dinner with grilled bonfilet.

193 Rakovski Street

12 - 22 h
0879 900699

Places with generic names like The
Restaurant or The Cocktail Bar
usually should be avoided at all
cost, because they are tourist traps

for those seeking lazy options. Not
in Sofia’s case. The Cocktail Bar is a place to have a
good time and where the staff knows what it’s doing Although it’s in one of the city’s
(you won’t just get a mix of several types of lemon most central locations (literally
juice and gin) and offers a look which might remind just across the park from where
you of a Parisian kiosk. The place was named Bar of The Cocktail Bar is located),
the Year in 2019 by Bacchus Magazine (a gourmet Niko’las 0/360 is definitely not
edition linked to KQ publisher Economedia). one of the places where people end up by accident.
According to the restaurant team, the audience
An added bonus to the bar is that it is fully glazed around the place became more specialized with
so you have a nice view all around. Just don’t ask time, so today almost everyone who enters Niko’las
what the space under The Cocktail Bar was used knows where they are going and what to expect,
for. Honestly, don’t ask. including what the daily menu is, which is posted
on Facebook. And speaking of social networks and
Rayko Daskalov Sq., Sofia platforms, 83% of the reviews on TripAdvisor are
five-star. Niko’las 0/360 is Bacchus’ Restaurant of
the Year for 2017.

If we have to give a keyword for the cuisine here,

it’s fusion with a strong Asian accent. This is one
of the few places where you can try surf & turf
options. Interestingly, Chef Tsvetomir Nikolov
(who is also the owner) mixes Asian with Bulgarian
cuisine, which comes as a surprise to many. The
menu changes frequently according to the fresh
and seasonal products the market offers, so you
can get up-to-date offers from the restaurant’s
website, which gets updated frequently.

Prices are high by Bulgarian standards but below

the average for Brussels and Paris, and for the
quality being offered, they are actually downright
Photo by Anelia Nikolova

3 Rayko Daskalov Sq., Sofia

+359 87 688 8471, nikolas.bg

26.03. Until 5.04. 24.04.

A live performance by experi- For the first time, the National The Howard Shore-composed
mental London trio Benin City Gallery puts a focus on street soundtrack to Lord of the Rings
in Tell Me, one of Sofia’s major art, a touchy subject in the lo- trilogy will be performed live at
nightlife spots. cal art scene. The exhibition A Arena Armeec hall.
Window to Childhood delves
into the personal memories of
major graffiti artists in Bulgar-
ia, but also goes back in time
to revisit their own childhood.

Until 29.03. 09-30.04.

The work of Bulgarian sculp- New edition of Master of Art, a
ture artist Marko Markov film festival, entirely focused on
(1889-1966), author of some of art documentaries, often about
the best-known public sculp- key figures in culture. The pro-
tures in Sofia, is on display at Until 05.04. gram for 2020 includes mov-
Vaska Emanuilova gallery. Art Without / With The Times? ies on Salvador Dali, Dora Maar,
is a group exhibition at Sofia Romy Schneider and Luis
City Art Gallery which gath- Buñuel.
ers new and old works by re-
nowned representatives of
Bulgarian contemporary art
like Luchezar Boyadjiev, Na-
dezhda Oleg Lyahova, Ivan
Moudov and younger ones
like Sevda Semer. The selec-
31.03. tion is deliberate since accord-
Canadian singer-songwriter ing to the curators, the very
and popular Bulgarian indie definition of “contemporary” 13.06.
band Dead Man’s Hat will has always been problematic The 13th edition of Sofia Pride
perform at Mixtape 5. for visual art – there is no con- is taking place once again to re-
sensus when it started. spect LGTB rights and visibility
in Bulgaria. The event starts in
the park around the Monument
of the Soviet Army.

Until 31.03.
The 24th edition of Sofia Film 24.04.
Fest will once again bring all The first edition of Balkan
cinemaphiles together. Oscar- Beer Bash will present vari-
winner Parasite, arthouse ous craft beer brands from all 20.06.
favorite The Lighthouse, around Europe in Sofia. The Pink Floyd drummer and co-
North Macedonian event will take place near the founder Nick Mason is hitting
documentary hit Honeyland Despred warehouses on Ves- the road with the band’s early
and some of the new well- lets street. catalogue. Nick Mason’s Source-
received Bulgarian movies ful of Secrets is performing at
like Cat in the Wall and The Hall 1 of National Palace of Cul-
Father are in the selection. ture (NDK).
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November 17th, 2020
Sofia Event Center


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