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Nose Gear

The nose gear of the MiG-21 is a single-wheel unit that provides directional control during
ground operations. It is designed to retract forward into the fuselage, a space-saving measure
that also protects the wheel from debris and damage during flight. The nose gear features an
oleo-pneumatic shock absorber, which helps cushion the impact during landing and provides
a smoother ride over uneven surfaces. The nose wheel is steerable, allowing pilots to
maneuver the aircraft effectively on the ground.

The operational capabilities of the Sukhoi Su-25, revered as the "Grach" or "Frogfoot,"
underscore its role as a versatile and effective ground-attack aircraft. Designed to provide
close air support (CAS) to ground forces engaged in combat, the Su-25 boasts a formidable
combination of firepower, maneuverability, and survivability, making it a valuable asset on
the modern battlefield.

One of the Su-25's primary roles is to provide close air support to ground troops, offering
timely and accurate firepower to assist in achieving mission objectives. Equipped with a
Gryazev-Shipunov GSh-30-2 30mm autocannon and a diverse array of air-to-ground
missiles, rockets, and bombs, the Su-25 is capable of engaging a wide range of ground targets
with precision and lethality. Whether striking enemy armor, fortifications, or infantry
positions, Su-25 pilots possess the means to deliver devastating firepower in support of
friendly forces.

In addition to its close air support capabilities, the Su-25 is adept at conducting battlefield
interdiction missions, disrupting enemy operations and logistics behind enemy lines.
Equipped with powerful engines and agile maneuvering capabilities, the Su-25 can swiftly
penetrate enemy airspace to strike high-value targets such as command centers, supply
depots, and communication hubs. This ability to operate deep within enemy territory makes
the Su-25 a formidable asset for disrupting enemy operations and degrading their combat

The Su-25's operational capabilities extend beyond conventional warfare scenarios to include
counterinsurgency and counterterrorism operations. In asymmetric conflicts characterized by
irregular warfare and guerrilla tactics, the Su-25 provides invaluable support to ground forces
tasked with combating insurgent groups and terrorist organizations. Equipped with precision-
guided munitions and advanced targeting systems, the Su-25 can conduct surgical strikes
against high-value targets while minimizing collateral damage and civilian casualties.

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