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BETWEEN, società consortile a responsabilità limitata, based in Milan, Via Don Giovanni
Verità, 25, hereinafter referred to as, P.I. 12878090153, here represented by Professor
Cabirio Cautela, Chief Executive Officer with power of signature for this Agreement

Mr/Mrs Cynthia Karina Barradas Delgado
Veracruz, Mexico
born in _____________________________________, March 8, 2000
on _________________________________,
Italian fiscal code card (if applicable) __________________________________________________,
nationality___________________________, G33241835
ID number __________________________________,
cabo de hornos 529. Fracc. Las Brisas. 91809.
having his/her address in __________________________________________________________,
Veracruz, ver
_________________________________, Mexico
+52 229 924 4198
phone number ______________________________, +52 229 129 4965
mobile phone ________________________,
email address ______________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as
"Candidate" or "Student"

● organizes and manages the Politecnico di Milano university specializing master's
2024-2025 as regulated by the Dean Decree published on in the page
dedicated to the Master;
● the Student intends to participate in this Course and for this purpose declares to possess all
the requirements referred to in said decree as well as in this Agreement in order to be
admitted and participate in it;
● in this Agreement, the terms and expressions listed hereunder shall have the following
- the School:, Società Consortile a responsabilità limitata;
- Cynthia Karina Barradas Delgado
the Student or Candidate or Participant: Mr/Mrs _____________________________;
- the Course: Specializing Master in FASHION ACCESSORIES & JEWELLERY:
- Dean Decree: the Dean Decree of the Course published on in the
page dedicated to the Master; Campus Bovisa T. +39 02 2399 7206 P.I. / C.F. 12878090153
Società consortile Via Don Giovanni Verità C.C.I.A.A. Milano
a responsabilità limitata 25, 20158— Milano 192631
REA 1593683
- Admitted Student: the Student who has signed this Agreement and who has submitted
the complete documentation referred to in art. 2, which was deemed valid by the
- Enrolled Student: the Student admitted to the Course is considered to be formally
enrolled starting from the first day of actual Course;
- Enrollment application, Contract, Agreement: this private Agreement;
- Internship: intensive project activity that the participant will carry out in a company
chosen by the Scientific Director of the Specializing Master, if in possession of the
requirements set out in the Contract;
- Reference company: company chosen by the Scientific Director of the Specializing
Master for the Student's internship;
- Sponsoring Company: the natural or legal person, who finances the performance of
workshops in the context of the master Course;
- Workshop: intensive planning activity carried out within the Master Course;
● the recitals, definitions and annexes shall be deemed to be an integral and substantial part of
this Agreement;

whereby it is agreed,

1 Subject
The subject of this contract is the provision by to the Student of the Specializing Master
described in the Dean Decree.

2 Documents to be attached to this Agreement

At the same time as signing up, the Candidate shall present all the following documents in order to
enroll in the Course:
a) - Italian / UE citizen: Copy of a valid identity document, fiscal code and a copy of the
degree certificate;
- Non-EU citizens: Copy of a valid passport;
b) Certificate of the down payment;
Within the starting date of the Master the Candidate shall present all the following documents:
a) Certificate of the online enrolment application, and copy of duty stamp payment receipt;
b) Non-EU citizens: Copy of the Italian fiscal code and copy of a valid residence permit or
the receipt attesting the request Master;
c) Italian/EU/Non-EU students with a degree obtained abroad: Declaration of value (DOV)
issued by the Italian Representatives abroad (Italian Embassy or Consulate) on
letterhead complete with its original stamp or Statement of Comparability issued by the

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par (signature)
3 Conditional admission and enrollment
A- The evaluation of any admission requests is delegated to the Master Course Commission. In
order to obtain the University Master degree, the Candidate shall in any case be in possession of all
the requirements and appropriate academic qualification for the admission to the Course. Admission
and subsequent conditional enrollment to the Master is allowed to a Student when the Student self-
certifies that he / she is enrolled at another Italian University and only waiting to discuss his/her
degree thesis, provided that he / she is enrolled for the Academic Year preceding the one in which
the University Master will be carried out. In case of double enrollment, the Student must proceed with
the application for suspension from the Course of study to which he is already enrolled until the
conclusion of the Master Course (or proceed with a waiver, if he were enrolled in another Master
Course), by contacting the Secretariat of his / her university, and attach such document to the
Enrollment application.
B- Students with foreign qualifications who have carried out a regular pre-admission process to the
Politecnico di Milano shall present the Decision on the Equivalence of the qualification, issued by the
competent consular representation, or the ENIC NARIC certificate, issued by CIMEA (
as described in "art. 5 Formal fulfilments” of the Dean Decree attached hereto.
Students who have not completed the pre-admission process or who, despite having carried out it,
did not file the abovementioned documents by the beginning of the University Master Course will not
be enrolled.
C- The Politecnico di Milano may assign a Student registration number only after a positive
verification of the documentation listed in articles 2, 3A and 3B.
D- If the conditional enrollment reserve for the University Master Course is not resolved, including
the case of incompatibility with the enrollment for the University Master Course, admission to the final
test will not be allowed and the only attendance to the Master Course will be certified to the Student,
if he actually attended the Course.
E- It is understood that the candidate is responsible for the validity and truthfulness of the requested
documents he delivered, which will allow admission to the final exam and the achievement of the
Master's Diploma; the verification of the validity and truthfulness of what is contained in these
documents is by the Politecnico di Milano, to which the School will send the documents themselves.
Failure to successfully dissolve the condition due to the effect and fault of the Student (e.g. failure to
deliver the documentation; non- truthfulness of the declarations issued and / or the documentation
presented) does not exonerate the Student in any way for the full payment of the Course.

4 Course participation fee and payment conditions

The participation fee for the Course is € 16.500,00 for each Student, and also includes the enrollment
fee at the Politecnico di Milano equal to € 500,00.
The fee can be paid in the following ways:
_ DEPOSIT equal to € 4.000,00, inclusive of the enrollment fee of € 500,00 as well as the percentage
of 5% of the participation fee for the Course due to the Politecnico di Milano, upon signing this

3 di 10 LES (signature)
PAYMENT FROM THE FOLLOWING (put a flag ‘√ ’ on option ‘A’ or ‘B’ or ‘C’) :
A □ DIRECT PAYMENT OF THE BALANCE within 15 days before the start of the Didactic
B □ ASSIGNMENT OF RECEIVABLES to of the credit claimed by the Student
towards the lender (institution name) provided that this transfer is compatible with the granted
loan, to be concluded within the 25th day prior to the start of the Didactic Activities;
GUARANTEE or GUARANTEE POLICY to be presented within the 25th day prior to the start
of the Didactic Activities at the following deadlines:
- 1° INSTALLMENT PAYMENT of € 6.250,00 no later than December 31st 2023;
- 2° INSTALLMENT PAYMENT of € 6.250,00 no later than February 29th 2024;
All payments must be made by bank transfer to the following bank details:
Beneficiary: Scrl
Address of the bank: PIAZZA PAOLO FERRARI, 10 – 20121 MILANO
IBAN IT28M0306909606100000176368
clearly indicating the payment reason: "MU1 Fashion Accessories & Jewellery" and "Student name".
It should be noted that all the amounts indicated are to be understood net of bank commissions.
The payment of the first installment implies the full acceptance of this Agreement.
Payment of the participation fee for the Course within the terms and conditions indicated in this art.
will entitle the Student to participate in the master’s Course. Expenses reimbursements, vouchers
and in general anything not expressly indicated as included in the sum itself are not included in the
indicated price.

5 Failure of the Student to pay the participation fee for the Course
In case of delay in the payment of the sums due pursuant to art. 4, the Student will be required to
recognize default interest pursuant to art. 1284, paragraph 4, of the Italian Civil Code, to the extent
required by current legislation relating to late payment in commercial transactions.
If an extension has been granted in the payment of the participation fee for the Course, failure to pay
even one installment will result in the automatic forfeiture of the benefit of the term and the Student
will be required to pay the total balance of the participation fee immediately, in addition to the default
interest as determined above.
In addition to the above, will have the right to terminate this contract pursuant to art.
1456 of the Italian Civil Code, by registered letter with return receipt or other equivalent method, and
to claim the payment of a penalty equal to 5% of the Course’s participation fee, without prejudice to
compensation for any other damage.

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KEL (signature)
6 Right of withdrawal
6.1 The Student or Candidate or Participant can freely withdraw from this Agreement within 30 days
prior to the start of the Didactic Activities; after this deadline, withdrawal will no longer be permitted,
and the Student will be required to pay the full participation fee for the Course.
In case of timely exercise of the withdrawal by the Student, will fully refund the portion
already paid within 30 days from receipt of the withdrawal notice.
After the expiration of the 30 days mentioned above, the Student’s right to reimbursement of any sum
paid, even in case of non-participation in the Master, is excluded.
The withdrawal of the Student must be exercised in the indicated term, in writing, by sending a
communication by registered letter with return receipt addressed to the registered office of
The parties expressly agree that the timeliness of the withdrawal will be assessed on the basis of the
date of receipt of the registered letter.
It is understood that for Contracts concluded after the 30th day prior to the Didactic activities, the
right of withdrawal is not provided for the Student or Candidate or Participant, except as provided for
in the following art. 6.2.
6.2 Pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree 206/05 (Italian Consumer Code), if this Agreement was
stipulated by fax, email or by any other remote communication technique or outside the commercial
premises of the School, the Participant, if qualified as "Consumer", will have the right to withdraw
from the Contract within 14 days of its conclusion, without penalty and without specifying the reason,
even beyond the term provided in the previous art. 6.1. In any case, the Participant cannot exercise
the right of withdrawal if the Course has already started.
The withdrawal pursuant to this art. 6.2 is exercised by sending, within the set deadlines, a
communication to the headquarters in Milan, Via Don Giovanni Verità, 25, by registered
letter with return receipt.
The communication can be sent within the same term also by telegram, telex, e-mail and fax,
provided that it is confirmed by registered letter with return receipt within the following forty-eight
hours; the registered letter is intended to be sent in good time if delivered to the accepting post office
within the terms provided for by the Consumer Code.
The acknowledgment of receipt is not, however, an essential condition for proving the exercise of the
right of withdrawal.
6.3 The school can freely withdraw from the contract within 15 days prior to the start of the Didactic
In addition, for organizational reasons relating to ascertaining the actual number of participants in the
Course, reserves the right, within the 15 days indicated above, to cancel the Course or
change its start date. In the latter case, the deadline for withdrawal, for the School and for the
Student, shall be calculated on the basis of the new date indicated for the start of the teaching
activities. will be able to communicate to the Student the withdrawal, cancellation and /
or modification on the Course starting date by sending a communication to the following e-mail
address _____________________________________________________________ and / or to the

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Amar (signature)
following address _____________________________________________________________, by
registered letter with return receipt within deadline: in any case, for the timeliness of the
communication, the date of dispatch of the same will prevail.
In the case of exercising one of the faculties provided for in this art. 6.3, the Student will
not be entitled to claim any compensation, indemnity or other sum. In any case, will not
be required to reimburse the costs and expenses for travel, transportation, board and lodging of the
Student, as well as any other expenses or costs possibly incurred for participation in the Course,
which will remain the exclusive responsibility of the Student.

7 Enrollment
The Student will be considered formally enrolled only on the first day of the Course and only following
the signing of this Agreement and presentation of the documents referred to in art. 2 (except as
provided by art. 3).
The Student expressly declares to be aware of and accept the fact that enrollment will take place on
the first day of class and that the certificate of registration for the Course as well as the student
number can therefore only be issued after the start of the Course.

8 Student expulsion
A- In any case of failure to comply with the terms and methods of payment provided for by art. 4, the
School, without prejudice to any other right pursuant to this Contract, reserves the right to remove the
Student from the attendance of the Course and to suspend any further provision in favor of the same
until the balance of the entire participation fee for the Course has been paid, without prejudice to the
Student's obligation to pay this amount in full, in addition to the default interest provided for by art. 5.
B- In order to maintain the high-quality level of the Course, reserves the right to remove
from the Course those whose learning assessments show insufficient profit, given the results of the
ongoing assessment tests and according to the unquestionable judgment of the Scientific
Management of the Course. A similar measure may be adopted in the event of prolonged absences -
motivated by any cause - equal to or greater than 10% of the total number of hours of the Course,
such as to prejudice the unquestionable judgment of the Scientific Management of the possibility of
learning by the Member, as well as in any other case in which the Participant behaviors is
incompatible with the regular and decent performance of the Course and other activities.
If the Student has been expulsed pursuant to this article, he will still be required to pay in full the
participation fee for the Course.

9 Internship
A- conditions to access the internship
Only and solely for those who meet the requirements for the enrollment and are therefore enrolled,
the training Course includes an internship period. The selection interviews for the internship with
studies and companies that offer the opportunity, are organized, defined and managed at the
discretion of the Management of the Master, based on the profile of the enrolled Students and the

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needs of the studies and the companies themselves. The possibility of carrying out placements in
companies proposed by the candidate shall be examined and verified by the Management of the
B- economic exploitation rights on the works created as part of the master Course
The participant acknowledges and declares that all the rights of economic exploitation, including the
right to patenting, relating to each work designed, created and developed in the context of the
university Master and the internship (if any), are the exclusive property of, as of now
transferred to the same, and also hereby renounces any action or claim on the same. The Student
hereby authorizes the School to publish and disseminate the cited works.
C- confidentiality on the works created within the Course
The participant undertakes to maintain the confidentiality on the creations made in the context of the
master's Course and internship (if any), and not to communicate any information relating to them to
third parties without prior written authorization from
D- confidentiality on information acquired during the Course
The performance of the internship (if any) and workshops within the Master Course could imply that,
respectively, the Reference Company or the Sponsoring Company provide the Participant, also
through, with confidential information related, by way of example, to data, information
and technologies (hereinafter referred to as "Confidential Information"). In this regard, the participant
acknowledges that the Confidential Information is and remains the exclusive property of the
Sponsoring Company or the Reference Company and undertakes to:
- make use of the Confidential Information exclusively for the execution of the internship (if
any) and / or the workshop and as part of the training project;
- not to disclose Confidential Information in any form to third parties unrelated to;
- immediately return the documentation relating to the Confidential Information to the
Sponsoring Company or to the Reference Company at the end of the Course or at the
request of the Sponsoring Company or the Reference Company and / or;
- keep all Confidential Information with the utmost care and confidentiality.
- the Participant undertakes to refrain from copying, duplicating, reproducing or recording, in
any form and by any means, the Confidential Information, except to the extent strictly
necessary for the purposes of performing the internship (if any).
The confidentiality obligation does not apply to Information:
- that at the time they are known by the Participant are publicly available;
- that become public after being disclosed for reasons that do not constitute a breach of the
confidentiality obligation assumed by the Participant with this Contract.
The commitment to confidentiality referred to in the preceding articles will be binding on the
Participant, both during and at the end of the Master without any time limit, as long as the information
does not become publicly available without the Participant's fault.

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HAS (signature)
E- penalty clause
The violation of the obligation of confidentiality pursuant to articles 9C and 9D will result in the
application of a penalty, to be paid by the participant, equal to € 2,000.00 for each violation, without
prejudice to the compensation for any other damage.

10 Final exam and University Master Diploma

Participants will be entitled to final examination for obtaining the Master's Degree if:
a) they have attended at least 75% of the hours provided by the Master Course;
b) the Politecnico di Milano has recognized to him / her the possession of the requirements
set out in the Regulations of the University Masters of the Politecnico di Milano Dean
Decree Rep. No. 2235 Prot. No. 25405 as of 05 August 2013 title I Class 3 UOR AG and
subsequent additions and amendments;
c) they have passed the intermediate tests, have obtained a positive assessment at the end
of the internship (if any) and have been deemed suitable for participation in the exam itself
by the Management of the Master.
Students who pass the final exam will receive the 1st level University Master Diploma, corresponding
to N. 60 CFU (University Training Credits).
Those who, despite having attended the minimum amount of the Course envisaged by letter a) above
are not admitted to the final Master exam for the reasons referred to in letter b), will only receive the
certificate of attendance to the master.
The parties expressly agree that, in the event of attendance to the Course of less than 75% of the
expected number of hours, even if due to the expulsion pursuant to art. 8 of this Agreement, or failure
to pass intermediate tests, the School will not issue the certificate of attendance to the Master or the
university Master's degree to the Student.

11 Variations to the Program and to the Course procedures

The Management of the Master reserves the right to make - even during the Course - any change to
the Course calendar, the program, the methods of conducting the Course or the teaching staff that is
deemed, at its sole discretion, necessary, useful or even just appropriate for organizational and
educational reasons.
These changes will be communicated in advance to the Student, who will not have the right to
demand from any reduction in the participation fee for the Course, nor any
compensation or indemnity or sum for any other reason.

12 Applicable law, jurisdiction and domicile election

This Agreement is regulated by the Italian law. Any dispute that may arise on the interpretation,
execution and / or termination of this Agreement will be exclusively devolved to the Court of Milan.
In the event that the Participant can be defined as "Consumer" pursuant to Italian Legislative Decree
206/05, disputes arising on the interpretation, execution and / or termination of this Agreement will be
devolved to the court of domicile that the Participant expressly declares to elect for this purpose in

8 di 10 Kal (signature)
Veracruz, ver
the City ________________________________________, address__________________________
cabo de hornos 529. Fracc. Las Brisas. 91809.

13 Communications
The Student declares that he wishes to receive any communication at the following email address
_______________________________________________________ or at the following address

14 Confidentiality
i. undertakes to treat as confidential, not to disclose and not to use, except for the
fulfillment of the obligations deriving from the law and the Contract, any data or information relating to
the Student or the Candidate or the Participant or in any case collected in execution of the services
covered by this Agreement.
ii. undertakes for itself and its employees, pursuant to and for the purposes of art.
1381 of the Italian Civil Code, not to disclose to third parties any confidential information that may
have come to their knowledge in the performance of this Contract.
iii. will take all necessary and / or useful measures to ensure that confidentiality
obligations are scrupulously observed by all its employees and collaborators and will be directly
responsible for damages suffered by the Student or Candidate or Participant within and as
established by art. 1225 of the Italian Civil Code. The Training Privacy Notice here attached is also
available on the Company website and previously received and signed by sending the application for
admission to the Course.

15 Veracity of the declarations issued and of the data provided

The Student declares under his own responsibility, under the provisions of the Italian Presidential
Decree n. 445/2000, and aware of the penalties established by art. 496 of the Italian Penal Code for
false declarations, that the above data are true.

16 Amendments to this Agreement

Any modification and / or integration to this Agreement will not be valid and binding unless it results
from a written document signed by both parties. This Agreement constitutes the only valid contract
between the parties in relation to the subjects dealt with in it, it replaces any previous Agreement,
written or verbal, between and the Student.

December 15, 2023

Date_______________ s.c.r.l. CEO
the Student Professor Cabirio Cautela

___________________ ______________________

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Pursuant to and for the purposes of articles 1341 and 1342 of the Italian Civil Code, the Student or
Applicant or Participant expressly accepts the following articles:
3 (Conditional admission and enrollment), 4 (Course participation fee and Payment conditions), 5
(Student's failure to pay the Course participation fee), 6.1 and 6.2 (Student right of withdrawal), 6.3
( right of withdrawal), 8 (Student’s expulsion), 9B (Rights of economic exploitation on the
works created within the Master Course), 9C (Confidentiality on the works created within the Master),
9D (Confidentiality on information acquired as part of the Course), 9E (Penalty clause), 10 (Final
exam and University Master's Diploma), 11 (Variations to the Program and to the Course
procedures), 12 (Applicable law, jurisdiction, and domicile election), 14 (Information pursuant to EU
Regulation 2016/679 (or GDPR)), 16 (Amendments to this Agreement).

December 15, 2023

Date_______________ s.c.r.l. CEO
the Student Professor Cabirio Cautela


For the expression of consent regarding the processing of personal data and for confirmation of the
communication made pursuant to EU Regulation 2016/679 (or GDPR).

December 15, 2023

Date_______________ s.c.r.l. CEO
the Student Professor Cabirio Cautela


Information note: The Course is a University Master of the Politecnico di Milano pursuant to Italian
Law 509/99. Its disbursement is entrusted to società consortile a responsabilità limitata
pursuant to resolution S.A. of 17.09.01, is exempt from VAT pursuant to art. 10 of Italian Presidential
Decree 633/72.

10 di 10 Abr (signature)

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