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Sacred Heart News

Mission Statement - Sacred Heart

Catholic School is dedicated to
educating children through high
academic and moral standards in a
faith-based setting. We achieve this
goal through collaboration with
our families, parish, and local
Nov 23 - Mass 8:00 a.m.
Middle School - NET Retreat
Nov 24 - Happy Thanksgiving
Nov 25 - NO SCHOOL
Nov 27 - Advent Begins
Nov 28 - 8th Gr. to Wolfridge
Advent Prayer Service
Nov 29 - Nov. Birthday Lunches
Nov 30 - Mass 8:00 a.m.
Dec 2 - End of Trimester 1
Dec 5 - Advent Prayer Service
Dec 20 - Christmas Prog. - 6:30
Dec 23 - NO SCHOOL,
Christmas Break Begins
NOVEMBER 21, 2011
Principals Corner
+#,,-%./#'0)1232'14 This impoitant holiuay gives each of us the oppoitunity to pause anu
ieflect on all the blessings uou has given us. At Sacieu Beait, we have much to be thankful foi:

267 iespectful stuuents that shaie the love of leaining

ueuicateu staff that cieate a positive classioom

a paiish that is celebiating 1uu yeais anu veiy suppoitive in pioviuing a Catholic
euucation to the stuuents at SBCS.
Let us all be thankful anu make suie at the top of youi list of things to be thankful foi aie the
goou things that uou in Bis giace has supplieu foi you.
}ust a ieminuei that the seconu iounu of stewaiuship caius will be maileu foi those that have
not iesponueu. 0ui paiish is ueuicateu to Sacieu Beait Catholic School anu contiibutes to
each chilu's euucation by pioviuing a substantial scholaiship foi each chilu that is a
paiishionei. We encouiage you to tuin in youi stewaiuship pleuge caiu to help the paiish anu
school continue to giow anu extenu the many wonueiful piogiams we offei in oui paiish
Nov 24 & 2S - No School - Thanksgiving Bieak - School iesumes on Nonuay, Nov. 28.
Bec. 2S - }an. 6 - No School - Chiistmas Bieak - School iesumes on Nonuay, }an. 9
Buiing the Chiistmas bieak fiom Becembei 2S-}an. 6
, Kius Club will be open }an. 2-6.
Please call to save a spot!
Shoitly, we will be senuing Chiistmas caius to uianupaients anu Special People in youi
chiluien's lives. We woulu love to senu them a gieeting. If you haven't alieauy uone so, please
iemembei to fill out the attacheu fliei anu senu it in.
./#'0%-=> foi paiticipating in oui foou uiive on Nov. 9
. The stuuents biought in 22S lbs. of
foou. The N.E.A.R. foou shelf was veiy appieciative of oui effoits.
C$)D%E/='7#%F>?/2')02GH%-"#$%=:7%&$"%F%,#$#G,$=A"))2='#:*%%has taken a leave-of- absence,
as most iecently, Rhonua was uiagnoseu with bieast cancei. Please keep Rhonua, hei husbanu
Tom, Angela (7
) anu Biew(1u
) in youi piayeis. The stuuents anu staff will miss hei
cheeifulness anu ueuication to the pie k stuuents at Sacieu Beait. We hope foi hei speeuy
iecoveiy anu ietuin to SBCS!
I2J%5?/6"2(J"$G%We aie exciteu that Liz will be staiting hei position as assistant teachei in the
S yeai olu pie k piogiam. Liz is an alumni of Sacieu Beait School. In Becembei, Liz will have
hei ceitificate foi Eaily Chiluhoou Euucation with a minoi in chilu uevelopment. We welcome
Liz to oui staff.
%1$#7"%("#?/"$%G%As of Nov. 14
, Ni. Beintz began his family meuical
leave foi six weeks. Baviu anu his wife, Anna, hau baby }ames in August. Baviu will ietuin to
his teaching position aftei Chiistmas bieak.
C)D%C"1#'%9>''2'1/#;*%:='1G("$;%1>")(%("#?/"$*%K(/%1$#7"%is a familiai teachei in oui
builuing. She was an active guest teachei last yeai anu she knows oui builuing, staff, anu
stuuents well. Please welcome hei as you visit oui builuing. She has a Sacieu Beait email
Theie aie only 2S uays left to sell! Please continue selling youi S2 club tickets. This is a gieat club that has
a $1uu.uu winnei eveiy week. You have S2 chances to win. We woulu appieciate if you coulu sell all 1u
tickets. Foi eveiy S tickets solu by Becembei 1st, youi chilu will ieceive a non-unifoim coupon. Thank you
to the families that have alieauy solu theii tickets. Stuuent names anu non-unifoim coupons have been
uistiibuteu. Please make suie you ietuin any unsolu tickets.
We aie taking yeaibook oiueis thiough the month of Novembei at a ieuuceu piice of $1S.uu. Beginning in
Becembei, yeaibooks will be $17.uu. Flieis have been sent home with the stuuents. 0iuei youi yeaibook
touay. If a fliei is unavailable to you, senu a check, in to the school office, cleaily maikeu "QN8ETRRF," anu
we will make suie a copy is oiueieu foi youi chilu
R>$%?='7=:"'?")%#'7%,$#-"$) to the Svien Family (Naiy, gi. S, Lyuia, Kinue anu 0wen, Pie-K) on the loss
of the theii uieat uianufathei.
To the Castonguay Family (}osetta, ui. S) on the loss of hei 0ncle.
To the }ennings family (Emma, ui. 2) on the loss of hei uianufathei.
We have a new acceptable use policy foi the stuuents. In the next couple uays, I will visit all stuuents in
giaues S-8 to uiscuss "acceptable use" foi the technology iesouices in oui school. We suggest paients use
the same fiamewoik at home. It is the paients' iesponsibility to monitoi email, texting, social meuia such
as Facebook, etc. at home as it peitains to bullying, etc. Paients aie iesponsible foi hanuling these issues
when they occui off of the school giounus.
uo on-line at, click on the "Paients" button to begin. 0se School Coue SP2SS64uuuu.
Scholaiships may be gianteu, baseu on funu availability, financial neeu oi extiaoiuinaiy ciicumstances.
Families aie iequiieu to apply foi a tuition scholaiship by a given ueauline (Nay 1
) as the school anu
chuich have limiteu iesouices. Sacieu Beait Catholic School tiies to meet the financial neeus of families
applying foi a scholaiship, howevei, we aie unable to giant full scholaiships.
Families who ieceive a tuition scholaiship will be iequiieu to upholu the agieeu upon scheuule foi tuition
payments. Those who fail to upholu the payment scheuule will not be eligible foi futuie tuition scholaiship
awaius. If tuition is not paiu in full at the enu of the yeai, the family will be chaigeu the tuition scholaiship
Q=>%$"#7%#<=>(%C$)D%F>?/2')0i eailiei in this newslettei; she anu hei family aie still piocessing this
uiagnosis, anu they woulu appieciate all of youi piayeis. In the meantime, as she begins hei jouiney, a
calenuai has been set up to biing the family meals on a weekly basis. Theie will be othei neeus in the
futuie anu this infoimation will be posteu on the calenuai. To access hei peisonal 9#$"9#:"'7#$ site
please e-mail }oni Walkei; She will give you the log-on infoimation. If you woulu
like to help in anothei way, you coulu help out with a uonation of money, which will go to "Let's Bish,"
wheie meals will be piepaieu foi the family. You may senu youi money to the school office in an envelope
auuiesseu to Y='2%V#:0"$. If you aie unable to uonate money oi foou, please auu Nis. Kuchinski to youi
piayei intentions. Thanks so much. " Alone we can uo so little, togethei we can uo so much!" - Belen Kellei
Avoiu the lines at the mall...join us on Sunuay, Becembei 4th aftei the 8 AN anu 1u AN Nass to have youi pictuie taken with St.
Nicholas anuoi Santa Claus. Clix Photogiaphy will be heie uuiing coffee anu uoughnuts. Foi only $8, you will get a SX7
pictuie, anu help the school iaise money. You aie alieauy uiesseu in youi Sunuay best, so ,:"#)"%[=2'%>). (See the attacheu
We still need volunteers to make this event happen;! Please let Nancy Stranik (
know if you can help out on Dec. 4th with Santa or St Nicholas!!!
Santa: 8:45-10:15
St Nicholas: 8:45-10:15
St Nicholas: 10:45-12:15
MD% Please uo not foiget to tuin in youi P$#'7,#$"'(\5,"?2#:%&"$)='%9/$2)(;#)%9#$7 List by Weunesuay, Novembei 2Siu.
3. Food For Thought When you dine in or take out for the Entire Month of NOVEMBER Crystal PERKINS will donate 10% of
your total bill to Sacred Heart Catholic School. This is a fun, easy way to support our school. Please bring in a flier (on our website)
to ensure SHCS gets full credit for your meal.
Home and School News - Santas Workshop:
We need your HELP on Dec 9th to make Santa's Workshop a success for the students at Sacred Heart! We are
looking for 2 -3 personal shoppers to assist the children budget their money & chose gifts for all those on their
lists! We also need 2 wrappers to get the gifts ready to go under the tree! Please sign up on Dibs!!
If you have questions, please contact Kelly ( OR Sara (
THANK YOU for all of your help to make this event a wonderful experience for our students!!!
~ Home & School Committee
MNSAA-Minnesota Non-Public Schools Accreditation Assn.
Last year Sacred Heart Catholic School had our accreditation visit, that occurs every 7 years. We submitted an extensive written report
based on 8 MNSAA standards. From the information gathered, we developed a strategic plan for the next 7 years. Here is a list of
goals that Sacred Heart Catholic School has developed for the 2011-2012 school year:
! Review Discipline with Purpose (year 2) with additional training for staff
! Research peaceful playground programs for K-8
! Teach the denitions and parts of the Mass responses and proper use of worship aids including the new mass
! Research liturgy resources for teachers to use in the classroom
! Plan and implement staff in-service based on the staff IFG survey through NCEA to further develop spiritual
! Implement the IFG survey for grades 5 and 8 to assess their knowledge of the Catholic faith and use the results to
determine strengths/weaknesses of our curriculum
! Study and utilize the most current research and nat!l/state standards to develop a new template for curriculum and
begin with the math curriculum
! Revise the curriculum review cycle to best meet the needs of school curriculum
! Research standards-based report cards
! Learn to interpret additional reports for NWEA MAP testing to interpret student data
! Monitor student MAP goals throughout the year
! Research other fundraising revenue for the school budget
! Develop and implement an alumni outreach plan
! Brand our school with a tagline for marketing
! Continue supporting the installation of SMART boards.
Nov. 1S Anna Nae Zakiesk
Nov. 2u Nona Kiile
Sacieu Beait Catholic School's infoimation technology iesouices, incluuing email anu
inteinet access, aie pioviueu foi euucational puiposes. Auheience to the following policy
is necessaiy foi continueu access to the school's technological iesouices:


1. <%30%#)'"7&'0$,)%#)')+%'0$.>"#5',8',)+%$3?
0se only assigneu accounts.
Not view, use, oi copy passwoius, uata, oi netwoiks to which they aie
not authoiizeu.
Not uistiibute piivate infoimation about otheis oi themselves.

2. <%30%#)'"7&'0$,)%#)')+%'.7)%;$.)5@'">".-"1.-.)5@'"7&'3%#=$.)5',8''
' ' "--'%-%#)$,7.#'$%3,=$#%3?'
0bseive all netwoik secuiity piactices, as posteu.
Repoit secuiity iisks oi violations to a teachei oi netwoik
Not uestioy oi uamage uata, netwoiks, oi othei iesouices that uo not
belong to them, without cleai peimission of the ownei.
Conseive, piotect, anu shaie these iesouices with othei stuuents anu
Inteinet useis.

S. <%30%#)'"7&'0$,)%#)')+%'.7)%--%#)="-'0$,0%$)5',8',)+%$3?
Not infiinge copyiights (no making illegal copies of music, games, oi
Not plagiaiize.

4. <%30%#)'"7&'0$,)%#)')+%'.7)%--%#)="-'0$,0%$)5',8',)+%$3?
Communicate only in ways that aie kinu anu iespectful.
Repoit thieatening oi uiscomfoiting mateiials to a teachei.
Not intentionally access, tiansmit, copy oi cieate mateiial that is
illegal (such as obscenity, stolen mateiials, oi illegal copies of
copyiighteu woiks.)
Not intentionally access, tiansmit, copy, oi cieate mateiial that
violates the school's coue of conuuct (such as messages that aie
poinogiaphic, thieatening, iuue, uisciiminatoiy, oi meant to haiass.
Not use the iesouices to fuithei othei acts that aie ciiminal oi violate
the school's coue of conuuct.
Not senu spam, chain letteis, oi othei mass unsoliciteu mailings.
Not buy, sell, auveitise, oi otheiwise conuuct business, unless
appioveu as a school pioject.
Bepenuing on giaue level anu seveiity of the offense, possible consequences:
Nissing computei class foi a peiiou of time
Fiee time not alloweu foi this stuuent
In-school suspension
Removal fiom class
Paientteacheipiincipal confeience

Nisuse of equipment; ueletion oi violation of passwoiu-piotecteu files, computei
piogiams, uata oi system files; inappiopiiate accessing of files; unethical use of
infoimation oi violation of copyiight laws; accessing, uploauing, uownloauing, piinting oi
uistiibuting poinogiaphic, obscene, abusive oi sexually explicit mateiial; tiansmitting
obscene, abusive oi sexually explicit language; vanualizing uamaging oi uisabling the
piopeity of anothei peison oi oiganization; unauthoiizeu commeicial use oi financial gain
of the usei is piohibiteu. Impiopei use may iesult in the loss of use of equipment. If the
conuuct at issue constitutes a violation of the haiassment, iacial, sexual, ieligious oi sexual
oiientation piovision, the consequences pioviueu heieunuei will be applieu.

2-0.%*3%4%5 6,-$/*788%#$% 9%("#.*788%#$% :;,-.*788%#$%
uiaues K-8 * 1 uay suspension 2-S uay suspension

*Inuicates uisciplinaiy action assigneu by the builuing auministiation


School anu netwoik auministiatois anu theii authoiizeu employees monitoi the use of
infoimation technology iesouices to help ensuie that uses aie secuie anu in confoimity
with this policy. Auministiatois ieseive the iight to examine, use, anu uisclose any uata
founu on the school's infoimation netwoiks in oiuei to fuithei the health, safety, uiscipline,
oi secuiity of any stuuent oi othei peison, oi to piotect piopeity. They may also use this
infoimation in uisciplinaiy actions, anu will fuinish eviuence of ciime to law enfoicement.


______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Stuuent Bate

______________________________________________________________ __________________________________________
Paientuuaiuian Bate


Sunday, December 4th
Join us in the Gym
after 8 AM & 10 AM Mass!

Friends Fellowship
Coffee Doughnuts St. Nicholas Santa
5x7 photos By CL!X - perfect for the holidays!

One 5X7 Santa or St. Nicholas photo $8.00
Two 5X7s with each Santa and St. Nicholas $12.00
Any reprint 5X7 $5.00
(Personal cameras will not be allowed)

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