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\ UNET-L O UNTA Ts Tntuoducion Te Doralose Design . Sntwoduetion To Dorarowe Design ~ Daka, Doro congditubes al) Bre avffenent Valuox Comecked OMny Whe VOS\oud obsecka| entitihy that ANE Concedin with Ahem. Doroloage: Dakobare WW made of twW0 Sepanake WME Boks and Gar. Dpkaieabe- Waroase. of doka ic. an assembled. Qhoup oF doko. ) A dakdloaxe IS on ganiseds Collection of Lenilore doko, Si\ore youn. Hefeds “oo Collection OF dake, kich tk Stoued Wabed on Some. 3 ~ ping Employer Aokaoake Conkaint Sieilase : Boke fox ah emplgyerds + eveny coplogce’s > exkay Lonkains enior “Ape F infonmakion d eoned, go AXrw Mors Ve ayorlolols -ko “any - - wer fase different, PomPose. | : A dakoboke HeptiedentA some arpect of ~ Hed Wold ,Comedimea Called tne minidoWd of ; Re Universe of Dstwowre (Vos), . Dakoloase is Logicotty Cone heotc Csveckiay OF doka WH Lome, \nkesont, meaning. JF Dakdleade Monagomen’s Sytem (Dens): pets fa fe Compe uxeiizs Use nok enobler vACHA. ts z Crienke And moinwin® dokobare.. L aes wa Qenenai- POHpace, glo Speen Mnar Fadilixata Lhe PHocesser of dehnin, Commorcding. -manpulsing ond Shaving’ dakabac ) Among vasioud Used +4 OPP\ICodsond | .) Defining aq dakaloare. nvolvear Specifying the. dokotyped, STHLCLHA And CortHainty of the | oxo xo be StoMmed, in the dokode. a ig defindion oF DeremPuve info, Ge oa, he DAMS in the | foam of ge dardooe qptaleg, 0% dichionnny ” Brak a Catleds mea BOK Apevicakion PrHOAHKAM accesses the gokaloas, by Sending, Bvemied oH qregueia FOR GORY AO Boe DEE. € ‘ wow © ( Q cagnan > aOR 0 oo qerokionsnip 1? me, Aokolsase in ME fom of yigvad ge puBnt- 4 akon, TX SO qarapries que pwned on of Logged madosionne oF roan zx gross Hor , Yagiows enor ame Kd& as THorg aduad_ Ok Moukes: Wed< eon hive. mate “S han one VOL, : Be Prone-no, emai ~AAAHELL . ° & key OkKAiguIEEN 3 FOY akxcHouke WW Undue Gnasrackedtigic: Of Ahe POY Tre adontonckes as h oe . sere paces entity Be — Rol-nv. Now Value 2 RTn some coded, PAMSeIOE ony may ast Wve an applicaidi= Value. £05 An one fon examae Reastemer— Ao, akSilouts nm AdANESS Ves Only ks 4 been Soave tonnggs Ringers : crdne CAPS of nosdences, Sudh OK ging le. Loyenisy homed, FO Sodn situations Spchial § Xx a) \ Trnesivcance 9 TP Ws Me PHAESS of cotans® —_—— ‘ ” anes case Cals dd dcmived Dass from & ADASS ON Exisring dass, De A\ows Ane \oos< Dreams of Lode “ypes_ot Trherrance vy Snge Wohesicance, [Derived dasel : jy TOS lee heseance Bore. AAS \.- Derived class _| Detived. Dass 2 YWyexid Loberitrance. [Sas 8 [ola cl aassD S) Wye Tdveriiconce, Cohong Weds DASseax \rw & Boge QS . .f¢ aT A PRESS OF MMaiemising Ae AcE pdrseed entities lok deo ying Comme Fk fewer \ookkxom —4p apenoach. 2s Wace Jeon ; (esl Css Qpecia\izexiod Sak ih a prose AF A&iog Lpeciovized Subs dassr Laon Wwe Qupes Class, Yoox WO PHOS maxing ne Avfedancer pascun Subdases &) 4 dedeaF yoy. Dre Udo, DrOMacEWSSS of ® Deqnes of Re\akionSnp, Deane OF @ HelakionSP tepe Whe MW. Of | Ww ' \ c e AIAPORNG erry, ape, S. A\wo Kacey od Comdinalky | TX er ee Pagdici PaENG, eANed in a UelakiowAhip, “7 Gna, elakorsip. Ar Tasman Kelakiowhip | Saesassixk f ; a > 7 Quodesic Helodionnhip . — | > . —F WOOK GUelakiondhip f : y fegron [7 Hasnied e To : & Ss ® a 5 fessosve Relabionbip 0 A quedakions ie plo too end db OF Sterile ertiey Saye. Ww Coed) Hecunsive Hrdlakionslp , Heme Same easra RyPe Padteipaies mone. hag once. in @ HAKOMSKP *AWYPe ith aL differant Stole. FOX 2dch WwecOnce. Tr Chet coopds, A Halokionsnip hos alroya oean bho OewwHENteh in tice diffewank ext S, Modevede Ye We possidle. FOH he came, entay : aw paruseipace Ww MMe Heddkionsho Thi in teamed a Hara Hootomwnp | . S81 Suppre We Wome employee XalWe, A. manger Supemvicad Ov Qubomdinake. Evew, employes. Ran eq have. a qupenvisore except whe CEO and shed Can be ok mods one bers fo ends employer one emplarge moy be the bow of mow ey Xhan ome “emplesce, Lets Suppare. thatk Repomty To WW Heawwve Helariomip on the Emacs Ext Aype nex each employee Ady trso Moled: yy ¢ Sipedivicate ; - © Sebo dinake - Supemvisegs And Subojdinake AML Calle dL a Role Names, Re ' RABUONNIP ConkHai na J Casdiwalitey Rakio Pax cinriod AN me, iW Casrdinolity Ratios Hagen lonsksdinty 9 2 Anoltn, KASOS oF | : STO) 2 TX specifia che maximem no of Hdabomhip | 7, Wnarances AOE On Erb Can PAtKeiPAKe in. : RE EXPHESS We Ho. Of |NtBWeA WD ro Ono mete enthy Can be accocdiaked Vi a HaddkionNnp cot y Ove--ko- one + Ay emery i ALA AX~ociaked cows atmock one entity in &, And an ensdty in Q W asscclakedd woth okmosk one embty in Q, J A 6 See a ' Mode OM a OC RN No 4 ‘of — & ‘ “ D One-Ao-many + An o end. 3 7 : AS-mMany ; Nin Aj i With ANY No. Of emus in ®&, fy ene nn : ‘ . : a il be asseciakeds cot OEMOSE One Shitty in Dre Remsen Phenc-so i : a 2 Any ko One; An enby in A ta AW Ciated ) wrdn O& Mo One ers in & Ay endity in Can be Asso Gakeds Loith anu no ming OF en | A & Son een r_| ET, bar. a : pkity io A OASsocate SU) _ao- Nagy + Ao 4 “ y Maas mo EF ertckies in & , And On eo a pane caked wrh ANY No. of entitin w \ \o A, Boe Comsine du Bank, Aetountc =z rae Paseicipakion Conikhatnts - Vocal paricigation: Eady endty ie iovemad tin hy Nokionhio, T& Ww Hepyasenked by asa Wak aS Called exittence dapendency 3) Pagecia\ pasdicipakions nck AN EAA Ore. Invoued. WW Me gelation Tr Ww Qupmarented by Single, Gned.- ‘ remy, vdatt Wax entistied” in Oo Corns Lae a Lowne Bech EC fo AWich not a Bure: ee enemies. eran Sin ghs- sky = dedstyy parodies? . 4 =e Vos 2S seareng, and weok erty and i, qe prabercedy DL oud le diarnends Sgn Os [Licenell Tdenrvifyng HelobSawp cam Shen PHimany Koy oF Pomenc end WA incldeds 9 Paimany kA of she ANS err, Neocon fo}. ER Tiago. TY Bray coh eit OS Kelotionwp Pax men] QS Tdethyrg Rdodionip Cc) Rec Mioute -Ain ) } Gas) Gap “Gap @ 8 Betiradialsncer Cig a wosad, Ode Hine keys ‘ A rans key WS ON OBsilouke Om Sek of an . kk bute ich heleg, You -bo Wdemify QD Yous ina. doen, Hey altos You "ay fad The helaklon bh AWS toblas k he\p You Ugusly ideas a MPS Wn O KOE Ly ge Combination SrA & | NACHE achumnd ‘fn Sot cal\e, 7 ks - Y ee wk Be oh ane —Y Supete Kay. aan INO Qos OF Seat oo, we Nauteiphe. Raye 3 ‘ely Seat Moo, in O ble | IS A Super Key mar wd dr onal Okoker, : Bee Ge ee necked, aS Y 4 Laped ki HK Unido \denriFicad on, Mk INO Superser of Prirpany Key. We. Sa perikag Coneainks OSE Of Od ouker, : includ Paienoory Kuk, dhich can Omtualy oe ae Saka AOS wy A Nola 4 5 wy Eenp- San \ Eugene. Eme-nawe Lamps ee ees B Gmp- Mey L Gp. ne, Gp name 3 ae L Emp-swd , Emp names Se) . y Povenany, “47 \ Clon OK Qtoup F Colom ay Aly WO Lobe LOW Yelen WS to Onsduals ideskifien eet RO in Wak table Ww Yy ; : Pasco: m bey, Cw t Caved ae “ sos “x Qop Ds, ore oye aw 7 oe pee inere Trove, “a ' Rol\-Ais 4 PHim ONY Ving ATPK i Sch From ae of Con Xi date, kay by dma oR yp DG AexiQo ay | — Wy ; WW : Y CooSsdate iy 4 The Candidate. Keys in a¢ a4 ane deRaeds AX Me Sk of” & x) w Mohn ‘ And Cay Lardusly ders ony Boke Hos (4 By Z Kotte y minimal SPH Kae velth no qu dundont: ody bal x TRait-no., gia » Lemp ssa Spel Gencd , minoom Sik V Emp ne oe Ont SC Gon be Con Mdare Ox alt othky Sky SOK Worry apn dens, axes ek rok Ona nde cscs 025 fi, iz NDAD idan colton dea) ot vy, Nrceainote Kel 5 “RW are RRS hak: age nde SP any, Ku One Caled an MrteInoke Key, TEI , Arketnake kap LOWdh la Casrentiy Ast She Patenany Kuy vy Crdldoke wa Bee oe Lf cnuacd - Le Okc, eee Pk. y2 sy Bement + a Wd 7 Semposite kar EF any Single okkatouke of a \4 Xoble ib mst Copalole. of loving she Ry be ae qe Conde Senrify Oo Hoo ONY ren Ge Lomging 1 ROO OH More Odktdonted tS Form a TWA A Caltsd Compose key “A m LAM Dep, “A 0 Foren bey Ee one ’ C Cdoumna 4 P [ As Dolls hok pod Ao PR Once tua ~ Ass be Uschi. Cae es bole) cl. ° 2 An, weHrAde Vil oF eho \ ; —7 ~oble, S £ ° Ls v 1 . vas ) Seton dant ky? Ons, ee we Canddoke WW eleckeds OF re Pen i, ‘ee iv of Dee eae aed eae ANE DAKE M4 > Foreign ky 7 TA Won akkatiloute value in a colle rhrok Acs ON Primary k lo Anche “cole Tr & Ub in Natio Agar tLOe Acobles. TF Bak Wonck in PHIM Koy we Conno Pu Aoka Wa Aoneigo Loe V4 Bro ola mY | ct Hefemanads OM Paene -K¢ a 2 _ Ce DrAaQKa ¥ < Examaes sf ER Diaggam “SIS x x a . Us Qeath Utogg 6D ER coggars one ase et (antme si y v@ Te IN AWighdewe\ AGED mode AG WLotfohaty) Whe exxermiant 3 We OM! Koa\ ER model, BE Tncluded al’ Se wo deNing Concepts & the ER modded Qnd Whe Concepts of | FWIAhenAnce AT Spe azaiscy 7 Grmcnatizokon F Laddcen F Bobo chace ~7 Gupe% class caf Gales = Aganegases Suoaasy 7 The Suodae Wa class Bak derives Paron Andes Aass, A sodas Wherra ekake avd. maviows Lom a of WS AncesOUd : [GABE Spaces [Ge (Rz0\77 Soy Cass; Supe Dass? A Supendass ba we Dass Ffarcrs Lokdh many Svbchaseen Can be CHeoked. The Sup dase wharita he feomuiers of Bapetidase, De Walko Called Parent class ok babe cass, Lvarde |— Supeselace Sub clare +0. Exthanceds Britcy — Reaborship_ mode) (Eee ff / EER moded ih ako Coed exxcnded ER Moda \ Ze A i” WN cqasializobion_Laision -7 FX vob Comme oii * Y Brak & quiodas> Can oe @ SAloo\ass oF map : nan one ass ehadas Hdatonip. Te Ww mre wnercance In Lakuce the . Qubolasy Whenved Ane 2kcwouA not sAy of KN ge Aimed Supendass jlouk AML ary of Ame PHedece Seog SUM Clashes ON Khe Way XO the Hook Home Ban one Pannen s dnd Sin Qe ohn d. / a fm bg “7 Pnedicake —deK : ee ee m4 a dy he enkicia Brat cod Lone mombenh cad subclass by plating a Condision 00 We valua of some owe te Bre Guper@ARs. Cuch Suboclasad Ave Called pmedionke defined, O% Condition defined Quo cae . 4 Drxeaouke dened 1 LF ay Spewavzoxios Vou nude membemwe Candis 09 \ Ae Same odkqiouke of Ane gupendass , Ke. 2 a . \ fe Ow OKe- defined (RB pedia\iz kon wpe & Co dO P ew petial OA Ip obdaioute We Cold. dakiiog ‘ Gherauke: tne, Ret Method a der defined 2 nen We as ase Wows oO Foy dckenminin menbetamie WW @ ne Subdas iW Old Uder defined, gubolasseas wy Conarcion }‘ Sulocloss , | Loreal paadicipazion’ Total Spdo\tzokion y Conca Sache Choke ee ensry WO he QuypenDess wus be @ Memloedse EF akleort one gaodiase 10 Xe Speializorion .” cm rf een arrProe® pout be etheste AN Hour -emplogee : Ow O Qalawed=exPloyes WOO Aer Specalzation i \" 7 ) ‘ ¢ @ LWowly- CONE? golamiede- employes 4 Woo “Aye = af eon Ca era Wa ls Sheed Singles bine Axo Connect Ye. = +s aAhe Cindke- < Toro) -y Rawal spetialzoxion | fh Singhs. Une iW used Aispray, A PAUK A LPevaliz ASO » okith Allows ag © oe F Me Suocassd- € some emPyee eria do nor belong ae = Anu, of re Subolassed J Secmecany, Engine, wren Nak sPecia\izakion bh Paste‘a\ TVedanician | Compile 2 ete cu rp) es Loose nguct s ral Pankia\ é ovealoprr-4 > 4 Dsysisk HF an erry Faron Supe® cd Can be « necked Lean cceud in moiple Subclass seta, anes % Over appeds Sub-cla ssing. L fom exarnpit O& wdaentt fF Phd Van als be > ane Foc Wo node CONE. ql St bp ww ‘s Te op pan ed ‘oy © : ee : AVAder 1 TF an ery, Sor BupeW-Lekt Cannas > be nadared in mvbigie Selo-Das sca Aken oy \ Ws Xisoite- ¥ Ag exry Can’ Yo A yee A MEMbdS OF Akg, OF Mme adlbdasecd of whe cee eiemae ore, ed : « ud i U\ Te iw Heprarented vy @ KH Dsksintness And eR prerness Constanta, Ame ndependa wt. Hence vse Ware nao fortowng Sour Possiole. Conscnaiica } Dishes, Astal Ss Teodeonk| a 09 SPecaltzakics Ones *7 Renern den, > loce O%H Sub ology HAO alin OW FORK Oy ar CO GOneKe can SMPANY . Lub -cla : QB Pe Unlan of Ann Company; Bank and PeMASK | ee 3 ee UROL On be PeHSon | SS DBNe5. A &.. Oboe Goon ( act) EER Baagorr OF Univerutixy doxkoloay a ) ’ Kovwratization W he Procegg OF Ghee cin ™ Ee dakabare. Tk is Used to wring “he dota, wn — fron O MHelokON Of Cd of ad Te isaho bred +9 eliminoke the anomates Tk Was Proposed by Codd MATA taku a elation Qdhema, Brseough a. Seid of tata to Ceaiy nddnene 4 ae \ Ye Soka G2 cenckal . AE proceeds in top-down approady, “SOO tm, > B TE iN process of Analyging. the Quon elation > Sdhemod bared On Aho Fd, and. nia k my Aw adhe Nhe detable Propeddias of ont ae ; S Gedondancy. nde wishenizing Ae wacsdion deletion And update ANomalied , ; Notnol Kyme se Heese ko Ahe Hghutt Acta 2 fown tendon Bnak “R meh and Wee wdieans 12 Ahe depee +0 rich te Vox bean notmalized Denctienadizoson? Whe procese F desing the A ce. oe Habe Nowa fowmn jrelotiows Qh o lore. Qrelokion —OWidh WW in Lowe mohmal fom w econ) OS Aenokmaizoxion, . L Prine, aouket pacotlouke DNch aesetf ia kup oe PAE OF ray pane oxkwlouke | Akkrlbuie Nd A Mot ap Neo PUEDES T bey nd RSF nok ake Poses Ong re al Ikey meet OGG Poe Nexmal_ Foun Cowl Notimal Fopm (INE) J Values Whe domain of cad odkstloue of the. grdokion Oe. * GkOMe’ OF INdvible. AVAk Feollod murx-vabad ackplouked, Composite. Odo Onde AREAL Combinations. peeer Dvenboed [Dmgr-sn [Deloc dor ] Reacaveh| © BE Dei, Noid ain 4 AAS J Hasidoar Headguan \ NOt Node Not Wo INE becdube Delceaklon’ Can be Lomhee dvided & Downey £ Dwet—ssn Comnsic “be GM coy AOS KE Ved Qepmsted VA ds La NUMbete fOmar-sy [Delocodona |] 7 Mets. E \facuss - fe DaWi [Dron | a . 4% Noida Belvo’ Oy, ays Momidoo% [OL Cumpoyre Mead@vor) Yast Nido. Pamoony | : \ “| , |" Roo Awe KOKO Ain ye, 9 ance MY | fart wed tay eesgny a a : \ Fos (2NE 4s fond Nownnal : Vd. Oe in IE, 7 ane header grad hemmad, We. KO ) ° Pare & rhe Sse Movi\d be funcion™ly. of we mden 00 ety one Paws of Qoncabenake painats, SA oo y FA GHMHO Qcdhem a Ri iw ane oxxdilouke Ain Ria 4 fundionally PA MOAMY wy o& R. peooube pook by) y (partial dependans YY Qe © coumemen address [Quan Jude Price] £ every nophine dependent on she Oude | Panducs > \yeoude NeVe Candida eu w dc. lou Cudttomete and addhesy . de pred ik Oa oe alt ao, he. potesc\ Jopendarey, A+ Shera panded kay Ro vals FREE ; ge vow Hames Krem i eutoor Pande Junk oie] | oN dapen Rebaune ; depends on TONES F YW QAF we Alot —I Vales, SF BN Odbe buts Galewemern ras] ows NOt Nan aord find Vue. of Be Bi tS O°) Wind Normal Form (NF) y Rdokion hod be ia ANFA NS NON PHD. Yds N ALLMouted Functionally dependents oF ckhe® NSN Prine. LAR Makes, : > RAaHON Win Ae If no akeMloukeds oF the. ae x Mord be tHanwitively fonctonally, ne ae the pak Ki ies OP PAA O94 A paw daterne ol : oe < ‘e wey ark Lan mon- pn i Bowe 2 Gans pains, Ger no Tron ti oe & ae iano, dang oath om 7 No non Bolne “fetes. tna ependd oA eady OdHeIE, | § Primagy by o% Ae “ASO NON-KY oe of kale, & | ae pe pct (A | B/c 7 : non Prime Gddxtoube dukerenrn.o Wema A7G Ya, 000 Patera cde Bbuke. BID» = Af woop Loe ASIN) BEE] Bao atc (RE make & Od PRIMA ' | J) hove te woke jt Foveign “a 2 “Blea eh eo Relodton ts INE gut nc ee exsts, ISSN [Peel oa = Sy, Cp” key : a . a i TWA Con be MEUM ALZEd Upto aren \ Only \ 2NF become, rast é y fhe cg { er eo ONN OMY tne YQ, ~~ e . ray), ee can && nowmorzedd. Q belo \e- 9 sy = 5 = > > ~ JEname| Sr [badats} Address [Dnowoes orone mae] ayy FD, < > 'e y Rdadion US in INE ecause al the values OSAa. Okome. 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Le PHC ee Ada nsdiasy dependents 0% PYmaty Keys ra Noo to NF. ” ‘ WON e Caaoe- Codd Nowenad Foo) ; ww Nore Pate 19 ONG oe ake Cow.desting he COdhe Ahok PHme akkaiioke US Fadia: ran And Alto Wa BNE wee GRE Cs ae ; Non -phine Ok ioe ws fading NeaS prime OkeGilouke- 5 ge One ONE pet When AWehe- i - Grding eve akexior se ory ne akkedouts. 789 od ahs, goine| ae edie 7 Patene— Bene Soy Or Tata Cake we fosslde ody € Bh Park A c Q of ts Qo SUP m8 ae & 6 ; nin Oe wares O non-3iwa\ Fuackiaoal Aependvry XA Wadd 19 R, Ben _% id Sopem ley FR @ TXB crended form of HE, On ae in gexere FOUM SF BNE, — Even, Magton in Gene Ws ds in BNE, MOD cr0e de Nel H99 16. SNF A Ack-neessarily Tn QE prime — Non PaXme (rook al dxpendarny) neon prime 7 Mon prime THOSE 2p) a cake Ano we, awe ane help of c we wd mon Pp Oo! PNK Yo e Bue: QF @eeeoedce Vis ee \ & @ o Comey INOW | oS Noone’ cae Po abcines B echitbe- Ron prime OME "ond. Lounkay name | IN prime cee te : Means pyeo —r Counkiy - aan S paime. . non- PRM TT ve wm Bene AME Shovidd be Super key Pererestaen | [aves fos | ames Jeena - LF ] weer reo BRE (EY) GY) s) Fourth Noumal Foon (Une) : Fourth fekimal Forum (UNE) Mowvaluads depen dary > hen wHRB and, a AG ama In delakon And born Aha 1) depen dad. LAA woe | PERS e TE Ab Ate indapndast and berth dupnda on Qe when eA mv Vewaluad dependarty w -¥ Re\akON Mod be in GENE, - \okion goo 7 > manent me Nod Lackictn any, mois—valhad eg Re\akion WS nok jin UNE toccOuke- AB ava. odependart On do WAG w\A wb Lath LIB Noo W Ye y Be {Eases fname | Daame d Y Switch 3 an een | aren Somtdy 3 ieee Bron 2 = Bran a Sen Bron S yo Gyan Z ; RRody ° a Aroon (3 sm Boon 4 aay Bmoon 2 Sean AHo By wo Joan Brown % oon Woo, [4 Bb ®roon eo Z Roly : &b i MY ER Nottm al FORM — OF Pore, Doin , Norimal Forum CP SHA) J Redakion Shovid be in UNF, + Reloxion Shovld nce have ON Bein Aepend- MU And Serine Shoda oe lossteas , : ‘low ess means Wat alegu delLompogiien And - Bren Again soining no FD Showld [gee and J Wo tuple Of akxadouke Shoold loss 7 Seiniog. Coise in Ary Op dcde, SSe Lee Bete be a gedlakion R Nod wor Prickett of, detompose % & Ry & Da _ 3 | St | ae Pte | See | st] Pac x Bolu PL faye | Si | p\ > SM Q\ | Pa 3) S\ | Pa SV] Se Pl 3) | P) _t

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