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00 0 P-2701-R Second Year B. Com. (Sem. - IV) Examination March/April - 2014 Statistics - V Time: Hours] [Total Marks : 70 Ba: (a) Wa caine g Garand Gad Sneed wa mae ama, Fillup ctletly the detalle of g- signs on your ancwer book. Name ofthe Examination ‘+[Second Year B. Com. (Sem. - IV) Nae ofthe Subject: [Statistics - V ‘Stents Signature e-swpaceane {2 ] 7] o] a] =senee (2) well ouget >is wae yet yer eald B, (3) endmval aA aimada dred Pridl seal amanii oud. (e) aig Besyder aud asia. a An made Sori var 2. 4 (a) avlsa ucla deci use ot Gorse aba wad. (2) 11 ate ati 36% Msrieiatt Pred Wz wre aici 47.4 eae aA wid wR. 7.64 we Mig Us, dl UNPeri aera avid 95% Baada wud ede. (3) 3, 4, 6, 7 MA 10-2 Gwdr sf var A wel nad Aad. (x) As reels Devt (0, 5, 0), WZ Ap’ = 10%; Ha ad akiysdar Razed Guier sil adighael aouae aed, (uy) alg Read alerunt deol Geutesd AMA amd. P-2701) 1 [Contd... 2 Aa AT vet rerun var avd. ay (a & qahreriiu wuld Raced astadd aelsct uae vied. 10 wae 200 ara Germet, AA vie Gue WA AA aerat aati 2B. A 1075 ama AA iad wa a ued aiiliia 8? (5% avlsarll seu uae sa.) As adel 300 wuADA ysai 100 wud auadu HrIadt gal. red ora uderi_ 500 sueeedaiel 120 stead Quay Haact ‘Sat O17 DAL AUN HHL Gd wae ary ovell asia? / 5% wes sai Veet $2. (w) (y « z (a P-2701) 6400 ARs Gaia oat ater Breaky Wes 67.85" aA MR, 2.56" 8. Ut 1600 BM Causal arar eer Redd 44s 68.55" aw. R252" 8. at Rad) uae wierd wARsed seb Glan B V4 sel aise 219% anelsgatell see udlane 52. uRset 2d gd 2 aden usd anand. qstiets 12 Ped wiles Aza gf 2 A 92 Creel wus! aaae délded awelsat uae wind. maat As wut WHHL 10 ser As Med Aarti ued B.A wraidd ara 400 da HA wedidiar avid aad’ 17000 84 dl WARS HLS 42 B 3 lS a asiall. ari wars Hz 99% Rada ubuel add. 2 [Contd,.. (4) Pte Deu (2,000, 100; 50, 1, 3) arma A well wu — © p'=3%, da cdl au aw 12 AOQ, ASN 2A ATI Bad ad. maal (4) fared Destin ered vend. Wet (1000, 100, 3) Xz & ATI as da. weft AS var aera var 2d. ay (4) yal anmd : AOQ aA ATT (2) as Great det (1000, 100, 3) WZ M AQL = 0.015 2A LTPD = 0.06 dH cl Gates AMA WA dies WA al. (3) Bara as Ra de avd. (x) daett (1000, 40, 60, 0, 3) Hi p' = 2% 24 ald AOQe Bad And. (4) eset (600, 50, 1) 42 ASN, ATI mA AOQdl Bra ald, ai p' = 2% B. (mi) As Beedle Getermiell vee Ld len 600 Ase As 3 Predti ays As wefan aig vse. asec Garei wielunie a2 95% Rada Uaiel 0.044 A 0.076 Bd Redai weftoeus 2A wefan asl den eh, AAsviel AT ve A aid : 12 (4) fA audel uf veel ash ausie adlgbs O ? (4 N = 100, ¥ fax = 50, ¥ fa?x = 1967.2, Lfbx = 2925.8 Wy fade = 86650.2:2 ive A wirdidd AT waa ae ail Baar eala P-2701) 3 [Conta... (2) MA salda Rarer we Rig ‘sel arama wat ar said Aad. Gurid Barer Bra eel. MTS 2607 8 | 9 10 Ad of - 29. Begs: 20-85 1 (3) war an atdl wud 2d62 1.5, 17, -30 2A 108 8, aL Rarer 42 we aur Sella ward ald. al BAA B, uae aed, ENGLISH VERSION Instructions : (1) As per the instruction no. 1 of page no. 1. (2) Figures to the right indicate full marks of the questions. (8) Graph papers and statistical tables would be supplied on request. (4) Simple calculator can be used. 1 Answer the following questions in short : 10 7 Explain type II error with illustration with reference to test of significance. (2 The average weight is 47.4 pound for a sample of 361 students of age 11 years, and s.d. of that population is 7.64 pound. Find the 95% confidence limits of the average of the population. <2y Obtain first two raw moments using the digits 3,4,6,7 and 10. : P-2701]) 4 [Contd... 2 oy For the single sampling plan (50, 5, 0), if p' = 10%;then find the probability of acceptance using Hypergeometric distribution. SS Explain the term producer's risk with reference to acceptance sampling plan. Answer any three from the following : 15 (1) Explain the test of significance of the difference between the standard deviations of two large samples. By tossing 10 dice 200 times; getting even number on the upper side is considered as success. If we get even number 1075 times, can we say that dice are unbiased ?/Test_ at 5% level of significance. (3) Af the survey of 300 persons in a city, 100 persons were possessed tap-top. While in another city, 120 persons were possessed laptop from 500 persons. Can it be said that the proportion of possessing laptop in two cities is equal ? Test at 5% level of signifience. (47 The mean and s.d. areixgepectively 67.85" and\2. 6" of a sample of height of 6400 Americans, while the mean and s.d. are respectively 68.55" and 2.52" of a sample of the heights of 1600 Australians. From this data, can we say that the Australians are taller than the Americans ? Test at 1% level of significance. (5) What is hypothesis ? Explain different types of hypothesis. (a) What is the large sample test for attributes ? Explain, 6 how will you test the significance of the difference of proportions of two large samples ? OR P-2701) 5 [Contd.. hy Whatainy of size’ 10 is drawn froma normal 6 ) population. If the sum of the observations is 400 and sum of squares of the observations’ is 17000. Test whether the population mean is 42 or not. Also obtain 99% confidence limits for population mean. Explain Double Sampling Plan (2,000, 100, 50, 1, 3), 9 If the proportion defective p'=3%, then find the value of AOQ, ASN and ATI for that plan. OR OY State the advantages of Double Sampling Plans. Draw 9 ATI curve for the plan (1000, 100, 3). 4 Answer any three from the following’: 15 @ @ @) @ P-2701) Explain the terms : AOQ and ATI. For a single sampling plan (1000, 100, 3)if AQL= 0.015 and LTPD = 0.06; then find the value’ of producer's risk and consumer's risk. Write a note on O.C. Curve. Obtain the value of AOQ for the plan (1000, 40, 60, 0, 3) if p' = 2%. Obtain the value of AOQ, ASN and ATI for the plan (500, 50, 1) where p' = 2%. Some units are found defective in a sample of 600 3 units randomly drawn from the production of a factory. The 95% confidence limits of proportion defective in the production are 0.044 to 0.076. Then find the sample proportion of defectives and total number of defectives. i 6 [Contd... (b) Calculate any two from the following : @ @) + P-2701) From the following data, can it be said that the curve is platykurtic ? N = 100, D far = 50, y fa?x = 1967.2, Sfa’x = 2925.8 and fax = 86650.2 where dx is the deviations of observations from a constant number ‘a’, From the following data obtain first four moments about point '8'. Also find the value of the variances. a5 6,7 58.9) 10 11 fo 2 BE a5: 20°38 ~1 First four raw moments are 1.5, 17, -30 and 108 respectively. Find first four central moments for this distribution. Also find B, and B).

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