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? M0 008 0 P-2689-90 Second, Year, B..Com, (Sem. IV) Examination April/May - 2014 Foundation Course in English P-2689.:\ Language Through Literature P-2690 : Written & Spoken Communication Time : 3 Hours] [Total Marks : 70 P-2689 : Language Through Literature Instruction : q@) SeatNo.: Wa vate ge Raw Fillup stiely the det Name of the Examination S. Y. B. COM. (SEM. 4) Name of the Subject: ‘| Found. Course in Eng. - Language Through Literature ia Ra Grad we wate awa. ‘of signs on your answer book PRESS esieacoioto [2 JL ale] e secon. 2.04 Stucents Signature (2) Figures to the right indicate, full marks. (3) Indicate your option clearly. 1 @)_ Discuss the views of Robert Frost in the poem 15 Mending Wall. OR (b).. What. is. the miserable state of the old man as 15 desoribed inthe poem Father Returning Home ? 2 Answer any three of the following : 15 (@, What does, the young, man do 2 What is the old man's occupation. now in, the poem The lamentation of the Old pensioner. P-2689-90] 1 [Contd.... Gi). Gil) Gy) wv) ) ) What is the effect achieved by the repetition of the line "Most friendship, is Feigning, most loving mere folly"? What is the things that nae would ie his son’ to learn about men 2 What do you learn about the neighbor from the poem Mending Wall ? Write a character sketch of the girl based on the poem ‘To Mother. Assume that you were travelling to vadodara by 10 train. Your luggage was stolen on the way. Narrate the incident to your friend through a letter. ‘OR Describe your visit to an old age home. Write a dialogue between a father and a daughter 10 arguing on the dress Code of the daughter. OR Write a letter to your mother narrating how and why 10 you could not score good marks in your college exam. Make notes of the following passage : 10 Newspapers) especially of the popular variety, aim to do two things : to inform and to Entertain. Entertainment may be principally found in the centre pages of the newspapers, in some of the feature articles and in some local news stories. The principal aim of the short news report on the fidnt pages is to inform. P-2689-90) 2 {Contd.... P-2689-9)) a (d€ontd.. Most’ tléWspapers ‘are ‘published’ daily, and ‘news’ reporters’ must miaké' Sure’ ‘that ‘they’ have’ up-to'the- minute news. In their news reports they will aim to create a sense of immediacy, to Buvey ‘the impression that they have ‘rushed’ the news to the reader and ‘that “the information’ contained i the very" Tatest! Reporters also wish to cieate a sense of authenticity, that is) that their news is accurate and gonine. They Thay thus refer td their souioes; to’ the-spokesmen>who informed them , perhaps quoting their very words, to ze show ‘that what as been Ls ta is = the ‘real’ news. sit nat reporters appear to be in a hurry to find out and then retell their facts so to the readers of the daily Newspapers are often j in a huny. trying to read as-much:af, thé, news:ae possible before rushing, off to work. This i is veniehe what dictates ae ery common hoauae for news Feports ‘According ‘0 this format, the sidgush aft dy oy first paragraph or two of pthe news report contains most of the main points of the story, i in condensed or summary following paragraphs go over all the main points ‘again, but this time adding more details. Thus the reader who is in a hurry can get the main idea of the story by reading just’ the initial paragraphs. The editor of the paper also ‘benefits from the format, for if he or she runs out of thé space in’ the Papet, some of the la last parapraphs of the story can be deleted without samagh arm. sr 6 b) Summarize’ the passage below : Of all. the amusements which can possible be imagined for a hardworking man, after his daily toil, there is nothing like reading an entertaining book. It calls for not bodily exertion, of which he has had enough. It relives his home of its dullness. It transports him to a livelier. and more, interesting scene, and. while he enjoys, himself; there, he may forget, the. evils..of the present moment. Way, it accompanies him to, his next day's work andif the book/he has been reading be anything above the very idlest and lightest, it gives him something to think about, besides the drudgery of his everyday occupation. If I were to pray for'the taste which ‘should “stand’mé ingood steadunder’ every variety of circumstances ‘and’ be a source of happiness’ and cheerfulness through life it would be a taste for reading. Give a man this taste and the means of gratifying it, you can hardly fail to make 4 man happy unless indeed you put into his hands ‘a most perverse selection of books. Do as directed : @ Write the American English of the following: (a) Catalog (b) Argument Gi) —______ battle is often termed uprising. (Use a, an or the to complete this, Sentence). 10 10 P-2689-90] 4 (Contd... (ii) As cool as___——( Complete the simile ). (iv) He is not used____" to this timings ad needs some time to settle Mri inthe blank with correct preposition) () +224 amiong these is a thief ?. (Fill-in the using that, whom, who or Which). Gv) _How_______more works do you have to complete. (Fill in the blank with much or many). (vii) There are_____things as pleasant as spending time with your family. (complete the sentence using few or a few) (viii) Write the prefix un‘ or in. (@) Fortunate (b) likely (ix) To catch someone's eye means______(write the meaning of this idiom). (x) Write the modern day equivalent of ‘Halt’, P-2689-90] _ 5 [Contd.... P-2690 : Written & Spoken Communication Ff Instruction : 95 ¢ Q) 4 -f io Fa eae ge Hadad Gal Gna ue wate aa citi a Fillup sttly the detalie of g- signe on your answer book, Name of the Examination. 5 [2] [s-| = S.Y. B. COM. (SEM. 4) Name of he Subjec: Found, Course in Eng, - Written & Spoken Commu. Subject CodeNo.| 2 [¢ [2 [Lo] esetenne.2- 2 (2) Figures to the right indicate marks. (8) Indicate clearly the options you attempt. & oR (b) Bring out the humour in the poem "Goodbye Party 15. for. Miss Pushpa 7.8." 2 AsbweirigGmany three of the following @ What is, the goal.of life according to, the, poet, H.W. Longfellow ? ‘ Gi) How is the human view, widened ? (iii) What is the power that money has over of Re Gv) Why-does the poet refer to Helen of Trot ? (¥) In what way is a good woman like a tree ? P-2689-90] 6 in the poem "The: Phenomenal: Woman’: 2 ‘Student's Signature (a) . How are the traditional notions of beauty challenged 15 (Contes. ) b) b) © Vikas, Vinay, Vinita and Vijaya are given the topic of ‘Corruption in India’ and measures to prevent it) Write the transcript of the discussion... & OR Dipesh, Kalpesh, Naresh and Mahesh are given the topic of 'Global Warming’ for a group discussion. Write the transcript of the discussion. ‘ Write a paragraph on the ‘Importance of soft skills’ for the success in business. gett ni OR f oe Prepare you detailed CV. for, the post of a ‘manager finance in a multinational company. Write a report for publication in a newspaper 6n ‘Blood Donation Camp' held in your college. OR Imagine that you have completed the process of ’ making ’a'ted. Report in a paragraph thé steps followed in doing’it. “OR You are the Secretary of the students’ Union of ** your college. Write an official report on the seminar held in your college. 10 10 ‘lo 10 P-2689-90] 1 [Conta.... 6 (@) As a secretary-of Atul Chemicals; Company Limited, 10 , ‘Vapi, Gujarat, write notice informing the ‘members regarding the first meeting of the Board. Also write agenda for the same. OR (b) You are the secretary of Sugen Company Limited, 10 Surat. Prepare an agenda and draft the minutes of fifth annual general meeting of the company. Ero Tar gro (Ee Bane BR pater we] 22 u BT Bu) Bees iY lo” ) CEL DG Lah te : a a Ce) Mt 16 ashy Wales FOr a Evo? $ P-2689-90] 8 15800

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