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The Grand Naga Temple Empowerments

©2016 by Baba Prajna Shiva Kalidasa and Naturopathic

and Shamanic Services, Inc.
All Rights Reserved

Be empowered to the ancient ways of the Naga, and be freed

from the modern fiction to live in the power and authority of the
Grand Naga Temple Priesthood.
While it cost hundreds of dollars to set up this
empowerment process, and a major amount of personal
danger during a war in the 9th Dimension to regain
access to this ancient energy, this empowerment
process is to be given away freely to everyone for the
purpose of restoring the true greatness of the Naga to
the awareness of all of the humans upon the earth so
that the enmity that has exited between humans and the
Naga for millenia can be done away with, and we can
live and work together in peace. Further, this manual
must always be given away intact, and with neither
additions nor deletions being allowed. Violate this
copyright in any way, and you will be cursed by all of the
Naga as well as by the curse that I have set up in the
spirit world to protect this process, and there shall be
no mercy!
Robert E. Howard and the Ancient Naga

These are just a few of the diverse and interesting articles concerning
Robert E. Howard, who was reputed to be very well versed in the occult,
and who was forced by none other than the Great King of Aquilonia himself,
Conan the Cimerrean from the 9th Dimension, to write the tales that became
the movies about Conan the Barbarian. In these stories we learn about
Conan's hatred of the High Priest named Thulsa Doom who had perverted
the ancient worship of the Naga, and about the ritual symbols of the
mystery cult that operated the ancient Naga Temples from the beginning of
human existence until that time. It is through these ancient symbols and
ritual tools, made with exacting detail for the movies, that we will gain
some understanding of the ancient ritual practices between the Naga and
humans. And, we will tap into that ancient power that resulted in the
creation of the Nine Realms of the Underworld – the home of the Naga – and
learn how to harness it for the benefit of both humans and the Naga.

Like many occultists both then and now, Robert Howard knew just enough
to be dangerous, and he and his mentor – H. P. Lovecraft - were also lazy in
that they tried to take shortcuts in the process of their magickal workings
so that, rather than being in control, the spirit that they summoned
controlled Howard instead. We don't know what may have become of
Lovecraft as he never wrote anything about a spirit from another dimension
controlling or haunting him in any way. Having seen such dangers as this in
this lifetime, and due to the stupidity and arrogance of others, that is why I
am very explicit about what must be done to receive these empowerments
and others. These energies are not to be trifled with, but to be treated with
the greatest respect due to the power of the entities involved with this
work. And, you can rest assured that I am being quite careful about this as
any excursion to the 9th Dimension is a dangerous one, and so should only
be taken with great care and preparation first.

Here is a bit of information about the 9th Dimension so that you can
understand this better. First, it is a dark and evil dimension in which many
of us have present and ongoing parallel lives that are often consumed by
lust and greed, and by very little joy. And, when we do go there then not
only do others there often go after us, but our own shade there may do so
as well. In the process you are presented every form of temptation
imaginable as experiencing all of these things is what this dimension is all
about. If the spirits there manage to gain control of you there then that
energy is brought back into the 3rd Dimension with you, and it seriously
does not work here where the purpose of this dimension is for us to learn
how to live in Balance with all things rather than pursuing our lusts at the
expense of all things. This lust to be remembered forever is what Conan of
Aquilonia brought with him, and that energy led to the total destruction of
Robert Howard shortly after Conan was finished with him.

Here are the four symbols that we will work with, and their basic meanings,
in the process of tapping into these ancient and powerful Naga energies:
The “Tongues of the Serpent” Naga Dagger

This dagger has twin serpents representing the need for balance between
both good and evil for the sake of maintaining the state of existence that
we know as “free will”, and the “All Seeing Eye of the Naga” that oversees
this delicate balance, and dealing ruthlessly to maintain it. That balance
was almost destroyed just over 27,000 years ago, and we are just now
seeing the recovery of it.

That near destruction came about due to the energy of the 9th Dimension
being brought here by accident shortly after the total perversion of the
Grand Naga Temple had taken place in that dimension, and if the Naga in
all of the Nine Realms of the Underworld had not resisted it then it would
have not only happened here, but in all of the remaining eleven of the
thirteen dimensions at once. Because of this, I have gone there with
powerful Naga allies, and we have engaged in a war for the recovery and
healing of the 9th Dimension as that was the only way to bring out the lost
power and ways of the Ancient Naga Temple. We have a Grand Naga Order
in the Tibetan Kapalika Aghora Path, and I was about ready to seriously
crap in the lives of the two chosen to head it up for being so damnably slow
about it when the truth of this situation was revealed to me by some of the
Naga with whom I work. This process will not only work to regain that lost
wisdom, but it will release the energy of this to not only everyone that
receives these empowerments, but will result in the Naga who were
enslaved by the evils of Thulsa Doom in the 9th Dimension being able to
instruct the High Priestess and High Priest here in the full re-establishment
of this Order and ancient Priesthood as it was intended to be all along.

2016/06/21: We regained this part of the lost energy, and many things will
change because of it. It was due to the loss of this energy that it became a
requirement to roll the Phurba to generate the needed energy for that
ritual, and so I will soon be doing a ceremony to go along with this
attunement process that will be a joint Phurba and Tongues of the Serpent
video ritual that will help to remove the evil energy that has clouded the
original intentions of the Naga, and to help heal the damage and begin
restoring the processes that were lost to the minds of everyone who
receives this empowerment. That video will be posted on YouTube soon.

The Naga Temple Seal

The outer circle is a symbol of Oneness with all of Creation, and the body
of the double-headed serpent extends out of Grandmother Sun on the top,
and Grandfather Moon on the bottom. And, no, that was not a typographical
error as the rise of patriarchy led to the usurpation of many such things as
these including the usurpation of Yang as being male energy when it is
actually female energy, and Yin is actually masculine energy. And, the dual
serpent heads represent the balance between good and evil that makes it
possible for us to have free will. Through our work with this symbol then
the 9th Dimension will still be a dimension ruled by lust and greed, but the
element of free-will will be restored to them in the process so that the
inhabitants of that dimension will once again have a choice rather than
being the slaves of their lusts, and it will strengthen this ability to resist
the darkness within those of us in the 3rd Dimension greatly as well.

2016/06/23: As of this date we have regained the energy of the ancient

Naga temples from before the time of the perversion that resulted in human
sacrifice and wide-spread cannibalism in the 9th Dimension. This energy will
be added to the Kali Naga Temple Empowerments as well as be available
here for anyone who desires to work with a purely Naga dedicated temple
even though doing so without the energy of Mahakali makes no sense to
me whatsoever. The Naga desire that it be set up this way even though
they worship her too. As yet, they are unwilling to disclose what their
reasoning is behind this.
The Ancient Naga Pendant

This ancient symbol shows the All Seeing Eye of the Sun encircled by the
doubled-headed Naga, and all of it crowned by the Crescent Moon. Just as
the double serpent has two heads, so too the crescent moon has two
points representing good and evil, and the ability to make a choice. This is
shown in physical creation in that the moon is only visible when it is
reflecting the Light of the Goddess and the sun. When it does not then we
are in the time of the New Moon, and so are in only the energy of the
Goddess with none of that of the God. That is why these empowerments
are to be done during the New Moon – each of them one moon cycle apart –
and why so many others are done during the New Moon as well. Just as it
is the power of the sun that gives life to everything on the earth, so too
does the Goddess give life to everything in Creation. The energy of the
male sex and masculine energy is a partial reflection of that Divine
Feminine energy found in the female sex and feminine energy. The Divine
Feminine energy is all about creation while the masculine energy is all
about destruction, and the two of them in balance result in the stabilization
of all of Creation. It was the bleed-over from the 9th Dimension all of those
many thousands of years ago that led to the unbalancing and perversion of
our various forms of Matriarchy and Patriarchy.

Here is where the perversion of first matriarchy, and then the rise of
unbalanced patriarchy, caused so much trouble: Like the sun, the energy of
the Goddess and of women is all about fiery, passionate creativity, and
when it gets out of balance then destruction is a part of the equation as
well. In the case of men and Moon energy, the energy is all about cold,
logical and dispassionate energy that is supposed to destroy only those
things that no longer serve the highest good, but destroys everything it can
as much as it can when it is out of balance. That is why the past 2,000
years has seen so much warfare and wanton destruction far beyond what
our current recorded history has ever seen before this time. Many people
have tried to blame it on the Kali Yuga, but that energy is about the
destruction of those things that are out of balance and no longer serve the
highest good so Mahakali has had to step in and take a hand in setting
things right once again. The war that began with the rescue of the Ancient
Naga Wisdom from the 9th Dimension is intended to fully restore the
balance to Creation once again, and every time someone receives these
empowerments they will be adding an equal amount of energy to the
process that will result in the ability to empower the good people of the 9th
Dimension, and bring a greater chance for peace to all of the earth as well
as to the rest of Creation.

As this energy is about bringing a full restoration of the balance between

the sexes that we so desperately need, this energetic empowerment will
pass through not only the Tibetan Kapalika Aghora Dragon Mother and me
on it's way to you, but through the Tantric High Priestess and High Priest of
the Grand Naga Order whose primary responsibility it is to restore the
ancient Priestess/Priesthood of the Naga to this world. More will be told
about how to join the restored Grand Naga Order that they head up later on.

NOTE: The battle that took place to recover this third energy happened on
the 30th of June, 2016. Here is some information about it that will give you a
taste about what it is like to be from the 3rd Dimension and fighting in the
9th Dimension:
The Battle of Rourke's Drift, which was fought between a 147 man British garrison of
Welsh Light Infantry, against 4,000 Zulu Warriors, was easily one of the most brutal battles
in known history, and the British won even though the Zulu had killed every last man in a
2,500 man British Regiment that was reinforced with artillery and cavalry the morning
before the attack on Rourke's Drift began, and the Zulu captured over 1,000 rifles that they
quite rightly used on the British garrison who were in one of the seemingly most poorly
situated posts in this world with high ground all around them. Now, the Cherokee part of
me wishes that the Zulu had wiped their sorry sassanac asses off the face of the earth,
but an Engineer Lieutenant who was there to build a bridge was the ranking officer by a
week, and he fought an absolutely classic defense that is studied to this day in every
military war college in the world, and if you know anything about the British Army then
know that eleven of the defenders received the Victoria Cross which has never been
equaled in any single engagement since then. I tell you about the Battle of Rourke's Drift
because it has felt like we have fought something similar about a dozen times since the
battle for the 9th Dimension began. But, as of today, the end may be in sight.

Up until this day then things have been a lot different. Just a few days before our
experience went pretty badly. After it was over then the Grand Master of the Outer Circle
of the Knights of Mahakala and I were exchanging notes on it, and he commented about
how we see so few humans in this sort of action anymore, and he offered to help wherever
I might need him and his Knights. My comment back was as follows:

“Folks come to these things from all over the galaxy, and I make it a point to not look human
either. These bodies are too limiting. The more experience I have in a human body the more
that I have to laugh at the idiots who think that we are the best of creation.

Dragar is completely in charge of this one. Me and mine just do what we are told. For most
of this one that has meant that we have been bait, and that we get surrounded to the point
that it looks like we are going to get wiped out, and then everyone else involved jumps
them from the rear to surround them and us. About a week ago Dragar and the
headquarters were attacked just as they were about to give the order to save our asses
yet again, and we almost lost that one permanently. When they finally got there then there
were 25 of us left standing with minor wounds, several hundred with major wounds but
some of whom could still shoot something, and over 9,000 of our folks were very, very
dead. It was a seriously bad day.”

Wounds and deaths that happen in the spirit world also manifest in the physical world if
the person is in a physical body in one or more of the dimensions.

When we began this battle to free the 9th Dimension there were 130 Overlords ruling the
9th Dimension. This morning there were still ten of them left, and now there are only three.
There has not been a good night's sleep, or even a good nap, since this began as every
time I "go to sleep" then my body rests fitfully since my spirit is fully committed in the
battle, and then there are often times during the day when things that require my attention
are going on there too. My normal schedule is to get up around 10 AM, and work until
around 2 or 3 AM answering my Apprentice's questions along the way, and working with
folks ritually as needed. This morning I was working on hauling myself out of bed just after
6 AM when Dragar Atoll informed me that they would need me to take a "nap" this
afternoon as they would need me fully present there. In that action, which took place
between 1:30 PM and 3:15 PM EST (An hour of our time is like a day of their time so this
was like almost two days for us in that short time here.), we regained the third and final
part of the ancient energy that the Naga have been after, and it happened easier than we
had expected when our Naga allies told the garrison of the fortress that we were
encountering, and the Priestesses and Priests serving in their temple, that they had the
opportunity to reclaim their ancient ways and free will, and they turned on their Overlord
so fast it was frightening, and there was definitely no mercy as they finished him off.

Then the battle got strange as about a million of the enemy came after both us and them,
and there were about 20,000 of our former enemies in the fortress, and just under 900,000
of us between them and the advancing army and it's Overlords. It was freaky as hell
having our recently former enemies in that fortress right behind us! But, when it was all
over then six more Overlords and their army were dead.

So, those of you who are receiving this should know that it has come to you
at a very high cost, and it would behoove you to honor those who gave their
lives for this by putting this energy to good use whether you join the Grand
Naga Order or not.

An additional Empowerment to Help

This is an additional empowerment to help with bringing this energy
forward from the ancient past of the 9th Dimension into the present day 3rd
Dimension using the Yantra shown below. While I have this Yantra on our
Kali Naga Temple Altar, and the folks who made these Yantras and blessed
this one got the design from me, it is my pleasure to include theirs in this
process as they are the only true Tantric, Kali worshiping Left-Hand Path
Aghori in India while all of the rest of the Aghori there are Shiva worshiping
Right-Hand Path religious Hindus, and what follows is what they have
charged this yantra with so that my Apprentices who have received our
own Naga Yantra empowerment can now add some additional energy to
that. Here is what they say about it:

“This yantra is taken from an ancient source which describes this design
present in the Capital of the Naga, Bhogavati, within the Patala-loka
Bhagavat Purana 1.11.11

As Bhogavatī, the capital of Nāgaloka, is protected by the Nāgas, so was

Dvārakā protected by the descendants of Vrsni-Bhoja, Madhu, Daśārha,
Arha, Kukura, Andhaka, etc.-who were as strong as Lord Krsna.

The Nāgaloka planet is situated below the earth planet, and it is
understood that the sun rays are hampered there. The darkness of the
planet is, however, removed by the flashes of the jewels set on the heads
of the Nāgas (celestial serpents), and it is said that there are beautiful
gardens, rivulets, etc., for the enjoyment of the Nāgas. It is understood
here also that the place is well protected by the inhabitants. So also the
city of Dvārakā was well protected by the descendants of Vrsni, who were
as powerful as the Lord, insofar as He manifested His strength upon this

Name: Sri Nag Devta Yantra

Traditional benefits:

•Psychic Power
•Binding of karma
•Overcoming Enemies

In addition, this yantra brings the blessings and protection from all of the
guardian Naga of the Earth realm which number 10 for each direction.
Personal karma and sins are said to be locked within matrix of the yantra
and transported to the fiery region within the Earth for purification and
release. This yantra is a true rarity and it's power is unmatched.

No enemy or black magic can touch a person who keeps this yantra.

One can experience rapid psychic awakening once the Naga are attracted
to the place where such yantra is installed.
As benefits of Naga worship are becoming more known in the West, such
an authentic yantra is a must. Design has been double checked by our
associated priest in South India.

Mantra: om puuh swaha and om nag devtaye namaha (108 times each)

Secret of Worship:

This yantra should be installed on a flat surface. Offerings can be made on

the yantra of paste made by mixing turmeric and honey. This is to be
placed at the bottom of the yantra. Water mixed with milk can be be
sprinkled on top of the yantra and a circle flower petals (white is ideal)
made around it. Doing this regularly will give great benefits. Incense should
also be placed near the yantra. Select a sweet smelling scent.

There are 3 category of Naga: Those in the Heavens (Such as Lord Ananta
who hold all of the billions of universes on his head), the Earthly (those on
the surface and inside the Earth) and those on Lower Planetary Systems.

Each variety of Naga has its own power set and ability to help us. This
yantra is used for all variety of Naga.


Fully blessed and energized by our own Brahmana priests in the USA. There
will be no question as to whether the prana-pratishta is done. We
personally do this for each buyer after they purchase the yantra. The yantra
will come with residue from the puja. If the owner of the yantra will be
different than the registered buyer's name. You must notify us of this at the
time of purchase. We will, by default, place the name of the registered
buyer in the sankalpa of the puja.

Like a treasure chest, the power remains locked within the yantra. When
the prana-pratishta is done, the energy goes from a dormant to active
state. This ritual is the necessary key which unlocks the treasure within
the yantra. It is a must to derive full benefits.


With with damp cloth and dry.


***see specific directions above

Yantras are very easy to use. The Divine Vibration emanates constantly
from the yantra like an open window to the spiritual world.

The yantra can be placed on your altar. If you not have an altar, the yantra
should be placed on an East facing wall, table, etc.

It is ideal to have the yantra standing up so that the sacred image can be
seen and meditated upon.

Optionally, you can daily (or weekly) offer incense and flowers to the
yantra. This is done by making 7 clockwise circles in front of the yantra.
The flowers can then be placed in front of the yantra. Fruits and sweets
can also be placed before the yantra. Advanced puja can be provided if you
have the ability.

You should regularly recite the associated mantra before the yantra 27, 54
or 108 times.”

If you would like to get one for yourself then you can order one for just over
$20.00 USD, shipping counted, from them by doing a search for the Yantra
on The seller will be listed as Venture Bookshop. If it is being
offered by someone else then don't get it as the energy will not fit with
what we do as Tibetan Kapalika Aghori on the Left-Hand Tantric Path.
Sri Nag Devta Yantra - Blessings of the Naga – Wisdom, Psychic
Power and Protection

About these Empowerments

Only one attunement should be called in per New Moon so this will be a
four month process, and the energy of that empowerment will continually
download into you for the next 28 days. Each one of them contains a
massive amount of information, and the energy is quite strong, and very
good for you. But, too much all at once would be more than you can handle.
That is the reason for breaking it up in this way. Those of you who have
received the Mahakali Storm Empowerments will understand this as the
energy is similar to that on a monthly basis.

How to Receive these Empowerments

Each of these empowerments will be received while sitting naked in
meditation on the night of the New Moon while looking at the appropriate
picture of me with the symbol (Dagger, Seal, Pendant or Yantra) that is
shown below. Look at the appropriate picture with a soft focus at a point
about one foot beyond the back of the photo so that it is slightly out of
focus as you slowly and deeply breathe in through your mouth and out
through your nose until you are completely relaxed. Then either say or
think to yourself, “I call in the (Tongues of the Serpent Naga Dagger, or
Naga Temple Seal, or Ancient Naga Pendant or Sri Nag Devta Yantra)
Empowerment prepared for me by Baba Prajna Shiva Kalidasa in the power
of the Tibetan Kapalika Aghora Dragon Mother and the Authority of the
Great Mother Goddess Mahakali that flows through her. I am grateful and
open to receive it.” the energy will flow into you in waves for anywhere
from thirty minutes to a couple of hours depending upon your ability to
receive it.

After the initial energy stops then drink a large glass of water, eat some
dense protein, and if possible then lay naked upon the earth. Then, about
thirty minutes before you go to bed for the night, do the appropriate Grand
Naga Meditation as given below.

Do not try to rush these as they are set up in Orbs of Life which are
intelligent sentient energies, and they will not allow you to do more than
one per New Moon. Any attempt to do so will fail.
Tongues of the Serpent Naga Dagger Empowerment Image
The Naga Temple Seal Empowerment Image
The Ancient Naga Pendant Empowerment Image

For the Sri Nag Devta Yantra Empowerment meditate upon the
Naga Yantra that is shown on page 15 above without any other
picture even though the energy will still be flowing through the
Dragon Mother and me and then through the female and male
heads of the Grand Naga Order to you.

The Grand Naga Meditations

These meditations will be done with the pictures of me with the various
symbols/devices shown above. This will not only empower you, and prepare
you for the next empowerment in this process, but will further empower the
Tibetan Kapalika Aghora Dragon Mother and myself and release more of the
Ancient Naga Wisdom to us until it is all restored. And, our combined
energies will maintain the balance that is required to make this work.

So, here is how to do these meditations:

After you have received the Empowerment of the Tongues of the Serpent
Naga Dagger then sit naked in meditation for each night of the month until
the next New Moon while you consider every small detail of the Dagger in
the photo, and glean every bit of detail and information that you can about
it. Do this just before you go to bed, and don't be surprised when more and
more details about this come to light for you. Then, ask the Ancient Naga
Queens and Kings of the 9th Dimension to further empower you through us
during your dream time, and then go to bed with the attunement image
fresh in your mind.

Do this process every night until the next New Moon when you will be
empowered by the energy of the Naga Temple Seal. Then you will repeat
this process with the Seal and their photos before doing the empowerment
for the Ancient Naga Pendant, and then the Naga Yantra. After you have
done the meditation process from that time until the next New Moon then
the empowerment process will be over.

Joining the current Grand Naga Order

To join this Order, and to help revive the most ancient teachings and
empowerments of the Naga, then contact either Mother Bhairavi Shinn
Aghori at <>, or Aghori Naga Baba Kalidasa at
<>. They will tell you more about the Grand
Naga Order today, and help you begin the process of joining this ancient
Order with it's fully restored ancient energies.

How to Share this Empowerment with Others

You are encouraged to send this empowerment process to everyone that
you know whether you have done them yourself or not. When you do so
then send the entire manual, and the Orb of Life that accompanies each
one that I have sent out will automatically replicate itself for each person
that you send it to, and that they send it to, and so on for as long as it is
being done. And, even if someone finds a hard copy of it somewhere then,
and they desire to receive them, then the Orb will replicate itself for them
as well. Orbs of Life are intelligent sentient beings, but unlike us they never
die, and they continually draw in residual energy so that they keep getting
to be stronger all the time.

The cost was great to make these empowerments possible, but the results
will be worth it in the end. Millions of souls were lost in this process that
was the equivalent of what we know as a World War in this Dimension, and
millions more were wounded so that a greater semblance of true Balance
can be restored between the Naga and human kind, and between the
feminine and masculine energies upon this world in all 13 Dimensions.
Honor the fallen by helping make this all a reality as they most surely have
given their lives for you.


Jai Mahakali

Baba Prajna Shiva Kalidasa

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