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Yu.S. Bekhtin - Dr. Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Department "Automation and Information
Technologies in Management", Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
A.A. Bryantsev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department "Automation and Information
Technologies in Management", Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:
D.P. Malebo - Post-graduate Student, Ryazan State Radio Engineering University. E-mail:

The main idea of the suggested algorithmic supply applying to de-speckling in SAR images is
based on combining Pearson´s IV type Distribution and Generalized Gaussian Distribution to
obtain MAP-estimators of wavelet-coefficients within sub-bands of the fast wavelet transform.
The estimator of the asymmetry coefficient for a sub-band histogram serves as an indicator to
select the needed kind of distribution. The suggested method doesn´t use any thresholding
technique that allows avoiding artifacts in the processed SAR image. The results of modeling
have shown the advantage of the proposed algorithmic supply comparing with well-known de-
speckling procedures under PSNR and SSIM criteria.

1. Introduction
Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a coherent pulse radar, which is mounted on a moving vehicle.
SAR images are formed by summing the inbound link stations waves reflected from the area
with the reference wave. In SAR images speckle noise appears as a granular spots in the images.
By analyzing SAR image were obtained, that in different sections of SAR images the probability
density function of the speckle noise is different from the theoretical one [1], for example, there
are cases described in the literature Gamma-distribution, K-distribution [2].
Most of the known methods of filtering (for example, median filtering, adaptive filtering, filters
Lee, Kuan, Arsenault and so on, the Wiener-Hoof filter, filtering based on wavelet transforms)
suggest processing of noisy image entirely, without analyzing the nature of the image, the
texture, the contained objects. Furthermore, a significant proportion of filtering algorithms
focused on the case of a Gaussian (white) noise, as there was mathematically (analytically)
obtained under this assumption. Obviously, the use of any such filtering algorithms inevitably
leads to unsatisfactory results. Thus, there is a need of developing of a combined approach to
filtering of SAR images, which would take into account the nature of the texture and the
distribution law of the speckle noise.

2. Model SAR images and used for her types of probability distributions
Theoretical model of SAR images using an exponential probability density function to describe
the multiplicative noise, was first proposed by Goodman [1]:
PY / X ( y / x)  L y L 1e Ly / x , (1)
x ( L)
where Y – the observed image;
X – the original (undistorted) image;
E(y)=x, E – symbol of expectation (averaging);
Г(L) – gamma distribution of the reflected radiation;
L – number of reviews of the same surface area.
Multiplicative mathematical model is obtained from the model (1) based on the following
considerations. If the random process is normalized, it is possible to put E(Z)=1, then
PZ ( z )  LL
( L) z L 1e  Lz . (2)
Normalization of relations (2) leads to a multiplicative model:
Y=X Z . (3)
In practice, the analysis of SAR images showed that the probability density function of speckle
noise is not always exponential. In [2], for speckle noise have been described following types of

 a b y b  1  ( y  a )2 / b
 e при y  0, (4)
P( y )   (b  1)!
 при y  0,
 0
1 2 b
where   ,  2 – mean and variance, respectively.
a a
К – distribution:
L 
2  L   y  2  L   y 
P( y )      K  L  2 , (5)
X  ( )  ( L)   X    X

where Г(..) – gamma-distribution, Kα – modified Bessel function of order α, L – number of

1 2
reviews,   2  X2 .
СX  X

3. Determining the type of texture

To determine the type of image texture has been used local coefficients of variation, which are
indicators of homogeneity images [3]. From the model (3) implies the following assumptions:

either μY =μZ μX =μX (6)
CY2  CZ2
CX 
, (7)
1  Cz2
where (.) – the expectation computed locally;
CY   Y / Y , C X   X /  X , CZ   Z /  Z (8)

- Coefficients of variation calculated through local dispersion.

Locality is understood here in the sense that the statistics (6) - (8) are computed within the small
window, for example 33, 55 etc. Thus, one can "see" (the principle of "sliding" window), all
points of the image subject to boundary effects and get them to estimates of the form (8).
Points with Сx ≤ Cz, create a lot of data with non-uniform (heterogeneous) texture, and the
points at which Cz <Сx< Cmax, create a data set with a uniform (homogeneous) texture. Here
Cmax – is the maximum element of the set of coefficients of variation for the noise, i.e.
Cmax=max{ Cz}.
4. Determination of the distribution law of speckle noise
For each type of texture extends and verified the hypothesis on the form of the distribution law
of the speckle noise by using a criterion 2:

1 N M ( pij*  pij ) 2
 

i 1 j 1 pij
, (9)

where p* – observed probability, p – theoretical probability.

Knowing the value of 2, on special tables define the probability of confirmation of the
hypothesis. If this probability is small, the hypothesis is rejected as implausible.

5. The simulation results

To solve this problem was carried out computer simulations to identify the efficiency of
processing of images distorted by speckle noise, different algorithms, among them: Wiener
filtering, median filtering, Lee and Kuan filters, wavelet filtering, etc. In the first stage of
research was obtained an algorithm for detecting the image section with a specific type of texture
under the action of noise, which uses the coefficients of variation calculated within the local
windows. Then, for each thus found segment put forward and verified the hypothesis by the 2
criterion in the form of distribution law of speckle. In the experiment was used a normal,
exponential distribution, gamma distribution and K – distribution. After determining the form of
the distribution law evaluated its parameter, as well as was estimated the expectation and
variance of the noise in each segment. For different combinations of the above parameters, that
is, parameter type texture and noise, defined filtering algorithms provide the greatest efficiency
in terms of the peak signal / noise ratio (PSNR), the minimum mean-square value of the
estimation error (MSE), normalized correlation values (NK) and image fidelity (IF). Thus, as a
result of the experiments that was compiled database tables which contain numerical filtering
algorithm parameters corresponding to different combinations of the parameters of textures and
noise. Table 1 represents one example of the resulting tables. Actually filtering algorithm is to
analyze the texture of SAR images and estimation of the parameters of the found distribution law
speckle noise, which is selected from the tables corresponding to the processing method. Its
necessary allocated on SAR images regions with uniform (homogeneous) texture and
inhomogeneous texture for obtaining best results filtering shown in Figure 1. On the graphs
shows that the same filters at the same noise intensities produce different PSNR value depending
on the type of texture. This approach was tested on a number of both simulated (Fig. 3, 5), and
original SAR images. The comparison was performed with the same filtering algorithms, but
applied to the all entire image. The experimental results (Table 2) showed nearly perfect
reconstruction of the image as visually and numerically by the specified criteria.

Gauss Exp
Db4 soft hard soft hard
5-10% 5.46 45.2 6.23 38.2 4.37 49.2 6.7 42.9
Homogen 10-20% 7.23 38.3 8.21 33.5 6.21 43.33 9.14 37.1
eous 20-30% 9.02 33.2 11.1 29.7 8.3 39.7 13.2 32.4
texture 30-40% 15.1 27.7 15.6 24.4 13.1 34.5 18 29.6
40-50% 18.2 24.7 25.1 19.1 17.8 27.9 21.6 25
Heterogen 5-10% 6.7 41.2 7.3 37.9 5.12 46.7 7.9 43.1
eous 10-20% 8.9 35.9 10.1 34.2 6.9 40.5 10.4 37.2
texture 20-30% 13.8 30.3 16.3 30 9.65 36.8 15.1 33
30-40% 17.6 26.1 19.9 26.4 15.4 30.2 19.3 29.9
40-50% 21.2 21.5 29.8 20.5 19.2 27.14 23.1 25.8

Table 1


Noisy image 21.25 21.25 0.721 0.9623

Processed Wiener filter 13.34 25.58 0.896 0.9933

Processed by the wavelet

11.93 27.5 0.912 0.99
Processed proposed
8.1 33.41 0.962 0.9932

Table 2

Fig.1. Graphic dependences peak values of the signal / noise ratio of the intensity of the noise for
a variety of types, textures and filtrations
Fig.2. The original image Figure 3. Noisy image (noise intensity 25%)

Fig. 4. Image processed Wiener Figure 5. Image processed by Figure 6. Image processed
filter the wavelet transform the proposed methodology

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