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The Green Man Empowerment

© 2013 by Aghori Prajna Shiva Kalidasa

Naturopathic and Shamanic Services, Inc.
All Rights Reserved
Copyright Warning:
This attunement is to be shared freely with
everyone, but the manual must be included
with it complete and without any changes.
Violation of this copyright shall result in
instantaneous negative karma which shall
begin to play out for you immediately with the
opposite of the intention for this attunement.
That will not be fun so don’t do it!

The history of the Goddess and the Green Man is a

bit convoluted, but here is the basic gist of it. While
the story of the Goddess and the Green Man is now
considered to be a part of Celtic folklore it was
originally brought there during the Aryan Invasion
from India that resulted in the formation of the
Indo-European tribes in Europe and the
Mediterranean areas. Here is how it goes in the
European way of things:

Mother Earth was lonely and in need of help for the

work of Creation so she caused herself to become
pregnant and bore a son in the spring. He grew up
quickly and became fully matured in the late
summer, and he was a beautiful and powerfully built
young man. He and his mother fell in love, had sex
together, and she became pregnant. As she grew in
her pregnancy he grew old and died at the end of
the fall season, and the Earth Mother felt his spirit
go into her womb. In the spring then he and all of
the earth were reborn, and the cycle has continued
again and again from year to year.

This story originated in Tibet with the difference of

the Earth Mother (known as Monolah in the
Cherokee Tribe, but still one and the same) being
called Mahakali and her son being known as
Mahakala. There the story has existed for over
100,000 years whereas the Celtic version has been
around for about 6,000 years. Personally, the more
ancient a version or energy may be the more pure I
see it to be so that is the one I choose to work

Whichever one works best for you, the story of the

Goddess and the Green Man is about cycles in
nature, prosperity, fertility and sexual potency. All
of these energies are involved in this

How to Receive this Attunement:

Below you will find the photograph of an

exceptionally powerful man who is wearing this
pendant. He is an Apprentice of mine, and has
consented to help you receive this powerful and
highly beneficial energy. Here is how this process
works: I am a man, as is he, but I am bi-sexual so I
hold the power of a woman strongly within me at
will so as the energy is called in for the attunement
then it flows from the Great Mother Goddess
Mahakali through me, through him, and then to you.
Essentially, this puts this man and me in Yab-Yum
in the spirit world so that this powerful and
balanced energy is then available for you. One of
the great gifts in being bi-sexual is that I can easily
hold either masculine or feminine energy at will. A
yab-yum image is shown below so that you can
better understand how the energy moves and works
on your behalf.
When sitting in Yab-Yum the woman is on top in the
superior sexual position able to move and control
the process as she wills. In this case it is as though
I am the woman and so carry and move the feminine
energy. From a mechanical point of view then the
man is the battery that jump-starts the process and
the woman is the generator through which the
power builds and flows. It is this process that
makes our attunements so powerful as it is never
just my energy, but is also the energy of the
Goddess and a powerful woman in most cases, or in
this case, a powerful man as I hold the feminine
energy and feel his masculine energy penetrating
my rosebud. The only thing that could make this
better would be if he physically did so, but he is
heterosexual. We bi-sexuals consider both straight
and gay people to be “sexually handicapped”, but
since sexual orientation is genetically determined it
isn’t really their fault.

So, to receive this attunement, then sit naked in

meditation and look at the man in the picture
wearing the pendant. As you breathe in through
your nose and out through your mouth then do your
best to concentrate upon every aspect of this
photo, and memorize what he looks like. When you
feel that her image is indelibly printed into your
consciousness then close your eyes and either
think or say, “I call in the Green Man Empowerment
prepared for me by Aghori Prajna and Goddess
Mahakali. I am both open and grateful to receive it.”
The energy will flow into you in waves for the next
twenty minutes or more.

The Green Man Meditations

Whenever you feel the need for greater prosperity
and sexual potency in your life then meditate upon
this same picture. Whether it is possibly a full sized
picture that you place upon your altar at home, or a
smaller picture that you carry in your purse or
wallet, it will work for you. However, it will work
much better if you are nude when you do it. Once
you have memorized what his picture looks like
then it will no longer be needed and you will not
need to carry one with you. And, this meditation
process will benefit you whether you are a woman
or a man. Simply do the process and you will
receive what you need.
About the Man in this Empowerment:
Fire Hawk is the Ukdena Uku of the Order of the
Light-Bearers which is an order that uses sex for
spiritual enlightenment and awakening. And, it is in
this document that we are announcing that the
Light-Bearers now have both this new Dragon Priest
and a new Dragon Mother. And, they are taking on
new members to do this sacred work, and so are
beginning to train them. Here is an excerpt from a
book I am writing about Sacred Prostitution:

“However, there is another activity that goes on in the

world that came about in 2003 when the White Lodge
lost a major battle in the spirit world with the Dark
Lodge. We lost thousands of our best people in one day,
and we almost lost the balance in the world between
Darkness and Light. This activity was ordered by the
Goddess, and that order came to 22 different medicine
societies and mystery schools in the world, and that
was to found the Order of the Light Bearers. Of the 22
groups ordered to do this only three of us took up the
challenge, but we were able to make a huge difference.
This brought about a different sexual activity that made
a great difference then, and is now in need of some
refinement to be able to continue to do so.

There used to be seven Orders in the Asaga, but that

got cut down to just the Order of the Red Hand by the
depredations of Christians missionaries and the armies
that supported them. Now there are supposed to be
thirteen, but we only have the Order of the Red Hand
and the Light Bearers. We have a long way to go to fully

We have already covered the use of sex for spiritual

awakening, and that is exactly what the original Light
Bearers used it for. There was no charge for the service
we provided, and we didn’t even ask for a donation. We
needed to Awaken at last 51% of the world fast or we
were going to suffer mightily in this world, and we
would do nothing to cause people to not accept our
offer. And, we were ready to do it wherever or whenever
someone was willing or interested if we could do so
safely and with our bodyguards present.

The main tactic we would use is pretty simple. We

would go to a town where we had not been before, and
would get a motel room (or sometimes go to the woods,
in a park, or a more public place such as an alley)
where the Light Bearer providing the Service of the
Heart would prepare him or herself, and a bodyguard
would stay with them. Two other Light Bearers would
then go out with a nude picture of the one providing the
Service, and they would find either men or women or
both who were interested in having free sex with this
person, and they would bring them to the room. Who or
what they brought would depend upon the sexual
orientation of the person providing the Service.

Here is how the Service of the Heart works: When the

person was brought to us then the bodyguard and the
provider would muscle test them to make certain that
they had no sexually transmitted diseases. This would
also have been done by the finders. If they were clean
then the provider would initiate as much foreplay as
everyone was interested in, and then have oral sex with
them to ingest their body fluids…The finders had
already told them what to expect so talking about it
was easy. Then, over the next twenty-four hours, as
often as they were able to get it up (if they were men)
or were interested in (if they were women) they were
allowed to have sex with the provider. If there were two
or three of them then this was fairly continuous, but
sometimes they just would do so once or twice and
then would leave. Then the finders would look for
someone new. Most of the female Light Bearers would
make either their yoni or rosebud (anus) available, and
some would allow both while male Light Bearers would
usually be open to either penal-vaginal or anal
intercourse, both giving and receiving. The bodyguard
was there to make certain nothing happened that the
provider did not want to happen.
After a day or two of this, or more rarely three or four
days, then we would go home and have sex with
someone whom we were in a committed relationship
with to transmute any residual energies that were left
over. At the time I was married and my wife enjoyed
that extra energy a lot. Or, if she was either away or too
busy then I would do this part with the Dragon Mother.
By this time we were so sensitive that a mere touch
could cause a full body orgasm so it was often quite
intense. However, it was the combined energy of the
two of us that made it work.

Here is how it worked on the strategic level: the less

we knew about the person we were having sex with the
more powerful it was for them and for the others we will
mention soon. It would still work with people we knew,
but not nearly as well, and it would only do so during
that initial 24 hours. If you had sex with them again
after that then unless you were doing some healing
work then it was just casual sex. The vast majority of
the people I did it with never knew my name, and I did
not know theirs. We just did the work. And, if they were
not already spiritually awakened when we began they
certainly were by the time we got through.

There is another more important aspect to this, and

that is that it works within what is known as a “spiritual
week” which is Friday sundown to Friday sundown.
During that time, if the Light Bearer has sex with one
new person then it also affects the 10,000 spirits
closest to the recipient. If the Light Bearer has sex with
two new people in a spiritual week then it affects
100,000, and if with three new people then it further
compounds the effect on all during that week. Not all of
them will fully awaken, but many of them will, and not
all of them are in a physical incarnation at this time so
future generations are affected as they are
reincarnated to another physical existence. This is
what makes this such a powerful force for good in the

There is one more thing to mention concerning Light

Bearers, they have the final word on who they have sex
with. For example, there was a man who passed all
three of us in the muscle testing end of things, but
there was something about him that I thought was not
quite right so we made him leave. And, there have been
times when someone receiving the Service wanted to
do something some of us have not been comfortable
with, and we have refused. I was the bodyguard once
when a man tried to force one of our women to do
something she did not want to do, she yelled, and I
threw him out. The Light Bearer always has the final
word.” (Excerpt from “The Quodoshka Training and
Empowerment Manual” © 2013)

All of the initiations, except for those with heterosexual

women, are done by the Dragon Mother and are
intensely sexual in nature. But, application to join the
Order of the Light Bearers is made through the Dragon
Priest by sending an email explaining why you want to
be a Light Bearer to
Sharing This Attunement with Others:

This attunement has been sent to you in an Orb of

Life, and this is a highly intelligent energy form.
When you receive this attunement then it will
automatically begin generating new Orbs containing
these energies so that when you determine to send
this manual to someone then the oldest replicated
Orb will automatically be assigned to them. Send
them the manual, and then all they have to do is
read it, follow the directions, and receive the
energy the same way that you did. Then, the same
process will work for them to be able to share it
with other people.


The purpose for the manual and attunement is to be

a blessing for as many people as possible, and that
can only happen if you forward it to everyone you
know that might possibly benefit from receiving it,
and then asking them to do the same thing. Please
do so just as soon as you have received this

If you have any questions concerning this

attunement then do not hesitate to contact me
through the contact page on our website, and I will
answer your questions just as quickly as I can.

Jai Mahakali!

Aghori Prajna Shiva Kalidasa

Whenever you feel the need for

healing and empowerment then
sit naked in meditation, and look
at this picture. Be open to receive
it and the energy will flow into you.

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