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This took place about two years ago. New Year was approaching, it was the end of December.

I was at
the ninth form, and everything was still good.

My classmates and I, and also some peoples from forms B and C, were going to go to the Kharkiv. The
trip was very funny and adorable. But the most interesting started while we were going back to

It was about ten p.m. It was already dark outside and we were somewhere in the fields on the outskirts
of the Zaporizhzhia. Suddenly our bus stopped. Everybody was shocked – “What is going on?”. Me with
my friends sat at the end places of the bus, so I decided to go to the teachers and parents, who sat at the
front places. And after I came up to my class teacher I asked – “Why are we standing here?”. And she
answered – “Unfortunately, we stuck at the road because of strong snowfall and black ice”. I really didn`t
know what to do. It wasn`t cold inside the bus, but it still was uncomfortable – we could only sit there.

Predictably, many people started to be indignant, someone even wanted to call a taxi there, to pick him
up and went home. But taxi didn`t go out of city in this weather… We started to invent new “events” for
us to made our waiting more interesting. For example, we imagined, that everything we do is time loop,
and in that moment, it reboots, and in few hours, we will refuse again in Kharkiv the day before. By the
way, it still remains our favorite story from those times, and we always remember our “time loop” with

And only at two a.m. of the next day we finally could leave that place. I will never forget that night. So
now you know about unexpected but extraordinary and cool situation in my life

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