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Question No. 1: What is Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana – SSY?
• Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a government backed Small Savings Scheme for

the benefit of a Girl Child.
• It is initiated as a part of Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao campaign and can be opened
by the Parents or legal guardians of a Girl Child below the age of 10.
• This scheme is meant to meet the education and marriage expenses of a Girl Child.
Question No. 2: What is Share?
• The capital of a company is divided into a number of parts, each one of which is
called Share.
• Share is the basic unit of ownership in a company.
Question No. 3: Define the term Gross Domestic Product – GDP
• Gross Domestic Product - GDP is an important tool for judging how well or badly,

an economy is doing.

It is the monetary value of all finished Goods and Services made within a country
during specific period.
Question No. 4: What is the full form of FDI? What do you know about it?
• FDI stands for Foreign Direct Investment

• FDI is an investment made by a company or an individual in one country into

business interests located in another country
• 20% of FDI is allowed in Public Sector Banks under the government approval route,
whereas Private Sector Banks have a higher FDI cap at 74% via automatic route.
Question No. 5: Tell us something about NITI Aayog
• NITI Aayog stands for National Institution for Transforming India Aayog

• It is India’s exclusive policymaking institution that aims to boost the economic

growth and development of the country.
• NITI Ayog was formed on 1st January, 2015. It replaced Planning Commission.
• It was created to provide directional, policy and relevant technical advice to the
Centre, States and Union Territories.
Question No. 6: What is Financial Inclusion and Explain its objective?
• Financial Inclusion is a process of providing access to various Financial Products
and Services to the Weaker section and Low-Income Groups at an affordable cost.
• FI can help the society and the economy. It leads to increase in Savings, Investment
and thereby, spurs the processes of economic growth.
Question No. 7: Have you heard about CBDC! If your answer is YES, what do
you know about it?
• Full form of CBDC is Central Bank Digital Currency
• CBDC is digital currency issued by Central Banking entity (i.e., RBI)
• It is a new form of money that exists only in digital form. Instead of printing
money, the Central Banking entity issues widely accessible digital coins so that
digital transactions and transfers become simple.
Question No. 8: What is Demand Draft – DD?
• In many commercial transactions, the sellers of Goods and Services prefer to
have a payment instrument called Demand Draftwhere the sum of money payable
to the payee is guaranteed.
• The Demand Draft is a pre-paid Negotiable Instrument, wherein the Drawee
Bank undertakes to make payment in full when the instrument is presented by
the Payee for payment.
• DDs have a validity period of 3 months from the date of issue.

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