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Non-Combat XP Charts designed by Helpful NPCs

Expanded XP
Level Achievement Exploration Heroism Plan Roleplaying Task
1 25 50 50 25 25 25
2 50 100 100 50 50 50
3 75 150 150 75 75 75
4 125 250 250 125 125 125
5 250 500 500 250 250 250
6 300 600 600 300 300 300
7 350 750 750 350 350 350
8 450 900 900 450 450 450
9 550 1100 1100 550 550 550
10 600 1200 1200 600 600 600
11 800 1600 1600 800 800 800
12 1000 2000 2000 1000 1000 1000
13 1100 2200 2200 1100 1100 1100
14 1250 2500 2500 1250 1250 1250
15 1400 2800 2800 1400 1400 1400
16 1600 3200 3200 1600 1600 1600
17 2000 3900 3900 2000 2000 2000
18 2100 4200 4200 2100 2100 2100
19 2400 4900 4900 2400 2400 2400
20 2800 5700 5700 2800 2800 2800

“Formulating a Plan” by Helpful NPC Ryan via Midjourney.
When to Award Heroism
· Acts of Service. Heroism XP is awarded when the player
There’s a lot more to adventuring than fighting monsters, so it
deserves to be incentivized. characters go out of their way to perform some noble deed
in service of another, one that entails significant risk or
· Time Investment. XP awards represent a time investment
from the players. Activities that earn XP should take as
much “table time” as a combat challenge. · More Than Combat. Heroism XP is not awarded for com-
bat alone, as Combat XP is already awarded. (Fighting a
· Active Participation. XP awards require engagement from
dragon isn’t enough, but diving through a dragon’s claws
characters (which can include “talking as” a character). XP
into a burning building to save a kitten would deserve a
awards are earned through words and deeds.
Heroism XP award.)
· Risk and Reward. Most noncombat activities carry less
· Bonus XP. This XP is typically awarded in addition to an-
risk than battle and thus earn less XP.
other XP award.

How to Award Plan

· Devise and Execute. Plan XP is awarded when the player
· Group Awards. When the player characters earn an XP characters devise a clever or unusual method to overcom-
awards, each character is awarded the XP. ing an obstacle and then carry out their plan. This does
· Teamwork. XP awards are not provided for individual ac- include creating battle plans.
tions. XP awards are earned for cooperating as a team. · Success or Failure. Plan XP should be awarded regard-
less if the plan succeeds or fails. (Most plans will have

What to Award mixed success and failures, and even total catastrophes
should receive Plan XP for the time and effort involved.)
There are six different types of XP awards in addition to stand- · Bonus XP. This XP is typically awarded in addition to an-
ard Combat XP. other XP award (often Combat or Task XP).

Achievement Roleplaying
· A Job Well Done. Achievement XP is awarded for accom- · Table Talk. Roleplaying XP is awarded for scenes in which
plishing a long-term goal, often at the end of a story arc or the player characters interact with NPCs at length (and
long, difficult quest. may include non-violent conflict resolution). This often
includes “talking as” a character (though first person nar-
· Bonus XP. This XP is typically awarded in addition to an- ration is not required).
other XP award.

Exploration Task
· Skill Challenge. Task XP is awarded when the player char-
· No Unturned Stones. Exploration XP is awarded when the acters attempt to overcome an obstacle through their ad-
player characters thoroughly explore a location. This en- venturing skills. This is usually an extended scene that in-
tails interacting with the environment over multiple volves multiple skill checks.
· Broad Scope. Task XP is a broad category and may be
· The Perilous Unknown. This XP is often awarded at the awarded when an activity seems like it should result in an
end of a dungeon or wilderness journey. XP award but doesn’t clearly fit into another category.

“Diplomatic Relations” by Helpful NPC Ryan via Midjourney.

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