Guia 3 de Ingles John Rodriguez

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English for Dentistry

Profesora: Lisbeth Ramírez

Abril 2024

Guía 3

Participio presente: ING

Participio pasado: ED

John F. Rodriguez M:
Estudiante: ___________________________________________________
CI: ____________________
Sección: ________________
Fecha: _________________
Choosing1 a toothbrush: manual vs. electric. How do electric toothbrushes stand up
against good old-fashioned2 manual brushing3? We went to the experts to find out.
The electric toothbrush has become very popular in recent years — some even say it provides
superior dental care. But how does it actually compare to manual brushing?

“The idea of a toothbrush is to remove plaque and to stimulate the gums,” explains John Ictech-
Cassis, DDS, DMD, clinical associate professor at the Boston University Henry M. Goldman School
of Dental Medicine. “Most toothbrushes will keep the teeth clean if you know how to use them.”

Manual toothbrushes: A classic route to good dental care

“There are many advantages to the manual toothbrush,” says Dr. Ictech-Cassis. “We’ve been using
this toothbrush for many years. It has a good track record.” Advantages include:

 Cost and availability. “It’s inexpensive and accessible,” says Ictech-Cassis. “This is the toothbrush
that the majority of dentists give away.” Electric toothbrushes may simply be too expensive for many
people, so it’s nice to know that you can do a great job brushing with a manual toothbrush.
 Easy to travel with. “It’s easy to take a manual toothbrush with you when you travel. It’s not bulky
like an electric toothbrush,” says Ictech-Cassis. You’ll be less likely to let your good dental care
habits lapse on vacation with a toothbrush that you can easily bring along, he adds.
 Put less pressure on teeth and gums. “You can feel [how much pressure you're using4] as you grasp
the toothbrush,” Ictech-Cassis notes. “This helps you to avoid putting5 too much pressure on your
teeth. With an electrical model you can’t feel that as well.” Placing6 too much pressure on your teeth
can wear away at the tooth enamel causing7 pain, sensitivity, and an increased8 risk of tooth decay.
 Good for kids. Even young children can use manual brushes safely and effectively once they’ve
learned9 how, Ictech-Cassis points out.

Electric toothbrushes: It’s recommended10 in some cases

Nevertheless, Ictech-Cassis admits that there are some situations where an electric toothbrush has
clear advantages. "We recommend it for people who can’t do a good job with a manual toothbrush,”
he says. For older people or people who have less manual dexterity, like those who have arthritis, the
electric toothbrush may clean more effectively, he says. According to the American Dental
Association (ADA), people with limited11 ability to move their shoulders, arms, and hands can
benefit from the larger handle and powered12 brush of an electric model.
How to choose an electric toothbrush

Today, electric toothbrushes are outfitted13 with a variety of features. Though they make nice
additions, pressure sensors that tell you if you’re brushing too hard or timers that indicate when
you’ve brushed long enough don’t directly affect how well the toothbrush actually cleans your teeth.

Electric toothbrushes “try to stimulate the gums and teeth with different configurations of the
bristles," Ictech-Cassis says. “Even the most inexpensive electric models will keep your teeth clean,
but you may have to move them a little more to reach the difficult areas.”

Although almost any toothbrush can do an effective job, research suggests there is one electronic
toothbrush bristle configuration that seems to be better at removing14 plaque and preventing15 gum
disease. Electric toothbrushes with bristles that rotate together in one direction, and then switch and
rotate in the opposite direction appear to be more effective than manual brushes and other electric
brushes that spin in only one direction. If you do opt for an electronic toothbrush, a model with
rotating16-oscillating17 bristles is probably your best bet.

How often should you get a new toothbrush?

Whether you choose a manual or an electric toothbrush, choose one with soft bristles and be sure to
change the bristles on the electric brush when they become worn down. “Bristles are very important,”
Ictech-Cassis says. “Brushes need to be replaced18 every three months or when the bristles are no
longer straight and firm. In that condition, they will not clean the teeth as well as they should.”

Los participios tienen las siguientes funciones:

Participio presente (ING)

ING Ejemplo Traducción

Sustantivo The oral mucosa is a protective lining. La mucosa oral es un revestimiento protector.
Adjetivo She is a willing nurse. Ella es una enfermera dispuesta.
Verbo He is brushing with an electrical brush. Él se está cepillando con un cepillo eléctrico.
Cláusula We know smoking cigarettes can cause Sabemos que fumar cigarrillos puede causar
periodontal disease. enfermedad periodontal

Participio pasado (ED)

ED Ejemplo Traducción
Adjetivo Crooked teeth can be aligned with braces. Los dientes torcidos se pueden alinear con frenillos
Verbo The dentist examined those children. El dentista examinó a esos niños.
Cláusula A tough substance called keratin makes Una sustancia resistente llamada queratina
the oral mucosa resistant to injury. produce la mucosa oral resistente a las lesiones.
Ejercicio 1. Transcriba en el siguiente cuadro las palabras subrayadas en el texto, indique su función,
de acuerdo con su clasificación de participio presente / participio pasado, y traduzca de acuerdo con
el contexto.

Palabra Función Traducción Palabra Función Traducción

1 Choosing presente recommended pasado recomendado
2 fashioned pasado modeló limited pasado limitado
3 brushing presente cepillado powered pasado motorizado
presente usando outfitted pasado equipado
4 using
5 putting presente poniendo removing presente eliminando
presente ejercer preventing presente
6 Placing previniendo
7 causing presente rotating presente
causando giratorio
increased oscillating presente oscilante
8 pasado aumentó
9learned pasado aprendió replaced pasado reemplazado

Ejercicio 2. Seleccione la palabra con el participio correcto de acuerdo con su función y contexto de
la oración.

1. The Dentistry documentary was very________________ (interesting / interested).

2. Everybody was __________________ (shocked / shocking) to hear the news about university.
3. When I_____________ (traveling / traveled) to New York, I met a well-known dentist.
4. _____________ (repairing / repaired) of this hospital improved the oldest areas.
5. The patient was ____________ (waiting / waited) for his appointment during half an hour.
6. Last night, we listened to a ____________ (fascinating / fascinated) report about the new oral
health studies.
7. Many dentists from the University of Carabobo are ___________ (exciting / excited) because
they were selected to work for famous dental clinics.
8. _______________ (adjusting / adjusted) braces can be a (disgusting / disgusted) experience.
9. Some patients are easily _____________ (embarrassed / embarrassing) when they do not follow
their dentist instructions.
10. Children of poor and _____________ (developed / developing) countries tend to have many
Ejercicio 3. Responda en castellano de acuerdo con el texto

a. Menciona las ventajas de los cepillos dentales manuales:

Costo y disponibilidad, Fácil de viajar con el, Ejercer menos presión sobre dientes y encías, Bueno
para los niños.
b. ¿En qué casos son recomendados los cepillos eléctricos?
Lo recomendamos para personas que no saben hacer un buen trabajo con un cepillo de dientes
c. Entre los cepillos eléctricos ¿Cuál es el más recomendado? Explique su respuesta:
un modelo con cerdas giratorias-oscilantes
d. ¿Cuán frecuente debe ser cambiado el cepillo dental?
Los cepillos deben reemplazarse cada tres meses o cuando las cerdas ya no estén rectas y firmes.

Ejercicio 4. Traduzca la palabra subrayada de acuerdo con el contexto:

1. A manual toothbrush is not bulky like an electric toothbrush. _____________________

2. You can feel pressure as you grasp the toothbrush. _____________________

3. Children can use manual brushes safely. _____________________

4. An electric toothbrush has clear advantages. _____________________

5. How well the toothbrush actually cleans your teeth. _____________________

6. The most inexpensive electric models will keep your teeth clean. _____________________

7. This toothbrush is better to reach the difficult areas. _____________________

8. You can opt for an electronic toothbrush. _____________________

9. Choose a toothbrush with soft bristles. _____________________

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