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JavaScript ™

Your visual blueprint for

building dynamic Web pages
by Kelly L. Murdock



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JavaScript™: Your visual blueprint for building dynamic Web pages Trademark Acknowledgments

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About the Author
Kelly Murdock has been involved in numerous Internet-related titles, including most recently, Master Visually HTML and
XHTML, HTML Unleashed, Using FrontPage, and the FrontPage Bible. He also works full-time managing a Web development team
for Big Planet and is the creative force behind the children’s Web site at, which features a variety of
JavaScript games.

Author’s Acknowledgments
There are several individuals that I’d like to thank for their support on this project. First of all is my family. Thanks to Angela for
helping me in the most stressful times during the development of this work and for her continual encouragement. Thanks to
Eric and Thomas for being understanding while Dad was so busy.
Thanks to Chris Murdock for his work on the Animabets characters that are feature prominently throughout the book.
Thanks to Martine Edwards for directing me to this project and a big thanks to Dana Lesh for her expert editing and project
guidance. Thanks also to all other IDG employees who were responsible for copy editing, proofreading, indexing, designing the
cover, and producing the CD-ROM.
Thanks also to all the contributors who added value to the book’s CD-ROM.
Never underestimate the power of a good game.

To Eric, 2000

Understand Scripting ..................................................................................................2
Enter JavaScript Statements in the URL Field ..............................................................4
Embed JavaScript within an HTML Document ............................................................6
Link to an External JavaScript File ................................................................................8
Present Content to Non-JavaScript Browsers ............................................................10
Add Comments to JavaScript ....................................................................................12


Understand Variable Types ........................................................................................14
Declare Variables ......................................................................................................16
Assign Values to Variables ..........................................................................................17
Using Integers ..........................................................................................................18
Using Floating-Point Numbers ..................................................................................19
Using Booleans ..........................................................................................................20
Using Strings ............................................................................................................21
Determine Variable Type ..........................................................................................22
Convert Strings to Numbers ......................................................................................24
Convert Numbers to Strings ......................................................................................26
Declare an Array ........................................................................................................28
Determine the Number of Elements of an Array ......................................................30
Convert an Array into a String ..................................................................................32
Sort an Array ..............................................................................................................34

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

Using Arithmetic Operators ......................................................................................36
Increment and Decrement Variables ........................................................................38
Create Comparison Expressions ................................................................................40
Create Logical Expressions ........................................................................................42
Use Conditional Operators ........................................................................................44
Understand Precedence ............................................................................................46
Evaluate String Expressions ......................................................................................47
Identify Numbers ......................................................................................................48


Using if-else Statements ............................................................................................50
Using for Loops ........................................................................................................52
Using while Loops ....................................................................................................54
Break Loops ..............................................................................................................56
Continue Loops ........................................................................................................57
Using JavaScript Timers ............................................................................................58
Set Regularly Timed Intervals ....................................................................................60
Clear Timeouts and Intervals ....................................................................................62



Declare a Function ....................................................................................................64
Call a Function ..........................................................................................................65
Understand Global and Local Variables ....................................................................66
Pass Parameters to a Function ..................................................................................68
Return Values from a Function ..................................................................................70
Call a Function from an HTML Link ..........................................................................72

Using JavaScript Events ............................................................................................74
Detect a Mouse Click ................................................................................................76
Detect a Double-Click ..............................................................................................78
Create Rollover Buttons ............................................................................................80
Detect a Key Press ....................................................................................................82
Set Focus ..................................................................................................................84
Detect a Pull-Down Menu Selection ........................................................................86
Create Page Loading and Unloading Messages ..........................................................88

Understand Objects, Properties, and Methods ........................................................90
Using Web Page Element Objects ............................................................................92
Using Subobjects ......................................................................................................94
Using Predefined Objects ..........................................................................................96
Create New Objects ..................................................................................................98

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

Refer to the Current Object ....................................................................................100

View Object Properties ............................................................................................102
Using the Array Object ............................................................................................104
Using the image Object ..........................................................................................106
Preload Images ........................................................................................................107
Change Images ........................................................................................................108
Using the link and anchor Objects ..........................................................................110
Change Links ..........................................................................................................113
Using the history Object ........................................................................................115


Using the window and document Objects ..............................................................116
Display Text on a Browser’s Status Bar ..................................................................118
Change Background Colors ....................................................................................120
Change Text and Link Colors ..................................................................................122
Change the Document Title ....................................................................................124
Display the Modification Date ................................................................................125
View the URL of the Current Document ................................................................126
View the Referring Page ..........................................................................................127
Open a New Browser Window ................................................................................128
Close a Remote Window ........................................................................................130
Print a Window ......................................................................................................132
Move a Window ......................................................................................................134
Resize a Window ....................................................................................................136
Inform the User with an Alert Dialog Box ..............................................................138
Accept Input with a Prompt Dialog Box ..................................................................140
Enable User Decisions with a Confirm Dialog Box ..................................................142



Using the string Object ..........................................................................................144
Work with Substrings ..............................................................................................146
Concatenate Strings ................................................................................................148
Format String Variables ............................................................................................150
Build Anchors and Links ..........................................................................................152
Determine String Length ........................................................................................154
Change Case ..........................................................................................................155
Search within a String ..............................................................................................156
Locate Characters in a String ..................................................................................158
Replace Text in a String ..........................................................................................160
Split a String ............................................................................................................162


Using the date Object ............................................................................................164
Display the Local Time and Date ............................................................................166
Get Time and Date Values ......................................................................................168
Set Time and Date Values ........................................................................................170
Work with Time ......................................................................................................172
Work with Time Zones ............................................................................................174

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages


Using the Math Object ............................................................................................176
Generate Random Numbers ....................................................................................178
Using Mathematical Constants ................................................................................180
Using Trigonometric Functions ................................................................................182
Using Logarithmic and Exponential Methods ..........................................................184
Using the Square Root Method ..............................................................................185
Round Numbers ......................................................................................................186
Raise Numbers to a Power ......................................................................................187
Find Minimum and Maximum Values ......................................................................188
Using Absolute Values ............................................................................................189


Using Text Boxes ....................................................................................................190
Work with Password Boxes ....................................................................................192
Work with Hidden Fields ........................................................................................193
Work with Textarea Boxes ......................................................................................194
Using Buttons ..........................................................................................................196
Using a Reset Button ..............................................................................................198
Using a Submit Button ............................................................................................199


Using Check Box Buttons ........................................................................................200

Using Radio Buttons ................................................................................................202
Work with Selection Lists ........................................................................................204
Work with Separate Selection List Items ................................................................206
Work with a Multiple-Selection List ........................................................................208
Disable Form Elements ............................................................................................210
Reset and Submit a Form ........................................................................................212
Validate Forms ........................................................................................................214
Control Form Focus ................................................................................................216
Using Focus Events ................................................................................................218


Work with the frame Object ....................................................................................220
Access Frames by Name ..........................................................................................222
Find the Number of Frames ....................................................................................224
Reference the Current Frame ..................................................................................225
Reference across Frames ........................................................................................226
Write to a Separate Frame ......................................................................................228
Detect Frame Resizing ............................................................................................229
Set the Target Frame ................................................................................................230
Print a Frame ..........................................................................................................231

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages


Using the navigator Object ......................................................................................232
Detect a User’s Browser ........................................................................................234
Detect the Browser’s Version ..................................................................................235
Detect a User’s Operating System ..........................................................................236
Understand a User Agent ........................................................................................237
Determine Whether Java Is Enabled ........................................................................238
Determine the Code Name ....................................................................................239
Using the location Object ........................................................................................240
Using Cookies ........................................................................................................242
Encode Characters ..................................................................................................244


Detect JavaScript Errors ..........................................................................................246
Debug with Comments ..........................................................................................248
Output Values to Text Boxes ..................................................................................250
Common JavaScript Errors ......................................................................................251


HTML 4.01 REFERENCE ...................................................................................254

WHAT'S ON THE CD-ROM ..............................................................................264

USING THE E-VERSION OF THE BOOK .........................................................286

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages


eb page files, written in the Hypertext This interactivity enables the Web page creator

W Markup Language (HTML), define how

elements such as text, tables, and
images will appear when viewed in a browser.
to dynamically control the Web page elements.
You can also use JavaScript to change Web
page elements as the user interacts with the
HTML deals only with static elements. Web page. For example, you can set the text
displayed in a form’s text box to update when
JavaScript is a scripting language that can co- the user clicks a button.
exist with HTML in a Web page file. It can be
used to add interactivity to a Web page. JavaScript can run in a browser without any
additional tools.


⁄ Open a Web page that ¤ Click one of the buttons. ■ The text box displays the ‹ Click another button.
includes JavaScript, such as answer result, and a new image is displayed.
balls.html, in a browser. Note: The HTML file for this Web
page includes JavaScript syntax
that defines how the text boxes
and images are updated.


JavaScript is the most popular client-based VBScript is very similar to the Visual Basic
Web scripting language because it is programming language, so the advantage of
supported on both Netscape Navigator and using it if you are familiar with Visual Basic is
Internet Explorer, but you can use other that VBScript may be easier for you to learn
scripting languages to add interactivity to a than JavaScript. The disadvantage is that
Web page. Setting the language attribute VBScript works only in the Microsoft Internet
for the <script> tag to VBScript Explorer browser.
specifies that VBScript is used as the
scripting language. VBScript is similar in
syntax to Visual Basic, but it is only
supported on the Internet Explorer browser.

■ Again the text box displays › Choose View➪Source to ˇ Scroll down until you find ■ Notice that the language
the result, and a new image is view the page’s source code. the <script> tag. attribute is set to javascript.
Note: The text box is logically
updated depending on the answer.



avaScript is composed of statements that when Address box of the browser, type the JavaScript
executed perform a desired function. For statement, and then press the Enter key to
example, the JavaScript statement execute the statement.
document.write(“hello”) displays the
word hello in the browser. A semicolon (;) should be placed at the end of
the JavaScript statement. Several different
Browsers can interpret and execute JavaScript statements can be included together in the
statements. These statements can be found within Address box by separating them with semicolons.
a Web page file or entered directly into the
browser’s URL box. For example, if you enter javascript:
document.write(“hello”); the browser
To have the browser execute a JavaScript displays the text “hello” when you press the
statement, type the javascript: keyword in the Enter key.


⁄ Open a browser. ¤ In the Address box, type

the javascript: keyword.


If a keyword is entered in the Address box, If you forget to include the javascript:
the browser normally searches for Web pages keyword, the browser will think that the
based on the keyword. If you want the JavaScript statement you type is a Web page
browser to search for JavaScript Web pages address. It will try to locate a Web page with
instead of executing a JavaScript statement, that address, which it won’t be able to find.
just omit the colon after javascript: If you
type the javascript: keyword in the
browser’s Address box without including a
colon (:), the browser searches for Web
pages that match the javascript keyword.
The colon symbol tells the browser that the
following text should be interpreted as
JavaScript statements.

‹ After the javascript: › Also enter the statement ■ The JavaScript statements
keyword, type document.bgColor=“blue”; are executed in the browser.
ˇ Press the Enter key.




JavaScript can be included in a Web page within

<script> tags. The JavaScript statements included
within the <script> tags are executed when the
Web page loads in a browser.
scripting language to use. For JavaScript, it can be
simply set to javascript.
If a JavaScript statement displays any text to the browser,
the location of the text will be at the <script> tag’s
The <script> tags can appear anywhere within the location in the Web page file. For example, if an HTML
<head> or <body> tags. A single Web page can file has a heading followed by a <script> tag that
include several sets of <script> tags. outputs some text, then the JavaScript text will come
The <script> tag accepts the type and language immediately after the HTML heading.
attributes. The type attribute can be set to a This example uses the skeleton.html file found on
recognized MIME type, such as text/javascript. the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to
The language attribute is another way to specify the any file.

⁄ Open the skeleton.html › Set the language attribute Á Within the <script> tags, ° Save the file as
file. equal to javascript. add a JavaScript statement to changebg.html.
change the background color.
¤ Add a set of <script> tags ˇ Save the file as js- Note: JavaScript statements
within the <body> tags. skeleton.html. ‡ Add a semicolon (;) to the placed within the <script> tags
end of the JavaScript are executed when the file is
‹ Add the language attribute Note: This skeleton page can be statement. loaded.
to the <script> tag. used to easily create a Web page
that includes JavaScript.


Using JavaScript, you can personalize a Web

page for your visitors. The following snippet
of code opens a dialog box in which users
can enter their names. This name is then
displayed on the Web page using another
JavaScript statement:
temp = window.prompt(“What is your
document.write(“Welcome, “ + temp
+ “ to this Web page. I hope you
enjoy your visit.”);
To make this script work, you simply need to
include it within a set of <script> tags and
open the file within a browser.

· Add another JavaScript ‚ Add a semicolon (;) to the ± Open the output.html file ■ Notice how the
statement to output a phrase. end of the JavaScript in a browser. background color has
statement. changed and text is displayed.
■ The output statement can
include HTML tags. — Save the file as


nother attribute that can be used with protocol keyword followed by the Web address

A the <script> tag is the src attribute.

This attribute can be set to the URL of an
external file that contains the JavaScript script.
for the external file.
For example, the statement, <script
src=”myfile.js”> would access the
The external file does not need to include the external JavaScript file named myfile.js
<script> tags, only the JavaScript located in the same directory as the HTML file.
statements. It also doesn’t need to include the
html extension. External JavaScript files This example uses the output.html file
typically will have a js extension. found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
may have created in the section “Embed
The external JavaScript file can be anywhere on JavaScript within an HTML Document”), but
the Web and referenced using the http:// you can apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the output.html file ‹ Save the file as CREATING A FILE TO LINK TO ‹ Save the file as
in Notepad. external.html. external.js.
⁄ Open a new file in
¤ Cut the contents of Notepad.
<script> tags out of the file.
¤ Paste the <script> tag
contents you cut from the
output.html file into this
new file.

JavaScript is case-sensitive. If you type a Any JavaScript statements included within the
JavaScript variable with a capital letter, you <head> tags are executed before the remaining
need to include that same capital letter when HTML tags. For example, if there are <script>
you call the variable. So the variables hello, tags within the <head> tags that contain a
Hello, and HELLO are all different. If your JavaScript statement that outputs some text, that
JavaScript statement isn’t being recognized text appears above the rest of the Web page.
correctly, check for a misspelled keyword.
You can execute JavaScript statements
multiple times by placing them within
structures called functions. Functions are
covered in Chapter 5.

LINKING TO AN EXTERNAL FILE ‹ Set the src attribute to ˇ Open the external.html ■ The JavaScript statements
external.js. file in a browser. still work as an external file.
⁄ Open the external.html
file in Notepad. › Save the file as
external.html, saving
¤ Add the src attribute to over the original
the <script> tag. external.html file.



sers have the option as part of the This content can explain to the users with

U browser configuration to disable JavaScript

support. If a user has disabled JavaScript
support, her browser will not display any
JavaScript disabled on their browser what they
would see if JavaScript were enabled.
For example, if a Web page includes the
JavaScript that you include in your Web page.
sentence “This page uses JavaScript” within
You can handle a browser that has JavaScript <noscript> tags, this sentence will appear if
support disabled using the <noscript> tags. JavaScript is disabled.
If the JavaScript cannot be processed, the
content included within the <noscript> tags This example uses the output.html file
is displayed. found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


ADDING <noscript> TAGS TO A ‹ Between the <noscript> DISABLING JAVASCRIPT IN ¤ Choose Edit➪Preferences
WEB PAGE tags, add some explanation NETSCAPE NAVIGATOR to open the Preferences
⁄ Open the output.html text. dialog box.
⁄ Open Netscape Navigator.
file. › Save the file as ‹ Select the Advanced
noscript.html. Note: In the Internet Explorer category from the list at the
¤ After the <script> tags, browser, you can’t disable
add a set of <noscript> tags. left.
JavaScript specifically.


You cannot control a user’s browser Many different Web page enhancements can be
configuration, so there is no way to alter enabled or disabled using the browser
someone’s configuration to enable JavaScript preference settings. Using Netscape Navigator’s
support. The best you can do is to tell the Preferences dialog box, you can disable Java,
user how to enable it and encourage him or JavaScript, style sheets, and cookies. Using
her to do so. You can, however, detect Internet Explorer’s Options dialog box, you
whether the Java programming language is can disable Java, ActiveX controls, scripting,
enabled. and cookies.

› Deselect the Enable ˇ Click the OK button. VIEWING YOUR WEB PAGE IN A ■ The text contained within
JavaScript option JAVASCRIPT-DISABLED the <noscript> tag is
( changes to ). BROWSER displayed.
⁄ Open the noscript.html
file in Netscape Navigator.



T he JavaScript syntax can be difficult to
follow if you are new to the language. One
way to document what a section of code
does is to include blocks of comments. These
Comments can appear anywhere within a set
of <script> tags.
Besides documenting your code, you can also
comments will be ignored by the browser and use comments for debugging JavaScript.
will only be visible in the actual file. Multiple-line comments can be used to quickly
disable sections of your code without
A single-line comment can be designated with removing them. This ability is handy when you
two forward slashes (//). Multiple-line are trying to debug sections that aren’t
comments start with a forward slash and an working properly.
asterisk (/*) and end with the opposite (*/).
You cannot nest multiple sets of comments. All This example uses the noscript.html file
statements included within the comment found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
symbols will be ignored. may have created in the section “Present
Content to Non-JavaScript Browsers”), but you
can apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the noscript.html ‹ Add a multiple-line ˇ Open the comments.html ■ Notice how the comments
file in Notepad. comment in front of the file in a browser. added to the file don’t appear
second JavaScript statement. in the browser.
¤ Add a single-line
comment in front of the first › Save the file as
JavaScript statement. comments.html.


Many scripts can benefit from an explanatory

header. This header can include information
about the script, including the author, the
date, and a description of what the script
does. Such a header could be marked as a
comment block like so:
/* Personalize Script
developed by KLM on May 16, 2000
description: The purpose of this
script is to accept the user’s name
using a prompt box, save the name in
a variable, and display the name to
the browser as part of a welcome
message. */

Á Open the comments.html ° Save the file as · Open the ■ Notice that the first
file in Notepad. comments2.html. comments2.html file in a JavaScript statement was
browser. executed, but not the second,
‡ Move the closing because the second
comment block after the statement is now a comment.
second JavaScript statement.



ne of the first concepts that you need Several different types of variables exist,

O to understand in JavaScript is how to

work with variables. Variables are like a
temporary holding container for values. As
depending on the type of data that they hold.
The various variable types can hold an
assortment of numbers and words as values.
values change, the variable can be updated to Specifically, these types include the following:
hold the new value.
• Integer numbers
Variables can also hold constant values.
Constant values are values that don’t change. • Floating-point numbers
For example, you could create a variable • String
named hoursPerDay and set it to 24; within
your code, you can refer to the number of • Boolean
hours per day using the variable
hoursPerDay. Although simply typing the A good coding technique is to start the variable
value 24 in the code would be easier, if you names with a letter that indicates the type of
use a variable, the equation will have meaning variable. This technique helps as you work with
when you examine it. Using variables to hold the code. For example, an integer variable
constants thus makes debugging and working would be named iVar, a floating-point variable
with your code easier. would be fVar, a string variable would be
sVar, and a Boolean variable would be bVar.
Variable names must meet several This technique for naming variables isn’t
requirements. For example, 24 is not a good required, only suggested.
variable name because it is easily confused
with a value. Variable names can include
upper- and lowercase letters, numbers, and
the underscore character (_). No other
punctuation marks may be used. Variable
names must not begin with a number and
cannot include any spaces.
Variable names in JavaScript are case-sensitive.
So, the variable names Hello, hello, and
HeLLo are all different. It’s a good idea to use
variable names that describe the data they
hold. If you consistently name variables,
understanding your code when you look at it
later will be easier. For example, you could
consistently capitalize all constant values as a
way of identifying that they will not change.



Integer variables can hold the basic counting
numbers, either positive or negative. These
values can be operated on using arithmetic
operators such as addition, subtraction,
multiplication, and division.
Examples of integer values include 2, 345,
and -34.

Floating-point variables can hold fractional
numbers that include a decimal point. These
variables can also be used with the standard
arithmetic operators.
Examples of floating-point values include 2.5,
-34.56, and 3.121.

String variables are simply words and
sentences. These variables can hold single
characters or entire paragraphs. String values
are usually designated with a set of
quotation marks.
Examples of string values include “hello”,
“abc”, and “This is a test”.

Boolean variables are a unique variable type
that can hold only the words true or false.
These variables can be used to test the
condition of a statement. The number 0 is
also used to represent the value false, and
1 represents the value true.


J avaScript is a loosely typed language. This
means that you don’t need to explicitly
declare each variable type, and different
variable types can be combined without an
You can also specifically state variable names
using the var keyword. This keyword, when
placed in front of a variable name, identifies it
as a variable. You can declare several variables
error. at once by separating them with commas.
Being a loosely typed language also means that For example, var int1, int2, str1,
you don’t need to specify the variable type str2 declares four variables.
when creating a new variable. All you need to
do is type a variable name, and its type is This example uses the js-skeleton.html
automatically set based on the type of value it file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
holds. apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a semicolon (;) to the Á Add several additional ‡ Save the file as
skeleton.html in Notepad. end of the line. variable names separated var2.html.
with commas.
¤ Add a heading for the ˇ Save the file as
page within the <body> tags. var.html.
‹ Add the var keyword
within the <script> tags
followed by a variable name.



fter a variable is declared, you can assign For example, the statement str1 = “Hello

A values to it using the equals sign (=). The

value should always be placed on the
right side of the equals sign with the variable
Everybody”; places the string “Hello
Everybody” in the variable str1.
This example uses the var.html and
name on the left.
var2.html files found on the book’s
For example, the statement temp1 = 56; CD-ROM (or which you may have created in
places the value 56 within the variable named the section “Declare Variables”), but you can
temp1. You can then refer to this value at any apply these steps to any file.
time using the temp1 variable name.
Strings can be assigned to a variable name if
they are included in quotation marks (“ ”).
Any string without quotation marks is
considered a variable name.


ASSIGNING A VALUE ‹ Save the file as ASSIGNING VALUES TO ‹ Save the file as
assign.html. assign2.html.
⁄ Open the file var.html in ⁄ Open the file var2.html
Notepad. in Notepad.
¤ Below the variable ¤ Below the variable
declaration, type the variable declaration, set the value for
name and set it equal to a each variable name.


ntegers are values without a decimal point. being represented with the letters a–f.

I These are typically referred to as the

“counting numbers” and may be either
positive or negative. Negative integer values
Hexadecimal integers have a 0x in front of
them. Octal integers are base 8 and include a
leading 0.
have a minus sign (–) in front of them.
For example, 24 is a decimal number, 024 is an
Integer values may be either decimal, octal number, and 0x24 is a hexadecimal
hexadecimal, or octal. The difference between number.
these types is the base of the number system.
Decimal integers are base 10. Hexadecimal This example uses the js-skeleton.html
integers are base 16 with the numbers above 9 file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the js- › Use document.write Á Open the integer.html ■ The variable values are
skeleton.html file in statements to display the file in a browser. displayed. Notice how each
Notepad. values of each variable. value is displayed as its
¤ Within the <script> tags, decimal equivalent.
ˇ Save the file as
declare three variables with integer.html.
the var keyword.
‹ Set each variable name to
a value.
loating-point values are fractional numbers that

It depends on the size of a floating-point
include a decimal point. These numbers can be number whether it is displayed in scientific
either positive or negative. notation. Floating-point numbers that are
smaller than 1.0E-7 are displayed in
Very large or very small numbers can be expressed
scientific notation, but large numbers can
in scientific notation. Scientific notation places the
be as large as 1.0E20 before being
letter E within the number followed by the number
displayed in scientific notation.
of places the decimal point is moved. Positive
values move the decimal to the right, and negative
values move the decimal to the left.
For example, 5.14E6 represents the number
5,140,000, and 6.023E-4 represents the number
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file
found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply
these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the js- › Use document.write Á Open the floating- ■ The variable values are
skeleton.html file in statements to display the point.html file in a browser. displayed. Notice how some
Notepad. values of each variable. of them are displayed in
¤ Within the <script> tags, scientific notation.
declare four variables with ˇ Save the file as
the var keyword. floating-point.html.
‹ Set each variable name to
floating-point values, two
large and two small.

oolean values can be either true or == “true”) can be used to control whether

B false. In addition to the actual words,

the values can be set to 0 or 1 with 0
representing false and 1 representing true.
one set of statements gets executed or another.
You can also just use the Boolean variable
name such as if (finished).
Because Boolean values can only be true or This example uses the var2.html file found
false, they make good conditional on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you may
statements. A conditional statement can be have created in the section “Declare
used to determine the flow of the program. Variables”), but you can apply these steps to
any file.
In Chapter 4, program-flow statements like
if-else are introduced. Boolean variables
work very well for these statements. For
example, for a Boolean variable named
finished, the statement if (finished


⁄ Open the var2.html file ‹ Use document.write ˇ Open the boolean.html ■ The variable values are
in Notepad. statements to display the file in a browser. displayed.
values of each variable.
¤ Within the <script> tags,
assign Boolean values to each › Save the file as
variable. boolean.html.


tring values are composed of words and For example, if a string is assigned to a variable

S characters specified within a set of

quotation marks.
Strings can be contained within single
like this, str1 = “\”Hello, my name is
Waldo.\””, the quotation marks surround
the string value.
quotation marks (‘) or within double-quotation When string values are displayed using the
marks (“), but the beginning and ending marks document.write() method, the text is
must be the same. displayed in the browser and is subject to the
HTML display engine. This means that you can
If you want to include quotation marks within the include HTML tags within your string values
string value, you should include the backslash and they will be interpreted and used to
symbol (\) in front of the quotation mark. This display the text in the browser.
causes the quotation mark to be displayed. You
can also use the backslash symbol to display This example uses the js-skeleton.html
backslash characters in the string. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the js- › Use document.write Á Open the string.html file ■ The string values are
skeleton.html file in statements to display the in a browser. displayed.
Notepad. values of each variable.
¤ Within the <script> tags, ˇ Save the file as
declare two variables with the string.html.
var keyword.
‹ Set each variable name to
a string value.


ariables are often combined with one floating-point variables, string for string

V another. For example, if you include an

equation within your code, two variables
are combined to produce a result. If you try to
variables, boolean for Boolean variables, and
undefined if the variable type cannot be
combine two variables that are different types,
you may run into trouble. In cases like this, For example, if the variable int1 is assigned
you may want to determine the variables’ type. to 24, the statement typeof int1; would
return number.
JavaScript includes a keyword that you can use
to check a variable’s type — typeof. When This example uses the assign2.html and
the typeof keyword is placed in front of a var2.html files found on the book’s
variable name, the variable type is returned as CD-ROM (or which you may have created in
a string. the sections “Assign Values to Variables” and
“Declare Variables”), but you can apply these
When the typeof keyword is placed in front steps to any file.
of a variable, it returns number for integer and

⁄ Open the assign2.html ‹ Add the typeof keyword ˇ Open the typeof.html file ■ The variable type for each
file in Notepad. to each document.write in a browser. variable is displayed.
statement followed by the
¤ Use document.write variable name.
statements to display the
values of each variable. › Save the file as


The typeof keyword can also be used to If the undefined value is returned as a result
identify other types of elements: objects, of the typeof keyword, the variable doesn’t
forms, and functions. Each form, function, exist or hasn’t been defined yet. If you misspell
and object has a name. Using the typeof the variable name, it isn’t recognized and the
keyword with these names returns the undefined value is returned. Another case in
element’s type. which the undefined value is returned is if
you use typeof before the variable gets
assigned a value: If the typeof keyword
appears in the script before the variable or
function is encountered, the typeof keyword
returns undefined.


⁄ Open the var2.html file ‹ Save the file as › Open the file ■ The variable type for each
in Notepad. typeof2.html. typeof2.html in a browser. unassigned variable is
displayed as undefined.
¤ Use document.write
statements to display the type
of each unassigned variable.



efore you can perform arithmetic Strings that begin with numbers can be

B operations between numbers, you have

to make sure that you are dealing with
number variable types and not strings. If a
converted into a number variable type using
parseInt() for integers and
parseFloat() for floating-point numbers.
number is included within quotes when it is The variable name that holds the string should
assigned to a variable, it is a string and not a be placed within the parentheses.
number, which will cause problems if you try
to add this number to another number. For example, to convert the string “256” in
the variable named temp to a number, you use
JavaScript includes a couple of functions that the parseInt(temp); statement.
can be used to strip the numbers off the front
of a string and convert them to a number This example uses the js-skeleton.html
variable type. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the js- ‹ Use the parseInt() Á Open the file ■ The variable type for each
skeleton.html file in function to convert the string parseint.html in a browser. variable is displayed.
Notepad. to a number.

¤ Add two new variables › Use document.write

statements to display the
and assign the first one to be values and type of each
a string that starts with a variable.
ˇ Save the file as

If the variable starts with a character that isn’t A string value can be assigned to a variable and
a number, the parseInt() function returns later an integer value assigned to the same
NaN, which stands for “not a number.” variable without causing an error: Because
JavaScript is loosely scripted, you can assign
JavaScript includes a simple method that can different values to a variable at any time without
determine if a variable is a number. The an error.
isNaN() function returns true if the
variable is “not a number” or false if it is.


■ Open the js- ‹ Use the parseFloat() Á Open parsefloat.html in ■ The variable type for each
skeleton.html file in function to convert the string a browser. variable is displayed.
Notepad. to a number.
¤ Add two new variables › Use document.write
and assign the first one to be statements to display the
a string that starts with a values and type of each
floating-point number.
ˇ Save the file as


n Chapter 9, many string-specific methods Another way to convert numbers to strings is

I are covered, such as formatting strings and

working with substrings. If these methods
are used with a variable that contains a
with the toString() method. To use this
method, you simply need to attach the method
name to the end of the variable name with a
number instead of a string, they will result in period in between. For example, to convert a
an error. If you convert a variable containing variable named temp2 holding the value 36 to
numbers to a string, however, these methods a string, you can use the statement
will work. temp2.toString();.
Numbers can be easily converted to strings by This example uses the js-skeleton.html
adding quotation marks or a space in front of file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
the number. For example, if a variable named apply these steps to any file.
temp1 holds the value 36, the statement “”
+ temp1; would automatically convert temp
to a string.

⁄ Open the js- › Use document.write Á Open tostring.html in a ■ The variable type for each
skeleton.html file in statements to display the browser. variable is displayed.
Notepad. values and type of each
¤ Add two new variables variable.
and assign the first one to be
a number. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Convert the second
variable to a string by adding
it to ““.

If the toString() method is used with a Converting a number to a string by adding

variable that already holds a string value, quote marks in front of it is a quick trick, but the
nothing happens and the resulting variable is more correct way to convert a number to a
a string. string is to use the toString() method. Using
this method makes it easy to spot exactly what
Variables can be changed at any time you are doing, and it is good code practice.
between strings and numbers, so you can
convert variables from a number to a string
and back several times. But remember that
some string information may be truncated
using the parseInt() and parseFloat()


⁄ Open the js- › Use document.write Á Open tostring2.html in ■ The variable type for each
skeleton.html file in statements to display the a browser. variable is displayed.
Notepad. values and type of each
¤ Add two new variables variable.
and assign the first one to be
a number. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Change the second
variable to a string by using
the toString() method.

everal variables can be grouped together name followed by the index number in square

S as a numbered index called an array. All

variables within the array are referenced
with the same name, but have a different index
brackets. Array index values always start with 0.
For example, array1 = new Array(10)
would create an array that can hold ten values.
value. The index number is placed after the
array name in square brackets ([]). The first element would be array1[0] and
the final element of the array would be
Arrays can be created by assigning a variable array1[9].
name to new Array() where the number of
elements in the array are included within the This example uses the js-skeleton.html
parentheses. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
After an array is created, you can reference
individual elements of the array using the array


⁄ Open the js- ‹ Assign each array element Á Open array.html in a ■ A string made from all the
skeleton.html file in to a string. browser. individual array elements is
Notepad. displayed.
› Use a document.write
¤ Add a new variable name statement to display the value
and assign it to new Array() of each array element.
with the number of elements
in the array within the ˇ Save the file as
parentheses. array.html.


All the elements of a JavaScript array don’t JavaScript supports two-dimensional arrays. You
have to contain the same variable type. The can create a two-dimensional array by creating
elements of an array can hold several an array of an array. The way this works is to
different types of variables. For example, the create a single one-dimensional array and then
first element in an array could be an integer, to create an array of the existing array. It can be
the second element could be a string, and the confusing when you try to refer to an array of an
third element could be a floating-point array, but for the right application, it is worth
number. Each array element is independent of the effort.
the other elements. However, if you try to
multiply array elements of different types, an
error occurs.


⁄ Open the ‹ Assign each array element Á Open array2.html in a ■ The value contained within
js-skeleton.html file in to an integer. browser. each array element is
Notepad. displayed.
› Use a document.write
¤ Add a new variable name statement to display the value
and assign it to new Array() of each array element.
with the number of elements
in the array within the ˇ Save the file as
parentheses. array2.html.



f an array is created and filled with elements The array object includes a property named

I as the script is executed, you may lose track

of the number of elements contained within
the array. Knowing the number of elements
length that can be used to return the number
of elements in an array. The length property
is a statement just like a variable. It is created
contained within the array tells you how often by placing the length property name with a
you need to loop through the array in order to period after the array name. For example, if an
process all the data in the array. array named array1 is declared, the length of
the property can be returned using the
An array is an object. Objects include properties array1.length statement.
that describe them and methods, which can
execute a built-in function specific to the object. This example uses the array.html and js-
Chapter 7 covers objects in more detail. skeleton.html files found on the book’s
CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the array.html file ‹ Add a new ˇ Open length.html in a ■ The browser displays the
in Notepad. document.write statement to browser. number of elements in the

display the length of the array.
¤ Add + “<br/> array.
document.write statement to
add a line break. › Save the file as


What happens if the array elements are filled The length property is a read-only property,
intermittently depends on whether the array which means that it can return information
size is specified. If the array size is specified, about the object, but it cannot be used to set
the length property always returns the the object’s property. The length property,
specified size. This is the number of places of therefore, cannot be used to set an array’s size.
memory that has been set aside for the array.
If the size isn’t specified, the length
property is determined by the array element
with the greatest index value. For example, if
only the second and fourth elements of an
array are filled, the length property will
identify four elements in the array even if the
first and third elements contain no data.


⁄ Open the ‹ Assign several array Á Open length2.html in a ■ The number of array
js-skeleton.html file in elements a value. browser. elements is displayed.
› Use document.write
¤ Add a new variable name statements to display the
and assign it to new Array() array values and the number
without specifying the of array elements.
number of elements in the ˇ Save the file as
array. length2.html.


rrays can be large and can contain many example, if you have an array of numbers

A different elements. To display all the

elements of an array, you may find it
easiest to convert the array to a string.
called array1, the statement str1 =
array1.join(“ “) places a space between
each array element (instead of a comma). The
variable str1 will then contain a string of
The array object includes a method that numbers with a space placed between each
converts the array elements to a string. This element.
method is join(). The join() method
accepts a single string as a parameter. This This example uses the js-skeleton.html
string is inserted between each separate array file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
element as it is converted to a string. The apply these steps to any file.
default separator is a comma (,), but you can
use a different separator if you specify one. For


⁄ Open js-skeleton.html › Convert the array to a ‡ Open join.html in a ■ The converted array is
in Notepad. string with the join() browser. displayed separated by
method and assign the value commas.
¤ Add a new variable name to a string variable.
and assign it to new Array().
ˇ Use a document.write
‹ Assign several array statement to display the
elements a value. string variable.
Á Save the file as join.html.

Large arrays can be difficult to search through These statements declare an array of elements,
to find specific pieces of data. An easier way convert the array of elements into a string called
to search through an array is to convert the str1, and then set the variable beginChar
entire array to a single string and then use the equal to the position in the string where the
indexOf() method to locate the specific value “123” starts. Using these statements, you
data:. can locate specific elements within the array.
After you locate these elements, you can parse
Example: out the data by using other string object
array1 = new Array(“hello”, methods. Chapter 9 covers string object
“123”, “senior”, “blank”, methods in detail.
str1 = array1.join(“ ”);
beginChar = str1.indexOf(“123”);


⁄ Open the join.html file Note: In Step 2, you are specifying › Open join2.html in a ■ The converted array is
in Notepad. to use a space as a separator browser. displayed separated by
rather than the default comma, so spaces.
¤ Add a string with a space a space will appear in between
as a parameter to the join() each array element.
‹ Save the file as


n array full of elements can be converted When the sort() method is used on an array

A to a string using the join() method, as

shown in the section “Convert an Array
into a String.” The array object also includes
of numbers, the numbers are sorted
alphabetically instead of in numerical order. For
example, an array containing 1, 2, 10, 12
another method that sorts the array elements would be sorted as 1, 10, 12, 2.
in ascending alphabetical order before
converting them into strings — sort(). This example uses the join.html file found
on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you may
For example, if you have an array of words have created in the section “Convert an Array
named array1, you can sort the words and into a String”), but you can apply these steps
convert them to a string using the str1 = to any file.
array1.sort() statement.


⁄ Open the join.html file ‹ Save the file as › Open sort.html in a ■ The array is alphabetically
in Notepad. sort.html. browser. sorted.
¤ Change the join()
method to the sort()


The sort() method can accept a function When the sort() method is executed, the
name as a parameter. The function name can function numSort is called. This function
contain an alternative way to sort the array. accepts two parameters and returns the
This parameter can be used to sort an array of difference between them. This difference is used
numbers numerically instead of alphabetically. by the sort() method to sort the numbers in
The statements for this would look like this: numerical order. As the sort() method
traverses the array elements, the numSort
function numSort(var1, var2) { function is called as often as needed to
return var1 – var2; complete the sorting.

array1 = new Array(“1”, “2”,
“12”, “34”, “72”);
str1 = array1.sort(numSort);


⁄ Open the sort.html file ‹ Save the file as › Open sort2.html in a ■ The array is sorted, but not
in Notepad. sort2.html. browser. in numerical order.
¤ Change the array elements
from strings to numbers.



xpressions are used to compose The subtraction operator can be used as a

E mathematical equations. These equations

can compute a desired result, which can
then be displayed in a browser.
negation operator if it is placed in front of a
variable or number. For example, temp1 =
-var1; makes the value of var1 negative and
places the result in temp1.
Expressions are created with variables or
literals on either side of an operator. Literals Another less popular arithmetic operator is the
can be numerical or string values. modulus operator (%). This operator returns the
value of the remainder after dividing two
The easiest expressions to create use arithmetic numbers. For example, 11%5 would return a
operators. The four standard arithmetic operators value of 1, because 5 goes into 11 two times
are addition (+), subtraction (–), multiplication with a remainder of 1.
(*), and division (/). These operators only work
if the variables on both sides of the operator are This example uses the js-skeleton.html
numbers. However, the addition operator can file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
also be used to combine strings. apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the js-skeleton.html › Use several Á Open arithmetic.html ■ The values of each
file in Notepad. document.write in a browser. evaluated arithmetic
statements to display the expression are displayed.
¤ Create two new variables value of each variable.
and assign a number to each.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Create four new variables arithmetic.html.
and assign each to an
arithmetic expression created
using the first two variables.
The addition operator can be used to You can define a factorial as subtracting one
combine strings, but all other arithmetic from the current value and multiplying it times
operators return a NaN value if they are used the result. For example, 3 factorial would be
on strings. NaN stands for “not a number.” If 3 × 2 × 1 for a result of 6. A function to
the string is a number and it doesn’t include compute factorials would look like this:
any letters, JavaScript automatically converts function factorial(num) {
the string to a number and evaluates the
for (j=num;j>0;j—)
expression. See Chapter 9 for more details
on using strings. result *= num;
return result
This function uses several expressions to
evaluate the factorial result. The result is then


⁄ Open the arithmetic.html ‹ Use a document.write ˇ Open the file modulus.html ■ The value of the modulus
file in Notepad. statement to display the value in a browser. expression is displayed.
of the modulus expression.
¤ Create a new variable
and assign it to a modulus › Save the file as
expression using the first modulus.html.
two variables.



ne of the simplest expressions to create Variables can in a like manner be decremented

O is one that increments or decrements a

variable. Incrementing expressions are
useful as counters and for loops.
using two minus signs (--). This character set
causes the variable to be decreased by 1. For
example, var-- automatically reduces the
value of var by 1.
Variables can be incremented by adding 1 with
the variable and assigning it to the same variable The increment and decrement operators are
like this, var = var + 1. JavaScript, however, both unary operators, which means that they
offers an easier way to increment values with require only a single operand instead of two
two plus symbols (++) attached to the variable. like the arithmetic operators.
For example, var++ automatically increases the This example uses the js-skeleton.html
value of the variable named var when evaluated. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open js-skeleton.html › Increment the variable ‡ Open inc.html in a ■ The values of each variable
in Notepad. with the ++ symbols. browser. are displayed before and after
the increment and decrement
¤ Create a new variable and ˇ Add another expressions.
assign it a number. document.write
statement to again display
‹ Use a document.write the value of each variable.
statement to display the value
of the variable. Á Save the file as inc.html.
The increment or decrement operator doesn’t
always have to follow the variable: The
increment or decrement operator can come
before or after the variable, but subtle
differences distinguish the two when used
with an assignment operator (=). If the
increment or decrement operator comes
before the variable, like var1 = ++var2,
var2 gets incremented before the value is
assigned to var1. If, however, the operator
comes after the variable, the value of var2
gets assigned to var1 before it is incremented
or decremented.
You can use the similar expression x = x +
1 instead of the simpler x++. The increment
operator is used often enough, however, to
make it worth having.


⁄ Open the inc.html file › Decrement the variable ‡ Open dec.html in a ■ The values of each variable
in Notepad. with the -- symbols. browser. are displayed before and after
the increment and decrement
¤ Create another variable ˇ Add another expressions.
and assign it a number. document.write
statement to again display
‹ Add a document.write the value of the variables.
statement to display the value
of each variable. Á Save the file as dec.html.


omparison expressions are used to sign in a comparison expression is a common

C compare the values of two variables.

When evaluated, comparison
expressions result in a Boolean value of either
error in JavaScript.
Another common comparison operator
compares if two variables are not equal. This
true or false.
operator is specified with an exclamation point
These statements are typically used to control in front of an equals sign (!=).
the program flow and are covered in more
detail in Chapter 4. For example, an if You can also check to see if two variables are
statement uses comparison expressions to greater than (>), less than (<), greater than or
decide whether to execute certain statements. equal to (>=), or less than or equal to (<=)
each other.
The comparison operator is designated with
two equals signs (==). It is used to determine if This example uses the js-skeleton.html
two values are equal and is different from the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
assignment symbol (=). Using a single equals apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the js-skeleton.html statement, assign another Á Open the file comp.html ■ The values of each variable
file in Notepad. variable a value. in a browser. are displayed.
¤ Create a new variable and › Use document.write
assign it a number. statements to display the value
of each variable.
‹ Create a comparison
expression as part of an if ˇ Save the file as
statement. Within the if comp.html.

Although it is relatively easy to determine the

results of a comparison expression when
numbers are used, comparison operators can
also use strings. When comparing strings to
be equal such as (“happy birthday” ==
“Happy Birthday”), the result would be
false because JavaScript is case sensitive.
The less than and greater than operators can
also be used with strings. When strings are
compared, their ASCII values are compared.
ASCII values associate a number to each
character on the keyboard. The computer can
recognize these numbers and use them to
display the proper characters on the screen.
The comparison results in A being less than a
and a being less than b, because the ASCII
value for A is less than the ASCII value for a.

‡ Open comp.html in than operator within an if ¡ Open comp2.html in a ■ The values of each variable
Notepad. statement. Within the if browser. are displayed.
statement, assign another
° Reset the variable’s value. variable a value.
· Create a comparison — Use document.write
expression like Step 3’s. statements to display the
‚ Create another comparison value of each variable.
expression using the greater ± Save the file as comp2.html.


nother type of operator is a logical operator produces a true value if either side

A operator. Logical operators can be used

to combine several different comparison
expressions together into a single complex
of the expression is true. The not operator
simply reverses the Boolean value.
These logical operators when used should
statement. They also result in a Boolean value
and are often used to control program flow. appear in between statements and should be
surrounded with parentheses.
The logical operators include and, which is
expressed as two ampersand symbols (&&); This example uses the comp.html file found
or, which is expressed as two bar symbols on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you may
(||); and not, expressed as an exclamation have created in the section “Create
point (!). Comparison Expressions”), but you can apply
these steps to any file.
The and operator produces a true value if
both sides of the expression are true. The or


⁄ Open the comp.html file ■ The document.write › Open logical.html in ■ The values of each variable
in Notepad. statements display the value a browser. are displayed.
of each variable.
¤ Add a logical operator to
the comparison statement. ‹ Save the file as


To get a better idea of all the variations of For the not operator, only two possibilities exist:
using the logical operators, consider the
!true = false
following examples. First, the and operator:
!false = true
true && true = true
Logical operators evaluate the expression on
true && false = false
each side of the logical operator first and then
false && true = false evaluate the logical operator. For example, the
false && false = false statement (var1 > 17 && var1 < 25)
combines the two statements in comparing
For the or operator, the following apply: whether the variable is greater than 17 and less
true || true = true than 25. If the value of var1 equals 18, the
true || false = true
result of this expression is true.
false || true = true
false || false = false

ˇ Open the logical.html ‡ Add document.write · Open the file logical2.html ■ The values of each variable
file in Notepad. statements to display the in a browser. are displayed.
value of the variables.
Á Create another logical
expression as part of an if ° Save the file as
statement. logical2.html.



conditional operator is a single operator For example, the statement (var1 == 23)

A used as a shortcut for a single if-else

statement. if-else statements are
covered in Chapter 4. This operator consists of
? (str2 = ‘yes’) : (str2 = ‘no’)
would compare the value of var1. If this value
equals 23, the variable str2 is assigned the
a question mark (?) and a colon (:). value of yes; if the value does not equal 23,
str2 would be assigned no.
A conditional statement appears to the left of
the question mark. If the conditional statement This example uses the js-skeleton.html
is true, the expression to the immediate left of file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
the question mark is evaluated. Following the apply these steps to any file.
first expression comes the colon symbol and
another expression. If the conditional
statement is false, JavaScript evaluates the
statement that follows the colon.


⁄ Open the js-skeleton.html › Use a document.write Á Open the file ■ The browser displays the
file in Notepad. statement to display the value conditional.html values of each variable.
of each variable. in a browser.
¤ Create new variables and
assign them values. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Use a conditional
expression to determine
the value of a variable.

The value of the conditional expression is Some examples of a conditional expression

best seen when compared with the structure include the following:
that it replaces. Consider the following code:
(flipCoin) ? result=“heads” :
if (condition1 == true) { result=“tails”;
expression1; (today=birthday) ?
document.write(“Happy Birthday”) :
} document.write(“Happy Un-birthday”);
else {
This is a simple if-else structure that
evaluates expression1 if condition1 is true
or expression2 if condition1 is false. This
same structure can be replaced with a single
conditional statement that looks like this:
(condition1 == true) ? expression1 :

‡ Open the js-skeleton.html ‚ Use a document.write ± Open the file ■ The values of each variable
file in Notepad again. statement to display the value conditional2.html are displayed.
of each variable. in a browser.
° Create several new
variables and assign each a — Save the file as
value. conditional2.html.
· Use a conditional
expression to determine
which expression to evaluate.

J avaScript evaluates operators in a specific
order. This order is known as operator
precedence. The operators with the highest
precedence get evaluated first.
The order of operator precedence after
parentheses is as follows:
1. Unary operators: ++, --, –, !
Parentheses have the highest precedence. If 2. Arithmetic operators: *, /, %, +, –
you are ever in doubt of which expression is to
be evaluated first, include the separate 3. Comparison operators: >, <, >=, <=
expressions within parentheses.
4. Logical operators: &&, ||
If the operators have the same level of
precedence, such as an expression full of 5. Conditional operator: ?:
addition operators, JavaScript evaluates the 6. Assignment operator: =
operators from left to right.


⁄ Open the js-skeleton.html ‹ Add pairs of parentheses Á Open precedence.html ■ Notice how the values of
file from the CD-ROM in to the expressions in different in a browser. each expression are different.
Notepad. places.
¤ Create several variables › Use document.write
and assign each an expression statements to display the
with the same type of results of each expression.
ˇ Save the file as


ometimes expressions are contained within a

S string, such as when enabling the user to input to

an expression into a form field. Using the eval()
function, you can instruct JavaScript to evaluate the You can use the eval() function to
string as an expression. evaluate JavaScript commands in a
roundabout way: When the
For example, if a string variable called str1 was eval() function is called, the
assigned an expression such as 128 + 62, displaying JavaScript interpreter attempts to
this variable value would be “128 + 62”. On the evaluate any string that is passed
other hand, if you were to display eval(str1), the to it; you can save a JavaScript
expression would be evaluated and the value of 190 statement within a string and
would be displayed. evaluate it using the eval()
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found
on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps
to any file.

⁄ Open the js-skeleton.html › Use another Á Open the file eval.html ■ The string variable is
file in Notepad. document.write in a browser. shown before and after it
statement and the eval() has been evaluated.
¤ Create a new variable and keyword to evaluate and
assign it an expression as a display the result of the
string in quotation marks. string variable.
‹ Use a document.write ˇ Save the file as
statement to display the value
of the string variable. eval.html.

J avaScript includes a unique method that can
be used to identify variables as numbers.
This functionality is useful when you accept
input from the user and want to verify that the
For example, if a statement is defined as var1
= 23, the expression isNaN(var1) returns a
false value because the value of var1 is a
number (23).
values entered are actually numbers. Trying to
evaluate a numerical expression with a string This example uses the js-skeleton.html
value causes an error. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
The method to verify if a variable is a number
actually checks to see if it is not a number.
This method is isNaN(), which accepts a
single parameter that is checked. If the variable
sent to the method is a number, the method
returns a false value; if the variable is not a
number, a true value is returned.


⁄ Open the js-skeleton.html › Include some Á Open the file isNaN.html ■ The browser determines
file in Notepad. document.write in a browser. that the variable is a number.
statements to display the
¤ Create a new variable and results of the conditional
assign it a numeric value. statement.
‹ Add a conditional ˇ Save the file as
expression based on the isNaN.html.
isNaN method.

One of the best ways to use the isNaN() Area: <input type=“text”
method is to validate data entered into a name=“text2”/>
form. For example, if you accept numerical </form>
values in a form field that you are using to
This form includes two text fields. The first text
compute an equation, you can cause an alert
field is where the user enters the radius of a
box to appear if the user enters some input
circle. The onchange event executes the
that is not a number. The code for this looks
conditional statement when a number is entered
like this:
and the focus of the text field is lost. The
<form name=“form1”> conditional statement checks the isNaN()
Enter the circle radius.<input method to see whether the text entered is a
type=“text” name=“text1” number. If it is, the area of the circle is computed.
onchange=”(isNaN(this.value))?window. If not, an alert dialog box is displayed.
alert(‘This is not a number. Please
enter a numerical value.’):document.
form1.text2.value = (document.form1.

‡ Open the isNaN.html · Save the file as ‚ Open the file isNaN.html ■ The browser detects that
file in Notepad again. isNaN2.html. in a browser. this variable is not a number.
° Change the variable to a



s you write scripts, you may sometimes contained within a set of brackets.

A want to execute certain statements

depending on a condition. For example, if
a user submits a form with no data, you will
An alternative statement is positioned below the
if statement in an else statement. The else
statement can also hold a set of brackets
want to respond differently than if he or she
submitted the form correctly. One way to containing several JavaScript statements.
control this type of program flow is with if- If the if condition statement is false, the
else statements. statements in the else statement are executed.
The syntax of an if statement includes the if A single if statement can be followed by several
keyword followed by a conditional statement else if statements, but the final else
within parentheses. If only a single statement statement should not include the if keyword.
needs to be executed, it can be positioned
directly after the conditional statement and This example uses the js-skeleton.html
should end with a semicolon. If several file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
statements need to be executed, they can be apply these steps to any file.
Finder Finder


■ Open › Use a document.write ‡ Open the file if- ■ The displayed text is
js-skeleton.html in statement to display some text else.html in a browser. determined by the
Notepad. if the if statement is true. conditional expression.
¤ Add two variables and ˇ Create an else statement Note: If you had set the variable’s
assign each a value. that uses a document.write
statement if the statement is values to those other than what
false. the if statement tested for, the
‹ Create an if statement with text for the else statement would
a conditional expression that Á Save the file as have been displayed.
checks a variable. if-else.html.

if loops can be nested one within another. This simple function compares successive
This enables you to drill down from general different attributes of a car. If each criteria is
conditions to more specific ones. Each level met, the cool car! statement is displayed. If
of a nested if-else structure could contain any of the criteria isn’t met, an alternative
some statements. Using this structure, you message is displayed.
can pinpoint the exact criteria for your
statements. For example, look how this code
function coolCar() {
if (car == “Mustang”)
if (year == 1965)
if (parts == “original”)
document.write(“cool car!”);
document.write(“at least it


⁄ Open if-else.html in › Add statements to be Á Open the file ■ The displayed text is
Notepad. executed under the else if elseif.html in a browser. determined by the
¤ Change the values of the statements. conditional expression.
Note: The final else statement
‹ In between the if and should not include the if
else statements, add two keyword.
else if statements with
different conditional ˇ Save the file as
expressions. elseif.html.


nother common program flow method is statement until the termination condition is

A used to execute a statement or

statements a given number of times. This
can be efficiently done using a for loop.
met. The for loop variable is incremented
each time through the loop.
For example, the statement for
A for statement consists of three distinct (i=1;i<10;i++) begins with the loop
parts within parentheses that are separated by variable i set equal to 1 and loops through the
semicolons. The first part defines the loop’s statements that follow nine times before
initial condition, the second part defines the exiting the loop.
loop’s terminating condition, and the final part
defines how the loop is incremented. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
The for loop begins at the defined initial apply these steps to any file.
condition and continually executes the
statement or statements that follow the for

⁄ Open js- terminating condition as 10; and ˇ Open forloop.html in ■ The value at each step in
skeleton.html in count++ determines that the a browser. the loop is displayed.
Notepad. variable is incremented by 1.
¤ Add a for loop that starts ‹ Use a document.write
at 1 and counts to 10. statement to display the value
of the variable.
Note: The three parts of this
example’s for loop are as follows: › Save the file as
count=1 defines the loop’s forloop.html.
initial condition to be 1;
count<=10 sets the loop’s

Although the example in this section

increments the loop variable, you can just as
easily cause the loop variable to decrement.
For example, consider the following loop:
function countdown(start) {
for (j=1start;j>0;j--)
document.write(j + “<br/>”);
This function counts down from the number
passed in as a parameter. The loop begins at
the start value and decreases by one each
time through the loop until the loop value is
no longer greater than 0.

Á Open the Note: This example uses · Open the ■ The value at each step in
forloop.html file in count=count*count, which forloop2.html file in a the loop is displayed.
Notepad. multiplies the current value of the browser.
count variable by itself.
‡ Change the expressions in
the for statement. ° Save the file as



nother type of loop used in JavaScript is For example, the statement while (var1

A the while loop. This loop is different from

the for loop because it doesn’t count to
an end result. It simply continues to loop
<= 100) executes the statements that follow
until the variable, var1, is greater than 100. If
the statements within the loop never change
through the statements contained within the the value of var1, then the loop will continue
brackets until a conditional expression evaluates indefinitely.
to false. This loop includes only a conditional
expression after the while keyword. The while loop can also execute multiple
statements by including statements within
When using a while loop, you need to be brackets.
sure that the conditional statement will
eventually become false or the loop will This example uses the forloop.html and
continue indefinitely. You should also make forloop2.html files found on the book’s
sure that all variables in the conditional CD-ROM (or which you may have created in
statement are defined. the section “Using for Loops”), but you can
apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the › Add a count variable Á Open while.html in a ■ The values of the loop
forloop.html file in incrementing the statement browser. variable are displayed.
Notepad. within the loop.
¤ Add a count variable and ˇ Save the file as
assign it a value. while.html.
‹ Replace the for loop with
a while loop.

There are many ways to think about how to To exit a loop that appears to be looping
construct your loops; there will be times indefinitely, besides using the conditional
when you want to use a while loop and statement as part of the while loop, you can
others when you want to use a for loop. The use the break statement. The section “Break
two different ways of looping are similar, but Loops” discusses this in detail.
the for loop requires all the information
about the loop to be part of the for
statement. The while loop can use variables
that have been declared elsewhere.
If a while loop doesn’t include brackets,
only the first statement that follows the
while statement will be executed. If multiple
statements need to be executed, all statements
should be included within brackets.

Open the forloop2.html file ‚ Add a count ± Open while2.html in a ■ The count variable
in Notepad. incrementing statement browser. values are displayed as the
within the loop. loop progresses.
° Add a count variable and
assign it a value. — Save the file as
· Replace the for loop with
a while loop.


ometimes you can get stuck in a loop. This example uses the while.html file found

S This scenario is called an infinite loop. To

break out of an infinite loop, you can use
the break keyword.
on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you may
have created in the section “Using while
Loops”), but you can apply these steps to any
When JavaScript encounters the break
keyword within a loop, it automatically
terminates the loop and executes the first After you break out of a loop, you cannot
statement that comes after the loop. return to it. The break statement exits the
loop and doesn’t enable you to return to it. All
For example, if a while loop included a variables remain in the same state they are in
conditional expression that was always true, when the loop is broken.
such as while (true), you could break out
of this loop with the break statement.


⁄ Open the while.html › Move the document.write Á Open break.html in a ■ When the condition of the
file in Notepad. statement to the bottom of browser. if statement is true, the loop
the loop. is terminated.
¤ Within the while loop,
add an if statement to check ˇ Save the file as
for a variable. break.html.
‹ Add a break statement to
execute if the if condition is


Another keyword that works with loops is the execution of the number 50 with the statement
continue statement. This statement stops the if (var1 == 50) continue;.
execution of a loop and returns to the top of
the loop as if all the statements had been This example uses the break.html file found
executed. Any statements that follow the on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you may
continue statement will not be executed for have created in the section “Break Loops”), but
this time through the loop. you can apply these steps to any file.

This enables you to check for special exceptions

within the loop and skip them without A single loop can include both break and
interrupting the normal flow of the loop. continue statements, but after a break
statement is executed, the loop is finished.
For example, if a while loop were to continue
until var1 == 100, you could skip the


■ Open the break.html ‹ Save the file as › Open continue.html ■ All values in the loop are
file in Notepad. continue.html. in a browser. displayed except for where
the continue statement
¤ Change the break was executed.
statement to a continue



J avaScript can be used to set up timers that
let certain scripts be executed at different
times. These can be useful for timing
different actions on the Web page.
first parameter need to be enclosed within
quotation marks.
The second parameter accepted by the
window.setTimeout() function is the
The function that makes timers possible is the time value to wait before the JavaScript
window.setTimeout() function. This statement is executed. This value is measured
function accepts two parameters. The first in milliseconds. For example, a value of 5000
parameter is a JavaScript statement to execute. would wait 5 seconds and a value of 10000
This can be a single statement, such as would wait 10 seconds.
document.bgcolor = ‘blue’, or the
name of a function that is defined elsewhere in This example uses the js-skeleton.html
the Web page. The statement to execute can file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
even be several statements separated with apply these steps to any file.
semicolons. The statements that make up this


⁄ Open js-skeleton.html. › Add the function name as ‡ Open the ■ The <body> tags’ heading
the first parameter of timeout.html file in a is displayed in the browser.
¤ Add a function that uses a setTimeout() and a time
document.write() browser.
value, in milliseconds, as the
statement to display a heading second parameter.
and an image.
ˇ Add a single heading to
‹ Add onload to the <body> the <body> tags.
tag and set it equal to
window.setTimeout(). Á Save the file as

Chapter 11 covers the Math object. This seat = Math.floor(Math.random() *

object includes a method that is used to 10000);
create random numbers between 0 and 1. stop =
Using this method, you can create a script window.setTimeout(“document.form1.text1
.value = ‘music stopped’”,seat);
that lets you play musical chairs by randomly
selecting a timeout. The code for this looks }
like this: </script>
<form name=“form1”> The code creates a form with a button and a text
<input type=“button” box. When a user clicks the button, the
name=“button1” value=“Get Ready” stopMusic() function is called. This function
onclick=“stopMusic()”/> randomly selects a number that is used for the
<input type=“text” name=“text1” setTimeout() method. The text box is updated
value=“music is playing”/> when the time expires to inform the users that
</form> the music has stopped.
<script language=“javascript”>
function stopMusic() {

° Wait for the designated ■ The script function is · Open the timeout.html Note: The timeout can only be
time value. executed after the timeout file again in a browser. cleared using the
value is reached, displaying ‚ Click the Stop button clearTimeout() method,
function’s heading and before the timeout value is which is discussed in the section
image. reached. “Clear Timeouts and Intervals”
later in this chapter.
■ The timeout is not stopped,
and the image is again



etting timeouts results in a one-time time in milliseconds until the statement is

S execution of a statement or function. If

you want to set multiple timeouts, you
can include the setTimeout() method
executed. You must enclose the first parameter
within quotation marks.
Timeouts created with the setInterval()
within a for loop, or you can use another
method that can set up regularly repeating method continue indefinitely unless the
timeouts: setInterval(). clearInterval() method is called. The
section “Clear Timeouts and Intervals,” later in
The setInterval() method can be used to this chapter, covers this method in detail.
execute a statement, function, or group of
statements at regular intervals repeatedly. The This example uses the js-skeleton.html
setInterval() method accepts two file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
parameters, just like the setTimeout() apply these steps to any file.
methods. The first parameter is the statement
to execute, and the second parameter is the

⁄ Open js- › Set the first parameter of ‡ Open setInterval.html ■ Two text boxes are
skeleton.html in Notepad. setInterval() to update in a browser. displayed.
the second text box with the
¤ Add a contents of the first text box.
method. ˇ Set the second parameter of
setInterval() to a time
‹ Add a form with two text value.
boxes. Á Save the file as

Chapter 10 covers the Date object. This The code creates a form with a single text box.
object includes a method called Interval() is then set to respond every
getLocaleString() that gets the current second. At each interval, the time object is
locale’s time. Using this method and the created and the toLocaleString() method is
setInterval() method, you can create a displayed in the text box. The time due to the
clock with the following code: setInterval() method is updated every
<form name=“form1”>
<input type=“text” name=“text1”/>
<script language=“javascript”>
stop = window.setInterval(“time =
Date();document.form1.text1.value =

° Enter some text in the first ■ The setInterval · Enter some different text ■ The text is again updated
text field. statement is executed after in the first text box. in the second box.
the timeout value is
reached, updating the second
text box.



n the section “Using JavaScript Timers,” I For example, if a timeout is assigned to a

I show that the Stop button on the browser

does not end a timeout. Timeouts can only be
cleared internally using the clearTimeout()
variable like timer1 = setTimeout(x++,
1000), the timeout can be canceled at any
time with the clearTimeout(timer1)
method. This method is part of the window statement.
object and can be referenced in the current
window as window.clearTimeout(). You can use a similar method for clearing
interval timeouts created with the
To use the clearTimeout() method, you setInterval() method. This method is
need to name the timeout when it is set. You clearInterval().
can name a timeout by assigning the
setTimeout() method to a variable name. This example uses the setInterval.html
This variable name can then be used as a file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
parameter to the clearTimeout() method apply these steps to any file.
to terminate the timeout.


■ Open the › Set the onclick event to Á Open the ■ The text is updated in the
setInterval.html file in use the clearInterval() clearInterval.html file second text box.
Notepad. method. in a browser.
¤ Add a new variable and ˇ Save the file as ‡ Type some text in the first
assign it to the clearInterval.html. text box.
setInterval() method.
‹ Add a button to the form
with an onclick event.

The clock example created in the section “Set In this code, a button is added to the form with
Regularly Timed Intervals” can be modified to an onclick event. The onclick event is
include a button that stops the clock. The assigned to clear the interval with the
following code adds the Stop button: clearInterval() method. The parameter to
the clearInterval() method is the variable
<form name=“form1”>
name that was assigned to the setInterval()
<input type=“text” method.
<input type=“button”
name=“button1” value=”Stop”
<script language=“javascript”>
stop = window.setInterval(“time
= new
Date();document.form1.text1.value =

° Click the button. ■ The setInterval() · Type some text in the first ■ The second text box is no
method has been stopped. text box. longer updated.


ou can group sections of code together All JavaScript statements within the function

Y into a structure called a function. You can

call and access a function at any time.
You can send parameters to functions, and
should be contained within braces after the
function declaration.
The function statements will not be executed
functions can return values.
until the function is called.
You declare functions with the function Function names have the same limitations and
keyword followed by the function name. follow the same requirements as variables.
Parentheses always immediately follow the They must begin with a letter, they must not
function name. Parameters for the function are contain any spaces, and they cannot use any
contained within these parentheses, but special characters like +, *, /, &, %, $,
parameters are not required. #, @, or !. Also, remember that function
For example, the statement, function names are case-sensitive.
hello() would declare a function named This example uses the js-skeleton.html
hello. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add a JavaScript statement ˇ Open function.html in ■ The function statements
skeleton.html in Notepad. within braces after the your browser. are not executed because
function declaration. they haven’t been called.
¤ Create a new function
definition with the function › Save the file as Note: By grouping statements
keyword and a name. function.html. within a function, you can execute
the statements in the function as
many times as needed.


fter you declare a function, you can This example uses the function.html file

A execute it at any time from anywhere

within the document by listing the
function name.
found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
may have created in the section “Declare a
Function”), but you can apply these steps to
any file.
You need to include parentheses when calling a
function whether or not the function has
For example, if a function is defined as If you use the javascript: keyword, you
function hello(), then you can execute can call a function from an HTML link by
this function with the statement hello();. using the href attribute of an HTML <a> tag.
The section “Call a Function from an HTML
The function call can come before or after the Link,” later in this chapter, shows how to do
function declaration. this.


⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open function- ■ The function statements
function.html in Notepad. function-call.html. call.html in a browser. are executed, and the results
appear on the screen.
¤ Add a function call after
the function statement. Note: When the function name is
referenced, the statements within
the function are executed.
Functions can be called many
times within a single file.


ny variables declared with the var Variables that are implicitly declared without

A keyword within a function will be local to

the function that they appear in. These
local variables will only be understood within
the var keyword in a function will be global.
Variables declared outside of functions (even if
they are declared using the var keyword) are
the function and are not recognized in any also global. Global variables can be used
JavaScript statements outside of the function. anywhere within the current document
including both inside and outside of functions.
For example, if a variable named myVar1 is
declared within a function using the var This example uses the js-skeleton.html
keyword, then within the function the variable file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
can be used, but if it is referenced outside of apply these steps to any file.
the function, then the value will be unknown.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement to ‡ Open the global.html file ■ The variables are global
skeleton.html in Notepad. execute the function. in your browser. because they are declared
¤ Create two global ˇ Include another outside of the function and
variables with var. document.write statement can be used anywhere within
outside of the function to and without functions.
‹ Create a function with a display the variable values.
document.write statement
that displays the values of the Á Save the file as
declared variables. global.html.

A convenient way to keep track of global and It’s a good idea to use the var keyword outside
local variables is to adopt specific coding of functions. Any variables that are declared
conventions that have a naming standard that without the var keyword are global. Any
helps to keep the scope of a variable straight. variables declared outside of a function are also
For example, if you place a lowercase g on global. Using the var keyword will make it
the front of every global variable, as in gVar1, obvious to anyone looking at your code that you
then you can identify a global variable by just are declaring a variable.
looking at the variable name.
One reason to use local variables is that you
want to build functions that can be easily
reused. By using local variables, you can be
guaranteed that regardless of where the
function is copied, it will not conflict with
a global variable that shares the same variable


⁄ Open the file Note: This makes the variables › Open local.html in your ˇ Click the Show/Hide
global.html in Notepad. local to the function because they browser. Details button to see the
are declared with the var keyword errors.
¤ Move the two variable and are now within the function. ■ A dialog box appears
declarations within the stating that the page has ■ Notice that the local
function. ‹ Save the file as errors. variables are undefined when
local.html. used in the document.write
statement outside of the


f you want to execute a function using match the number of variables in the function

I different variable values, you can pass these

as parameters to a function.
Parameters can be passed into a function
For example, if a function is defined as
function sum(a, b, c), then the
within the parentheses that follow the function function call sum(16, 34, 98) would place
name. Several variables can be passed if you the value of 16 in the variable named a, 34 in
separate them with commas. the variable named b and 98 in the variable
named c.
The calling statement should include the
values, and the function definition should This example uses the js-skeleton.html
include the variable name. You can then use file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
these variable names within the function. The apply these steps to any file.
number of values in the function call should


⁄ Open the file js- ■ In this example, the ˇ Open parameters.html in ■ The function repeats with
skeleton.html in Notepad. parameter is item. your browser. each call, each with a
separate value.
¤ Create a function with a ‹ Add several calls to the
single parameter that displays function, each with a different
a message and the parameter value.
› Save the file as


Parameters that are passed to a function are When you call a function, the parameter that is
local to the function. If a parameter variable is passed can be a variable or a value. If a variable
used outside of the function, it will generate is passed, then the value of the variable at the
an error. time the function is called is sent to the
If a function call doesn’t include any
parameters, the function name still needs an
empty set of parentheses. These parentheses
help identify the name as a function.
There is no limit to the number of parameters
that can be passed to a function, so you can
pass as many parameters to a function as
you need.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add a call to the ˇ Open the ■ The computed value is
skeleton.html in Notepad. function. parameters2.html file in determined by the values
your browser. passed to the function.
¤ Create a function with › Save the file as
several parameters that parameters2.html.
computes and displays a



ou can return values from a function by statement that uses the returned value. For

Y using the return keyword. This allows

the function to determine a resulting
value and send that value back to the main
example, var1 = func1() would place the
returned value from the func1() function
into a variable named var1.
The type of data returned from a function
For example, if you create a function that could be a string, number, or any other value.
computes a sum and the sum value is stored in
a variable named total, then the statement This example uses the js-skeleton.html
return total would send the value of file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
total back to where the function was called. apply these steps to any file.

Because a value is being passed back to the

function call, the function call needs to be a


⁄ Open the file js- › Add another Á Open the return.html file ■ The returned value is
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statement in a browser. displayed.
¤ Create a function with that calls the function and
several parameters that displays the resulting value.
computes a value. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Add a return statement to
the function that returns the
resulting value.

A good example of a function that returns a If this function is included in a Web page file,
value is one that accepts parameters, you could call the function with the following
computes a result of an equation, and returns statement:
the resulting value. For example, a function
that computes and returns the computed area computeArea(3, 4, 5);
of a box, given width, height, and depth The function result is returned directly to the
parameters, looks like this: function call and can be used within a statement
function computeArea(width, height, such as this:
depth) { document.write(“The area of the box
area = width * height * depth; with the dimensions: “ + width + “, “
+ height + “, “ + depth + “ equals “ +
return area; computeArea(3, 4, 5));


⁄ Open the file js- › Return the modified string ‡ Open the return2.html ■ The string passed to a
skeleton.html in Notepad. with the return keyword. file in your browser. function is returned
¤ Add a function that accepts ˇ Use a document.write
a single string parameter. statement to display the Note: Functions that return
returned string. desired results can be included
‹ Surround the string
within statements.
parameter with a set of HTML Á Save the file as
tags and set it equal to a return return2.html.


unctions can be called by referencing the You can also use this format to call a function

F function name as a JavaScript statement.

You can also call a JavaScript function by
referencing the function name within an HTML
from the browser’s Address field. If you type in
javascript: and the function name, the
function will be executed.
link. This is done using the javascript
keyword followed by a colon and the function This example uses the function.html file
name. found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
may have created in the section “Declare a
For example, if a link is defined using the <a> tag Function”), but you can apply these steps to
and the href attribute is set to javascript: any file.
hello(), then the hello() function would
be called when you click the link.


⁄ Open the file › Set the first href attribute ‡ Open the href.html file ° Click the first link.
function.html in Notepad. equal to javascript: and in your browser.
¤ Outside of the <script> the function name.
■ Two links are displayed.
tags, add two <a> tags and ˇ Set the second href
include some link text. attribute equal to
‹ Add the href attribute to javascript: and a
each set of <a> tags. JavaScript statement.
Á Save the file as href.html.

Another place within an HTML page where a The HTML form displays a submit button
function call can be placed is within the labeled “Display Welcome” in the browser.
action attribute of a <form> tag. For example, Clicking this button executes the hello()
function, which displays a welcome message.
function hello() {
document.write(“Hello and
. . .
<form action=”javascript:hello()”>
<input type=”submit” value=”Display

E:\Temp\Authoring\JSB\examples\Ch05 - Working with Functions\global.html - Micrsoft… E:\Temp\Authoring\JSB\examples\Ch05 - Working with Functions\global.html - Micrsoft…

■ The function executes and · Click the Back button on ‚ Click the second link. ■ Clicking this second link
the quote is displayed. your browser. executes another JavaScript
statement, which displays
Note: Clicking the HTML link calls another quote.
the function that displays a quote.



avaScript events are bits of code that link MOUSE EVENTS
users actions with the scripts that need to Mouse events fire when the user clicks or
be executed. These actions can be clicking moves the mouse. If the user clicks the mouse
the mouse, pressing a keyboard key, selecting button once, the onclick event fires. If the
or changing form elements, or even loading user clicks the mouse button twice,
and unloading a Web page. ondblclick event is fired.
You can position JavaScript events within For more precise details, you can use the
HTML tags just like the other attributes. You onmousedown event to signal when the mouse
can set them equal to a small line of JavaScript button is pressed down and the onmouseup
code or to the name of a JavaScript function event when a mouse button is released.
declared elsewhere in the Web page.
The onmouseover event detects when the
For example, the onclick event can be mouse cursor moves over the top of an
added as an attribute to the <button> tag element. The onmouseout event detects when
and set equal to the function named blink, the mouse cursor moves off an element.
like this:
<button onclick=“blink();”/>
This tag will not only display a button on the
Web page, but after you click this button, the
blink() JavaScript function will also be
There are a number of different events that
you can use within a Web page, and the places
where you can use them are different for each
event. Some of the more common JavaScript
events are covered in this chapter, including
mouse events, keyboard events, and selection



The onkeypress event can be used to detect Another common event used with form
when a key on the keyboard is pressed. The elements is the onchange event. This event
specific key that was pressed can be found in fires whenever the data of the form element is
the window.event.keycode object. changed.
Similar to the mouse button clicks, the The onload event is used to detect when a
onkeydown event detects after the key is first Web page has completely finished loading.
pressed and held down, and the onkeyup Similarly, the onunload event is fired when a
event fires after the pressed key is released. Web page is unloaded. This happens when you
leave the current page or when you click the
browser’s Refresh button.
When an element is highlighted in the browser,
it is said to have focus. The onfocus event is When you cancel a Web page that is loading
used to signal when an element has the focus. into your browser, then the onabort event is
Pressing the Tab key can change this focus. called.
When an element loses the focus, the onblur
event fires. Two form buttons have specific functions —
submit and reset. These same functions can
When you select an element, the onselect be detected using the onsubmit and onreset
event is fired. events.



ne of the keys to interacting with the created using the <input/> and/or

O user is to detect mouse clicks. When a

user clicks the Web page, he or she
usually expects something to happen. Buttons
<button> tags. You can also use the
onclick event within the <a> tag.
The onclick event is one of the intrinsic
and links are prime targets for a clicking
mouse, but form elements, including radio and events that is recognized by almost every Web
check box buttons, can also be clicked with the element. Intrinsic events are a set of common
mouse. events that you can use with a majority of the
standard HTML tags.
A single mouse click can be detected using the
onclick event. This event can then trigger an This example uses the skeleton.html file
effect using JavaScript. found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
The onclick event is typically added to form
buttons such as submit and reset buttons,


⁄ Open the file › Add the type, name, and Á Add the onclick ‡ Set the onclick event
skeleton.html in Notepad. value attributes to the JavaScript event to the equal to a JavaScript
<input/> tag. <input/> tag. statement that changes the
¤ Add <form> and button text.
<input/> tags between the ˇ Set the type attribute to
<body> tags. button, the name attribute to ° Save the file as
button1, and the value onclick.html.
‹ Add the name attribute to the attribute to the button face
<form> tag and set it to form1.

The onclick event detects when the mouse The onmousedown and onmouseup events are
button is clicked and released. The action of very similar to the onclick function. They are
clicking and releasing the mouse button can also intrinsic events that you can use with
be detected individually using the almost every HTML tag.
onmousedown and onmouseup events. The
user could press the mouse and not release There is a separate event for detecting double-
it. In this case, the onclick event would not clicks: The onclick event detects a single
detect this action, but the onmousedown click, but the ondblclick event detects
event would. double-clicks. This event is covered in the next
section, “Detect a Double-Click.”

· Open the onclick.html ‚ Click the button. ■ The text on the button face
file in your browser. changes according to the
JavaScript statement in the
■ A single button is onclick event.


ouble-clicking is very similar to single- You can use double-clicks to add a dual

clicking except that the user clicks twice
rapidly instead of once on the mouse
function to a button. If you set the onclick
event to process one set of commands and the
ondblclick event to process a second set of
commands, then you can use single interface
Double-clicks can be detected using the elements, like a button, to accomplish twice as
ondblclick event. You can add this event to much work.
all the same elements as the onclick event,
including the <input/>, <button>, and <a> This example uses the onclick.html file
tags. found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
may have created in the section “Detect a
The ondblclick event is also an intrinsic Mouse Click”), but you can apply these steps
event. This means that you can use it with to any file.
almost any Web element.


⁄ Open the file ‹ Set the ondblclick event ˇ Open the Á Click the button.
onclick.html in Notepad. equal to a JavaScript ondblclick.html file in your
statement to change the browser.
¤ After the onclick event, button text.
add the ondblclick event. ■ A single button is
› Save the file as displayed.


If the ondblclick event is fired, the Intrinsic events are a set of events that can be
onclick event fires as well, because the added to almost every Web element. The list of
onclick event is fired any time the mouse is intrinsic events includes onclick,
clicked — even when the ondblclick event ondblclick, onmousedown, onmouseup,
is fired. onmouseover, onmousemove, onmouseout,
onkeypress, onkeydown, and onkeyup.
A single tag can include multiple events.
These events are processed in the order that
they are listed. For example, if a tag includes
both onclick and ondblclick events,
then both will be processed any time the
element is clicked twice rapidly.

■ The text on the button ‡ Double-click the button. ■ The text on the button
changes. changes according to the
JavaScript statement in the
ondblclick event.



ollover buttons are useful in helping the Using the onmouseover and onmouseout

R user to navigate through a Web page.

When the mouse cursor moves over the
top of a rollover button, the button changes its
events causes the new image to display when
the mouse cursor is over the top of the button
and the original image to display after the
appearance. In JavaScript, you accomplish this mouse cursor leaves the button.
by replacing the original image with a new
image. You can use the onmouseover and
onmouseout events with hypertext links,
You can create rollover buttons by using the image maps, and images.
onmouseover and onmouseout events. The
onmouseover event is set to display a new This example uses the skeleton.html file
image in place of the original, and the found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
onmouseout event is set to display the apply these steps to any file.
original image.


⁄ Open the file ˇ Set the onmouseover event ° Open the rollover.html ■ A single image is
skeleton.html in Notepad. to load another image. file in your browser. displayed.
¤ Add the <img/> tag. Á Set the onmouseout event
to load the original image.
‹ Add the src attribute and set
it equal to an image filename. ‡ Save the file as
› Add the onmouseover
and onmouseout events.

Events don’t always need to call a JavaScript The <p> tag can accept the onmouseover and
function. You can set JavaScript events equal onmouseout events. Using this tag, you can
to any valid JavaScript code. This code could execute JavaScript statements when the mouse
be a single line of JavaScript, multiple lines of rolls over normal text.
JavaScript, or a call to a function that is
defined within a set of <script> tags.
Within the event, each line of JavaScript must
end with a semicolon (;) including function
The onmousemove event triggers whenever
the mouse moves. This means that when the
onmouseover or the onmouseout events
fire, the onmousemove event also fires. This
event can be useful for detecting when a user
is using the computer.

· Move the mouse cursor ■ The image changes to the ‚ Move the mouse cursor ■ The image reverts to its
over the top of the image. image specified in the away from the image. original look.
onmouseover event.



ou can enter text into a text field or The onkeypress event is an intrinsic event,

Y textarea element using the keyboard,

but there may be times when you want to
detect a single key press, such as a key to start
so you can use it with most Web elements.
With the onkeypress events, you can assign
all your interface elements a quick selection
a certain function.
key. This enables users to navigate your
When a keystroke on the keyboard is pressed, interface using just the keyboard. It also makes
it can be detected using the onkeypress your site accessible for people with disabilities.
event. The actual key that was pressed is
identified using the This example uses the skeleton.html file
window.event.keyCode object. found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
Using the onkeypress event, you can check
for the key that was pressed and react


⁄ Open the file › Add the type, name, and Á Add the onkeypress event ° Save the file as
skeleton.html in Notepad. value attributes to the to the <input/> tag. onkeypress.html.
<input/> tag.
¤ Add <form> and <input/> ‡ Set the onkeypress event
tags between the <body> ˇ Set the type attribute to equal to an if statement that
tags. text, the name attribute to checks the
text1, and the value window.event.keyCode value
‹ Add the name attribute to
attribute to the text field text. and displays some text if
the <form> tag and set it to
form1. correct.


The onkeydown and onkeyup events are The onkeydown and onkeyup events will
very similar to the onmousedown and always be fired whenever the onkeypress
onmouseup events. It is possible that the event is fired, but the onkeydown event will be
user could press a keyboard key and not detected before the onkeyup event.
release it. In this case, the onkeydown event
would detect this action, but the If the onkeypress event is added to two or
onkeypress event would not until the more elements, the event will only be detected
keyboard key was finally released. if the element has focus. You can change the
focus of elements by using the Tab key.

· Open the ‚ Click in the text field to — Press the D key on the ■ The text updates to what
onkeypress.html file in your give it the focus. keyboard. you set it to in the
browser. onkeypress event.
■ A single text field is


ocus determines which form element will event. Using the onblur event, you can set an

F be affected if the keyboard keys are

pressed. For example, if a button has the
focus and you press the Enter key, it would
action to occur when an element loses focus.
You can use the onfocus and onblur events
with the <select>, <input/>, and
respond just as if you had clicked the button
with the mouse cursor. <textarea> tags, as well as with
Using HTML, you can set the tab order of
form elements. Using the Tab key, you can This example uses the onkeypress.html file
move the focus between different form found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
elements. may have created in the section “Detect a Key
Press”), but you can apply these steps to any
As the focus moves, you can detect if an file.
element has the focus by using the onfocus


⁄ Open the file › Change the name attribute ‡ Open the onfocus.html ■ Two text fields appear side-
onkeypress.html in Notepad. of the second <input/> tag. file in your browser. by-side.
¤ Replace the onkeypress ˇ Set the onfocus and ° Click the left text field to
event with the onfocus and onblur events equal to a give it the focus.
onblur events. statement that changes the
text field text.
‹ Copy the <input/> tag
and paste another copy of it Á Save the file as
within the <body> tags. onfocus.html.

You can use the onselect event with text One example of a situation in which you would
fields and textarea elements to detect need to know if an element has focus is when
when a section of text is selected. After you you are trying to detect a keypress, because the
know that text is highlighted, you can work onkeypress event will only work for the
with the selected section and replace, delete, element that has focus.
or change it.
There are two events that can detect when a
form is reset and submitted: onreset and
onsubmit. The onreset event happens
when a reset button is clicked, and the
onsubmit event happens when a submit
button is clicked. Using these events, you can
override the default HTML action that
happens when these buttons are used.

■ The text updates according · Click the right text field. ■ The text updates in both Note: The onblur event for the
to the field’s onfocus event. fields — the first according to second text field will fire when it
its onblur event (because it loses focus.
lost the focus) and the
second according to its
onfocus event (because it
gained the focus).


he selection list element is a common When you use the onchange event with the

T way to offer a list of choices to the user.

You can create selection lists within a
form by using the <select> tag. You can
text field and textarea elements, it detects
when the text within these fields changes. By
using this event, you can detect if the text was
create each separate list item by using the updated. Required fields can be checked to see
<option> tags within the <select> tags. if they have been filled out before the form is
Using the onchange event, you can detect submitted.
when a list item is selected.
This example uses the skeleton.html file
The onchange event can detect when a form found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
element changes. The onchange event can be apply these steps to any file.
used with the <select>, <input/>, and
<textarea> tags.

⁄ Open the file › Add the onchange event to ‡ Open the onchange.html ■ Two text fields appear side-
skeleton.html in Notepad. the opening <select> tag. file in your browser. by-side.
¤ Add a <form> with a text ˇ Set the onchange event to
box and a set of <select> a statement that changes the
tags. text in the text field.
‹ Add four sets of <option> Á Save the file as
tags with text. onchange.html.


The onchange event is very useful for <form name=”form1”>

validating forms because it fires anytime a <input type=”text” name=”text1”
form element is changed. For example, if a value=”1”
text field is created that asks the user to input onchange=”intCheck(this.value)”/>
an integer value between 0 and 9, you can </form>
create a function that validates the value that
is entered into the text field. Such a function When the text field is changed, the function is
looks like this: called. The value for this text field is passed as a
parameter. This parameter is checked to see if it
function intCheck(val) { is less than 0 or greater than 9. If it is, an alert
if (val < 0 || val > 9) dialog box is displayed with a message.
document.alert(“This value
is out of range. Please enter an
integer value between 0 and 9.”);
. . .

° Click the first option in the ■ The text field updates · Click the second option in ■ The text field updates
selection list. according to the onchange the selection list. again.



s Web pages get more complex, they A similar event to onload is onunload. This

A may take longer to load. This can be

confusing to the user who isn’t quite
sure if the page has fully loaded or not.
event happens when the current page is left or
when the page is reset using a browser’s
Refresh button.
Using the onload event, you can notify the You can use the onunload event to set any
user when the page has completely finished default values or provide a message to users
loading. This event is usually placed within the before they leave the current page.
<body> tag.
This example uses the skeleton.html file
The onload event is useful to ensure that all found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
the graphics have been downloaded from the apply these steps to any file.
server before executing a script on the page.

⁄ Open the file › Add the onload and ‡ Open the file ■ The loading Web page
skeleton.html in Notepad. onunload events. onload.html in a browser. message appears while the
page is loading.
¤ Add <form> and ˇ Set the onload event to
<input/> tags between the display a message in the text
<body> tags. box and the onunload event to
display an alert dialog box.
‹ Add and set the type, name,
size, and value attributes to Á Save the file as
the <input/> tag. onload.html.


Any time a Web page is loading in a browser, It’s not always a good idea to display alert dialog
the user can cancel the page by clicking the boxes before the user leaves a Web page. Many
Stop browser button. This action can be users will not appreciate having to click in an
detected using the onabort event. This alert dialog box before they can leave your Web
provides a useful way to inform the user what page. This technique should be used with
has happened if all the elements haven’t caution.
The onerror event lets you detect when an
error loading elements occurs. If the browser
experiences trouble loading an image or a
page, then the onerror event fires. Using
this event, you can present a message to the
user that is easy to understand.

■ After the Web page has — Load a separate Web page ■ An alert box appears with
finished loading, the message in your browser. a message.



o unleash the power of JavaScript, you need to by placing a period between the object and property

T understand the concept of objects. An object is an

abstract container that holds data. This data can
be a single number or a complex data structure.
name, as in document.title.
Objects can also have methods, which are functions
specific to the object that perform a task. For example,
In JavaScript, you can create your own objects, or you the document object has a method named write()
can use predefined objects, such as string, frame, that displays the value of the variable or string
image, date, and textarea. contained within the parentheses. Methods are
referenced just like properties, such as
Objects can have properties that can provide document.write().
information about them. For example, the document
object includes properties that hold the background This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found
color and title of the page. Properties can be referenced on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps
to any file.

⁄ Open the Notepad file. › Within the parentheses of Á Open the file ■ The document object’s
the document.write() object.html in a browser. method displays the object’s
¤ Add an attribute to the method, add the property value.
<body> tag that sets the document.bgColor property.
background color.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Within the <script> tags, object.html.
add the document.write()
method to display some text.


Here’s how you can tell the difference Although several objects have common
between a property and a method: An object properties and methods, most are unique to
property reference ends with a single variable the object. No specific properties or methods
name, but a method always ends with a set of are common for all objects.
parentheses. So any object reference that
includes a set of parentheses is a method.
The parentheses may or may not contain a set
of parameter values. Either way, the
parentheses are required.
Almost all the preset objects include
properties and methods. Objects you create,
however, will not necessarily have properties
and methods. Creating objects is covered
later in this chapter in the section “Create
New Objects.”

‡ Open the object.html file · Save the file as ‚ Open the object2.html ■ The document’s
in Notepad. object2.html. file in a browser. foreground color value is
° Change the
document.bgColor property
to document.fgColor.



he complete collection of JavaScript objects The form object includes many different

T that refer to Web page elements is called

the Document Object Model (DOM).
The parent object (the top object that contains a
objects representing the various elements that
can be placed on a form such as text,
textarea, password, button, radio,
checkbox, select, and combo.
subobject) of the Document Object Model is the
window object. This object includes everything As the DOM is traversed, objects are referred
that deals with the browser window, such as the to as subobjects of their parent. For example, a
location of the Web pages and the history, which radio button on a form is referred to as
is a list of the previously visited pages.
The window object also includes the This example uses the js-skeleton.html
document object. The document object file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
includes all the elements that make up the apply these steps to any file.
Web page, such as links, images, and forms.


⁄ Open the Notepad file. ˇ Set the onclick event for ° Open ta_object.html in · Click the first button.
¤ Add a form with a the first button to use a a browser.
textarea element under the method.
■ The textarea element is
<script> tags. Á Set the onclick event for displayed with two buttons.
‹ Add buttons to the form the second button to use a
using <input/> tags. property.
› Add the onclick event to ‡ Save the file as
each <input/> tag. ta_object.html.

All Web page elements are included within

the window parent object. This parent object
is assumed and doesn’t need to be included
along with objects that are part of the
document object. For example, a radio button
object can be referred to as document.form.
radio instead of

The window object needs to be referred to for

any object used outside of the current
document. This includes the location and
history objects; the history object is
covered later in this chapter in the section
“Using the history Object.” For example,
to refer to the history object, you need
to use the window.history notation.

■ The text in the box is — Click the second button. ■ The text you typed in the
selected. textarea box is displayed.
‚ Type some new text in the


bjects can be nested in a hierarchy. can be identified as window.document.

O Objects that are contained within another

object are referred to as subobjects.
These subobjects are linked to the parent
form1.text1.value. Here, document is
the parent, and form is a subobject. form also
serves as the parent to the text field (its
object (see the section “Using Web Page
Element Objects”) with a period (.). Object properties and methods can also be
Subobjects can also contain additional referenced using the period (.). For example,
subobjects, thereby providing more and more document.bgColor is the background color
detail as the object definition is traversed. property for a Web page, and the method
document.write(“hello”) writes the
For example, if a Web page includes a form word hello to the Web page.
named form1, and the form includes a text
field named text1, the value of the text field This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Within the <script> tags, ˇ Open sub-object.html in ■ The text within the text
skeleton.html in Notepad. reference a subobject that a browser. field is updated using
alters the value of the text JavaScript.
¤ Add a form with a text field.
field element in front of the
<script> tags. › Save the file as sub-


When referencing subobjects, the reference

should always end with either an object
property or a method. If the reference doesn’t
conclude with a property or a method, the
object is undetermined.
A reference to a subobject can be used within
a JavaScript statement just like a variable.
You can’t include a space in a subobject
name. You can, however, use the underscore
character to separate terms in a name. The
JavaScript syntax uses periods to connect
subobjects to their parents. If a space is used
in the subobject name, the parent will be


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Within the <script> tags, ˇ Open the file sub- ■ One of the radio buttons is
skeleton.html in Notepad. reference a subobject that object2.html in a browser. checked (´) using JavaScript.
displays a check mark in one
¤ Add a form with two radio of the radio buttons.
button elements in front of
the <script> tags. › Save the file as sub-



J avaScript’s predefined objects include useful
objects for working with dates and
mathematical functions, as well as objects
for interacting with all the various elements of
Each of these objects has properties and
methods that can be used to get information
about the object or to perform a certain task.
These objects, their properties, and their
a Web page. methods are covered in more detail in
Chapters 10–14.
Many predefined objects, such as form,
button, and frame, let you work with actual This example uses the js-skeleton.html
Web page elements. These objects are file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
discussed in the earlier section “Using Web apply these steps to any file.
Page Element Objects.” Other predefined
objects, such as String, Date, and Math, let
you work with different types of data.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add another string variable ‡ Open the file ■ The string and its substring
skeleton.html in Notepad. and assign it a substring of string.html in a browser. are displayed.
the first string.
¤ Add a string variable and Note: The substring is simply a
assign it a value (see ˇ Use the portion of the original string. It
Chapter 9). document.write() method to begins at the character index
display the value of the specified by the substr parameter
‹ Use the second string. (in this example, 20).
document.write() method to
display the string value. Á Save the file as string.html.

Many of JavaScript’s predefined objects, their A predefined object exists for almost every Web
properties, and their methods are covered in page element, including browser history,
Chapters 9–11. These objects include Array, anchors, links, plug-ins, check boxes, and reset
Date, Math, and String. The Array object is buttons. Many are accessible using general
used to create and manipulate an array of browser objects. Chapters 12 and 14 discuss
variables. The Date object is used to create these in detail.
and manipulate dates and times. The Math
object is used to represent mathematical
constants such as logarithms and mathematical
expressions. The String object enables you to
work with strings.
An example of each of these objects is
MyArray = new Array(20);
MyDate = new Date(20);
Area = Math.PI * Math.pow(radius,
MyString = “Welcome to here.”;


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use the ˇ Open math.html in a ■ The computed value is
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write() method to browser. displayed.
display the result of a value
¤ Use the calculated from a Math
document.write() method to property and a Math method.
display some text.
› Save the file as



ome objects, like the string object, are set the variable name equal to the new keyword

S created implicitly whenever a string is

declared. For example, if you assign a
string to a variable such as str1 = “Hello,
and the constructor function for the Date
object like this: myDate = new Date().
The new keyword, when used with the
everyone”, you can access the properties
and methods of this object by referring to the Object() constructor, can be used to create
variable name, such as str1.length. user-defined objects.

Other objects, such as the Date object, need to This example uses the js-skeleton.html
be created using the new keyword and a file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
function constructor. For example, to create a apply these steps to any file.
new Date object named myDate, you would


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use the ˇ Open the new.html file in ■ The current date and
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write() method to a browser. month are displayed.
¤ Add a variable and assign display the values of the
it a new Date object. current date and month.
Note: This new Date object allows › Save the file as
you to retrieve the current date new.html.
using the toLocaleString()
method (see Chapter 10).

You can create custom objects by using a helloObject.age = var3;

function to define the object. Variables within helloObject.welcome = printObject;
these functions become object properties,
and the names of other functions become the
object methods. function printObject(name) {
document.write(“Welcome “ + name);
For example,
function helloObject(var1, var2,
var3) { creates a new object named helloObject that = var1; has name, birthdate, and age as properties
and welcome() as a method.
helloObject.birthdate = var2;

Á Open the new.html file in ° Save the file as · Open the file new2.html ■ The current time is also
Notepad. new2.html. in a browser. displayed.
‡ Add another
document.write statement to
display the current time.



s you work with subobjects (see the hello(str1), you can use the this

A section “Using Subobjects”), you will find

that it is cumbersome to reference the
entire object tree every time you want to use
keyword to refer to these variables, such as = str1.
Another place you can use the this keyword
an object. JavaScript includes a keyword that
can be used to reference the current object. is to refer to the current Web element. For
example, if you pass the text field value of a
The keyword to reference the current object is form to a function, you can refer to the value
this. The this keyword can be placed in within the event handler as this.value.
place of the object’s parent but can only be
used within the current function. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
For example, if you are using variables passed apply these steps to any file.
to a function, such as function


⁄ Open the file js- › Using the new keyword, ‡ Open this.html in a ■ The values of the object
skeleton.html in Notepad. create another object. browser. instance are displayed.
¤ Create a function with ˇ Using document.write
parameters. statements, display the
object’s property values.
‹ Create a property for each
parameter and assign it the Á Save the file as
parameter’s value. this.html.


The this keyword can also be used as a This onclick event would pass the value of the
parameter that is passed to a function. For current element to the function. In this case, the
example, suppose you have a function like value of the text field would be passed.
the following:
function makeBold(text1) {
document.write(“<b>“ + text1 +
Then, you could call this function from an
event within an HTML element like so:
<form name=“form1”>
<input type=“text” name=“text1”


⁄ Open the js- › Set the onclick event Á Open this2.html in a ‡ Click the text field.
skeleton.html file in equal to the browser.
Notepad. method. ■ The text in the text field is
¤ Add a form with a text ˇ Save the file as
field to the page. this2.html.
‹ Add the onclick event to
the text field.



hen working with an object, knowing the window object. You can then include a

W all the object properties that the

object supports is quite helpful.
Having a JavaScript reference handy can help
document.write statement with the for
loop to display the properties. You can also use
the window[prop] statement to display the
with this, but you can also use JavaScript to list values of the property.
an object’s properties.
These statements can only be used on objects
A special version of the for loop can be used that have been defined. If an object doesn’t
to look into the object and view all its exist, no properties are displayed.
properties. This for loop includes the in
keyword and the object name. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
For example, the statement for (prop in apply these steps to any file.
window) loops through all the properties in


⁄ Open the Notepad file. Note: For predefined objects, a ˇ Open the file ■ The browser displays
new object doesn’t need to be window.html in a browser. properties and values of the
¤ Add a for loop with the in created. window object.
keyword and an object name.
› Save the file as
‹ Use the window.html.
document.write() statement
to display the object
properties and its values.


To make this object property viewer routine

more usable, you can include it as part of a
function and pass the object name to it. The
completed function looks something like this:
displayObjectProperties(obj) {
objName = obj + ““;
for (prop in obj) {
document.write(objName + “.” +
prop + “ = “ + obj[prop] + “<br>“);
This function can then be called with an
object name, and the properties and their
values will be displayed. The statement to call
this function looks like this:

Á Open the window.html file ° Save the file as · Open the file ■ The properties for the new
in Notepad. location.html. location.html in a browser. object are displayed.
‡ Change the object in the
for loop.



n Chapter 2, you find out about arrays and separating each element with a user-defined

I how to create an array of variables. After an

array is created, you can work with the
Array object.
value passed as a parameter. For example, for
an array named array1, the statement
array1.join(“ and “) produces a string
of all array elements with the word and in
The Array object has a property called between each element.
length that returns the length of the given
array. For example, if you create a new array You can also sort all the elements of an array
with the statement array1 = new using the sort() method. The reverse()
Array(30), the array1.length property is method reverses the order of all array
equal to 30. elements.
The Array object also includes several This example uses the js-skeleton.html
methods that can be used to manipulate the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
array elements. The join() method combines apply these steps to any file.
all array elements into a single string,

⁄ Open the file js- › Use a document.write Á Open the array.html file ■ The array length is
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement to display the in a browser. displayed.
length of the array.
¤ Create a new Array
object. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Assign several values to
the array.


In addition to the methods described in this array1[3] = “Adam”;

section, the Array object includes another array1[4] = “Richard”;
method called slice(). This method can be
array2 = array1.slice(1,2);
used to take a subsection of an existing array
and extract it to create a new array. The These statements create an array named array1
slice() method takes two parameters. The that holds five elements. A new array, named
first parameter is the index of the first array array2, is created that holds two elements —
element to include in the new array, and the Dave and Sue.
second parameter is the last array element to
include in the new array. A statement that
uses the slice() method would look like
array1 = new Array(5);
array1[0] = “Thomas”;
array1[1] = “Dave”;
array1[2] = “Sue”;

‡ Open the array.html file · Add another — Open the array2.html file ■ The join() method lists the
in Notepad. document.write statement in a browser. contents of the array in their
that uses the sort() method original order. The sort()
° Add another to sort and display the array. Note: The array is defined to hold method displays a sorted list of
document.write statement 10 elements, but only 5 of them the array elements.
that uses the join() method ‚ Save the file as are filled, so extra commas show
to display the contents of the array2.html. the empty array slots. ■ The array length is now
array. returned as 10 instead of 5.



he image object exists for any Web page Using the index, you can find out information

T that includes at least one image. Web

page elements such as images, forms,
applets, and links are included in an array and
about the image, such as its border width, its
dimensions, its name, source, and spacing
attributes. There aren’t any methods for the
can be referred to using an index that matches image object, but you can change the
its position in the Web page file. properties of the images dynamically.
For example, if a Web page has two images, This example uses the js-skeleton.html
you can refer to the first one as file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
document.images[0] and the second one apply these steps to any file.
as document.images[1]. Remember that
array indexes always start at 0.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add document.write ˇ Open the image.html file ■ The image and its attribute
skeleton.html in Notepad. statements to display the in a browser. values are displayed.
image attribute values.
¤ Add an image to the Web
page and set the alt and › Save the file as
border attributes. image.html.


sing a new image object, you can After creating a new image object, you can set

U preload an image into memory while the

page initially loads. After the image is
preloaded, JavaScript can reference the image
its attributes using the image object properties,
such as myImage.src = “house.gif”,
myImage.border = “20”, and
object and display it immediately. myImage.hspace = “10”.
To create a new image object, you need to This example uses the js-skeleton.html
specify an image name and use the new file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
keyword — for example, myImage = apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- › Assign the image object’s src ‡ Load the image2.html file ■ The image defined in the
skeleton.html in Notepad. property an image filename. into a browser. image object is displayed.
¤ Add an <img/> tag to the Web ˇ Add an onload event to the Note: By preloading the image, the
page. <body> tag that loads a new browser caches a copy of it so
source image into the image that it can load quickly with the
‹ Within the <script> tags, object. rest of the page.
create a new image object.
Á Save the file as image2.html.


any of the image object properties Web page. Before changing images, you should

M are the same as the attributes of the

<img/> tag — such as border,
width, hspace, and src. When these
preload the new image so that the image is
immediately available to be displayed (see the
section “Preload Images”).
properties are changed in a JavaScript
statement, the image on the Web page is For example, the first image on the Web page
changed dynamically. These properties enable can be referenced as document.images[0],
you to change an image’s attributes so if you set document.images[0].src to
dynamically using JavaScript. a new image, the image on the page will
In addition to the image attributes, setting the
image’s src attribute to a new value can This example uses the js-skeleton.html
change the actual image that is loaded in a file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add the onclick event to ‡ Open the ■ An image and a button
skeleton.html in Notepad. the button. changeImage.html file in a appear.
¤ Add an image to the Web ˇ Within the onclick event,
page. set the image’s source
property to another image
‹ Add a simple form with a file.
single button.
Á Save the file as

Another property of the image object is the

complete property. This property is a
Boolean value that is false until an image is
completely loaded. When completely loaded,
the complete property is set to true. Using
this value, you can check to see if an image is
loaded before changing it. For example, if you
have an image loaded that will change, you
can check the complete property before
allowing the image to change. The JavaScript
statements for checking whether an image is
fully loaded look something like this:
function changeImage() {
if (document.images[0].complete)
document.images[0].src =

° Click the Web page ■ The new image appears.




ust like the image object, the link and change the link. The anchor object includes a
anchor objects are included in an array for name property that can dynamically change
reference using JavaScript. The order that the anchor name.
the link appears on the page is the index for
the array. Links and anchors are counted Other link properties are used to describe
independent of one another. the link components. The host property
includes the domain name, the protocol
For example, if a page has two anchors and property lists the protocol, such as http:, and
three links, the first anchor is referenced as the pathname property lists the path of the
document.anchors[0] and the first link URL in UNC (Uniform Naming Convention)
would be referenced as format.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
The link object includes href and target file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
properties that can be used to dynamically apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Within the <script> tags, ˇ Open the links.html file ■ The links and number of
skeleton.html in Notepad. add document.write in a browser. links are displayed.
statements to display the
¤ Add several links and length of the links and
anchors above the <script> anchors arrays.
› Save the file as


Links can be decomposed into their various The anchor object doesn’t include all the same
components by using the properties of the properties as the link object: The anchor
link object. The protocol property lists the object includes only a single property — name.
protocol for the URL, which can be something
like http: or ftp:. The hostname property
includes the domain name, and the pathname
property includes the path to the Web file. The
port property lists the port value for the Web
page, and the host property includes the
hostname and port values together. The final
piece of a URL is the anchor name, which can
be obtained from the hash property. A
complete URL can be generated from the
myLink.protocol + myLink.hostname +
myLink.pathname + myLink.port +

Á Open the links.html file ° Save the file as · Open the links2.html file ■ The link information is
in Notepad. links2.html. in a browser. displayed.
‡ Add several
document.write statements
to display information about
one of the links.


any objects contain all the various The link object shares many of the same

M elements on a Web page. For example,

the link object holds all the links
included on the Web page.
properties as the location object, including
host, hostname, href, pathname, port,
and protocol.
Individual links can be located by specifying the This example uses the js-skeleton.html
index value for the link. These index values are file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
numbered sequentially from the top of the page apply these steps to any file.
to the bottom, starting at 0 for the first link.
The index value is specified within square
brackets immediately after the link’s object
name. For example, the first link on the page
can be referred to as document.links[0].


⁄ Open the js- › Add onclick to the button Á Open the ■ A single link and a button
skeleton.html file. and set the event to change the changeLink.html file in a are displayed.
href property of the link. browser.
¤ Add a link to a Web page.
Note: Changing the href property
‹ Add a form with a single in Step 4 is what actually changes
button. the link.
ˇ Save the file as

You can create a random link generator by document.links[0].href =

creating several links, placing them in an randomLink[randNo];
array, and then randomly selecting a link and }
changing a generic link with the random one.
In this example, I included the Math.floor()
The code for this would look like this:
method because it rounds down to the closest
function randomLink() { integer.
randomLink = new Array();
randomLink[0] =
randomLink[1] =
randomLink[2] = “”;
randNo =
Math.floor(randomLink.length *

‡ Move the mouse cursor ° Click the button on the · Move the mouse cursor ■ Notice that the link URL
over the top of the link. Web page. over the top of the link again. displayed in the status bar
has changed.
■ Notice the link URL
displayed in the status bar at Note: A good place to use this
the bottom of the window. would be to send the user off to a
random URL.



T he history object enables you to
duplicate the browser’s Forward and
Back buttons to move between viewed
Web pages.
The go() method accepts a number
parameter, which can be positive or negative,
and moves you forward or backward in the
History list.
You can use the history object’s length For example, the statement document.
property to view the length of the current history.go(-2) displays the Web page that
history list saved by the browser. is two pages back in the History list.
The history object includes several methods. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
The back() method can cause the previously file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
loaded Web page to appear in the browser. apply these steps to any file.
The forward() method displays the next
page in the browser. (To go forward, the user
must have first gone back to previous pages.)


⁄ Open the file js- › Set the onclick event to Á Open the history.html ‡ Click the arrow ( ) to
skeleton.html in Notepad. move back two pages in the file in a browser. the right of the Back button
history list. to view the history list.
¤ Add a form with a single
button. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Add the onclick event to
the button.


The history.go() method can be used to You can prevent a user from going back with the
reload the current page. If the index is set to 0, Back button by using the
then the current page is the one in the history window.location.replace() method. This
list that is loaded. This has the same effect as a method enables you to replace the current
page refresh. The code looks like this: history list entry with a URL that is passed as a
You can set the number of places to go back
in the history list using a user-inputted value
from a form element such as a selection list
or a text field. The code to do this would look
like this:

■ The history list is displayed · Click the button. ■ The Web page back two
in a drop-down list. places is loaded in the
° Click anywhere in the
browser window to make the
list disappear.



avaScript includes two parent objects that The document object allows access to the
are used to control the appearance and look various HTML elements that make up a Web
of a browser window. These two objects are page. One of the document object methods is
the window and document objects. write(), which is used to output text and
HTML to the browser window.
The window object is the top-level parent for
all objects and includes the document, For example, the JavaScript statement
location, and history objects as sub- document.write(‘<b>hello</b>‘,
objects. window also includes properties and name) prints the word hello in bold letters in
methods for controlling the external look of a the browser followed by the value of the
browser window. I describe several of these in JavaScript variable name.
this chapter, but you can find many more
throughout the remaining chapters.

⁄ Open the CD file js- statements, add HTML code ˇ Open the write.html ■ The HTML code is
skeleton.html in Notepad. within single quote marks. file in a browser. displayed within the browser.
¤ Add several Note: You can find specifics on
document.write() HTML in Appendix A, or for more
statements. comprehensive coverage try Teach
Yourself Visually HTML.
‹ Within the parentheses of
the document.write() › Save the file as write.html.


In addition to the document.write() If the statement is written with the window

method which has already been used and object in front of it, it will still work fine. For
explained, JavaScript includes another similar example, window.document.write() works
method, document.writeln(). This method the same as document.write().
also displays the passed parameter in the
browser window, except it includes a new
line character at the end of the line. For
example, the statements
document.writeln(“Hello “);
document.writeln(“and welcome “);
document.writeln(“to my page.”);
include a new line character at the end of
each line. Because the browser interprets the
text as HTML, the new line characters are
interpreted as white space, causing the text to
run together.

ADD A VARIABLE ° Beneath the variable ‚ Open the write2.html ■ The text along with the
Á Open the write.html definition, add another file in a browser. variable value is displayed.
file in Notepad. document.write()
statement to display the
‡ Add a variable definition variable value.
and set it equal to a value.
· Save the file as



he browser window status bar is the space For example, the statement

T at the bottom of the window between the

document and the edge of the window.
This area is used to display useful information
window.status=”hello and welcome”
displays “hello and welcome” in the status bar
of the current window.
to the user, such as the link address when the
mouse cursor is moved over a link. If window.status is used to display text in
the status bar and then the mouse cursor is
Using the window.status property, you can moved over a link, the text displays the link’s
set the text that is displayed in the status bar. location.
To do this, you simply need to set the
window.status property equal to a line of This example uses the skeleton.html file
text. This text can also include JavaScript found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
statements. apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the ‹ Set the onload event ˇ Open the status.html ■ The line of text is displayed
skeleton.html file. equal to window.status= file in a browser. on the status bar.
and the text to display.
¤ Add the onload event to
the opening <body> tag. › Save the file as


If the text string displayed in the browser status

bar is longer than the browser window, the
browser truncates and displays as much of the
text string that it can.
The text on the status bar can be changed in
response to an event using the window.status
property, but you can also set the default text that
should appear on the status bar when no events
are detected using the window.defaultStatus
property. For example, setting
window.defaultStatus = “Processing”
displays “Processing” as the default text that
appears anytime no events are happening.

Á Open the status.html ° Save the file as · Open the status2.html Note: Link addresses are
file in Notepad. status2.html. file in a browser. displayed by the browser by
default and cannot be overwritten
‡ Add a link to a Web page. ‚ Move the mouse cursor with other text.
over the top of the link text.
■ The status bar text is
replaced with the link



he background color can be set using the Color values can be either browser-

T bgcolor attribute of the <body> tag in

standard HTML, but JavaScript enables
you to dynamically change the background
recognized color names like red, blue,
or orange, or colors can be represented as
RGB hexadecimal numbers. RGB hexadecimal
color. numbers include the number sign (#) followed
by the hexadecimal values of red, green, and
The document.bgColor object property blue ranging from 00 to FF.
holds the current color of the background, or if
you assign this object a color, you can set the For example, red is represented as #FF0000,
background color. blue is #0000FF, and purple is #FF00FF.
For example, if you set the document. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
bgColor property to blue, the background file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
color becomes blue when the document is apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the js- ‹ Save the file as › Open the bgColor.html ■ The Web page background
skeleton.html file. bgColor.html. file in a browser. color is set.
¤ Add the
property and set it to a
color name.


JavaScript is case-sensitive. That means that sets the background color when this statement
the exact capitalization needs to be used, is executed, but you can change the background
including the C in bgColor. If you were to color at any time using an event. For example,
use the document.bgcolor property with a
onclick = “document.bgColor =
lowercase c, the browser would return an document.form1.text1.value”
object not recognized error. This can be
a tricky error to debug, especially because dynamically sets the background color to the
HTML is not case-sensitive. value taken from a text field whenever the event
is triggered.
A statement like
document.bgColor = “#80FFCC”


⁄ Open the js- ‹ Add a document.write ˇ Open the ■ The background color
skeleton.html file. statement within the bgColor2.html file in a value is displayed.
<script> tags that displays browser.
¤ Add the bgcolor the document.bgColor
attribute to the <body> tag property value.
and set it equal to a color.
› Save the file as



he document object also includes The object property for the link color is

T properties for setting the foreground text

color and the link colors. In HTML, you
can set these colors using the text, link,
document.linkColor. This sets the color of
the links whether applied to text or images. You
can also set the active link color and the visited
alink, and vlink attributes of the <body> link color with document.alinkColor and
tag. Using JavaScript, however, you can document.vlinkColor, respectively.
dynamically change these colors as the user
interacts with the page. This example uses the bgColor.html file
found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
The object property for the foreground text may have created in the section “Change
color is document.fgColor. This property Background Colors”), but you can apply these
sets the color of the text for the Web page. steps to any file.
Care should be taken to ensure that this color
is different from the background color;
otherwise, the text will not be readable.


⁄ Open the ‹ Add some text to the ˇ Open the ■ The background and
bgColor.html file. page. fgColor.html foreground colors are
¤ Add the file in a browser. displayed.
› Save the file as
document.fgColor object fgColor.html.
property and set it to a
different color than the
background color.


The document.fgColor property holds the A color management function could be written
value of the text color. This property can be like this:
used to display the current text color or to set
function colors(background, textCol,
the current text color with a statement like linkCol, vlinkCol) {
document.fgColor = “#80FFCC” document.bgColor = background;
You can also dynamically set the text and link document.fgColor = textCol;
colors using the value from a form text field. document.linkColor = linkCol;
For example,
document.vlinkColor = vlinkCol;
onclick = “document.fgColor = }
Calling this function with specified colors sets
dynamically sets the text color to the value
the color scheme for the Web page. For
taken from a text field. Because this statement
example, the statement colors(“black”,
is executed as part of an event, the user could
“red”, “orange”, “purple”) sets the colors.
input a different color value in the text field
and trigger the onclick event to update the
text color.


⁄ Open the fgColor.html ‹ Add a link to the page. ˇ Open the ■ The link is displayed using
file in Notepad. linkColor.html the specified color.
› Save the file as file in a browser.
¤ Add the linkColor.html.
object property and set it
to a different color than the
background and foreground


he document title appears in the title bar document.title property equal to

T for the current window. It is typically set

using the <title> tag, which appears
within a Web page’s <head> tags. JavaScript
“Welcome to “ + name, which would
dynamically generate the title for the current
includes a document object property that lets
you control the title more than you can using The document title is different from the
<title> tags: document.title. window name. Each Web page can have a title
that appears in the window title bar. Each
The document.title property holds the window can have a name, which is used by
current document title, or it can be set to a new JavaScript to identify the window. The window
value that appears when the page is loaded. name isn’t displayed within the browser and is
mainly used internally.
For example, to set the title of a document to
“Welcome to Joe’s,” you could set a name This example uses the js-skeleton.html
variable equal to Joe’s and then set the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the js- › Use a document.write Á Open the title.html ■ The document title
skeleton.html file. statement to display the title file in a browser. appearing in the title bar
value. is displayed as specified.
¤ Add a variable and assign
it a string. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Set the document’s title
using the document.title



t can be very useful for users and publishers This example uses the js-skeleton.html

I to use JavaScript to display the date that the

current page was last updated. If this
information is included on the Web page,
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

then you can immediately tell how current the

page is. The document object includes two additional
properties that are very useful. The
The document.lastModified property document.URL property holds a string of the
displays the date when the document was last current URL. This can be useful for displaying
modified. the current URL for printing. Another useful
property is document.referrer, which
The format of the modification date includes displays the URL of the document that
the month, date, and year along with the time. contains the link that led to the current page.
In Chapter 10, the Date object is covered in This is different than the history, which holds
more detail. the previously visited page.


⁄ Open the js- ‹ Save the file as › Open the ■ The date of the last
skeleton.html file. lastModified.html. lastModified.html modification is displayed.
file in a browser.
¤ Use a document.write
statement to display the
modification date using the



useful piece of information that you can read-only property; you cannot use URL to

A place at the bottom of every Web page is

the current URL. One of the benefits of
including the URL with the page is that the
change the URL for the current Web page.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
address of the Web page is displayed if the
Web page is printed. apply these steps to any file.

The property that holds the Web page address When the URL is displayed in the browser
is part of the document object. This property using the document.URL statement, it is URL
is URL. Adding this property to the bottom of a encoded. This is done so that any spaces or
Web page can be accomplished with the special symbols won’t cause a problem. URL
statement document.URL. This property is a encoding can be undone with the unescape()
statement covered in Chapter 14.

⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Save the file as › Open the URL.html file ■ The URL for the current
skeleton.html in Notepad. URL.html. in a browser. Web page is displayed.
¤ Add a document.write()
statement to display the
current URL.



hen two Web pages are linked together This example uses the js-skeleton.html

W and one page loads the other page, the

first page is called the referring page
because it referred the second page.
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

The document object includes a property that

can be used to view the referring Web page —
referrer. This property displays the referring The document.referrer property can have
URL, which will be URL encoded. problems in the Internet Explorer browser on
different operating systems. Depending on
Using document.referrer, you can your configuration, the property may show you
determine the link that was used to send the nothing or the URL of the current Web page.
user to your Web page.


⁄ Open the file js- › Open another HTML file. ‡ Open the ■ The referrer.html
skeleton.html in Notepad. reflink.html file in a page loads.
ˇ Add a link to the browser.
¤ Add a document.write() referrer.html page. ■ The referring Web page
statement to display the ° Click on the link. (reflink.html) is
referring URL. Á Save the Web page as displayed.
‹ Save the file as



ave you ever noticed while browsing status, menubar, scrollbars, and

H the Web that some links spawn a new

browser window? This technique can
be accomplished in JavaScript by using the
resizable. All but the first two of these
attributes can be set to either yes or no.
For example, the JavaScript statement window. method.
open(“mypage.html”, “mywindow”,
The method can accept three “width=200, height=400, toolbar=no,
parameters. The first parameter is the URL to status=no, resizeable=yes”); opens a
open in the new window. The second parameter new 200-x-400-pixel resizable window with no
is the name of the new window. This name can toolbar or status bar and loads the mypage.html
then be used to reference the new window and file in it.
is different from the document’s title.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
The third parameter defines the features of the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
window, for which you can set the following apply these steps to any file.
attributes: width, height, toolbar,

⁄ Open the Notepad file. › Also within the Á Open the open.html file ■ The Web page is displayed.
parentheses, add and set the in a browser.
¤ Within the <script> tags, width, height, and
add the resizable attributes.
ˇ Save the file as open.html.
‹ Within the parentheses,
add in quotation marks the
URL of the page to open and a
name for the new window.

From the original Web page, you can write

text to the new window. When you create a
new window, one of the parameters is to give
the new window a name. This name can be
used to send output to the new window. For
example, the document.write() function
writes output to the current Web page, and
mywindow.write() writes text to a new
window named mywindow.
The JavaScript property that holds the
window’s name is You can also
use the window.opener property to retrieve
the name of the window that spawned a new
window. The current window can also be
accessed using the window.self property.

■ The new window is also ■ If you set resizable to

opened with the specified yes, you can click and drag
dimensions and displays the one of the corners or sides of
referenced Web page. the new window to resize it.



f many browser windows are opened, then If the window.close() function is used to

I the screen can become very cluttered. You

can always close a window by clicking the
Close button (X) in the upper-right corner of
close the original browser window, an alert
dialog box will appear, asking if you wish to
close the browser window. Windows that have
the window, but JavaScript also includes a been opened using the
method for closing remote windows. function automatically close without a
confirmation dialog box.
To close a remote window, you can use the
window.close() function. This closes the This example uses the write.html and open.
current remote window. html files found on the book’s CD-ROM, but
you can apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file write.html › Add the onclick event to Á Open the open.html file ° Save the file as
in Notepad. the <input/> tag and set it in Notepad. open2.html.
to window.close().
¤ Add a set of <form> tags ‡ Change the URL for the
under the <script> tags. ˇ Save the file as new window to close.html.
‹ Create a button within the
form using an <input/> tag.


With several windows open, you can switch In the example in this section, you add a Close
the focus between the different windows button to the remote window. If you add a
using the window.focus() method. You can Close button to the original window, the
also force a window to lose focus with the difference is that closing the original window
window.blur() method. You can tell which will end your session and a dialog box asking
window has focus by looking at the title bar. you to confirm the command will appear.
The title bar of the window that has focus
appears a different color than the other
windows. You can change the window that
has focus by clicking in the window with the
mouse. You can also switch the focus
between the different windows using the
Alt+Tab keys.

· Open the open2.html ‚ Click the Close button in ■ The remote window
file in a browser. the remote window. closes, but the window that
opened it originally remains.
■ The Web page and a new
window are opened and


eb browsers include a button on the When a new window is opened using the

W main toolbar that enables you to print

the current Web page. This same
feature can also be made accessible using method, one of the method
parameters can set the toolbar to be hidden on
the new window. If the toolbar isn’t visible,
JavaScript. then the Print button will also not be available.
For this case, you can add a print feature to a
The method that enables the user to print the Web page using the window.print()
current Web page is window.print(). This method.
method opens the Print dialog box, which lets
you select the printer, number of copies, and This example uses the close.html file found
other print options. on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you may
have created in the section “Close a Remote
If a printer isn’t connected to the current Window”), but you can apply these steps to
computer, the window.print() method is any file.


⁄ Open the close.html ‹ Change the button ˇ Open the print.html Á Click the Print button on
file. value to Print and the file in a browser. the Web page.
event statement to
¤ Copy the <input/> tag window.print(). ■ A button that enables
to create another button for printing appears on the Web
the Web page. › Save the file as page.


The window.print() button produces the If you create a button using window.print()
same results as the browser’s Print button and click the button, if a printer isn’t connected
included on the toolbar. In addition to this to your computer, then a dialog box will appear
method, JavaScript includes several other stating that you need to add a printer before you
methods that match toolbar features. These can print.
methods include the window.back() and
window.forward() methods, which do the
same thing as the toolbar’s Back and Forward
buttons. JavaScript also includes a window.
home() method that loads the browser’s home
page just like the Home button on the toolbar.
The function of the Stop button can also be
included within a Web page by using the
window.stop() method.

■ The Print dialog box ° Click the OK button. ■ The page is printed.
‡ Select a printer and the
print options.


he window object includes a couple horizontal and vertical number of pixels the

T methods that can be used to move and

reposition the current window.

The window.moveTo() method accepts two

browser should move. For example,
window.moveBy(10, 50) moves the
current window to the right 10 pixels and
down 50 pixels every time it is executed.
parameters for specifying the distance in pixels
from the left edge and top of the screen where The parameters can be positive or negative
the upper-left corner of the browser should be values. Negative values move the window to the
moved to. For example, the statement left and up rather than to the right and down.
window.moveTo(200, 400) positions the
upper-left corner of the browser 200 pixels This example uses the js-skeleton.html
from the left edge of the screen and 400 pixels file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
from the top of the screen. apply these steps to any file.

The window.moveBy() method also accepts

two parameters that are used to specify the

⁄ Open the file js- › Set the parameters of the Á Open the moveTo.html ■ The entire window moves
skeleton.html in Notepad. window.moveTo() method file in a browser. to the specified coordinates.
to the value of the text fields.
¤ Add a form with two text ‡ Click the form button.
fields and a button. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Add the onclick event
to the button and set it equal
to window.moveTo().


One of the benefits of using JavaScript to This function causes the window to move to the
move a window is control. With several right and down 1 pixel for each time through
windows open, the window.moveTo and the loop until the 100-pixel limit is reached.
window.moveBy methods enable you to
position the newly opened window exactly
where you want it. For example, if you open a
remote window with links, you can move it to
the side of the main window.
Another useful technique that you can use is
to dynamically update the x and y values of
the window.moveBy() method to animate the
movement of the window — for example:
function moveDiag() {
for (i=1;I<100;I++)


⁄ Open the moveTo.html ‹ Change the name of the ˇ Open the moveBy.html ■ The window moves the
file in Notepad. button. file in a browser. amount specified.
¤ Change the › Save the file as Á Click the form button.
window.moveTo() method moveBy.html.
to the window.moveBy()


he window object also includes a couple increases the width of the window by 10 pixels

T methods that are similar to the move

methods that can be used to resize the
current window.
and increases the height of the window by 50
The parameters of the window.resizeBy()
The window.resizeTo() method accepts method can be negative values. Negative
two parameters for specifying the width and values decrease the window size.
height in pixels of the browser window. For
example, the statement window.resizeTo This example uses the moveTo.html file
(200, 400) resizes the browser window to a found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you
width of 200 pixels and a height of 400 pixels. may have created in the section “Move a
Window”), but you can apply these steps to
The window.resizeBy() method increases any file.
the width and height of the current window.
For example, window.resizeBy(10, 50)


⁄ Open the file moveTo.html ‹ Change the value of the ˇ Open the resizeTo.html ■ The window is resized to
in Notepad. text in the text boxes and the file in a browser. the specified coordinates.
name of the button.
¤ Change the Á Click the form button.
window.moveTo() method › Save the file as
to window.resizeTo(). resizeTo.html.


JavaScript includes two more methods that let

you control the window and are very similar to
the window.resizeTo() and
window.resizeBy() methods. These methods
are window.scrollTo() and window.
scrollBy(). These methods let you control
how the page in the browser scrolls. For
example, the statement window.scrollTo
(10, 200) scrolls the window to the right 10
pixels and down 200 pixels. These methods
only work if the Web page is large enough to
need scrolling.
If the browser is maximized by using the
Maximize button in the upper-right corner of
the browser window, then the resizeBy()
method will not have any effect.


⁄ Open the resizeTo.html ‹ Change the name of the ˇ Open the resizeBy.html ■ The window is increased by
file. button. file in a browser. the amount specified.
¤ Change the › Save the file as Á Click the form button.
window.resizeTo() method resizeBy.html.
to the window.resizeBy()



he window object contains several The simplest dialog box is an alert dialog box.

T methods that can be used to interact

directly with the user. These methods make
it possible to present dialog boxes to the user.
This dialog box presents a text message to the
user and includes a single OK button. The
message is defined in quotation marks as a
parameter of the alert() method.
Many programs use dialog boxes to present
information to the user. Dialog boxes can also For example, the statement window.alert
be used to collect information from the user. (“Hello”) creates a dialog box with the
word Hello in it.
JavaScript includes three different types of dialog
boxes: alert, prompt, and confirm. All these This example uses the js-skeleton.html
dialog boxes are window object methods. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Save the file as › Open the alert.html ˇ Click the OK button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. alert.html. file in a browser.
¤ Within the <script> tags, ■ An alert dialog box appears
add the window.alert() with the message in it.
method to display a message.


Alert dialog boxes can be used for debugging

purposes. For example, consider the following
function for checking variables:
function checkVariable(varName, var1) {
window.alert(“The value of “ +
varName + “ is “ + var1);
You can call this function using a function that
looks like this:
checkVariable(“blink”, blink);
Whenever this function is called, an alert dialog
box appears with the variable name and its value
displayed. This can be very beneficial as you
build your scripts. Once the script is complete,
you can simply remove the function and all its
related calls.

Á Open the file js- ° Set the onload event ‚ Open the alert2.html Note: Alert dialog boxes can
skeleton.html in Notepad. equal to the window.alert() file in a browser. be opened by placing the
method to display a message. window.alert statement
‡ Within the <body> tags, ■ An alert dialog box appears within the <script> tags or
add an onload event. · Save the file as with the message in it. within an event.
— Click the OK button.



he alert dialog box works well if you want two parameters. The first parameter defines

T to display a message to the user, but it

doesn’t let the user input information into
the script. A prompt dialog box, however,
the message text that is displayed in the dialog
box. The second parameter is used to define
the default text that appears within the text
enables users to enter text into a text field. field. If the OK button is clicked without
changing the text in the text field, then this
The window object includes a method for default text is passed to the script.
creating a prompt dialog box. This dialog box
includes an OK button, a Cancel button, and a When the OK button is clicked, the text in the
text field where the user can enter information. text field of the prompt dialog box is returned
to the script. You can capture this text if you
Prompt dialog boxes are created using the assign the prompt() method to a variable.
prompt() method. This method can accept


⁄ Open the CD file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the prompt.html ■ A prompt dialog box
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write() file in a browser. appears with a message in it.
methods to display the
¤ Within the <script> tags, variable’s value.
declare a variable and set it
equal to the results of the › Save the file as
window.prompt() method. prompt.html.


If you don’t want to include a default text

field message that appears when the dialog
box is displayed, then you can simply set the
second parameter to the prompt() method to
an empty string (“”). If you don’t include the
second parameter, the text <undefined> is
displayed as the default text in the text field
of the prompt dialog box.
The prompt dialog box includes an OK button
and a Cancel button. If the OK button is
clicked, the value within the text field of the
prompt dialog is returned to the script.
However, if the Cancel button is clicked, a
null value is returned to the script. You check
for a null value using the if
(window.prompt(“Input a value”,”10”)
!= null) statement.

Á Type a name in the text ‡ Click the OK button. ■ The personalized page is
field. displayed.



he prompt dialog box lets you input a line The confirm() method returns a value of

T of text to the script, but another type of

dialog box — confirm — enables you to
ask the user questions.
true if the OK button is clicked or false if
the Cancel button is clicked. By setting a
variable equal to the window.confirm()
method, you can capture the user’s response
The confirm dialog box is also part of the to the confirm dialog box.
window object. This dialog box includes both
OK and Cancel buttons and can be used to This example uses the js-skeleton.html
enable the user to respond to questions. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
Confirm dialog boxes are created using the
confirm() method. The confirm() method
can accept only a single parameter that is used
to display the message within the dialog box.

⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add an if-else ˇ Open the confirm.html Á Click the OK button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement that checks the file in a browser.
value of the confirm dialog
¤ Declare a variable and set box and displays appropriate ■ A confirm dialog box
it equal to the results of the text. appears with a question in it.
window.confirm() method.
› Save the file as


One place that the confirm dialog box can be When this reset button is clicked, the
used is to double-check with the user before confirmReset() function is called and a
an action is taken. For instance, Web page confirm dialog box is displayed. If the user clicks
forms typically have a Reset button that resets OK, the page form is reset. If the Cancel button
all the form elements to their default values. is clicked, the form is not reset.
A function can be created that enables the
user to confirm the Reset action:
function confirmReset() {
check = window.confirm(“Are you
sure you want to reset this form?”);
if (check);
<form name=”form1”>
<input type=”reset” name=”reset1”

■ A positive message is ‡ Click Refresh to reload the ° Click the Cancel button. ■ A different message is
displayed. Web page. displayed.



he string object includes properties and italics(), link(href), small(), strike(),

T methods that let you work with text.

The string object has a single property —

sub(), sup(), toLowerCase(), and
toUpperCase(). See the section “Format String
Variables” later in this chapter for an example of
length — which returns the number of characters using these methods.
in the string. This information is valuable as you
work with strings because it lets you know how Other methods enable you to combine, locate, and
many characters are in the string. The string extract portions of text. These methods include
object also has numerous methods that can be charAt(index), concat(text),
applied to text. A number of these methods can be replace(text1, text2), and
used to format the text with HTML tags. For substring(index1, index2).
example, the bold() method returns a string of This example uses the js-skeleton.html file
text surrounded by opening and closing <bold> found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply
tags. Other string-formatting methods include these steps to any file.
big(), fontColor(color), fontSize(size),

⁄ Open the file js- › Add a document.write() Á Open the string.html ■ The string is displayed
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement to display the string file in a browser. normally and in bold.
formatted with the bold()
¤ Create a string variable and method.
assign it a value.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Use a document.write() string.html.
statement to display the value
of the string.


string objects by default are created Single-quote marks can be used in place of
whenever a string variable is declared. double-quote marks. In some places, you
Strings are assigned to any variable that has may want to use a set of each. For example,
a pair of quotes in the definition. You can if you specify a document.write
also create string objects using the new statement within an event, the quotes for the
keyword, but it is not necessary. To do this, document.write statement need to be
you need to list a name for the string and set different from the event quotes.
it equal to new String(). For example,
the JavaScript statement string1 = new
String(); creates a new string object, and
string1.bold(); calls the bold()
method for that string.


⁄ Open the string.html ‹ Save the file as › Open the string2.html ■ The string is displayed in
file in Notepad. string2.html. file in a browser. uppercase.
¤ Add a document.write()
statement to display the string
converted to uppercase.



substring is a portion of a string. To parameters. The first parameter marks the

A extract a section of a string, you can use

the substring() method.
The substring() method accepts two
beginning of the substring, and the second
parameter marks the length to extract.
For example, if a string is defined as str2 =
parameters, which correspond to the first and “boring dialogue”, the statement
last characters to extract from the base string. str2.substr(7,4) would result in
“dial”. Remember that spaces count as
For example, if a string is defined as str1 = characters and the string index starts with 0.
“useful handbook”, the statement
str1.substring(0,10) equals the string This example uses the js-skeleton.html
“useful hand”. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
JavaScript includes another useful substring
method, substr(), which also accepts two


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a document.write() Á Open the substring.html Note: The substring started at the
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement to display the file in a browser. first position, as specified by the
substring created with the first parameter, 0, and ended at
¤ Create a string variable and substring() method. ■ The string and its substring string index 13 (a space), as
assign it a value. are displayed. specified by the second
ˇ Save the file as parameter.
‹ Use a document.write() substring.html.
statement to display the value
of the string.


JavaScript includes another method that

works just like the substring() method
with an additional feature. The slice()
method works on strings the same way that it
works on arrays. It accepts two parameters.
The first parameter is the starting index value
where the string should be sliced. The second
value is the ending index where the slice
should end. The difference between this
method and the substring() method is
that the second parameter can be a negative
value. Negative values are counted from the
end of the string backwards. For example, a
string is defined as str1 = “out to
lunch” before the statement
str1.slice(3, -2) returns the substring
“to lun”.

‡ Open the file · Save the file as ‚ Open the Note: The substring started at the
substring.html in substring2.html. substring2.html position specified by the first
Notepad. file in a browser. parameter, string index 20, and
continued for the length specified
° Add a document.write() ■ The string and two by the second parameter — 11
statement to display another substrings are displayed. characters.
substring created with the
substr() method.


he substring() and substr() Another easy way to combine strings is with

T methods are used to break strings apart,

but JavaScript includes another method
that is used to combine (concatenate) strings.
the addition assignment (+=) operator. This
operator is used a lot in earlier examples and
simply needs to be placed between two strings
to add the second string to the first one.
The concat() method tacks a second string
onto the end of the first. The second string that For example, str1 and str2 can also be
is attached is identified as a parameter to the combined using the statement str1 +=
concat() method. str2.
For example, if a string is defined as str1 = This example uses the js-skeleton.html
“Thanks for the “, and another string is file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
defined as str2 = “work well done.”, apply these steps to any file.
these two strings can be combined with the
statement str1.concat(str2).


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a document.write() Á Open the concat.html ■ The strings are displayed
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement to display the file in a browser. separate and combined.
strings combined with the
¤ Create two string variables concat() method.
and assign them values.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Use document.write() concat.html.
statements to display the
values of both strings.


Strings are enclosed within quote marks, so This statement displays the quote marks around
how do you display a quote mark? Any the quoted word. Other escape characters
character that cannot be printed by including include the single quote (\’), the backslash
it within the string quotes is called an escaped (\\), the backspace (\b), the tab (\t), the new
character. When working with strings, you line (\n), the carriage return (\r), and a form
can include special escape characters such as feed (\f).
the quote mark if it is preceded by a
backslash (\). For example, to include quotes For example, str2 = “The file is
around a word in a string, use the backslash located in the C:\\temp\\test
character like this: directory.”; correctly displays the
backspace characters.
str1 = “He responded, \”Hooray\”
when he was finished.”


⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open the concat2.html Note: There isn’t an advantage to
concat.html in Notepad. concat2.html. file in a browser. using the concat() method
over the addition assignment
¤ Add a document.write() ■ The second combined operator.
statement to display the string string is now displayed.
combined with the + operator.



avaScript could be used to create functions and sup() methods are used to format string

J that would format strings using HTML tags,

but many of the basic formatting options are
already available as methods of the string
characters as subscripts or superscripts.
You can also change the font size using the
fontsize() method, which accepts a size
parameter. The size parameter can be an
These string-formatting methods simply add integer between 1 and 7, with 7 being the
the correct formatting tags on the beginning largest. The font color can be set with the
and end of the string. For example, for the fontcolor() method, which accepts a color
string str1 = “Little John”, the parameter including a color name or a
statement str1.big() equals <big>Little hexadecimal color value.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
Other string-formatting methods include file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
big(), bold(), italics(), small(), apply these steps to any file.
strike(), sub(), and sup(). The sub()

⁄ Open the file js- › Add several Á Open the file ■ The string is displayed
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write() format.html in a browser. normally and with formatting.
statements to display the
¤ Create a string variable and string with different formats,
give it a value. using some of the string-
‹ Use a document.write() formatting methods.
statement to display the value ˇ Save the file as
of the string. format.html.

If an entire string is formatted using the

sub() or sup() methods, it is difficult to
notice how the string looks any different from
a normal string unless it can be compared to
another string on the page. A more
reasonable way to use the sub() method is
to build a string:
water = “H” + “2”.sub() + “O”;
This statement creates a string variable
named water that includes an H and the
string for 2 that is returned from the sub()
method and an O. The resulting string
displays the number as a subscript to the
letter H. An example of the sup() method
would be
squared = “x” + “2”.sup();

‡ Open the file · Save the file as ‚ Open the format2.html ■ The string is displayed with
format.html in Notepad. format2.html. file in a browser. a different font size and color.
° Add a document.write()
statement to display the string
with a different font size and



ny defined string object can be following statement:

A changed into an anchor or a link using

the anchor() and link() methods of
the string object.
An example of the link() method would be
as follows. Given the string str2 = “fun
The anchor() method accepts a name for kids”, the following statement converts
parameter that is used to specify the name of this string into a link:
the anchor. The link() method accepts an“”).
href parameter that defines where the link
points. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
For example, if you define a string using the apply these steps to any file.
statement str1 = “This is the
start”, you can change this string into an
anchor with the name “start” by using the


⁄ Open the file js- › Create a couple Á Open the link.html file ■ The anchors and links are
skeleton.html in Notepad. anchors and links by using in a browser. displayed.
the anchor() and link()
¤ Create string variables and methods. Set the links to point
assign each a value. to the anchors, including the
‹ Use for and number symbol (#) in front
document.write() statements of them.
to display the strings’ values. ˇ Save the file as link.html.

The anchor() method can accept any string If you use an anchor name within the link()
or variable value to be used as the anchor method, a link will be established to the anchor.
name. The parameters to the link() The anchor needs to include a number symbol
method must be a valid URL or location. (#) in front of the anchor name. The href
Using the link() method with an invalid parameter that is passed to the link() method
URL does not cause the script to error, but can be either a relative URL or an absolute URL.
the link will not be available when clicked. Absolute URLs must include a protocol such as

‡ Move the mouse over the ■ Notice how the status bar ° Move the mouse over the ■ Notice how the status bar
first link. reveals that the link points to second link. reveals that the link points to
the anchor name. the other anchor name.



he string object includes a single

T property — length. This property is

useful because it can be used as part of a
for loop to look at each letter in a string.
For example, for the string defined as str1 =
“hello”, the str1.length is equal to 5. Escaped characters such as \” or \t count as
only a single character when the length
The length property counts all characters property is used.
within the quotation marks including spaces
and any HTML code.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use document.write() ˇ Open the length.html ■ The string and its length
skeleton.html in Notepad. statements to display the file in a browser. are displayed.
string and the value of the
¤ Within the <script> length of the string.
tags, create a string variable
and assign it a value. › Save the file as


f a string is inputted to your script in all lowercase (or all

I uppercase) letters, you can convert the string to all

uppercase (or all lowercase) letters.
The toLowerCase() method can be used to convert a
It is common when validating form
input such as the value of a text
field, to use the toUpperCase()
or toLowerCase() methods
string to all lowercase letters. Remember that even initial before checking any data. This
capitals (first letter of each word is capitalized) are changed ensures that the data isn’t case-
to lowercase. The toUpperCase() method can be used to sensitive. Case-sensitivity is
convert a string to all capital letters. important for some strings such as
passwords. If the server expects
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found on the password in all capitals or all
the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to any lowercase, then you can force the
file. string to be either.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add document.write() ˇ Open the case.html file ■ The string is displayed in
skeleton.html in Notepad. statements to display the in a browser. all lower- and uppercase.
string as it appears initially
¤ Within the <script> tags, and then converted to
create a string variable and uppercase and lowercase.
assign it a value.
› Save the file as



sing JavaScript, you can search within a results of this last method are 13. Remember

U string for a section of text. This

capability is essential for being able to
parse through a string.
that the string index numbers always start
with 0.
If the search string cannot be found within the
The string object method to accomplish a string, the method returns a value of -1.
string search is search(). The parameter for
this method is the string for which you’re This example uses the js-skeleton.html
searching. The method returns the index for file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
the position of the search string. apply these steps to any file.

For example, if you have a string defined as

str1 = “Your name is mud.”, you can
locate the word mud with the following
statement“mud”). The


⁄ Open the file js- › Add another Á Open the search.html ■ The string and its index are
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write() file in a browser. displayed.
statement to display the
¤ Create a string variable and index of a word in the string.
assign it a value.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Use a document.write() search.html.
statement to display the value
of the string.


When search features are added to a Web else {

page, you will want to validate the existence
of the string in the text before continuing with searchIndex =
the search. This validation can be done by;
checking to see if the text exists using the
return searchIndex;
search() method — for example:
checkSearch(searchString, text) { }
if ( This function checks first to see if the search
== -1) string exists in the section of text. If it doesn’t
exist, a message is displayed; if it does,
document.write(“The search
however, the search is executed, and the index
string doesn’t exist within this
is returned.
section of text.”)

‡ Open the search.html · Save the file as ‚ Open the ■ The string index is
file in Notepad. search2.html. search2.html file in a returned as -1.
° Change the parameter of
the search() method to
search for a string that
doesn’t exist.



avaScript includes some methods additional str1.indexOf(“and”) statement. You can

J to search() for precisely locating

characters and strings.
The indexOf() method, like the search()
then find the second “and” in the string by
using the statement str1.indexOf(“and”,
20). This statement will start looking for the
“and” string starting at the 20th character in
method, can be used to locate the first the string.
occurrence of a string, but you can also specify
where the method begins looking. Remember You can also search from the end of the string
that the first index value in a string starts with 0. using the lastIndexOf() method. If you
provide a second parameter to this method, it
For example, if a string is defined as str1 = searches backward toward the beginning of the
“I like spaghetti and meatballs string from the index specified in the second
and garlic bread”, you can find the first parameter.
“and” string using the


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use document.write() ˇ Open the indexOf.html ■ The string and the index of
skeleton.html from the statements to display the file in a browser. the second and are displayed.
CD-ROM in Notepad. value of the string and the
index of the second ‘and’.
¤ Within the <script> tags,
create a string variable and › Save the file as
assign it a value. indexOf.html.


Using the indexOf() method, you can write pos[num] =

a function to find all the occurrences of a text.indexOf(searchString, pos[
search string within a string. To do this, you
can use an if or while statement. Such a index = pos[num];
function looks like this: num++;
function findAll(searchString, }
text) {
num = 0;
This function stores the position of each search
index = 0; string in an array. Each time through the while
pos = new Array(); loop, the indexOf() method starts searching
from the index of the last search string. This
while search continues until the search string is no
(text.indexOf(searchString) longer found.
!= -1) {


⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open the ■ The string and the index of
indexOf.html in Notepad. lastIndexOf.html. lastIndexOf.html the second and are displayed.
file in a browser.
¤ Use the lastIndexOf()
method to display the index
of the second and.



ometimes finding the index of a search and garlic bread”, you can replace all

S string just isn’t enough. You may want to

replace the string with another string. You
can do this manually, but JavaScript also
the ‘and’ string with the word or by using
the statement
includes a method that does this.
This method replaces only a single instance of
The replace() method can be used to the search string, not all instances, in the entire
replace an existing string with another one. string. To replace all instances, you need to use
The replace() method accepts the string to the method several times.
search for as its first parameter. The second
parameter is the string to replace the first one This example uses the js-skeleton.html
with. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
For example, if a string is defined as str1 =
“I like spaghetti and meatballs


⁄ Open the file js- › Use the replace() Á Open the replace.html Note: Only the first and was
skeleton.html in Notepad. method within another file in a browser. replaced because the replace()
document.write() method was used only once.
¤ Create a string variable and statement to replace the ■ The string is displayed
assign it a value. word and with a comma. normally and with the
‹ Use a document.write() ˇ Save the file as
statement to display the value replace.html.
of the string.


All the search strings within a string can be This code checks for the existence of the search
replaced at once using a while loop such as string, and if found, it uses the replace() method
the following: to replace it. If the search string isn’t found
within the string, the loop condition fails and the
str1 = “standard string”; program continues.
searchStr = “str”;
repStr = “tr”;
while ( !=
-1) {

⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open the ■ The string and the index of
indexOf.html in Notepad. lastIndexOf.html. lastIndexOf.html the second and are displayed.
file in a browser.
¤ Use the lastIndexOf()
method to display the index
of the second and.


sing JavaScript, you can split a string the split() method with the space as a

U into an array of strings. You may find

this capability useful for extracting all
the separate words within a string.
separator can split these words into an array of
strings. The method statement looks like
myArray = vocab.split(“ “) and the
array includes three elements.
The split() method does this. This method
takes a single parameter that is the separator The strings are placed within the array named
to locate and use to split the string. The myArray in the order that they appear in the
method returns an array of strings and can be string. For example, myArray[0] would equal
captured if the method statement is assigned “paradigm”.
to a variable. None of the array elements
include the separator. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
For example, if a string is defined as vocab = apply these steps to any file.
“paradigm convolution exception”,


⁄ Open the file js- › Use the replace() Á Open the replace.html Note: Only the first and was
skeleton.html in Notepad. method within another file in a browser. replaced because the replace()
document.write() method was used only once.
¤ Create a string variable and statement to replace the ■ The string is displayed
assign it a value. word and with a comma. normally and with the
‹ Use a document.write() ˇ Save the file as
statement to display the value replace.html.
of the string.


You can use a textarea to obtain a list of This simple function separates list items using
items. If you have the user place a symbol the split() method and places each item as
such as an asterisk (*) in front of each list an element in an array. You can view the list
item in the textarea box, you can use the using this code:
split() method to separate the list items
into an array. A function to do this would look for (j=0;j<listArray.length;j++) {
like this: document.write(“List item “ + j
function textList(text) { + “: “ + listArray[j]);

listArray = text.split(“*”); }

‡ Open the file · Save the file as ‚ Open the replace2.html ■ The updated string is
replace.html in Notepad. replace2.html. file in a browser. displayed.
° Add another
statement to display the string
with another replacement.



he date object isn’t associated with a Web The second definition includes just numbers for the

T page element, but it is included as part of the

default JavaScript syntax.
Before you can use the date object, you must create
year, month, and day. The third definition is like the
second except it also includes values for the hours,
minutes, and seconds — for example, Date(“Jul
29, 1982 06:30:00”), Date(1993, 4, 17)
it. To create a date object, you need to give it a for May 17, 1993, and Date(1997, 3, 4, 10,
variable name and set it equal to the new keyword 37, 00) for April 4, 1997 at 10:37 a.m. Months are
followed by Date(). For example, myDate = new specified starting with 0, so 0 is January, 1 is
Date() creates a new date object called myDate. February, and so on.
By defining a parameter to the Date() object, you This example uses the js-skeleton.html file
can set the date format. The date format accepts three found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply
definitions. The first must be placed in quotes and these steps to any file.
include “month day, year hours:minutes:seconds.”


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use a document.write ˇ Open the new.html file in ■ The time and date are
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement to display the date. a browser. displayed.
¤ Create a new date object › Save the file as
including a format within the new.html.
Date() parentheses.
Note: In this example, I’ve used
the first date format.


The date object, when unformatted, holds

only a single piece of data — an integer. This
integer is the number of milliseconds that
have transpired since January 1, 1970. This
number for the current time is a rather large
To compare date objects, both objects need
to be converted to the standard date object
format, which is the number of milliseconds
since January, 1970. Any new date object
that is created automatically appears in this
format, and you can convert a date to this
format using the Date.UTC() method. This
method accepts the same formats as a new
date object. For example, Date.UTC(86,
2, 16, 8, 45, 00) sets a date object
equal to March 16, 1986 at 8:45:00.

Á Open the new.html file in ° Save the file as · Open the new2.html file ■ The new time and date are
Notepad. new2.html. in a browser. displayed.
‡ Change the format in the Note: The index for months starts
Date() object. with 0, so 0 is January, 1 is
February, and so on, which is why
Note: In this example, I’ve used
February is returned in this
the third date format.



fter creating a new date object, you can The format for these dates and times lists the

A use one of many methods to get

information about the current date
and time.
day, the date, the month, and then the year.
After the year comes the hours, minutes, and
seconds, and finally the time zone.
One very useful date object method is the For example, Wed, 12 Apr 2000
toGMTString() method, which will return 03:37:38 UTC is the date and time format
the current Greenwich mean time (GMT). for Wednesday, April 12 of the year 2000 at
Greenwich mean time is the time zone where 3:37 and 38 seconds. UTC is short for
all other time zones are measured from. Another Universal Coordinated Time, which is another
useful method is toLocaleString(). This name for GMT.
method returns the current date and time for the
local time zone. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use a document.write ˇ Open the date.html file ■ The time and date for
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement to display the in a browser. Greenwich mean time is
Greenwich mean time. displayed.
¤ Create a new date object.
› Save the file as


The format of the date object remains the symbols (/) are placed between the date
same displaying the day, date, time, and time numbers. For example, the format for this
zone if you use the toGMTString() method is 04/14/2000 13:05:13. You can
method. This method displays the day and also use the toString() method to display
month using three characters, such as Fri for the date object. This format looks different still
Friday and Apr for April. For example, this with the year at the end of the string. For
format looks like this: Fri, 14 Apr 2000 example, this format looks like Fri Apr 14
19:01:54 UTC. The date format for the 13:06:23 MDT 2000. If you want to use a
toLocaleString() method is a little custom format, you can use the get methods to
different. This method displays only numbers format the date, as shown in the next section,
with the date first and then the time. Slash “Get Time and Date Values.”


⁄ Open the date.html file ‹ Save the file as › Open the date2.html file ■ The local time and date are
in Notepad. date2.html. in a browser. displayed.
¤ Change the
toGMTString() method to
toLocaleString() and
update the displayed text.



avaScript includes several methods that example, 3:00 p.m. returns 15. The
enable you to retrieve specific date and time getMinutes() and getSeconds()
information from a date object. These methods return the number of minutes and
methods all begin with the word get and return seconds.
integer values.
The getMonth() method returns an integer
The getDate() method returns the date, so representing the month of the year starting
on January 24, this method would return 24. with 0 for January, so July returns a 6 and
The getDay() method returns an integer December returns 11. The getYear()
representing the day of the week; that is, 1 is method returns a two-digit value for the year,
for Monday, 2 is for Tuesday, and so on, so 1996 would return 96.
through 7 for Sunday.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
The getHours() method returns the hour of file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
day in 24-hour military time format. For apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use document.write ˇ Open the getDate.html ■ The values for the current
skeleton.html in Notepad. statements to display the get file in a browser. date are displayed.
methods for the current date.
¤ Create a new date object.
› Save the file as


Using the get methods, you can create a function clock() {

simple clock. The key to this clock is the cTime = new Date();
setTimeout() method that is set to call the
clock function every 1000 milliseconds. The cHours = cTime.getHours();
clock function can display the time to a text cMinutes = cTime.getMinutes();
field named text1 located within a form
named form1: cSeconds = cTime.getSeconds();
document.form1.text1.value =
cHours + “:” + cMinutes + “:” +
setTimeout(“clock()”, 1000);
This function creates a new date object, gets
the hours, minutes, and seconds, and displays
these values in a text field. It then calls the same
function again after 1,000 milliseconds, and the
clock is updated again.

⁄ Open the getDate.html ‹ Save the file as › Open the getDate2.html ■ The values for the current
file in Notepad. getDate2.html. file in a browser. time are displayed.
¤ Add several additional
document.write statements
to display the values of the
get methods for the current



hen working with the date object, The setHours() method sets the hour of day

W you can also set dates and times

using one of several methods that
begin with the word set. These methods place
in 24-hour military time format. For example,
setHours(15) would set the hour to 3:00
p.m. The setMinutes() and
an integer value into a date object. setSeconds() methods set the number of
minutes and seconds for the time.
The setDate() method sets the date for the
object and can be a value between 1 and 31. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
The setMonth() sets the value for the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
month. It accept values 0 through 11 with 0 apply these steps to any file.
for January (so July returns 6 and December
returns 11). setYear() can accept a two-
digit or four-digit year value, so 96 would set
the year to 1996.


⁄ Open the file js- › Change the month, date, Á Open the setDate.html ■ The date before and after
skeleton.html in Notepad. and year values using the set file in a browser. the changes is shown.
methods and display the
¤ Create a new date object results.
and set the initial date within
the parentheses. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Use a document.write
statement to display the
initial date.

If you enable a user to enter a date such as function birthday() {
their birthday using a Web page form, you
can create and save the entire date object. myBirthday = new Date();
The date object can then be manipulated myBirthday.setMonth(document.form1.
and used as needed. For example, you could text1.value);.
compute how many days until their next myBirthday.setDate(document.form1.
birthday or display a unique page on their text2.value);.
birthday. A function to create such a date myBirthday.setYear(document.form1.
would look like this: text3.value);
document.write(“Your birthday is
“ + myBirthday);
This function creates a new date object and
sets the date’s month, date, and year based on
the values of three text fields found on a Web
page form named form1.

⁄ Open the setDate.html ‹ Save the file as › Open the setDate2.html ■ The initial time and
file in Notepad. setDate2.html. file in a browser. changed time are displayed.
¤ Change the hours,
minutes, and seconds using
the set methods and display
the results.



long with the get and set methods You can also change a date into this standard

A used to control months, dates, years,

hours, minutes, and seconds are two
more methods for controlling the time.
format using the Date.parse() method.
This method accepts a month, date, and year
such as February 14, 1980 or a more
descriptive format like Mon Nov 17 1997
The getTime() method returns an integer 13:47:23 MST and returns the number of
value that is equal to the number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970.
milliseconds that have passed since January 1,
1970. This is the standard format for dates and To convert the number of milliseconds since
times. You can also use the setTime() January 1, 1970 to a recognizable format, you
method to set the time of a date object. This can use the toGMTString() method.
method accepts the number of milliseconds
that have passed since January 1, 1970. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Use a document.write ˇ Open the getTime.html ■ The results of the
skeleton.html in Notepad. statement to display the file in a browser. getTime() method are
results of the getTime() displayed.
¤ Create a new date object. method.
› Save the file as


You may sometimes want to perform some diffHours = diffMinutes / 60;

arithmetic on a date object. For example, to diffDays = diffHours / 24;
figure out how many days are between two
return diffDays;
dates, you could subtract the two dates and
then calculate the number of days. Such a }
script looks like this: This function accepts two dates and returns the
function compDates(date1, date2) difference in the number of days between them.
diffMilliseconds = date2 –
diffSeconds = diffMilliseconds
/ 1000;
diffMinutes = diffSeconds /

Á Open the file ° Use a document.write ‚ Open the parse.html file ■ The number of
getTime.html in Notepad. and a Date.parse() in a browser. milliseconds since January 1,
statement to display the 1970 for this date are
‡ Create another date number of milliseconds since displayed.
object and set its date. January 1, 1970 for this date.
· Save the file as



avaScript includes a method that can be For example, if the user’s computer is located
used to compute the time difference for within the Pacific standard time zone, then for
different time zones. All times zones are the date object named myDate, the
computed relative to Greenwich mean time statement myDate.getTimezoneOffset()
(GMT). GMT is also referred to as UTC, which returns a value of 480. This value represents
stands for Universal Time Coordinated. an offset of 8 hours from GMT.
The getTimezoneOffset() returns the This example uses the js-skeleton.html
number of minutes between GMT and the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
local time zone. The returned value could be apply these steps to any file.
positive or negative, depending on whether the
current time zone is ahead of or behind
Greenwich mean time.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add another Á Open the file ■ The local time and date
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statement to getTimezoneOffset.html in and the time zone offset are
display the time zone offset. a browser. displayed.
¤ Create a new date object.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Use a document.write getTimezoneOffset.html.
statement to display the
current local time and date.


The time zone offset value that is returned by The getTimezoneOffset() method doesn’t
the getTimezoneOffset() method is need to directly handle daylight saving time
based on the user’s internal computer because DST is computed and controlled by the
system. For a Windows-based system, this operating system. Because JavaScript queries the
value is retrieved from the system setting that system for this information, it automatically
is configured using the Control Panel Date converts your date and time settings to
application. If the date and time specified in accommodate for the changes caused by
this system application is incorrect, the date daylight saving time.
object methods will return incorrect values
for the date object.

‡ Open the Note: To display the time in a ‚ Open the ■ The local and neighboring
getTimezoneOffset.html file neighboring time zone, you getTimezoneOffset2.html time zone times are
in Notepad. typically only need to add or file in a browser. displayed.
subtract an hour from the time.
° Add another
document.write statement to · Save the file as
display the time in the getTimezoneOffset2.html.
neighboring time zone.



he Math object includes properties and abs(x), ceil(x), floor(x), sin(x),

T methods that make it possible to work

with mathematical equations and
cos(x), tan(x), log(x), min(x),
max(x), pow(x,y), random(), and
sqrt(x), where x and y are numbers.
The Math object includes properties for The Math object doesn’t need to be specified
representing various mathematical values, such as a sub-object of the document or window
as Euler’s constant (E), base-10 logarithms objects, but it does need to be capitalized. For
(LOG10E), natural logarithms (LN10), pi (PI), example, to specify the value of pi, you must
and the square root of two (SQRT2). use the Math.PI syntax.
The Math object methods include a variety of This example uses the js-skeleton.html
advanced mathematical functions. These file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
functions include, but are not limited to, apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the math.html file ■ A form with two text boxes
skeleton.html in Notepad. onclick event that computes in a browser. and a button is displayed.
the area of a circle based on
¤ Add a form with two text the text box value.
boxes and a button.
ˇ Save the file as math.html.
‹ Add the onclick event to
the button.


Each Math object method returns a value The Math object keyword that appears in
based on the number that is passed as a front of the properties and methods always
parameter. The number passed in as a needs to be capitalized. JavaScript is case-
parameter could be an actual number or sensitive and does not work if capitalized
another object. For example, incorrectly.
Math.pow(2,3) returns a value of 8,
which is the value of 2 raised to the power
of 3. The JavaScript statement
value) returns the cosine of the value
found in the text box named text1 on the
form named form1.

‡ Enter a number in the first ° Click the form button. ■ The computed answer is
text box. displayed in the second text



andom numbers can be used within The random number will not be an integer, but

R JavaScript scripts for a number of

different purposes, such as randomly
selecting an option for the user.
you can make it an integer using the
Math.floor() method. This method
truncates the numbers after the decimal point
and returns an integer. For example,
The Math.random() method returns a Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)
random number between 0 and 1. If you returns a random integer between 0 and 4.
multiply the number generated by this method
by another number, you can get a random This example uses the js-skeleton.html
number that is between 0 and the other file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
number. For example, the statement apply these steps to any file.
Math.random() * 5 generates a number
between 0 and 5.


⁄ Open the file js- › Create a variable using the ‡ Open the random.html file ° Click the Refresh button
skeleton.html in Math.floor() and
Notepad. Math.random() methods in a browser. on the browser.
and multiply
¤ Within the <script> Math.random() by the ■ A quote is displayed in the
tags, create a new array using array’s length. browser.
the Array keyword.
ˇ Display a quote using
‹ Add several quotes to the document.write().
array enclosed in quotation
marks and separated with Á Save the file as
commas. random.html.
To select options based on random numbers, The first statement generates a random number
you can use a series of if and else if between 1 and 3. Statements can be placed in
statements. For example, consider the the braced sections for each option.
following function:
function threeOptions() {
rand =
Math.floor(Math.random() * 3);
if (rand == 1) {
document.write(“option 1”);
else if (rand == 2) {
document.write(“option 2”);
else {
document.write(“option 3”);

■ The page is reloaded and · Click the Refresh button ■ The page is again reloaded
another quote is displayed. again. and another quote is



he properties of the Math object are used These properties can be inserted wherever the

T to represent several standard

mathematical constants. Various
mathematical equations rely on these
constant would normally appear in the
equation. JavaScript computes the value of the
constant to roughly 17 digits. Using these
constants. constants enables a high level of accuracy
without having to type in all the digits.
These constants include Euler’s constant
(Math.E), the natural logarithm of 10 For example, to compute the perimeter of a
(Math.LN10), the natural logarithm of 2 circle, you can use the statement perimeter
(Math.LN2), the base-10 logarithm of Euler’s = 2 * radius * Math.PI.
constant (Math.LOG10E), the base-2
logarithm of Euler’s constant (Math.LOG2E), This example uses the js-skeleton.html
pi (Math.PI), the square root of one half file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
(Math.SQRT1_2), and the square root of two apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Save the file as › Open the file ■ All the Math object
skeleton.html in Notepad. constants.html. constants.html in a constants are displayed.
¤ Use document.write
statements to display the
values of all the mathematical
constants and a heading.


Many different mathematical equations rely If the Math object doesn’t include a specific
on these constants. Some of these constants constant that you need, you can create a global
can be computed using the other Math object variable and assign it the needed variable. This
methods. For example, the Math.LN10 variable could then be used throughout the
constant can be computed using the script.
Math.log() method that is used to
compute the natural logarithm of a number.
The reason this number is defined as a
constant is that it appears in many useful
equations and, as a constant, it can be quickly
included and computed as part of a JavaScript


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the file ° Click the form button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. onclick event that computes sphere.html in a browser.
the area of a sphere based on ■ The computed answer is
¤ Add a form with two text the text box value. ‡ Enter a number in the first displayed in the second text
boxes and a button. text box. box.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Add the onclick event to sphere.html.
the button.



o you remember the trigonometric Radians are a mathematical measure of an

D functions from your geometry class?

JavaScript supports these as methods of
the Math object, including the cosine, sine,
angle. 360 degrees is equal to 2 Pi radians. You
can compute the more common angular
measurement of degrees by multiplying the
and tangent functions. JavaScript also supports number of radians by 57.3.
their opposite functions: arc-cosine, arc-sine,
and arc-tangent. JavaScript also includes one additional
trigonometric method that can convert
The methods for these functions are cos(), standard x and y coordinate values to an
sin(), tan(), acos(), asin(), and angular measurement. This method is
atan(). All these functions take a single atan2(), and it takes two coordinate values
parameter value and return an angular value in as parameters.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onchange event to Á Open the trig.html file in a ■ A form with six text boxes
skeleton.html in Notepad. each text box for the side browser. is displayed.
¤ Add a heading and a form
with six text boxes. Make › Set each onchange event
three text boxes to hold the equal to the trigonometric
values of the sides of a equation for computing the
triangle and three to hold the angle values.
trigonometric angle values.
ˇ Save the file as trig.html.

To convert the angles measured in radians to The function takes a radian value and returns an
degrees, you can use a function like this one: equivalent value in degrees. A similar function
can be created to convert degrees back to
function radiansToDegrees(rads) { radians. Such a function looks like this:
degrees = (360 * rads / (2 * function degreesToRadians(degrees)
Math.PI)); {
return degrees; radians = (2 * Math.PI *
} degrees) / 360);
return radians;
This function takes a value in degrees as a
parameter and returns the same value measured
in radians.

‡ Enter a number into each ■ The computed angle ° Change the values in the ■ The computed angle
of the side text boxes, making values are displayed. side text boxes, again making values are updated and
sure that the sides are those sure that the sides are those displayed.
of a right triangle. of a right triangle.



avaScript includes two methods for working with This example uses the js-skeleton.html file
natural logarithms and exponentials based on found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply
Euler’s constant. these steps to any file.
The log() method takes a number as a parameter
and returns the natural logarithm (base e) of the
The Math.LN10 and Math.LN2
The exp() method takes a number as a parameter
properties are constants for values
and returns the value of Euler’s constant raised to
returned by Math.log(10) and
the power of the number.
Math.log(2). The Math.log()
These two methods are complementary where the method can be used to return the natural
log(x) = y and the exp(y) = x. logarithm of any number.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the log.html file in ° Click the form button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. onclick event that computes a browser.
the log and the exp of the ■ The computed answers are
¤ Add a form with three text value. ‡ Enter a number in the first displayed in the other text
boxes and a button. text box. boxes.
ˇ Save the file as log.html.
‹ Add the onclick event to
the button.



avaScript also includes a method for computing the
square root of a number. This computation is The Math.SQRT1_2 and
accomplished with the sqrt() method. Math.SQRT2 properties are
The sqrt() method receives a number as a parameter and constants for values returned
returns its square root. by Math.sqrt(1/2) and
Math.sqrt(2). The
An example of where the sqrt() method is used is in Math.sqrt() method can be
computing the Pythagorean theorem (the square of two used to return the square root
sides of a right triangle equals the square of the of any number.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found on
the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to any


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the sqrt.html file ° Click the form button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. onclick event that computes in a browser.
the square root of the value ■ The computed value is
¤ Add a form with two text in the first text box. ‡ Enter a number in the first displayed in the second text
boxes and a button. text box. box.
ˇ Save the file as sqrt.html.
‹ Add the onclick event to
the button.


f you’re dealing with floating-point numbers
JavaScript also includes a couple of
that include a decimal point, you can
methods that enable you to round
eliminate the numbers after the decimal
numbers up to the next nearest
point by using the round() method.
integer or down to the nearest integer.
This method changes any floating-point These methods are ceil() and
number to the closest integer. Any decimal floor(). For example, the following
value less than 0.5 converts the number to the statements are both rounded to a
lower integer value. Any decimal value equal to value of 5:
or greater than 0.5 rounds up to the next
greatest integer.
For example, the number 4.45 rounds down to
the integer 4, and a value of 4.50 rounds up to
the integer 5.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the round.html file ° Click the form button.
skeleton.html from the CD- onclick event that rounds in a browser.
ROM in Notepad. the value. ■ The rounded value is
‡ Enter a number in the first displayed in the second text
¤ Add a form with two text ˇ Save the file as text box. box.
boxes and a button. round.html.
‹ Add the onclick event to
the button.



avaScript includes another Math object method that can
be used to raise one number to the power of another. Raising a number to the power of
⁄ 2 is the same as computing the
square root of the number. You can
This method is the pow() method. It accepts two include any value as the second
parameters. The first parameter is the number, and the parameter including variables, but
second parameter is the power that the number is raised to. the parameter must be a number.
For example, the statement Math.pow(5, 2) raises the
number 5 to the power of 2, resulting in a value of 25.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found on
the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to any


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the pow.html file in ° Click the form button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. onclick event that computes a browser.
the value of the first text box ■ The resulting value is
¤ Add a form with three text raised to the power of the ‡ Enter numbers in the first displayed in the third text
boxes and a button. second text box. two text boxes. box.
‹ Add the onclick event to ˇ Save the file as pow.html.
the button.



f you ever want to determine if one number

I or another is greater, you could use a series

of if statements, but a simpler method is
to use the min() and max() methods.
To use an if-else statement to determine
maximum values, the code looks like this:
function maximum(val1, val2) {
These Math object methods accept two
if (val1 > val2)
parameters and return the number that is
smaller or greater. return val1;
For example, the min(3, 4) statement returns else
the value of 3, because 3 is the smaller number
of the two. The statement max(3, 4) returns return val2;
the value of 4, because 4 is larger than 3.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the min-max.html ° Click the form button.
skeleton.html from the CD- onclick event that file in a browser.
ROM in Notepad. determines the maximum ■ The minimum and
and minimum values in the ‡ Enter numbers in the first maximum values are
¤ Add a form with four text first two text boxes. two text boxes. displayed.
boxes and a button.
ˇ Save the file as min-
‹ Add the onclick event to max.html.
the button.



avaScript includes another Math object This example uses the js-skeleton.html
method that can be used to return the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
absolute value of a number. Absolute value apply these steps to any file.
ensures that a number is positive. If a negative
number is sent, then the negative sign is .
removed, and the positive value is returned.
The abs() method works on any number
This method is the abs() method. It accepts a including integers and floating-point numbers,
single parameter and returns the absolute but it returns NaN if it is sent a string.
value of the number.
For example, the statement Math.abs(-25)
returns a positive value of 25.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a statement for the Á Open the abs.html file in ° Click the form button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. onclick event that computes a browser.
the absolute value of the ■ The absolute value of the
¤ Add a form with two text value in the first text box. ‡ Enter a number in the first number is displayed.
boxes and a button. text box.
ˇ Save the file as abs.html.
‹ Add the onclick event to
the button.



sing HTML, you can interact with the To reference a text box in JavaScript, you need

U user using forms. Forms enable the user

to input simple data types using
elements such as text boxes, radio and check
to refer to the form name and the text box
name. For example, you can get the value of a
text box named text1 within a form named
box buttons, and selection lists. form1 by using the syntax
Using JavaScript, you can dynamically alter the
contents of a form element such as a text box. Properties for the text box object include
defaultValue, enabled, form, name,
Text boxes are defined in HTML using the size, type, and value. The methods include
<input> tag and setting the type attribute to focus(), blur(), and select().
text. Text boxes also include name and
value attributes. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the text.html file ■ A text box is displayed with
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. its property values.
to display some of the text
¤ Before the <script> tags, box object properties.
add a form with a single text
box. › Save the file as text.html.


The defaultValue property of the text

object is different from the value property.
The defaultValue property is the value that
is included as part of the <input/> tag. The
value property is the text that exists inside
the text box. Initially, this text is the same as
the defaultValue, but the user can change
it. If the user changes a value, you can
retrieve its initial value from the
defaultValue property.

It is okay to have a text box without any

default text. If the value attribute isn’t
included, then the text box will appear blank
without any displayed text.
Using the select() method, you can
automatically select the contents of a text box.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onfocus event to ˇ Open the text2.html file Á Click in the text box.
skeleton.html in Notepad. the text box and assign it the in a browser.
select() method. ■ The text within the text box
¤ Add a form with a text box is selected.
to the Web page. › Save the file as



assword boxes are similar to text boxes, This example uses the js-skeleton.html

P except all characters typed in a password

box are displayed as asterisks (*). This
password masking is useful for inputting
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

sensitive information such as a password

without revealing the information to a
You need to be careful to keep the contents of
bystander looking over your shoulder.
a password box secure. If you view the
The password box object includes properties contents of a password box with the
for defaultValue, enabled, form, name, document.form1.password1.value
size, type, and value. It also includes statement, the password is visible. To
methods for focus(), blur(), and maintain password security, you should pass
select(). any passwords directly to the server.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the password.html ■ A password box is
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements file in a browser. displayed with its property
to display some of the values.
¤ Before the <script> tags, password object properties.
add a form with a single
password box. › Save the file as



idden fields are a special type of form

H element. You create them using the

<input/> tag with the type attribute
set to hidden. Hidden fields do not display
anything within a browser, but can be used to
Hidden fields are not visible within a browser,
pass data to the form-processing script.
but they can be viewed as part of code within
The hidden object includes only three a Web page file. If you use the browser’s
properties — name, type, and value — and View Source option, you can see any hidden
no methods. fields and their values.

This example uses the js-skeleton.html

file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the hidden.html file ■ The hidden object
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. properties are displayed.
to display some of the hidden
¤ Before the <script> tags, object properties.
add a form with a hidden
field. › Save the file as



extarea boxes are like multiple-line text The textarea object is very similar to the

T boxes. They are created using beginning

and ending <textarea> tags and can be
used to display full paragraphs of text.
text object and includes properties for
identifying defaultValue, enabled, form,
name, rows, cols, type, and value.
You can specify the size of a textarea box by The textarea object also includes, like the
using the rows and cols attributes. The cols text object, methods for focus(), blur(),
attribute is similar to the text box’s size and select().
attribute. It defines the width of the element in
number of characters. You can also specify the This example uses the js-skeleton.html
number of rows of text that are available using file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
the rows attribute. Both of these attributes are apply these steps to any file.
accessible as properties to the textarea object.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the textarea.html ■ A textarea box is
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements file in a browser. displayed with its property
to display some of the values.
¤ Before the <script> tags, textarea object properties.
add a form with a textarea
box. › Save the file as


The textarea properties can be combined This form presents a textarea box with the riddle
with an event to update the text within a question displayed within it. When the user
textarea box. For example, imagine listing a clicks in the textarea box or when it gets focus,
riddle and showing the answer when the user the onfocus event is fired and the JavaScript
clicks in the box. The code looks like this: statement is executed, which replaces the
question with the appropriate answer.
<form name=“form1”>
<textarea name=“ta1” rows=“4”
have you covered.’”>What did the rug
say to the floor?</textarea>


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onfocus event to ˇ Open the textarea2.html Á Click in the textarea box.
skeleton.html in Notepad. the textarea box and assign it file in a browser.
the select() method. ■ The text within the text box
¤ Add a form with a textarea is selected.
box to the Web page. › Save the file as


sing HTML, you may make form buttons button properties include enabled, form,

U in two different ways. The first way is to

use the <input/> tag and set the
type attribute equal to button, reset, or
name, type, and value. The value attribute
determines the text that appears on the surface
of the button.
submit. The second way is to use the
<button> tag. The button object methods include click()
and focus(). Using the click() method,
Reset and Submit buttons have their own you can simulate the user clicking the button.
objects and are covered later in this chapter in
the sections “Using a Reset Button” and This example uses the js-skeleton.html
“Using a Submit Button.” file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
JavaScript includes a button object that
includes properties and methods for
controlling form buttons.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the button.html file ■ A button is displayed with
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. its property values.
to display some of the
¤ Before the <script> tags, button object properties.
add a form with a button.
› Save the file as


Using the <button> tag is somewhat different

than using an <input/> tag, but the results
can be the same. The following code uses the
<button> tag to create a button that updates
a text box when it’s ’ “” clicked:
<form name=“form1”>
<input type=“text” name=“text1”>
<button name=“button1”
‘Settle down, count to 10 and take a
deep breath.’”>Panic Button</button>
This button works the same as a button
created using an <input/> tag.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onclick event to ˇ Open the button2.html Á Click the button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. the button and assign it a file in a browser.
statement to update the text ■ The text specified by the
¤ Add a form with a text box box. onclick event is displayed in
and a button to the Web the text box.
page. › Save the file as



eset buttons are a special type of button

R that resets all the form elements to their

initial default values. Reset buttons can
be created using the <input/> tag with the
type attribute set to reset.
The reset object includes properties for The form object includes the reset() method.
enabled, form, name, and value. Just like This method can be used to simulate the results
the button object, it also includes click() of a Reset button, which resets a form.
and focus() methods.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the reset.html file ■ A Reset button is displayed
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. with its property values.
to display some of the reset
¤ Before the <script> tags, object properties.
add a form with a Reset
button. › Save the file as



Submit button sends the form data to the

A server. The place where the data is sent

is determined by the <form> tag’s
action attribute. Submit buttons can be
The Submit button can be used to send form
data to an e-mail address. You enable this
functionality by adding the mailto: keyword
and an e-mail address to the action attribute
created using the <input/> tag with the
type attribute set to submit. of the <form> tag.

The submit object includes properties for The form object also includes the submit()
enabled, form, name, and value, as well as method. This method can be used to simulate
the click() and focus() methods. the results of a Submit button, which submits
a form.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the submit.html file ■ A Submit button is
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. displayed with its property
to display some of the values.
¤ Before the <script> tags, submit object properties.
add a form with a Submit
button. › Save the file as



heck box buttons are boxes that can be The properties for the checkbox object

C marked as checked or unchecked. They

are typically used to set or unset
options. Check boxes are created with an
include checked, defaultChecked,
enabled, form, name, type, and value.
The checked property is a Boolean value that
<input/> tag whose type attribute is set to is set to true if the check box is checked.
The methods for this object are click() and
The checkbox object identifies each separate focus().
check box element by its name attribute. For
example, the value of a check box named This example uses the js-skeleton.html
check1 in a form named form1 could be file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
referenced using the statement apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the checkbox.html ■ The check box is displayed
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements file in a browser. with its property values.
to display some of the
¤ Before the <script> tags, checkbox object properties.
add a form with a check box.
› Save the file as


You can set up a function that executes This function runs the statements associated
statements based on which check boxes are with each checked check box. If all three are
selected. Such a function looks like this: selected, the browser displays all three
function check() {
if (document.form1.check1.checked
== true)
document.write(“Checkbox 1 is
if (document.form1.check2.checked
== true)
document.write(“Checkbox 2 is
if (document.form1.check3.checked
== true)
document.write(“Checkbox 3 is


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onclick event to ˇ Open the checkbox2.html Á Click the button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. the button and assign it a file in a browser.
statement for each check box ■ All check boxes are
¤ Add a form with several that checks the check box. checked ( ).
check boxes and a button to
the Web page. › Save the file as



adio buttons come in sets. Only a single for the <input/> tag, including checked,

R radio button in the set may be selected

at a time. All the radio buttons within a
set share the same name. Each individual radio
defaultChecked, enabled, form,
length, name, and value. The length
property returns the number of radio button
button is indexed by the order that it appears elements in the set.
in the form. The first radio button has an index
value of 0. The radio button object also includes the
click() and focus() methods.
For example, a set of four radio buttons named
myradio could be referred to in order as This example uses the js-skeleton.html
myradio[0], myradio[1], myradio[2], file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
and myradio[3]. apply these steps to any file.

Just like the other Web page elements, the

object properties are similar to the attribute list


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the radio.html file ■ The radio buttons are
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. displayed with their property
to display some of the radio values.
¤ Before the <script> tags, object properties.
add a form with a set of
radio buttons. › Save the file as


You can set up a function that executes This function is a little different than the
statements based on which radio button is example for check boxes because radio buttons
selected. Such a function looks like this: are mutually exclusive. This means that only one
radio button at a time can be selected.
function radio() {
if (document.form1.radio1.checked
== true)
document.write(“Radio button 1
is selected”);
else if (document.form1.
radio2.checked == true)
document.write(“Radio button 2
is selected”);
document.write(“Radio button 3
is selected”);


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onclick event to ˇ Open the radio2.html file ■ The text in the text box is
skeleton.html in Notepad. each radio button and assign in a browser. updated.
it a statement that updates
¤ Add a form with several the text box text. Á Click a radio button.
radio buttons and a text box
to the Web page. › Save the file as



he select object is used to create drop- For example, the first option of a selection list
down lists. Each item in the list is created named mylist found in a form named form1 is
with an <option/> tag. JavaScript document.form1.mylist.option[0]. The
includes a select object, as well as an option option object also includes properties. These
object, that can be used to control selection lists. properties are covered later in this chapter in the
section “Work with Separate Selection List Items.”
The select object includes the name, length,
size, and selectedIndex properties. The The select object also includes the blur() and
length property returns the number of options focus() methods.
in the selection list, and the selectedIndex
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file
property holds the index of the selected list item.
found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply
The option object is a sub-object of the select these steps to any file.
object. It is an array, and each object can be
referred to by using its index value (with 0 being
the first option).

⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the select.html file ‡ Click your browser’s
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. Refresh button.
to display some of the
¤ Before the <script> tags, select object properties. ■ The selection list is ■ The selected list item’s
add a form with a selection displayed with its property property value updates.
list. › Save the file as values.
Á Click an item in the list.


If you try to reference an index value that

doesn’t exist, the browser produces an error
and the JavaScript script quits. The error is
indicated in the browser with a message that
shows up on the browser’s Status bar.
If no selection list item is selected, the
selectedIndex property returns -1. You can
check for this value to validate that the user
has selected an item on the list.
You can use the selectedIndex property to
mark which list item is selected by default.
For example, if you set the selectedIndex
to 2, then the third item in the list will be
selected by default.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add a function that Á Open the select2.html ‡ Click one of the list items.
skeleton.html in Notepad. updates the text box based on file in a browser.
the list item that is selected. ■ The text in the text box is
¤ Add a form with a updated.
selection list and a text box to ˇ Save the file as
the Web page. select2.html.
‹ Add the onchange event to
the selection list and assign it
a function.


he option object is a sub-object of the item, and the selected property is a Boolean

T select object. Each selection list item is

an element in an array, and each object
can be referred to by using its index value. The
that identifies if the current list item is
selected. The text property returns the text
that is in between the beginning and ending
first index value is always 0. <option> tags.
The option object also includes several Properties can be used for individual list items
properties that relate directly to the individual using their index values. For example, if the
list items. The defaultSelected property third item in a list is selected, document.
returns the index of the list item that is marked form1.select1.options[2].selected
to be selected initially. The selectedIndex returns a value of true.
property identifies the currently selected list


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the option.html file ■ The selection list is
skeleton.html from the CD- document.write statements in a browser. displayed with the properties
ROM in Notepad. to display some of the for a single list item, as
option object properties. specified by the
¤ Before the <script> tags, document.write statements
add a form with a selection › Save the file as in this example.
list. option.html.


Selection lists can accept only a single The option object includes other properties,
selection. If you add the multiple attribute such as index, length, name, and value.
to the <select> tag, the selection list allows
The option object doesn’t include any methods.
multiple list items to be selected. If the
multiple attribute is included, then the user
can select multiple list items by holding down
the Ctrl or Shift keys. The multiple attribute
is covered in the next section, “Work with a
Multiple-Selection List.”
If the size attribute isn’t specified, then only
a single list item is initially displayed. The list
will include an arrow to its right that will
reveal the rest of the list items if it is clicked
on. Because the selection list doesn’t include
any way to scroll horizontally, the width of
the entire list is determined by the width of
the longest list item element.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onclick event to Á Open the option2.html ‡ Click the form button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. the button and assign it a file in a browser.
function. ■ The list item text is
¤ Add a form with a updated.
selection list and a button to › Add a function that
the Web page. updates the selection list
ˇ Save the file as


election list boxes can be set to accept For example, if you have a selection list with

S multiple selections. Including the

multiple attribute in the <select> tag
enables multiple selection.
seven items and the second, third, and fourth
list items are selected, the selectedIndex
property returns the index for the second item
in the list, which is 1 because the index starts
The select and option object properties at 0.
work the same for multiple selection lists as
they do for single selection lists. The This example uses the js-skeleton.html
selectedIndex property, which for single file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
selection lists the index of the selected item, apply these steps to any file.
returns only the index of the lowest selected


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the multiple.html ■ The selection list is
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements file in a browser. displayed with none of the
to display the selected list items selected.
¤ Before the <script> tags, property for each of the list
add a form with a multiple items.
selection list.
› Save the file as


You can set up a function that executes document.write(“Selection list

statements based on which selection list item option 3 is selected”);
is selected. Such a function looks like this: }
function list() { This function executes a different set of
if statements for each list item that is selected.
selected == true)
document.write(“Selection list
option 1 is selected”);
selected == true)
document.write(“Selection list
option 2 is selected”);
selected == true)

Á Select several list items ‡ Click your browser’s ° Select all the list items · Click your browser’s
while holding down the Ctrl reload button. while holding down the Ctrl reload button.
key. key.
■ The selected property for ■ The selected property for
the selected list items is true. all the list items is true.



orm elements can be disabled if the document.form1.text1.disabled equals

F disabled attribute is included. Disabled

form elements are removed from the tab
order, which assigns focus. They also become
Form elements that include the disabled
property include the button, checkbox,
grayed out and cannot be interacted with until
enabled again. combo, password, radio, reset, select,
submit, text, and textarea objects.
Almost all the form elements include a
disabled property. This property returns a This example uses the js-skeleton.html file
Boolean value, either true if the form element found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply
is disabled or false if the form element is these steps to any file.
For example, if a form named form1 contains a
text box named text1 that is disabled,


⁄ Open the file js- › Add several Á Open the disabled.html ■ The form elements are all
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements file in a browser. disabled.
to display the disabled
¤ Before the <script> tags,
add a form with a selection property.
list, a text box, and a check ˇ Save the file as
box. disabled.html.
‹ Add the disabled
attribute to all form elements.

Using the disabled property, you can

dynamically disable form elements. For example,
if you have a form named form1, a text box
named text1, and a button named button1, the
following JavaScript statement disables these two
form elements:
function disableElements() {
document.form1.text1.disabled = true;
document.form1.button1.disabled =
This function disables the form elements whose
disabled properties are set to true. The form
elements can be enabled once again if the
disabled property is set to false.

‡ Open the file · Save the file as ‚ Open the disabled2.html ■ Several previously disabled
disabled.html in Notepad. disabled2.html. file in a browser. form elements are now
° Remove some of the
disabled attributes from the
form elements.



he form object includes properties and specifies which window name the form data is

T methods for the entire form, including

methods that can be used to reset and
submit the form data to the server.
sent to. This property is explained in more
detail in Chapter 13.
The form object methods that, like the Reset
The form object properties include action, and Submit buttons, reset and send the form
elements, length, method, and target. data to the server are reset() and
The action and method properties submit(). Using these methods, you can
determine where and how the form data gets reset or submit the form data using any
passed to the server. The elements property JavaScript event.
enables you to refer to any element within the
form using an index that matches the order in This example uses the js-skeleton.html
which the element appears in the form. The file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
length property returns the number of apply these steps to any file.
elements in the form. The target property


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the form.html file ■ The form is displayed with
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. its properties.
to display some of the form
¤ Before the <script> tags, object properties.
add a form with a text box.
› Save the file as


The form object can accept the onReset and

onSubmit events. Using these events, you can
override the typical Submit and Reset button
The form object holds an array of all the form
elements. Using the form object, you can
directly control all the form elements. The index
values for the elements of a form are
determined by the order in which they appear
in the form. For example, if a single form
named form1 includes two text boxes and a
button, then the first text box can be referenced
as document.form1.elements[0], the second
text box can be referenced as
document.form1.elements[1], and the
button can be referenced as


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add several ˇ Open the form2.html file ■ The property values of the
skeleton.html in Notepad. document.write statements in a browser. first form element are
to display the properties of displayed.
¤ Add a form with a text box the first form element.
to the Web page.
› Save the file as


ne of the useful ways that JavaScript For example, you can validate a phone number

O can be used with forms is to validate

the form data before it is sent to the
server. If invalid values are identified and
to make sure that it doesn’t include any letters.
The way to validate form data is different for
every type of data, but JavaScript includes
corrected before making a server request, then
many unnecessary server requests can be many operators that help you customize the
eliminated. validation routines.

CGI scripts on the server can be used to This example uses the js-skeleton.html
validate form data, but using JavaScript to file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
validate forms saves an extra trip or two to the apply these steps to any file.
server and ensures the type of data the server
will be receiving.


⁄ Open the file js- › Add an onchange event Á Open the validate.html ■ A single text box along
skeleton.html in Notepad. to the text box and assign it file in a browser. with some text is displayed in
the function name. the browser.
¤ Add a form with a text box.
ˇ Save the file as
‹ Create a function within validate.html.
the <script> tags that
displays an alert dialog box if
the value of the text box is

Several operators are used in JavaScript as

part of mathematical operations. In addition
to the standard mathematical symbols for add
(+), subtract (-), multiply (*), and divide (/),
the != symbol means “not equal,” && means
“and,” || means “or,” <= means “less than or
equal to,” and >= means “greater than or
equal to.”
Several string functions can also be used to
validate form data. For example, if you want
to check to see if a specific word is contained
within a text box or a textarea box, then you
could use indexOf() to search for a string
within a line of text.

‡ Type an invalid value in ° Press the Enter key. ■ An alert dialog box appears
the text box. with a message for the user.



hen a form element has focus, the A similar method to focus() is the blur()

W user can enter values into the form

using the keyboard.
For example, if a text box has the focus, you
method. Using this method, you can cause a
form element to lose the focus. Associated
with these two methods are two events that
can be used to detect the focus and blur
can type data by using the keyboard, and the actions — onFocus and onBlur. These
typed characters will appear in the text box. events are covered in the next section, “Using
You can use the focus() method to change Focus Events.”
the focus between the various form elements. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
For example, if a form named form1 includes file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
a text box named text1, you can set the apply these steps to any file.
focus to this text box by using the statement


⁄ Open the file js- › Set the onclick event to Á Open the focus.html file ° Type some text.
skeleton.html in Notepad. change the focus to one of in a browser.
the text boxes. ■ The text appears in the text
¤ Add a form with a several ‡ Click one of the buttons. box that has the focus.
text boxes and buttons. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Add the onclick event to
each button.


Radio buttons and check box buttons don’t The focus() method can be used to set the
include the blur() method because each focus to a specific form element. This can be
individual radio button or check box button useful to automatically set the focus to the first
belongs to a group and the browser cannot form element where the user needs to enter
determine when a single item loses the focus. information.
Radio buttons and check box buttons both
have the focus() method, though, and
pressing the Enter key when a radio button or
check box button has the focus selects or
deselects the item.


⁄ Open the file focus.html ‹ Save the file as › Open the blur.html file Á Type some text.
in Notepad. blur.html. in a browser.
■ No text appears in any of
¤ Change the focus() ˇ Click one of the buttons. the text boxes because they
methods to blur(). have lost the focus.



hen a form element has focus, you You can also detect when a form element

W can enter the form data into the form

using the keyboard. You can give any
form element the focus by clicking on it with
receives or loses the focus by using the
onFocus and onBlur events. The onFocus
event can be used on every form element, but
the mouse or by using the Tab key. the onBlur event can only be used with the
select, option, text, password, and
When the user presses the Tab key, the focus textarea form elements.
will move between the various form elements.
The default order proceeds according to the This example uses the js-skeleton.html
order that the form elements appear in the file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
form, but you can set the order that each form apply these steps to any file.
element receives the focus by using the
tabindex attribute.


⁄ Open the file js- › Set the onFocus event to Á Open the onFocus.html ‡ Click in one of the text
skeleton.html in Notepad. change the text in the text file in a browser. boxes.
¤ Add a form with several ■ Some text is displayed in
text boxes. ˇ Save the file as the text box that has the
onFocus.html. focus.
‹ Add the onFocus event to
each text box.


One common use of the onFocus event is to <textarea name=“ta1” value=“default

select the text in a text box when it gets the text”
focus. If you use onFocus to select text box
text, the user doesn’t need to delete the </form>
existing text; instead, the existing text will be When the various form elements get the focus,
replaced with the new text when the user the onfocus event is fired causing the
begins to type. The functionality to select the select() method to be executed, which selects
text when it receives the focus can be placed the text within the text box.
within the text and textarea boxes form
elements like “”this:
<form name=“form1”>
<input type=“text” name=“text1”
value=“default text”


° Open the file ‚ Save the file as — Open the onBlur.html file ¡ Click in another text box.
onFocus.html in Notepad. onBlur.html. in a browser.
■ The text box that lost the
· Change the onfocus ± Click on one of the text focus displays a message.
events to onblur events and boxes.
change the displayed text.



rames enable you to split a Web page up HTML file. For example, if a frameset includes

F into several different panes. The tricky part

about working with frames is to determine
which frame gets the focus and where the
three frames, then the first frame could be
referenced as document.frames[0], the
second one as document.frames[1], and
changes caused by the JavaScript code appear. the third one as document.frames[2].
The frame object includes many properties The frame object also includes several
that define the various frames. These methods, such as open() and close(),
properties include frames, onBlur, which are the same as for the document
onFocus, parent, self, top, and window. object.
The frames property is an array of all the This example uses the skeleton.html and
frames included in the frameset. These frames js-skeleton.html files found on the
are sub-objects of the parent object, and you book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these
can reference them by an index value that steps to any file.
matches the order that they appear in the

⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open the file js- Á Within the <script> tags,
skeleton.html in Notepad. frameset.html. skeleton.html in Notepad. add a document.write
statement to display the
¤ Replace the <body> tags ˇ Add a heading. frame’s name.
with a frameset page with
two frames. ‡ Save the file as left.html.


If you create a frameset and cannot see the Because individual frames are simply one of
frames, then you need to make sure that the several windows that appear in the browser,
Web pages that you specify in the src frame objects can use all the properties and
attributes for each frame are available. You methods used by the document and
should also check to make sure that the window objects. For example, you can
<frameset> tags replace the <body> tags access document properties for a frame for
for the frameset file. If the <body> tags exist the first frame on the page using the
in the file, then the frames will not be statement
visible. parent.frame[0].document.title.

° Open the file js- ‚ Within the <script> tags, ± Open the frameset.html ■ Two frames appear with
skeleton.html in Notepad. add a document.write file in your browser. the frame name inside each.
statement to display the
· Add a heading. frame’s name. Note: The left frame displays the
file left.html, and the right
— Save the file as frame displays the file
right.html. right.html.



lthough you can reference a frame using After you create the frame, it acts like a

A its index value such as

parent.frames[0], you can also
reference a frame using its name as defined by
standard window. document objects and all
the properties and methods of the standard
document object are available. For example,
the name attribute of the <frame> tag. you can reference the frame title of a frame
named frame1 with a statement like this:
For example, if you name a frame frame1, parent.frame1.document.title.
then you could reference the frame as
parent.frame1. This example uses the skeleton.html and
js-skeleton.html files found on the
You can also reference the frame using the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these
frames array by replacing the index value steps to any file.
with the name value in quotation marks like
this: parent.frames[“frame1”].


⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open the file js- ‡ Within the <script> tags,
skeleton.html in Notepad. frameset2.html. skeleton.html in Notepad. add a document.write
statement to display the
¤ Replace the <body> tags ˇ Specify a background frame’s background color.
with a frameset page with color in the <body> tag.
two frames. ° Save the file as
Á Add a heading. left2.html.


The Status bar properties are only available parent.frame2.document.title;

for the parent frame. If specified for the other
frames, the Status bar properties are ignored. and the title property for frame3 using this
Although frames extend from a parent object,
you can reference any child frame object from parent.frame3.document.title;
any other child frame object. For example, if Using this method, you can use one frame to
you have a page with three frames named control the other frames on the page.
frame1, frame2, and frame3, then from
the file that is loaded into frame1, you can
reference the title property for frame2
using the following statement:

· Open the file js- ± Within the <script> tags, ™ Open the frameset2.html ■ Two frames appear with
skeleton.html in Notepad. add a document.write file in your browser. the frame’s background color
statement to display the in each.
‚ Specify a background frame’s background color.
color in the <body> tag. Note: The left frame displays the
¡ Save the file as file left2.html, and the right
— Add a heading. right2.html. frame displays the file



or a given frameset, you can determine CD-ROM (or which you may have created in

F the number of frames that it includes by

using the length property.
You can reference this property from the
the section “Access Frames by Name”), but
you can apply these steps to any file.

parent object. This property returns the OF FRAMES

number of frames. The length property can be used to
determine the number of children
For example, for a frameset with three frames, frames that are contained within the
the parent.frames.length property current frame. For example, if a
would return a value of 3. frame named myFrame includes
three additional frames within it, then
This example uses the frameset2.html and the statement self.length will
right2.html files found on the book’s return a value of 3.


⁄ Open the file › Open the right2.html file ‡ Open the file ■ Two frames and the value
frameset2.html in Notepad. in Notepad. frameset3.html in your of the number of frames
browser. appear.
¤ Change right2.html to ˇ Change the
right3.html. document.write statement to
display the number of frames.
‹ Save the file as
frameset3.html. Á Save the file as



ou can always reference the current frame This example uses the frameset2.html and

Y using the self object. The parent

object refers to the frameset object that
calls the current frame, but the self object
left2.html files found on the book’s
CD-ROM (or which you may have created in
the section “Access Frames by Name”), but
refers to the current frame. you can apply these steps to any file.
For example, if you have a frame named
frame1 and you are writing the code for this The top object is the same as the
frame, then you can refer to the title for this parent object for frames
frame using self.document.title rather contained within a frameset. For
than parent.frame1.document.title. nested framesets, though, the top
Using the self object reference is shorter and object always refers to the top-
more intuitive. most frameset.


⁄ Open the file › Open the left2.html file ‡ Open the frameset4.html ■ Two frames and the value
frameset2.html in Notepad. in Notepad. in your browser. of the background color
ˇ Change the appear.
¤ Change left2.html to
left4.html. document.write statement to
display the background color
‹ Save the file as using the self object.
Á Save the file as


sing the frame’s array, you can access which contains all the child frames for the

U all the elements included on a separate

page, such as form elements.
For example, if you have a frameset with two
frameset. To access frames outside of the
current frameset, you can use the top
keyword to get to the top-most frameset. From
the top frameset, you can access the children
frames named frame1 and frame2, then you frames.
can reference a text field contained within
frame1 from frame2 with a statement such This example uses the skeleton.html and
as this: js-skeleton.html files found on the
parent.frame1.document.forms[0]. book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these
text1.value. steps to any file.
For nested framesets, this can become a little
tricky. To access frames within the same
frameset, you can use the parent keyword,


⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open the file js- Á Save the file as
skeleton.html in Notepad. crossref.html. skeleton.html in Notepad. topform.html.
¤ Replace the <body> tags ˇ Add a form with a text
with a frameset page with
two frames. box.
Note: In this example, the rows
attribute is used within the
<frameset> tag to place the
frames on top of one another.

After you open a new window, you can name The only real difference between frames that are
it. You can then use this name to access the side by side and frames that are above one
properties and methods of the new window. another is the attribute that is included in the
For example, if you open a new window <frameset> tag. The first frame will always be
named window1, then you can get its title on top for the rows attribute and to the left for
using the window1.document.title the cols attribute.
statement. Frames, on the other hand, are
contained within framesets. Therefore, you
need to access frames using their parent
frameset, which is accomplished using a
statement like

‡ Open the file js- · Add the onclick event to — Open the crossref.html ± Add some text to the text
skeleton.html in Notepad. the button and assign it to file in your browser. box in the top frame.
retrieve the text from the top
° Add a form with a text box frame. ¡ Click the button in the
and a button. bottom frame.
‚ Save the file as
bottomform.html. ■ The text in the bottom text
box appears in the bottom



hroughout the book, the document.write You could still use the document.write

T statement has been used to display text. This

text appears within the current document
window, but by using frame references, you can
statement to display text in the current frame.
This example uses the frameset2.html and
left2.html files found on the book’s CD-ROM
write text to another window.
(or which you may have created in the section
For example, if you have a frameset with two “Access Frames by Name”), but you can apply
frames named frame1 and frame2, then you these steps to any file.
could write the statement
parent.frame2.document. When you send text to be displayed in a
write(“welcome”) within the code for frame, you need to make sure that the frame
frame1. This statement would write the word is created before you try to send text to it. If
welcome in the second frame. your browser cannot find the frame that you
are referencing because you didn’t create it,
then the browser sends an error.

⁄ Open the file › Open the left2.html file ‡ Open the write.html file ■ Two frames appear, and
frameset2.html in Notepad. in Notepad. in your browser. the code for the left frame
displays text in the right
¤ Change left2.html to ˇ Change the frame.
writeframe.html. document.write statement to
reference the other frame.
‹ Save the file as
write.html. Á Save the file as



The frame object identifies standard events,
including onBlur and onFocus. It also can be The onMove event fires whenever the
used with two unique events — the onMove and window is moved. Because all frames
onResize events. These events can be added to are contained within a single browser
the <frame> tags within the frameset file. page, all frames will detect an onMove
event at the same time. The onResize
When referencing frames from the frameset file, event only occurs when you resize the
you need to use self and the name of the frame frame. Two frames will always detect this
because the frameset file is the parent. event at the same time.
This example uses the frameset2.html file
found on the book’s CD-ROM (or which you may
have created in the section “Access Frames by
Name”), but you can apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file ‹ Save the file as › Open the onresize.html ˇ Resize the frames by
frameset2.html in Notepad. onresize.html. file in your browser. dragging the bar that
separates them.
¤ Add the onResize event to
the first frame and assign it to ■ Text appears in the left
display some text in the left frame.



Web page elements including forms and links
can include a target attribute. This attribute When working with links,
is the name of a frame where the results of the you can set a target value
form or the link should be displayed. where the Web link will
load. This is useful for
Using JavaScript, you can view the target creating a navigation bar in
value using the target property of the frame one frame that contains a
object. You can also set the target value target to another frame
dynamically. where the link pages are
This example uses the crossref.html and
topform.html files found on the book’s
CD-ROM (or which you may have created in
the section “Reference across Frames”), but
you can apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file Á Add the target attribute · Open the target.html file ■ Two frames and the target
crossref.html in Notepad. to the form. in your browser. name appear.
¤ Change topform.html to ‡ Add a document.write
targetframe.html. statement to display the target Note: The target name identifies
‹ Save the file as target.html. value. where the linked Web page will
› Open the topform.html ° Save the file as
file in Notepad. targetframe.html.
ˇ Move the form above the
<script> tags.

nother useful method of the frame object is the

A print() method. This method enables you to print a

single frame.
The print() method opens the print dialog box for your
To print the entire page
including all frames, you
can use the following
system. You need to click OK in this dialog box to actually
send the page to the printer. parent.print();
This example uses the crossref.html and
bottomform.html files found on the book’s CD-ROM (or
which you may have created in the section “Reference
across Frames”), but you can apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file ˇ Change the button’s text. ° Open the file print.html · Click the button.
crossref.html in Notepad. in your browser.
¤ Change bottomform.html Á Add a statement to the ■ The Print dialog box opens.
to printframe.html. onclick event to print the
‹ Save the file as print.html.
› Open the ‡ Save the file as
bottomform.html file in printframe.html.



ome of the most helpful objects enable The navigator object includes many

S you to detect the type of system that the

user is using to view your page. By
detecting these environment properties, you
properties and methods required to determine
the user’s system. The navigator object
properties include appCodeName, appName,
can customize your content appropriately. appVersion, platform, and userAgent.
For example, some JavaScript features are The navigator object method is
different between the Microsoft Internet javaEnabled(). The properties of the
Explorer and Netscape Navigator browsers. navigator object are described in the
Detecting the browser that is being used lets section “Detect a User’s Browser.”
you use different features, depending on the
browser type. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Save the file as › Open the file ■ All the properties of the
skeleton.html in Notepad. navigator.html. navigator.html in a navigator object are
browser. displayed.
¤ Add several
document.write statements Note: Internet Explorer version 5
to display the values of the will still return a version number
navigator object properties. of 4.0 because this is the version
number for the last major engine
release by Microsoft.

Many different pieces make up the user’s Some navigator object properties are read-
environment, including the computer, the only properties, such as the language
operating system, the browser, and the Web property. If the language property were not
page. Each of these pieces can be controlled a read-only property, then you would be able
to an extent using JavaScript objects. The to change the scripting language at any time,
computer, operating system, and browser which would confuse the browser.
can all be detected using the navigator
object, and the Web page URL can be
detected using the location object. These
objects are covered in the sections “Using
the navigator Object” and “Using the
location Object.”

ˇ Open the file ‡ Save the file as ° Open navigator2.html in ■ The value of each
navigator.html in Notepad. navigator2.html. a browser. navigator object method is
Á Replace the property
definition with the navigator



y detecting the user’s browser, you can alter

B the content as needed for his or her specific

format. For example, much of the Dynamic
HTML syntax is different for different browser
The main two browser types are
Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and
Netscape’s Navigator, but other
types. browsers exist, such as Lynx, a
text-only browser, and AOL’s
The navigator object includes three properties
custom browser. These other
that return the type of browser. The
browsers will have a different
appCodeName property returns the code name of
identifying name, but the code
the browser. This is typically Mozilla, which is
name will probably be similar.
the standard code base. The appName property
returns the actual browser name, such as
Microsoft Internet Explorer. The appVersion
property returns the version information or
version number for the browser, such as 5.0.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Include an else if ˇ Open the file ■ The browser type is
skeleton.html from the CD- statement that, if Microsoft is appName.html in a browser. detected and displayed.
ROM in Notepad. not found, checks to see if
Netscape can be found.
¤ Add an if statement to Note: If the browser is neither a
check for the word Microsoft Microsoft nor a Netscape product,
within the then nothing will be displayed.
navigator.appName value.
› Save the file as


he different browser versions support differing levels

T of HTML. For example, the early 3.0 browser versions

only supported HTML Version 3.2.
Later versions supported later HTML specifications. If you
The earliest versions to use
JavaScript were the Netscape
2.0 and Internet Explorer 3.0
versions. Browsers prior to
use a feature in a later HTML version with a browser that these versions cannot interpret
doesn’t support it, the results can be unexpected. JavaScript code.
To eliminate any problems, you can check for the current
browser version number using the
navigator.appVersion property.
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found on
the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to any


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Include an else statement ˇ Open appVersion.html in ■ The browser version is
skeleton.html in Notepad. that executes if the specified a browser. detected, and a message is
version number isn’t found displayed.
¤ Add an if statement to (including versions that have
check for a specific version a higher version number).
› Save the file as



nderstanding the user’s operating

U system helps you to know what type of

interfaces he or she is most comfortable
with. Macintosh interfaces are different from
JavaScript can identify the most
common operating systems,
such as Win32, which includes
Windows and UNIX interfaces. all Windows 95, Windows 98,
Windows Me, Windows NT,
You can detect a user’s operating system using and Windows 2000
the platform property of the navigator computers; Macintosh, which
object. This property returns the platform for includes older systems, Power
which the browser was compiled. PC, and later versions; and
UNIX, which includes the
This example uses the js-skeleton.html
popular Linux version.
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Include an else statement ˇ Open the file ■ The user’s operating
skeleton.html in Notepad. that executes if the specified platform.html in a browser. system platform is detected
platform isn’t found. and displayed.
¤ Add an if statement to
check for the platform to › Save the file as
determine the operating platform.html.



he userAgent property of the navigator object

T returns the header information that is sent to the

server during a request by the browser.
The information in the header includes the same
When a request is sent to
the server, part of the
request includes a header.
This header is information
information in the appVersion property plus the about where the request
information from the appCodeName property. came from and what
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found on information is needed to
the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to any satisfy the request.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Include an else statement ˇ Open the file ■ The browser type and
skeleton.html in Notepad. that executes if the specified userAgent.html in a operating system are
properties aren’t found. browser. detected and displayed.
¤ Add an if statement to
check for specific › Save the file as
environment properties. userAgent.html.



ava is a programming language that enables This example uses the js-skeleton.html

J developers to program applications that

work with the browser over the Web.
Browsers have the option of enabling or
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.

disabling this feature. If Java is disabled, no Java can be enabled or disabled

Java content will run within the browser. using the browser settings. The
reason why you would want to
The navigator object includes a method for check to see if Java is enabled is that
determining whether Java is enabled for the Java components are typically rather
browser. This method is javaEnabled(). It large and downloading them could
returns either a true or a false value. take a long time. If Java isn’t
enabled, you can save the user some


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Include an else statement ˇ Open the file ■ The script detects whether
skeleton.html in Notepad. that executes if Java isn’t javaEnabled.html in a Java is enabled on the
enabled. browser. browser and displays the
¤ Add an if statement to results.
check whether Java is › Save the file as
enabled. javaEnabled.html.



he appCodeName property returns the name of the

T code used by the browser. This value represents a

baseline of functionality.
Both Microsoft’s Internet Explorer and Netscape’s Navigator
All browsers return the
same code name because
they are all based from the
same basic functioning
browsers return the value of Mozilla for this value. This
code. Different
is the developer’s name for the browser code.
implementations will have
This example uses the js-skeleton.html file found on different code names.
the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply these steps to any


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Include an else statement ˇ Open appCodeName.html ■ The script detects and
skeleton.html in Notepad. that executes if the specified in a browser. displays the code name.
code name isn’t found.
¤ Add an if statement to
check the code name. › Save the file as



he location object includes properties that returns the host name and the port number together.

T hold every piece of information that makes up a

URL. These properties are very similar to the
link object properties.
The path to the file is returned by the pathname
At the end of the URL comes the hash or search
These properties include hash, host, hostname, information. The hash property defines any anchor
href, pathname, port, protocol, and search. names included in the URL. These are identified with
All these properties return information about the the numeric symbol (#). The search property
current URL. returns any information passed to the server, which
The first part of a URL is the protocol. The follows after the question mark (?).
protocol property defines the protocol type, such The location object also includes the reload()
as HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol) or FTP (File method, which reloads the current URL.
Transfer Protocol). The hostname property returns
the domain name, and the port property returns This example uses the js-skeleton.html file
the port if one is included. The host property found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can apply
these steps to any file.

⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Save the file as › Open the file ■ All the properties of the
skeleton.html in Notepad. location.html. location.html in a browser. location object are
¤ Add several
document.write statements
to display the values of the
location object properties.


Using the location object, entire URLs can path = location.pathname;

be divided into their base components. This
enables you to manipulate URLs as needed. A anchor = location.hash;
function to deconstruct a URL would look like search =;
document.write(“Current URL: “ +
function decomposeURL() { prot + domain + prt + path +
address = location.href; anchor + search);

prot = location.protocol; }

domain = location.hostname; This function splits the URL into its separate
components. Each separate component can be
prt = location.port; replaced as needed.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add the onclick event to ˇ Open the location2.html Á Click the button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. the button and set it equal to file in a browser.
the reload() method. ■ The page is reloaded.
¤ Add a form with a button.
› Save the file as


ookies are small pieces of data that help To write a cookie using JavaScript, you use the

C maintain the state of the browser. They

are written to the user’s computer and
are indexed by the site that creates them.
document.cookie object. By setting this
object equal to the piece of data that you want
to save, the cookie is automatically written to
When the user returns later to the site, the the user’s computer. Each piece of data saved
data is retrieved and used. in a cookie should have a name and an equal
sign so that it can be identified and retrieved
One common use of cookies is to keep later.
information about the user’s preferences.
Saving a user’s preferences in a cookie will This example uses the js-skeleton.html
enable the browser to read the cookie and file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
display the Web page according to the user’s apply these steps to any file.
specifications the next time he or she returns.


⁄ Open the file js- › Also within the function, ˇ Create two variables to ‡ Add the onload event to
skeleton.html in Notepad. add a JavaScript statement locate the start and end the <body> tag and set it
that creates a prompt dialog positions of the cookie value. equal to the function name.
¤ Add a function within the box and sets the value to
<script> tags. document.cookie. Á Add a JavaScript statement ° Save the file as
to write the cookie value to cookie.html.
‹ Within the function the browser.
brackets, add an if statement
to check if a cookie exists.


Browsers include settings for disabling Any string can be included within a cookie, but
cookies if you don’t want them stored on all cookies need to include a name and a value.
your computer. For Internet Explorer, you can The cookie file has a size limitation of 4KB. If
disable cookies by selecting the the string saved to a cookie is larger than this,
Tools➪Internet Options command. This then a portion of the cookie data will be lost.
command opens the Internet Options dialog
box. Select the Security tab and click the
Custom Level button. Then select the Disable
radio button under the Cookies heading
(❍ changes to ●).

· Open the file ‚ Type a name in the text ■ The name is displayed in
cookie.html in a browser. box. the browser.
■ A dialog box appears. — Click the OK button.


hen some characters such as spaces The text is encoded by converting it to a

W and certain symbols are passed to the

server, they are confused for server
commands. This can result in incorrect
percentage symbol (%) followed by a two-digit
ASCII value. For example, a space is
represented by the ASCII value of 20, and an
processing of data. JavaScript includes two ampersand symbol (&) is represented by the
statements that can be used to encode the ASCII value of 26, so the statement
characters before they are sent to the server. escape(“& “) would encode to “%26%20”.
When the encoded characters are received by
the server, they can be unencoded to retrieve Text received in the encoded format can be
the data. This process of encoding and decoded using the unescape() statement.
decoding data ensures the integrity of the data. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
The statement to encode a character is file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
escape(). This statement accepts a single apply these steps to any file.
string, which is the text to encode.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Add document.write() ˇ Open the file ■ A string and its escaped
skeleton.html in Notepad. statements to display the escape.html in a browser. equivalent are displayed.
initial value of the string and
¤ Assign a string to a the value of the string
variable. encoded.
› Save the file as


If your Web page filename includes any The escape() and unescape() statements
spaces, then links to the Web page will not be can be used on single characters, full lines of
able to locate the Web page name. If you text, or even paragraphs.
encode the URL by using the escape()
statement, then you will be able to use the Because the type of encoding used by
name with spaces. escape() is based on the ASCII character set,
it cannot be used with Unicode characters.
The escape() and unescape() statements
are not a part of any object, but are JavaScript
keywords. They do not need any parent
object in order to work correctly.


⁄ Open the file ‹ Add a document.write() ˇ Open the file ■ An encoded string and its
escape.html in Notepad. statement to display the value unescape.html in a browser. unescaped equivalent are
of the string decoded. displayed.
¤ Assign the escaped string
to a variable. › Save the file as



s scripts are created, the syntax must be Syntax errors are the easiest to detect because

A followed exactly to avoid generating an

error. Debugging is the process of
identifying and eliminating errors.
the browser lets you know that an error has
occurred. Runtime errors are harder to find but
can be found with some careful debugging
Several different types of errors can happen.
Syntax errors occur when you use syntax that This example uses the js-skeleton.html
the browser can’t understand, such as file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
misspelling a keyword or variable. Runtime apply these steps to any file.
errors are harder to detect. They occur when
the script’s syntax is correct but the program
doesn’t do what it should. An example of this
is using a wrong equation.


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Misspell the word ˇ Open the file error.html ■ The page loads, but the
skeleton.html in Notepad. document in one statement in a browser. status bar displays an error.
to cause a syntax error.
¤ Add a couple of Note: The error dialog box
document.write statements › Save the file as includes an Always Display This
within the <script> tags. error.html. Message When a Page Contains
Errors check box. If you checked
this at some earlier time, then the
error dialog box appears

In the error dialog box is a check box that The error dialog box has two buttons used to
you can check to cause the error dialog box cycle through the errors. Click the Previous
to appear automatically every time the button to see the previous error or the Next
browsers detects an error on the current button to the see the next error.
If you view the details in the error dialog
box, it includes the line and character where
the syntax error appears. Using this
information, you can locate exactly where
the syntax error is.

Á Double-click the warning ‡ Click the Show Details ■ The details of the error are
icon in the status bar. button. (The button label then displayed.
changes to Hide Details.)
■ The JavaScript error dialog
box appears.



ne of the first tasks when debugging line. These comment marks can be placed in

O your script is to determine what works

and what does not. If you correctly
identify the statements that are causing the
the middle of the line, which comments out
everything to the end of the line. Double slash
marks (//) affect only the line they are on.
error, then you can work to fix it.
Another way to comment out several
The easiest way to locate JavaScript statements statements at once is to use the /* and */
that work is to use comments. Comments are marks. These marks comment out any
lines of the script that aren’t executed. They statements within them, even over multiple
are mainly used to document your script. If lines.
you comment out a statement with an error,
the rest of the page should work fine. This example uses the js-skeleton.html
file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
Comments can be added to a single line by apply these steps to any file.
placing two slash marks (//) in front of the


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Misspell the word Á Open the file ■ The page loads, but the
skeleton.html in Notepad. document to cause a syntax comment.html in a browser. statement with an error has
error. been removed with a
¤ Add a couple of comment, so no error
document.write statements › Comment out the appears in the Status bar.
within the <script> tags. statement with an error.
ˇ Save the file as


If only one bracket of a function statement is The copy and paste functions can be used to
included in a commented statement, the temporarily remove and replace lines of code,
script produces an error. The same problem but if you use Notepad to write scripts, the copy
happens if you include only one end of a set buffer remembers only a single line of code.
of quotes or parentheses in a commented Also, if you remove a large section of code, you
statement. run the risk of losing the code.


⁄ Open the file ‹ Comment out the ˇ Open the file ■ The page loads, but the
comment.html in Notepad. document.write statements comment2.html in a browser. statement with an error has
with multiple-line comment been removed with a
¤ Add another marks instead of the slashes. comment, so no error
document.write() statement. appears in the Status bar.
› Save the file as



nother common way to debug your script quickly added to the page to display the

A is to output the value of the variables that

you are working with to a temporary
text box.
You could add events to various elements
within the page that display the values with the
This method gives you a chance to examine text box when fired. This enables you to
the value as the script is being executed. For interactively check variables as the script is run.
example, if you include a for loop in your
script, you can display the value of the loop This example uses the js-skeleton.html
variables each time the loop is encountered. file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
apply these steps to any file.
Text boxes can be easily included within any
form on the page, or a new form can be


⁄ Open the file js- ‹ Within the <script> tag, ˇ Open the file Á Click the button.
skeleton.html in Notepad. add a variable and a function output.html in a browser.
to count the number of
¤ Add a form with a button clicks and display the ■ The page displays a
temporary text box and a number in the temporary text temporary text box and a
button. box. button.

› Save the file as


Another common way to display variables in meters =

order to debug your script is to use alert document.form1.text1.value;
boxes. Alert boxes are convenient because millimeters = meters*1000;
they only take a single-line statement that can window.alert(“meters converted to
be easily removed after the script is working. millimeters = “ + millimeters);
For example, if you have a script that
computes an intermediate value such as the After the script is working, the single
conversion of meters to millimeters, an alert window.alert statement can be removed.
box can be used to display the value of the
variable like this:

■ The count variable is ‡ Continue to click the ■ For each click, the text box
displayed in the text box. button. is updated.



cripts can generate errors many ways Object properties and methods are case-

S using JavaScript, but some errors are more

common than others.
One common error that exists in if
sensitive, so a property like bgColor will not
work if you forget to capitalize the C.
Another common error is to use properties,
statements is to use the assignment operator methods, and events that aren’t associated
(=) instead of the equality operator (==). if with a specific object. For example, if you try
statements should always include two equal to use the onclick event on a form object,
signs. the browser detects an error.
Another common way to err is to mismatch This example uses the js-skeleton.html
brackets, quote marks, and parentheses. You file found on the book’s CD-ROM, but you can
should especially watch when including quote apply these steps to any file.
marks (‘) within double-quote marks (“).


⁄ Open the file js- › Incorrectly include only a Á Open the file ■ The error dialog box
skeleton.html in Notepad. single equal sign in the if error2.html in a browser. appears.
¤ Add a document.write
statement. ˇ Save the file as
‹ Add an if statement to
check and display the
browser type.


Certain text editors such as Allaire HomeSite and locate its partner. These editors also check
and Macromedia Dreamweaver can check for the spelling of keywords to prevent spelling
some common errors such as misplaced errors. Good scripting habits like aligning your
brackets. These editors keep track of every brackets and indenting code help to make your
quote and bracket that you type, and when an code easier to debug and follow.
ending bracket or quote is missing, the text
appears red until it is entered. You can also
select a single bracket or quote, press a key,

‡ Open the error2.html file · Incorrectly add a single — Open error3.html in a ■ The error dialog box
in Notepad. bracket at the end of the if browser. appears.
° Fix the if statement by
adding another equal sign. ‚ Save the file as


This reference is based on the HTML 4.01 include the deprecated (or discontinued)
specification published online at elements. It also does not include frame This reference does not definitions.


These common attributes are used across many different elements as indicated. They are divided into three
groupings — core, language, and events.
Attribute Description Acceptable Values
Core Attributes
id Element ID.
class Defines a style sheet class.
style Defines inline style sheets.
title Provides a title to the element.
Language Attributes
lang Indicates primary language.
dir Defines text direction. ltr and rtl
Event Attributes
onclick Element was clicked.
ondblclick Element was double clicked.
onmousedown Mouse button was pressed.
onmouseup Mouse button was released.
onmouseover Cursor was moved over an element.
onmousemove Cursor was moved.
onmouseout Cursor was moved off an element.
onkeypress Keyboard key was pressed.
onkeydown Keyboard key was pressed down.
onkeyup Keyboard key was released.


These elements compose the major sections of a Web page, including the root <html> tags, the head,
and the body.
Attribute Description
<HTML> . . . </HTML> (supports common language attributes)
version Specifies a DTD.
<HEAD> . . . </HEAD> (supports common language attributes)
profile Locates separate meta data file.
<BODY> . . . </BODY> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
onload Document was loaded.
onunload Document was unloaded.


The following tags can be included within the head section of a Web page. These tags can appear multiple
times within the head section.
Attribute Description Acceptable Values
<TITLE> . . . </TITLE> (supports common language attributes)
href Location of base.
<META/> (supports common language attributes)
http-equiv Response header.
name Meta information name.
content Information for name.
scheme Meta data interpretation scheme.
<LINK/> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
charset The browser’s character set.
href Location of the link.
hreflang Language of the link.
type Content type of the link.
rel Forward link type.
rev Reverse link type.
media Specifies media type.



Attribute Description Acceptable Values
<SCRIPT> . . . </SCRIPT>
charset The browser’s character set.
type Content type of the scripting language.
src Location of external script file.
defer Allows deferred execution of script. defer
<NOSCRIPT> . . . </NOSCRIPT> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
<STYLE> . . . </STYLE> (supports common language attributes)
type Content type of the style language.
media Specifies the media type.
title Title for the style.
<OBJECT> . . . </OBJECT> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
declare Declaration flag. declare
classid Identifies the class ID.
codebase The object’s location.
data Data passed to the object.
type Content type of the object.
codetype Content type of the code.
archive Archived copy of the object.
standby Standby message to show while loading.
height Height of the object.
width Width of the object.
usemap Use client-side image map.
name Reference name for the object.
tabindex Tab order position.
id Parameter ID.
name Property name.
value Property value.
valuetype Defines value type. data, ref, and object
type Content type of the value.


These elements support common core, language, These elements mark text as emphasis, strong,
and event attributes. definition, code, sample, keyboard, variable, cite,
Tag abbreviation, and acronym styles. These elements
<P> . . . </P> support common core, language, and event
<DIV> . . . </DIV> attributes.
<ADDRESS> . . . </ADDRESS> Tag
<EM> . . . </EM>


<DFN> . . . </DFN>
Attribute Description
<PRE> . . . </PRE> (supports common core, language, <CODE> . . . </CODE>
and event attributes) <SAMP> . . . </SAMP>
widthWidth of the preformatted text. <KBD> . . . </KBD>
Attribute Description <CITE> . . . </CITE>
<Q> . . . </Q> (supports common core, language, and <ACRONYM> . . . </ACRONYM>
event attributes)
cite Location of the quote source.

HEADING ELEMENTS These elements support common core, language,

and event attributes.
There are six heading levels from H1 (the most
important) to H6 (the least important). These all Attribute Description
share the same attributes. The heading elements <INS> . . . </INS>
support common core, language, and event <DEL> . . . </DEL>
attributes. cite Location of the source.
datetime Date and time of change.
<H1> . . . </H1>
<H2> . . . </H2>
<H3> . . . </H3>
<H4> . . . </H4>
<H5> . . . </H5>
<H6> . . . </H6>



These elements format text as teletype, These elements mark text as subscripts or
italics, bold, big, or small. These elements superscripts. These elements support common core,
support common core, language, and event language, and event attributes.
Tag <SUB> . . . </SUB>
<TT> . . . </TT> <SUP> . . . </SUP>
<I> . . . </I>
<B> . . . </B> This element supports common core, language,
<BIG> . . . </BIG> and event attributes.

<SMALL> . . . </SMALL> Tag

<SPAN> . . . </SPAN>


Attribute Description Acceptable Values

<BDO> . . . </BDO> (supports common core attributes)
lang Defines the language.
dir Defines the text direction. ltr and rtl

These elements are used to create lists including definition, ordered, and unordered lists.
Attribute Description Acceptable Values
<DL> . . . </DL>
<(DT)> . . . </DT>
<(DD)> . . . </DD> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
<OL> . . . </OL> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
type Sets the numbering style. 1, a, A, i, and I
start Sets the list start value.
<UL> . . . </UL> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
type Sets the bullet style. disc, square, and circle
<LI> . . . </LI> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
type Sets the numbering or bullet style. 1, a, A, i, I, disc, square, and
value Sets the current list value.



This element supports common core attributes. This element supports common
core, language, and event

Attribute Description Acceptable Values

<A> . . . </A> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
charset Character set to use.
type Content type for the link.
name Name of the anchor.
href Location of the link.
hreflang Language of the link.
rel Forward link type.
rev Reverse link type.
accesskey Shortcut key.
shape Client-side image map shape. default, rect, circle, and poly
coords Client-side image map coordinates.
tabindex Tab order position.
onfocus Element has received the focus.
onblur Element has lost the focus.


Attribute Description Acceptable Values

<IMG/> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
src Location of image.
alt Alternative description.
longdesc Location of long description.
name Reference name of the image.
height Image height.
width Image width.
usemap Use client-side image map.
ismap Use server-side image map. ismap



Attribute Description Acceptable Values

<MAP> . . . </MAP> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
name Reference name for the map.
<AREA/> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
shape Client-side image map shape. default, rect, circle, and
coords Client-side image map coordinates.
href Location of the link.
nohref Specifies no link. nohref
alt Alternative description.
tabindex Tab order position.
accesskey Shortcut key.
onfocus Element has received the focus.
onblur Element has lost the focus.


Attribute Description Acceptable Values

<FORM> . . . </FORM> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
action Server-side form handler.
method HTTP submission method. get and post
enctype URL encoding type.
accept Acceptable MIME types.
name Reference name of form.
onsubmit Form was submitted.
onreset The form was reset.
accept-charset Supported character sets.
<LABEL> . . . </LABEL> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
for Field ID value.
accesskey Shortcut key.
onfocus Element has received the focus.
onblur Element has lost the focus.
<INPUT/> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
type Type of input field. text, password, checkbox,
radio, submit, reset, file,
hidden, image, and button
name Reference name.



Attribute Description Acceptable Values

value Value for the input field.
checked Marks when radio buttons and checked
check boxes are selected.
disabled Disables the form element. disabled
readonly For passwords; allows read mode only. readonly
size Specifies the size of the field.
maxlength Maximum length of a text field.
src Location of the image.
alt Alternative description.
usemap Use client-side image map.
ismap Use server-side image map. ismap
tabindex Tab order position.
accesskey Shortcut key.
onfocus Element has received the focus.
onblur Element has lost the focus.
onselect Some text was selected.
onchange The element value was changed.
accept Acceptable MIME types.
<SELECT> . . . </SELECT> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
name Reference name.
size Number of visible rows.
multiple Allows multiple selection items. multiple
disabled Disables the form element. disabled
tabindex Tab order position.
onfocus Element has received the focus.
onblur Element has lost the focus.
onchange The element value was changed.
<OPTGROUP> . . . </OPTGROUP> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
disabled Disables the form element. disabled
label Labels the element.
<OPTION> . . . </OPTION> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
selected Item is selected. selected
disabled Disables the form element. disabled
label Labels the element.
value Item value.



Attribute Description Acceptable Values

<TEXTAREA> . . . </TEXTAREA> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
name Reference name.
rows Defines the number of rows.
cols Defines the number of columns.
disabled Disables the form element. disabled
readonly For passwords; allows read mode only. readonly
tabindex Tab order position.
accesskey Shortcut key.
onfocus The element received the focus.
onblur The element has lost the focus.
onselect Some text was selected.
onchange The element value was changed.
<FIELDSET> . . . </FIELDSET> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
<LEGEND> . . . </LEGEND> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
accesskey Shortcut key
<BUTTON> . . . </BUTTON> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
name Reference name.
value Button value.
type Type of button. button, submit, and reset
disabled Disables the form element. disabled
tabindex Tab order position.
accesskey Shortcut key.
onfocus Element has received the focus.
onblur Element has lost the focus.

Attribute Description Acceptable Values
<TABLE> . . . </TABLE> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
summary Brief table summary.
width Table width.
border Defines border width.
frame Defines render frame.
rules Places rules between rows and columns.
cellspacing Spacing between cells.



Attribute Description Acceptable Values

cellpadding Spacing within cells.
<CAPTION> . . . </CAPTION> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
<COL> . . . </COL> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
span Number of columns in a span.
width Column width.
align Horizontal alignment. left, center, right, justify,
and char
char Alignment character.
charoff Character offset.
valign Vertical alignment. top, middle, bottom, and
<THEAD> . . . </THEAD>
<TBODY> . . . </TBODY>
<TFOOT> . . . </TFOOT>
<TR> . . . </TR> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
align Horizontal alignment. left, center, right, justify,
and char
char Alignment character.
charoff Character offset.
valign Vertical alignment. top, middle, bottom, and
<TH> . . . </TH>
<TD> . . . </TD> (supports common core, language, and event attributes)
abbr Header abbreviation.
axis List of headers.
headers List of header cells IDs.
scope Scope of header cells.
rowspan Number of rows spanned by cell.
colspan Number of columns spanned by cell.
align Horizontal alignment. left, center, right,
justify, and char
char Alignment character.
charoff Character offset.
valign Vertical alignment. top, middle, bottom, and



he CD-ROM included in this book contains not already installed on your computer. For

T many useful files and programs. Before

installing any of the programs on the disc,
make sure that a newer version of the program is
information on installing different versions of the
same program, contact the program’s

SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS more details. Trial, demo, or evaluation versions are

To use the contents of the CD-ROM, your computer usually limited either by time or functionality (such as
must be equipped with the following hardware and being unable to save projects).
For your convenience, the software titles appearing on
• A PC with a Pentium 133 MHz or faster the CD-ROM are listed alphabetically.
processor or a Mac OS computer with a 68040
or faster processor. Author’s sample files
For Mac and Windows 95/98/NT. These files contain all
• Microsoft Windows 95 or later, Windows NT 4 or the sample code from the book. You can browse these
later or Mac OS system software 7.5.5 or later. files directly from the CD-ROM, or you can copy them
to your hard drive and use them as the basis for your
• At least 16MB of total RAM installed on your own projects. To find the files on the CD-ROM, open
computer (we recommend at least 32MB). the D:\Author Samples folder.
• At least 150MB of hard drive space. Acrobat Reader, from Adobe
• A ten-speed (10x) or faster CD-ROM drive. For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later and Macintosh.
Evaluation version. Acrobat Reader is a program and
• A sound card for PCs. plug-in that can be used to display, search, and print
PDF files.
• A monitor capable of displaying at least 256
colors or grayscale. Aladdin Expander, from Aladdin Systems
For Macintosh. Freeware. Aladdin Expander can create
• A modem with a speed of at least 28,800 bps. expandable archive files that can be expanded as
needed. This freeware version doesn’t include all the
INSTALLING AND USING THE SOFTWARE features of the commercial version, but it will not
Shareware programs are fully functional, free trial expire.
versions of copyrighted programs. If you like particular
programs, register with their authors for a nominal fee BBEdit, from Bare Bones Software
and receive licenses, enhanced versions, and technical For Macintosh. Demo version. BBEdit is an advanced
support. Freeware programs are free, copyrighted HTML editor that can be used to create Web pages.
games, applications, and utilities. You can copy them This demo allows you to use the full version for an
to as many PCs as you like — free — but they have no evaluation period.
technical support. GNU software is governed by its
BBEdit Lite, from Bare Bones Software
own license, which is included inside the folder of the
For Macintosh. Lite version. BBEdit Lite is a light version
GNU software. There are no restrictions on
of the popular HTML editing package that can be used
distribution of this software. See the GNU license for
to create Web pages.

CoffeeCup HTML Editor, from CoffeeCup Software GIF Animator, from Ulead Systems
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Shareware. The For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Trial version. GIF
CoffeeCup tools are a suite of tools that let you work Animator is a package that can be used to create
with all aspects of HTML, Web images, and Java. These animated GIF images. This demo allows you to use the
tools are shareware and need to be registered after a full version for an evaluation period.
given amount of time.
GraphicConverter, from Lemke Software
CSE HTML Validator Lite, from Windows-Al Internet For Macintosh. Shareware. GraphicConverter is a
Solutions graphic conversion program that can be used to convert
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Lite version. CSE images between different formats.
HTML Validator Lite doesn’t include all the features of
the professional version, but it will not expire. HomeSite, from Allaire Corporation
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. 30-day evaluation
CSE HTML Validator Professional, from Windows-Al version. HomeSite is a Visual HTML editor. It can be
Internet Solutions used to create Web pages. The evaluation version will
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Demo version. expire after 30 days.
CSE HTML Validator Professional can be used to
validate your Web pages. This demo allows you to use HotDog Express, from Sausage Software
the full version for an evaluation period. For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Demo version.
HotDog Express is the easier-to-use version of Sausage
CuteFTP, from GlobalSCAPE Software’s Web page creation program (see “HotDog
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Shareware. Professional”).
CuteFTP is an FTP client that can be used to transfer
files to a Web server. HotDog Professional, from Sausage Software
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Trial version.
CuteMAP, from GlobalSCAPE HotDog Professional is Sausage Software’s professional-
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Shareware. level Web page creation program.
CuteMAP is an image map editor. It can be used to
create and save image maps. HTML Pro, from Niklas Frykholm
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Shareware. HTML
Dot Planet ISP, from Pro is a Web page editing package that can be used to
For Windows 95/98/NT. Evaluation version. In case you create Web pages.
don’t have a connection to the information
superhighway, the CD includes sign-on software for Internet Explorer, from Microsoft
DotPlanet Internet Access, an Internet service provider. For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later and Macintosh.
Commercial version. Internet Explorer is a robust
During the sign-up process, you will need to enter the browser that can be used to display Web pages.
registration number: 5 0 2 C Y.
Mapedit, from Boutell Communications
After you are signed on, you can access the world wide For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Shareware.
Web from DotPlanet’s home page. You need a credit Mapedit is an image map editor. It can be used to create
card to sign up with DotPlanet Internet Access. and save image maps.
Dreamweaver, from Macromedia Netscape Communicator, from Netscape
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4.0 or later. Trial Version. For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later and Macintosh.
Dreamweaver is a robust Web page creation tool. It Commercial version. Netscape Communicator is a
allows you to dynamically edit HTML and JavaScript popular Web browser that can be used to display Web
pages. This demo allows you to use the full version for pages.
an evaluation period.


Paint Shop Pro, from JASC Stuffit Expander, from Aladdin Systems
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Shareware. Paint For Macintosh. Commercial version. Stuffit Expander
Shop Pro is a powerful image editing package. This can create expandable archive files that can be
demo allows you to use the full version for an expanded as needed.
evaluation period. Paint Shop Pro includes many tools
for creating, editing, and working with Web images. Stuffit Lite, from Aladdin Systems
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later and Macintosh.
PowWow, from Tribal Voice Software Freeware. Stuffit Lite can be used to compress and
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Freeware. archive files. The lite version is freeware and will not
PowWow Professional is an instant messaging expire.
communication package that includes voice chat
capabilities. Web Razor Pro, from Ulead Systems
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4.0 or later. Evaluation
RealPlayer, from RealNetworks, Inc. Copy. Web Razor Pro is a Web image-editing package
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later and Macintosh. that includes features for creating GIF animations and
Commercial version. RealPlayer is a browser plug-in optimizing Web images. This demo allows you to use
that can be used to view audio and video files. the full version for an evaluation period.
Reptile, from Sausage Software WinZip, from Nico Mak Computing
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Demo version. For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Evaluation
Reptile is a seamless tile creation package. version. WinZip is a file compression and archiving
Shockwave and Flash Players, from Macromedia, Inc.
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later and Macintosh. TROUBLESHOOTING
Commercial version. The Shockwave and Flash Players I tried my best to compile programs that work on
are plug-ins that can be used to display Flash and most computers with the minimum system
Shockwave content within a browser. requirements. Your computer, however, may differ,
SiteCheck, from Pacific Coast Software
and some programs may not work properly for some
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Shareware. reason.
SiteCheck is a set of utilities that can be used to check The two most likely problems are that you don’t have
the links on your site’s Web pages. enough memory (RAM) for the programs you want to
SmartSaver Pro, from Ulead Systems use, or you have other programs running that are
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. 15-day trial affecting installation or running of a program. If you
version. SmartSaver Pro is a Web image-optimization get error messages like Not enough memory or
package that allows you to visually select the file Setup cannot continue, try one or more of
settings for creating optimized images. This demo these methods and then try using the software again:
allows you to use the full version for an evaluation • Turn off any anti-virus software.
• Close all running programs.
Spider, from InContext Systems
For Windows 95/98 and NT 4 or later. Evaluation
version. Spider is a Web-authoring package for
creating Web pages.


• In Windows, close the CD-ROM interface and

run demos or installations directly from
Windows Explorer.
• Have your local computer store add more RAM
to your computer.
If you still have trouble installing the items from the
CD-ROM, please call the IDG Books Worldwide
Customer Service phone number: 800-762-2974
(outside the U.S.: 317-572-3443).



ou can view JavaScript: Your visual blueprint the disc. Acrobat Reader allows you to view Portable

Y for building dynamic Web pages on your

screen using the CD-ROM disc included at the
back of this book. The CD-ROM disc allows you to
Document Format (PDF) files, which can display
books and magazines on your screen exactly as
they appear in printed form.
search the contents of each chapter of the book for a
specific word or phrase. The CD-ROM disc also To view the contents of the book using Acrobat
provides a convenient way of keeping the book Reader, display the contents of the disc. Double-click
handy while traveling. the PDFs folder to display the contents of the folder.
In the window that appears, double-click the icon for
You must install Adobe Acrobat Reader on your the chapter of the book you want to review.
computer before you can view the book on the
CD-ROM disc. This program is provided on


FLIP THROUGH PAGES First page ZOOM IN ¤ Click the area of the
⁄ Click one of these ⁄ Click to magnify page you want to magnify.
Previous page
options to flip through an area of the page. ■ Click one of these
the pages of a section. Next page
options to display the page
Last page at 100% magnification ( )
or to fit the entire page
inside the window ( ).

To install Acrobat Reader, insert the CD- Acrobat Reader is a popular and useful
ROM disc into a drive. In the screen that program. There are many files available on the
appears, click Software. Click Acrobat Web that are designed to be viewed using
Reader and then click Install at the bottom Acrobat Reader. Look for files with the .pdf
of the screen. Then follow the instructions extension. For more information about Acrobat
on your screen to install the program. Reader, visit the Web site at
You can make searching the book more
convenient by copying the .pdf files to
your own computer. Display the contents
of the CD-ROM disc and then copy the
PDFs folder from the CD to your hard
drive. This allows you to easily access the

FIND TEXT ¤ Type the text you ■ The first instance of ■ Repeat Steps 1
⁄ Click to search want to find. the text is highlighted. and 3 to find the next
for text in the section. instance of the text.
‹ Click Find to start
■ The Find dialog box the search.


A BBEdit Lite, 264

bidirectional override element, 258
abs( ) method, 189
block elements, 257
absolute values, 189
blur, using, 217
Acrobat Reader, 264
blur( ) method, 216–217
addition assignment operator, 149
boolean variables, 15, 20
Aladdin Expander, 264
break loops, 56
alert( ) method, 138–139
browser status bar, displaying text on, 118–119
alert boxes, 251
browser window
alert dialog box, informing user with, 138–139
changing background color, 120–121
anchor( ) method, 152–153
confirm dialog box, enabling user decisions with, 142–143
anchor element, 259
foreground color, setting, 122
anchor object, 110–111
link color, changing, 122–123
and operator, 43
moving windows, 134–135
appCodeName property, 239
new browser window, opening, 128–129
arithmetic operators, 36–37
printing windows, 132–133
Array object, 104–105
prompt dialog box, accepting input with, 140–141
remote window, closing, 130–131
declaring, 28–29
resizing windows, 136–137
elements of, determining number of, 30–31
text color, changing, 122–123
length property, 31
variables, adding, 117
numbers, sorting array of, 35
browsers, JavaScript support disabled on, 10–11
predefined array, determining length of, 30
button object, 196
separating items into, 162–163
button object properties, displaying, 196
separator, specifying unique, 32–33
buttons, using, 196–197
sort( ) method, 34–35
sorting, 34–35 C
strings, conversion to, 32–33
two-dimensional arrays, 29 case of string object, changing, 155
words, sorting array of, 34 case-sensitivity, 9, 14
author’s sample files on CD, 264 CD
Acrobat Reader, 264
B Aladdin Expander, 264
author’s sample files, 264
background color
BBEdit Lite, 264
changing, 120–121
CoffeeCup HTML Editor, 265
listing, 121

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

CSE HTML Validator Lite, 265 checkbox object, 200

CSE HTML Validator Professional, 265 child frame object, 223
CuteFTP, 265 clearTimeout( ) method, 62–63
CuteMAP, 265 click event, reacting to, 197
Dot Planet ISP, 265 client-side image map elements, 260
Dreamweaver, 265 clock, creating, 169
Flash Players, 266 code name, determining, 239
GIF Animator, 265 CoffeeCup HTML Editor, 265
GraphicConverter, 265 comments, 248–249
HomeSite, 265 comments, adding, 12–13
HotDog Express, 265 comparison expressions, creating, 40–41
HotDog Professional, 265 comparison operator, 40–41
HTML Pro, 265 concat( ) method, 148–149
installing, 264 concatenating strings, 148–149
Internet Explorer, 265 conditional operators, 44–45
Mapedit, 265 conditional statements, 20
Netscape Communicator, 265 confirm( ) method, 142–143
Paint Shop Pro, 266 confirm dialog box, enabling user decisions with, 142–143
PowWow, 266 constant variables, 14
RealPlayer, 266 continue loops, 57
Reptile, 266 cookies, 242–243
Shockwave, 266 CSE HTML Validator Lite, 265
SiteCheck, 266 CSE HTML Validator Professional, 265
SmartSaver Pro, 266 current frame, referencing, 225
software on, 264–266 current object, referring to, 100–101
Spider, 266 current Web page element, referring to, 101
Stuffit Expander, 266 CuteFTP, 265
Stuffit Lite, 266 CuteMAP, 265
system requirements, 264
troubleshooting, 266–267 D
Web Razor Pro, 266 date format, 164–165
WinZip, 266 Date object
ceil( ) method, 186 arithmetic performed on, 173
check box buttons, 200–201 clock, creating, 169
check box object properties, displaying, 200 date format, 164–165

date values, getting, 168–169 multiple-line comments, 249
Date.parse ( ) method, 172 runtime errors, 246
getDate ( ) method, 168–169 single-line comments, 248
getHours ( ) method, 168–169 syntax errors, 246
getMonth ( ) method, 168–169 text boxes, output value of variables to, 250–251
getTime ( ) method, 172 decimal integer variables, 18
getTimezoneOffset ( ) method, 174–175 declaring functions, 64
getYear ( ) method, 168–169 decrement operator, 38–39
Greenwich mean time, 166, 174 disabling form elements, 210–211
local date, displaying, 166–167 document object, 92–93
local time, displaying, 166–167 document title, changing, 124
overview, 164–165 modification date, displaying, 125
set date values, 170 overview, 116–117
set time values, 171 referring page, viewing, 127
setDate( ) method, 170 URL, viewing current, 126
setHours( ) method, 170 Document Object Model. See DOM
setMinutes( ) method, 170 document structure, 255
setMonth( ) method, 170 document.writeIn( ) method, 117
setSeconds( ) method, 170 DOM (Document Object Model), 92–93
setTime( ) method, 172 Dot Planet ISP, 265
setTimeout( ) method, 169 double-clicks, detecting, 78–79
setYear( ) method, 170 Dreamweaver, 253, 265
time values, getting, 168–169
time zones, 174–175 E
Universal Time Coordinated, 174 encoding characters, 244–245
date values, getting, 168–169 error dialog box, 247
Date.parse( ) method, 172 escape( ) statement, 244–245
debugging escape characters, 149
alert boxes, 251 Euler’s constant, 184
Allaire HomeSite, 253 eval( ) function, 47
comments, 248–249 events
common errors, 252–253 double-clicks, detecting, 78–79
detecting JavaScript errors, 246–247 focus, setting, 84–85
error dialog box, 247 key press, detecting, 82–83
Macromedia Dreamweaver, 253

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

keyboard events, 75 eval ( ) function, 47

miscellaneous events, 75 identifying numbers, 48–49
mouse clicks, detecting, 76–77 increment operator, 38–39
mouse events, 74 isNaN( ) method, 49
onabort event, 89 logical expressions, creating, 42–43
onblur event, 84–85 logical operators, 42–43
onchange event, 86–87 modulus operator, 37
onclick event, 76–77 not operator, 43
ondblclick event, 78–79 operator precedence, 46
onerror event, 89 or operator, 43
onfocus event, 84–85 string expressions, evaluating, 47
onkeydown event, 83 unary operators, 38–39
onkeypress event, 82–83 external JavaScript file, linking to, 8–9
onkeyup event, 83
onload event, 88–89 F
onmouseout events, 80–81 Flash Players, 266
onmouseover events, 80–81 floating-point variables, 15, 19
onunload event, 88–89 floor( ) method, 186
overview, 74–75 focus
page loading messages, creating, 88–89 changing, 216
page unloading messages, creating, 88–89 controlling, 216–217
pull-down menu selections, detecting, 86–87 setting, 84–85
rollover buttons, creating, 80–81 focus( ) method, 216–217
selection events, 75 focus events, using, 218–219
exp ( ) method, 184 for loops, 52–53
explanatory headers, 13 foreground color, setting, 122
exponential methods, 184 form element properties, displaying, 213
expressions form elements
and operator, 43 disabling, 210–211
arithmetic operators, 36–37 list of, 260–263
comparison expressions, creating, 40–41 form object properties, displaying, 212
comparison operator, 40–41 formatting
conditional operators, 44–45 string variables, 150–151
decrement operator, 38–39 text, 144

forms radio button object properties, displaying, 202
blur, using, 217 radio button selection, responding to, 203
blur( ) method, 216–217 radio buttons, 202–203
button object, 196 reset button, 198
button object properties, displaying, 196 reset object, 198
buttons, using, 196–197 resetting, 212–213
check box buttons, 200–201 select object, 204–205
check box object properties, displaying, 200 selectedIndex property, 205, 208
checkbox object, 200 selection lists, 204–207
click event, reacting to, 197 selection object properties, displaying, 204
detecting blur, 219 submit button, 199
detecting focus, 218 submit object, 199
disabling form elements, 210–211 submitting, 212–213
focus, changing, 216 text box object methods, using, 191
focus, controlling, 216–217 text box object properties, displaying, 190
focus( ) method, 216–217 text boxes, 190–191
focus events, using, 218–219 textarea box object methods, using, 195
form element properties, displaying, 213 textarea box properties, displaying, 194
form elements, disabling, 210–211 textarea boxes, 194–195
form object properties, displaying, 212 validating, 214–215
hidden fields, 193 frame object
hidden object, 193 acessing frames by name, 222–223
list item text, changing, 207 child frame object, 223
list selection, responding to, 205 current frame, referencing, 225
mathematical operations, 215 frame resizing, detecting, 229
multiple check boxes, 201 frames property, 220
multiple selection lists, 208–209 length property, 224
onBlur events, 218–219 nested framesets, 226
onFocus events, 218–219 number of frames, finding, 224
option object, 206–207 overview, 220–221
option object properties, displaying, 206 parent frame, 222–223
password box object, 192 print( ) method, 231
password boxes, 192 printing frames, 231
radio button object, 202–203 referencing across frames, 226–227

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

self object, 225 heading elements, 257

separate frames, writing to, 228 hexadecimal integer variables, 18
target frame, setting, 230 hidden fields, 193
top object, 225 hidden object, 193
frame resizing, detecting, 229 history object, 92–93, 114–115
frames property, 220 HomeSite, 253, 265
functions horizontal rule element, 259
calling, 65 hostname property, 111
declaring, 64 HotDog Express, 265
global variables, 66–67 HotDog Professional, 265
HTML link, calling functions from, 72–73 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), 2
HTML values returned from, 71 HTML 4.01 reference
local variables, 66–67 anchor element, 259
overview, 64 bidirectional override element, 258
parameters, passing, 68–69 block elements, 257
several parameters, passing, 69 client-side image map elements, 260
single parameters, passing, 68 common attributes, 254
values returned from, 70–71 document structure, 255
form elements, 260–262
G head elements, 255–256
getDate( ) method, 168–169 heading elements, 257
getHours( ) method, 168–169 horizontal rule element, 259
getMonth( ) method, 168–169 image element, 259
getTime( ) method, 172 inline element, 258
getTimezoneOffset( ) method, 174–175 inserted/deleted text elements, 257
getYear( ) method, 168–169 line break element, 259
GIF Animator, 265 list elements, 258
global variables, 66–67 phrase elements, 257
GraphicConverter, 265 preformatted text elements, 257
Greenwich mean time, 166, 174 quote elements, 257
subscript elements, 258
H superscript elements, 258
table elements, 262-263
head elements, 255–256
text style elements, 258
head tags, 9
headers, explanatory, 13

HTML document, JavaScript embedded within, 6–7 noscript tags, 10–11
HTML link, calling functions from, 72–73 overview, 2–3
HTML Pro, 265 personalizing Web pages with, 7
Hypertext Markup Language. See HTML script tags, 6–9
statements, 4–5
I JavaScript timers, 58–59
identifying numbers, 48–49
if loops, 51 K
if-else statements, 50–51 key press, detecting, 82–83
image element, 259 keyboard events, 75
image object, 106–109
increment operator, 38–39 L
indexOf( ) method, 158–159 length property, 154, 224
infinite loops, 57 line break element, 259
inline element, 258 link( ) method, 152–153
inserted/deleted text elements, 257 link color, changing, 122–123
integer variables, 15, 18 link object, 110–113
Internet Explorer, 265 links, changing, 112–113
intervals list elements, 258
clearing, 62–63 list item text, changing, 207
setting regularly timed, 60–61 list selection, responding to, 205
isNaN( ) method, 49 local date, displaying, 166–167
local time, displaying, 166–167
J local variables, 66–67
Java, determining if enabled, 238 location object, 240–241
javaEnabled( ) method, 238 location object properties, displaying, 240
JavaScript log ( ) method, 184
browser configuration, JavaScript disabled in, 10–11 logarithmic methods, 184
case-sensitivity, 9 logical expressions, creating, 42–43
comments, adding, 12–13 logical operators, 42–43
explanatory headers, 13
external JavaScript file, linking to, 8–9 M
head tags, 9 Mapedit, 265
HTML document, embedded within, 6–7 Math object, 59
abs( ) method, 189
absolute values, 189

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

ceil( ) method, 186 mathematical operations, 215

Euler’s constant, 184 Math.floor( ) method, 178–179
exp( ) method, 184 Math.LN2 constant, 180
exponential methods, 184 Math.LN10 constant, 180
floor( ) method, 186 Math.log( ) method, 181
log( ) method, 184 Math.LOG2E constant, 180
logarithmic methods, 184 Math.LOG10E constant, 180
Math.E constant, 180 Math.PI constant, 180–181
mathematical constants, 180–181 Math.random( ) method, 178–179
Math.floor( ) method, 178–179 Math.SQRT1_2 constant, 180
Math.LN2 constant, 180 Math.SQRT2 constant, 180
Math.LN10 constant, 180 max( ) method, 188
Math.log( ) method, 181 maximum values, 188
Math.LOG2E constant, 180 min( ) method, 188
Math.LOG10E constant, 180 minimum values, 188
Math.PI constant, 180–181 miscellaneous events, 75
Math.random( ) method, 178–179 modulus operator, 37
Math.SQRT1_2 constant, 180 mouse clicks, detecting, 76–77
Math.SQRT2 constant, 180 mouse events, 74
max( ) method, 188 moving windows, 134–135
maximum values, 188 multiple check boxes, 201
min( ) method, 188 multiple else statements, 51
minimum values, 188 multiple selection lists, 208–209
overview, 176–177 multiple-line comments, 249
pow( ) method, 187
raising numbers to a power, 187 N
random numbers, generating, 178–179 navigator object
round( ) method, 186 appCodeName property, 239
round numbers, 186 code name, determining, 239
sqrt( ) method, 185 cookies, 242–243
square root method, 185 detecting a user’s browser, 234
trigonometric functions, 182–183 detecting browser version, 235
using, 97 encoding characters, 244–245
Math.E constant, 180 escape( ) statement, 244–245
mathematical constants, 180–181

Java, determining if enabled, 238 image object, 106–109
javaEnabled( ) method, 238 link object, 110–113
location object, 240–241 Math object, using, 97
location object properties, displaying, 240 methods, 90–91
operating system, detecting user’s, 236 new objects, creating, 98–99
overview, 232–233 overview, 90–91
platform property, 236 predefined objects, 96–97
reloading pages, 241 preloading images, 107
unescape( ) statement, 244–245 properties. See object properties
user agent, understanding, 237 radio button, checking, 95
userAgent property, 237 string object, using, 96
negative integer variables, 18 subobjects, 94–95
nested framesets, 226 text field, changing, 94
Netscape Communicator, 265 this keyword, 100–101
Netscape Navigator, JavaScript support disabled in, 11 Web page element objects, 92–93
noscript tags, 10–11 window. See window object
not operator, 43 onabort event, 89
onBlur events, 84–85, 218–219
O onchange event, 86–87
object methods, 90–91 onclick event, 76–77
object properties ondblclick event, 78–79
complete property, 109 onerror event, 89
described, 90–91 onFocus events, 84–85, 218–219
identifying, 100 onkeydown event, 83
for loop, 102 onkeypress event, 82–83
viewing, 102–103 onkeyup event, 83
objects onload event, 88–89
anchor object, 110–111 onmouseout events, 80–81
Array object, 104–105 onmouseover events, 80–81
changing images, 108–109 onunload event, 88–89
creating, 98–99 operating system, detecting user’s, 236
current object, referring to, 100–101 operator precedence, 46
current Web page element, referring to, 101 option object, 206–207
document object, 92–93 option object properties, displaying, 206
DOM (Document Object Model), 92–93 or operator, 43
history object, 92–93, 114–115

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

P prompt( ) method, 140–141

prompt dialog box, accepting input with, 140–141
page loading messages, creating, 88–89
protocol property, 111
page unloading messages, creating, 88–89
pull-down menu selections, detecting, 86–87
Paint Shop Pro, 266
parameters, passing, 68–69 Q-R
parent frame, 222–223
parseFloat( ), 24–25 quote elements, 257
parseInt( ), 24–25 radio button object, 202–203
password box object, 192 radio button object properties, displaying, 202
password boxes, 192 radio button selection, responding to, 203
pathname property, 111 radio buttons, 95, 202–203
phrase elements, 257 raising numbers to a power, 187
platform property, 236 random numbers, generating, 178–179
pow( ) method, 187 RealPlayer, 266
PowWow, 266 referencing across frames, 226–227
predefined objects, 96–97 reloading pages, 241
preformatted text elements, 257 remote window, closing, 130–131
preloading images, 107 replace( ) method, 160–161
print( ) method, 231 Reptile, 266
printing reset button, 198
frames, 231 reset object, 198
windows, 132–133 resizing windows, 136–137
program flow methods rollover buttons, creating, 80–81
break loops, 56 round( ) method, 186
clearTimeout( ) method, 62–63 round numbers, 186
continue loops, 57 runtime errors, 246
if loops, 51
if-else statements, 50–51 S
infinite loops, 57
scientific notation used to express, 19
intervals, setting regularly timed, 60–61
script tags, 6–9
JavaScript timers, 58–59
scripting language
for loops, 52–53
described, 2–3
Math object, 59
JavaScript. See JavaScript
multiple else statements, 51
VBScript, 3
setInterval( ) method, 60–61
setTimeout( ) method, 60
while loops, 54–55

search( ) method, 156–157 string object
searches within a string, 156–157 addition assignment operator, 149
select object, 204–205 anchor( ) method, 152–153
selectedIndex property, 205, 208 array, separating items into, 162–163
selection events, 75 case, changing, 155
selection lists, 204–205, 206–207 concat( ) method, 148–149
selection object properties, displaying, 204 concatenating strings, 148–149
self object, 225 escape characters, 149
separate frames, writing to, 228 formatting string variables, 150–151
set date values, 170 formatting text, 144
set time values, 171 indexOf( ) method, 158–159
setDate( ) method, 170 length property, 154
setHours( ) method, 170 link( ) method, 152–153
setInterval( ) method, 60–61 locating characters in a string, 158–159
setMinutes( ) method, 170 overview, 144–145
setMonth( ) method, 170 replace( ) method, 160–161
setSeconds( ) method, 170 search( ) method, 156–157
setTime( ) method, 172 searches within a string, 156–157
setTimeout( ) method, 60, 169 split( ) method, 162–163
setYear( ) method, 170 splitting a string, 162–163
Shockwave, 266 string length, determining, 154
single parameters, passing, 68 sub( ) method, 150–151
single-line comments, 248 substring( ) method, 146–147
SiteCheck, 266 substrings, 146–147
SmartSaver Pro, 266 sup( ) method, 150–151
Spider, 266 text case, changing, 145
split( ) method, 162–163 text in a string, replacing, 160–161
splitting a string, 162–163 toLowerCase( ) method, 155
sqrt( ) method, 185 toUpperCase( ) method, 155
square root method, 185 using, 96
string expressions, evaluating, 47 string variables, 15, 21
string length, determining, 154

Your visual blueprint for
building dynamic Web pages

strings time values, getting, 168–169

assigning, 17 time zones, 174–175
comparing, 41 timeouts, clearing, 62–63
Stuffit Expander, 266 toLowerCase( ) method, 155
Stuffit Lite, 266 top object, 225
sub( ) method, 150–151 tostring( ) method, 26–27
submit button, 199 toUpperCase( ) method, 155
submit object, 199 trigonometric functions, 182–183
subobjects, 94–95 typeof keyword, 22–23
subscript elements, 258
substring( ) method, 146–147 U
substrings, 146–147 unary operators, 38–39
sup( ) method, 150–151 unescape( ) statement, 244–245
superscript elements, 258 Universal Time Coordinated, 174
syntax errors, 246 URL field, JavaScript statements entered in, 4–5
user agent, understanding, 237
T userAgent property, 237
target frame, setting, 230
text box object methods, using, 191 V
text box object properties, displaying, 190 values
text boxes, 190–191, 250–251 assigning, 17
text case, changing, 145 returned from functions, 70–71
text color, changing, 122–123 variables
text field, changing, 94 adding, 117
text in a string, replacing, 160–161 arrays. See arrays
text style elements, 258 boolean variables, 15, 20
textarea box object methods, using, 195 case-sensitivity, 14
textarea box properties, displaying, 194 conditional statements, 20
textarea boxes, 194–195 constant variables, 14
this keyword, 100–101 converting numbers to strings, 26–27

converting strings to numbers, 24–25 confirm dialog box, enabling user decisions with, 142–143
decimal integer variables, 18 document.writeIn( ) method, 117
declaring, 16 foreground color, setting, 122
floating-point variables, 15, 19 link color, changing, 122–123
hexadecimal integer variables, 18 moving windows, 134–135
integer variables, 15, 18 new browser window, opening, 128–129
negative integer variables, 18 overview, 116–117
overview, 14–15 printing windows, 132–133
parseFloat( ), 24–25 prompt( ) method, 140–141
parseInt( ), 24–25 prompt dialog box, accepting input with, 140–141
scientific notation used to express, 19 remote window, closing, 130–131
string variables, 15, 21 resizing windows, 136–137
strings, assigning, 17 text color, changing, 122–123
tostring( ) method, 26–27 variables, adding, 117
typeof keyword, 22–23 window.blur( ) method, 131
types, determining, 22–23 window.close( ) function, 130
types of, 14–15 window.focus( ) method, 131
values, assigning, 17 window.moveBy( ) method, 134–135
VBScript, 3 window.moveTo( ) method, 134–135 ) method, 128
W-Z window.resizeBy( ) method, 136–137
Web page element objects, 92–93 window.resizeTo( ) method, 136–137
Web pages window.blur( ) method, 131
loading messages, 88–89 window.close( ) function, 130
personalizing with JavaScript, 7 window.focus( ) method, 131
Web Razor Pro, 266 window.moveBy( ) method, 134–135
while loops, 54–55 window.moveTo( ) method, 134–135
window object, 92–93 ) method, 128
alert( ) method, 138–139 window.resizeBy( ) method, 136–137
alert dialog box, informing user with, 138–139 window.resizeTo( ) method, 136–137
browser status bar, displaying text on, 118–119 WinZip, 266
changing background color, 120–121
confirm( ) method, 142–143

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building dynamic Web pages

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