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Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

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BIM-based architectural analysis and optimization for construction

4.0 concept (a comparison)
Jie Zhang a,b,c,⇑, Xuping Zhu d, Abdul Mateen Khan e, Moustafa Houda f, Sardar Kashif Ur Rehman e,⇑,
Mohammed Jameel g, Muhammad Faisal Javed e, Raid Alrowais h
Nanchang Institute of Science & Technology, NanChang 330108, China
Sai’ao Science & Technology ShiJiaZhuang Co., LTD, ShiJiaZhuang 050022, China
School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering, Xi ’an Jiaotong University, XiAn 710049, China
Beijing Polytechnic College, BeiJing 100042, China
Department of Civil Engineering, COMSATS University Islamabad, Abbottabad Campus, Abbottabad 22060, Pakistan
College of Engineering and Technology, American University of the Middle East, Kuwait
Department of Civil Engineering, King Khalid University, Abha 61421, Saudi Arabia
Department of Civil Engineering, Jouf University, Al-Jauf, Saudi Arabia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The growing need for electricity has put Pakistan’s burgeoning economy in peril. The notion of
Received 26 August 2022 ‘‘Construction 4.000 is considered in this study since it enables the greatest utilization of energy and archi-
Revised 25 October 2022 tectural analysis. A case study and a method for building information modelling are used to analyze the
Accepted 27 December 2022
concepts of green building. The case study building is represented as a parametric model using the
Available online 28 January 2023
Autodesk Revit platform with the original blueprints and data. Using Autodesk Insight 360, an energy
analysis and comparison of optimization case study of the A-Block and Z-Block COMSATS Abbottabad,
Pakistan is chosen. This study analyses an academic building’s energy performance as a case study to
Building Information Modeling (BIM)
Building Energy Modeling (BEM)
reduce energy usage. By turning the building 360 degrees at 45-degree intervals and utilizing BIM to
Energy consumption install energy-efficient construction materials, this study analyses the energy efficiency of an academic
Green buildings building. The average annual energy cost for blocks A and Z is decreased from 228 kWh/m2 to
Building Sustainability Assessment (BSA) 160 kWh/m2 and 192 kWh/m2, respectively.
Sustainability Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams Uni-
versity. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction reduce emissions via the implementation of alternative measures,

is one of the main contributors to environmental emissions [2].
Pakistan has a fundamental challenge: satisfying the country’s Pakistan’s population is expected to expand at a high pace of
rising energy demand to maintain its people and economy while around 6%, which is causing a worsening supply-demand mis-
also fulfilling Pakistan’s INDC objective of reducing production by match in the nation’s energy market [3]. Demand is increasing,
8% below 2021 through the year 2030, which was submitted in while supply growth has only been modest. A lack of suitable
2019 [1]. 64% of Pakistan’s 642 MtCO2e total emissions in 2021 infrastructure, high building costs, and poor policy implementation
will come from the electrical industry and has the potential to are to blame for the slow development of the energy supply [3].
The demand-supply gap for electricity in 2021 was 71.6 TWh,
which caused the GDP to decrease by 6.5% and more than
⇑ Corresponding authors at: Nanchang Institute of Science & Technology,
900,000 industrial employees to lose their jobs [4]. The nation’s
NanChang 330108, China (J. Zhang).
increasing energy demands are largely met by the use of oil, natu-
E-mail addresses: (J. Zhang),
(S. Kashif Ur Rehman). ral gas, electric, coal, and LPG. The country’s predicted 2020–2021
Peer review under responsibility of Ain Shams University. energy consumption was 82.8 MTOE, rising to 123.2 MTOE, and
was estimated to be 2.4 TOE each person [5]. The early 1990s reg-
ulations that forced the government to convert from cheap hydel
to imported oil caused the country to endure an energy deficit.
Production and hosting by Elsevier Energy was nonetheless a significant part of the nation’s economic
2090-4479/Ó 2022 THE AUTHORS. Published by Elsevier BV on behalf of Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

five-year plans [6]. The ‘‘Plan for Expansion of Renewable Power was one of the early stages towards the employment of 3D tech-
(RE) for Power Generation” was amended by the Pakistani govern- nology in the building sector. Workers in the manufacturing sector
ment in 2018; it has subsequently had its scope widened and con- created, assessed, and simulated 3D objects at this period. ‘‘The
tinues to act as the primary planning framework for the sector [7]. cost of processing power and subsequently by the successful gen-
The nation’s energy sector is presently going through its worst cri- eral adoption of CAD” were two factors that hampered three-
sis ever, and its residents are forced to put up with protracted dimensional modelling in the building sector. The process industry
power failures in the searing heat of the summer and a fossil fuel recognized the potential advantages of the improvement of inte-
scarcity in the cool winter [8]. It is critically important to develop grated analysis, the reduction of mistakes, and the transition to
all types of available assets in order to address the demand-supply industry 4.0, invested more money in technology, and took use of
gap notwithstanding Pakistan’s significant energy reserves and these opportunities [17]. To reduce and remove the technological
widespread lack of commercial energy access [9]. software obstacles, they collaborated with the makers of modelling
Around the world, a number of incentives and practises are used tools. In the 1990s, the object-oriented building modelling founda-
to reduce CO2 emissions from the power industry, both on the pro- tion was acknowledged by the AEC sector. At first, parametric 3D
vision (including such sustainable power, nuclear power, and CCS modelling was used in several market segments, including prefab-
innovation) and consumption ends (e.g., reduced consumption ricated structural steel. Since then, the AEC industry has had easy
rates and usage of high efficiency equipment and appliances). For access to a number of BIM technologies [18]. For the past 25 years,
illustration, in the US, some significant CO2 emission reduction the AEC industry has focused on building information modelling
measures are I the elimination of subsidies for old sources of power, (BIM), and now they are being compensated for it. The creation
(ii) actual energy cost, (iii) the implementation of a nationwide and application of a computer software model known as BIM is
stream, and (iv) the construction of a cost and amount for aware- used to mimic the building and maintenance of a facility [19].
ness creation [10]. Forster et al., however, found that the probability In 2018, the General Services Agency (GSA) of the U. S. con-
of Europe, high-efficiency demand-side measures and renewable ducted a post-occupancy study to assess the performance in terms
energy supply-side technology will help achieve the required of quality of its green buildings. Green buildings have been inves-
reduced CO2 emissions [11]. In this area, wind power will predom- tigated for their present-day water use, energy use, carbon emis-
inate as an energy source. Solar energy won’t respond much to the sions, and aesthetic comfort. The findings showed that these
necessary drop (i.e., on the scale of 85% with in total output of the structures performed better than their traditional equivalent in a
global order), however, since its share of the entire national energy number of areas [20]. Fig. 1 and Table 1 shows that in Southeast
mix may exceed 25% by 2050 [12]. It is more difficult to use renew- Asia, the world’s largest building market, the number of high per-
able energy sources as the only source of power due to their spo- formance buildings (HPBs) is rising rapidly.
radic electricity generation. The other primary option for lowering The consequences of HPBs, Fig. 1 shows information on the build-
Greenhouse gasses in the energy sector is nuclear power. Nuclear ing business.[21]. In actuality, all architects are required to satisfy
power plant activities do not produce in Emissions of CO2 [13]. the needs of their clients and potential building occupants in terms
Even utilizing the life cycle analysis of sources, it can be demon- of energy efficiency. Furthermore, most industrialized countries
strated that nuclear power produces Gas (ghg) emissions that are, have established building codes that commonly mandate a basic
on average, around two orders of magnitude lower than conven- set of energy-efficient practices. Building engineering teams are
tional coal-based power production. Pakistan is independent in often motivated to surpass the mandatory minimum standards
the nuclear energy-related human resource sector as well. The cau- through extensive endeavors [22]. Energy demand estimates have
sal link between energy usage, economic development, and CO2 been made using a variety of methods. While some of these are
emissions must therefore be understood in order to determine based on simulation, others are statistically based [23]. The general
whether or not direct energy rationing policies will have an impact view is that when estimating building energy use, weather factors
on the economy’s productive activities [14]. must be properly taken into account [24]. Papa et al. proposed a nor-
In order to increase the effectiveness of building projects across malized energy use index (NEUI) based on a temperature function
their life cycles and across various construction business functions, (2018). They investigated how climatic elements such as air velocity
information system implementation has been a topic of significant and solar radiation influenced energy use and discovered that the air
relevance [6]. Developing countries still fall short in their use of temperatures had the strongest impact [25]. The final model, called a
information systems, technology, and related tools and practices. Building Information Model (BIM), is a statistics-based, object-
Implementing IT technologies requires the use of numerous tech- oriented, intellectual, and anthropomorphic visual representation
nical and management software programs [15]. The typical of the facility out of which viewpoints and information appropriate
Design-Bid-Build project delivery method for construction projects for different users’ needs can indeed be gathered and analyzed to
fragments the roles of stakeholders during the design and con- provide information that can be used to make decisions and enhance
struction phases, impeding the collaborative involvement of the the method of gathering the facility. Over the past five years, build-
construction contractor or the project manager. Drawings are cre- ing information modelling has advanced significantly in Pakistan.
ated with Cad system (two-dimensional approach) (two- The majority of medium- to large-sized architecture firms across
dimensional procedure) [3]. Using standard, two-dimensional the country have at least a basic grasp of BIM. Data exchange among
CAD designs prevents meaningful collaboration. To convey their consultants working on building projects is a requirement of the
plans to owners and contractors, engineering consultants and design process known as ‘‘Building Information Modeling” (BIM).
architects create their own disjointed CAD design drawings and There is just a basic awareness of how environmental data, procure-
papers. The deficiency in labor productivity is due to the lack of ment information, and construction information are used in project
linkage and information conflicts in these architectures. The CAD or facility management. But there hasn’t been a lot of national
documentation created by consultants must be used as the basis research done on the potential and application of BIM in the sector.
for the estimators’ calculations and production of their own quan-
tity take offs. In addition, the 2D CAD method does not support
coupling schedule and cost information with the drawings. The 2. Research problem
construction industry consists of very small, specialized, and local
businesses due to erratic demand and particular site needs [16]. Energy usage for domestic use may be considered Pakistan’s
When it first began in the late 1970s as 3D solid modelling, it main source of power. Residential buildings are one of the space
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

No of Green Buildings in Southeast Asia

580 596
566 600
501 524
456 500
395 411
254 241 266 333
65 251 277 291 245 311266 311 300
244 196 205
144 174 200
1 32133 102
1 65 74 89
54 100
12 25 12
52 68 79 73 50
14 33 36 28 24 19
2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

LEED's Total Three Star Other

Fig. 1. Buildings in East Asia (South) that are green [20].

Table 1
No of Green Buildings in Southeast Asia.

No of Green Buildings in Southeast Asia

S-No Year Total LEED’s Three Star Other
1 2009 25 12 12 1
2 2010 65 32 32 1
3 2011 133 54 65 14
4 2012 251 74 144 33
5 2013 395 89 254 52
6 2014 411 102 241 68
7 2015 456 133 244 79
8 2016 490 151 266 73
9 2017 501 174 277 50
10 2018 524 196 291 36
11 2019 566 205 333 28
12 2020 580 245 311 24
13 2021 596 266 311 19

cooling’s energy consumers. As one of the energy-scarce nations, increasingly used for space heating, fossil fuel is primarily utilized
Pakistan uses almost 475 kW hours annually and is ranked 164 for cooking. [28]. What are the reasons that academic buildings use
in the world, whereas the USA uses at least thrice that amount, so much energy? b) How can academic buildings accomplish
or 12,924 kW hours annually, and is rated 9. In light of this, it is greater energy efficiency? c) A and Z-Blocks of COMSATS Univer-
estimated that 2500 kW hours of energy are used annually on aver- sity’s energy usage intensities are compared. These are the primary
age. Buildings therefore consume 75% of all global energy, with res- inquiries that this paper will address.
idential apartments using the most energy. [26]. Pakistan has been
experiencing a serious energy crisis for the past few decades as a
result of insufficient energy output to meet the nation’s rising 3. Research methodology
demand. In the last 25 years, the power source has multiplied by
more than 40, but demand still outpaces supply. Moreover, inter- There are numerous stages to the research process, starting
sectoral consumption patterns have undergone significant changes with a review of the literature, a discussion of the problem, and
throughout time, as in (Fig. 2). After the worldwide oil crisis of then a decision of the research gap. The selection of a case study
2021, industrial consumption, which had grown quickly, started and completion of its next up is 3-D modeling for energy simula-
to drop with the rise of the transportation sector. After declining tion. Considering the findings of this study, recommendations for
in 2021–2022, the global energy usage quickly increased. On the energy optimization are made. According to an examination of
other hand, the household consumption has had consistent growth the literature, what is the largest problem that humanity is now
since 2018, hit a high of 25% in 2021–2022 [27]. facing? Everyone would concur that in a progressive society, peo-
Approximately 70% of the majority of buildings, including urban ple’s desire for a higher quality of life largely depends on the
dwellings, have electricity available. Compared to other sectors of amount of energy that they have access to. The establishment of
the economy, the building sector’s pace of energy consumption a plan to address climate change and ensure environmental protec-
growth is the greatest. Both gas and electricity consumption are tion are the other two factors. While it is obvious that engineers
both continually increasing at levels of 13.7% and 11%, accordingly. can increase energy production by the conventional approach of
Construction accounts for 29% of all oil and gas use as well as % of using fossil fuels, the climate cannot be controlled in this way.
all power. Although HVAC systems and space heaters have recently There are several ways to achieve this goal, including using renew-
grown to be big users as well, lighting still uses the bulk of power. able energy sources like wind and solar power but the major focus
Over 40% of the power generation used by the construction indus- of this study will be on lowering domestic energy use. The strate-
try in the summer is consumed by air conditioning. Although it is gies used in this study include altering the structure’s orientation
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110












Domesc Industrial Commercial Agricultural Transport Academic

Fig. 2. Energy Consumption by Sectors.

and adding certain energy-efficient building envelope with the energy usage intensities and building operational expenses, a
addition of materials, as shown in Fig. 3. The development of hypothesis was developed for this study. The current study set
high-rise structures has increased worldwide due to the popula- out to test the following hypotheses: (1) construction materials
tion expansion over the last few centuries. can contribute significantly to the value of EUI; and (2) a larger
Tall and slender structures are increasingly necessary in big percentage of EUI attributable to physical building characteristics
cities with little space. Additionally, a green building requires a results in better satisfaction level with the office environment. By
technique for creating functional buildings with the intention of contrasting the academic structures of COMSATS University Abbot-
using less resources and energy and these designs offer a wealth tabad, these theories are put to the test.
of information. The basic design choices have a significant impact
on the cost, intrinsic value, durability of large structures, selection 3.1. Energy consumptions in buildings
of a structural system with limited flat load, influence of a curved
design on the construction, method of aligning the overall develop- According to Li, Hong [35] a significant portion of all The con-
ment layout and perspective of a building, among other factors struction sector is responsible for both energy consumption and
[29]. Three components are included in BIM adoption for sustain- greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing energy use and emissions of
ability: social, economic, and environmental consequences. These greenhouse gases, high-performance buildings (HBPs) have
three components are the fundamental essential units to compute become more significant. Yarramsetty, Rohullah [36] said that
the weightage of realized sustainability in the necessary sector the building industry has significant environmental effects since
[30]. Stakeholders’ actions have a significant influence on social it consumes a significant amount of energy and materials globally.
sustainability, which is enhanced when their demands are fulfilled Authors may see the energy usage throughout the world’s conti-
[31]. Through capturing information in the visual design and plan- nents in Table 2 for various years.
ning, and having a comprehensive understanding of the materials The fundamental factor influencing modern progress and mod-
used, shape, professional requirements, and other elements, the ernism is energy. Due to their fast urbanization, the developing
building’s overall efficiency and ability to meet performance tar- nations need more energy on a daily basis. In 2016, the commercial
gets is enhanced [32]. Owners and clients require that construction and residential sectors accounted for 14% of the nation’s overall
companies comprehend and use BIM at all stages of the project’s energy usage [37]. In some parts of the world, the construction
design and construction [33]. The adoption and implementation industry uses between 20% and 60% of all energy [38]. More over
of BIM Project managers and owners should make it simpler by one-third of the energy used by buildings is used in homes and
establishing a clear approach and specific goals connected to it other residential buildings. In light of the present energy crisis,
[34]. According to some claims, ‘‘green” buildings have superior developing energy-efficient homes and buildings might result in
interior quality of the environment than traditional building (as significant financial savings. These structures would conserve a
measured by occupants’ emotions of comfort), and this is corre- significant quantity of energy that would otherwise be used in reg-
lated with residents having more contented work environments, ular dwellings. When contrasted to a building of equivalent quality
which in turn results in a more skilled worker. In order to find constructed in accordance with current home only requires 10% to
out how construction equipment and other physical traits impact 30% more energy. Energy-efficient structures will lessen depen-
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 3. Flowchart of methodology.

dency on expensive and inefficient energy sources, and thermal Lowering energy usage can be used to decrease the need for cool-
design’s minimal additional expenditures may be quickly repaid ing and heating, in turn reducing energy consumption and emis-
[39]. sions of greenhouse gases. Architects must factor in energy
With the rise of energy, there are more environmental difficul- conservation when designing and constructing green buildings.
ties and problems with energy supply. Therefore, energy-efficient Building Information Modeling (BIM) is used to create more effi-
buildings are the primary goal of today. Reduced energy use and cient structures, resulting in decreased risks and improved quality.
reduced environmental effect are necessary to create energy- The objective of using BIM is to make investments in the construc-
efficient buildings. The use of fossil fuels causes serious environ- tion industry more effective, both for the public and private sec-
mental problems. Emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fos- tors. BIM is widely used to build, operate, and carry out public
sil fuels are one of the main environmental problems. Therefore, It goods, and it ensures these positive effects on the economy, soci-
is difficult to promote resource or energy use, development, or ety, and environment.
transportation without having a significant impact on the environ-
ment [40]. A significant portion of a community’s natural effects 3.2. Energy and its impact on environment
are tied to its use of energy resources. In an ideal world, a society
seeking economic advancement uses only energy resources that With the rise of energy, there are more environmental difficul-
have no negative effects on the environment, such as emitting no ties and problems with energy supply. Therefore, energy-efficient
greenhouse gases [41]. buildings are the primary goal of today. Reduced energy use and
In Pakistan, the construction sector accounts for further about reduced environmental effect are necessary to create energy-
50% residential construction accounts for 4.7% of all energy use, efficient buildings. The use of fossil fuels causes serious environ-
while commercial building accounts for 2.5%. The energy crisis is mental problems. Emissions of greenhouse gases from burning fos-
Pakistan’s biggest economic burden [42]. The government institu- sil fuels are one of the main environmental problems. Therefore, It
tions are devoting close attention to finding a solution to this issue. is difficult to promote energy use, development, or transportation
The energy usage in Pakistan’s various industries during the years without having a significant impact on the environment [40]. A sig-
2020–2021 and 2021–2022 is shown in Table 3. The use of energy nificant portion of a community’s natural effects are tied to its use
for building operations has the most effect on the environment. of energy resources. In an ideal world, a society seeking economic
The building industry uses 40% of the energy and emits 38% of advancement uses only energy resources that have no negative
the carbon dioxide. Every building has parts that, depending on effects on the environment, such as emitting no greenhouse gases
the structure’s design and the surrounding environment, play a sig- [41] much like Fig. 4. In Pakistan, the housing industry accounts for
nificant part in thermal dissipation. Reducing heat exchanges can more approximately Energy from construction accounts for 50%
improve building quality and result in significant energy savings. among all energy use and is growing at a rate of 12% annually
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Table 2 same model for Energy analysis, lowering the demand for intricate
Building Energy Use in Different Countries computations [45].
around the world.
Building information modelling (BIM) technologies for energy
Europe analysis - A contemporary tool for measuring building energy use
Year Percentage is Autodesk Insight. BIM is a sophisticated 3D model-based method
2005-2010 32%
that provides engineers with extra tools from a different angle so
2011-2015 34% they can design, build, and manage infrastructure more effectively.
2016-2020 38% BIM enables designers to evaluate numerous possibilities from the
2021-2022 40% beginning of a lifecycle of a product so that viable energy strategies
North America, and South America may be implemented within the building’s constraints [46]. The
2005-2010 45% development of further energy savings is made possible by concep-
2011-2015 47%
tual building energy tools. It could enhance the technical efficiency
2016-2020 53%
2021-2022 55% of data analysis for straightforward comparison and comprehen-
sion. The resources may also be utilized to examine the environ-
2005-2010 45% mental effects and energy usage of numerous alternatives that
2011-2015 52% are directly offered by the Autodesk Revit Architecture programme
2016-2020 51% [47]. Building energy analysis may be used differently going for-
2021-2022 46%
ward thanks to service provided by Autodesk Green Building Stu-
Asia dio. The US Department of Energy’s ‘‘Building Energy Existing
2005-2010 31%
Software Index” has listed over 400 software programs for building
2011-2015 37%
2016-2020 29%
energy modeling since 1996 (2013). However, only a select few of
2021-2022 25% these innovations are widely used in both industry and education
2005-2010 0.51%
2011-2015 0.82% a) In the United States, for instance, Design Builder, DOE-2,
2016-2020 1.10% eQUEST, ECOTECT, Energy-10, Energy Plus, Green Building
2021-2022 1.50%
Studio, HEED, and IESVE are often used.
Africa b) The learning technologies Ecotect, Energy-10, Radiance,
2005-2010 25%
CONTAM, and eQUEST are frequently employed.
2011-2015 27%
2016-2020 26%
2021-2022 28% 3.4. Energy consumption in Pakistan

Due to numerous acts of creativity and everyday usage

for residential building and 3.5% for commercial structures, respec- advancements created during the past century, energy use has
tively. The leading single economic strain on Pakistan is the energy increased significantly. The development of industry, modernized
situation [42]. agriculture, expanded commerce, and improved transportation
have all increased energy consumption in emerging nations. There-
fore, there is a crucial need for reliable and affordable energy. The
3.3. Energy analysis and BIM usage of energy in Pakistan’s residential, business, and other sec-
tors is also rising. Pakistan has made remarkable advancement of
The processes and technology used today to simulate building 150% during the past two decades, according to Pakistan National
energy are time-consuming and difficult. Additionally, they don’t Stats (2021) [49]. Domestic energy consumption makes up the
have a lot of similarities between theoretical and practical energy majority of total energy consumption since industrial, commercial,
measurements [43]. The effectiveness of a structure’s life cycle in and agricultural sectors experience lesser economic activity [32].
terms of minerals, energy usage, and cost must be considered from Pakistan has the eighth-highest population density in the world.
the very beginning of the design process [44]. One of the most cru- Information about Energy from the US State Department Pakistan
cial aspects of a building plan is energy analysis, which is more and used 3.115 quadrillion Btu of primary energy in total in 2019,
more significant as energy consumption and global warming rise. 33rd in the world, demonstrating Pakistan’s energy deprivation
The optimal time to start an energy analysis is at the project’s best [34] as in Fig. 5.
planning stage, when the concept is most adaptable, allowing for Numerous causes, including accelerated population growth,
numerous changes to be made and more energy savings to be real- intensifying urbanization, and improved lifestyle choices, are to
ized. Energy analysis may be completed using BIM in about a min- blame for the rising domestic energy demand [32]. Authors may
ute. Using Autodesk Energy analysis tools, it is simple to get the observe the variance in Pakistan’s household energy usage in

Table 3
The usage of energy in Pakistan.

Sector UNIT SOLD UNIT SOLD (GWh) % Share % Share

2021–22 2021–22 2021–22 2021–22
(June-April) (June-April) (June-April) (June-April)
Household 41,261 42,508 51.2 46.8
Commercial 5,323 7,566 6.6 9.2
Industry 22,631 20,980 24.2 24.5
Agriculture 6,327 4,558 9.1 8.3
Others 9,825 6908 8.9 11.2
Grand Total 85,367 82,520 100 100

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 4. The ecological footprint.

Percentage Share in 2020-21

Other Govt.





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50

Fig. 5. Percent Share by Sectors.

Fig. 4. According to Fig. 6 and Table 4, there has been a shift in the other businesses like the commercial and industrial etc., in order to
residential sector’s energy use. During this time, there has been a address the issue of Pakistan’s rising energy consumption day by
rise in domestic energy usage. The percentage of commercial day.
energy usage does not change between 2019 and 2021, while the The technique employed in this study is based on the construc-
proportion of industrial and agricultural energy consumption does. tion information modelling (BIM). These primary goals formed the
The research will concentrate on lowering the academic sector’s basis for the use of this technology:
energy use since it consumes nearly the same amount of power as
 In the past, BIM has shown that it can help with 3D design idea,
physical modelling, and monitoring building performance while
8.5 promoting design.
8.9  We may utilize a variety of BIM technologies during the process
49.2 of Design that allows us to manage our energy consumption.
BIM can aid in identifying educational opportunities for increas-
25.5 ing consumer understanding and individual abilities.

4. Building energy modelling

A built-in feature to use Autodesk Revit to convert a 3D model

into a Building Energy Model (BEM). Following the actions outlined
Household Commercial Industrial Agriculture Others below, BEM will be sent to Autodesk Insight 360 for extensive anal-
ysis. The dynamic model of the building, which begins with the
Fig. 6. Pakistan’s energy usage in 2021 and 2022. design of the building, must be finished first in the current situa-
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Table 4
Software that utilizes Building Information Modeling (BIM).

Technique Writer BIM Tool Energy Analysis Tool Content Website and Software Install
BIM tool [50,51] Revit MEP Revit Green Building Studio eQUEST ‘‘Early design energy analysis using Installing Revit
+ energy Architecture Autodesk Ecotect eQUEST BIMs.” 2021.1
analysis Revit IES Virtual Environment ‘‘A study of a sustainable design Click Install (from the Autodesk desktop
tool Architecture Application technique based on BIM that assesses app) or Install Now (from Autodesk
the energy efficiency and performance Account). . ..
of buildings.” If you downloaded the installer, launch
BIM tool [52,53] Revit Application Programming Early design phases of energy the EXE or EXE file associated with your
+ new Architecture interface (API) Visual Basic or performance evaluation utilizing a product and version, for example, setup.
energy ArchiCAD C#API Visual basic V.6.0 API building information model. exe.
analysis Graphical User interface JAVA Assessing the long-term viability of If your product was delivered on media,
tool architectural designs using BIM. find the EXE file and launch it from there.
‘‘A web-based multi-domain
constructability simulation
environment for early design help”
BIM tool [54,55] Revit Revit with Building Integrating BIM into a high-rise
+ new Architecture Performance Evaluation building’s energy analysis
energy (BPA) using Green Building
analysis Studio (GBS) (BPA)

tion. The first and most important step in building a structure is to Revit is used to create a 3D model of the desired academic
have an architectural design finished before construction starts. building in order to do energy simulation, analysis, and optimiza-
The architect may work with you to design your project precisely tion. The building has a square footage of around 10,000 and has
how you want it by drawing up plans and constructing models. 12 classrooms on each floor. Staff offices and a library might also
Having a plan in place before you start the project also helps you be included in an exam room. The conceptual model of the struc-
steer clear of errors. An active construction project cannot be mod- ture is depicted in Fig. 9 below. Figs. 10 and 11 show the top per-
ified as readily and inexpensively as a drawing or 3-D scale mock- spective of the structure, Fig. 12 the structural model elevation,
up. As seen in Table 5, the primary factor in architectural design is Fig. 13 the plumbing model, and Fig. 14 the plumbing model plan.
functionality. For a structure to be functional, the individual who
owns or leases it must be able to utilize it. A new building needs 4.1. Location of building
to be durable, structurally solid, and erected in line with local
building laws and regulations.regulations. The location was chosen that after modelling process was com-
Another crucial aspect is safety. However, architecture is more plete, either the original city site was used or an internet mapping
than just practicality, utility, and longevity. Architecture is a pro- tool. Using a mapping tool online the location of A-Block COMSATS
fessional field that places a strong emphasis on a building’s aes- Abbottabad, Pakistan, was established for this case study, and
thetic appeal. Using their imagination, architects give each Islamabad’s weather station was selected as it is depicted in
building their own distinctive flavor while yet conforming to the (Fig. 15). In order to carry out the simulation, Revit gathers the nec-
standards and requirements of their clients. essary data for analysis and optimization from a weather station
Here is a 2D schematic of the structure seen in Figs. 7 and 8 located in the proximity of the site, including weather data, and
below. this process supports the model execution. and the sun path.
Because type A buildings provide more benefits than type B, the
authors of this study preferred type A buildings above type B. The
4.2. Energy settings
first benefit is the building’s aesthetics. As seen in Fig. 8, A has a
nicer appearance than B as well as a renovated-looking building.
Additionally accessible in Revit’s Evaluate panel are Enhanced
A design makes better use of the land since it meets the same
Energy Setting and Power Setting Option as in Fig. 16. It’s vital to
needs as building B while taking up less space roughly 5000 square
remember that when performing the simulation, the developed
feet less space. Similar to this, when a structure is constructed, a
model uses the data produced by Revit for the bricks, gates, ceil-
larger portion of the classroom or room is accessible to the outside
ings, windows, and floors. As a result, the energy choices have an
environment, it promotes the effective use of renewable energy
impact on how the energy model produces energy. Additionally,
sources. Because they span such a broad spectrum of construction
these variables regulate optionally specified additional data in
and building components technologies and activities, building
the Prototype, such as material properties and thermal space prop-
characteristics are essential for evaluating a building’s energy per-
erties as shown in Fig. 17. The cooling and heating load is affected
formance. The most common ones, such as architectural elements,
by the heat input values for various building components, includ-
alignment, better insulation, windows glazing, WWR, insulating
ing the bricks, roofing, ceilings, slabs, floor, and glass in the
materials, and required insulation thickness, are the ones that are
highlighted in this evaluation.

4.3. Create energy model

Table 5
Building Properties Area-wise.
The energy design The data collected by Revit, including loca-
BUILDING TYPE B TYPE A tion, weather, and thermal characteristics, is used to generate basic
AREA 15,000 sft 10,000 sft color codes for various elements, allowing Insight to perform sim-
NO OF ROOMS 12 per floor 12 per floor ulations, as shown in Fig. 18. This feature allows for the evaluation
BATHROOMS 4 for male and female each 4 for male and female each and validation of the energy mathematical model before beginning
HALL 600 X 600 600 X 60 ‘
the energy simulation. The energy analysis model may be con-
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 7. Building type A.

Fig. 8. Type B Building.

structed using rooms, conceptual masses, architectural features, or set ranges for the construction of the envelope, mechanical sys-
a combination of these, depending on the chosen analysis method tems, operating plans, and renewables in Insight.
in the energy analysis settings.

4.5. Optimization and energy analysis

4.4. Generate
This option allows access to Insight’s statistics on energy and
The choice generates design possibilities, a potential perfor- environmental performance. Based on a variety of alternative
mance consequence, and insight into the energy analysis model design situations, insight illustrates probable performance results.
(Fig. 19). To calculate the energy cost ranges and factor sensitivity, After all the stages were finished, Autodesk Insight 360 produced
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 9. Architectural Plan.

the building energy model. The ability to be adaptable and reliable

when conducting energy analysis is highlighted in this section,
using BIM-based simulation tools such as Autodesk and Insight.
With the goal of reducing the building’s dependency on its com-
plex machine through retrofitting measures, these methods were
utilized to study the thermal comfort and energy efficiency of a
new or existing structure. Prior to implementing the chosen design
solution, the designers could evaluate every practical design option
thanks to BIM technology, which not only helped create more
energy-efficient buildings but also saved time and money.

4.6. Orientation of the building

According to the building’s benchmark energy consumption, a

360-degree circle with a 45-degree lap interval was used to carry
out a virtualized energy audit of the building in the current
research. However, as can be shown in Table 6, the baseline site
Fig. 10. Top view of Building. of 45 was used.

Fig. 11. Structural model.

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 12. Structural model Elevation.

Fig. 13. Plumbing model.

Fig. 14. Plumbing model plan.

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 15. Position of Building.

Fig. 16. Revit settings.

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 17. Energy settings.

Fig. 18. A Building Energy model generated by Insight 360.

Fig. 19. The development of an energy model parameters.

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Table 6 Exterior Wall,

Scheme of Orientation. 6 5.5635 Interior Wall,
Serial No. True North and Eight Orientation w.r.t Angle
Building Location
4 Roof, 3.1133
1 True North 45°
Floor, 1.4691
2 Orientation 1 90°
3 Orientation 2 135° 2 [SERIES NAME],
4 Orientation 3 180° [VALUE]
5 Orientation 4 225° Door, 0.5337
6 Orientation 5 270° 0
7 Orientation 6 315°
R-Value (m2.k/w)

4.7. Building elements

Fig. 20. R Values for different Constituents.

The most energy-efficient materials were chosen Table 7 with

this research analyses different materials used in various construc- influences the amount of solar radiation that impacts the entire
tion aspects, including external walls, inner walls, ceilings, and exterior of a building is important as it affects the overall thermal
flooring, windows, and doors). behavior and comfort of the structure, as well as the amount of
The term ‘‘R-value” is used to measure the thermal resistance of ventilation it receives, which then in turn influences how much
various elements in the built environment. Higher R-values indi- energy is needed to meet the structure’s thermal requirements
cate greater energy efficiency and less energy loss through the and life requirements. The ratio of solar radiation gain on a build-
building envelope when the elements are used. By following the ing’s sides and, consequently, the overall solar radiation gain of the
design and arrangement of layers as illustrated in Fig. 20, Revit structure are both impacted by the orientation of the building. The
can automatically determine the R-value for the details. Therefore, side of a building also affects how much wind it receives, which
the R-value, indicating the thermal resistance of an element, is a affects whether natural ventilation is possible as well as how much
crucial consideration for energy-efficient construction. heat is lost by convection and air shortage. Structures must be
directed to avoid or take advantage of the sunlight and wind, based
5. Results and analysis on the situation, according to the demands of the location, as illus-
trated in Fig. 23.conditions.
The duration of the analysis will vary based on the complexity The Z block’s present orientation is 75 degrees north, and
of the project, and Insight will notify you via email once it is com- 226 kWh/m2/yr of energy are used on average at this orientation.
pleted. The Insight plugin for Revit was used to conduct the build- The lowest and maximum restrictions were 78 and 660 kWh/m2/
ing energy analysis, and the building’s annual energy consumption yr, respectively. According to ASHRAE 90.1, the benchmark value
is calculated in terms of Energy Use Intensity (EUI) in kWh/m2. EUI was 238 kWh/m2/yr. The optimum orientation for energy effi-
is determined by multiplying the gross floor area of the building by ciency is 0 degrees with true north since 223 kWh/m2/yr of energy
the total energy used over a year. The study report will present var- are typically used at this orientation.
ious design options for optimizing and controlling the building’s
energy usage, such as building orientation, window-to-wall ratios, 5.2. Orientation of academic block
operating schedules, and lighting efficiency. The study report
includes not only how much energy the context of construction, The academic building of COMSATS University Abbottabad is
but also the amount of energy it spends per square meter yearly, now oriented at 315 degrees to the north. At this orientation, the
as illustrated in Figs. 21 and 22. average annual energy consumption is 228 kWh/m2. As shown in
Fig. 24, 106 kWh/m2/yr was the lowest restriction, By adjusting
5.1. Building orientations the orientation of the building towards the north by 135 degrees,
the authors were able to achieve optimal energy performance,
The orientation of a structure is the correspondence between its reducing the building’s energy use intensity (EUI) value from the
heights and its original geographic direction. During the design reference standard of 228 kWh/m2/yr as per ASHRAE 90.1 to
process, it is crucial to take into account the actual amount of it 221 kWh/m2/yr, while staying within the maximum allowable
EUI of 569 kWh/m2/yr for energy use.
It can be seen from the above results that Building envelope
Table 7 contribute a lot in the minimization of the energy consumption.
Material Used in Construction.

Constituent The types of materials utilized and the layer thicknesses used 5.3. Building envelope
Exterior Ordinary brick (94.1 mm thick), air barrier (78.2 mm), stiff
wall barrier (74.2 mm), structural concrete unit (192.7 mm), and The building envelope, which is made up of components like the
plasterboard wall panel (13.9 mm); casing: 457 mm.
ground, walls, ceiling, windows, and doors, serves as a barrier that
Interior Cement Concrete Unit (94.1 mm), Plaster Plasterboard
Wall (33.8 mm), and Concrete Masonry Unit: 156.7 mm total regulates the movement of heat energy into and out of the struc-
thickness ture and separates the inside (a cool environment) from the out-
Roof Cement, Sand/Cement Screed (46.7 mm), Stiff Barrier side. It has a significant impact on energy usage as an indoor and
(39.1 mm), Bitumen Emulsion (z20.0 mm), Tiles (74.2 mm), outdoor element. Despite making up just 15–40% of the overall
and Compact Concrete (128.0 mm). 308 mm total thickness
Floor Ceramic, concrete masonry units, carpet (76.2 mm), particles
cost of construction, building envelope expenses make up a signif-
screed (40 mm), and damp-proofing (173 mm). 305.2 mm is icant portion of life cycle expenses, particularly energy expenses.
the total thickness. The building’s façade serves as a filter to control the inflow of air,
Windows Low-E double glazing SC = 0.3 heat, cold, and light. The building envelope should be adjusted to
Doors Wood - hollow core - wood storm
reduce summer heat gain and winter heat loss. The structural
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110


Fig. 21. A-Block Vs Z-Block COMSATS ATD.

and physical characteristics of the buildings outside elements, tion intensity of 228 kWh/m2/year. As shown in Fig. 26, adding
including its walls, windows, floors, and entrances, have a signifi- insulation may lower our energy cost from 228 kWh/m2/year to
cant impact on how much energy a building uses. The manage- 194 kWh/m2/year.
ment of the building’s heat gain and loss is influenced by the How effectively the structures transport heat is influenced by
materials’ thermal efficiency, thickness, and color. the roof’s form, material, gradient, orientation, outer surface color,
and insulating properties. Roofs must thus be constructed to
endure a range of weather. However, keeping heat intake and loss
5.3.1. External walls
in mind, the outside surface color and stratified sequence of roofing
By saving on AC energy costs, walls are essential in lowering
should be determined. Qualities of the thermal insulation of the
building energy usage. The energy consumption of the AC may
roof, slopes, and facades must all be customized for the surround-
be significantly reduced by using the right wall materials. The
ings. A-roof block’s is constructed of concrete that is six inches
building materials that make up outside walls, as well as the char-
thick and covered by 2 in. of tiles at the COMSATS University cam-
acteristics of the layers that form up the structure and how they
pus in Abbottabad. The roof type of the current block has an aver-
are placed, all affect the thermal and massive properties of the
age annual energy demand intensity of 228 kWh/m. In this section,
walls. The walls that will prevent heat gain and loss are big,
uninsulated standard roofs and correctly insulated roofs will be
well-insulated walls with a lot of heat-storing capacity, as shown
compared. The roof in this section is made of 6 in. of reinforced
in Fig. 25. The wall is built with 228 mm bricks and 50 mm plaster
concrete with a 2 in. tile finish. The existing roof type has an aver-
on either side, however there is no insulation present. The A-
age energy consumption intensity of 228 kWh/m2/year. The
existing Block’s wall type results in an average energy consump-
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110


Fig. 22. A-Block vs. Z-Block Comparative Analysis Model CUI ATD.

(Fig. 27 and Fig. 28) below illustrate how they compare to one ‘‘The A block uses ”Low E Double Glazed‘‘ glass, which due to its
another: thermal resistance rating of ”0.475500 , results in an average energy
use intensity of 226 kWh/m2/year, which is near the optimal level.
5.3.2. Windows glass ‘‘.
‘‘The energy efficiency of a building is impacted by factors such
as natural ventilation and heat gain or loss. One of the crucial 5.4. Additional optimization factors
aspects of building design are openings, particularly glass, which
allows light to enter the interior spaces. When sunlight strikes In addition to the building envelope, there are other parameters
glass, a portion is reflected, a portion enters the space and is that can be adjusted to further reduce energy consumption using
absorbed, and the remaining portion is absorbed by the glass. Autodesk Insight 360.
The absorbed energy is then transferred by the materials through
convection and conduction, while the reflected energy is deter- 5.4.1. Window to wall ratio
mined by the angle of incidence. The A-block currently uses Windows are openings in a building’s exterior that allow for
single-glazed tinted glass in its windows and curtain walls, how- significant amounts of solar radiation to enter the interior, making
ever double-glazed tinted glass is a more efficient alternative. them vulnerable areas in terms of energy efficiency. Regulating the
When double-glazing is implemented on the colored glass used number and size of windows is crucial in reducing the heat load
in the A-block, it results in a decrease in average energy consump- within the building. The number of windows on a facade can vary
tion to 221 kWh/m/year from 228 kWh/m/year.” as shown in depending on the direction it faces. The thermal load on a build-
Fig. 29. ing’s facade also changes with the direction of the sun during sum-
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 23. Benchmark Comparison.

mer and winter, requiring a reduction in windows in certain areas 5.4.5. Plug load efficiency
and an increase in others. The current window-to-wall ratio for the Plug load refers to the amount of electricity or energy consumed
various walls are 35% for southern walls, 48% for northern walls, by devices or equipment that are plugged in. In commercial build-
33% for western walls, and 32% for eastern walls. Except for the ings, plug loads have been steadily increasing in recent times. They
northern wall, the current window-to-wall ratio is already within account for 15–20% of energy usage in workplaces, separate from
a desirable range. If we adjust the ratio to 30% for southern walls, lighting, heating, and cooling systems. In the present case study,
between 30% and 15% for northern walls, 33% for western walls, the plug load efficiency is measured at 6.46 w/m2 using BIM (Build-
and 32% for eastern walls, the EUI value will decrease from ing Information Modelling). Based on the most useful values in the
228 kWh/m/year to 215 kWh/m/year. residential sector, as shown in Fig. 31, this number was selected.

5.4.2. Window Shades 5.4.6. Operating schedule

With the help of a shade system, it is possible to significantly It is the total energy used by a building’s tenants throughout the
minimize the quantity of heat that enters a building through vari- course of their hours and days of occupancy. Depending on the
ous apertures. Additionally, it improves the quality of natural light- tenants’ energy usage behaviors, energy consumption in residen-
ing in the spaces based on the number and placement of windows. tial buildings varies. As a consequence, while optimizing, the aver-
By reducing glare and heat acquisition and controlling natural ven- age value is taken into account. This number may change in
tilation, it also helps to improve users’ thermal and visual comfort. accordance with the building’s operational schedule, as shown in
The window does not currently have any shades, but if they are Fig. 32.
provided, our energy costs would drop to 224 kWh/m/year.

5.4.7. Energy optimization parameters

5.4.3. Infiltration As shown in Table 8, the building’s EUI (Energy Use Intensity)
Inadvertent air leaks into or out of climate-controlled compart- value has decreased from 228 kWh/m2/yr to 160 kWh/m2/yr after
ments, typically caused by insulation gaps in the building’s struc- making several changes to the design. The authors were able to
ture. The building envelope’s cracks or openings, as well as the reduce the energy use intensity value and the building’s energy
doors or windows utilized for passage, are the most typical causes cost to the desired level by altering various design elements in
of air leakage. The porosity and strength of the wind, together with the analysis.
the building’s temperature, are the main determinants of how The table compares the various design factors of the A-Block
quickly air penetrates the structure. By decreasing infiltration, and Z-Block, including their default and optimized settings. Factors
writers may lower our energy costs, which are directly tied to infil- such as Orientation, Window-to-Wall Ratio, Window Shades, Wall
tration. The trend in the typical energy consumption at various and Roof Construction, Infiltration, Daylighting and Occupancy
infiltration rates is depicted in Fig. 30 below. Controls, Plug Load Efficiency, Operating Schedule, and Mean
Energy Cost are included in the comparison. It shows that for the
5.4.4. Daylighting and Occupancy Control A-Block, changes in these design factors have led to a decrease in
‘‘Included in this is the advanced technology used for auto- energy use intensity value from 228 kWh/m2/yr to 160 kWh/m2/
mated detection of sunlight and occupancy sensors. Automatic yr. In the case of the Z-Block the energy cost is less than A-Block,
on/off sensors enhance safety, comfort, energy efficiency, and but not as low as it could be optimized with changes in design fac-
energy savings in the long term. The daylight sensors are powered tors. Building Energy Performance Audit, also known as an R.A.
by batteries, which detect the level of sunlight and adjust the lights (retrofit analysis), is a detailed report that evaluates a building’s
accordingly. When ample daylight is available, power consumption current energy performance and identifies potential opportunities
is reduced by turning lights off and on. The sensors detect the light for energy savings. Building Information Modeling (BIM) Energy
level and adjust the lighting to optimize daylight usage while can be used to reduce building energy expenses and usage. An
reducing energy consumption.”. Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is a report generated from a
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110


Fig. 24. Orientation Comparison.

building energy audit that shows the building’s current energy per-
formance and points out potential energy saving opportunities.
The first step in improving energy efficiency is to understand the
232 building’s current performance, which is done by collecting and
EUI in kWh/m2/year

194 analyzing energy consumption data. However, this data often lacks
information on the distribution of energy usage across various fac-
tors such as heating, building operations, occupancy, and cooling.
100 The best way to obtain this information is by calculating the build-
50 ing’s energy usage using specialized software. BIM Energy offers
0 excellent options for conducting such analysis and provides a com-
Uninsulated Wall Insulated wall prehensive explanation of the results. Table 8 in the report illus-
trates 18 optimization factors and their outcomes using Insight
Fig. 25. ‘‘The variation in EUI (Energy Use Intensity) value between insulated and
non-insulated walls in the A-Block”.
360. Advanced techniques such as soft computing [56–58], deep

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

nce of EUI value of Inssulatted and
d nott insulaated
EUI in kWh/m2/year [VALUE]





Insulated Wall Uninsulated wall

Fig. 26. The variation in EUI (Energy Use Intensity) value between Insulated and non-insulated Wall of Z-Block.

DIFFERENCE OF EUI VALUE FOR 6. Conclusion and recommendations

Building information modelling (BIM), which encourages inno-

vation and teamwork in project management and risk assessment,


has lately become a driving force in the construction sector. BIM is

more important than ever due to its sustainability, adaptability,
greater productivity, cost-effectiveness, and capacity to give a
complete grasp of the intricacies of building employing technology.
BIM increases a project’s efficiency in terms of time, cash, quality,
output, and safety. This chapter discusses a building’s energy anal-
ysis findings and suggests changes for the future. The first part
summarizes the findings, the second section draws inferences from
I NSULATED ROOF NON- I NSULATED ROOF the building’s energy analysis and optimization, and the third por-
tion makes suggestions for improved performance and design in
Fig. 27. The variation in EUI (Energy Use Intensity) value between Insulated and
the future. The AEC industry currently believes that utilizing BIM
non-insulated roof of A-Block.
technologies like Autodesk Revit and Autodesk Insight for building
energy analysis and optimization is the best strategy. When devel-
oping inexpensive low-energy buildings, it’s critical to strike a bal-

ance between the price of cutting-edge tools and materials and the
decrease in total building energy usage. To estimate a building’s
energy use, engineers and designers must have a thorough grasp

of its structural makeup. This is significant for all businesses and

engineers engaged in project design or retrofit energy efficiency

evaluation. Building energy performance audits include advan-

tages including minimizing energy expenditures and dependency
on outside energy sources, increasing sustainability, cutting carbon
dioxide emissions, and prolonging the life of the building and its
equipment. An energy audit may be performed on a smaller scale
I N S U L AT E D RO O F U N I N S U L AT E D RO O F to estimate the cost and energy savings of various remodeling
choices, decrease energy usage, boost productivity, and raise the
Fig. 28. The variation in EUI (Energy Use Intensity) value between Insulated and value of the property. This study suggests more investigation uti-
non-insulated roof of Z-Block. lizing BIM technologies that might provide more precise data for
improving buildings.
learning algorithms [59–61] and machine learning [62–66] can be It’s critical to strike the correct balance between the cost of
employed for further analysis. The use of artificial neural networks cutting-edge materials and equipment and the reduction in overall
[67,68], support vector machines [69,70]; random forest [71,72], building energy consumption when designing competitively priced
deep learning neural network [73,74], neuro fuzzy [75,76], extreme low-energy constructions. To calculate the energy consumption in
learning [77,78], support vector machines [79–81] and hybrid buildings, engineers and designers must have a thorough under-
machine learning model of genetic algorithm [82–84] can aid in standing of the structure. It applies to all companies and engineers
predicting response using existing experimental data. This who are planning a project as well as those who need to assess the
approach can save cost and reduce human effort, while also pro- restoration’s energy efficiency. The following benefits are provided
viding new avenues for future research. by building energy performance audits generally: I Cut back on

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 29. EUI value due to Glass Type.

Fig. 30. Infiltration in ACH.

energy costs and dependence on external energy sources. (ii) A further research are made by this study. These research tools pro-
reduction in emissions of carbon dioxide. (iii) Reduce environmen- vide experts the ability to deliver more accurate data for enhancing
tal impact and develop a reputation for sustainability. (iv) Extend building design and reducing energy usage. In Pakistan, there has
the lifespan of the machinery and the building. On a smaller scale, been a serious energy shortage for the past few decades. The need
an energy audit provides a variety of benefits: (a) Calculate the for electricity has grown over time as well. This research will
price and energy savings of several renovation solutions. (a) Cut reduce energy usage during the original design phases of buildings
back on energy use, boost productivity, and get rid of waste. (c) that are already built in the areas of HVAC, insulation, etc. Cost is a
Boost the property’s value. The following recommendations for major factor in developing sustainable consumption habits. It is
J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Fig. 31. Plug Load Efficiency.

Fig. 32. Operating Schedule.

J. Zhang, X. Zhu, A.M. Khan et al. Ain Shams Engineering Journal 14 (2023) 102110

Table 8
Energy optimization parameters.

Factors Default Settings Optimized Settings of A-Block Optimized Settings of Z-Block

Orientation 45° 135° 45°
WWR - South Walls 25% 35% 40%
WWR - North Walls 51% 30% to 15% 20% to 10%
WWR - West Walls 31% 33% 35%
WWR - East Walls 35% 32% 30%
Window Shades – South Window No shades 1/3 Window Elevation 1/3 Window Elevation
Shades – North Window Shades
Wall Construction Uninsulated R-13 padding R-13 padding
Roof Construction Insulated with tiles Padding with tiles Padding with tiles
Infiltration 1.8 ACH to 0.20 ACH 0.6 0.6
Building Information Modeling (BIM) - None - Daylighting & Occupancy Building Information Modeling (BIM) - Building Information Modeling (BIM) -
Based Daylighting and Occupancy Controls Based Daylighting and Occupancy Based Daylighting and Occupancy
Control System Control System Control System
Energy Efficiency of devices connected 28.91 W/m2 to 6.46 W/m2 6.46 W/m2 5.26 W/m2
to electrical outlets or plugs
Hours of operation 24/7 to 12/5 BIM  12/5 BIM  12/5
Mean Energy Cost 229 kWh/m2/yr 160 h/m2/yr 192 h/m2/yr

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