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12/08/2022 12:00 Preposition-dependent Verbs and Adjectives

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Preposition-dependent Verbs and

Ricardo E. Schütz
Atualizado em 12 de fevereiro de 2017

Tanto em inglês como em português existem certas palavras,

especialmente verbos e adjetivos, que quase sempre são acompanhados
de uma determinada preposição, tornando-se dessa forma inseparáveis.
Uma vez que dificilmente pode-se estabelecer uma correlação direta e
consistente entre preposições do inglês e do português, uma lista dessas
palavras dependentes de preposições pode ajudar o aluno a evitar o uso
incorreto de preposições.

A diferença entre preposition-dependent verbs (PDV) e multi-words

verbs, é que nos primeiros, a ocorrência da preposição não altera o
significado do verbo, enquanto que nos multi-word verbs, o verbo pode
também ocorrer sem a preposição, mas quando ocorrer com a
preposição, haverá provavelmente uma significativa alteração de
significado. PDVs podem ser considerados um subcategoria de
prepositional verbs (inseparable two-word verbs).

Preposition-dependent verbs

abide by deal with object to

abstain from decide offer something to
accuse someone of about/on/upon someone 1/5
12/08/2022 12:01 Preposition-dependent Verbs and Adjectives

add something to depend on/upon P

something disagree on/with
adhere to participate in
advise someone to against something
agree on/with pay for something
distinguish from
aim at/for pay something to
do research
allow for someone
apologize for persist in
do something for
apply to/for someone praise someone for
approve of pray for
dream of/about
argue with/about prepare for
arise from E present someone with
arrest someone for prevent
arrive in/at escape from someone/something
ask for excel in from
attend to exchange prohibit someone from
something for protect
B excuse someone someone/something
for from
beg for expect someone to protest about
believe in provide
belong to F someone/something
beware of with
blame someone for face up to punish someone for
boast about find something for
borrow something from someone R
someone fine someone for
brag about forget about recover from
buy something for forgive someone refer to
someone for rely on/upon
rescue from
C G respond to

call for get something for S

care about/for someone
choose between give something to save someone from
comment on someone sell something to
compare to/with someone
complain about/of H send something to 2/5
12/08/2022 12:01 Preposition-dependent Verbs and Adjectives

comply with hide from someone

conceal something from hope for sentence someone to
concentrate on show something to
condemn someone for I someone
conform to smile at
congratulate someone insist on/upon stare at
on/for something interfere with/in stop from
consent to introduce to subscribe to
consist of invite someone to substitute for
contribute to succeed in
cook something for J suffer from
joke about T
count on/upon
cure someone of a
L take advantage/care of
talk with/to someone
laugh at
about something
leave for some
thank someone for
think of/about
leave something
for someone V
lend something to
someone volunteer to
listen to vote for
long for
wait for
make something warn someone about
for someone worry about
mistake someone


abreast of dedicated to known for 3/5
12/08/2022 12:01 Preposition-dependent Verbs and Adjectives

absent from devoted to limited to

accused of/by disappointed with located in
accustomed to discriminated
acquainted with against made of/from
addicted to divorced from married to
adjacent to done with
afraid of / to dressed in opposed to
allergic to engaged in/to patient with
angry at enthusiastic about pleased with
annoyed with/by envious of polite to
anxious about equipped with prepared for
associated with equivalent to protected from
attached to excited about proud of
aware of exhausted from
exposed to qualified for
blessed with
faithful to related to
bored with/by
familiar with relevant to
capable of filled with remembered for
close to finished with responsible for
cluttered with fond of
committed to free of/from satisfied with
compatible with friendly to/with scared of/by
similar to
composed of frightened of/by
suitable for
concerned about full of
confronted with furious about
terrified of/by
connected to furnished with tired of/from
conscious of
consistent with gone from upset
content with grateful to/for
contrary to guilty of
used to
convinced of useful to
coordinated with innocent of
covered with interested in
worried about
crazy about invited to
crowded with involved in
curious about
jealous of 4/5
12/08/2022 12:01 Preposition-dependent Verbs and Adjectives

Veja também

Multi-word verbs


Schütz, Ricardo E. "Preposition-dependent Verbs and Adjectives" English Made in
Brazil <>. Acessado em (data do acesso). 5/5

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