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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
True / False

1. Whenever total supply is less than total demand in a transportation problem, the LP model does not determine how the
unsatisfied demand is handled.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

2. Converting a transportation problem LP from cost minimization to profit maximization requires only changing the
objective function; the conversion does not affect the constraints.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

3. A transportation problem with 3 sources and 4 destinations will have 7 decision variables.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

4. If a transportation problem has four origins and five destinations, the LP formulation of the problem will have nine
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

5. The capacitated transportation problem includes constraints which reflect limited capacity on a route.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

6. When the number of agents exceeds the number of tasks in an assignment problem, one or more dummy tasks must be
introduced in the LP formulation or else the LP will not have a feasible solution.
a. True
b. False
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
TOPICS: Assignment problem

7. A transshipment constraint must contain a variable for every arc entering or leaving the node.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

8. The shortest-route problem is a special case of the transshipment problem.

a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

9. Transshipment problem allows shipments both in and out of some nodes while transportation problems do not.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation and transshipment problems

10. A dummy origin in a transportation problem is used when supply exceeds demand.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

11. When a route in a transportation problem is unacceptable, the corresponding variable can be removed from the LP
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

12. In the LP formulation of a maximal flow problem, a conservation-of-flow constraint ensures that an arc's flow
capacity is not exceeded.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
13. The maximal flow problem can be formulated as a capacitated transshipment problem.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

14. The direction of flow in the shortest-route problem is always out of the origin node and into the destination node.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

15. A transshipment problem is a generalization of the transportation problem in which certain nodes are neither supply
nodes nor destination nodes.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

16. The assignment problem is a special case of the transportation problem in which all supply and demand values equal
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Assignment problem

17. A transportation problem with 3 sources and 4 destinations will have 7 variables in the objective function.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Assignment problem

18. Flow in a transportation network is limited to one direction.

a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

19. In a transportation problem with total supply equal to total demand, if there are four origins and seven destinations,
and there is a unique optimal solution, the optimal solution will utilize 11 shipping routes.
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transportation problem

20. In the general assignment problem, one agent can be assigned to several tasks.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Assignment problem

21. In a capacitated transshipment problem, some or all of the transfer points are subject to capacity restrictions.
a. True
b. False
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

Multiple Choice

22. The problem which deals with the distribution of goods from several sources to several destinations is the
a. maximal flow problem
b. transportation problem
c. assignment problem
d. shortest-route problem
TOPICS: Transportation problem

23. The parts of a network that represent the origins are

a. the capacities
b. the flows
c. the nodes
d. the arcs
TOPICS: Transportation problem

24. The objective of the transportation problem is to

a. identify one origin that can satisfy total demand at the destinations and at the same time minimize total
shipping cost.
b. minimize the number of origins used to satisfy total demand at the destinations.
c. minimize the number of shipments necessary to satisfy total demand at the destinations.
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
d. minimize the cost of shipping products from several origins to several destinations.
TOPICS: Transportation problem

25. The number of units shipped from origin i to destination j is represented by

a. xij.
b. xji.
c. cij.
d. cji.
TOPICS: Transportation problem

26. Which of the following is not true regarding the linear programming formulation of a transportation problem?
a. Costs appear only in the objective function.
b. The number of variables is (number of origins) x (number of destinations).
c. The number of constraints is (number of origins) x (number of destinations).
d. The constraints' left-hand side coefficients are either 0 or 1.
TOPICS: Transportation problem

27. The difference between the transportation and assignment problems is that
a. total supply must equal total demand in the transportation problem
b. the number of origins must equal the number of destinations in the transportation problem
c. each supply and demand value is 1 in the assignment problem
d. there are many differences between the transportation and assignment problems
TOPICS: Assignment problem

28. In the general linear programming model of the assignment problem,

a. one agent can do parts of several tasks.
b. one task can be done by several agents.
c. each agent is assigned to its own best task.
d. one agent is assigned to one and only one task.
TOPICS: Assignment problem

29. The assignment problem is a special case of the

a. transportation problem.
b. transshipment problem.
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
c. maximal flow problem.
d. shortest-route problem.
TOPICS: Assignment problem

30. Which of the following is not true regarding an LP model of the assignment problem?
a. Costs appear in the objective function only.
b. All constraints are of the ≥ form.
c. All constraint left-hand side coefficient values are 1.
d. All decision variable values are either 0 or 1.
TOPICS: Assignment problem

31. The assignment problem constraint x31 + x32 + x33 + x34 ≤ 2 means
a. agent 3 can be assigned to 2 tasks.
b. agent 2 can be assigned to 3 tasks.
c. a mixture of agents 1, 2, 3, and 4 will be assigned to tasks.
d. there is no feasible solution.
TOPICS: Assignment problem

32. Arcs in a transshipment problem

a. must connect every node to a transshipment node.
b. represent the cost of shipments.
c. indicate the direction of the flow.
d. All of the alternatives are correct.
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

33. Constraints in a transshipment problem

a. correspond to arcs.
b. include a variable for every arc.
c. require the sum of the shipments out of an origin node to equal supply.
d. All of the alternatives are correct.
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

34. In a transshipment problem, shipments

a. cannot occur between two origin nodes.

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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
b. cannot occur between an origin node and a destination node.
c. cannot occur between a transshipment node and a destination node.
d. can occur between any two nodes.
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

35. Consider a shortest route problem in which a bank courier must travel between branches and the main operations
center. When represented with a network,
a. the branches are the arcs and the operations center is the node.
b. the branches are the nodes and the operations center is the source.
c. the branches and the operations center are all nodes and the streets are the arcs.
d. the branches are the network and the operations center is the node.
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

36. The shortest-route problem finds the shortest-route

a. from the source to the sink.
b. from the source to any other node.
c. from any node to any other node.
d. from any node to the sink.
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

37. Consider a maximal flow problem in which vehicle traffic entering a city is routed among several routes before
eventually leaving the city. When represented with a network,
a. the nodes represent stoplights.
b. the arcs represent one way streets.
c. the nodes represent locations where speed limits change.
d. None of the alternatives is correct.
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

38. We assume in the maximal flow problem that

a. the flow out of a node is equal to the flow into the node.
b. the source and sink nodes are at opposite ends of the network.
c. the number of arcs entering a node is equal to the number of arcs exiting the node.
d. None of the alternatives is correct.
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
39. If a transportation problem has four origins and five destinations, the LP formulation of the problem will have
a. 5 constraints
b. 9 constraints
c. 18 constraints
d. 20 constraints
TOPICS: Transportation problem

40. Which of the following is not a characteristic of assignment problems?

a. costs appear in the objective function only
b. the RHS of all constraints is 1
c. the value of all decision variables is either 0 or 1
d. the signs of constraints are always <
TOPICS: Assignment problem

41. The network flows into and out of demand nodes are what makes the production and inventory application modeled in
the textbook a
a. shortest-route model.
b. maximal flow model.
c. transportation model
d. transshipment model
TOPICS: A production and inventory application

Subjective Short Answer

42. Write the LP formulation for this transportation problem.

Min 5X1A + 6X1B + 4X2A + 2X2B + 3X3A + 6X3B + 9X 4A + 7X4B
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

s.t. X1A + X1B ≤ 100

X2A + X2B ≤ 200
X3A + X3B ≤ 150
X4A + X4B ≤ 50
X1A + X2A + X3A + X4A = 250
X1B + X 2B + X3B + X4B = 250
all Xij ≥ 0
TOPICS: Transportation problem

43. Draw the network for this transportation problem.

Min 2XAX + 3XAY + 5XAZ+ 9XBX + 12XBY + 10XBZ

s.t. XAX + XAY + XAZ ≤ 500

X BX + XBY + XBZ ≤ 400
XAX + XBX = 300
XAY + XBY = 300
XAZ + XBZ = 300
Xij ≥ 0

TOPICS: Transportation problem

44. Canning Transport is to move goods from three factories to three distribution centers. Information about the move is
given below. Give the network model and the linear programming model for this problem.
Source Supply Destination Demand
A 200 X 50
B 100 Y 125
C 150 Z 125
Shipping costs are:
Source X Y Z
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
A 3 2 5
B 9 10 --
C 5 6 4
(Source B cannot ship to destination Z)


Min 3XAX + 2XAY + 5XAZ + 9XBX + 10XBY + 5XCX + 6XCY + 4XCZ

s.t. XAX + XAY + XAZ ≤ 200

XBX + XBY ≤ 100
XCX + XCY + XCZ ≤ 150
XDX + XDY + XDZ ≤ 50
XAX + XBX + XCX + XDX = 250
X AY + XBY + XCY + XDY = 125
XAZ + XBZ + XCZ + XDZ = 125
Xij ≥ 0
TOPICS: Transportation problem

45. The following table shows the unit shipping cost between cities, the supply at each source city, and the demand at
each destination city. The Management Scientist solution is shown. Report the optimal solution.
Source Terre Haute Indianapolis Ft. Wayne South Bend Supply
St. Louis 8 6 12 9 100
Evansville 5 5 10 8 100
Bloomington 3 2 9 10 100
Demand 150 60 45 45


---------- -----------
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
1 100
2 100
3 100
------------------- -------------
1 150
2 60
3 45
4 45
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4
---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
1 8 6 12 9
2 5 5 10 8
3 3 2 9 10
ORIGIN 1 2 3 4
---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
1 0 10 45 45
2 100 0 0 0
3 50 50 0 0
ANSWER: Ship 10 from St. Louis to Indianapolis, 45 from St. Louis to Ft. Wayne, 45 from St. Louis to South Bend, 100
from Evansville to Terre Haute, 50 from Bloomington to Terre Haute, and 50 from Bloomington to
Indianapolis. The total cost is 1755.
TOPICS: Transportation problem

46. After some special presentations, the employees of the AV Center have to move projectors back to classrooms. The
table below indicates the buildings where the projectors are now (the sources), where they need to go (the destinations),
and a measure of the distance between sites.
Source Business Education Parsons Hall Holmstedt Hall Supply
Baker Hall 10 9 5 2 35
Tirey Hall 12 11 1 6 10
Arena 15 14 7 6 20
Demand 12 20 10 10
a. If you were going to write this as a linear programming model, how many decision variables would there be, and how
many constraints would there be?

The solution to this problem is shown below. Use it to answer the questions b - e.
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------
1 12 20 0 3
2 0 0 10 0
3 0 0 0 7




---------- -----------------------
3 13

b. How many projectors are moved from Baker to Business?

c. How many projectors are moved from Tirey to Parsons?
d. How many projectors are moved from the Arena to Education?
e. Which site(s) has (have) projectors left?
a. 12 decision variables, 7 constraints
b. 12
c. 10
d. 0
e. Arena
TOPICS: Transportation problem

47. Show both the network and the linear programming formulation for this assignment problem.
Person A B C D
1 9 5 4 2
2 12 6 3 5
3 11 6 5 7


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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

Let Xij = 1 if person i is assigned to job j

= 0 otherwise

Min 9X1A + 5X1B + 4X1C + 2X1D

+ 12X2A + 6X2B + 3X2C + 5X2D
+ 11X3A + 6X3B + 5X3C + 7X3D

s.t. X1A + X1B + X1C + X1D ≤ 1

X2A + X2B + X2C + X2D ≤ 1
X 3A + X3B + X3C + X3D ≤ 1
X4A + X4B + X4C + X4D ≤ 1
X1A + X2A + X3A + X4A = 1
X1B + X2B + X3B + X4B = 1
X1C + X2C + X3C + X4C = 1
X1D + X2D + X3D + X4D = 1
TOPICS: Assignment problem

48. Draw the network for this assignment problem.

Min 10x1A + 12x1B + 15x1C + 25x1D + 11x2A + 14x2B + 19x2C + 32x2D

+ 18x3A + 21x3B + 23x3C + 29x3D + 15x4A + 20x4B + 26x4C + 28x4D

s.t. x1A + x1B + x1C + x1D = 1

x2A + x2B + x2C + x2D = 1
x3A + x3B + x3C + x3D = 1
x4A + x4B + x4C + x4D = 1
x1A + x2A + x3A + x4A = 1
x1B + x 2B + x3B + x4B = 1
x1C + x 2C + x3C + x4C = 1
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
x1D + x2D + x3D + x4D = 1

TOPICS: Assignment problem

49. A professor has been contacted by four not-for-profit agencies that are willing to work with student consulting teams.
The agencies need help with such things as budgeting, information systems, coordinating volunteers, and forecasting.
Although each of the four student teams could work with any of the agencies, the professor feels that there is a difference
in the amount of time it would take each group to solve each problem. The professor's estimate of the time, in days, is
given in the table below. Use the computer solution to see which team works with which project.

Team Budgeting Information Volunteers Forecasting
A 32 35 15 27
B 38 40 18 35
C 41 42 25 38
D 45 45 30 42


AGENT 1 2 3 4
---------- ----- ----- ----- -----
1 32 35 15 27
2 38 40 18 35
3 41 42 25 38
4 45 45 30 42
************************ ***************
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
------------------------------------------- -----
ANSWER: Team A works with the forecast, Team B works with volunteers, Team C works with budgeting, and Team D
works with information. The total time is 131.
TOPICS: Assignment problem

50. Write the linear program for this transshipment problem.

Min 3x16 + 2x14 + 3x15 + 5x24 + 6x25 + 2x32 + 8x 34 + 10x35 + 5x46 + 9x47 + 12x56 + 15x57

s.t. x16 + x14 + x35 ≤ 500

x24 + x25 − x23 ≤ 400
x32 + x34 + x35 ≤ 300
x46 + x47 − (x14 + x24 + x34) = 0
x56 + x57 − (x15 + x25 + x35) = 0
x16 + x46 + x56 = 600
x56 + x57 = 600
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

51. Peaches are to be transported from three orchard regions to two canneries. Intermediate stops at a consolidation station
are possible.

Orchard Supply Station Cannery Capacity

Riverside 1200 Waterford Sanderson 2500
Sunny Slope 1500 Northside Millville 3000
Old Farm 2000

Shipment costs are shown in the table below. Where no cost is given, shipments are not possible. Where costs are shown,
shipments are possible in either direction. Draw the network model for this problem.

Riverside 1 5 3
Sunny Side 4 5
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
Old Farm 6 3
Waterford 2 2 4
Northside 5 9
Sanderson 2

TOPICS: Transshipment problem

52. RVW (Restored Volkswagens) buys 15 used VW's at each of two car auctions each week held at different locations. It
then transports the cars to repair shops it contracts with. When they are restored to RVW's specifications, RVW sells 10
each to three different used car lots. There are various costs associated with the average purchase and transportation prices
from each auction to each repair shop. Also there are transportation costs from the repair shops to the used car lots. RVW
is concerned with minimizing its total cost given the costs in the table below.
a. Given the costs below, draw a network representation for this problem.
Repair Shops Used Car Lots
S1 S2 L1 L2 L3
Auction 1 550 500 250 300 500
Auction 2 600 450 350 650 450

b. Formulate this problem as a transshipment linear programming model.


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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models


b. Denote A1 as node 1, A2 as node 2, S1 as node 3, S2 as node 4,

L1 as node 5, L2 as node 6, and L3 as node 7

Min 50X13 + 500X14 + 600X23 + 450X24 + 250X35 + 300X36

+ 500X37 + 350X45 + 650X46 + 450X47

s.t. X13 + X14 ≤ 15

X23 + X24 ≤ 15
X13 + X23 − X35 − X36 − X37 = 0
X14 + X24 − X45 − X46 − X47 = 0
X35 + X45 = 10
X36 + X46 = 10
X37 + X4 = 10
Xij ≥ 0 for all i,j
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

53. Consider the network below. Formulate the LP for finding the shortest-route path from node 1 to node 7.

Min 10X12 + 12X13 + 4X24 + 8X25 + 7X35 + 9X36 + 4X 42 + 3X45

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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

+ 6X47 + 8X52 + 7X53 + 3X54 + 4X57 + 9X63 + 3X67

s.t. X12 + X13 =1

−X12 + X24 + X25 − X42 − X52 =0
−X13 + X35 + X36 − X53 − X63 =0
−X24 + X42 + X45 + X47 − X54 =0
−X25 − X35 − X45 + X52 + X53 + X57 = 0
−X36 + X63 + X67 =0
X47 + X57 + X67 =1
Xij ≥ 0 for all i,j
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

54. Consider the following shortest-route problem involving six cities with the distances given. Draw the network for this
problem and formulate the LP for finding the shortest distance from City 1 to City 6.
Path Distance
1 to 2 3
1 to 3 2
2 to 4 4
2 to 5 5
3 to 4 3
3 to 5 7
4 to 6 6
5 to 6 2

Min 3X12 + 2X13 + 4X24 + 5X25 + 3X34 + 7X35

+ 4X42 + 3X43 + 6X46 + 5X 52 + 7X53 + 2X56

s.t. X12 + X13 =1

−X12 + X24 + X25 − X42 − X52 = 0
−X13 + X34 + X35 − X 43 − X53 = 0
−X24 − X34 + X42 + X43 + X46 = 0
−X25 − X35 + X52 + X53 + X56 = 0
X46 + X56 =1
Xij ≥ 0 for all i,j

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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

55. A beer distributor needs to plan how to make deliveries from its warehouse (Node 1) to a supermarket (Node 7), as
shown in the network below. Develop the LP formulation for finding the shortest route from the warehouse to the

Min 3X12 + 3X15 + 12X16 + 5X23 + 5X32 + 6X34 + 6X 43
+ 4X46 + 5X47 + 8X56 + 4X64 + 8X65 + 3X67

s.t. X12 + X15 + X16 =1

−X 12 + X23 =0
−X23 + X32 + X34 =0
−X34 + X43 + X46 + X47 − 4X64 =0
−X15 + X56 =0
−X16 − X46 − X56 + X64 + X65 + X67 = 0
X47 + X67 =1
Xij ≥ 0 for all i,j
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

56. Consider the following shortest-route problem involving seven cities. The distances between the cities are given
below. Draw the network model for this problem and formulate the LP for finding the shortest route from City 1 to City 7.
Path Distance
1 to 2 6
1 to 3 10
1 to 4 7
2 to 3 4
2 to 5 5
3 to 4 5
3 to 5 2
3 to 6 4
4 to 6 8
5 to 7 7
6 to 7 5
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

Min 6X12 + 10X13 + 7X14 + 4X23 + 5X25 + 4X32 + 5X34 + 2X35 + 4X36
+ 5X43 + 8X46 + 5X52 + 2X53 + 7X57 + 4X63 + 8X64 + 5X67

s.t. X12 + X13 + X14 =1

−X12 + X23 + X25 − X32 − X52 =0
−X13 − X23 + X32 + X34 + X35 + X36 − X43 − X53 − X63 = 0
−X14 − X34 + X43 + X46 − X64 =0
−X25 − X35 + X52 + X53 + X57 =0
−X36 − X46 + X63 + X64 + X67 =0
X57 + X67 =1
Xij ≥ 0 for all i,j
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

57. The network below shows the flows possible between pairs of six locations. Formulate an LP to find the maximal flow
possible from Node 1 to Node 6.

Min X61
X12 + X13 + X15 − X61 =0
X23 + X 24 − X12 − X32 =0
X32 + X34 + X35 − X13 − X23 − X53 = 0
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

X43 + X46 − X24 − X34 =0

X53 + X56 − X15 − X35 =0
X61 − X36 − X46 − X56 =0
X12 ≤ 18 X13 ≤ 20 X15 ≤ 10
X23 ≤ 9 X24 ≤ 15
X32 ≤ 4 X34 ≤ 10 X35 ≤ 8
X43 ≤ 10 X46 ≤ 14
X53 ≤ 8 X56 ≤ 10
Xij ≥ 0 for all i,j
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

58. A network of railway lines connects the main lines entering and leaving a city. Speed limits, track reconstruction, and
train length restrictions lead to the flow diagram below, where the numbers represent how many cars can pass per hour.
Formulate an LP to find the maximal flow in cars per hour from Node 1 to Node F.

Min XF1
X12 + X15 + X16 − XF1 =0
X23 + X24 − X 12 =0
X34 − X23 =0
X48 + X4F − X24 − X34 − X84 = 0
X57 − X15 =0
X67 + X69 − X16 − X76 =0
X76 + X79 − X57 − X67 =0
X84 + X89 + X8F − X48 − X98 = 0
X98 + X9F − X69 − X79 − X89 = 0
XF1 − X4F − X8F − X9F =0
X12 ≤ 500 X15 ≤ 300 X16 ≤ 600

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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

X23 ≤ 300 X24 ≤ 400

X34 ≤ 150
X48 ≤ 400 X4F ≤ 600
X57 ≤ 400
X67 ≤ 300 X69 ≤ 500
X76 ≤ 200 X79 ≤ 350
X84 ≤ 200 X89 ≤ 300 X8F ≤ 450
X98 ≤ 300 X9F ≤ 500
Xij ≥ 0 for all i,j
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

59. Fodak must schedule its production of camera film for the first four months of the year. Film demand (in 1,000s of
rolls) in January, February, March and April is expected to be 300, 500, 650 and 400, respectively. Fodak's production
capacity is 500 thousand rolls of film per month. The film business is highly competitive, so Fodak cannot afford to lose
sales or keep its customers waiting. Meeting month i 's demand with month i +1's production is unacceptable.

Film produced in month i can be used to meet demand in month i or can be held in inventory to meet demand in month i
+1 or month i +2 (but not later due to the film's limited shelflife). There is no film in inventory at the start of January.

The film's production and delivery cost per thousand rolls will be $500 in January and February. This cost will increase to
$600 in March and April due to a new labor contract. Any film put in inventory requires additional transport costing $100
per thousand rolls. It costs $50 per thousand rolls to hold film in inventory from one month to the next.
a. Modeling this problem as a transshipment problem, draw the network representation.
b. Formulate and solve this problem as a linear program.


b. Define the decision variables:

xij = amount of film "moving" between node i and node j
Define objective:
MIN 600x15 + 500x18 + 600x26 + 500x29 + 700x 37 + 600x310 + 600x411 + 50x59
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Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

+ 100x510 + 50x610 + 100x611 + 50x711

Define the constraints:
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film produced in January: x15 + x18 ≤ 500
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film produced in February: x26 + x29 ≤ 500
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film produced in March: x37 + x310 ≤ 500
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film produced in April: x411 ≤ 500
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film in/out of January inventory: x15 − x59 − x510 = 0
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film in/out of February inventory: x26 − x610 − x611 = 0
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film in/out of March inventory: x37 − x711 = 0
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film satisfying January demand: x18 = 300
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film satisfying February demand: x29 + x59 = 500
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film satisfying March demand: x310 + x510 + x610 = 650
Amount (1000's of rolls) of film satisfying April demand: x411 + x611 + x711 = 400
Non-negativity of variables: xij ≥ 0, for all i and j.

The Management Scientist provided the following solution:

Objective Function Value = 1045000.000

X15 150.000 0.000
X18 300.000 0.000
X26 0.000 100.000
X29 500.000 0.000
X37 0.000 250.000
X310 500.000 0.000
X411 400.000 0.000
X59 0.000 0.000
X510 150.000 0.000
X610 0.000 0.000
X611 0.000 150.000
X711 0.000 0.000
TOPICS: Production and inventory application

60. Find the maximal flow from node 1 to node 7 in the following network.

Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 23

Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

ANSWER: Decision variables:

xij = amount of flow from node i to node j
Objective function:
Maximize the flow through the network: Max x71
Conservation of flow for each node:
(1) x12 + x13 + x14 − x 71 = 0 (node 1)
(2) x24 + x25 − x12 − x42 − x52 = 0 (node 2)
(3) x34 + x36 − x13 − x43 = 0 (node 3)
(4) x42 + x 43 + x45 + x46 + x47 − x14 − x24 − x34 − x54 − x64 = 0 (node 4)
(5) x52 + x54 + x57 − x25 − x45 = 0 (node 5)
(6) x64 + x67 − x36 − x46 = 0 (node 6)
(7) x71 − x47 − x57 − x67 = 0 (node 7)
Capacity for each arc:
(8) x12 ≤ 4 (14) x36 ≤ 6 (20) x52 ≤ 3
(9) x13 ≤ 3 (15) x42 ≤ 3 (21) x54 ≤ 4
(10) x14 ≤ 4 (16) x43 ≤ 5 (22) x57 ≤ 2
(11) x24 ≤ 2 (17) x45 ≤ 3 (23) x64 ≤ 1
(12) x25 ≤ 3 (18) x46 ≤ 1 (24) x67 ≤ 5
(13) x34 ≤ 3 (19) x47 ≤ 3
All xij ≥ 0

The LP was solved using The Management Scientist. Two solutions are given below.

Objective Function Value = 10.000

Variable Solution 1 Solution 2
x12 3.000 3.000
x13 3.000 3.000
x14 4.000 4.000
x24 1.000 1.000
x25 2.000 2.000
x36 5.000 4.000

Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 24

Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
x43 2.000 1.000
x46 0.000 1.000
x47 3.000 3.000
x57 2.000 2.000
x67 5.000 5.000
x71 10.000 10.000
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

61. A foreman is trying to assign crews to produce the maximum number of parts per hour of a certain product. He has
three crews and four possible work centers. The estimated number of parts per hour for each crew at each work center is
summarized below. Solve for the optimal assignment of crews to work centers.
Work Center
Crew A 15 20 18 30
Crew B 20 22 26 30
Crew C 25 26 27 30
AA1 0.000 12.000
AA2 0.000 0.000
AA3 0.000 0.000
AA4 1.000 1.000
AB1 0.000 2.000
AB2 0.000 4.000
AB3 1.000 0.000
AB4 0.000 0.000
AC1 0.000 12.000
AC2 1.000 0.000
AC3 0.000 0.000
AC4 0.000 1.000
AD1 1.000 2.000
AD2 0.000 4.000
AD3 0.000 0.000
AD4 0.000 0.000


1 0.000 18.000
2 0.000 23.000
3 0.000 24.000
4 0.000 −1.000
5 0.000 1.000
6 0.000 2.000
7 0.000 3.000
8 0.000 12.000
An optimal solution is:

Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 25

Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
Crew Work Center Parts/Hour
Crew A WC4 30
Crew B WC3 26
Crew C WC2 26
---------- WC1 ---
Total Parts Per Hour 82
TOPICS: Assignment problem

62. A plant manager for a sporting goods manufacturer is in charge of assigning the manufacture of four new aluminum
products to four different departments. Because of varying expertise and workloads, the different departments can
produce the new products at various rates. If only one product is to be produced by each department and the daily output
rates are given in the table below, which department should manufacture which product to maximize total daily product
output? (Note: Department 1 does not have the facilities to produce golf clubs.)

Baseball Tennis Golf Racquetball

Department Bats Rackets Clubs Rackets
1 100 60 X 80
2 100 80 140 100
3 110 75 150 120
4 85 50 100 75

Formulate this assignment problem as a linear program.

xi represent all possible combinations of departments and products
For example: x1 = 1 if Department 1 is assigned baseball bats; = 0 otherwise
x2 = 1 if Department 1 is assigned tennis rackets; = 0 otherwise
x5 = 1 if Department 2 is assigned baseball bats; = 0 otherwise
x15 = 1 if Department 4 is assigned golf clubs; = 0 otherwise
(Note: x3 is not used because Dept.1/golf clubs is not a feasible assignment)

Min Z = 100x1+60x2+80x4+100x5+80x6+140x7+100x8+110x9
S.T. x1 + x2 + x4 = 1
x5 + x6 + x7 + x8 = 1
x9 + x10 + x11 + x12 = 1
x13 + x14 + x15 + x16 = 1
x1 + x5 + x9 + x13 = 1
x2 + x6 + x10 + x14 = 1
x7 + x11 + x15 = 1
x4 + x8 + x12 + x16 = 1

TOPICS: Assignment problem

63. A clothing distributor has four warehouses which serve four large cities. Each warehouse has a monthly capacity of
5,000 blue jeans. They are considering using a transportation LP approach to match demand and capacity. The following
table provides data on their shipping cost, capacity, and demand constraints on a per-month basis. Develop a linear
programming model for this problem.
Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 26
Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

Warehouse City E City F City G City H

A .53 .21 .52 .41
B .31 .38 .41 .29
C .56 .32 .54 .33
D .42 .55 .34 .52
City Demand 2,000 3,000 3,500 5,500

Xij = each combination of warehouse i and city j
Min .53XAE + .21XAF + .52XAG + .41XAH + .31XBE + .38XBF + .41XBG + .29XBH
+ .56XCE + .32XCF + .54XCG + .33XCH + .42XDE + .55XDF + .34XDG + .52XDH
st XAE + XAF + XAG + XAH  5,000 XAE + XBE + XCE + XDE = 2,000
XBE + XBF + XBG + XBH  5,000 XAF + XBF + XCF + XDF = 3,000
XCE + XCF + XCG + XCH  5,000 XAG + XBG + XCG + XDG = 3,500
XDE + XDF + XDG + XDH  5,000 XAH + XBH + XCH + XDH = 5,500
TOPICS: Transportation problem

64. A computer manufacturing company wants to develop a monthly plan for shipping finished products from three of its
manufacturing facilities to three regional warehouses. It is thinking about using a transportation LP formulation to exactly
match capacities and requirements. Data on transportation costs (in dollars per unit), capacities, and requirements are
given below.
Plant 1 2 3 Capacities
A 2.41 1.63 2.09 4,000
B 3.18 5.62 1.74 6,000
C 4.12 3.16 3.09 3,000
Requirement 8,000 2,000 3,000
a. How many variables are involved in the LP formulation?
b. How many constraints are there in this problem?
c. What is the constraint corresponding to Plant B?
d. What is the constraint corresponding to Warehouse 3?
The problem formulation is shown below. Use it to answer the questions a - d.

Xij = each combination of plant i and warehouse j

Min 2.41XA1 + 1.63XA2 + 2.09XA3 + 3.18XB1 + 5.62XB2 + 1.74XB3
+ 4.12XC1 + 3.16XC2 + 3.09XC3
st XA1 + XA2 +XA3 = 4,000 (capacities) XA1 + XB1 +XC1 = 8,000 (requirements)
XB1 + XB2 + XB3 = 6,000 XA2 + XB2 +XC2 = 2,000
XC1 +XC2 + XC3 = 3,000 XA3 + XB3 +XC3 = 3,000

a. 9 variables
b. 6 constraints
c. XB1 + XB2 + XB3 = 6,000
d. XA3 + XB3 +XC3 = 3,000
Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 27
Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
TOPICS: Transportation problem

65. A large book publisher has five manuscripts that must be edited as soon as possible. Five editors are available for
doing the work, however their working times on the various manuscripts will differ based on their backgrounds and
interests. The publisher wants to use an assignment method to determine who does what manuscript. Estimates of editing
times (in hours) for each manuscript by each editor are:
Manuscript Uley Vargas Way York Zee
A 12 8 10 16 13
B 9 10 14 13 9
C 17 14 9 18 12
D 15 7 11 9 18
E 12 18 22 11 27
Develop the LP formulation for this problem.
One variable for each combination of manuscript and editor, 25 total
1 constraint for each manuscript (5) and 1 constraint for each editor (5); 10 total
Min 12AU + 8AV + 10AW + 16AY + 13AZ
+ 9BU + 10BV + 14BW + 13BY + 9BZ
+ 17CU + 14CV + 9CW+ 18CY + 12CZ
+ 15DU + 7DV + 11DW + 9DY + 18DZ
+ 12EU + 18EV + 22EW + 11EY + 27EZ
st AU + AV + AW + AY + AZ = 1 AU+ BU + CU + DU + EU = 1
BU + BV + BW + BY + BZ = 1 AV+ BV + CV + DV + EV = 1
CU + CV + CW + CY + CZ = 1 AW+ BW + CW + DW + EW = 1
DU + DV + DW + DY + DZ = 1 AY+ BY + CY + DY + EY = 1
EU + EV + EW + EY + EZ = 1 AZ+ BZ + CZ + DZ + EZ = 1
TOPICS: Assignment problem

66. A Japanese Company is trying to decide between two alternative locations, C and D, for making their new wrist
cellular telephone using the LP transportation method. They currently have two factories, A and B, working 24 hours per
day but cannot keep up with demand. Costs are on a per-unit basis. Monthly data relating locations with centers of
demand are:
Demand Centers Factory
Factories U.S. Canada Mexico Output
Existing A .12 .38 .65 8,000
Existing B .23 .16 .23 5,000
Proposed C .20 .26 .37 5,000
Proposed D .18 .31 .34 5,000
Min. Demand 6,000 6,000 6,000

Formulate two transportation LPs, one including Proposed C factory and the other including Proposed D factory, that
could be solved to determine the lower-cost choice of new factories.

Proposed Factory C:
Min .12AU + .38AC + .65AM + .23BU + .16BC
+.23BM + .20CU + .26CC + .37CM
Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 28
Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models
st AU + AC + AM  8,000 AU + BU + CU = 6,000
BU + BC + BM  5,000 AC + BC + CC = 6,000
CU + CC + CM  5,000 AM + BM + CM = 6,000
Proposed location D:
Min .12AU + .38AC + .65AM + .23BU + .16BC
+.23BM + .18DU + .31DC + .34DM
st AU + AC + AM  8,000 AU + BU + DU = 6,000
BU + BC + BM  5,000 AC + BC + DC = 6,000

DU + DC + DM

5,000 AM + BM + DM = 6,000

TOPICS: Transportation problem

67. The Emerald Valley Country Club has three tractors that are used for cutting grass. Each is of a different size and has
different capabilities. The largest tractor cuts fairways and other large areas very efficiently, but has trouble around
bunkers and trees. The smallest tractor cuts very quickly around small objects but takes more time on the open expanses
of grass. The middle-sized tractor operates as a compromise between the other two. The 18-hole golf course is divided
into three parts for cutting purposes: holes 1‑6; holes 7‑12; and holes 13‑18. The club wants to determine which tractor
should be assigned to which part of the course so as to minimize total cutting time. The table shows cutting times (in
minutes) for the tractors in each of the three sections of the golf course:
Section of Course
Tractor 1‑6 7‑12 13‑18
Large 270 473 512
Medium 386 395 483
Small 456 409 476
Formulate this assignment problem as an LP.

Xi = each combination of tractor and section; 9 total
Min 270X1 + 473X2 + 512X3 + 386X4 + 395X5 + 483X6 + 456X7 + 409X8 + 476X9
st L1 + L7 + L13 = 1 L1 + M1 + S1 = 1
M1 + M7 + M13 = 1 L7 + M7 + S7 = 1
S1 + S7 + S13 = 1 L13 +M13 + S13 = 1

TOPICS: Assignment problem


68. Explain how the general linear programming model of the assignment problem can be modified to handle problems
involving a maximization function, unacceptable assignments, and supply not equally demand.
ANSWER: Answer not provided.
TOPICS: Assignment problem

69. Define the variables and constraints necessary in the LP formulation of the transshipment problem.
Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 29
Test Bank for Quantitative Methods for Business, 13th Edition

Chapter 10 - Distribution & Network Models

ANSWER: Answer not provided.
TOPICS: Transshipment problem

70. Explain what adjustments can be made to the transportation linear program when there are unacceptable routes.
ANSWER: Answer not provided.
TOPICS: Transportation problem

71. Is it a coincidence to obtain integer solutions to network problems? Explain.

ANSWER: Answer not provided.
TOPICS: Network problems

72. How is the assignment linear program different from the transportation model?
ANSWER: Answer not provided.
TOPICS: Transportation and assignment problems

73. Define the variables and constraints necessary in the LP formulation of the maximal flow problem.
ANSWER: Answer not provided.
TOPICS: Maximal flow problem

74. How is the shortest-route problem like the transshipment problem?

ANSWER: Answer not provided.
TOPICS: Shortest-route problem

Cengage Learning Testing, Powered by Cognero Page 30

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Another random document with
no related content on Scribd:
«Ne poljubljaj, ne objemlji,
Ne govori, da me ljubiš ...
S svojo strastjo nepošteno
Pogubila si mi dušo.

Na pohotnih tvojih ustnih,

V poželjivih tvojih rokah
Stopa prédme v rožnem svitu
Zapuščeno dekle moje.

Strahom, studom gleda náme

Njen nedolžni, gorki pógled ...
‚Ah, kakó je mrzlo, temno
Tu pri tebi, ljubček moj! ...‘

Dà, temnó je vse krog mene,

V srcu mojem temno, prazno;
In zagrnil bi si lice
Od sramote, od kesanja.»

Temni kodri so se vili

Nad obrazom njenim belim;
Kot dva črna dijamanta
Sta goreli ji očesi.

«Ne govôri, ne očitaj! ...

Ti me hočeš ... ti me ljubiš;
S svojo strastjo nepošteno
Ti pogubil si mi dušo; —

In temnó je vse krog mene,

Temno, prazno v srcu mojem
Kadar plaka moja mati
In preklinja me moj mož.»
Prišel sem o mraku k svoji ljubici. Po preprogah in tapetah so se
tresli tenki, ozki žarki oranžne barve. Okno je bilo odprto. Zunaj na
vrtu so se priklanjale temne veje kostanjev in listje je trepetalo kakor
mrzlično. Od daleč se je slišalo melanholično zvonjenje, ki je
prihajalo za trenotek bliže in bliže, potem pa se polagoma izgubljalo
v daljavi.
Ona je ležala na divanu s polzatisnjenimi očmi in naslanjala je
glavo na rdečo blazinico. Gola, mramorna levica je visela mrtvo
navzdol, da so se dvigale izza belega ozadja tenke, plave žile. Lasje
so ji padali globoko čez senca in se leno igrali po ramah in lahtéh.
Ko sem vstopil, je dvignila glavo, pogledala me boječe s svojimi
velikimi, temnoobrobljenimi očmí ter se prisiljeno nasmehnila. Potem
pa se je obrnila v steno.
Šèl sem za okroglo mizico pred divanom. Po nji so ležala
raztresena rožnata, parfumirana pisma poleg drobnih kuvert.
Nekateri listi so bili razstrti, kakor šele pol prečitani, krog druzih pa
se je vil razvezan omot bledosinje barve.
Malomarno sem vzel v roko najbližje pismo ... Zdi se mi, da je
pisava moja, — moj slog iz tistih časov ...
«Lahka in svobodna mi je duša, kadar sanjam o Tebi, — kakor
škrjančeva pesem o jutranji zori. Vzdramil sem se iz težke noči in
jasna, vesela gorkota mi je zasijala v obraz. Kakó sem se otresel
pozemskega prahú, kakó sem vrgel raz sebe zarjavele okove! ...
Pred mano ni ničesar in ne za menój, v tej čisti ljubezni leží
neizmerna večnost ... Ali je ne čutiš, ljubica? Ali ne vidijo bogá Tvoje
nedolžne očí, kakor ga vidim jaz? ...»
In moja ljubica je ležala na divanu in gledala v steno ...
«Velik je najin svet in krasen ... Najina duša plava visoko nad
belimi oblaki, nad šumečimi gozdovi ... in tam globoko doli se
klanjajo lilije, in rože trepečejo v tihi bojazni ... Ali ne čuješ akordov
oddaljene harfe? Ali ne čuješ v teh glasovih jasno in odkrito vse one
brezkončne, čudovite lepote, o kateri sanjajo tam doli z bolnim srcem
in zastrtimi pogledi? ... Velik je najin svet in krasen! ...»
Postajal sem nervozen in nezadovoljen. In kakor sem se jih branil,
prihajali so tisti dnevi z vso silo prédme, bližali se mi od vseh stranij,
kakor bi se me dotikale po udih mrzle, mokre róke. Nisem jih maral
gledati, a postajali so vsak trenotek jásnejši in živéjši. Rogale so se
mi moje tedanje besede z vsemi akcenti in vzdihi vred; slišal sem jih
takó razločno, kakor bi jih nehoté ponavljal sam. In videl sem njene
velike, vprašujoče oči, polne sreče in ljubezni; slišal sem njen otroški
smeh, kakor bi padali kristali na srebrn krožnik ...
Dà, — «velik je najin svet in krasen ...» Dvoje pierrotov na
pepelnično jutro ... Preveč je bilo šampanjca! ... Od telesa visé samó
še raztrgane pisane cunje; lica so zamolkla in v prsih je prazno ...
Dvignila je glavo, da so se ji vsuli lasje raz rámen čez prsa. Zdelo
se mi je, da vidim nocoj prvikrat njen rumenkastobledi, od strasti in
življenja upali obraz, njene globoke, meglene oči, polne sramú in
utrujenosti, — da čutim prvikrat njeno zoperno mehko, opolzko teló,
njene mokre, težke lase, — da slišim njen tihi, boječi, odživeli glas in
njene poludušene vzdihe ...
Odšel sem tiho po mehki preprogi, v zrcalu pa sem videl, da je
ležala na divanu mirno, kakor ob mojem prihodu, s polzatisnjenimi
očmi in povešeno golo roko.

In dvíga in širi se vroče obzorje,
Na nebu razpaljenem solnce gorí,
Vsa zemlja potaplja se v démantno morje,
V polspanju, utrujena v prahu leží.
Tam daleč ječí preperelo drevje,
Kot gole, koščene roké
Razpénja in krči temno vejevje.
V očí skelí zrak težák in suh,
Na prsa pada opojni duh
Razpalih, krvavih rož.

In jaz vidim njó, ah njó ...

Kipí in trepeče ji belo teló,
Prozorna meglà je po udih razlíta,
Pretkana s kristali od solnčnega svíta;
Na polne ramé
Valíjo mogočno se črni lasjé,
In njeno okó, poželjívo in mokro,
Bleščí se kot brušen nož.
In v dušo kipečo in v srca dnò
Sesá se mi njeno pohotno okó;
V bolestnem razkošju teló mi trepeče,
V objem se mi dvigajo roke drhteče ...
In v prahu nesvesten klečí pred teboj
In ljubi in moli te suženj tvoj —
Venus, Venus!
Noč brezupna, — in nikdár več
Ne posíje solnce vanjo.
Roke črne in ledéne
Ségajo iz dnà nočí,
Kot opolzke, mokre kače
Drsajo po mojih licih;
Mraz ledén leží na udih,
V srcu mojem strah in stud.

O tebi sem sanjal vse dolge večere,
Kakó sem te čakal, a tebe ni bilo,
Ah, nisi me čula, kakó sem te klícal, —
In zdaj, zaželjena, prišèl je čas ...

Glej, vse moje rosne, duhteče rože,

Nocoj so razpale in v prahu ležíjo,
In solnce, to lepo, velíko solnce
Ne vrne se níkdar in níkdar več ...

Najtíšjega zvoka drhteče strune,

Ne bledega žarka oddaljene zvezde —
In ti si pred mano ... jaz čutim tvoj pógled ...
Ah, nagni se k meni, objemi me! —

Da položím to trudno čelo

Na tvoje ljubeče, mrzle róke —
Ah, nagni se k meni, ti zaželjena,
Ti mirna poslednja noč! ...
Kakó bleščí se morje to
V demantih in kristalih,
Kakó pohotno ziblje se
V razkošnih, mehkih valih.

V tem burnem plesu od strastí

Telesa trepetajo,
Krog belih udov kot meglé
Tančíce plapolajo.

Iz zlatih harp takó sladkó

Vro pesmi koprneče
In srce plaka in drhtí
Od žalosti, od sreče.

Visoko duša nad zemljó

Svobodna, srečna plove,
Kot na perotih dviga se
Do néba, do Jehove ...

Ob belo róko Salomon

Opira trudno glavo,
Na čelu mu leží oblak,
Okó strmí v daljavo.

Ne mehki udje mladih žen, —

Sestradana, drhteča
Telesa tam pred njim stojé,
Proseča in grozeča.

Brezupno k njemu dvigajo

Koščene, vele róke,
Umirajoč strmíjo vanj
Očí temné, globoke.

In zlate strune pojejo

Mrtvaško melodijo, —
Poslednji vzdihi sužnjih prs
Nocoj iz njih zveníjo ...

Ob belo roko Salomon

Opira trudno glavo,
Na čelu mu leží oblak,
Okó strmí v daljavo ...

In láhno, láhno k njemu se

Gorkó teló privije,
Po vsem životu čut mehák
Sladkó se mu razlíje.

«Zakaj ti je okó temnó

In duša nevesela?
Zakaj ti bleda žalost je
Nocoj srce objela?

Ljubezen tvoja že mrjè,

Še komaj porojena, —
Kaj hočem jaz brez njé, povej,
Nesrečna, zapuščena?» ...
«Nelepe sanje, ljubica,
Poslal mi je Jehova, —
Zakaj, to sam on vé, — modrost
Velika je njegova ...

Ah, nagni k meni, Sulamit,

Prebele prsi svoje, —
Pogíne naj ves Izrael, —
Ti si kraljestvo moje!»

Ob grobu tiranovem.
Upognil zdaj si glavo, car,
Če nisi je doslej nikdar.

Ves svet je klečal pred teboj,

Ves svet široki bil je tvoj.

Oj car, oj car, pa zapovej

Naj bela smrt beží naprej!

Že krsta iztesana je,

Že postelj ti postlana je ...

Oj to vam je vesel pokop,

Ves svet hití pred carjev grob.

A ko ga položé v zemljó
Okó nobeno ni mokró.

Okó nobeno ni mokró,

Srcé nobeno ni težkó.
Med ljudstvom patrijarh stojí.
Veselo vzdihne, govorí:

«Oj hvala, hvala ti, Gospod,

Da osvobodil svoj si rod!

Dovolj je v solzah vzdihoval,

Trpljenja pač dovolj prestal!

Jaz begal sem okrog pregnan,

Pregnan, povsod zaničevan.

In ti poslal si belo smrt,

Tiran mogočni v prah je strt.

Spet dal si meni svetlo čast,

Spet dal si meni vso oblast.

Oj hvala, hvala ti, Gospod,

Da osvobodil svoj si rod!»

Med ljudstvom knez visok stojí

In patrijarhu govorí:

«Oj patrijarh, nikar, nikar,

Vladánje pač ni tvoja stvar!

Dovolj je roki tvoji križ,

Zakaj po žezlu hrepeniš? ...

O čuvaj sívo si glavó,

Na pot ne hodi mi drznó!»

Ob knezovih besedah teh

Vsem divja strast vsplamtí v očeh.

Še tristo knezov tam stojí,

Po žezlu vsakdo hrepení.
Po žezlu vsakdo hrepení,
Že v roki vsakdo meč drží.

Ne nagne še se beli dan,

Pa zadivjá že boj strašan ...

Veselo, kakor še nikdar,

Smehljá se v krsti — mrtvi car.

Ivan Kacijanar.
Kacijanar, vojskovodja slavni,
Ves zamíšljen hodi po šatoru.
Težka skrb mu polni trudno glavo,
Ríše mu na čelo temne črte
In obrvi mu ježí košate.
Polumesec na šatorih belih
Ob ostrogu blíska se krščanskem ...
Ne rešítve in ne krasne zmage, —
Sam in truden, — kakor ranjen sokol
Brez pomóči v jati lačnih vranov ...
In globočja bol v junaških prsih,
In bridkejša skrb na čelu resnem.

«Kaj pomeni tam ta šum skrivnostni?

Saj prišlò še ní krvavo jutro.»
In služabnik stari, zvesti Miloš,
Odgovarja: «Gospodar, ne skrbi!
Res prišlò še ni krvavo jutro,
Ali srca jim kipé junaška,
Sèn jim lahki na očí ne more ...»
Zopet praša slavni Kacijanar:
«Kaj pomeni tam ta šum skrivnostni,
Kot hodile tolpe bi po planem?
Saj še vstalo ní krvavo solnce.»
Odgovarja mu s tresočim glasom:
«Oj ne skrbi, gospodar mogočni!
Res še vstalo solnce ní krvavo,
Vso ravnino krije noč ledena;
A v telesu mrzlem — mrzla duša,
In junaki hodijo po planem,
Da si mrzle ude oživíjo ...»
Tretjič praša slavni Kacijanar:
«Kaj pomeni ta topòt skrivnostni,
Kot bi v dalji dírjali konjiki?
A govori mi resnico, Miloš!
Priča mi je tvoj pogled brezupni,
Da zakrívaš mi srcé nemirno.»
In zastoče grenko stari Miloš,
Odgovarja solzen gospodarju:
«Kaj mi né bi se okó solzílo,
Kaj mi né bi srce trepetalo!
Gledal tvojo sem visoko slavo;
Tvoja videl sem junaška dela —
Oj število krasno ... Vse za tabo;
Izgubljen si, Kacijanar silni! ...
Kaj pomeni tam ta šum skrivnostni?
Vojska naša je v sramotnem begu.»

Ne vztrepeče Kacijanar slavni,

Ne porósi mu okó se bistro;
Meč opaše, pa zasede konja
In odjaše v diru skozi meglo;
Poleg njega jaše stari Miloš.

Hladna megla krije vso ravnino;

In ne gane se peró na drevji,
In ne gane bilka se na polju;
Vse je tiho kakor pod gomilo ...

«Ali vidiš tam bleskèt orožja,

Ali vidiš prápore razvíte?»
«Kacijanar, ózri se v daljavo, —
Žarki zore se bleščé po hribih,
Nad gozdovi plava bela megla ...»
«Ali čuješ glasno petje, Miloš —
Ali čuješ — zmagoslavi, Allah!
Vmes pa jok in stok in petje mečev? ...»

Prah se dvigne tam na beli cesti,

V njem pridirja jezdec kakor tica:
«Izgubljena bitev, vojskovodja,
Izdajalec — žalostna ti majka!»
Dvigne se na konju Kacijanar,
Dvigne se mu v prsih silna duša,
Meč zablisne se mu v roki močni
In preseka jezdeca do sedla ...
Spet se dvigne prah na beli cesti,
V njem pridirja tolpa konjenikov, —
Vsi pokriti so s krvjó in prahom.
«Izdajalec — bežal je sramotno
In v pogubi pustil je junake, —
Naj pogine izdajalec kleti!»
Takrat vstane v sedlu mladi Hojzič:
«Z mečem svojim si ubil mi brata, —
Vreden nisi, da bi padel v boju;
Meč krvníkov ti končaj življenje,
Naj ubije te izdajstvo tvoje ...!»

In zastoče Ivan Kacijanar,

Meč mu pade iz roké junaške
In jetník je sredi konjeníkov.

Vino pije grof Nikola Zrinjski

Na visokem, sivem gradu svojem;
Ž njim sedí ob mizi družba krasna,
Družba krasna samih slave sínov, —
A med njimi Ivan Kacijanar.
Bledo mu je lice, móten pógled,
Zgúbano mu je visoko čelo.
S stola vstane grof Nikola Zrinjski,
Polno čašo dvigne in napíva:
«Vse zahvaljam vas, junake slavne,
Da s posetom svojim ste prijaznim
Počastili dom moj starodavni, —
Da sočutje prišli ste izkazat
Med junaki prvemu junaku! —
Res okrutno ga pestí usoda,
Res preganja ga vladar krivično, —
Ah nečastno je sedèl v temníci
Kacijanar, prvi med junaki! ...
In recíte, ní li to pravično,
Da svobodo sam si je priboril
Ter pobegnil ječi in vladarju?
Ali naj bi čakal, da zablisne
Meč krvníkov njemu se nad vratom?
Čakal naj bi, da mu za plačilo
Vzame glavo naš vladar dobrotni? ...
Zopet bodi jasno lice tvoje,
Pijmo rujno vino, kakor nekdaj,
Kacijanar, prvi med junaki! ...
Pijmo, bratje, na njegovo zdravje!»
Blískajo se v solncu jasne čaše,
Po dvorani pa zveníjo klici:
«Slava tebi, prvi med junaki!»
In odméva tam od druge mize,
Tam med hlapci, kmeti in vojníki:
«Slava tebi, prvi med junaki!»
Jeden le ne dvígne polne čaše,
To vojnik je drzni, mladi Hojzič.
In ozrè se grof Nikola Zrinjski:
«Je li spanec te premagal, Hojzič,
Da uhó ti čulo ní zdravíce?
Ali zdí se vino ti preslabo,
Da porósil ž njim bi ustna svoja?
Ali pa ti v srcu je sovraštvo,
Da ne piješ, — odgovori, Hojzič!» —
«Kaj naj pil bi zdravje izdajalcu,
Kaj naj slavo klícal bi morilcu?
Vso izdal je vojsko nam krščansko
In sramotno zbežal iz ostroga —
A na begu mi ubil je brata ...
Vreden bil bi svojega plačila,
Da vladár bi vzel mu kleto glavo, —
A ušèl je, kot bežé tatovi ...
Car pohvali te, Nikola Zrinjski,
Da je mrtev pes na tvojem gradu!»
Samokres mu dvigne drzna roka,
Strel odmeva glasno po dvorani
In na tlà se zgrudi Kacijanar.

Obledíjo gostom vsem obrazi

In zastane jim beseda v grlu.
Ali vzdrami se napósled Zrinjski,
Skloni se nad prsi krvaveče:
«Tjà odšèl je duh tvoj, Kacijanar,
Kjer pravico je dobil in srečo!»
In vsi gostje molijo ob truplu —
A po beli cesti dirja Hojzič.

Na svatbenem potovanju.
Zašlò je solnce. V tihi mrak
Zagrinja se daljava,
Kot bela tica ladija
Po temnem morju plava;
Na krovu pa mlad mož stojí,
Mehkó na prsih mu sloní
Prelepa mlada žena.

«Čaroben je ljubezni raj

Kot to nebó večerno,
Neskončen je ljubezni raj
Kot morje neizmerno —
A ljubček, ljubček, kaj molčiš,
Zakaj v obraz takó bledíš,
Zakaj se v stran oziraš?»

«Poglej, nevesta, o poglej

Tam bledo, krasno ženo,
Oj mojo ljubico bolnó
Bolnó in zapuščeno;
Poglej, kakó stojí mirnó,
Na prsih pa ji spi sladkó
Nesrečno moje dete.»

«Oj zbudi, zbudi se, moj mož,

Pri tebi jaz sem sama,
Krog naju je morjé temnó
In pa nebó nad nama —»
«Kakó me vabi spet nocoj
S pogledom žalostnim seboj,
Da ljubim jo, kot nekdaj.

Kakó je belo njé teló,

Kakó krasnó nje lice,
In moje dete za menoj
Izteza že ročice;
Že padata v morjé temnó ...
Kakó me vabita sebó, —
Ne brani mi ... ostani! ...»
Majka zemlja, da si še starejša,
Pa rodila né bi učenjaka,
Da bi tó znal, kar je znal Kongfutse.
Jasno gledal je v človeško dušo,
Zlè podzemske je poznàl duhove
In bogove nad visokim nebom.
Ali vsega ni še znal Kongfutse.
Rad bi videl, kar očém je skrito,
Rad bi videl tisto skrivno silo,
Ki povzdiga smrtnika k bogovom,
Ki poraja vzvišena dejanja
Kar človeški rod živí pod solncem ...

Noč se zgrne nad zemljó kitajsko.

Sam bedí še učenjak Kongfutse
Pa ozira se k bleščečim zvezdam.
«Če ostàl si med človeškim rodom,
Če si dvignil se v nebó k bogovom,
Če pod zemljo pàl si k zlìm duhovom:
Prédme stopi, duh preteklih časov,
Ki rodíl si vzvišena dejanja!» ...
Oj krasota, da je ni jednake!
Če bi videl te navaden smrtnik,
Od veselja bi izdahnil dušo, —
A izdahnil duše ni Kongfutse;
Razprostrl je roke pred bogínjo
Pa jo molil z glasom srečepolnim:
«Oj svoboda, vseh bogínj bogínja!
Ne slavím te iz strahú pred mečem,
Zlatim mečem, ki držíš ga v roki;
Ne slavím te zarad zlate krone,
Ki jo nosiš na ponosni glavi;
A slavím te zarad večne slave,
Ki odela ž njó si dede naše:
Slava tebi, vseh bogínj bogínja!»
Prav do zore molil je Kongfutse ...

Noč se zgrne nad zemljó kitajsko.

Sam bedí še učenjak Kongfutse
Pa ozira se k bleščečim zvezdam.
«Prédme stopi, oj ti duh mogočni,
Ki vrstníkom mojim vzbujaš srca,
Da po časti hrepené in slavi;
Duh mogočni, ki človeka vzdigneš
Vsaj za hipe nad pozemske misli, —
Prédme stopi, da te srečen molim!» ...
Oj ti žalost, da je ni jednake!
Kdor bi tebe videl, bi zajokal,
In zajokal je celó Kongfutse.
«Kaj je tebi, oj svoboda krasna?
Kakor smrt je bledo lice tvoje,
Tvoje róke so v okovih težkih,
Tvojo glavo krije trnjev venec ...»
Prav do zore jokal je Kongfutse ...

Noč se zgrne nad zemljó kitajsko.

Sam bedí še učenjak Kongfutse
Pa ozira se k bleščečim zvezdam.
«Slab je človek in mogoče ni mu,
Da bi videl, kar prihodnost skriva, —
Vam bogovom pa je vse mogoče.
Oj bogovi, čujte prošnjo mojo,
Pa idejo silno dnij prihodnjih,
Da jo vidim, iz nebá pošljíte!»
Ali črna noč se ne razjasni,
Glasa čuti ni v tišini grobni ...
«Oj podzemski zlobni vi duhovi,
Če rodili ste idejo silno,
Da prihodni zárod onesreči, —
Póšljite jo prédme, da jo vidim!»
Ali črna noč se ne razjasni,
Glasa čuti ni v tišini grobni ...
Prav do zore molil si, Kongfutse!
A da molil si vso dolgo večnost,
Ne priklical bi nikdár ideje,
Vladarice národom prihodnim,
Kajti ni je duh rodíl človeški,
Nì bogovi niso je rodíli,
Nì podzemski niso je duhovi
In rodili je nikdar ne bodo.

Ungnadovi gostje.
Tam v Urahu, mestu nemškem,
Pri vinu sedíjo možjé;
Jasné se jim temni obrazi,
In govori krasni zvené.

A kaj ti je, Primož Trubar,

Da v družbi veseli molčiš?
Oblak ti je splaval na čelo,
Ko v čašo zamišljen strmiš.

Zakaj prihodnosti lepše,

Zakaj ne slaviš je nocoj?
Zakaj od Lutrove vere
Ne vžíga se pógled tvoj?

«Oj misel na zemljo domačo

To trudno srcé mi teží:
Pretesna, pretesna je meni,
Tam meni prostora ni.

Osrečiti brate svoje

Htel z uki sem božjimi jaz,
Sovražnikov bal se nisem,
Ponosno jim gledal v obraz.

Bal njega se nisem, ti veš, bog,

Kdor z uki slepil je naš rod,
Kdor z zlobno, pregrešno besedo
Zapiral mi v srca je pot.

Vojvódsko je žezlo me vzmoglo,

Ni vzmoglo me žezlo duhá — —
Nadvojvoda Karol je vzdignil
Svoj préstol nad préstol bogá.

Oj Karol, očém si ti mojim

Zaprl domačo zemljó ...
Da v roki jo puščam tvoji,
Kakó mi je v srcu težkó ...»

Govoril je Primož Trubar,

Zamišljeni vsi obmolčé ...
Pa vstane tedàj baron Ungnad,
Navdušeno Trubarju dé:

«Oj Trubar, — nadvojvoda Karol

Zemljó ti je svojo zaprl;
Glas tvoj je umrl za njega,
Za narod tvoj ni umrl.

Saj senca vojvodskega žezla

Nikoli duhá ne stemní,
Ko dvigne na prostih se krilih
Noben ga vladar ne vzdrží.

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