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Team Philosophies by Chuck Martin, DBs and Recruiting Coordinator:


Be a great teammate a. Care more about the guy in the locker next to you then yourself b. Eliminate the personal agendas c. What are you going to do today to help your teammate be successful?


No stars a. You are nothing without your teammates and staff b. We and our, not I and my c. Outsiders shouldnt be able to pick out your best players at practice based on how your coaches coach everyone

3. 4.

Accountability- ties everything together Leaders are born, not made a. Challenge them everyday b. Create suffering (opportunities to rally around each other) c. Play your best on best d. Being cool and accepted is not always the same as being successful


Developing relationships a. Strive to be the best at your level b. The better your relationship, the more you will benefit from being demanding c. Coach-player relationship should be a give-and-take relationship


Create sacrifice situations a. Explain when they are making sacrifices and why they are doing it b. We are teaching them its ok to not put me first


Being realistic a. There is no need for coaches to say were going to go out and dominate them every play etc., you only have to be 1 play better than the other team b. Dont over-exaggerate if this happens we will lose scenarios


Process over product a. In tough times, keep sticking to your plan


Best prepared players play a. You can still go winless with a ton of talent if they are not prepared (miss practice, meetings, etc.)


Coach being immune to momentum a. Momentum is only momentum if you acknowledge it b. Point out the facts, not perceptions

Building a Championship Program: A 5 Minute Approach by Brian Kelly: Some people see things as they are and ask why. I see things that never were and ask why notRobert Kennedy Know what you are good at (its ok to follow) o Delegate your weaknesses and play on your strengths Challenge the status quo (be courageous) Be decisive, eliminate confusion (accept there will be times of uncertainty) o It is ok to seek input from your staff, but make your decision and live with it Enlist the help of others (seek out advice and the best resources) Character (are you worth following in tough times?) Never listen to others expectations o Aim high o Raise the bar because goals allow you to control the direction of change in your favor o No one else knows what your picture of the program looks like Work on winning everyday o Winners make a habit of manufacturing their own positive expectations in advance of the event o Identify what causes you to lose before you start playing o You cant start winning until you stop losing

Brian Kelly continued

Pay attention to the physical environment o Create a sense of pride in your home o The proper look for uniforms, lockers, weight room, etc. o Eliminate any sense of entitlement o Take things away if they dont take pride in what they have

The Irish Covenant: o Do you care? o Can I trust you? o Are you committed? o Observe the golden rule o Do the right Thing

The Irish Commandments: o Treat women with respect o Do not lie o Do not cheat o Do not steal

If you want to be successful, its just this simple. Know what you are doing. Love what you are doing. Believe in what you are doing.- Will Rogers Eliminate these 5 dysfunctions in your organization: o Lack of trust o No accountability o Poor level of commitment o Dont care about each other o selfish

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