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Km. 15, Central Highway

Tawala, Panglao, Bohol
6340, Philippines
/Fax (038) 502-8408/ (038) 502-8409
Education Department INSTRUCTIONAL PLAN

DATE: Learning Grade/Year Module No.4 Duration:

Area/Course: Level: Senior 30 minutes
Foundation of High
Special and
Inclusive Education

 Understand the various assessment methods and EDUC 104
their purposes in special and inclusive
Learning Competencies/Course
 Reflect on the importance of assessment and
placement decisions in special education.

Key Concepts / Understandings to be  Different assessment methods (observation, checklist, anecdotal

developed report, portfolio assessment).
 Strategies for supporting students with additional needs.


 Identify and describe the different assessment methods used in

● Knowledge special and inclusive education.
 Understand the purpose of each assessment method.

 Applying various assessment methods used in special and inclusive

● Skills education.
 Reflecting on the effectiveness of different assessment methods
and their impact on student support.

 Appreciate the importance of assessments in supporting students

● Values with additional needs.
 Understand the ethical considerations involved in educational
 Types of assessments.

 Visual Aids


The lord’s prayer, Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name;
● Introductory Activity
Thy kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us
this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those
 Prayer who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from
evil. Hail Mary, full of grace.
Everyone, please rise for the opening
prayer. May I request Ms. Galorpot to
lead the prayer?

Thank you, Ms. Galorport

 Greetings
“Good morning Ma’am”
“Good morning class!
Before you take your seat please pick (student’s sit down)
up the trashes under your chair ”

 Checking of attendance

“Now, I am going to check your

attendance. If your name is called (Waiting for their name to be called)
kindly raise your hand and say

(The teacher calls the students name

one by one)
“Whose name is not called?” “None, Ma’am”

“Alright, everyone is present for today

very good”

 Recap

(The teacher will ask the student what

is the discussion last meeting) (Student will raise their hands and answer.)

(Teacher call out one student,


Thank you, Mr./Ms.

 Abstraction

 Motivation

Alright, everyone, before we dive

into our discussion, let's kick
things off with a quick energizer
activity to get our brains moving
and our energy up!”

“Alright, are you ready? Let’s

start moving. Here’s what we’re
going to do: (teacher provide the
energizer activity first) (Students participate to the energizer activity and enjoy.)

“Again hello class! Good

afternoon. So today, we'll be
learning about assessment methods
in special and inclusive education.”

“To start, I'd like you to think

about your experiences with
assessments such as tests, quizzes,
or observations. What feelings or
thoughts come to mind when you
hear the word 'assessment'?"

(Teacher call out one student,

Mr./Ms.) (Students will raise their hands and share their ideas.)

Thank you, Mr./Ms.,

(Students possible answer)

“As you mentioned, assessments “Challenge”
can be challenging but they are “Learning opportunity”
also an important part of learning.
In education, assessments help us
understand a student's strengths
and areas for improvement. They
guide us in making decisions about
educational support and
(Student’s will listen to the teacher’s discussion)

“In special education, assessments

are even more crucial as they help
us tailor our approach to support
students with additional needs.
And now lest tackle about some of
the key assessment methods.”

(Students will listen to the teacher’s discussion)

 The teacher will present the
different assessment methods
(Observation, Checklist, Anecdotal
Report, and Portfolio Assessment)
and discuss their purposes.

(Students will listen to the teacher’s discussion)

 Activity

 Teacher will have an activity
review to the key assessment
methods used in special and
inclusive education.

“We will start with a brief fill in the

blank activity test on your (Students participating on the activity)
understanding, I’ll call on few students
to answers this activity on the board.”

 Analysis

After 10 minutes…

 The teacher analyze on the activity

conducted that aimed to reinforce
understanding of assessment
methods in special and inclusive

“Did the activity effectively engage

you in learning about this methods?”

(Teacher call out one student, (Student possible answer and share their insights)
“Yes, the activity kept us actively involved and challenged us to recall and
Thank you, Mr./Ms., apply what we've learned about assessment methods."

“Why do you think observation and

anecdotal reports are important in
assessing students?”
(Students possible answer and share their insights)
(Teacher call out one student,
Mr./Ms.) “Observation and anecdotal reports provide detailed, real-time insights into
student behavior and learning.”
Thank you, Mr./Ms.,

 Application

 The teacher asks students to reflect

on the importance of assessment in
special education.

"Now, I want you to apply what

you've learned by reflecting on the
importance of assessment in
special and inclusive education.”

(Teacher call out one student,

“What is the importance of
assessment methods in special and
inclusive education?”
(Students will raise their hands and answer the question.)
Thank you, Mr./Ms.,

 Assessment

"Now that we have completed the

activity and discussed various
assessment methods used in special
and inclusive education, I would like
you to take a few minutes to reflect on
what you've learned today.”

“I will give you 5mins. Get ½ sheet of

paper and write a reflection on what
you have learned for today’s

Criteria Excellent Good Satisfactory

Understanding Clear, Mostly
Basic understanding
(40%) accurate accurate
Relevant Good
Application (30%) Vague examples
examples examples
Personal Reflection
Deep insights Some insights Basic insights
Clarity and
Organization Mostly clear Somewhat clear

(Students passed their reflection paper after 5 minutes.)


“At the end of lesson, the demonstration effectively highlighted the

importance of assessment methods in special and inclusive education”

PREPARED BY: Ludia Jessica., Mojello Catherine C., Paculba Katherine., Paculba
Ritchell., Saga Rosemarie R., Taguic Kate Princess.

Signed: __________________
Cooperating Teacher

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