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Talk about law and order


Talk about law

and order
After this class, you'll be able to talk about law and
order by comparing and contrasting options or
opinions and justifying a solution.

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Talk about law and order

Let’s talk about law and order

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Talk about law and order

Law and order


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Talk about law and order

Match the items

1. Juror
A. A public official authorised to decide questions in court.
2. Judge B. Someone who is accused of committing a crime.
3. Sentence C. A member of a jury who decides the innocence or guilt of a defendant.
D. A judgement in a criminal case that describes the punishment of the
4. Lawyer criminal.
5. Trial E. A person who practises law.
F. The examination of a case to determine a defendant’s innocence or guilt.
6. Defendant

1 2 3 4 5 6

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Talk about law and order

Language for contrast and addition

Addition connectors: too, moreover, in addition, also

…in some civil law systems too.

Moreover / in addition, you may be
isolated from…

Contrastive connectors: although, though, despite, however, in spite of

Although juries are responsible for…

Despite this, a lot of people feel…
However, in some common law countries…
… complex legal procedures in spite of the state’s…

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Talk about law and order

Put the words into the correct column

Addition Contrast


too moreover despite however

although also in addition in spite of

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Talk about law and order

Read and discuss

If you feed pigeons in Venice, wear high heels to the Acropolis in Athens or ride a cow while also
drunk in Scotland then you might find yourself on the wrong side of some of the world’s most
unusual laws. In spite of these laws initially appearing to be either self-explanatory (drunken
cow-riding seems obviously risky) or pointless, there is usually a good reason behind them. While
also being uncomfortable, high heels can damage the ancient stone of the Acropolis and, despite
pigeons not seeming to be a threat, the mess a constant crowd of hungry birds created in some of
Venice’s most touristic spots was very costly to clean up. Let’s take a look at more seemingly
absurd laws.

In France, men may not wear loose swim-trunks on the beach. However, this rule is not about
what the French consider chic, but is in order to prevent people wearing the same clothes they
swim in out in public. In 1948, Japan enacted a law preventing dancing after midnight. Moreover,
this ban lasted until 2015. Although you can now dance the night away, you can’t do so in the dark
as there is still a law requiring nightclubs to be well lit.

What weird law would you like to introduce and why?

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Talk about law and order

Complete the sentences

1. _____ it’s illegal, lots of people download TV shows and music for free.

2. Physical punishment has been shown to be ineffective. _____, it is inhumane.

3. Everyone had expected a guilty verdict. _____, the jury found him not guilty.

4. I still believe in trying to rehabilitate offenders _____ the popularity of putting

people in prison.

5. _____ the media reports, the protests were very peaceful.

6. Criminal lawyers get paid a lot of money. It’s not an easy job, _____.

moreover though however although despite In spite of

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Talk about law and order

Ask and answer

1. What kinds of reasons do people have for breaking the law?

2. Is the law the same everywhere in your country?

3. Are there any laws you disagree with?

4. Is the justice system in your country fair?

Why/Why not? Justify your answer.

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Talk about law and order

Complete the sentences with your own ideas

1. Although the prison system is flawed, I still have faith in ____________________.

2. Judges have too much power. They also ____________________.

3. Despite the fact that it fails some people, the legal system ____________________.

4. It’s impossible to remove bias from the legal system. Moreover, ____________________.

5. In spite of being very old, a lot of laws ____________________.

6. The law is supposed to be the same for everyone. However, ____________________.

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Talk about law and order

Your turn

● Choose a topic from the list below.

● Get into teams and prepare your arguments. One
team agrees with the statement, the other one
● Start the debate.

Streaming TV for free should

Useful expressions
not be punished by law.

There should be no more prisons. That’s true. However, …

I have to disagree with …
Moreover, …
The voting age should be lowered to 16.
In addition, ...
Despite your point about …, it …
I think … and … too.
Although …, I think …

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Talk about law and order

In this class, I was able to...


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Talk about law and order

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