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Republic Act 7836 - (Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994)

Republic Act No. 7836, also known as the Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994, is a
significant piece of legislation in the Philippines that aims to professionalize the teaching profession and
elevate the quality of education in the country. The law sets forth the standards for the licensure and
professional development of teachers, ensuring that educators meet the necessary qualifications and
undergo continuous training to enhance their skills and knowledge.

Lesson Objectives

At the end of the lesson the student can:

 Develop an understanding about RA 7836,

 Determine the importance of RA 7836 article ; and
 Appreciate RA 7836 in more meaningful way.

Lesson Outline

Republic Act 7836 of 1994, mandates the creation of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) and
the Board for Professional Teachers, which are responsible for regulating the practice of teaching and
overseeing the licensure examinations for educators. The law establishes the criteria for obtaining a
teaching license, including educational requirements, examination procedures, and ethical standards for
teachers. RA 7836 defines teachers' responsibilities, highlighting their role in shaping young minds,
creating academic success, and supporting the values of professionalism and honesty in the teaching
profession. The law emphasizes the significance of ongoing professional development for teachers in
order to keep up with the most recent innovations in education and strategies.

To provide a comprehensive understanding about Republic Act No. 7836 (Philippine Teachers
Professionalization Act of 1994), here is the brief discussion of each article:

Article I - Title

This article establishes the title of the law as the "Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994,"
defining its scope and purpose. Article I of RA 7836 serves as an introduction provision, conveying the
law's general goal of professionalizing the teaching profession in the Philippines and sustaining
educational excellence through teacher regulation and growth.

Article II - Declaration of Policy

This article outlines the policy objectives of the law, emphasizing the promotion of excellence in the
teaching profession, the professional growth of teachers, and the enhancement of the quality of
education in the Philippines. Article II of RA 7836's Declaration of Policy establishes the foundational
principles and values that guide the professionalization of teachers in the Philippines, emphasizing
excellence, professional growth, integrity, and the enhancement of education quality as key pillars of
the legislation.

Article III - Definition of Terms

This article defines key terms and concepts used in the law, providing clarity on terms such as "teacher,"
"teaching," "Board for Professional Teachers," and other relevant terms. This article defines key terms
and concepts used in the law, providing clarity on terms such as "teacher," "teaching," "Board for
Professional Teachers," and other relevant terms. By clearly defining these terms, the law ensures
consistency in interpretation and application.

Article IV - Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs

This article establishes the accreditation process for teacher education programs in institutions, ensuring
that these programs meet the standards set by the law. Article IV establishes the accreditation process
for teacher education programs in institutions, ensuring that these programs meet the standards set by
the law. This article aims to uphold the quality of teacher education and ensure that aspiring educators
receive proper training and preparation.

Article V - Examination, Registration, and License

This article details the requirements and procedures for teachers to take licensure examinations,
register with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), and obtain a teaching license. Article V
details the requirements and procedures for teachers to take licensure examinations, register with the
Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), and obtain a teaching license. This article sets the criteria for
obtaining a teaching license, ensuring that educators meet the necessary qualifications to practice in the

Article VI - The Board for Professional Teachers

This article defines the composition and functions of the Board for Professional Teachers, which is
responsible for regulating the practice of teaching and overseeing licensure examinations for educators.
Article VI defines the composition and functions of the Board for Professional Teachers, which is
responsible for regulating the practice of teaching and overseeing licensure examinations for educators.
The Board plays a crucial role in upholding professional standards and ensuring the competency of
teachers in the Philippines.

Article VII - Powers and Functions of the Board

This article delineates the powers and functions of the Board for Professional Teachers, including the
authority to promulgate rules and regulations governing the practice of teaching. Article VII delineates
the powers and functions of the Board for Professional Teachers, including the authority to promulgate
rules and regulations governing the practice of teaching. The article outlines the responsibilities of the
Board in setting standards, conducting examinations, and regulating the teaching profession.

Article VIII - Examination, Registration, and License Fees

This article specifies the fees associated with licensure examinations, registration, and obtaining a
teaching license, outlining the financial requirements for teachers. This article specifies the fees
associated with licensure examinations, registration, and obtaining a teaching license, outlining the
financial requirements for teachers. It ensures transparency and consistency in the fee structure for
teachers seeking licensure and registration.

Article IX - Revocation and Suspension of Certificates of Registration and Professional Licenses

This article details the grounds and procedures for revoking or suspending the certificates of
registration and professional licenses of teachers who violate the ethical standards set by the law.
Article IX details the grounds and procedures for revoking or suspending the certificates of registration
and professional licenses of teachers who violate the ethical standards set by the law. This article
underscores the importance of accountability and adherence to professional ethics in the teaching

Article X - Penal Provisions

This article outlines the penalties and sanctions for individuals who violate the provisions of the law,
emphasizing accountability and adherence to professional standards. Article X outlines the penalties and
sanctions for individuals who violate the provisions of the law. It specifies the consequences for non-
compliance with the regulations set forth in RA 7836, emphasizing accountability and the enforcement
of professional standards in the teaching profession.

Article XI - Appropriations

This article addresses the appropriations and funding necessary for the implementation of the law,
ensuring adequate resources for the regulation and professionalization of teachers. Article XI addresses
the appropriations and funding necessary for the implementation of the law. It ensures that adequate
resources are allocated to support the regulation and professionalization of teachers, including funding
for licensure examinations, training programs, and administrative expenses related to the enforcement
of RA 7836.

Article XII - Implementing Rules and Regulations

This article empowers the Board for Professional Teachers to promulgate the necessary rules and
regulations to effectively implement the provisions of the law. Article XII empowers the Board for
Professional Teachers to promulgate the necessary rules and regulations to effectively implement the
provisions of the law. It provides the framework for the operationalization of RA 7836, enabling the
Board to establish guidelines, procedures, and standards for the licensure and regulation of teachers in
the Philippines.

Article XIII - Separability Clause

This article ensures that if any provision of the law is declared invalid, the remaining provisions will
remain in effect, maintaining the integrity and enforceability of the law.Article XIII of RA 7836's
Separability Clause protects the law's integrity and implementation by ensuring that if any portion of it is
invalidated, the remaining provisions may still be applied and implemented to regulate and
professionalize the teaching profession in the Philippines.

These articles collectively form the legal framework of Republic Act No. 7836, governing the
professionalization, regulation, and development of teachers in the Philippines to uphold standards of
excellence in the teaching profession and enhance the quality of education in the country.

Lesson Summary

The Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act of 1994 aims to ensure and promote quality education
by professionalizing teachers through the establishment of a Board for Professional Teachers and the
regulation of licensure examinations. The law's implementation, including appropriation allocation, the
formation of implementing rules, and the inclusion of a division provision, was under discussion in order
to assure the legislation's effective enforcement and continuity. Using the collective article form of the
legal framework of Republic Act No. 7836, governing the professionalization, regulation, and
development of teachers in the Philippines to uphold standards of excellence in the teaching profession
and enhance the quality of education in the country. The lesson emphasized the significance of
professionalism, continual learning, and respect to ethical values in the teaching profession in order to
improve educational quality and contribute to students' and the education sector's overall


General Direction:

 Read and understand the questions carefully.

 The assessment is taken only for 20 minutes.
Multiple Choice : Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. What is the title of Republic Act No. 7836?

A) Philippine Teachers' Rights Act

B) Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act

C) Teachers' Code of Conduct Act

D) Education Quality Enhancement Law

2. Which article of RA 7836 outlines the policy objectives of the law?

A) Article I

B) Article II

C) Article III

D) Article IV

3. What does the Separability Clause in Article XIII of RA 7836 ensure?

A) Continuity of the law if a provision is declared invalid

B) Repeal of the entire law if any part is invalidated

C) Exemption from compliance with certain provisions

D) Extension of the law's implementation period

4. What is the role of the Board for Professional Teachers in RA 7836?

A) Conducting licensure examinations

B) Accrediting teacher education programs

C) Regulating the teaching profession

D) Setting examination fees

5. Which article of RA 7836 addresses the penalties and sanctions for individuals who violate the law?

A) Article X

B) Article XI

C) Article XII
D) Article XIII

6. What does Article XI of RA 7836 address?

A) Accreditation of teacher education programs

B) Implementing rules and regulations

C) Appropriations and funding

D) Revocation and suspension of certificates

7. What does the Declaration of Policy in RA 7836 emphasize?

A) Promotion of excellence in the teaching profession

B) Enforcement of strict disciplinary measures

C) Reduction of teacher licensure requirements

D) Limitation of professional development opportunities

8. What is the purpose of the Accreditation of Teacher Education Programs in RA 7836?

A) Set standards for teacher licensure

B) Ensure quality teacher training

C) Regulate teacher conduct

D) Establish examination procedures

9. Which article of RA 7836 empowers the Board for Professional Teachers to promulgate rules and

A) Article IX

B) Article X

C) Article XI

D) Article XII

10. What does the Separability Clause in Article XIII of RA 7836 safeguard?

A) The integrity and continuity of the law

B) The validity of individual provisions

C) The authority of the Board for Professional Teachers

D) The implementation of teacher training programs

Answer key:

1. B) Philippine Teachers Professionalization Act

2. B) Article II

3. A) Continuity of the law if a provision is declared invalid

4. C) Regulating the teaching profession

5. A) Article X

6. C) Appropriations and funding

7. A) Promotion of excellence in the teaching profession

8. B) Ensure quality teacher training

9. D) Article XII

10. A) The integrity and continuity of the law


RA 7836. (n.d.). Ra 7836.


TEACHERS AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES - Supreme Court E-Library. (n.d.).
Amanonce, J. T., & Maramag, A. M. (2020). Licensure examination performance and academic
achievement of teacher education graduates. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in
Education, 9(3), 510.

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Choose a plan | Scribd. (n.d.). Scribd.

what is the article prohibited in ra 7836 - Google Search. (n.d.).


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