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Name: One of the most important and sometimes hardest features of a Fear-Eater to create is
their name. A name often defines and summarizes the character entirely in a word or a couple of
words. A name needs to strike fear, and reflect the vile nature of the Fear-Eater's horror.

Elder True Name: The Elder True Name refers to a Fear-Eater's interdimensional name. It is
completely foreign to this dimension and very nearly unpronounceable to the human tongue.
Unbeknownst to the inhabitants of this dimension, the knowledge of a Fear-Eater's Elder True
Name grants power over them. As such, Fear-Eaters take great care to keep their Elder True
Names secret and will never voluntarily reveal their name, unless they are in extreme distress.

Essence Type: Essence Type refers to the preferred energy/resource that Fear-Eaters drain and
feed upon from their Prey. They gain access to this Essence through the manipulation of their
Prey’s fears. Sometimes, a Fear-Eater will take their Prey into their Lair to feed and slowly siphon
off Essence from them by perpetually scaring them. The consumption and digestion of Essence
allow Fear-Eaters to grow, mutate, and gain enough power to attain their End Goal.

End Goal: Each Fear-Eater has a motive, and that motive is to attain their End Goal. These End
Goals can vary greatly from one another. It is the reason a Fear-Eater exists and the reason it
drains Essence from its Prey. Once the Fear-Eater absorbs enough Essence, they can achieve their
End Goal, whatever that may be.

Physical Appearance: Although Fear-Eaters can shapeshift their form at a whim, they often
CREATING A FEAR-EATER adopt and take on a preferred, unique appearance to terrorize their human Prey. Much like a
Fear-Eater's name, their preferred appearance should insight fear and reflect their vile nature.
LORE This preferred appearance is not the Fear-Eater's true form, the one they take on in their
WHAT IS LORE? dimension; the human mind cannot fathom or comprehend that form, let alone perceive it.
Lore refers to the already established traits and background information of a Portrait: Each player is encouraged to provide a portrait for their Fear-eater. This is a visual
player’s Fear-Eater; it represents their Fear-Eater’s story thus far. Although it has no representation of their Fear-eater, either displaying their Physical Appearance, their preferred
mechanical bearing on the game, it does provide depth and interest to the Fear-Eater Essence, or their type. The portrait can be an actual image of any of these things or can be a
and the game’s narrative. Every trait in a Fear-Eater’s Lore is decided upon by the symbol representing them.
player; players can decide on these traits in any order that they wish.
Object of Power: Each Fear-Eater possesses and is attached to an Object of Power or Cursed
Once these traits are decided upon the player fills them in the appropriate areas of Object. An Object of Power is an item that connects the Fear-Eater's dimension with this reality.
their Fear-Eater’s character sheet. This item sprouts and spreads its roots into what eventually becomes the Fear-Eater's Lair. It is
where the Fear-Eater's power resides and if it is destroyed, so is the Fear-Eater. The only way to
A Fear-Eater’s Lore includes the following traits and information – destroy an Object of Power is to drain the power out of it. This power is essentially the Fear-
Eater's total Essence in their Essence Pool.
` Name. ` Physical Appearance.
` Elder True Name. ` Portrait. Lair: The Fear-Eater's Lair is a dark, secreted, often abandoned location, within the town or city
` Essence Type. ` Object of Power/Cursed Object. where they are stalking and hunting. It is where they keep their Object of Power; A Fear-Eater
` End Goal. ` Lair. uses their Lair to rest, digest Essence, mutate, and plan for their next victim's demise.
We recommend that players create their Fear-Eater’s Lore on their own; however, if
players have difficulty creating their Fear-Eater’s Lore, there are Random Generation
Tables in Appendix A: Lore to assist them.

There is no Random Generation Table for a Fear-Eater’s name. It is recommended that

players come up with their own name, or emulate what is present in the horror genre.


Once players establish their Fear-Eater’s Lore, based on these eight traits, they will
need to share and discuss their choices with the Provider to flesh out their Fear-Eater
further and discover if there are any potential issues or loop-holes within their Lore.

Some questions players should keep in mind are –

` How is the Fear-Eater’s Object of Power displayed?
` How did the Fear-Eater come to exist in the community?
` How long has the Fear-Eater been in the community?
` How has the Fear-Eater avoided detection all this time?
The Provider needs to know this information before the campaign begins to prepare
and determine where to locate each Fear-Eater’s Lair within the community.

Once a player has decided upon their Fear-Eater’s Lore, the last step in creating
the Fear-eater is to record its initial values. There is no need to roll for statistics or
distribute any values. All Fear-Eaters start with the same initial values, which fluctuate
during gameplay.

These initial values are as follows –

` Mind vs. Matter (MvM) Attribute of zero.
` Physical vs. Ethereal (PvE) Attribute of zero.
` Doom Clock set to zero.
` 15 Essence in Essence Pool.
These values are sometimes abbreviated as a stat-line similar to this:
MvM: 0 PvE: 0 DC: - Essence: 20
Fill these values in the appropriate areas of your Fear-Eater’s character sheet.
To determine your Fear-Eater’s preferred Essence Type and End Goal, roll a D12 and
RANDOM GENERATION TABLES refer to the appropriate table below.
If you have a clear idea of your Fear-Eater’s details and do not need help creating your ESSENCE TYPE END GOAL
Fear-Eater, you can skip this section. If you do need help creating your Fear-Eater, you
may refer to the following random generation tables for assistance.
1 Emotions – Fear, Misery etc. 1 Hibernation
2 Innocence 2 Ascension/Godhood
There is no random generation table for a Fear-Eater’s name. It is recommended that
players come up with their own name, or emulate what is already present in the horror 3 Youth 3 Domination/Human Subjugation
genre. 4 Blood/Fluid 4 Attain True Form in this Dimension

ELDER TRUE NAME 5 Intelligence 5 Open Dimensional Portal

To create an Elder True Name for your Fear-Eater, you can choose or roll syllables 6 Soul/Spirit/Magic 6 Procreation/Feed Offspring
from the following table. Roll two D12, in succession, the first die roll refers to the 7 Flesh/Meat/Viscera/Organs 7 Satiation
column (horizontal number), the second die roll refers to the row (vertical number). Do this 8 Vitality 8 Devour Town/Location
as many times as you wish to create the name. You may rearrange the order of the
9 Memories 9 Infiltration
syllables rolled, and eliminate ones you dislike.
10 Creativity/Positivity 10 Annihilation
D12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
11 Bones/Bone Marrow 11 Freedom
1 Ka Tha Nur Gur Yug Ash Niz Val Dag Ion Has Dhu
12 Dreams 12 Unknown
2 Cth Sog Rox Mhu Shub Ub Zoth Nod Ja Yeb Ez Min
3 Kaw Oth Sha Yth Mog Bo Kth Hyp Yad Nyct Eth Cyn
4 Tuul Th Irc Ha Rak Za Or Har Goth Ho Om Glys
5 Kor Gol Nid Gor Ath Gha Ozt Kyha Noh Gro Veg Cya
6 Nok Tho Xir Mril Nug Li Lig Vor Hor Mor Thoa Bock
7 Tor Aza Ixr Ril Na Noth Ast Yoth Dyth Og Dar Hun
8 Zar Yog Hub Xuul Suk Ze Lun Kuul Han Xan Lor Gnu
9 Da So Rah Nya Tru Yho Ta Thar Ios Tal Alla Bya
10 Gon Tep Lu Shab Cha Deh Nul Vad Nos Yag Lah Hort
11 Nac La Thu Rath Ulz Nag Va Dos Yom Lhu Grah Lor
12 Sho Nor Yod Bra Hly Yib Ryx Qa Mag Tur Dy Ctog

Elder True Name Examples:

Mog-Nok-Goth (5,3/1,6/9,4). Shub’Yog (5,2/2,8).
Ka’Yog-Rah-Tep (1,1/2,8/3,9/2,10). Jakabock (9,2/1,1/3,9/2,10).
Gor’Rah-Yoth-Tep (4,5/3,9/8,7/2,10). Mog-Lah-Dag (3,5/11,10/3,9/9,1).
Og’Yoth-Ka’Va (10,7/8,7/1,1/7,11). Yug-Yoth-Tho’Gol (5,1/8,7/2,6/9,1).
To create your Fear-Eater’s appearance, you can choose or roll features from the
following table. Roll two D12, in succession, the first die roll refers to the column
(horizontal number), the second die roll refers to the row (vertical number). Do this as many
times as you wish until you are pleased with your Fear-Eater’s appearance. You may
eliminate any features that you dislike or interfere with one another.
D12 1 2 3 D12 7 8 9
1 Razor/Sharp Teeth Multiple Tongues Featureless Face 1 Long/Thin/Boney Limbs Emaciated Body Spiral-Ridden Body
2 Chattering Teeth Lash/Tendril Tongue Elongated Head/Face 2 No Limbs/Arms/Legs Tall/Lanky/Skinny Body Furry/Hairy Body
3 Fangs/Long Fangs Spike Tipped/Spiked Tongue Upside-down Head/Face 3 Multiple Limbs Elongated Body Pincered Torso
4 Toothless Stinger Tipped Tongue Animal Head/Face 4 Vestigial Limbs Short Body Plantlike Appendages
5 Jagged Teeth Suction Tipped Tongue Large Forehead 5 Insect Limbs Fat/Heavy Body Luminous Orifices
6 Rows of Teeth Pincer Tipped Tongue Skeletal Head/Face 6 Asymmetrical Limbs Serpent Body Exposed Organs
7 Mandibles/Pincers/Proboscis Tentacle Tongue Large Bulbous Head 7 Segmented Limbs Giant Body Childlike
8 Exposed Teeth Forked Tongue Hollow Head/Face 8 Spiked Limbs/Body Skeletal Body Long Thinning Hair
9 Overbite/Underbite Long Tongue Multiple Heads/Faces 9 Spikes for Hands Contorted Body Mechanical Features
10 Long Teeth No Tongue Skinless Head/Face 10 Hooks for Hands Segmented/Centipede Body Plantlike/Fungal Features
11 Small Thin/Needle Teeth Fluorescent Lure Half Head 11 Hands for Feet Crawling/Slithering Body Asymmetrical Features
12 Tusks/Horns Trunk Bisected/Split Head 12 Wings Amorphous Body Animalistic Features

D12 4 5 6 D12 10 11 12
1 Mouthless/Jawless Empty Eye Sockets/Eyeless Bipedal (2 Legs) 1 No Nose No Ears Skinless Flesh
2 Leech Mouth Sunken Eyes Quadrupedal (4 Legs) 2 Skeletal Nose Small Ears Slimy/Moist Flesh
3 Multiple Mouths Large/Bulging/Globular Eyes Multiple Legs 3 Nostril Slits Ear Slits Boney Flesh
4 Inner Jaw/Mouth Beady/Small Eyes Trailing Torso 4 Long Nose Pointy Ears Scabby/Textured Flesh
5 Chest Cavity Mouth/Maw Eye-Ridden Body Floating Head/Spine/Body 5 Beak Bat Ears Bloody Visceral Flesh
6 Vertical Mouth Multiple Eyes Headless/Bodiless 6 Snout Tail/Multiple Tails Rotting/Decaying Flesh
7 Mouth Slit/Hole Cycloptic/Single Eye Skeletal Limbs 7 Neck-Mouth/Throat-Mouth Spike Tipped Tail Ghostly Visage
8 Mouth Encircling Head Luminous Eyes Tentacles 8 Segmented Neck Stinger Tipped Tail Bumpy/Holey Flesh
9 Fleshless Jaw/Exposed Gums Insect Eyes Trailing Veins/Tendrils 9 Long/Thin Neck Suction Tipped Tail Glitching Flesh
10 Expandable Jaw Eye Slits/Holes Long/Boney Fingers 10 Endless Neck Pincer Tipped Tail Luminous Flesh
11 Unfurling/Spiral Jaw Antenna Stalks Long Talons 11 Short/Wide Neck Peeling Skin Semi/Transparent Flesh
12 Sinister Grin Vertical Eyes Sharp Claws 12 Membrane Frilled Neck Writhing Wormy Flesh Pulsating/Throbbing Flesh
To create an Object of Power for your Fear-Eater, you can choose or roll from the
following table. Roll two D12, in succession, the first die roll refers to the column
(horizontal number), the second die roll refers to the row (vertical number). Do this as many
times as you wish until you are pleased with your Fear-Eater’s Object of Power.

D12 1 2 3 D12 7 8 9
1 Strange Disc Bone/Bone Fragment Monkey Paw 1 Lantern Toy Playhouse/Doll House Wand
2 Coin/Button Skeletal/Mummified Remains Collection of Teeth 2 Bell Unreleased Toy Prototype Small Pyramid
3 Cube/Block Skull Egg(s) 3 Urn Soft Toy Radio Tower/Aerial Tower
4 Orb/Sphere/Globe/Ball Corpse Nest 4 Canister/Jar/Bottle/Vessel Ventriloquist Dummy House/Building
5 Impossible-Sided Polyhedron Preserved Organ Cocoon/Pod 5 Cauldron Doll/Poppet Automobile/Car
6 Archway/Gateway Living Organ Seed/Bulb 6 Embalming Tool/Table Hand Puppet Statuette
7 Door/Stairs to Nowhere Beating Heart Plant 7 Cursed Cradle Animatronic Puppet Statue/Gargoyle
8 Altar/Pulpit Fleshy Mass Root 8 Ancient Weapon/Sword Voodoo Doll Monolith
9 Puzzle Box Eyeball(s) Ancient Tree 9 Athame/Ceremonial Blade Flesh Doll Monument
10 Jack-in-the-Box Severed/Shrunken Head Giant Mushroom 10 Sceptre Fetish Doll Icon
11 Music Box Severed Hand/Foot Blob/Ooze 11 Old Revolver Wooden Stick Figure Eternal Flame/Candle
12 Box/Ceremonial Box Severed Thumb/Toe Scrimshaw 12 Antique Silver Syringe Carved Figurine Shroud

D12 4 5 6 D12 10 11 12
1 Chest/Crate Disposable Camera Stone/Rock/Stone 1 Strange Key Coffin Strange Mechanical Device
2 Wardrobe/Cabinet Television Seeing Stone 2 Collection of Old Keys Toilet Old Radio
3 Grandfather Clock/Clock Cursed VHS Tape Fossil 3 Old Undelivered Letter Reliquary Old Cassette Tape Player
4 Mirror Video- Game Cartridge Conch Shell/Shell 4 Mask Phylactery Cursed Cassette Tape
5 Chair/Rocking Chair Old Computer Crystal/Gem/Diamond 5 Cane/Canes Dress/Gown Fortune Telling Machine
6 Lockbox/Safe Old Computer Server Meteor 6 Hook Suit Circus Caravan/Trailer
7 Crystal Ball Floppy Disk Space Debris 7 Claw Basket Arcade/Pinball Machine
8 Old Watch/Pocket Watch Old Telephone Coffin/Tomb 8 Magic Circle/Pentagram Brooch Merry-Go-Round Animal

9 Glasses/Monocle/3D Glasses Video Camera Tombstone/Gravestone 9 Effigy Ring Foghorn

10 Old Wheelchair Cursed Film Reel Ancient Tablet 10 Totem Cursed Locket Cursed Scarecrow
11 Painting/Drawing/Sketch Old Record Player Scroll 11 Sigil/Symbol/Glyph/Rune Cursed Cross Antique Writing Utensil
12 Old Camera/Photo(s) Cursed Record Disc Book/Tome 12 Extraterrestrial Object Amulet/Pendant Ornate Pipe
To create a Lair for your Fear-Eater, you can choose or roll from the following table.
Roll two D12, in succession, the first die roll refers to the column (horizontal number), the
second die roll refers to the row (vertical number). Do this as many times as you wish until
you are pleased with your Fear-Eater’s Lair.

D12 1 2 3 D12 7 8 9
1 Church Basement Island Retreat Shipwreck 1 Music Festival Grounds Orphanage House
2 Church Steeple/Bell Tower Lake/Pond/Swimming Hole Historic Naval Ship 2 Water Tower Elementary School Basement Old Mansion/Manor
3 Synagogue Basement River/Creek/Brook Houseboat 3 Fire Watchtower University Basement Cursed Apartment
4 Graveyard Mausoleum Bridge/Under Bridge/Culvert Riverboat 4 Radio Station Sorority House Infinitely Expanding Room
5 Crypt/Catacombs Beach Old Well 5 Trailer Park Fraternity House Sawmill
6 Cemetery/Pet Cemetery Coastline/Seashore Sewer System/Sewer Cistern 6 Cabin/Shack in the Woods College Dormitory Highway
7 Sacred Burial Ground Harbor/Pier Sewage Drain 7 Old Shed/Hut Library/Basement Long Stretch of Lonely Road
8 Morgue Cove Forest/Wood/Glade 8 Farm/Barn Museum/Basement Cursed Road Intersection
9 Funeral Home Swamp/Bog Masonic Lodge/Temple 9 Pig Farm Town Hall Old Railway Station
10 Crematorium Lighthouse Public/Swimming Pool 10 Silo Concert Hall Old Subway Station
11 Old Folks/Retirement Home Dock/Dock Yard Summer Camp/Retreat 11 Field/Crop Field Stadium/Sports Center Dark Alleyway
12 Dam Small Boat/Yacht Park 12 Construction Site Art Gallery/Basement Ghost Town/Small Village

D12 4 5 6 D12 10 11 12
1 Playground Warehouse Shopping Mall 1 Restaurant/Diner Military Base/Facility Old Bunker/Fallout Shelter
2 Abandoned Carnival/Circus Office Building Chinatown Shop 2 Bar/Pub/Tavern Windmill Backroom
3 Amusement/Theme Park Factory Occult/Esoteric/Magic Shop 3 Cottage Cave/Cavern Outhouse
4 House of Mirrors Powerplant Book Store 4 Dark Tunnel Wooded Trail Underneath Bed
5 Arcade Hotel/Motel/Inn Antique Shop 5 Deep Hole Trailer & Boat Graveyard Closet
6 Zoo Police Station Convenience/Corner Store 6 Mine/Mine Shaft Junk/Scrap Yard Attic
7 Family Entertainment Center Prison/Jail Butcher Shop 7 Quarry Self-storage Facility/Unit Basement
8 Video Rental Shop Old Fort Grocery Store 8 Ravine Foundry Cellar
9 Theater/Cinema Hospital Flea Market 9 Behind Waterfall Distillery Underground Parking Lot
10 Amphitheater Asylum/Psychiatric Hospital Gas Station 10 Stone Circle/Standing Stones Drive-In Empty Parking Lot
11 Conservatory Sanatorium Toy Store 11 Shrine/Temple Barbershop Mirror/Reflection World
12 Observatory Laboratory Comic Shop 12 Strange Ruins Washroom/Washroom Stall Hellmouth

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