FRM 1-F43 Healthy Beginnings Progress Record 2

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Child’s Name: ArrianDate

Huntof Birth: 14th April 2023

This Lifelong Learning Curriculum Progress Record has been developed using your child’s developmental records and provides an overview of the learning and development
that your child’s educator has observed. These progress records are compiled several times a year to help us trace your child’s learning journey and to document our
developmental and learning broad goals for your child for the coming months. We would encourage you to book a time with your child’s educator to have a fuller
discussion about your child’s progress, any concerns you may have or any goals you would like to specifically share with us.*

Emerging Child is beginning to show some interest or child engages with close support by educators/adults required.

Exploring Child engages with occasional need for educator/adult guidance; competence is growing.

Extending Child engages confidently and applies learning to other situations

Learning Tracker # Date of Completion: <Insert Date>

Emotional Confidence Emerging Exploring Extending Social Connectivity Emerging Exploring Extending

Can separate from family smoothly ☐ √ ☐ Observes other babies and children ☐ ☐ √

Recognises familiar people ☐ ☐ √ Makes eye contact ☐ ☐ √

Builds attachments with educator ☐ ☐ √ Recognises self as separate to others ☐ ☐ √

Smiles at faces ☐ ☐ √ Imitates sounds and actions ☐ ☐ √

Shows attachment to certain objects ☐ ☐ √ May cry when others cry ☐ ☐ √

Displays contentment with familiar people
☐ ☐ √ Responds to name ☐ ☐ √
after distress
Expresses emotions through crying, laughing, Babbles and gurgles independently and when
☐ ☐ √ ☐ ☐ √
squeals and body movements interacting with others
General comments General comments

We have identified very competent development of emotional We have identified age-appropriate development of social
confidence and a sense of belonging in our room, as your baby connections and communication with others as your baby explores
interacts with their educators and other children. the social world.
Foundational Learning Emerging Exploring Extending Physical Health & Wellbeing Emerging Exploring Extending

Enjoys sensory experiences ☐ ☐ √ Becomes more mobile and active ☐ ☐ √

Inspects objects closely visually and orally ☐ ☐ √ Moves whole body with large movements ☐ ☐ √

Experiments with sound making objects ☐ ☐ √ Begins to feed self ☐ √ ☐

Repeats simple actions e.g. clapping, smiling ☐ ☐ √ Explores hand and feet ☐ ☐ √

Eyes smoothly follow moving object ☐ ☐ √ Holds objects with a tight fist grip ☐ ☐ √

Explores cause and effect ☐ ☐ √ Holds upper body off floor when on stomach ☐ ☐ √

Enjoys games such as peek-a-boo ☐ ☐ √ Can sit independently (5m+) ☐ ☐ √

First words may be formed √ ☐ ☐ Crawls and may pull to stand (6m+) ☐ ☐ √
Searches for partially hidden or dropped Has established routine for feeding, sleeping
☐ √ ☐ ☐ ☐ √
objects and playing
General comments General comments

We have identified very competent development of your baby’s

We have identified very competent development of foundational
physical development including movement patterns and routines, co-
learning concepts and active manipulation of resources in our
ordination, and muscle control. Your baby is aware of their physical
environment needed to support and extend learning.
abilities and enjoys testing and stretching their abilities.

Overall comments on learning and development:

*Please note: The information and comments in this progress record are prepared in reference to educational observations and a ‘point in time’ professional opinion. They
do not represent the results of any form of definitive testing.
Your child is showing very strong age appropriate development at this stage, which is very pleasing. We will be developing ongoing learning
and development plans for your child to help support and extend this development.

Some of your child’s current interests that we have noticed are frequent ball play, standing himself up independently and exploring recycled and processed materials.

Does your child meet both age and developmental criteria to transition to the next room?
Yes- We have identified that your child is now ready to begin transitioning into the next room. We will be providing you with more
information on the planning for this move with you in the coming week.

Our goals for the next 6 months include:

We would love to see Arrian confident in his emotional regulation especially with drop offs in the morning. We would also love to continue supporting and nurturing
Arrian’s confidence in his learning.

Completed By Samantha McGuinness Approved By

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