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Past Simple – affirmatives – practice

Ex. 1
Complete the sentences using Past Simple Tense.
1. I ……………………………………. (go) to the cinema yesterday.
2. Sarah …………………………….. (meet) John in 1997.
3. We ……………………………….. (swim) all day.
4. Tom ………………………… (walk) a lot last weekend.
5. I …………………………. (have) some problems with my computer two days ago.
6. She ……………….………. (not write) five books.
7. They ………………..…….. (travel) across the country.
8. Jim ………………….……… (pass) his exams last month.
9. We …………….………….. (not understand) their situation.
10. They …………………………… (be) tired last night.
11. The concert …………………………… (be) great!
12. I ………………………….. (like) all of the songs.
13. Tim ………………………….. (can) ride a bike when he was three.
14. Sheila ……………………………… (learn) fifty new words yesterday!
15. Last holidays they …………………………. (fly) to Japan!
16. It …………………………… (snow) heavily in 1971.
17. Alexander Graham Bell …………………………………. (invent) the telephone.
18. The Smiths ……………………………. (move) to Paris last year.
19. I ……………………….. (watch) cartoons many years ago.
20. Ann’s parents ………………………… (buy) their house in the 1960s.
21. We …………………………… (meet) a lot of people at the party.
22. Tim …………………………… finally (clean) his room last Saturday.
23. They ……………………………… (not open) the parcel yesterday evening.
24. Mrs Green ……………….…………… (choose) to work from home during the winter break.
25. They ……………………..……… (know) the guy from school.
26. I ……………………………… (sleep) only two hours last night.
27. Emma ………………………………. (sing) a very beautiful song!
28. Kate ……………………………. (try) jogging but she ……………………………. (give) up quickly.
29. Unbelievable! He …………………………… (drink) five litres of water!
30. They ……………………………………. (see) a funny film yesterday.
31. We( not be)……………………………… Canada last summer.
32. He (not be)………………………………at home last night.
33. Peter (invite)…………………… to his party .
34. Our friends (find)…………………a little cat in the park yesterday.
35. I (not catch)…………………a cold last winter.

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