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Sara’s mother was her ultimate hero. Not only was she the best mom in the world, but she was also a
renowned scientist striving to find a cure for the devastating coronavirus. Despite her mother's brilliance,
however, the elusive nature of the virus continued to evade her expertise.

One evening, as Sara sat at the kitchen table watching her mom pore over her research papers, she
couldn't help but feel a pang of curiosity about the virus that had brought the world to a standstill.

"What does COVID-19 look like?" Sara asked, her gaze fixed on her mother's tired face.

"Covid-19, or the coronavirus, is so tiny that we can't see it with the naked eye," her mother explained,
her tone grave. "But it spreads through respiratory droplets when infected people cough, sneeze, or
even talk. It can cause a range of symptoms, from mild flu-like symptoms to severe respiratory distress."

"So, if we can't see it, how can we fight it?" Sara pondered, furrowing her brow in confusion.

"We can fight it," her mother replied, her voice filled with determination. "That's why it's so important
for everyone, including you, to take precautions and stay safe. You have the power to be my hero."

That night, as Sara lay in bed, the weight of her mother's words hung heavily on her mind. She tossed
and turned, unable to shake the feeling of helplessness that gnawed at her insides. Closing her eyes, she
whispered softly to herself, "Heroes have superpowers... but what do I have?"

Suddenly, a soft voice echoed in the darkness, breaking the silence of the night. Startled, Sara sat up in
bed, her heart pounding with fear and anticipation.

"Who's there?" she whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty.

"What do you need to be a hero, Sara?" the voice gently inquired, its tone soothing and reassuring.

"I need a way to tell all the children in the world how to protect themselves from the virus," Sara replied
earnestly, her mind racing with ideas.

"And what do you need me to be?" the voice persisted, its presence comforting and reassuring.

"I need something that can fly... something with a big voice... and something that can help!" Sara
exclaimed, her excitement building with each passing moment.

With a whoosh, something extraordinary emerged into the moonlit room – Ario, a magical being who
had been with Sara all along, residing within her heart.


"What are you?" gasped Sara, her eyes widening with wonder as she gazed upon the magnificent
creature before her.

"I'm Ario," the being replied calmly, its voice resonating with warmth and kindness. "I've been here all
along. I come from your heart."

Filled with a newfound sense of purpose and determination, Sara realized that with Ario by her side, she
could be the hero she had always dreamed of becoming. Together, they embarked on a journey to
spread awareness about protecting against the virus, traveling far and wide to reach children in every
corner of the world.

Their adventures took them to distant lands, where they encountered children like Salem, Sasha, and
Leila, each facing their own struggles amidst the pandemic. Through heartfelt conversations and shared
experiences, they learned from each other and found strength in unity.

Ario taught them the power of imagination, guiding them to create safe spaces in their minds where
they could find solace and strength during difficult times. They also learned the importance of caring for
others and supporting one another through challenging times.

As dawn broke on the horizon, Sara realized that being a hero wasn't about having superpowers, but
about making a difference in the lives of others. She understood that she could be a hero by spreading
awareness, showing compassion, and caring for those around her.

When it was time to return home, Sara felt a sense of gratitude and purpose. Ario reassured her that he
would always be with her, even when they were apart. Sara woke up with a newfound sense of
confidence and determination, eager to share her experiences and inspire others to become heroes in
their own right.

She shared her journey with her family, declaring that everyone has the power to make a difference, no
matter how small. And as she looked up at the sky, she whispered a silent thank you to Ario, her loyal
companion and guide, knowing that together they would continue to make a difference in the world.



1. Who is Sara's ultimate hero and why?

2. What is Sara's mother's profession, and what challenge is she facing in her work?
3. What is Covid-19, and how does Sara's mother explain its characteristics to her?
4. Why does Sara feel a sense of helplessness, and what does she ponder before falling asleep?
5. Who or what suddenly appears to Sara in the darkness, and what does it ask her?
6. What does Sara express as her need to be a hero, and how does the mysterious voice respond?
7. Who is Ario, and where does he come from?
8. Describe Sara and Ario's journey together. What is their mission?
9. What lessons do Sara and her companions learn during their adventures?
10. How does Sara's perspective on being a hero change throughout the story?


1. Sara's ultimate hero is her mother because she is not only the best mom but also a renowned
scientist working tirelessly to find a cure for the coronavirus.

2. Sara's mother is a scientist. She is facing the challenge of trying to find a cure for the
coronavirus, which is proving elusive despite her expertise.

3. Covid-19, or the coronavirus, is a tiny virus that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Sara's
mother explains that it spreads through respiratory droplets when infected people cough,
sneeze, or talk, and it can cause a range of symptoms, from mild flu-like symptoms to severe
respiratory distress.

4. Sara feels a sense of helplessness because she cannot see the virus, making her wonder how it
can be fought. Before falling asleep, she ponders what she has that could make her a hero.

5. A gentle voice suddenly appears to Sara in the darkness. It asks her what she needs to be a hero.

6. Sara expresses her need to be a hero by stating that she wants to tell all the children in the world
how to protect themselves from the virus. The mysterious voice responds by asking what it
needs to be to help her achieve that goal.

7. Ario is a magical being who emerges into Sara's room from the moonlight. He reveals that he
comes from Sara's heart.

8. Sara and Ario embark on a journey to spread awareness about protecting against the virus. They
travel far and wide, encountering children like Salem, Sasha, and Leila, and learning valuable
lessons along the way.

9. Sara and her companions learn the power of imagination, the importance of caring for others,
and the strength that comes from unity and support during challenging times.

10. Throughout the story, Sara's perspective on being a hero changes from feeling helpless and
uncertain to realizing that being a hero is about making a difference in the lives of others, no
matter how small the action may seem. She learns that she can be a hero by spreading
awareness, showing compassion, and caring for those around her.

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