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The University of Goroka

Division of Physical Sciences

PHY 321: Electromagnetic Fields, Waves and Optics

Take Home Test #: Two (2)

Question 1

For an applied electric field 𝐄 = 0.1 cos 2𝜋 × 109 𝑡 𝐚𝑥 V/m, find the polarization current crossing an area
of 1 cm2 normal to the field for the following materials:
(a) polystyrene,
(b) mica,
(c) distilled water

Question 2

(a) Define Skin Depth and Skin Effect.

(b) State Ohms’ law applicable at a point. How is it taken into account in Maxwell’s equations?
(c) What is a magnetic dipole? How is its strength defined?

Question 3

The dimensions of a rectangular cavity resonator with air dielectric are 𝑎 = 4 𝑐𝑚, 𝑏 = 2 𝑐𝑚 and 𝑑 =
4 𝑐𝑚. It is desired to determine the three lowest frequencies of oscillation and specify the mode(s) of
oscillation, transverse with respect to the z-direction, for each frequency.

Question 4

For the symmetric dielectric slab waveguide of figure shown below, let 𝜖1 = 2.56𝜖0 , 𝜖2 = 𝜖0 , and 𝑑 =
10𝜆0. Find the number of TE modes that can propagate by guidance in the slab.


Question 5:

The propagation vector of a uniform plane wave in a perfect dielectric medium having 𝜖 = 4.5𝜖0 and 𝜇 =
𝜇0 is given by
𝛃 = 2𝜋(3𝐚𝒙 + 4𝐚𝒚 + 5𝐚𝑧 )
(a) the apparent wavelengths
(b) the apparent phase velocities, along the coordinate axes.

Note: Due Date: 21/05/2024

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