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In recent years, customer expectations have hit an all-time high. This trend is notable across all

To The industries but has dramatically impacted the B2B SaaS economy, where customers prioritize a fast
return on investment above all else. These growing expectations have led to a radical shift in how

companies consume software and in turn the way that vendors try to standardize value delivery to
their customers.

Customers demanding a quicker return on investment is a challenge for SaaS companies; if you can’t
prove your product's or service's value fast enough, your customer will happily move on with a

competitor that can. It’s a competitive market, making it necessary to innovate to provide higher
levels of value to customers as quickly as possible, increasing the importance of implementations,
adoption, and the overall post-sales organization, comprising services and customer success. As it is
often not the product itself that outcomes-focused customers consider important but the value the
product can offer, B2B SaaS companies must take additional steps to support their customers in
achieving these objectives faster.

This increased interest in time-to-value (TTV), or how long it takes for customers to realize the value
they gain from a product, is critical to understanding the shift in the B2B SaaS landscape. Faster TTV
leads to customer retention, expansion, and pro table growth with the associated bene ts for your
company. On the other end of the spectrum, lengthy deployments mean slow TTV, which leads to
churn - with Gartner forecasting $3.5B in churn due to failed implementations.

• 3/28 The new reality of the modern SaaS economy is stark: make customers successful or they walk.
What is the role of
Professional Services in SaaS?
Professional Services (PS) in SaaS can While not every SaaS company will “The point of a SaaS business is to maximize
be seen as a dirty word. We’re here to have a PS team, those that do find enterprise value and that value is a function of ARR.
dispel any ugly rumors that are still they are key to the smooth and quick If you could maximize ARR without a professional
hanging around once and for all: deployment of products. They guide services team then you wouldn’t have one at all.”
customers through a potentially
Professional Services are a critical complex process, offering tailored Dave Kellogg - Executive in Residence,
component for certain types of SaaS solutions and support that maximize Balderton Capital
business — when done well. value throughout the customer Former CEO Host Analytics
Professional Services in software was
traditionally seen as a source of The shift in mindset of professional
revenue with a (hopefully) decent services teams at B2B SaaS
margin. The modern services companies is from "we implement
organization is focused on value software and collect revenue" to "we
enablement across the customer accelerate time-to-value to maximize
lifecycle, from delivering initial ARR".
outcomes through to ongoing value
moments at later stages of the
customer journey.
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What are Service Packages
in SaaS?
A Service Package brings together a their lifecycle, helping secure repeat “Companies traditionally struggle to industrialize
range of services to help your business. In order to provide this high their expertise but those that can will accelerate
customer generate ongoing value level of value, service packages success for customers.”
from your product. There is a mix of typically align with key moments in the
services that can be packaged, but customer journey. For example, you Brad Jacobs,
some of the most common include may bundle professional services with VP WW Professional Services
professional services, training, customer success and training to align MongoDB
enablement, customer success, and with the implementation stage of the
technical support. What you include in journey, or customer success,
your service packages should be customer support, and engineering to
driven by customer feedback, market see customers through the adoption
research, and your internal analysis. stage and into the renewal process.

But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. The de ning characteristics of a

What matters most is that your service package is that they are repeatable
packages focus on providing value to and therefore can be standardized
your customers by supporting the and are scalable.
quick deployment of your products
and continuing to drive value through
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Why Productize
Service Packages?

ARR without losing money.

“The mission for a modern services
organization is how can we maximize

Repeatable services delivery in the

form of well-structured packages
increases the likelihood of success
and in turn ARR growth. But if you
don’t know your margin, how do you
know if you are losing money?”

Peter Lyon
VP Global Customer Success
FWI Poppulo
What is Productization?

Productization is the process of creating packages using a company’s

frequently offered services, repurposing ad-hoc offerings into a
consistent package that customers can purchase in order to achieve an
outcome. Forward-thinking companies want to have repeatable ways
of working that can be scaled ef ciently.

The end-to-end framework for designing, building and selling service

packages should be approached the same way as rolling out a new
software product, using many of the same principles popular in
product design and product management. Ultimately the most
advanced approaches see companies turning these service offers into
products that are sold on a recurring basis and in some instances
booked as ARR.

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When do you know it’s

This question is commonly asked by SaaS companies as they look to create a
scalable and repeatable way to deliver value to customers. There are several
triggers to be aware of that indicate it may be time to standardize and package
your service delivery.

You know it’s time to productize when you want to achieve the following…

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Improve customer onboarding and implementation experience.
Standardizing your approach to initial implementation will help you to drive faster time-to-value through a
repeatable delivery methodology. If implementation times are extended, you will encounter customers
complaining about the experience and the associated issues with customer adoption, lower NPS scores,
and declining expansion revenue, or even worse, churn.

Deliver better services to customers that are asking for them.

Your customer wants to get value from their investment as quickly as possible. Offering a productized
delivery that gets them onboarded quickly and effectively is paramount to a SaaS company’s success.
Customers aren’t buying your product in the hope that they over-customize it, making it inaccessible to
their staff and driving their productivity into the ground. No — customers want the implementation process
to succeed. They know that failed implementations mean gaps in their ability to execute their strategy, and
they want your expert help in avoiding that.
TO Increase gross margin.

PRODUCTIZE? A simple way to achieve this is to deliver more pro table services on an ongoing basis. The gross margin
of a SaaS company typically sits in the range of 70% to 85%. When it dips, the CFO starts thinking
dangerous thoughts, like ‘wow this services team is costing us a lot. Let’s look at what they are doing.’ If
they pull back the curtain and discover chaos in the form of inconsistent delivery, slow deployments, and
no data on project margins, questions will be asked! Avoid this sticky situation with service packages by
standardizing processes across the customer journey . Packaged offerings can also help to boost the
utilization of your services and support teams with paid work that is repeatable.

Recognize more revenue.

In SaaS, most companies will have to follow standard rules for revenue recognition which will often see
revenue recognized part way through an implementation or at go-live when the customer is actually using
your product. If you sell a $10k MRR deal anticipating the implementation will be completed in 2 months,
but 6 months later it’s still ongoing, you’ve essentially waved goodbye to $40k. By increasing the velocity
and consistency of delivery, you will pull forward revenue.
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Examples of Packages Implementation: Implementation packages are orientated around customer outcomes
and focus on delivering a standardized onboarding experience that delivers faster
Creating new packages can also be an opportunity to
launch new services that provide support in areas that
Training & Enablement: Enablement services aim to provide a tailored learning
are in ection points, otherwise known as value experience for customers throughout their journey with your product. Training and
moments for your customers. Here are some popular enablement packages drive adoption and accelerate the consumption of your product.
package examples: Consider your customers may have a high turnover rate, meaning ‘user churn’, and
therefore being able to mobilize learning in a scalable way is necessary to reach and
support those new users.

Consultancy: This type of package includes business consultancy and strategic

consideration of customers' challenges, focusing on maximizing the value gained from
using your product. This can cover best practice consultancy, advisory, and change
management. Consultancy can also guide customers on governance and best

Customer Success: Customer Success Packages, also known as Success-as-a-Service

packages, provide customers access to a vendor’s success team, in addition to a
tailored success plan, regular strategic reviews, and consultation services.

Technical Support: Technical support packages provide customers with readily

available support, from troubleshooting to the creation of bespoke APIs that allow the
customer to do more with your product by better integrating it within their existing tech
stack and work ows.

Managed Services: This offering is often non-project based and structured around a
consumption model. Here, the customer is pushing the hygiene work associated with
your solution to the vendor as they would prefer for their supplier to do the work for
them and have their own staff focus on higher-value internal work.
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๏ Deliver much faster time-to-value, improving customer

Benefits of satisfaction and retention

๏ Clearly-de ned packages make it easier to communicate the

packages ๏
value of services offered

Outcomes-oriented packages keep customers engaged

for throughout the process

“We have reduced the onboarding time for new staff from 6-9
months to less than 2 months with packaged offerings.”

David Dixon, VP Professional Services


Predictable revenue associated with customer segmentation
makes for more accurate forecasting

Gain an advantage over competitors that leave customers in

the dark about how to access added value following purchase

Meet the needs of a rapidly-evolving and increasingly

demanding larger customers

Package models are repeatable and lend themselves to

automation and technology enablement

Reduces the ramp time for new staff that join your organization
because they can learn how you do things quicker
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While the process of productization has many clear bene ts for

Benefits of SaaS companies, it also offers several bene ts for customers.

packages ๏ Packaged services are easier to understand, purchase

and consume

for ๏

Customers get more value from your product, faster

Allows your customer to focus their staff efforts on higher

value work by pushing on-going optimization activities to
the vendor

๏ Gain access to additional support and consulting services

which champion their success, ensuring they get the most
out of their product and continually gain value throughout
their journey

๏ Consumption of your expertise is tailored to their maturity

and can scale up or down as they grow

๏ Increased potential for growth and maximization of their

investment in software
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How to Productize Your
Service Packages
Now that we understand the what and the why let’s move on to the juiciest bit:

The How. “My background in product

management de nitely helped.
We’ll kick off with a warning: productization is not as simple as taking work that your team already We brought together the
does, giving it a catchy name, and adding a price tag. The process of productization is immensely relevant stakeholders internally
valuable — if you put in the work up-front. That means investing time in: early in the process and treated
the process like selling a new
๏ Gaining alignment between the internal teams that will contribute to the design and delivery of product. Customer centricity is
packaged services research to ascertain if your proposed packages will be useful to your ideal key - focus on customer
customer outcomes and work back from
there. It is important not to
๏ Careful consideration of design to ensure the individual services included hang well together, overcomplicate things but get
are repeatable, and deliver value your offerings out into the
market, test them and iterate.”
๏ Additional strategic reviews to de ne how your new packages will be marketed and sold.
Jay Nathan
If that feels overwhelming, worry not. We’re here to walk you through the process from start to Chief Customer Of cer
nish, providing a step-by-step approach to productizing your service packages. Higher Logic
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The Precursive Productization Toolkit

Research Design Build Pricing Sell Monitor

Productization By understanding Now comes the Ensure that the The activities Now re ne your
begins how all the why, time to time to bring your pricing promotes outlined here will approach based
projects begin: determine the service packages the right help you market on your
with research. what. to life. conversations. your packages. experiences.

1 2 3 4 5 6
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Market Research: The only thing worse than a bad service is one no one wants. Researching
Step One: and analyzing what’s happening in the market uncovers the current and future trends that align
with your software category, helping you determine which services will be most useful to bundle

Research up into packages. Understanding market challenges and customer pain points enables you to
build packages that provide much-needed solutions. For example, are customers in a particular
sector under pressure to reduce costs but in parallel boost productivity with their existing
headcount? Would they bene t from your team doing work for them via your managed service
Productization begins how all or expert-on-demand offering?
projects begin: with research.
The initial research process
provides a stable and informed
Competitor Analysis: It is crucial to understand not only what your competitors offer but their
foundation for your service
delivery methods. For example, does your competition have a reputation for slow
packages to be built on. implementations or poor customer service? These competitor behaviors should inform how and
where you build service packages that differentiate your brand from your competition. On the
The work done at this stage ip side, if you sell enterprise software that is complex to set up and this is a known dynamic of
includes a rigorous analysis your category, it may look odd if you offer a “30-day quickstart”.
of the market and past
customer engagements, with
the goal of revealing which
services will deliver the highest Customer Research: Customer research should uncover the ‘value in ection’ moments across
the customer journey. What are the common challenges for your customers during onboarding,
value to customers.
adoption, and in the outer years of their relationship with you? There are many customer inputs
to leverage here, including creating support cases, setting up an advisory board of customers
from across your segments, arranging interviews with key decision makers, and requesting
feedback via your customer success and professional services teams. These insight-rich
conversations provide instantly valuable results.

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Map Customer Outcomes: One of the simplest ways to guarantee your processes are customer-centric
is to structure them around your customers’ desired outcomes.

Working backwards from their desired outcomes is the best way to reveal possible solutions. Outcomes
mapping follows a simple framework:
Step Two:
๏ Examine
๏ Transform
the current business challenges customers face. What are their pain points?
the identi ed challenges into positive outcomes for the customer. What would a good
solution look like to them?
๏ Consider what changes would need to be made to the customer journey to address these challenges.
Do you need to add services, adapt them or remove things completely?
Now that we understand the
๏ Map these out based on the impact they will have for the customer and the frequency that they occur.
why, it’s time to determine the
Internal Stakeholder Alignment: By bringing the right mix of stakeholders together early, you
what. During the Design
will accelerate the overall process of designing and selling these offerings. This table shows the stage, you will construct your
likely mix of stakeholders, their roles, and the type of input they’ll provide. We recommend service packages by selecting
working with representatives from the professional services and customer success teams to which services to bundle
advise on implementation and adoption issues, nance on pricing and pro t, engineering on together, creating the value
which products lend themselves to standardized delivery, product management on proposition, and setting the
development and iteration, and marketing on research and the upcoming sales push. You’ll also
pricing. The goal is to create
need buy-in from sales and presales. Getting everyone onboard early avoids nasty surprises or
the best offer-market t.
delays later down the line, brought on by disagreements, and accelerates the process of internal
approvals and adoption.

Review Customer Inputs: Only 61.2% of companies consider collecting feedback directly from customers when
creating new service offers, according to Technology Services Industry Association (TSIA) Research. Reviewing
customer data inputs collected by the customer success and support teams can reveal what issues customers are
struggling with and what support they need to solve them.

Reviewing customer data inputs can include feedback on offers and services, customer service and success case
histories, transcripts from advisory councils and interviews, and data collected via your software that reveals how
they use the platform to meet their objectives.
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Select Packaged Services: Based on the above research, you will choose which services to Step Two:
include in your offering. As a part of this process, you must decide what to exclude and the best
companies look to keep things as simple as possible on the rst iteration. Design
De ne Package Activities: What are the steps required to deliver a service package? Activity
mapping will include de ning the tasks, dependencies, and effort estimations alongside the
resource requirements for you and your customer. “We've been using product
management methodologies
to build our services offering -
from customer centricity
Con rm Owner Roles: Which team will contribute to the service package? It is important to
determine who is best placed to own what.
through interviews and
surveying with prospects and
existing customers, to
Agree On a Pricing Structure: When de ning a pricing structure, you need to review your prioritizing what we need to
nancial goals, what competitors are offering, and customer expectations. It’s important to include in our offerings”
review what price points are typical across the industry as well as which methodologies drive the
strongest revenue growth. We discuss pricing in more detail in the next section. Layla Selick
Senior Director,
Professional Services
Customer Feedback in the Design Process: Take your initial offering to your ideal customer and ProductBoard
get their feedback, do they see the value in this - if they don’t then you are on the wrong path.

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Datasheets: Your datasheets should clearly, without room for misinterpretation, outline exactly
Step Three: what is included in each service package. Also known as a spec sheet, datasheets ensure your
internal teams understand your offers and can communicate these effectively to customers. On

Build the customers’ side, they provide key information to help them make purchasing decisions: in
this case, whether to purchase your service package or take their money elsewhere.

Project Plans: A project plan outlines all the tasks to be completed in order to successfully
Now comes the time to bring deliver a service package for a customer. Project plans cover the activities to be completed,
your service packages to life. responsible persons and roles, lead times, the effort required, and duration.
During the Build stage, the
contents of your service You’ll have heard the following saying more times that we’ve said ‘service packages’ in this
guide, but it is especially true here: fail to prepare, prepare to fail. Creating a rigorous project
packages will be constructed.
plan prior to launch is critical. It will be your team’s shining light, guiding them from
This will cover internal
implementation to renewal without as much as a stumble. Plans can be built out in a
documentation, templated spreadsheet and then ideally folded into your project management software.
project plans, and the
appropriate customer contracts.

Contracts: With the support of your legal and nance teams, prepare everything your sales
To guarantee operational
team needs to get deals over the line as quickly and ef ciently as possible, including contracts,
readiness, make sure to prepare: statements of work, and service-level agreements, outlining what customers can expect from
their vendors. Note that if you are selling packaged services, you will need to be clear on
inclusions and exclusions in your SOW. Your contracts will need to have explicit language
covering the process of dealing with change requests. Overall, your contracts must be re ective
of the packaged nature of your service delivery. If they aren’t, you risk creating con icts because
they are too vague.

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Step Three:
Internal Documentation: Ensure your internal teams have everything they need for an
Build effective launch. Internal documentation should include an awareness toolkit, training
materials, and standing operating procedures that outline best practices, processes, and
cadences. These documents should be made readily accessible throughout the company.

"When building, treat it like

product development and
ideally involve someone with
product management External Documentation: External documentation relates to anything that will support your
experience. customer in making purchasing decisions. In addition to datasheets, this can include written
proposals — which can be templated — and pricing materials.
The jobs to be done
framework was useful to shape
our packages by working back
from customer outcomes. We
Digital Materials: In addition to arming your internal teams with what they need to succeed,
iterate our offereings once a now is a fantastic time to produce evergreen digital content to support the sale of your service
year which serves as a packages. Online content, such as blogs on best practices, serves a dual purpose of driving
mechanism to refocus on the traf c and educating prospective customers. Support and services pages and landing pages
value that we are driving for provide in-depth detail on your speci c service offerings and get your ideal customer excited
customers." to nd out more. Lastly, downloadable assets can support lead generation, and a success hub
lled with educational content can be invaluable to nurturing customer relationships in the long
Jay Nathan,
Higher Logic

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Packages Pricing 101
Consumption Model

A la Carte: you provide


Bene ts

๏ Simpler to position with


๏ Need to manage scope creep

Step Four:
a menu of options for
customers which are
pricing. the customer and easier
to sell ๏
Agreed approach for change
consumed on a unit Fixed Fee for ๏ Easier to forecast revenue requests
basis. each package ๏ Clearly de ned scope ๏ Requires more upfront planning
When it comes to pricing your
offers, the best companies
Service Points: your Fixed fee for a ๏ Can be more pro table ๏ Customer pushback if there are low
customer accesses level of service depending on the level of levels of consumption - “what am I focus on ensuring that the
services via a within a given consumption paying for?” pricing promotes the right
drawdown model and time period. ๏ Flexibility for customers ๏ Pre-sales capability is critical to conversations with customers
must use services within success
๏ Boosts services revenues vs. being overly complicated
a given time period. through increased attach ๏ Fluctuations in revenue a challenge
“Use it or lose it”. and in turn a blocker to
rates to account for
productive conversations.
Pricing can be driven by the
Subscription: you fold Subscription ๏ Opportunity to maximize ๏ More in-depth analysis is needed consumption model that you
your services fees into pricing. ARR on what to charge given the
are promoting through your
the subscription and ๏ Simpli es pricing for the implications for LTV
have one price for both Paid upfront. customer ๏ Challenge to clearly de ne the
offerings, for example the
product and services. ๏ One cost for customers scope of what is included options opposite.
rather than two ๏ Needs to be proportionate, watch
๏ Easier for customers to out for higher deal values as
understand customers will inspect look to
inspect what is included

Providing a range of options to customers can allow for better service delivery tailored to their
speci c needs, though there are additional challenges for your professional services team when
managing a dozen or more varying package set-ups. • 20/28
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Sales Enablement: When launching new packages, you must prepare your sales team with
Step Five: the right tools and information to have productive conversations with prospective customers.
You will need to arm your sales teams with the appropriate materials, including talk tracks for

Sell your packages.

Documentation: Selling services is different to selling product and will require detailed
documentation including process overviews, SOWs, contracts and any necessary compliance
Now let’s turn to an
information. All of this will be necessary, particularly for your customer’ team.
important step of how to
sell your new service
packages to your
Training Guides: In addition to preparing internal training documents for your team, make sure
customers. The activities
you create detailed and supportive training that your customer success team can use to make
outlined here will help the onboarding process as smooth as possible for customers.
you market your
packages, sell them, and
maximize the value
Incentives: Consider how your sales team will be compensated for selling these packages. For
gained by supporting
example, are your AE’s comped on selling services? If they are not, it is likely that they may look
documentation. to discount service packages during negotiations on deals. The majority of account executives
are comped on licenses sold in year 1, therefore any package that drives faster time-to-value
provides more opportunity for upselling, which will capture the attention of your sales team.

Feedback: Throughout the process, keep an open dialogue with your customers and be sure to
take on board any feedback from early adopters. This will help strengthen your packages going
forward and will boost customer satisfaction by making them feel heard and appreciated.

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Processes: Standardized delivery lends itself to process improvement. The best companies
Step Six:
review their approach to service delivery to nd opportunities for re nement.
Creating service packages
Your KPIs: Track the performance of packages by measuring key performance metrics such as
is not a one-and-done
time-to-value, package pro tability and margins, services consumption : ARR growth rate and
implementation NPS. Ideally, you should be improving on your baseline in all these areas.
exercise. Ideally, you are
able to design and build
offerings quickly and get
them into the market to test
Your Customer KPIs: Measure the impact of your offers for customers based around the value their effectiveness.
that you drive, for example revenue growth metrics, increased margin, customer experience
scores, employee engagement. For example at Precursive, we track the average improvement in Over time you can re ne
time-to-value for customers after implementing our application which is 35%. With each
your approach based on
customer, we try to identify the baseline number for this metric and then measure the
improvement 3 and 6 months after deployment of Precursive.
your experiences, telemetry
data, reporting and
customer feedback.

Automation: Packaged services offerings provide an ideal opportunity to leverage

technology to automate setup and administration activities. If you aren’t having to build
project plans from scratch, but follow a consistent approach, build this into your project
management or PSA solution.

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How Precursive helps you to manage
and improve Packaged Services Delivery
Precursive is used by companies to manage the delivery of packaged services.

There are a range of activities and processes that

Precursive helps you improve.

๏ Reporting on KPIs: TTV, Customer Health,

Revenue, Pro tability
๏ Track utilization across your project teams to
balance workloads
๏ Manage revenue backlogs and recognize
revenue faster

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How Precursive helps you to manage
and improve Packaged Services Delivery
๏ Build templatized project plans for
implementations to drive consistent delivery
๏ Map out all the tasks, dependencies and
owners for better team collaboration
๏ Track effort for you and your customer to
understand where delays occur
๏ Get the right resource on projects based on
their skills and capacity

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DO Understand the needs of your

customers, their customers and what
“When building packages, don’t think" we should offer
what is convenient to us based on our activities” but
instead start thinking “what is inconvenient to your
customers, irrespective of who does the work today".

Mark Henoch
SVP XaaS Delivery
your competition is providing that you
are not or could do better.

What are under-appreciated or unknown

challenges for customers that you can
solve better than your competition that
lends itself to standardization?

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“By mapping back from outcomes, customers were
getting as close to the ‘right’ set of services to be
successful with little guess work for sales and customers

Layla Selick
Senior Director, Professional Services
Work back from the outcomes your
customers want to achieve.

What is truly valuable to customers vs.

what is seen as a commodity?

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Packages are repeatable and therefore
“Everyone wants scalable and repeatable ways of working -
you and your customers. So you want to offer packages that
take work off your customers desk that you will do better and
at a lower cost. To deliver on that will require automation, you
can’t invent more time but you can think about how you can
manufacture more ef cient time.”

Jonathan Corrie
Co-Founder & CEO
scalable - if you can’t repeat it,
it won’t scale.

Don’t build packages around processes

that are inef cient - otherwise you’ll
create complexity debt.


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