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INFANTRY M Sv CAF Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules
(Scale 1, W 1) r

Command 5 4+ +4 2+ 8 1 5+ 0 Acc (can reroll hits), Aslt (x2 Dc in 4”), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids) Insp (units in 8” are 2+ Morl), Med
(units in 4 get 5+ FNP), InvSv (6+), M.Tac (units in 4” can change order)

Tactical 5 5+ +2 3+ 8 1 5+ 0 Aslt (X2 Dc in 4”), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids)

Plasma 5 5+ +2 3+ 10 1 4+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids)

Missile 5 5+ +1 3+ 20 2 4+ 0 1) IgnoreCover (No pen to hit in cover and no cover saves), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids)
1 -1 2) AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav)

Assault 7 5+ +3 3+ 6 1 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Bulky, Indpn (own orders, must be 6” near Core, falls back if Core does,
pg91), Jump (ignores obstacles/units/di cult when moving, +1 CAF if charging unit in Strc)

Terminator 5 4+ +4 3+ 8 1 5+ 0 Acc (can reroll hits), Aslt (X2 Dc in 4”), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Bulky, Dp.Strk (Turn 2, 2” away
from enemy, scatter d6”), no morale after combat, choose to withdraw, Inv Sv (6+), Steadfast (+1 tac

Rapier Laser 4 5+ +1 3+ 15 2 4+ -2 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav)

Rapier Quad 4 5+ +1 3+ 6-30 2 4+ -1 1) Brg (no LoS, if so -1 to hit, ½ dice if +1 in St), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids)
16 1 -1 2) Demo (Can dmg Strc), LAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids)

Tarantula Las - 5+ -3 - 22 2 5+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Sentry (Ignored for Frm.Break, no orders, re in Mov Phase / Adv Fire Phase,
ignores engaged & pinned, res at closest Walker+)

Tarantula AA - 5+ -3 - 25 1 4+ -1 Sky (hits Flyers on 4+, -1 on overwatch vs yers), Track (rerolls vs yers) Sentry (Ignored for
Frm.Break, no orders, re in Mov Phase / Adv Fire Phase, ignores engaged & pinned, choose to re at
closest unit or closest yer)

WALKER M Sv CAF Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules

(Scale 1, W 1) r

Leviathan 5 4+ +5 3+ Armd (Lgt is AP0 & reroll save vs Lgt), InvSv (5+)

Storm Cannon 10 2 5+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids), Rapid Fire (6’s do 2 hits)

Melta Lance 6 1 4+ -3 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Demo (Can dmg Strc)

Twin Volkite 12 1 0 Acc (can reroll hits), De (wounds add +1 hit) Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids)

Siege Claw - -4 Rend (+1 d6 in melee), Wrecker (1d6 -AP to dmg adj. Strc in FF or AF Phase)

Contemptor 5 4+ +5 3+ Armd (Lgt is AP0 & reroll save vs Lgt), InvSv (6+)

Assault Cannon 10 1 5+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids), Rapid Fire (6’s do 2 hits)

TL Lascannon 12 1 4+ -1 Acc (can reroll hits), AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav)

TL Bolter 8 1 5+ 0 Aslt (x2 Dc in 4”), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for

CAVALRY M Sv CA Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules

(Scale 1, W 1) F r

Outrider 10 5+ +2 3+ Jink 6+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire)

Twin Bolters 8 1 5+ 0 Aslt (x2 Dc in 4”), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for

Twin Plasma 10 1 4+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids)

Scimitar 10 5+ +2 3+ Jink 6+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire), Skimmer (Moves over units & terrain, Pop-up (Draws LoS 10” high for ring and ring at))

Heavy Bolter 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for Ovrwtch)

Land Speeder 10 4+ +1 3+ Jink 6+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire), Skimmer (Moves over units & terrain, Pop-up (Draws LoS 10” high for ring and ring at))

Multi Melta 6 1 4+ -3 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav),

Plasma Cannon 12 1 4+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids)

Heavy Bolter 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for Ovrwtch)

Heavy Flamer 6 1 4+ 0 Front Arc, IgnoreCover (No pen to hit in cover and no cover saves), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids)

Javelin 10 4+ +1 3+ Jink 6+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire), Skimmer (Moves over units & terrain, Pop-up (Can draw LoS 10” high for ring and ring at))

Heavy Flamer 6 1 4+ 0 Front Arc, IgnoreCover (No pen to hit in cover and no cover saves), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids)

Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Cyclone Missiles 20 2 4+ 0 Front Arc, IgnoreCover (No pen to hit in cover and no cover saves), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids)

Vehicle M Sv CAF Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules

(Scale 2, W 1) r
Rhino 9 4+ +0 3+ Transport 2

TL Bolter 8 1 5+ -1 Aslt (x2 Dc in 4”), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for
Ovrwtch), Front Arc

Multi-Melta 6 1 5+ -3 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Havoc Launcher 15 1 4+ 0 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for Ovrwtch)

Predator 9 3+ +2 3+

TL Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 Acc (can reroll hits), AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav)

Sp Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Sp Hvy Bolters 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for Ovrwtch), Front

Sicaran 10 3+ +2 3+

TL Autocannon 16 3 5+ -1 Track (rerolls vs yers)

TL Plasma 12 1 4+ -2 Acc (can reroll hits),

Hull Hvy Bolter 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Front Arc

Sp Hvy Bolter 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Front Arc

Sp Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Land Raider 9 2+ +2 3+ Forwrd Deploymnt (normal move after deployed, ignores di cult or dangerous terrain), Assault Transport (2) (Can transport
Bulky, units can Charge)

TL Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 Acc (can reroll hits), AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Multi-Melta 6 1 5+ -3 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Drop Vehicles M Sv CA Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules

(Scale 2 W1) F r

Drop Pod - 4+ -3 - Drop Pod (Turn 1 deploy 2” away from enemy, scatter d6”, destroys if hits structure, ignores coherency, ignored for formation
break), Transport 2

TL Bolter 8 1 5+ -1 Aslt (x2 Dc in 4”), Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence (can re in Mvmt Phase, Ignores -2 for
Ovrwtch), Front Arc

Dreadnought - 4+ -8 - Drop Pod (Turn 1 deploy 2” away from enemy, scatter d6”, destroys if hits structure, ignores coherency, ignored for formation
break), Large Transport 2

Palisade - 4+ -8 - Drop Pod (Turn 1 deploy 2” away from enemy, scatter d6”, destroys if hits structure, ignores coherency, ignored for formation
break), Shield Generator (5+) (all models within 6” get Inv Sv from attacks outside 6”)

Deathstorm - 4+ -8 - Drop Pod (Turn 1 deploy 2” away from enemy, scatter d6”, destroys if hits structure, ignores coherency, ignored for formation

Deathstorm Missile 10 D3+ 6+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids), Limited (1), Saturation Fire (targets every visible friendly and
Launcher 2 enemy detachment, roll for number of dice once)

Flyer Vehicles M Sv CA Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules

(Scale 2, W 1) F r

Xiphon 30 3+ +0 - Flyer (deploy on board edge / 8” up side edge, 1 turn 90’, line of sight to everything, removed at turn end, cannot capture, only hit
on natural 6), Jink 5+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire), Intercept (can re 1 weapon after move, vs yers only, -2 to hit),

Lascannon Array 22 2 4+ -1 Acc (can reroll hits), AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Sky re (hits Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers), Front Arc

Rotary Launcher 24 2 4+ -1 Sky re (hits Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers), Track (rerolls vs yers), Front Arc

Storm Eagle 25 3+ +0 - Flyer (deploy on board edge / 8” up side edge, 1 turn 90’, line of sight to everything, removed at turn end, cannot capture, only hit
on natural 6), Jink 5+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire), Hover (can change to skimmer), Assault Transport (2) (Can transport Bulky, units
can Charge)

Storm Eagle Bolters 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Sky re (hits
Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers), Front Arc

Vengeance Launcher 25 2 4+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids), Front Arc

Wing Lascannons 22 2 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Fire Raptor 25 3+ +0 - Flyer (deploy on board edge / 8” up side edge, 1 turn 90’, line of sight to everything, removed at turn end, cannot capture, only hit
on natural 6), Jink 5+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire), Hover (can change to skimmer)

Avenger Bolt Cannon 16 5 5+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids), Rapid Fire (6’s do 2 hits), Sky re (hits Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch
vs yers), Front Arc

Tempest Rockets 35 1 2+ -2 Sky re (hits Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers), Front Arc

Side Hvy Bolters 12 4 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Sky re (hits
Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers)

Side Autocannons 16 3 5+ -1 LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids), Sky re (hits Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers)

Side Lascannons 22 2 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Sky re (hits Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers)
Large Flyer M Sv CA Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules
Vehicle F r
(Scale 2, W 2)

Thunderhawk 25 2+ +0 - Flyer (deploy on board edge / 8” up side edge, 1 turn 90’, line of sight to everything, removed at turn end, cannot capture, only hit
Gunship on natural 6), Jink 5+ (InvSv, Not on 1st Fire), Hover (can change to skimmer), Large Assault Transport (8) (Can transport Bulky
and Walkers, units can Charge)

Turbo Laser 40 2 4+ -3 Acc (can reroll hits), Front Arc

Front Hvy Bolters 12 3 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Sky re (hits
Flyers on 4+, -1 Ovrwtch vs yers), Front Arc

Wing Lascannons 22 2 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Hellstrike Missiles 30 2 4+ -1 ArmourBane (target rerolls saves), Front Arc

Large Vehicle M Sv CAF Mo Rng Dc Hit AP Rules

(Scale 2, W 2) r

Kratos 8 2+ +3 3+

Battlecannon 20 2 4+ -1

10 1 4+ -4 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), ArmourBane (target rerolls saves)

Melta Blastgun 8 1 4+ -4 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), ArmourBane (target rerolls saves), BunkerBuster (x2 AP vs Strc)

Co-axial Autocannon 16 2 5+ -1 Co-Axial (only main target) LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids),

Hull Autocannon 16 2 5+ -1 Acc (can reroll hits), LgtAT (AP0 vs Vehicles+, No Voids),

Hull Hvy Bolter 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Front Arc

Sp Hvy Bolter 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Front Arc

Sp Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Hull Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 Acc (can reroll hits), AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Spartan 8 2+ +2 3+ Assault Transport (5) (Can transport Bulky, units can Charge)

Quad Lascannon 22 2 4+ -1 Acc (can reroll hits), AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Laser Destroyers 15 2 4+ -2 Acc (can reroll hits), AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Hull Lascannon 22 1 4+ -1 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc

Hull Hvy Bolters 12 2 5+ 0 Lgt (No Vehicles+ or Voids), Point Defence ( re in Mvmt Phase, no -2 for Ovrwtch), Front Arc

Multi Melta 6 1 5+ -3 AT (AP0 vs Inf/Cav), Front Arc


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