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Portafolio task unidad 15-16 Laura Sofía


1. Guatapé, a jewel of Colombia, is famous for its vibrant “Zócalo”. This town is adorned with
colorful reliefs on the facades of the houses. The Guatapé reservoir offers impressive
panoramic views. Piedra del Peñol, a gigantic rock formation, is a challenge for climbers,
but the view from the top is unmatched. ¡A place you can’t miss! Comentado [A1]: Be careful with the number of words- it
must be above to 70
2. Hello Chris,
I hope you're well. I was wondering if you could do me a favor. I was unable to attend the
last class and learned that Laura took some excellent notes. Could you ask him to pass
them to me? I would really appreciate your help.

3. For a smart party, you will need: permission from the teacher, decorations consistent with
the party theme, food and drinks (possibly contributed by everyone), planned games or
activities, and a plan for cleaning up after the party. I think it would be fun to organize it! Comentado [A2]: Number of words required 70

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