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Organisational Theories

• As organisation are evolved over time, many Assumptions

think experimented as to what is best  Mgt is a process consisting of
• Origin of mgt is as old as human Civilization - interrelated functions performed to
present day mgt as we see was not same in earlier achieve desired goals
times - mgt experts expressed diff views from time  Managers can be developed through
to time on which various theories developed education and training
• Organisation theory refers to socio-technical  People are motivated mainly by
analysis of knowing or best understanding – incentives & penalties
o how organisation are formed  There should be no conflict of interest
o how they can be made better b/w org & employees - if it is, then org
o how they work prevails
• It is preposition that attempts to explain & predict
how groups and individuals work or behave in diff 1. Bureaucratic Model
organisational mgt
• Max Weber - German sociologist -
Applications of Organisational Theories analyse formation & administration of
 Strategy formulation public bureaucracies which happened to
 Hierarchy set up be oldest form of org
 Communication • he developed in ideal type of
 Human resource Bureaucracy as a conceptual model for
 Operations analytical purposes
 Feedback mechanism Features -
• Clear separation b/w superior &
Various Theories subordinate
• Division of labour based upon
competence & functional specialisation
• Clear divorce b/w personal & official
• System of rules, regulations &
• Hierarchy in positions based on legal
authority & power

Acc to Weber, there are 3 types of

legitimate authority -
Classical Theories
• Traditional authority -
• The word classical refers to long established &
o Authority which a person acquires
practiced theories acting as foundation of further
because he or she belongs to a
particular class or by tradition
• These presents systematic study of human beings
o Ex - member of a royal family
o Irrational & illogical
• Rational-Legal authority - adopting one best way of doing work
o Authority vested in legally established positions through scientific study of work
or rank within org's hierarchy • Central theme of his total work is -
o Ex - CEO of a company maximum prosperity for employer + max
o Rational & efficient prosperity for each employee
• Charismatic authority - • for him there is no inherent conflict b/w
o People obey a person due to their belief that interest of workers, employees &
person has a special power or appeal consumers
o Irrational & illogical • result of higher productivity should be
shared by all
Advantages –
• Specialisation as every member is assigned Principles of scientific management -
special task • Science not rule of thumb - Develop a
• Division of work - no overlapping of work true science for each element of a worker's
• Hierarchy of authority - authority is equal to job to replace old rule of thumb method
responsibility • Job specialisation & division of labour
• rules & regulations - unbiased working should be a part of each job
• Impersonal conduct - logical work • Scientific selection, training &
• Democracy - selection & promotion based on development of workers
competence • Cooperation not individualism – Close
• Continuity in work - one person replace other cooperation b/w mgt & workers
without any difficulty o Maximum output in place of restricted
Disadvantages output
• Red tapism & paperwork o Harmony in group action rather than
• Employees do not develop belongingness to org discord
• Excessive Reliance on rules & regulations o Development of each to its greatest
hindrances innovative growth of individuals & efficiency
company o Maximum prosperity of both
• Employees becomes resistant to change &
introduction of new technology in work Mental revolution
• MR refers to realisation by mgt &
workers that mutual interests are not
2. Scientific Management contradictory
• Mutual prosperity is possible through
• FW Taylor - father of scientific management cooperation
• Scientific management is art of knowing exactly • Both party should keep their eyes off
what you want your men to do & seeing that they from distribution of surplus rather than
do it in the best & cheapest way stressing upon increasing it until it
• He advocated a Revolutionary way of thought becomes so large that how to divide aspect
based working becomes necessary
• He attacked rule of thumb or unthoughtful • Both should work shoulder to shoulder
manner of human working & advocating for in same direction
• Core elements of mental revolution - 3.Process/Administrative/Functional
o Creation of spirit of mutual trust and Management
cooperation • Henry Fayol - father of modern
o All-out efforts for increase in production management - presented an overall
o Inculcating & developing scientific attitude understanding or philosophy of mgt
towards problems • He rejected idea of distinction b/w
administration & mgt
Techniques of Scientific Management • He tried to identify functions of manager
1) Time study with emphasis on coordination of
• Establish Standard Time required to complete job resources towards achievements of stated
• Recording time taking in completing each objectives
element and avoid guesswork • He divided all activities of business into
2) Motion study 6 categories -
• Systematic & critical study of movt of both • Technical - manufacturing
workers & machines so as to eliminate • Commercial - trade
unnecessary & wasteful movement • Financial - capital use
3) Scientific task planning • Accounting - statistics
• Technique of forecasting & picturing ahead every • Security - protection of property &
step in long series of operations persons
• Each step to be taken in right place, of right • Managerial
degree & at right time
Disadvantages -
4) Standardization & Simplification • Extreme specialisation is unrealistic
• Pre-determined standards are laid down • Mechanistic approach - ignores human
regarding task, material, method, time, quality, element
cost which ensures uniformity in operations • Average workers & less efficient suffer
under garb of low efficiency - tough
5) Differential piece rate system competition
• Direct links should be created b/w remuneration • Specialisation leads to repetitive &
& productivity monotonous work
• Ex - 2 piece-rates set up • Separate workers & managers
• Focus more on factory mgt than general
6) Functional foremanship mgt like planning, controlling,
• Workers & factory executives should be free coordinating etc
from burden of planning & designing
• Extension to principle of specialisation Functions of Management -
Advantages -  Planning - to foresee.& provide means
• Efficiency & effectiveness for future
• Mental revolution  Organising - provide business
• Specialisation everything useful for functioning
 Commanding - maintaining activities
among personnel
 Coordinating - unifying & harmonizing all 9) Scalar Chain
activities • Chain of superiors from top to lowest
 Controlling - ensures everything occurs in ranks
conformity with established rules & procedures
Principles of Management 10) Order or Placement
1) Division of labour • Each employee should occupy job
for more & better work with same effort or wherein he or she can render best & most
specialisation effective services
2) Authority & Responsibility • Also include right arrangement of things
• parity or enough authority to be given to carried
out responsibility 11) Equity
• Responsibility is a natural consequence of & is • combination of kindness & justice in
corollary to authority managers while dealing with subordinates

3) Discipline 12)Stability of tenure

• obedience of standing agreements of T&C of • suitable condition should be created to
employment minimise turnover of employees
• this ensures smooth functioning • instability is cause & effect of bad mgt

4) Unity of Command 13)Initiative

• for any action, any employee should have only • manager should sacrifice personal vanity
one boss or superior to permit subordinates to exercise
judgement in formulation & execution of
5) Unity of direction plans
• one head & one plan for each activity or one type • It develops interest in doing work &
of activity provides satisfaction
• powerful motivator & source of keenest
6) Subordination of individual interest to general satisfaction
• efforts should be made to reconcile individual int 14)Espirit De Corps
with common int • Unity of efforts through harmony of
• In conflict, interest of org should prevail interest
• Source of organisation strength
7) Remuneration of personnel • Communication is needed for team work
• should provide max possible satisfaction to both
employees & employer Advantages -
 14 functional truth or principles rather
8) Centralisation than rules
• degree of centralisation & decentralization in  Max satisfaction of both
matter of finding optimum degree of a particular  Allows level jumping - purposive
concern violation of hierarchy principle - gang
• Some concepts are weak & not properly
defined - ex - principle of division did not
define method to be used to divide work
• Based on personal experiences & limited
observations - lack empirical evidences
• Does not pay proper attention to workers
Disadvantages - needs

• Impractical assumptions such as uniform

Advantages of Classical Theories needs, homogenous workers, line & staff
• Offers convenient Framework for education & org
training of managers • Anti-democratic working as org goals
• Observational method of case study helpful in are superior
drawing principles best suited to org
• Highlight Universal nature of mgt
• Provide starting point to researchers to validate &
Neo-Classical Theories
improve applicability of mgt knowledge • Deals with human factor which was
• Provide science on which entire mgt can be built up ignored by classical theories
• Jobs became narrow & workers began to
Disadvantages of Classical Theories resist formal & impersonal treatment
• Offer mechanistic framework that undermines overlooking their social & psychological
role of human factor needs - this resistance & need to secure
• Lack of dynamism as they offer roadmap to static willing cooperation let to dev of
picture rather than a flexible way out to problems neoclassical concept
• Close system view without any consideration of
external envt of business 1. Human Relations Theory
• Too much Reliance on past experiences can be • Elton Mayo & Associates propounded it
dangerous through Hawthorne experiments
conducted at a plant b/w 1924-32 in USA
• Their test concluded working of human/social sociology understanding of organisational
aspect at workplace behaviour
• These studies conducted to determine effect of
better physical facilities on worker's output Impt aspects -
• Motivation of employees for improving
Hawthorne experiment - productivity
• Illumination experiment - No negative impact • Organisation as a social system
effect of reduction in light for productivity •Leadership study of managerial behaviur
• Relay assembly test - Positive impact of • Communication for better understanding
voluntary rest, hot lunches, friendly atmosphere in org
• Mass Interview program - Most of worker's • Employees development - upgrading of
complaints were base less - real problem may not employee & managerial skills
be there but listening subordinate is essential
• Bank wiring observation - Workers est their own Abraham Maslow propounded Need
standards of output besides formal one & enforce Hierarchy theory - Human needs can be
them through various methods of social pressures classified into diff categories
• Human needs can be arranged into
Hawthorne Conclusion - hierarchy
• Work group is not merely a techno-economic unit • These needs motivate them to work
- it is also a social system with a culture of its own
• Workers are not merely rational economic beings
motivated by money but they are also socio-
psychological beings
• Socio-Psycho needs exercise greater influence on
employee behaviour & performance than physical
conditions of work
• Workers act or react not as an individual but as a
member of group
• Complaints & criticism by employees are
manifestation or symptoms of deeper satisfaction
• Free expression resulted into worker satisfaction
even though conditions didn't change
Michael E Porter propounded 5 forces
2. Behavioural Science Approach model to corporate strategy - a strategic
• Also known as Human behaviour approach or manager must analyse these forces &
human resources approach proposes a program in order to
• It is further refinement of human relations influencing or defending against them -
movement • Threat of New entrants
• It covered wider aspects in inter-personal roles & • Threat of new substitutes
responsibilities • Bargaining power of consumers
• It laid emphasis on application of methods & • Bargaining power of suppliers
findings of general & social psychology & • Rivalry among existing competitors
• Contribution - individual efforts &
activity undertaken in pursuance of
organisational goals
• Satisfaction - incentives or benefits
provided by org towards individual in
exchange of contribution
• Individual motivation = satisfaction >
• Equilibrium refers to balance in system
i.e. contribution towards organisational
• Inducement - factor provided by org to
individual to induce them to work

Limitations of Neo- Classical Theories

• Short-sighted perspective
Implications of Neo-Classical Theories • Lack of integration of many facets of
Decentralized structure - more autonomy to human behaviour
workers • Cynical Puppeteering -
• Informal organisation - ensures efficiency • Cynical - having or showing a deep
• Flat structure - reduce distance b/w employer & distrust of human beings & their motives
employee • Puppet - one that is or can be used to
• Freedom of expression further the purposes of another
• Dynamic structures • Believes that human conduct is
• Open, adjustive, sharing work culture motivated wholly by self-interests
• Lying, putting on a false face, taking
Contribution-satisfaction equilibrium - advantage of others are fundamental to
• Develop by Chester Bernard to explain individual human character
Modern organisational theory (MOT) • Laid emphasis on analysis of problems
• Also known as modern envt theory or for business as a whole & avoid isolated
organisational envt theory or modern mgt theory solutions
• These theories focus on both micro & macro • Focused on adaptability in linkage with
aspects affecting business envt which classical & envt
neo-classical theory fail to do • Limitations -
• It focuses on - • Lack of unified theory which can be
o Open system of org applied to all
o Dynamism & adaptation • Too abstract & vague
o Probabilistic & integrated approach • Provides limited phase of external envt
• Cannot be easily applicable to practical
1. System Approach issues
• This approach views an org as an interrelated
parts with a unified purpose - surviving & thriving 2. Contingency Approach
in its envt • It is an extension to system approach
• Main Thrust is an interdependence & with more open view
interrelatedness of various subsystems from point • Basic idea behind it to non-existence of
of view of effectiveness of larger system any particular managerial style or
• Features - organisational design which may be
• Org is an unified & purposeful system consisting suitable for all organisational goals,
of several interconnected & interacting situations
subsystems • It is based on belief that there is no one
• Each subsystem influences other & systems as a best way to tackle problems of mgt
whole • What manager do in practice depends
• Collective contribution of these sub-systems is upon a given set of circumstances
greater than aggregation of individual • Manager should develop variable
contributions methods, tools or action plans as per
• Every system has a boundary that separate it from specific situation or contingency
its envt - this boundary determines internal & • It rejects universality concept & appeals
external factor to business to common sense
• focuses on open system of OB view of org -
which continuously interact with envt • Features -
• Feedback is useful in evaluating & improving • Mgt is entirely situational - conditions of
functioning of system situation will determine which technique
& control systems should be designed to
Contributions - fit a particular situation
Examines interrelationship & interdependence • Mgt policies & procedures should
among various parts of org ~ respond to ental conditions - various
Acknowledges envtal influences on org - a org has techniques should be designed to fit a
to work hard & continuous adaptive to particular situation
its dynamic envt • Mgt should match or fit it approach to
requirements of particular situation
• Managers coordinates & controls
Utility = external relations with help of computer
• Provide clear view of realities of managerial job network links
• Avoids organics stand & exhorts managerial • Characteristics -
judgement in light of envt • Flat organisation
• Widens horizons of manager & make them alert • Multi-disciplinary teams - ability to
& adaptive connect worldwide
• Promotes analytical, critical & multidimensional • Ease of work — work from home
thinking to analyse situation • Absence of apparent structure
• Stresses need of comparative study & choose the • Staffed by knowledge workers
best • Less capital intensive
• No definite prescription & elastic approach • No geographical boundaries of operation
• Degree of fit & congruence b/w org & envt
determines level of success Advantages -
Saves time, travel expenses
Learning Organisation • virtual org can be organised whether or
• which can create, acquire, transfer knowledge for not members are in proximity with each
modifying work behaviour of its members other
• Needed to remain effective & competitive • Use of outside expertise with ease
• Encourages excellence, creativity, innovation & • Employees can be assigned multiple,
sense of achievement among its members concurrent teams
• Employees can accommodate both
Network Organisation personal & professional life
• Cluster of diff org whose actions are coordinated • Allows firms to hire a best talent without
by contract & agreements having any locational hindrances
• Based upon on outsourcing of inputs, processes,
outputs Disadvantages -
• Lack of synergies from face to face
Boundaryless Organisation interactions
• Absence of vertical & horizontal boundaries with • Lack of bondage b/w members
org sometimes communication become
• Breaking cultural, geographical & organisational hindrance due to non-use of non-verbal
barriers to enable business create greater value cues
• Lack of control & discipline
Virtual Organisation
• Consists of individuals working. out of physically Self-managed teams -
dispersed work places or even individuals working • Group of individual that is responsible &
from mobile devices & not tied to any particular accountable for all aspects of producing a
workspace product or delivering a servic
• ICT is a backbone of virtual organisation - • Consists of independent &
members are linked by ICT & detached physically interdependent members
• Works best where product or service is a very & then eliminating those steps that are not
complex nature or customisation is required productive
Modular organisation - • Create the flow - ensure steps which
• Virtual organisation which outsources certain creates value take place in perfect
specialised functions & works upon sequence so that product reaches customer
core capabilities smoothly
• Establish pull - once flow is initiated,
Fishnet Organisation - customers pull value from next level
• Organisation with dynamic hierarchies in activity
linkages with exigencies of time • Seek perfection - process is started again
• Continuausy changing role of members creating & continue till perfection state is arrived
new & destroying
• Fair opportunity to all to be part of leadership
Organisational manual -
• list explaining structure properly
• Written source of authority-relationships
• Adopted in large organisations

• Improvement over contingency approach to
responding to envt
• Way where org works by influencing & getting
influenced by envt
• Both feedback & feedforward strategies are used
to deal with envt
• Ex - Microsoft offers operating system beyond
expectations & continuously make changes on
basis of feedbacks received

Lean Management
Min wastage
• Coined by Toyota Production System
• Technique developed with aim of minimising
process waste & maximising value to customer
without compromising quality

Steps -
• Identify value - from view point of ultimate
• Map the value stream - ascertain all steps
involved in value stream for each product family

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