Lesson Plan in Health

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Pili Capital College Inc.

San.Isidro Pili Camarines Sur


I. Objectives
At the end of 45 minutes of discussion students will be able to:
a.Identify hazards in the community,
b.determine community safety to avoid accidents in the community,and;
C.apply the community safety to the real world situation.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Community Safety
Material: Pictures,PPT,Activity Sheets,
Value Focus:Discipline,Cooperation,Collaboration
Reference: Physical Education, and Health.Pg.376-388

III. Procedures

A. Preliminary Activities

Teacher Activity Pupil Activity

 Prayer
Everybody please stand and let us Our Father, Who art in
pray. heaven,hallowed be thy name;Thy
kingdom come;Thy will be done on
earth as it is in heaven.Give us this day
our daily bread;and forgive us our
trespasses as we forgive those who
trespass against us;and lead us not into
temptation but deliver us from evil.
 Greetings
Good morning Class! Good morning teacher.

 Checking of Attendance None teacher.

Who is absent today?

 Checking of assignment No teacher

Did I give you an assignment

 Review It is all about the Rights and Responsibilities

What is the last topic that we are of a wise consumer.
discuss last meeting?

Before we start to our lesson we will have
first an activity I will show you a picture and
you will identify of what kind of hazards is it
and what accidents can make cause of the

Did you understand class the first Yes teacher,


Very good class.

Here are the first picture

What is kind of hazards is this? Floods.

How about the second picture what hazard is Severe storm, bag yo

What is the picture all about? Tsunami.

Did you experience the tsunami? No,teacher

What hazard is this?

Volcanic eruption.

6 hazards

Floods,earthquake,volcanic eruption and

How about the last picture? severe storm.
1. How many hazard do we have? Follow the safety rules and listen to the
2. In the 6 hazards which one do you parents.
experience? I will tell to my parents to prepared to the
3. Do you think class that hazard can may coming severe storm.
cause an accidents to people?
4. What the people need to do to avoid
5. What will you do if it is happen to your

B. Lesson Proper

I will give you an activity and you will

answer it according to your
understanding to the questions. I

A. Circle the letter of the correct


a. What should you do if there is a

flood in your community?
a. Stay inside the house.
a. Play with your friends.
b. Join you friends in playing in the
c. Go to your friend’s house
b. One must avoid playing in the flood
a. Its dirty and stinky.
b. It carries germs and bacteria
c. It carries wastes
d. All of the above
3. What is the best thing to do if you
find out that there will be a coming
a. Keep calm
b. Wait for further announcement
c. Stay indoors
d. Tell your parents to prepared for
4. On your way home,an old man
approaches you and tells you that your
mother is looking for you.What will you
a. Run fast
b. Join him to meet your mother
c. Report him to the authority
d. Don’t mind him
5. While shopping, some teenagers
approach your younger sister and offer
a candies and chocolates.Your is at the
cashier section,paying for the items that
she bought.How would help your sister?
a. Shout at the people
b. Look for your mother and tell what
is happening
c. Just wait for what will happen next
d. Grab your sister and run.
Yes teacher
(students are answering the activity)
I will give 5 minutes to answer the
activity and afterward we will check your
Do you understand class?
If yes, you may now start answering your


The teacher will gather the activity to Answer of steudents

check if they answer are correct 1. A
2. D
Lets check the activity exchange your 3. D
paper to your seatmate 4. C
5. B
Correct answer
1. A
2. D
3. D
4. C
5. B

Very good class you are all got a perfect


Iam so glad that all of you got the correct

answer it seems that you are really
understand the lesson.


Our topic for today is all about the

Community Safety.
Student no.1 Answer: Community safety is a
Lets start to our discussion place where in we feel safe.
First,let’s defined the word community

Who have an idea of what is community

Very good

Community Safety is a partnership

approach to reduce crime and disorder in
local communities like a hazards that are
dangerous conditions or events that
result in potential injury,loss of life,and
damage to property ,agriculture or
environment ,
Hazards can be classified into two:
natural and man-made hazards.

Natural Hazards- are hazards that are

naturally occurring and caused either by
the rapid or slow onset of
logical,meteorological,and climatological

Here are some example of natural hazard

that affect your community.

 Floods
Floods happen when water covers areas
or places that are normally dry.
Floods occur due to prolonged or heavy
rainfall,severe thunderstorm,monsoons
or tropical cyclones.
Flooding greatly affects the lives of
people in the community.It destroys
properties and environment and ruins
people’s homes, It makes the lives of
people difficult and contribute to their
inability to buy food and other basic
necessities due to inaccessible road and
lack of means of transportation.

How would you prepare yourself to avoid

the calamity?
 Before the flood,you need to identify
the local risks in your community.
 Always prepare an emergency
kit(portable radio,candles,waterproof
matches,fresh water ,foods and first
aid kit) and an evacuation strategy.
 Prepare important records and keep
them within reach
 Severe Storm
Storm- is the atmospheric
disturbance characterized by strong
winds together with rain,snow or other
forms of precipitation. It is primarily
caused by the wind system affected by
the rotation of the earth.

Here are the things to do during ,before

and after a storm.
 Have a portable radio,candles,spare
batteries , and emergency kit.
 Strengthen your home by fixing your
roof and ceiling.
 Stay inside the house when the
storm strikes.

 Tsunami
It is a large ocean wave due to
underwater earthquake or volcanic
wave.It is usually caused by any
large ,impulsive displacement of the sea
level. Earthquake and landslide may also
trigger a tsunami.

To avoid too much destruction from

tsunami,you must do the following:
 Watch out for warning signs of a
 Look for a higher place where you
can seek safety ,Avoid lying areas
such as sea shores and open fields.
 After a tsunami,you must wait for
some time before heading outside to
make sure that there are no more
approaching wave following the first

 Earthquake
An earthquake is a sudden shaking or
rolling of the earth’s surface. It occurs
due to plate movement or volcanic
activity.Human activities such as nuclear
explosion,mining,and quarrying can also
trigger an earthquake.The intensity of
earthquake can be measured by a
seismograph a device used to detect and
measure seismic waves generated by a
volcano.The point of origin of movement
is called focus or hypo center while the
point above the focus is known as
Here are the some steps that we can
follow to stay safe during an earthquake.
 Stay away from
windows,mirrors,and other objects
that may fall like wall
decoration,flowers,books and

 Volcanic Eruption
Volcanoes are landforms that
shaped by the rising of molten rocks
inside the earth’s surface.
When a volcano erupts,molten rocks
beneath the earth’s surface known as
magna,and geothermal energy is
generating electricity.

How would you protect yourself from

volcanic eruption?
 Prepare an emergency kit that
contains of flashlight, first aid
materials, batteries, nonperishable
food and medicines.
 Discuss an emergency plan among
your family members,Explain to
them where to go and when volcanic
eruption happen.
 Always listen to the radio Yes teacher.
announcements or watch Natural hazards
television .programs for news
Yes teacher, to make us safe.
Did you understand the first hazards ?
What hazard is all about?

Are you going to follow the tips and steps

that are needed in case that there have

Very good class!

Now that you understand the natural

hazards lets come now proceed to the
last hazard which is man made.

Man- made hazard is a disaster resulting

from man’s negligence or error ,false
intention ,or threats. It includes Yes, teacher.
environmental I ask a help from the other people and to the
degradation,pollution ,accidents and police or any that has a authority to help.
crimes. don’t easily trust someone, always alert and
Have you experienced or witnessed
being robbed or held up?
What did you do?
What would you do to prevent it from
happening again?
There are other ways to prevent crime in
your community.
 Learn about local agencies or non
profit organization in your
 Report to the authority or to a
trusted adult ,any suspicious-looking
persons in your vicinity. Yes teacher
 Do not leave signs or post in your
Yes teacher
social media accounts that you are
Always prepared and ready if there a
going to be away from home for a
calamity or typhoon.
period of time. Be aware always to avoid accidents
Do you understand the safety rules in the
our community?
Cant you apply all the community safety
rules in a real life situation in case there None teacher.
have a coming typhoon or calamity?
how ?

Do you have any questions or

clarifications about the topic ?

That ;s good to hear class.


Since we are done discussing Community

Safety .Get your paper and Analyze the
following pictures and write what will
you do in each situation.
Submit it to me when your finish.

IV. Evaluation

Put a √ if the statement tells what should you do during a disaster and × if it does not.

______1. Call your parents and tell them what is happening.

______2. Prepare an emergency kit.
______3. Turn off the lights if they are not in use.
______4. Go out of the house during a typhoon.
______5. Gather important things before going to the evacuation center.

V. Assignment
Create a comic strip showing five ways on how you can help in preventing crimes in your

Prepared by:

Joeceil D. Valera
Student teacher

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