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maHon ce sre! ORG tp FE ee Onaga Now mortals can see the greatest of his creations, revealed through the ‘raft of Bob Naismith and Aly Morrison inthis Citadel boxed set. The set comprises a catapult witha crew of three and a ple of sls, a chariot with two tndead horses and a chariteer, five personality igures and four slotabases, ving you one chariot passenger and four bot personality up | ine ASC ee ears ar aay tet Te beg a | we Pe eae cee eens Perera eee eer rn es Po Aicap Se eck artal persian er Stores ed Peete teen striy Longhorn, Reaper, Helblade, Screamer - ca! ‘Champions [a | we] ene ae cae ee errr icer teed Aer ey ereraries Pan peter pers ee os ee ne er) Sg pe Se eT ain enue ety Peto eae ed putusiests fr wi fa fio nt fer Popo ts tol sls Polo} ololol Ee eet) et terete pe eae eect ate Ce Re ene a ea Se eee se ey fm iwslns[s |r wht Int [sates sola Conca ee ater earned or Soo camara Pere ee err Tc oe area Ee pe ee er Pees enema a A TaUAt Avant Aaible fom sll good bobby shops ot in ese of difialty contact (CITADEL MINIATURES, CHEWTON STREET, HILLTOP, EASTWOOD, NOTTINCHAMNGI«63HY mo isla Mark Crm, Dean Groom, Grehan Very: Ord Over Mok Or Ona Tn Porsche Aran ove Amon On © Ce Aciteos ILLUSTRATION: Can Crtonour Tory ough, Pete Knit, Marth Mckenna, one Syme, Stove Teper, Chars Ele WanarURES PRNERE: Suc Ain, Ay Pichia ord Sis RAPHY. Pr ei Som ‘TWreSeTTING: Linden © ls Doux Pen and Onn Duty INVALUABLE TYPING. Mary Ane Nate ‘overmsina: mete Faene PUntHER: Game Weanop Unites PRINT BUYER ob Main PUBLICATIONS MANAGER: Ain Marr PRODUCTION SUPEHVIBOR Anthony aron ‘STUDIO MANAGER: acm Ghar, {BR 8086: ryan Anal Pinte ty Three Mouth Web Offs, Bastdon, UK $s cxrospondonce except subacrintons shouldbe asasseg {o: White Dwar Games Worse Dealgn Stasi Ents Shame 1238 low Pavement Naiogham NOV TOC" "ov expect mate do wha every month Yet another choice of frenzied activity ths month! Whatover your astesin adventuring, whether you prefer intrigue or action, the /managementhosavaried menu on offer. Don't worry about the tentacles sir, they're optional. But when you've serambled over Jadeberry Hil, ‘cleared the Shub Niggurath’s outof your [powered armour and reed what else is happening inthe universe in White Dwarf. But how can you prevent cisasters in Mega-City One hait the hordes: ‘of Chaos in the Old World or escape the grip of the. ingane Computer? How would you feel if your character became the focal point of @ new adventure? ‘There are ging tobe someexciting changes and developments in White Dwarf. New. features, Columns and discussions are planned forthe near future. The one thing they will have in common is ‘interactivity. You are going to have more opportunity to get involved in campaigns and games you currently only read about. And shape their future. Wanna cae A eh Marginalia 2 ‘AIThat’s New ond the Best ofthe Rest. Stop Pross " ‘Awesome lies? Nonsense. Critical Mass 2 Dave Langford dons surgical gloves and disects the latest in books Thrud “4 Ure ur uagh... Cort Critchiow Rough Night in the Three Feathers 16 More plots than you can shake deed mutent at. from Graeme Davis Gobbiedigook 24 More utr ur ugh, by Bi To Live and Die in Mega City One 27 The beginning of an epic edventure with Judge Dredd and Marcus Rowland Situations Vacant be Wanted: Sang reliable cowboys .. Robert C Avery end Phil Roe consider some obscure careers Happy Hour 48 at the Block War... Richard Halliwell offers some new counters for Block and Mega Mania Skirmish on Rynn’s World 56 ‘The Battle of Jedeberry Hil for Warhammer 40,000, by the game's designer Rick Priestiey Letters 80 Readers of the world unita you have nothing to lose but your blotting paper! Classifieds 83 Closing Down Sale! Last Offers must go! Everything must go, go, go. ‘Joon toate Wan Game Watabop Us Sve Sane | \ | iB ee ee eer tet en eet ere ‘apart the products they have just spent six months (or, in some cases, five years) putting together. First to ‘experience this cathartic bliss is the inimitable Brother Priestley. WARHAMMER 40, Rogue Trader Table-Top Science Fantasy Combat Game £14.95 \Werhemmer 40,000 Rogue Trader (WH40K something ofa frst for me: the hvst complete ‘eden on my awn. Warhammer redd were al co-written t re for Games Workshor. iyhapy. Well almost completly P Warhammer Battle's poouary established the e format for future gemes, Rogue Tader hod be tought from the groundup: the game we i Pain tock ortho Citadel Miniatures H an the r , mea ef es iP Atlast| The chance to return to Rogue Fader At thie point, Rogue Trader existed only a6 a computer printout. And Games Workshop hod Shifted all-development work onto. new omputers. Whizzo stuff, tobe sure, but faces with the prospect of typing Rogue Tader into ‘nother computer, | opted for snother rewrite. WevsoK has been written three times, but thin ‘tie the better for not something that | can sey forthe authou Rogue Trader: Mark Three Since the first rewtite the bass of Rogue Tader has bean the Warhammer Battie system. The high level af crossover between tha siffarant ‘games made ths fairly eaty, {But the fst crunch came with the change in ‘emphasis sway from hand to-nand combat towards fighting with ranged weapons. The Warhammer tot ground seal meant ducing weapons ranges © levels which were hardly Delievable the alternative woe. tabletop the size cffootbal fed orastract and artifical scenery. M.for example. a weapon has 9 range ot 300, Yards represented by 30” on the table, he {erage model is 10 yards tll Insel this ‘distortion’ doesn’t matter, but bulldings suddenly become hurdrads of yards across and tees tons of yards wide! This wouldn't have. ‘mattered f the scene features were tobe general fteas of “hill. arboreal or ‘urban terran, but Ihave never ied this approach very much. | Pige inside ¢bulaing, at the rim ofa crater oF behind a trae. In ether words, the models and Scenery had represent thesituation ‘as wae sbstracted ranges. Even though ranges are very Shortin raise’ ferms. to ferences between Gilferent weapons ansured that their vital {uation were na less distinct In short works, don't fix t! Eventually, however, | did come up with an advanced rule to faciltte 9 true ground scale and longer ranges. Having ted both systems, layers invariably preter the abstract one. The xing’ ofthe rules i relevant when vou play “Squad! Lock and load! Advance! Warhammer Battle isa gam of formal urits and formal manoeuvres, Tha ofcourse would tao for WH4OK/Rogue Trader. so had Yo-come up ‘with a machaniem for moving the game down ‘eve rom the tactical battle to the skirmish Seton. Rogue Tader was tbe egamein which overs! squads of five models or so confronted ch other aver shanty towns. n the wreckage ofhive-itesorinjungle clearings. Squads had to be united in thir overall command and hag {o be kept togethor ina general sort of way. On the other hane, I wasn'tiookingforagame wth the regiments of shoulder to-shaulder troops ‘hat choracterise Warhammer Battle. A greater ‘slementof roleplaying was aleoneeded, making players ‘ako decisions on an Individual basis Father than eomenitting whole une to the fay The solution was to give individual models 3 ogres of autonemy within thei unite Tope ean move away from the rest of the squad, providing they stay within 2" of another twooper from the same unt Unis con spreed out, Dut ave to maintain some sort of overall cohesion This provided the bacls forthe skirmish game but; aal'm sure Warhammer ployer wil ales, leaden the which modelis shooting at whet problom, which simply dooer't exist when an Entire regiment is letting np ota target These problems wore ironed out during evelopment. Idecided to include edvancedrules ‘whieh suqgasted several cterent waye mshich {re nomination, randomized fre and targeting ould be resolved. During playtesting, we found thatthe bost method depended on the siz of ‘game being played. The final result of this Spproach was a set of rules with only a few foetions that had to Be usod, and lots of ada fans and options. The numberof aadtional ules eyond. the core. system) gives the WHAOK Rogue Trader Gamemaster mich more freedom than in most tabletop games and ives 1 high love of GM participation, In play, the mechanics work well. From the beginning, | adopted 2 tomplate systom for ‘weapons with a spread offre aren weapons ‘such #8 missile launchers, This made fire resolution abit cumbersome at fist a8 every ‘ime arodel fired it coulé result in several hits, Bilof which hadtobe resolved separately inthe ‘nd, it proved simpler to reduce the number of ‘183 weapons In use Most troops now carry ‘imple one-hit-one-cesualty weepene, Theatea tie system attracts comments trom players unused tot | must ami that it oes ‘Saamst what gonsider tobe an important design principe: a game rule must nat ony reflect whet Fanpens, but the way in which t happens. The player aos an area template merkor and paces tover his target. and thon rolls to s9e fit Scaters Tempotes that mise ae repositionec ‘2nd then tegets in the new area of effect are ‘Sloed for The fers Balatic Skil ser’ sect the deviation; this is, i. fact. governed by the size ofthe template. Weapons with larger effect Tomplates deviate more often, but becouse the templates are larger, the deviation involved rarely takes thom completely away from ther aiming pont. Inpractice the system achieves exactly what wanted. Area fires not absolutely reliable and ‘ay result In 9 blast going slightly amiss. No ‘matter how sklled the er sree weapons remain slighty unpredictable. Eat Hot Photons, Alien Slime! ‘Thanks tothe damage caused by weapons such as lasers and blasters, I needed to rethink the ‘Standard Strongth and damage eystom used in the Warhammer systam. As WH players wl know, the system uses a lot of 8 damage chart Which crosereferenees weapons’ Strength with targot Toughness to give a D6 score needed to couse 1 point of damage (9 Wound! With the new game, | wanted tallow more powerful weapons, but lao hod to maintain Game balance Simply increasing a weapon's Strength would destroy this balance. To make ‘Weapons more effective, therfore introduced fn adcitional modifier to the target's saving throw: In Warhammer this modifiers linked to Strngth, butin WH4OK/Rogue Todor tho ink ‘was broken. There are weapons which can cut through armour Ike hot kno through butter but then do relatively ttle damage «the laser for example. At the Same time, | introduced 3 variable damage rol allowing some weapons to ause more than asingle wound from aint This ‘was necessary in the case of large weapons, ‘whore targots with large Wound scores wore Ikaly to be engaged. Ail hese modifications do make the shooting procedure more complicated than in Warhammer. | fet thie wee epproprate for 3 ‘game involving fewer models and » greater arety of weapon, But What Does This Button Do? ‘Whilst the WH4OK mechanics are derived from Warhammer Battle, the technology rules have 10 be wholly new. This woe something | roaly ‘enjoyed. In Judge Dredd | had developed 3 system for vehicles which, thanks to. 9 pocuction enor, Became incomprehensible in [Republished form! Rats! Howevar using this 25 ‘a basie, WH4OK onded up with asic systom based on the Warhammer statistics profiles. | {00k a leat out of WERP and used a erie! ht ‘chart to resolve damage on vehicos. The guts of thisisa 206 rol, which gives enice bel curve with a good chance ofa predictable result and ‘enough luck to make ft inerestng, Al This, And Figures Too. ‘Thate were, of course, hundreds of bits to tweak and'test Amongst the most initating (for me were the random generation tables, involving hundreds of changes and inevitable rigging of percentages ‘This was made necessary by the close lnk bborwean the figure design process andthe gama “There wes only so much modeling tiene avafabe, 0 there was ite points having Space Merins| ‘armed with dozens of diffrent weapons f the igure designers ony had tre rorake a sing standard Marine The models fluenced thers {and vice versa. Just why ft that when you'r Ist about to finish a section, some.. person ‘walks in with his latest eybernete killer clone Srmadilois lobotomises space-nun and her ‘amazing drone weeble dog, and wants the rules ff for using it. Sob ‘Taders and Troopers By the time the game was ready for editing in December 1886, Games Workshop had decided to produce Rogue Trooper. The ensuing Confusion war incredible, with people talking bout Trader when thay meant ooper and TTooper when tey meant Fader. Gurling uty often became the only option. ‘Anew title was needed, and some bright spark {whom shall hate for the rest of my fe} eame Up with Warhammer 40,000. Because of the ensuing confusion over Warhammer Battle, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay ond Worhammer 40,000 (see gurgling, abovel the full title's Warrammer 40,000 - Rogue Trader, which neatly abbroviates to WH4OK or O:Kay in Conversetion. | preter "Warty thou” mysel. ‘The publication of WHOK opens upa whole new area for supplements, scenarios, modeling ‘ticles and more of everything. The first ‘Supplement is already in preparation, an I'm Teaking forward to throwing myselt into further ‘game development. The WHAOK universe wae ‘Sesigned for gaming right from the ster, and has | plenty of room for future ideas - with over 9 ‘rion planets inthe Imperium, there's room for Blayers and other writers to develop virtually | ‘anything they want! Go forth and develop! Fick Priestley The rest of this month's new releases include eveything you needed to know about running a campaign for chaotic, football-playing, karate-kicking, paranoics on the Border Elemental... but never dared ask. CHAOS MARAUDERS Fantasy Board Game £9.99 Heading north odo battle witha bunch of stunty litle Dwarfs, s en eiwesome army of Bored and initable Orcs. They grind to halt every ten yards 15 of some petty squabble which is lating into yet another tribal punch ing leaders are quite ‘content to et the goblinoids scrabble in the mud all thoy like, butif they over got into battle formation it means that things are getting serious, So one of the gonerals willintervene at ‘that point, slap the wrists of everyone involved hey] eeetigits nts hare ety na gizzards sit) and get the wretches marching ‘again... until the noxt time Until then, one ofthe clans willinevitably rive the others barmy with boasts of how it clearly ‘came out an top not necessarily because It is the strongest, but because it has finished with ‘the highest status, stealing enough valuable stutt ‘to make their rivals even greener with envy. This constant, mad feuding is whet Chaos Marauders (a card game for 2-4 players) is all ‘about, with each player controlling one of the ‘val Ore clans. I's not an epic simulation of fantasy battle strategy, but a vory easy card ‘game intended to be played for laughs - and is Indeed @ must after 8 four-pack or two. Inside the box you wil find four extemnely lage pleysheets, These are divided into a grid of 48 boxes (superimposed on the impressive piece of artwork that depicts the location for these brain busting scraps). There's also an easy going rulebook featuring woll illustrated ‘examples of play, 25 well as a spiffy folded sheet providing @ summary of pley, plus background fotes on the cards; did you know, for example, ‘that Spitiedung XXX ie rowed withthe a ‘of mould covered stoats? Next, you get the cosmic Cube of Devastation (pardon?) and, of coursa. the cards themselves 112 full colour, high quality playing cards resplendent with amazing and often humorous ‘John Blanche artwork, depicting all the troops {and thingies which players have to colect and Use to fil up their battle ines. What batleines? complete battle-ineis # row of atleast four cards, with a card bearing @ Standard at its fextremeleft end, and a Musician atts right, and ‘Rospaces inbetween, When three of these have eeoen aan i places it anywhere on ‘in one of the boxes of the grid ‘Thenhe takes another, places it. and so on un cither a card is dravun whichis identi Slready on his plays which ends his turn, Cards ture apicture of whatever itis the card is supposed to represent, the name of the thing, an Attack Rating and Victory Pints. They ‘are split into five groups determined by asplash ‘of colour behind the card's name; for example, fl the Red eards are parts of one of the special three card War-Machine sete 4 ocr oA Once. player completes three lines the ‘ends. The winner isthe player who scores the ‘most Victory Points forthe cards he has on bis sheet, and not necessarily the player who finishes fist (though this player eams a Victory Points bonus). Vietory Points are awarded for things such as the length ofa player's complete Dattl-tines (longer ines are harder to build and 50 are worth more points) and for those cards ‘which have a numberof Victory Points on ther, such a8 Spoil Heaps. However it's hardly realistic to design agame featuring Ores which dovsn’t have any skull Dashing in is it? But card colecting s merely the most basic aspect of Chaos Marauders, there's a whole range of other devious doubl dealings that I've yet to mention. For example, ‘when a player completes a attack ary weaker, ncomplate enemy ine. Ifthe ‘attack succeeds, the attacker may steal any of the enomy line's useful cards as the spolls of Victory. On the other hand, the attacking ine may rout in panic for no good reason at al, eaving fallits good stuff behind for the enemy to take! ‘Then there are tho Venomous Graop turncoat, tho Sneaky Git assassins, the over hungry ‘Odluge Spleenripper, whoislkely to turn today’s Dwarf prisoner into tomorrow's Tol droppings ‘at a second’s notice, and other, equally Uunsavoury types. ‘Though the cheracters and the setting of the ‘game derive fram the mote serious Warhammer ‘world, the main aim of Chaos Marauders is 0 bea light-hearted, fast and amusing game. Accordingly, al the rules ate extremely simple, ‘nd all randomness is reduced to things going ‘wrong ona tin 6 chance. To this end, the Cube (of Devastationis included: a well made dice with five sides showing an Orc's Eye and the sixth bearing the much feared Mark of Chaos. You'l ‘understand this fear when one of you fourteen card long battlo-ines routs into the distance! ‘Chaos Marauders is also @ game of ups and downs, with ployors often rising and falling in fortunoe repeatedly within a singla game. There are enough special cards in the game to ensure that vietoryis never clearcut unt the very end The game's simplicity allows players to concentrate on strategy, the potontial for which |s great, and largely based on the placement of Cards on the playshoet. For example, should you {90 for short lines, ending the game quickly and Shatching the Victory Point bonus, oF should you tty and bud longer lines which are worth more, but are more eifficult to build? you complete lina, should you use it to attack and run the Fisk of a rout "indeed, have the enemies got {anything worth fighting for? And so on, and so (on. These areanly a couple of things which the player has to consider when playing what initially may appear to be a simple game. It's also ‘averages. Infact, i's even mate fun when you play a tournament of singles being totaled to find an overall winner ‘The basic system in Chaos Marauders is almost infinity expendable, at least covering ‘the other armies and races than ean be found in the Warhammer wotld (ho said “Expansion ‘Kits?), and the visually stunning cards alone ‘make the game a worthy adction to anybody's Collection. On, and before we forget, “CHAOS. MARAUDERSI"" You heard it here first Stephen Hand & DEATH ZONE Boardgame Supplement £7.95 So how do you make a good game even batter? ‘Why, give everyone even more of it. of course During the development, playtesting and editing ‘of a gamo, us world-famous game designers ‘always comeup with far more wacky ideas than ‘can possibly be squeezed into one game. Some (of these are just too daft to be used, and are discarded almost immediately (for example, the Balrog team that we nearly putin Blood Bow! Others are good ideas, but don't quite deserve aplaceina published product, of are just litle {00 off-the-wall; those tand to be published a articles in this very magazine, and very popular they are too. But there will always be some rules ications, expansions and special teams which simply must be printed as official rules somehow. Hence the Expansion Set is born. In this particular case, though, wehave found ‘that Blood Bow players are typealy a gregarious brood, witha tremendous passion for inventing ‘new rule and teams of ther awn. Consequenty, Death Zone, the fst Blood Bow! expansion set. is packed to bursting with contributions from ‘wide spread of enthusiatie fans as well as fram the game's inventor. Jervis Johnson, So what's init? Well, the box comes with several shests of new teams, bright and colourful {and just waiting to stomp your favourite players; ‘snew pad of giant sized team rostrs told lots ‘more details about your favourito players; anc 8 very chunky rulebook, to allow those same players to play even better than ever It's this ast Component which is the most Important, for ‘thin ts pages you wil find new teams and star players, new rules for use during pay, and-amajor section expanding campaign play for use between games. ‘There are no res! throst-gtabbing surprises ‘amongst the new teams, as the average Blood Bow! player is now quite used to all kinds of bizare charactors. However, can Quarantoe that they'll have plenty of fun using the Werewolf team, the besorker Norsemen, and the Albion team of knights and peasants (the latter have to "tug the forelock’ and always pass to the knights!). New star players include that rare thing, 2 Halfing champion, and a certain Thrud the Barbarian - who fan’t the bonus you might think he wouldbe, ashe tends not to understand the rues t00 wall ‘The new rules of play are very interesting, for at last we have the fabled Blood Bowl Magic Rules! Yeah Now you can zap players in mid stride from a cietance with a mera wave of the hand, heal damaged players, and much more too. Death Zone also provides more player skills and spacial players, including chuckars and catchers {think you can work out what their respective jabs are). Add to all this rules for jumping over proneplayer, an altomative star, and alltherest, lana your game will never be the same again ‘And thon, of course, there ae the Campaign rules, which are the real highspot of the pack Now a coach has ¢ whole budget to work with, ‘This brings mixed blessings: he can buy new star playors from the pool of available players, but Bil his players have to be paid regular wages or ‘they get disgruntied (represented by the new Disenehantment Points) and may leave. Revenue comes from matches, and from being more successful than everyone else. Also included in ‘the Campaign section areew team employees, including Apothecaries, who brew pations to help players. and Healers. who help injured players recover before the next vital match Its all presented in the same snappy format {2s Blood Bow, and the guys have even found ‘Space tosneakin afew moreof those corny ‘Did ‘you knows... Death Zone is unmissable ‘Mare Gascoigne aR foward) (Q) Mt | Cir astice! LAND OF NINJA RuneQuest Supplementary ‘The feudal Japanese mythos continues to hold ite fascination for Oceidental game players, judging by the domands therehave been for the publication of Land of Ninja. the sourcebook and ‘adventure pack for Avalon Hil's AuneQuest. It thas @ much stronger appeal to those who profor their gaming ina tightly controlled environment than any varation of the 13th-Century-Europe- Fantasy World genre, Given RuneQuest's ‘attention 1 dotall, provisions for advonturing in ‘the Far East was ariatural extension of the game. The book (144 pages, lots of pictures, Including about 16 in colour - following the Tormgt of the preceeding three books in the ‘Gams Workshop edition) provides the various ‘mechanice for converting the RunoGuest game lnto one suitable for adventures in Nihon (sie ‘the word Nippon might be mors familar to you (guys). Obviously backgrounds are altered, but thore ate algo changes to magic, to combat [particularly the rules for armour and to skills. ‘Twa rand new major elements are also added, ‘An Honour’ systemis considered an essential ‘part of any game in this setting. The codes of behaviour that restrict the actions of characters in this world are quite severe - there is no ‘adventurer’ lass in Nihon - and itis necessary ‘to evaluate acharacterin aprecise way. In Land Of Ninja, the GM awards positive oF negative HON points. and the score s used as a base for Interaction with NPCs. Being recognised in anew town, asking for @ fevour trom a lord, geting training from a renowned master al these are ubject to a successful HON roll. HON can only bbe gained by performing actions which alter the way a characteris seen by others. You can have ‘negative or positive score - the one thing not tobe isthe Kind of bland mush who has a score of. The second new element is the Ki magic ‘system. Ki isthe magical tapping of the inner ower ofthe individual, it focuses on the belie! that the most effective action is one performed Inasinglesurgeof force after much preparation. ‘So, as characters start becoming exceptional ‘with certain ordinary skills (getting thom above the 80% mark), they start developing parallel Ki skis. The advancement of both skls is figured ‘separatay from then on, and the Kiskls operate differently to the ordinary ones. Characters ‘expend amagic point ora point of POW, perhaps perform a Ceremony, and then can perform some ‘Sultably excessive action such os throwing 8 String of shuriken or climbing shoo: walls. These ‘super skis allow a character to behave more like 8 movie version of a Japanese wartior than in the ordinary game, 89 watch out! ‘The background presented in the book isn't ‘extonsiva, but covers the basics. RuneQuest has ‘always preferred to get atmosphere across with Clover mechanics, rather than with generalised information fand the HON and Kiruies work very Slickly in this respect). The adventures, all short ish, show exaetly what roleplaying in Nihon is supposed to be about, with planty of chances for ritual suicide when things go amiss Theres one oddity. In Land of Nina the rules for playing aNinjaare optional, and almost played down to the extent of discouragement. Of course, the problem with some people's perception ofthe sattingis that individuals could Become utrakiling machines, and thermyth has put rather a strain on game mechanics. Players {are urged to play samurai, fly within the feudal Systom of family honour, and 89 en. Paul Cockburn OTA PARANOIA I Roleplaying Game £12.95 ‘Second Ealtion Paranoia, huh? What's wrong with the First Edition? Well, nothing. Thore can be nothing wrong withthe First Edition of the ‘Computer's gare, can there? Well, for a game relying on speed, keeping players off-elance and ‘giving no-one any time to think, some of the Sctual mechanics sometimes seemed @ ite Slow and involved. Other systoms were innovative, But took a ite time to grasp. and lead to most Paranoia GMs taking the basic ‘advice of the book to heart, and ‘winging? Combate and the lke to maintain the pace. Paranoia has improved in all ofthese areas, and the designers have takon great pains to fengure that all the available adventures are Usable with these rules Included is @ special Section ‘on how to convert First Edition pporeantage dia rolls now changed to 8 20,el), ‘Retibute rolls, and aven your old characters <6 ‘thernew system. The designers do freely admit, hhowover, that t's easier to kil of oldor PC's as ‘modifying thom can be‘ bitof apain: But what Paranoia GM would pass up the opportunity for f bit of pain? Would you? Thought not ‘The 128 page hardback rule book contains all Second Edition is no different. Even more background notes on everyday life in Alpha complex, expended GameMasters notes tohelp new (and old) playors have a more enjoyable(?) ‘ime and brand new module length adwentre all combine to provide the reader with hours of Machiavellian fun. You can almost smell the vera the book gives the impression of being ‘amuch moro polished product, with some useful Getachable reference, character and adventure NPC shoots at the back, new ilustations and ‘many more explanations and examples. Dogs it have any clear advantages over the orginal? For ‘ew players ang Gamemasters. a resounging ‘yes. The layout, descriptions and adventure are alelassic Paranoia, and the now system is much ‘more suited tothe style and nature of the game. For more experienced players, well it depends ‘on your style of play. If you've bacome used to ‘2 more fre-form style of gaming then the extra background and adventures may not be enough to tempt you. Butitis more enjoyable nits new form and comes highly rocommenced, In fact, only one thing worries me about Paranoia i-why did they pick me to write about Tim Pollard = eee ee eee ee ee SS S Goon In the nightmare future of the fortieth millennia, only the superior psychic mind of the Emperor shields humanity from certain extinction. Dedicated to fo aesck nen ee ent cera ree Falemost amongst them stand the Space Marines, men strengthened by Er ecb ite teenie oer ene eat ten eC tata ‘Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader is a miniatures hased tabletop game designed for two or more players. Se ee a ee ae a er ones Caiman ie un Mad arnt ce ‘simple skirmishes to full-scale battles! inside you will ind rules and description covering a ; e Seen as is ere See eke ee eae & Ce Mtn ! full details of history, background and warriors ee ert A further selection of rules and information for advanced play. . Cee eer an introductory game including all the details you need to play prreiconies Succ, ltop, Eastwood. Nottingham, KGIO SHY. US Perea acca oan Pee Re ors Peer at ee ees ] 4 \ eran eae srme fh mperinm | For Ace approved ) order no ‘Muster your troops for combat in the far future with the WARHAMMER 40,000 battle game! Pit your skills as leader of the Imperial Marines against the leader of the cruel Space Orks - a vast srry of weaponry is st your disposal, but Your enemy haslow cunning and knows the fe ofthe land! WARHAMMER 40,000 has 268 pages of rules, {and background heavily iustrated throughout with player handouts and @ whole lot mora ll for just C1496! 1's Block War in Mega-City One with Games Workshop's brand new two-player game of manic confit in the wacky ‘world of 2000AD's Judge Dredd. Stylishly dressed spugs scrawl insults on other peoples walls; armed mobs wreak hhavoc in the plazas and block parks; obese faites trundle forward, flattaning everything in their path highly trained, ‘wellarmed Cit-Def militias infitrate neighbouring blocks and try to blow them to smithereens; and lot of other things (Get zapped, set ablaze oF blown up! BLOCK MANIA is manic fun for only £12.96! ‘The BLOCK MANIA expansion which allows up to four players to take part in the action! Even more fun and a whole Rew series of problems as Block Mania tums into MEGAMANIA, and al for Just £7.95) ‘The game of fantasy football from Games Workshop! Take 2 toams of muscular, blood-threty hel insane warriors. ‘Kit them out in armour and padding studded with cruel spikes, and stand them in two lines facing each other. Then place a small, innocent football on the cenite spot between them, blow the starting whistle. and stand well back! BLOODBOWL is great fun, and grest value at only £12.95! ‘The long ewaind BLOODBOWL expansion set, with new euma, now res magic nBleodbow, carpaan res and personality players. There's algo a new team roster form, and 20 plastic stands in four scintillating colours forthe now {ul-colour player counters! DEATH ZONE includes more background notes, ‘Did You Knows, and running commentary ‘rom the greet Jim end Bob, and is avallable for just £7.98! ‘The Talisman Dungeon is more then an expansion set for the world’s greatest fontasy boardgame. Now you can brave the perils of the Dungeon in your quest forthe Crown of Command; those who survive the Dungeon may find themeeives loser to their goal, or they may find themselves futher fromit, THE TALISMAN DUNGEON contains a new board add (on, a set of cards 1 be shuffled into the main deck, a new set of new cards for the Dungeonand fourteen more character Clases take an already great game into another dimension, for just £7.98! In this brand new ond briianty simple card game from Games Workshop, each player takes contro of adiferent tribe Of Ores, and attempts to destroy their enemies with trickery, thuggish brutality and a whole host of other social ‘acceptable Orcish pastimes! Included In the game are 4 ful-colour high-quality playsheots, 112 full-colour cards, an introductory story and rules and the much-rumoured, far-out, mind-blowing Cube of Devastation! CHAOS MARALOERS, costs just £9.991 ‘One ofthe first, and one of the most detailed roleplaying games is now being produced by Games Workshop ina series ‘of hardback books. BASIC RUNEQUEST gives you rules for character creation, combat and aki, and gives useful ‘examples and ilustrations throughout, for just 7.9 Expand your games with this fullcolour, hardbacked supplement to RuneQuest, with new rules for character ‘backgrounds special combat situations, spalcasting careers, new spells, detalls on creating and runring adventures and sea-borme gaming, as well as a ready-to-run scenaria all for just £12.95! ‘A comprehensive bestiary for RuneQuest covering 120 creatures, with everything from Allosaurus to Zombie and als includes details on non-human player charecters, a8 wel as some useful pro-generated charactors and encounters. Filled throughout with full-colour and black and white illustrations, RUNEQUEST MONSTERS is an invaluable supplement, and costs just £9.96! ‘The latest release inthe hardback RuneQuest series, LAND OF NINJA covers the mystical Far Eastern lands of Nippon and it's inhabitants, the Semura, Full details and rules for character creation, advancement and careers ave Included, with plentiful background notes on life in Nippon, Ninja assassins themselves and the monsters ond creatures who inhabit it. Heavily ilstrated throughout, the book also contains now rules to cover samurai ninja and other the character types, new spells, new skills and new monsters. RUNEQUEST LAND OF NINJA costs just £10.9 This module for WARHAMMER BATTLE contains takes you to the area known as The Riding, describing the vilages ‘of Shoodthorpe, Averridge and Mayby, and giving full descriptions of such attractions as the akull-bll and Mayby Frog Swallowing day, this pack provides you with the perfect setting for street brawls, riots, goblin raide and any emount ‘of mayhem, and is full of card buildings, colour counters and gaming statistics for only £6.98! ‘This WARHAMMER BATTLE module gives you all the buildings you'll need for Gimbrin's Dwarf Ming, Bogel’s Farm and the village of Frugelhofen, plus a three-part Warhammer campaign. Can you stop the dread Lichemaster taking ‘over the Frugolhofen Valley? And after you have fought the. you can use the card bulldings again and again In your own Warhammer games. TERROR OF THE LICHEMASTER Is great value at £6.95) ‘Mege-City One. 400 milion people and every one of them 2 potential csiminal, The most violent, ov city on Earth ein Judge Dredd and clean up the streets! YOU ARE THE LAW, inthis acton packed and incredibly popular roleplaying ‘rom Games Workshop, for just £12.91 NOW TO TELEPHONE ORDER GAMES GAMES WORKSHOP. MAIL ORDER, CHEWTON ST, HILL TOP WORKSHOP EASTWOOD, NOTTS NG16 3HY Gert aes >" ss oe) ae = ef Rin Avail fom il good hobby shop or in ese of dilcaty contact (CITADEL MINATURES, CHEWTON STREET HILLTOP EASTWOOD, NOTTINGHAMNGI6 3HY pean een Tee eet etn Pabesthapnsirscing svar hig peomeegrrang meer Trg ats Somewhere in the Universe... ‘The black-armoured figure raised a heavy bolter, bringing the business end within inches ‘of the smaller one's sweat sheened fae. "Well, scum?” - the distortion of the helmet comlink lent the voice a particularly sinister quality - ‘What have you to sy for yourself? [Last month you caused me to tell the workd that Stephen Hand was working on the English translation of the popular Swedish fantasy boardgame Drak Borgen, and that i ‘would be called Dragon's Tower. Now I iscover that Jervis Johnson is engaged on this project, which will be called Dungeon Quest “TT can explain...” quavered the other BADOOOMME! ‘The armoured one turned avay and brushed fleck of ash from his shoulder. “Te would not have been so quick, he ‘murmured, ‘had you not been right about Dracula... AS be walked avay from the smoking body, the transponder pad on his left Sleeve bleeped into life. One plstes-clad finger jabbed a button. ‘Summary data Citadel November 87; crackled the symthesised voice, “++ EXf Ravening Hordes army: commanders, scouts, wardancers, bbeasthandlers, cavalry, magicians ++ Beastman Ravening Hordes army +++ Ore ‘command pack ++ Chaos hounds and handlers ++ Dvatf flame cannon ++ WFRP starter boxes: adventurers and monsters, possible 20+ figures per box ++ Boxed plastics: Skaven, Orc, Goblin, Dwarf, Elf, Dark Elf; choice of heads, new superdetaled plastic shields ++ Warhammer 40000 army Figures ++ Ends +4" ‘Last item, Full data ‘Warhammer 40,000 army Figures ++ Met ++ Title Imperial Troopers ++ New code, estimate 20 figures intially ++ Seulptor Morrison A, Possible Mutant ++” ‘Stop. Emergency Communication Inquisition’ ‘The transponders lights winked fora second, omen ‘Inquisitor Azmuth, Transm con Imperial Troopers Bangings and Stampings ‘Bang! The bumed-out cars are already oo hot to touch under te baking sun, The deep Sadows under the trees would have Been Perfect ever for carrion binds, if birds sl Erie. You check your gun, lok to your companions, and Games Workshop ar seting up Dark Future, 1 live roleplaying game withteth.. and paint uns. anda mat line jn poseapocalypse Sack leather armouz.- Tht i stl ony in the experimental sage, s0 GW are looking for new staff te run the projet. You could be the person needed to be part of the Dark Future tEam, 30 if yu have experience of live ‘olepiaying Or skirmish games, get in touch! You should write Dark Furure atthe Games ‘Workshop address belo ing imelligence ‘Samp! GW are also moving on the play-by- imal front. The project under consideration is a Jarge computer-mederated postal Warhammer ‘campaign, featuring oodles of graphics the like of which have never been seen in this field... If you think you could be one of the people we ‘ed to help set up and administer this game properly aod you have experience running PBMs professional or semi-professional capacity - get in touch with The PBM Games Project, Games Workshop, Chevton Street, Hilltop, Eastwood, Nots A Dog Called Citadel (On August Sth-6th, six Warhammer Fantasy Battle players from the Exeter area played a 24-hour marathon battle (not the Batle of Marathon, I'm tld) which raised over £320 for the Guide Dogs for the Blind Association ~ and got themselves on the frontpage of the Exeter Express and Echo into the bargain. The money they raised will provide a new guide dog, ‘which they have decided to name Citadel Educational Adventuring A software company called Topologa have qeleased a computer adventure pame ealed Giantiller, designed fr edoational use and thsed around mathematical purzles, It desigoed for the 10-4 age grovp, which makes the choice of the Jack and the Beanstalk story 8 lie strange, but the puzzles shown on the press release lok suitably ctallenging, and fem fo include a cubic section of 8 Tooms hich sift Uke the faces of a Rubik cube ‘Gives you a headache just thinking about it Games Day ‘87 Our spies have uncovered a list of some of the events planned for the weekend, Plans are not yet finalised, bu the following should be happening: Demo games: Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Ranuasy Battle, Blood Bowl, Paranoia and Talisman (incloding the new Talisman Dungeon! Competition games: WERP (run by the Enemy Within team and writen by Baz "Tortured Souls’ Barret), Blood Bow, Chaos Marauders, Block Mania and Mega Mania and a Warhammer Bring & Bate, “Eavy Metal Live: featuring the Citadel figure painters and including Dave “Supersata’ ‘Andrews showing you how to do fiendishly clever conversions of the new plastic Space Marines ‘Mluminations Live: with a deubing of artists including Tony Ackland, Bil ‘Gook’ Sedgewick, Stephen Tappin and special celebrity guests on various days. Figure Punting Competitions: 90 compettins|. One wil be sped painting and tbecther, em, went ‘Trad Photos: your chance ty have yourself photographed as Thrud the Barbarian! ‘The Gargantuan Games Day Grey Cell Grapple: bobby celebrities pit their wits against Rick Priestley the Chaos (Questionmaster ‘And, as they say, much, much more. We hear that TSR hope 10 be able to unvel the Dragonlance Adventures hardback and the Forgotten Realms sourcepack and first module at Games Day, 00. Games Fair ‘88 Is advertised in this issue, so I won't repeat what's there. Last year all tickets were sold within 244 months of the frst ad, 0 don't hang about, TSR UK are looking for someone to ‘write the ADAD Team Competition adventure, ‘0 if you can write wild and wacky AD&D ‘material, send a large SAE to Rik Rose at TSR ‘UK (the address is in the ad) for details. Hundreds of Hardbacks ‘The Dragonlance Adventures AD&D sourcebook forthe world of Krynn will be the [Oth hardback AD&D rulebook, making an average of more than one a year. However, we hear thatthe Flend Folio isto be dropped from the lists, with no more being reprinted after the present stock has sold out, So if you want & Copy of the only ADED rulebook to be writen in Britain, withthe best ofthe early years of WD's own Fiend Ractory, you'd beter hurry Across the Water [News has reached us that Erie Goldberg and ‘Greg Costikyan have left West End Games. "TSR’s November and December releases will include: The Islandia Campaign, a collection of four D&D aventures first published by The Companions a few years ago; ACU The Book ‘of Wondrous Inventions, 2 96-page compendium of strange devices both magical land otherwise, DAS The City of Blackmoor, the culmination of the revamped Blackmoor ‘campaign; DQI The Enchanted Wood, an old ‘Dragorquest adventure by Paul Jaquays, re- released as a 2-vay adventure for DQ and ‘ADAD; and MA‘ The Fantastic Four ‘Compendium, « MSH sourcebook. A lite farther off, we hear, is series of ‘support modules for Manual of the Planes, and an expansion set forthe SPI Sniper skinnish game, which wil introduce an ‘clement of roleplaying inthe form of character evelopment rules, More scenarios will follow. ‘New Infinitis” fist paperback release in cooperation with BerkieyiAce, Sea of Death, entered US bestseller lists on the first week of its release. The follow-up will be Night Arrant (groan...), a collection of short stories involving the sume characters Dreamlands Last night I had a terrible dream of having to read and review thousands of books, and ‘woke to find it true... but because this was & dream there were lots of peculiar and doubtless very Freudian elements thrown in, including chasms, railway carriages, bindweed, prune stones and bacon-and- tomato sandwiches. Psychiatrists out there will please keep their conclusions to themselves. Dreams are a tempting subject for fantasy, but a good story often isn't ‘convincing as a dream: the Alice books are to logical, Jurgen too conciously symbolic, Finnegans Wake 100 bloody erudite. One successful dream story, with the right non- sequitur, surreal j

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