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Return Of The Mobster After I Do 1st

Edition Imani Jay

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Return Of The Mobster

A Curvy Girl, Second Chance Romance
Copyright © 2022 by Imani Jay

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,

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mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without
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This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and

incidents portrayed in it are the work of the author's imagination.
Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or
localities is entirely coincidental.

Imani Jay asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of

this work.

Imani Jay has no responsibility for the persistence or accuracy of

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First edition

This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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About the Author
Also by Imani Jay
Of all the books you could be reading, thank you for choosing one of
mine! I hope you enjoy my short, steamy romances. They sure are a
lot of fun to write 😉

Happy naughty reads!



“Do you Alima Rose Kane, take Luca Alessandro Grazzi, to be your
lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold from this day forward,
for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health,
to love and to cherish as long as you both shall live?”
“I Do”.



I pull at the panes of my evening gown in a futile attempt to cover

the wide expanse of mocha skin revealed by the long slit running
from my upper thigh to the hem of the extraordinary silk dress. My
best friend Marie slaps my hand away.
“You look gorgeous, babe. Don’t ruin it.”
My grumble of ‘I hate you’ makes Marie giggle.
“No, you don’t, silly. You love me. Just remember it’s for the kids,
and go parade on that stage.”
I repeat after her: “it’s for the kids,” and take a deep breath
before stepping onto the stage.
The vast ballroom of the Five-star luxury hotel where we’re
holding our event, decorated to perfection. A couple hundred VIPs
fill the brightly lit, wide room. Soft jazz music coming from a live
band set in one corner. An impeccable staff walks through the crowd
with trays of appetizers and drinks. Marie truly outdid herself with
the organization.
A small stage sits in the back of the ballroom, currently occupied
by myself, two other of my closest girlfriends, just as lavishly
dressed as I am, and my three guy best friends in impeccable
tuxedos. We exchange amused glances and warm smiles. We’re in
this together. Just like we were years ago. Foster siblings, growing
up in the same household. And we’re here tonight to give back.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” Marie addresses the crowd, microphone
in hand. “I give you the fabulous five.”
She extends her hand to our small group and her gesture is met
with thunderous applause and a few catcalls from some of our close
friends and family.
“The five bachelorettes and bachelors who volunteered to spend
an all expenses paid evening with the winners of tonight’s auction.”
More applause.
“The auction starts at one thousand dollars for each single lady
or gentleman. And remember, all funds will go to our foundation,
‘Mama Nelly’s Home’, named after our loving and beloved foster
mother, Miss Nelly Jackson.”
All gazes turn to Mama Nelly and she graciously nods, waves and
blows kisses around, making the room grow even more excited. Her
big brown eyes shimmer with emotion. She looks amazing in an
elegant ivory evening gown, her curly hair pulled up in a
sophisticated bun, a soft smile pulling at her lips. She looks so
happy, so proud of us.
“The first candidate for tonight… ladies,” Marie wags her
eyebrows, triggering laughter all around, “is our very own Fire Chief,
Mister Antonio Dacosta.”
She introduces Tony with a wide gesture and he advances to the
front of the podium in his signature calm and composed manner.
More clapping and yelling ensue when Tony bends at the waist to
salute the crowd.
“Do I hear one thousand and one dollars?” Marie inquires.
“Two thousand dollars,” comes loud and clear from a gorgeous
woman who watches Tony as if her plans for their date are anything
but an act of charity. The crowd gasps and Marie entertains the
The auction goes on and one after the other, my foster siblings
get swept away by generous donors. Most of whom they seem well
acquainted with… When it’s finally my turn to be offered as tribute,
Marie has barely announced the opening price that one of the staff
comes from backstage handing her a folded piece of paper.
I watch Marie’s eyes grow wide before she clears her throat and
announces in the mic: “well, it seems an anonymous bidder has
snatched away Miss Alima Kane. Unless I can get ten thousand and
one dollars for a date with our lovely Miss Kane?”
My eyebrows fly up to my forehead. Ten thousand dollars! Who
would pay such an exorbitant amount? The largest amount of money
we’ve ever made from our Bachelorettes & Bachelors Auction was
maybe five thousand dollars for a single bid. The entry ticket to the
event only is two thousand dollars, that is already a very generous
donation to our foundation.
“Ten thousand going once,” Marie marks a pause. “Twice…” The
party guests exchange excited looks and watch me with renewed
interest. “A date with Miss Alima Kane for ten thousand dollars, to
our very generous anonymous donor. Thank you, whoever you are!”
I smile broadly, beyond thrilled at the idea of the great use this
money will be put to. And I might be just a bit tickled to meet my
mysterious bidder.
Dressed in a stylish little black dress, I walk to my door, an
evening clutch under my arm, all dolled up and maybe slightly eager
to meet our eccentric benefactor. His assistant contacted me a week
after the foundation’s auction gala to plan our date. So here I am,
about to answer the doorbell and finally discover who I’m having a
romantic dinner with…
When my eyes meet the man standing at my door, I take a step
back in absolute shock. Because none other than Luca Grazzi stands
on my front step. Luca Alessandro Grazzi, the boy I loved more than
life itself. My husband.
Luca has turned into a tall, broad, bearded man. He’s all muscles
and masculinity. Gone is the lanky kid. But it’s him alright, with the
same crooked smirk and the playful twinkle in his moss green eyes.
“Hello sweetheart, long time no see.”

Five years. Five fucking years I haven’t seen my wife. When Alima
opens the door to her place, my heart jumps in my chest. She’s
fucking beautiful. Gorgeous beyond words. I’ve refrained from all
contact for a goddamn five years. Forced myself to stay focused on
my goal: make something of my life, become a man worthy of her
love, of being her companion. And I missed so much, so fucking
much. Alima is no longer a girl. She’s all curves, now. The thin fabric
of her dress molds her generous hips, hugs her full breasts, and
stops mid-thigh, revealing her long, shapely legs. All I want to do is
throw her over my shoulder and stomp into her apartment. Slam the
door shut behind us and finally bury myself deep into her warmth,
her sweetness. Everything I’ve imagined she’d be. My dick twitches
at the mental image. Alima and I finally reunited, locked away from
the world. I can’t fucking wait. Patience, the only active brain cell I
have left, whispers. Right, I don’t want to scare her off. We have to
start on a good foot. I shake myself out of my lust filled thoughts
and try making my grin as appeasing as possible. Alima watches me
with widened eyes. I’ve always loved her big brown eyes. These past
years, when I allowed myself to think of her, they would be the first
thing to come to mind. My girl isn’t very talkative. Or at least she
wasn’t. But I could always count on her eyes to give away her
thoughts and feelings. They mirrored her sadness when I first
arrived at Mama’s foster home. Her amusement whenever I goofed
around to lift her spirits. And finally, her affection when our
friendship morphed into something else altogether.
I want to raise my hand and run my fingers through the soft
curls of her deep mahogany hair. She wears it shoulder length now.
Still in its natural curls. Gone are the waist-long braids of her teen
years. I want to feel the softness of her skin. Brush my knuckles
along her delicate jaw. Wrap my big hand at the back of her slender
neck and pull her in for a kiss.
“W… what are you doing here, Luca?” Alima interrupts my
“I’m here for our date,” I reply with a smile.
But Alima’s not smiling. It takes her a few beats to recover from
the shock of my surprise reappearance, but her defenses quickly
build up. Her face closes off in a mask of cold indifference, the
rigidity of her shoulders clearly letting me know I’m not welcome
here. Fuck, here we go.
“You mean you’re the mystery benefactor who bid ten thousand
dollars at the charity auction for a date with me?” She asks in a
biting tone.
“I wanted to see you,” is all I can think of. The carefully planned
speech I’ve repeated so many times, erased from my brain.
“What do you want, Luca?” Alima enunciates, her voice glacial.
I raise my hands in a placating gesture. “I just wanna talk, babe.”
“Talk about what exactly, Luca Grazzi? I don’t see you or hear
from you for five years, and suddenly you reappear with… grand
gestures? Fuck you, Luca!”
On that note, she pulls the door close, but I’m faster. I slide the
tip of one Oxford Ferragamo through the opening and wrap my
fingers around the wooden panel.
“Allie, hear me out, please. For old time’s sake,” I plead.
The fury I read in her eyes simultaneously makes my dick grow
harder and my heart squeeze in my chest. It’s all or nothing from
this point on.
“I will hear you out for the sake of the boy I knew, but that’s it. I
mean it, Luca.”
“Thank you,” is all I say.
Alima comes out, closes the door behind herself and locks it,
throwing me a look full of anger and suspicion. I try making my
facial expression as affable as I can, and splay my hand on the small
of her back to guide her to my town car. Our driver comes out and
gets the door for us, greeting Alima. She replies with a kind smile
and sides into the plush leather of the backseat. I climb in and settle
into my side, stretching my long legs in front of me.
Alima is quasi plastered to the door, sitting as far away from me
as possible. Her crossed legs reveal a generous patch of brown skin
I yearn to run my fingers over, push the hem of her tiny dress up,
feel her softness, climb even higher…
“I want to be clear, Luca. I did not want you in my home. That’s
the only reason I followed you. You might as well save us both time
and say what you have to say. I have no desire to go on a date with
you,” Alima deadpans, making both my heart and my cock deflate.
I drag my gaze away from her full lips, painted danger red, and
so fucking enticing I feel slightly dizzy. How did I stay away for so
long? Where the hell did that restraint come from? Seeing Alima
here and now, there’s no fucking way I’m walking out of her life ever
“Okay,” I let out in a soft tone. “I understand, sweetheart…”
“Don’t!” She interrupts me. “Don’t you dare, Luca Grazzi. I’m not
your sweetheart. You and I were close a long time ago. Now, we are
strangers and that is your doing.” She points a red-painted,
manicured finger at me.
“I’m sorry. That’s how I always think of you,” I respond gently.
Filling my voice with warmth to counter her frostiness. And I think it
works. I think I make a tiny dent in her walls. Because if my eyes
aren’t tricking me, it’s a flickering light of pain I see in her gaze.

What is happening in my life right now?! First the insane amount bid
on me at the auction and now I discover it was Luca. My Luca… and
he’s here. But I can’t lose grip on my resolve. If I give in one inch, I
know I’m going to cave in. Surrender. Give him any and everything
he wants. Lose myself again. And I can’t do that. I’ve suffered too
much, too long. Fought too hard to build a life in which I could still
be happy, although I’ve been living with a permanent hole in my
heart… If I breathe too deep, if I sit too close, or watch him too
carefully, I will give in.
The space in the back of the town car is filled with Luca’s spicy
cologne. It’s subtle and woodsy, with a hint of sandalwood. Perfect
for him. I remember when he smelled of nothing else than clean
soap, freshly washed clothes, and deodorant. I can catch the hint of
scent that’s all him. As unbelievable as it sounds, I remember Luca’s
smell. I’ve wondered over the years if it was just my imagination or
if everything would come back if I ever got to see him again. And
there it is. The strangest feeling. A mix of old and new. My heart
knows this man. I could trace his features with my eyes blindfolded,
but there’s also so much that’s new and an entire world to discover.
A scar next to the small birthmark above his right eyebrow, a new
bump on the bridge of his nose, the full, lustrous beard covering half
of his face. How much bigger and taller he is, filling his impeccably
cut tuxedo to perfection. The aura of money and power emanating
from him.
Luca was always a leader, an alpha among his peers. But this
man? This man is king of the fucking pack.
“I understand, sw… Alima. But I’m also asking you to be patient
with me. I’ve been thinking of you as my sweetheart for a long
Fuck! This asshole is killing me!
“I’m back, Alima.”
The chauffeur is driving smoothly, the black glass panel between
the front and our side of the car is lifted, soft classical music plays
low over the sound system and the space is dimly lit. Just enough
that I can see the flecks of gold in Luca’s green eyes. I can also see
the intense emotions he could mask to anyone but the girl who
spent hours, days, weeks, years observing him. Then an entire five
years reminiscing over those precious moments.
“Allie,” he says softly, calling me by the nickname he christened
me with, piercing my poor, battered heart with another painful
“What do you want from me?” I push.
“I know about the end of the lease on Mama’s house. I know you
guys have been negotiating with the city and getting nowhere. And
I’m here to help.” He lays a hand on the back of mine. “There’s a
way to save Mama’s house.”
I know my face must display my confusion. “How are you
planning on helping? What more can you do? We’ve been talking to
the city for years now. And they don’t want to hear anything. They
keep saying we have to find a new home for the kids. That the
current building needs to be demolished and rebuilt to current safety
standards. We’ve tried fixing up things, but it’s never enough. I don’t
understand what else you could do.”
“I don’t want to ask them for a lease extension. I want to buy
the building,” Luca states calmly, looking me straight in the eye. He’s
all business and I can tell he has the means to back his words.
“You… you wanna buy the building?” I stammer out.
He nods, then rearranges himself to face me on the leather
“Luca, where would you get the money to purchase a three-story
building?” The icy fingers of doubt wrap themselves around my
heart. No, no, no…
I know Luca reads my expression correctly when I see his
features harden. His gorgeous, masculine face gaining an air of
“Have a bit of faith, Alima. I’m not planning to use dirty money.” I
let out an involuntary exhale of relief and Luca shakes his head.
“Would never do that, Allie. You know me.”
I smile sadly. “I don’t, Luca. I don’t know you. I knew an
eighteen-year-old boy, but I can’t say anything about the man you’ve
His mouth tightens. “Fair enough. Let me tell you about the man
I’ve become, then.”
“Luca… why even bother?” I ask in a defeated tone. “You’re here
to help with the kids and Mama? Great. Explain your plan and I’ll let
you know if I’m in.”
“It’s not as simple, Allie.”
I thread my fingers through my hair, shaking my head, not giving
a damn I’m ruining my hairstyle. “I don’t do complicated, Luca. My
life is plain and safe. I don’t need any thrill or adventure.”
He nods calmly. “I remember a time when that wasn’t the case,”
he drawls in a low, enticing voice.
“You remember a girl seeking herself. I’m a grown woman and I
know my mind.”
Luca slides closer to me on the bench and since I’m already
plastered to my door, I have nowhere to go, nowhere to hide. He
cups the side of my face in his big, strong hand, his face an inch
away from mine, the heat from his body having completely
enveloped me. I feel my eyes grow huge with panic, but I’m
paralyzed, trapped, ensnared. Is he going to…?
Luca closes the distance between us and presses his firm lips to
mine, taking my breath away.

The instant my mouth lands on Alima’s, our skins come in contact,

our spaces mingle, and five years of want, need, yearning, pain and
longing disappear into a puff of smoke. I let the feel of her lips
penetrate my mind. Soft, firm, full, perfectly molding to mine. I
chance the tip of my tongue and as soon as it touches her, she
moans low and long. Her hands come up to grasp at my shoulders.
She holds on to me like a lifeline and I take that as permission to
deepen our kiss. Gently parting her lips, I taste her, fill my mouth
with her softness, her warmth. I let my tongue gently caress hers,
coax her till she’s kissing me with all she has. Fuck she tastes good!
Of everything I hoped for and all I never dared to imagine. Mi dick
jumps to attention and my hands possessively circle her waist. I pull
Alima into my lap and she gasps against my mouth, surprised by the
gesture. I don’t give her time to think, threading my fingers through
the soft locks of her hair, I pull her down till our mouths crash again.
Our kisses are hungry. It’s clear we’ve been starving for each other
for the past five years. I kiss Alima like I want to swallow her whole,
and she reciprocates in kind. Our movements are desperate, our
mingled breaths ragged. But nothing has ever felt this good.
I cup each cheek of her generous ass in one wide palm and
squeeze, she reacts by rolling her hips onto my hard cock and I see
stars behind my closed eyelids. Alima detaches her mouth from mine
and cups my face in her soft hands.
“It’s really you. You came back,” she croaks out as one lonely
tear travels down the side of her face.
I wipe it off with the pad of my thumb and press my lips to her
mouth. “I’m back for good, baby.”
Her eyes are still guarded but she gives me a small smile.
“So you’re gonna tell me about your plan or keep mauling me in
the back of a limo like it’s prom night?”
I chuckle, then tighten my arms around her soft body, pulling her
soft curves into my hardness, burying my face in the crook of her
neck, inhaling her scent. Sensual feminine perfume and an
undertone that’s only her. “I missed you.” My voice is muffled against
her skin or she would hear a trace of the excruciating pain I’ve been
carrying for so long it’s become a part of me.
Although her gestures are at first cautious, even hesitant, Alima
wraps her arms around me and holds me close. I feel Alima rest the
side of her face over my short-buzzed hair. Her breathing is ragged,
as if she were crying again.
“Hey, hey, hey no more tears,” I whisper softly, pulling her down
for another kiss. I take her mouth long, wet and deep, the salty
taste of her sorrow mixing in. It doesn’t take long before her moans
of pleasure and my hungry grunts feel the space once more.
But then she abruptly pushes me away. “No, Luca. Fuck you! You
can’t come back after five fucking years and expect to just pick up
where we left off. I have a life, and I’ve been doing just fine without
She sits back against the door, wiping at her face. Still the most
beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on.
“Where were you? Why haven’t I heard from you? What have
you been up to?” Each question is paired with an angry poke to my
I inhale deeply, wrapping my hand around her finger and pulling
her back into my chest. She fights me at first then comes into my
arms, her fisted hands still weakly hitting my chest.
“I hate you,” she says in a broken voice.
“No you don’t,” I answer, laying a kiss at her temple and filling
my lungs with her soothing scent.
“You ruined me, Luca. You took everything, all my love, all I had
to offer and skipped town with it.”
“I didn’t, sweetheart. I told you I’d come back.”
“Five years, Luca? Five fucking years? What do you take me for?
A nun? A doormat?” Alima demands to know. The fire is back in her
“I needed this, baby. I needed to prove myself, to build
something for us.”
“Fuck you, Luca! I needed you here, by my side. Not God knows
where, doing whatever the fuck, with whomever…” her voice cracks
“No, Allie…”
She interrupts me. “Do you know there was never anyone else?
That’s how stupid I am. I never fell in love again. Never slept with
another man… so fucking stupid.”
I frame her face between my hands and coo softly: “I haven’t
been with anyone else.”
The curtain of her hair parts when she raises her gaze back to
meet mine. “Is that true?”
I nod. “I could never do that to us.”
She pulls a tissue out of her small purse, cleans her face, then
lays her head in the crook of my shoulder. “I think I’m tired of being
in a moving vehicle. Did you ask your driver to just go around?”
I let out a small laugh. “Yeah, it sounded safer than going to the
restaurant.” I press the side of my bearded jaw against her hair.
“Uh… did we even have a reservation?”
“Of course we did. What do you take me for?”
She throws me a sassy grin, telling me she knows exactly what
type of crook I am.
“Wanna come to my place?” Alima asks almost shyly.
“Thought you’d never offer,” I reply with a mixture of hope and

We’re sitting on my living room couch. Luca dropped the tux jacket
and rolled up the sleeves of his crisp white button-down. His
muscular forearms, covered in a thin layer of fair hair, deserve a
prime spot in an arm porn ranking. I love the short fuzz of hair he’s
sporting, and the luscious, neatly trimmed beard. He looks totally
badass and absolutely delicious. I made us coffee, but our mugs sit
on the coffee table untouched. All we care about is being in the
presence of each other. Our hands can’t seem to believe we’re in
each other’s reach. A graze of a finger away. A brush of lips. A deep
inhale to feel our nostrils with the other’s scent. The lick of a tongue
to get drunk on their amazing taste.
I’m sitting in Luca’s lap, in his arms, my legs dangling over his
powerful thighs. I feel the press of his erection against my ass, but
first we have to talk.
“How do you have the money to buy Mama’s house?”
Luca presses a kiss to my forehead before responding. “I spent
the last five years working in oil rigs up north.”
“What?” I ask in surprise and incomprehension.
“I took high risk contracts. The highest: mining, truck driving. In
the most extreme conditions. People do it for one season because
the mortality is extremely high. I did for five consecutive seasons. I
made bank.”
“You… you’ve been risking your life for the past five years?” My
heart is lodged in my throat. “I’m gonna fucking kill you, Luca
Grazzi,” I growl, punching his arm hard.
“Ouch!” He rubs at the spot, making me roll my eyes.
He pulls me in for another toe-curling kiss and I melt into his
“I had no choice, Allie.”
“You never had to prove anything to anyone, Luca. We know you.
We all love you. We’re your family.”
His soft smile is tainted with sadness. “But you’re not my first
family. Everyone knows where I came from. Who my parents are.
Mobsters, in and out of jail for petty crimes. I didn’t have what you
had. I was never that good at school. Or what Tony had with sports.
And the crap I pulled, fucking up and ending in juvie… I had to find
my own way, Allie. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry it took so long. Sorry I had
to leave you.”
“Deep down, I always knew you were coming back, Luca.
Always. Why do you think I could never bring myself to divorce your
He grins wickedly, and I know all bets are off.
We’re a tangle of limbs and lips. Luca turns me so I’m straddling
him without breaking our kiss. I can feel our hearts race erratically.
Luca’s hands squeeze my ass, and I’m sucking on his bottom lip,
making him moan. He’s so big and strong. I feel him grow harder
under me and I grind down, making us both pant and moan with
need. Luca kisses my jaw, my neck, his hands climb under the skirt
of my dress. I feel his long, thick fingers graze the edge of my lacy
panties, pulling on the delicate fabric. I rake my nails over his wide
shoulders, his strong chest, my hips moving of their own volition the
length of his hard cock. Luca curses under his breath, making my
lips stretch into a smile. I used to know every inch of this man’s
body, knew how to get him hard and make him come apart. But at
the same time he feels different, new, exciting.
“I need you out of these clothes,” Luca breathes against my
neck. “I need to get inside you, sweetheart. Now…”
Luca stands from the couch, carrying me in his arms. I wrap my
legs around his waist, mouth still latched to his delicious, full lips. I
don’t know that I’ll ever get enough of his taste now that I have him
“Bedroom?” Luca asks gruffly, his big hands holding tight against
his hardness.
I nod in the direction of my room with a dazed gaze and he takes
us there in a couple of strides. Kicks the door open and marches to
the bed, gently laying me on the plush duvet. Then he stands at the
foot of my bed, just looking down on me for a beat. I’m breathing
heavily, looking right back up at him through hooded eyes.
“Take off your clothes,” Luca commands.
“So bossy,” I giggle and pull off my dress, and throwing it aside.
Palms flat on my bed, arms stretched back, I slowly part my legs,
giving my husband the full show of my curves encased in a black
lacy set. My full tits, soft belly and thick thighs. His wolfish grin tells
me all the nasty things he’s about to do to me. His fingers slowly
undo the buttons of his shirt, revealing strong pecs and a ridged
stomach covered in a thin happy trail. Luca discards his clothes at
his feet, peeling off layer by layer, till he’s standing stark naked in
front of my dazzled eyes, and I rub my thighs together at the sight
of his long, thick, mouthwatering cock. I forgot how beautiful he is. I
can’t wait to be reminded of what it feels like to be stretched by him.
Luca climbs on the bed, like a big cat slowly moving toward its prey,
till he’s covering me with his long, muscular body. He leans down,
pressing kisses to my collarbone, teasing one nipple through my bra,
making me moan for more.
“God, that feels good,” I breathe out.
Luca reaches behind me and unclasps my bra, then he starts
kissing and nipping at my breasts. “Fucking beautiful,” he whispers,
swirling his tongue around my hardened nipple. He moves down my
stomach, pulling my panties off. “I want to eat you all night,” he
says, face right over my dripping wet pussy, and my core clenches,
my clit tingling with mad desire.
I almost want to ask what happens after tonight. But I don’t
want to think about us outside of this perfect moment. Not when I
have my handsome husband back in my bed. Luca pushes me down
flat on my back with a firm hand. I moan and writhe as he moves
down my body, the brush of his beard a sensual caress all over me,
his tongue gliding over my sensitive skin. Dipping and twirling in my
belly button, then lower… till he reaches my swollen clit and begins
licking, sucking and gently grazing, making me buck up against his
mouth. Damn, it feels good!. Luca reaches up to tease my breasts,
never letting up with his talented tongue. I feel my orgasm start to
build, and I know it’s gonna be like nothing I’ve experienced before.
Not even with Luca. And the thought of having him here, giving me
all this pleasure, tips me over. I come in long, shaky spasms, my
thighs closing tight at the sides of Luca’s head. He continues
suckling and lapping at my skin till the very last wave of my orgasm.
My voice is hoarse from moaning his name and I fall back on the
mattress like a limp doll. Luca looks up, a smug grin on his face.
“You’re looking entirely too cocky right now,” I manage to
breathe out.
He winks then climbs higher up the bed, engulfing me in his
warmth, his erection dragging between my legs. And although I just
came, my pussy starts throbbing again. Luca kisses me, sucking and
gently biting my lips, swirling his tongue on mine, making me dizzy
with pleasure and desire.. I wrap my legs around his hips and pull
him closer.
“I need you, baby,” I say, and he fists himself running the thick
head of his cock between my folds, parting them in a maddening
Luca isn’t smiling anymore, his heavy brows are bunched, his
gaze burning with intensity as he starts pushing at my entrance. I
pull him down for a kiss as he thrusts into me, and both of us hiss
when the head of his dick stretches me. I’m tight, so fucking tight
after five long years of celibacy. And it’s not like Luca and I had sex
that many times before he left. He insisted on waiting till I turned
eighteen. We used to kiss for hours. Touch each other under our
clothes. So many times we’d come so close, but Luca always pulled
the brakes. Till my eighteenth birthday. That was the day we got
married. The night he finally made me his. Then left…
My grim thoughts fade away when Luca raises my arms over my
head, entwining our fingers and kissing me deep as he moves inside
me. He thrusts in and out, in slow motions that send sparks all over
my skin. Even my scalp is tingling. He’s panting over me, and I move
with him, enjoying the weight of him.
“You feel amazing, baby,” he says as he picks up speed. “So
good, Allie. So fucking good.”
I smile against his shoulder and kiss his damp skin, before
throwing my head back when Luca slams into me, faster and harder.
There’s nothing gentle about what we’re doing anymore, every
movement desperate and hungry. Luca keeps hitting me just right,
and the ripples of a second orgasm start building through me. When
Luca pinches my nipple, I cry out as my release takes over. I feel
him stiffen over me, shake and pulse as he falls over the edge,
repeating my name through his groans of pleasure.
Then we come down together and just lay there. Luca kisses me,
resting on his back next to me. He looks at me, his emerald eyes full
of love. I know that look. We’ve been here before. And I pray to God
this time it’s for good.

We met at sixteen, both foster kids in a broken system, who finally

lucked out and were placed in the home of a loving woman. The first
time I walked into Mama’s house, a woman from the social services
had driven me there. She was stern, but polite and professional.
Assuring me, I would like it here. I scoffed, thinking she was full of
it. Knowing it was going to be like every other place I’d be thrown
into. Overcrowded with strangers who didn’t give a fuck about one
another. I was wrong. Mama welcomed me with a warm smile I was
wary of at first. And my foster siblings were different shades of cool,
fun, nice, pains in my ass… and there was Allie.
It truly was love at first sight. There’s no other way to describe
the way I felt the first time I laid eyes on my wife. Her long braids,
almond shape eyes, full mouth, the deep brown skin I longed to
touch. All that ass, those long legs, the rounded breasts I didn’t
know would get even more enticing. Yeah, I took one look at Alima
Kane and knew I was hers. Body, mind, and soul. Irrevocably and
When she caught me gawking, her hard-ass expression morphed
into a cocky grin, paired with a raised eyebrow, and she asked: “can
I help you?”
I barked out a laugh and advanced toward my girl. And that’s
how we spent the next couple of years glued to each other.
At first, Alima wouldn’t allow anything but my friendship. Then
she started letting me wrap my arms around her, claiming it was
only because she was cold. I snuck my way under her skin. Took the
time to get to know her and to open myself to her. Loving her
beautiful laugh, reveling in our animated conversations, anchoring
myself in our growing bond. Till it became clear who we were to
each other. It’s funny how we never had that conversation. The
request for her to become my girlfriend. I don’t know that we ever
truly dated, even. It seems to me, we naturally grew from best
friends to best friends who loved each other romantically and
wanted to spend their lives together. I asked her to marry me down
on one knee, in front of all our loved ones, with a crappy silver ring.
And now the circle is complete. I’ve returned home and claimed my

“Hello, wife,” my husband rumbles in the crook of my neck.

Luca’s large hands run over the fluid fabric of my summer dress
to sneak under the hem and land on my thighs. He caresses my
curves, kneading at my full flesh. He lifts me, crossing my legs
around his waist, and sets me against the industrial washer of
Mama’s laundry room.
“Luca…” I breathe out. “What are you doing, baby? They’re
gonna hear us, love,” I end breathlessly, just before he crashes his
mouth to mine, smothering my voice with his lips and tongue.
Mama sent me down here to grab a couple of rolls of paper
towels from the neatly stocked laundry room cabinets. She’s so
happy and proud of the newly renovated foster center. She sends us
on random errands every chance she gets. And our weekly family
lunch is no exception. But Luca followed me down here, and now
we’re going to return to a room full of our loved ones with freshly
fucked looks. Damn this man!
Luca zips down his fly and lowers his boxer in one swift move. He
pushes the hem of my lacy panties aside and, fisting himself, begins
parting my wet folds with the slick head of his cock. His forehead
resting on mine, our gazes locked in the quasi-darkness, our breaths
mingle through our parted lips. Our erotic noises filling the quiet
space. The ruffle of clothes, the wet sounds of flesh meeting flesh
and muffled, panted moans of pleasure. When Luca pushes into me,
I bite on my bottom lip to hold in my cry and dig my nails into his
broad shoulders. He thrusts into me in long, slow, maddening
pushes that stretch me, make me clench and cream all over his
deliciously long and thick cock. It’s still amazing, always new.
Constantly changing. Just like our first time in the plain hotel room,
Luca had saved money to rent us on our wedding night. Or when we
first got back together. Every time in between, past and present. Our
bodies know each other so well.
When we start making items drop from the shelves, Luca lifts me
and plants my ass at the edge of the machine. I hold on to him with
all four limbs and he pushes into me in short, deep, powerful
plunges that light up stars behind my eyes. When I begin
whimpering, he flattens a hand over my mouth and shoves his face
into the crook of my neck. Sucking, licking and biting my tender
flesh. Fuck, now I’m gonna have bite marks on top of bed hair and
glossy eyes. I think vaguely, but when Luca rams into me balls deep
once more and holds himself there. I ripple and contract around
him, sucking him off with my pussy, my orgasm triggering his own. I
shake and moan in his arms, and he jerks against me. So big, so
strong, so beautiful.
We stay like that for a long moment. Entirely wrapped up in each
other. Clothes half-off, eyes dazed, lips kiss-swollen, my hair a mess.
The scent of our lovemaking filling the air. At last, Luca sets me on
my feet and opens a pack of paper towels to clean us both. We
straighten up as much as we can, then walk out of the laundry room
with knowing smiles, beyond satisfied bodies, and hearts filled with
the certainty of our endless love.


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𝐑𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐞𝐫:
2/1/22 The “I Do” Do-Over - Poppy Parkes
2/2/22 First Blush - Reina Torres
2/4/22 The Marriage Pact - Piper Cook Author
2/5/22 Wedding Belle - Violet Rae
2/6/22 The Shadow of Us - Tamrin Banks
2/8/22 Wedded Miss - Karla Doyle
2/9/22 When We Woke Up - Author Ember Davis
2/10/22 All I Need Is You - Pippa Lux
2/11/22 Happenstance - Matilda Martel
2/12/22 Keeping What’s Mine - Carly Keene
2/13/22 More for Us - Allie York-Williams
2/14/22 Cracks in the Windshield - Bree Weeks Author
2/15/22 Mediocre - BF Queen
2/16/22 Winning My Wife - Layne Daniels
2/17/22 The Unforeseen Arrangement - Jade Royal
2/18/22 Just for You - Author Haven Rose
2/19/22 Worth the Wait - Silke Campion
2/20/22 Have You Met My Wife? - MK Moore
2/21/22 More Than Love - JaNese Dixon
2/22/22 Love is All We Got - Kindra White
2/23/22 Wearing The King’s Ring - Gia Bailey
2/24/22 Pre-Arranged Love - Andrea Marie
2/25/22 No Ordinary Love Story - Author Kelsie Calloway
2/26/22 Run Away with Me - Macy Fox
2/27/22 The Biker Takes a Bride - Jailaa West
2/28/22 To Tempt a Husband - Lindsay Evans
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Another random document with
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Russell, Bertrand, 204.

Santayana, George, 350.

Sapir, Edward, 338.
Schaaffhausen, D., 150, 325, 333.
Schäfer, E. A., 58, 165, 179, 184, 185.
Schleiden, Matthias J., 136.
Schmidt, H. D., 260.
Schoetensack, Otto, 318, 319.
Schroeder, Ch. F., 251.
Schuchert, Charles, 97, 98, 104 note, 106, 109, 110.
Schultze, F. E., 218.
Schultze, Max, 137, 138.
Schwalbe, Gust. Alb., 286, 317, 324, 325, 333.
Schwann, Theodor, 136.
Scott, Wm. B., 78, 96, 103, 119, 120.
Sedgwick, A., 95.
Sellars, R. W., 233 note.
Sewall, Anna, 236.
Smith, G. Elliot, 289, 341.
Smith, John Talbot, 355.
Smith, William, 102.
Snell, Karl, 308.
Sollas, W. J., 289.
Spallanzani, Lazzaro, 134, 136.
Spencer, Herbert, 10, 12, 98, 102, 103, 148, 166, 179, 360.
Starling, Ernest H., 57, 299, 301.
Stockard, Charles R., 62.
Stoll, A., 146.

Taylor, J., 340.

Tertullian, 346.
Thayer, Wm. Sydney, 135.
Tholuck, Fried. Aug., 338.
Thompson, Sir Wm., 182.
Thorndyke, Edward L., 237.
Tilden, Sir Wm., 151, 192.
Titchener, Edward Bradford, 205, 209, 274.
Tredgold, A. F., 15 note.
Tuccimei, Giuseppe, XIII, 360, 361.
Tyndall, John, 149.

Vallisnieri, Antonio, 134.

Van Loon, Hendrick Willem, 190.
Vegard, Lars, 183 note.
Vicari, E. M., 266, 267.
Virchow, Rudolph, 137, 273, 316, 317, 324, 346.
Vogt, Carl, 276, 324.

Waagen, W., 16 note.

Warner, H., 274.
Walkhoff, O., 317.
Walsh, James J., 336.
Ward, James, 163.
Wasmann, Erich, S.J., XII, 11, 33, 46, 47, 48, 49, 49 note, 67,
70, 134, 247 note, 261, 262, 277, 312, 313, 325, 333.
Waterston, David, 322.
Watson, John B., 198, 204, 250.
Wayland, John Walter, 357.
Weismann, August, 10, 13, 16, 25, 65, 186, 267.
Weber, Ernest Heinrich, 227.
Weld, H. P., 253, 255.
Welday, J. O., 357.
Wells, H. G., 1, 33, 190.
Wenstrup, Edward, O.S.B., XVI.
Werner, Abraham Gottlob, 99, 102, 103.
Wheeler, Geo. C. and Esther H., 261.
Wiedersheim, Robert, 292.
Wilder, Harris Hawthorne, 300, 301.
Williams, H. S., 96.
Willis, Bailey, 107 note.
Willstätter, R., 146, 147.
Wilson, Edmund B., 6, 12, 13, 140, 141, 143, 160, 164, 168,
170, 200, 201, 211.
Windle, Bertram C. A., 134, 341.
Wirth, Edmund J., 205.
Wissler, Clark, 344.
Woodruff, Lorande Loss, 39, 115.
Woods, Henry, 77, 78, 79, 80, 86, 118, 119.
Woodward, A. Smith, 321, 322, 340, 341.
Woodworth, Robert S., 198.
Wright, C. F., 289.
Wundt, Wilhelm, 197, 205, 206, 209, 212, 236, 237, 238.

Zahm, J. A., 268.

Zeno, 226.
Zittel, Karl A. von, 313, 345.
Abiogenesis, 131, 135, 136, 142, 160, 165, 167, 179, 183, 186;
“new theory” of, 165;
“old theory” of, 165;
“philosophical” proof of, 186
Absence of function, real, 291;
apparent, 291
Abstract concept, 219
Abstraction, 221, 224, 254, 261, 262;
of active intellect predispositive, 221;
of intellect, potential, cognitive, 221;
power of, 261, 262;
process of, 221, 224
Abstract thought, 215, 267;
has soul as its exclusive agent and subject, 215;
not same as imagery, 215;
unique prerogative of man, 267
Acids, butyric, 159;
carbonic, 145;
fatty, 145;
formic, 145
Acromegaly, 294
Acromikria, 294
Act, 199
Action, 174, 175, 176, 177, 215, 216;
agent of, 176;
an expression of entity, 125, 216;
chemical, 175;
effect of, 176, 177;
electrical, 176;
energy-content of, 174;
immanent, defined, 177;
mechanical, 175;
physical, 175;
reflexive, 177;
subject of, 176;
transitive, 174, 177;
defined, 177;
vital, 175
Active intellect, 220, 221
Activity, organic cannot escape physical determinism, 232
Adaptation, 7, 8, 9, 16, 45, 46, 47, 52, 53, 63, 124, 250, 290,
291, 328;
acquired, 8, 9, 16, 45, 290, 328, 333
—not inheritable, 9;
innate (inherited), 45, 46, 47, 52, 53, 63, 124;
of instinctive behavior to emergencies, 250;
structural, 291
Additive properties, 233 note
Adjustments, 204
Adolescence, 155
Adrenal bodies, 292, 295
Adults, 276
Aeschna grandis L., 115
Aftermath of evolutionary propaganda, 360
Agametes, 156
Agamic, 156
Agent, 171, 177
Age of Man, 289, 290
Agnosticism, 352, 355, 358;
parasitic, 358
Agulhas, Lost Land of, 114
Alberta, 108
Albumen, living and dead, 144
Alcohol, methyl, 147;
phytyl, 147
Aldehyde, 145, 148
Aldol condensation, 145
Allelomorphic, 42
Allocation, taxonomic, 320
Alluvial epoch, 313;
loam, 324
Alpha Centauri, 184
Alps, 109
Altamira, caves of, 339, 340, 343
Alternating personalities, 211;
psychopathic condition, 211
Altruism, 355, 356;
without adequate motivation, 356
Amboceptors, 57
American Association for Advancement of Science, 343, 344;
Edict of, 343
Ammonites, 84, 86, 249;
intergradence in, 84
Ammonium cyanate, 173
Ammophila, 264
Ammophila gryphus, 261
Ammophila urnaria, 261
Amnion, 276
Amœba albida, 159
Amphibia, 61, 281, 296
Amphioxus, 60, 161
Analogous organs, 35, 36, 61
Analogy, 35, 59, 60;
convergent, 61
Analysis, 144;
chemical, 144;
physical, 144
Anarchy, 355, 360
Anatomists, 296
Anatomy, 196, 208, 276, 277, 303, 308;
comparative, 276, 277, 308;
of consciousness, attempted by Associationists, 208
Ancestors, 55, 59, 76, 82, 83, 92, 95, 115, 270, 280, 296, 304,
308, 309, 317, 349;
collateral, 76;
common, 55, 59, 83, 92, 269, 270, 278, 308;
direct, 76;
hypothetical, 308, 309, 317;
necessary priority of, 82, 83;
of man, 298
—alleged to be fish-like, 280;
tertiary, 270
Ancestry, 92, 280;
entails antecedence in time, 92;
of man, 280
Ancitherium, 76
Angiosperms, 72, 73
Animal, 242, 249, 307;
appetite, gratification of, 242;
as “reflex machines,”249;
cave, 307
Animalism, 365
Animalistic man, 350, 352
Animality of man, not a modern discovery, 191, 192
Animism, 197, 198
Anisogametes, 157, 158
Anisogamy, 157, 158
Annelida, 117, 278, 280
Anomalies, 112, 303, 305, 319, 320;
anatomical, fluctuational, 303;
mutational, 303;
of spatial distributions, 112
Antagonism, 358;
between modern progress and Christian ideal, 358
Anthropomorphism, 236, 246, 250, 262;
Darwinian, 236, 250
Anthropologists, 318, 344;
foremost ones confess their ignorance regarding origin of
man, 344
Antibodies, 14, 15
Antigen, 15
Antirrhinum, majus and molle, 88
Anti-vivisectionists, 236
Ants, 261, 262;
leaf-cutting, 261
Ape, 245, 270, 272, 275, 285, 308, 309, 311, 314, 315, 316,
317, 345;
anthropoid, 270, 271, 272, 275, 309, 315, 317;
cranial capacity, 314;
descended from man-like ancestor, 285;
descent from, not a doctrine of science, 345;
embryonic skull of, 285;
foot of, 50, 51
—a hand functionally but not structurally, 50, 51;
fossil, 308, 313;
giant, geneological tree of, 315;
higher, 311;
its cranium, 271;
large, 315;
living, 308
Ape-like features, acquired adaptation, 330
Appalachians, 107
Appetite, 221, 235, 241;
rational, 221;
sensual, 235, 241
Appendicitis, 295
Appendix, vermiform, 295, 296;
useful, 296
Apple-tree, 6, 88, 161
Apterix, 305
Arbacia punctulata, 159
Arboreal life, 271, 308
Arca, 118
Archæan, 104, 117;
record, damaged condition of, 117
Archæology, prehistoric, 339
Archæopteryx, 86
Archæozoic, 104, 148;
times alleged to have been more favorable to origin of life,
Argument, 226;
no avail against fact, 226
Art, palæolithic, 340
Artefacts, 154
Artemia salina, 159
Artemisia absynthium, 248
Arthropoda, 61, 119, 261, 284
Artificial illumination, 340
Artistic attainment, high level of, 340
Artists, palæolithic, 335
Asia, 335
Ass, 5, 81, 304
Assimilation, 143
Association, 208, 235, 241, 242
Associationists, 208, 236
Astarte, 118
Asteroidea, 121, 122
Atavism, 303, 304
Atlantis, 114
Atmosphere, 148, 181, 183;
coronal of sun, 183;
formerly richer in carbon dioxide, 148;
of earth, 183
Atoms, 58, 144, 162, 165, 167, 170, 202;
structure of, 58
Atrophy, 285, 286, 288, 294, 299, 301, 302, 307;
due to misuse, 288;
somatic, 307
Attention, 208
Audist, 219
Aurignacian Man, 332
Aurora borealis, 183, 183 note, 184 note
Australian, 321, 325, 328, 330, 333;
blacks, 325, 333
—modern, have brow ridges, 328;
modern, 325, 330;
skull of, 321
Author of Nature, 193
Autogamy, 158, 159, 161
Automatisms, 238, 240, 262;
teleological, 240
Automixis, 161
Autonomy, 174, 202;
dynamic, 174;
vital, 202
Axiom, 223, 224;
of reception, 223, 224
Axon, 213
Azoic bottom, 125

Babylonia, 337
Bacteria, 135, 138, 183, 183 note
Barbarism, 337;
historically a state of degeneration and stagnation, 337;
not a primitive condition, 337;
no instance of spontaneous emergence from, 337
Bacteriologists, 183
Baltic Sea, 104, 105
Banana, 162
Basichromatin, 139
Bear Grass quarries, 106
Beaver, 247, 257
Bedding plane, 106
Bees, 257
Beetles, wingless, 306
Behavior, 249, 254, 255, 260, 261, 262, 263;
instinctive, 249, 254, 255, 260
—objectively useful, 254, 255
—subjectively agreeable, 254, 255;
concursively telic, 260-262;
consciously telic, i. e., intelligent 262;
unconcursively telic, 262;
must be perfect from outstart, 263
Behaviorism, degeneration of psychology into, 198
Behaviorists, 204, 250
Bestial man, 340, 342;
impossible, 340;
no traces of, 342
Bestial origin, 345, 352;
of man, 352;
of man, theory of, 345
Bestial soul, 114, 194, 213, 214, 234;
an emergent of matter, 194, 234 note
—not a product of physicochemical action, 194;
exists in the interest of the organism, 214;
incomplete complement of matter, 213;
material but not corporeal, 194, 214;
operates only in conjunction with organism, 213;
perishes with dissolution of organism, 213
Bible, 127
Biochemists, 179
Biogenetic Law, 48, 275, 276, 277, 278, 283, 285
Biologists, 2, 3, 11, 19, 29, 53 note, 190, 200, 257
Biology, xiv, 24, 196, 197, 205
Bion, 170, 171
Biophysicists, 179
Bipinnaria, 283
“Biotic energy,”170
Bird of Paradise, 154, 353
Birds, 282, 296, 297
Bison, 331, 332
“Black Beauty,”236
Blackberries, 25
Blindness, germinal and somatic, 306
Blue-green Algæ, 138, 149, 181
Body, 198
Bone cave, 340
Bone fibres, 317
Bos primigenius, 329
Botany, 31, 55
Brachiopoda, 117, 118, 120
Bradypus, 52
Brain, 274, 315, 316;
human, 274
—convolutions of, 274;
relative and absolute size of, 315;
relative size of, 316;
simian, 274
Brain case, 272
Brain cavities, below modern average, 329
Brain-fag, due to imaginative, not to intellectual activity, 228,
229, 230;
follows mere memorizing, 229
Branchial arches and clefts, 278, 279
Branchial lamellæ, 279
Breasts, supernumerary, 304
Broken Hill Mine, 340
Bronze Age, historic, 337
Brow ridges, 328, 330, 333, 341;
most pronounced of any human specimen, 341
Brute, 213, 233, 235, 236, 360;
destitute of freedom, morality, responsibility, 233;
its psychic functions, all organic, 213;
lumination of, 236;
our common origin with, 360
Budding, 156
Burial, 330, 335;
deep, 335;
makes age of bones uncertain, 335;
solemn, indicates belief in immortality, 330
Butyric acid, 159

Cæcum, 295
Cænogenesis, 277, 288
Cænozoic, 118, 119, 335
Calcium hydroxide, 145
Calicurgus, 263
Cambrian, 99, 100, 104, 105, 110, 116, 117, 118, 125;
Lower, 117;
terranes below, 125;
youthful appearance of, 104, 105
Canadian Shield, 104 note
Canadian survey, 108
Canal, alimentary, 293, 295, 301;
neural, 293
Canalization, 265
Carbohydrates, 145, 148;
production of, by plants, 145-148
—not a synthesis, 146-148
—analogous to process in animals, 146, 147
Carbon dioxide, 145-147
Carboniferous, 73, 92, 115, 118;
Lower, 92;
Upper, 115
Carnivora, 271
Catarrhine monkeys, 287
Catastrophes, 72, 182;
cosmic, 182
Catastophism, 67, 68, 98, 312;
new, 98
Caterpillar, 260, 264
Cats, 284
Causation, active and efficient, 171, 172
Cave rat, 307
Caves, 335, 336;
of France and Spain, 335, 336;
of Spain, 336
Cell-division, 59, 137, 138, 139, 155, 162, 163
Cell, 136, 137, 138, 141, 142, 155, 165, 168, 202, 301;
definition of, 137;
a multimolecule, 165;
cannot originate through exclusive agency of physicochemical
energies, 142;
fundamental unit of organization, 136;
germ, 156;
simplest of organic units capable of independent existence,
simplest of organisms, 147;
somatic, 156;
submicroscopical components of, 141;
simplest form of organic life, 142;
vital, 142;
sperm, 137
Cell Theory, 136
Cellular continuity, 137, 141;
Fifth article of, 141;
Law of, 141
Centaur, constellation of, 184
Centers, sensory and motor, 251
Central neurones, 213, 222;
purpose of, 222
Centrioles, 140
Cephalic index, 329
Ceratites, 86
Ceratodus, 119
Cerebral cortex, 206, 213, 221, 222
Cerebral neurones, 222;
an extended receptor not proportioned to dematerialized
abstract objects, 222
Cerebrospinal system, 213
Certainty, 124, 125;
based on objective necessity, 124;
scientific, 125
Ceylon, 315
Chain-reflex, 250, 252
Chaldea, 337, 340
Chalk, 79, 86
Chance, 11, 151-154;
impotent to produce effect so complicatedly telic as an
organism, 151;
its efficacy and impotence, 151-154
Change, adaptive, 53 note;
germinal, 42, 43, 68, 307;
kinds of, 42;
somatic, 68;
specific, 7, 23, 68, 88, 89, 307;
varietal, 7, 68, 88
Characters (somatic or external), 5, 6, 17, 18, 41, 62, 63, 87, 88,
121, 122, 278, 306, 334;
definition of, 41;
duplication and suppression of, 306;
embryonic not derived from adult, 278;
homologous and adaptational, 62, 63, 121
—distinction has no experimental basis, 62;
“inherited” and “acquired,”41
Chapelle-aux-Saintes, 288, 331;
Cave of, remains, 331;
remains, 228
Chela, 61, 261;
of lobster and African scorpion, 61
Chemical analysis, 143, 144, 216;
destroys life, 143, 144
Chemical synthesis of living matter possible, 142, 144
Chemist, 151;
guiding intelligence of need in synthesis of organic
compounds, 151;
necessity of regulation, 151
Chemistry, 142, 350;
physical, 142
Chemotaxis, 264
Chick, 255
Chimaeroids, 119
Chimpanzee, 33, 270, 314, 323
Chin, 319, 320, 328;
may be accentuated by a mutation, 320;
prominence in Spy No.1, 328;
recessive, 320;
recessiveness of the, 319;
recessiveness and protuberance of, 320;
recessiveness, an acquired adaptation, 320;
receding, acquired, 328
China, 110, 337
Chinless mandible, not sloping backward, 332
Chlorophyll, 62, 145, 147, 148, 149, 151, 154;
chromogen group of, 148;
chromogen complex, 148;
colloidal solution of, 145;
not a “sensitizer” like Eosin, 147, 148;
regenerated from H_{2}O and CO_{2}, 147, 148;
Chondriosomes, 140
Christianity, 359
Chromatin, 138, 139
Chromiole, 138
Chromosomes, 17, 21, 27, 44, 45, 139, 141, 157, 158, 159;
diploid number normal, 159;
diploid number of, 157, 158, 159;
duplication of, 17, 21, 44, 45;
haploid number of, 157, 158, 159;
17, 21;
random assortment of, 27
Chronology, 98;
lithic, 98;
principles of, 98
Chronometer, palæontological, 135
Chrysothrix, 274
Cidaris, 119
Ciliate, 163
Circumstances, environmental, 250-252
Civilization, old, destruction of, 336
Classes, 37
Classification, taxonomic, not historical, 112
Clays, Pleistocene, 289
Cleavage, 154, 159
Cloaca, 281
Coccyx, alleged rudiment of former tail, 297;
serves purpose, 298
Cockroaches, 115

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