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Chromosomes are made of proteins and a single

molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid. Chromosomes are
inside the nucleus of the cells

Chromosomic condesation

CDNA enters inside the proteins, which are like little


Autosomal and sexual

There are two types of chromosomes; autosomal and sexual.

Autosomal chromosomes are the ones that determine all your
fisic characteristics; on the other hand, sexual chromosomes,
define our sex. The sex chromosomes are in the 23 pairs.

Chromosome abnormalitities

There are numerical and structural abnormalities. Numerical

abnormalities mean that there is a chromosome missing or
one more. In structural abnormalities one of the
chromosomes is damaged or has a deformity, it could be that
a part of one of them is missing, one part of one of the
chromosomes is duplicated, or a part is changed.
Genes are the smallest parts of DNA, genes have the
individual characteristics that the organisms will have.
Genomes are the entire set of DNA instructions, it contains
the necessary information to develop and function. In
humans, the genom contains all the 23 pairs of

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