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Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of

Chronic Illness and Disability 6th

Edition Donna Falvo Beverly E Holland
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“Exceedingly bright and fascinating are these chapters out of the
life of a lovely woman who made the study of these people her
avocation, if not her actual vocation.” E. J. C.

+ Boston Transcript p5 D 4 ’20 580w

+ N Y Times p22 D 12 ’20 270w
R of Rs 62:672 D ’20 50w

MOTON, ROBERT RUSSA. Finding a way out;

an autobiography. *$2.50 (4½c) Doubleday


In writing his story it was the hope of the author “that the telling of
it would serve a useful purpose, especially at this time, in helping to a
clearer understanding of the hopes and aspirations of my own people
and the difficulties which they have overcome in making the progress
of the last fifty years which has been so frequently described as ‘the
most remarkable of any race in so short a time.’” (Preface) Contents:
Out of Africa; On a Virginia plantation; Through reconstruction;
Doing and learning; A touch of real life; Ending student days; Black,
white, and red; With north and south; From Hampton to Tuskegee;
At Tuskegee; War activities; Forward movements in the south;
Index. The author succeeded Booker T. Washington as head of
Tuskegee institute.

“This autobiography not only impresses one with the worth and
dignity of its writer but charms and amuses the reader with the sense
of humor and the sweetness which the author has carried with him.”
+ Booklist 16:344 Jl ’20

Reviewed by M. E. Bailey

+ Bookm 52:304 Ja ’21 110w

“If not so romantic as the autobiography of his predecessor, Dr

Booker T. Washington nevertheless this story of the life of the
present head of Tuskegee, is a document of vital interest. The
chapters on From Hampton to Tuskegee and At Tuskegee are among
the most important of Dr Moton’s autobiography.” W. S. B.

+ Boston Transcript p6 Je 16 ’20 730w

Reviewed by M. W. Ovington

Freeman 1:500 Ag 4 ’20 800w

+ Nation 111:736 D 22 ’20 50w

“We wish that this volume might find its way into every public
library in the United States and into every school and church library
in the South.”

+ Outlook 125:467 Jl 7 ’20 280w

“His book deserves to be read on his own account, and also for the
side lights that it throws upon negro conditions and problems.”

+ R of Rs 62:111 Jl ’20 100w

“It is easy to read and is highly informing and inspiring regarding
the career of one of America’s outstanding figures in contemporary
affairs. It is bound to be read, especially by those who enjoy an
unusual autobiography.” F. P. Chisholm

+ Springf’d Republican p11a S 26 ’20

+ The Times [London] Lit Sup p712 N 4
’20 520w


work of Sir Hiram Maxim; knight, chevalier de la
Légion d’honneur, etc. il *$2 (4c) Lane


Biographical facts are set forth in a foreword by the author. This is

followed by an introduction by Lord Moulton. The body of the book
is then devoted to the inventions of Sir Hiram Maxim, with chapters
on: Electric lighting; Maxim automatic gun; Powders; Explosives;
Erosion of guns; Fuzes; Gun for attacking Zeppelins; Lewis gun—
Madsen gun; Flight of a projectile; Aerial navigation; etc. There are
seven illustrations, appendixes and index.

Ath p604 My 7 ’20 700w

Outlook 125:715 Ag 25 ’20 60w
Spec 124:394 Mr 20 ’20 180w
The Times [London] Lit Sup p189 Mr
18 ’20 80w


1st baron. Science and war. pa *80c (7½c) Putnam

(Eng ed 19–15830)

This small volume contains the Rede lecture for 1919, at

Cambridge university. In beginning his enumeration of the debts the
war owes to science Lord Moulton, without apparent ironical intent,
points out that science made the war possible. He shows that the war
represented “the results of the totality of scientific progress” from the
beginning and then devotes himself to the more recent developments
of science and invention that determined the character and extent of
the war. In conclusion he warns that the next war may mean not only
the end of civilization but the self-destruction of mankind.

Ath p786 Ag 22 ’19 340w

Reviewed by B: C. Gruenberg

Nation 111:104 Jl 24 ’20 160w

+ Spec 123:284 Ag 30 ’19 90w
+ The Times [London] Lit Sup p402 Jl 24
’19 180w


reader’s Bible for schools; the New Testament.
*$2.25 Macmillan 225


“‘The modern reader’s Bible’ is not a new translation. It is the

ordinary Bible (revised version), without alteration as to matter or
wording, but printed in such a way as to bring out to the eye the full
literary form and structure. This literary form and structure refers to
such things as the difference between story, song, drama, discourse,
essay: the distinction between verse and prose, together with the
delicate variations of verse which make such a large part of the effect
of poetry.” (Introd.) In addition to the general introduction each of
the three parts, Gospels, Acts, Epistles and Revelation, has its special
introduction. Some forty pages of notes are arranged at the end and
there is an index “designed to give assistance in the more systematic
reading of the New Testament.” There is also a frontispiece map.

Booklist 16:355 Jl ’20

“On the whole the book seems admirably adapted to the purpose
intended—to provide a text of the New Testament with explanations
adequate and truthful yet thoroughly adapted virginibus puerisque.”
+ Nation 111:305 S 11 ’20 200w

“Professor Moulton’s ‘Reader’s Bible,’ good as it is, does not please

everyone because he varies the order of the canon, and because he
adopts the revised version. However, we are glad to see his simplified
edition of the New Testament. It is far easier to read than any
ordinary Testament.”

+ Spec 125:540 O 23 ’20 170w

The Times [London] Lit Sup p637 S 30
’20 120w


*$3.50 Houghton 942.04

“Henry V in his day was held to be the pattern of a chivalrous

knight: round his name has centred the romance of medieval
England; in his person Shakespeare found already expressed the
glory of the Elizabethan age, the symbol of our national aspirations.
The character of Henry V has many of the faults but all the virtues of
his time; ... his kindness and good fellowship; his bravery and sense
of justice; his unremitting industry; his piety.” (Chapter I) Among
the contents are: The legendary and the real Henry; The French war;
The conquest of Normandy; The treaty of Troyes; The work and
character of Henry V. The book is illustrated and has an appendix, a
bibliography and an index. An earlier edition of this work appeared
in 1915.
Ath p668 My 21 ’20 1250w

“It is natural in such a biography rather to emphasize the heroic,

and within the limits of his space Mr Mowat has given us a very
readable and on the whole accurate history. But space would not
permit the writer to add much that is new.” C. L. Kingsford

+ − Eng Hist R 35:453 Jl ’20 1100w

Reviewed by E. L. Pearson

+ Review 3:419 N 3 ’20 500w

“Mr Mowat has written a good book, which should be widely read.
He has very rightly relied in the main upon the chief French and
English chronicles and biographies, and has avoided the tendency,
rather too common just now, to pick out erudite and often irrelevant
detail from half-read sources.”

+ − The Times [London] Lit Sup p182 Mr

15 ’20 1100w

MUIR, EDWIN. We moderns; enigmas and

guesses. *$1.75 Knopf 192


The volume is the fourth in the series of Free lance books, edited
with introductions by H. L. Mencken. It is a book of aphorisms after
the manner of Nietzsche and inspired by the philosophy of Nietzsche.
They are animadversions on life and all the modern aspects of life as
revealed in our art, literature, science, and religion; and are grouped
under the headings: The old age; Original sin; What is modern? Art
and literature; Creative love; The tragic view.

+ Booklist 17:7 O ’20

“There are lapses, superficialities, but on the whole this is

criticism, of life and of literature, which must effect a change in one’s
habits of thought.”

+ − Dial 69:102 Jl ’20 90w

“These aphorisms are utterly without the meretricious glitter of the

common epigram; they are luminous with the sober light of truth.
Like Pascal’s ‘Pensees’ the logic that underlies the book is, in its
smaller scale, an unconstructed cathedral of thought: it demands a
certain architectural intuition of the reader. One thing is certain: no
utterances more tonic, more bracing have rent the sultry firmament
of contemporary literature.”

+ Freeman 1:213 My 12 ’20 2150w

“He is, on the evidence of this little volume, a thinker not lightly to
be passed by.”

+ N Y Times p8 O 31 ’20 850w

Manchester grammar school, 1515–1915; a regional
study of the advancement of learning in Manchester
since the reformation. il *$8.50 (*21s) Longmans 373


“This volume has seventeen chapters with twenty-one appendixes

of documents, tracing the history of the Manchester school for three
hundred years. The author is more interested in the personal history
of its benefactors, directors, masters, and graduates, than he is in
detailed information regarding the school’s management, support,
system of education, etc., at various periods. This is somewhat
disappointing to the American student. On the other hand the
volume is much more than a history of one school or even of the
educational forces and agencies in Manchester. There is much of
value on the educational and intellectual development of England in
general, and comment on the larger factors of an economic, social,
and religious character, which influenced the course of this
development. The main thread of the story has to do with the
struggle to democratize the school and to supplant the old classical
curriculum with one which would more directly meet the new
economic and social conditions ushered in by the industrial
revolution. There are numerous illustrations of Manchester, the
school and notables connected with it, and a good index.”—Am Hist

“The book is a creditable piece of work, even if it does not measure

up to the high standard of scholarship which other writers have set in
their histories of similar schools.” M. W. Jernegan

+ − Am Hist R 26:127 O ’20 460w

“The last chapter of Dr Mumford’s book contains much valuable
material. As he was for a long time medical examiner at the school,
his testimony against military training in secondary schools is
important. Other valuable expert testimony is that given in regard to
the irregular development of the adolescent.” W. S. Hinchman

+ Review 2:523 My 15 ’20 1200w

MUNDY, TALBOT. Eye of Zeitoon. il *$2 Bobbs


“Those who followed the fortunes of the four friends who traveled
‘The ivory trail’ will rejoice at the opportunity here afforded of
meeting them once again and sharing the thrilling adventures which
befell them because of ‘The eye of Zeitoon.’ This same ‘Eye of
Zeitoon’ was not a precious stone of any kind, but a man named
Kagig, an Armenian and a patriot, doing his best to save his
countrymen from the Turks. Two women play important parts in the
story—Gloria Vanderman, an American girl, resolute, strong-willed
and fearless, able to handle a pistol or even a rifle in a moment of
danger, and that effectively, and the mysterious Maga Jhaere, the
wild, pagan, primitive half-gypsy, a veritable fiend at times, yet
almost a child in her naïveté. She is interesting, but not so interesting
as Kagig himself.”—N Y Times

“‘The eye of Zeitoon’ shows a great advance on ‘The ivory trail,’

which we reviewed not long ago. It has more coherence, fewer
horrors, and a descriptive quality which at times touches the point of
+ Ath p838 D 17 ’20 100w
Booklist 16:282 My ’20

“‘The eye of Zeitoon’ has most of the Kipling tricks and some of the
Kipling virtues. As a yarn, it drags at times, its briskness of style
being in odd contrast with the sluggish action.” H. W. Boynton

+ − Bookm 51:582 Jl ’20 210w

+ Cleveland p72 Ag ’20 50w

“Talbot Mundy would like to be a second Rudyard Kipling and he

never will, but if you don’t insist on making invidious comparisons
and if you like hot fighting you can find a lot of interest and
excitement in this tale.”

+ − Ind 104:382 D 11 ’20 80w

“A dramatic, well-written and absorbing romance of high


+ N Y Times 25:205 Ap 25 ’20 700w

Reviewed by Katharine Oliver

+ Pub W 97:993 Mr 20 ’20 320w

“A highly interesting element is the author’s portraiture of eastern

+ Springf’d Republican p11a Je 13 ’20

“Mr Mundy strives valiantly after thrills and excitements, but

scarcely succeeds in rising above the level of musical comedy.”

− + The Times [London] Lit Sup p721 N 4

’20 50w

MUNDY, TALBOT. Told in the East. *$2 Bobbs


“Two of the three stories in Talbot Mundy’s ‘Told in the East’ are of
the proportions of novelets. They are based on dramatic incidents in
the Indian mutiny. The third has a humorous trend but is withal a
typical Mundy tale. The first of the trio, ‘Hookum, Hai’ has for its
central figure Bill Brown, a stoical British sergeant, who, while
assigned to an isolated outpost in command of a dozen men, is
caught in the maelstrom of the initial uprising. A typical Mundy
character—a loyal, aristocratic Rajput officer—is the hero of ‘For the
salt he had eaten,’ the second story. ‘Machassan Ah,’ the final tale,
relates the humorous experiences of two British bluejackets who go
ashore at an Arabian port in pursuit of a native who proclaims
himself an Englishman.”—Springf’d Republican

“None of the three tales published in the present volume is lacking

in excitement; in fact, there is a little too much of it.”
+ − N Y Evening Post p10 D 31 ’20 100w

“Through the magic of these printed pages, we are transported to

the India of the last century.”

+ N Y Times p24 D 26 ’20 670w

“The three stories will afford pleasure and entertainment.”

+ Springf’d Republican p7a D 12 ’20 230w

sketches. il *$3.50 Putnam 917.8

The book describes the mesa and desert country and the coast line
of the Southwest geographically, geologically, climatologically and
ethnographically. The healthfulness, beauty and rare fascination of
the country are dwelt upon and the 133 illustrations give some idea
of the scenery and the remains of pioneer and aboriginal life. The
contents are: The mesa country; Land of the cliff dwellers; In
Hopiland; The Flagstaff region; The petrified forests of Arizona; El
Rito de los Frijoles; On the Arizona frontier; Passing of the Apache;
Ranch reminiscences; Big irrigation projects; Southwest climate;
Southern California.

+ N Y Times p14 Ja 2 ’21 910w

+ R of Rs 53:223 F ’21 70w

“A pleasantly informal travel book. Mr Munk evidently writes with

thorough knowledge and shows an appreciative eye for the beauties
and oddities of that country and its native people. Particularly
fascinating is the description of the petrified forests of Arizona.”

+ Springf’d Republican p10 Ja 18 ’21



in education. *$1.60 Macmillan 370.1


“A volume defending vocational education and written by a vice-

chairman of the Federal board for vocational education. The author
tries to show that the old regime of twenty years and more ago was a
flat failure in the scheme of education in the United States. There is
strong intimation that much of the old system is still in force. He
shows how the great world war has helped bring us to our senses in
the matter of educating boys and girls in a many-sided way rather
than in a narrow way as previously. (School R) “The book does not
advocate, however, the separation of vocational from academic
schools.” (Booklist)

+ Booklist 16:331 Jl ’20

“The plea for reorganization of elementary and secondary
education could hardly be put more forcibly than is here given. To
the casual reader, however, there seems to be some overemphasis in
places; but this only makes one think more carefully.”

+ − School R 28:390 My ’20 600w


price maintenance. pa *$1.50 Longmans 338.5


“Dr Murchison lays the foundation for discussion of price

maintenance in the two chapters upon marketing: The organization
of the market, and Irregularities of the present retailing system. The
discussion of price maintenance is given in chapters five to eight.”
(Am Econ R) “[Other subjects discussed are] the function of the
retailer, and attempts to prevent price-cutting. Issued as Columbia
university studies in history, economics, and public law.” (Brooklyn)

“A serious study such as this is to be commended even though it

does not say the last word upon price maintenance.” H. R. Tosdal

+ − Am Econ R 10:120 Mr ’20 850w

Brooklyn 12:62 Ja ’20 30w

“The various forms of price maintenance and of price cutting are

described in detail, and the arguments for and against both, as well
as for the author’s own compromise position, are stated with lucidity.
If the reader remains unconvinced, the reason lies in the fact that in
actual life the problem of price determination is bound up with a
variety of other problems of equal importance to the consumer.” B. L.

+ − Survey 43:202 N 29 ’19 320w

MURDOCK, VICTOR. China, the mysterious

and marvellous. il *$2.50 Revell 915.1


“Mr Murdock’s book is simply a narrative of a trip into China that

took him rather far into the interior and away from the usual route of
the tourist.” (Freeman) “He says, ‘Here is the history of the present
volume. My brother in Wichita took the letters I had written and as
they had been published in our paper, the Eagle, put them in the
form they bear. Our idea was to let me give copies of it to particular
friends.” (N Y Times)

“It is unfortunate, we think that Mr Murdock elected to write this

story of his travels, not in English, but in journalese. Some three
hundred pages of etymological ‘jazz’ places an undue strain on the
reader’s literary nerves. And this is more the pity because the author
can command good, plain English when he wants to.” Harold Kellock

+ − Freeman 2:188 N 3 ’20 620w

“The text is so frisky, the words so plain and slangy, comparisons

so lacking, and the subject dealt with so personally, that I wondered
at a publisher printing such a book with paper and labor so dear.” F:
− N Y Times p7 S 5 ’20 3650w
+ Outlook 126:768 D 29 ’20 50w


HENRIETTA BROWN. Child under eight.
(Modern educator’s lib.) *$1.90 (*6s) Longmans

(Eng ed E20–581)

“The book which comes from England with this title, ‘The child
under eight,’ is a discussion of the kindergarten after the fashion that
might have been found in an American book fifteen or twenty years
ago. The titles of the various chapters indicate the temper of the
writers. There are chapters entitled The world’s mine oyster, All the
world’s a stage, Joy in making, In grassy places, etc. The book is not
without some practical suggestions for work in the kindergarten, but
in the main it is a defense of the kindergarten with some reference to
modern movements in the treatment of little children.”—El School J

El School J 20:716 My ’20 170w

+ Spec 124:553 Ap 24 ’20 900w

MURRAY, GILBERT. Our great war and the

great war of the ancient Greeks. (Creighton lecture,
1918) *$1.25 (13c) Seltzer 938


A comparison between the Peloponnesian war and the great war in

Europe. The war between Sparta and Athens was the greatest war the
world had ever known. “Arising suddenly among civilized nations,
accustomed to comparatively decent and halfhearted wars, it startled
the world by its uncompromising ferocity.” And it ended in a peace
that was no peace and was followed by other wars, the outcome of
which was death to both combatants. Drawing on the historians and
dramatists of the time the author sets forth a picture that shows
many striking similarities to our modern experience. In conclusion
he expresses a hope that in spite of the terrible evils growing out of
the recent war, we may make use of the opportunity to build a better
international life out of the ruin. The work is dated November 7,

Nation 111:252 Ag 28 ’20 350w

“Gilbert Murray’s translations are, as always, enjoyable, even

though such words as ‘Niagara’ in the mouth of the Athenians make
us a bit suspicious that other lively expressions also may be more
Murray than Aristophanes.” J. W. Hughan

+ Socialist R 9:208 N ’20 220w

MURRAY, JOHN. John Murray III, 1808–
1892. il *$1.50 Knopf

(Eng ed 20–8871)

“John Murray III was the grandson of the John Murray (1745–93,
originally MacMurray!) who founded the famous publishing house in
November, 1768, and the son of John Murray, jr. (1778–1843), who
is perhaps best remembered now as friend and publisher of Byron
and as publisher of the Quarterly Review. Of John Murray III (1808–
92) there was no account adequate at all, except mere facts in the
Dictionary of national biography, until his son’s interesting article
appeared in the Quarterly Review for January, 1919. The present
little book consists of that article, revised and enlarged, followed by
the father’s paper on the ‘Origin and history of Murray’s handbooks
for travellers,’ and by some new letters to his family (1830–91),
mainly describing vividly various travels abroad and at home.”—N Y
Evening Post

“The letters are excellent reading, and we venture to ask for more,
if more are to be had.”

+ Ath p76 Ja 16 ’20 300w

“Interesting because of his participation in literary events of real

significance, such as Scott’s announcement of his authorship of
‘Waverly’ and the publication of the ‘Origin of species.’”

+ Booklist 17:153 Ja ’21

“One misses such anecdotes and illustrations of literary life as
might have been expected from a publisher in close contact with
great writers.”

+ − Nation 112:90 Ja 19 ’21 180w

“This is a very interesting and welcome little book.” L. L. MacKall

+ N Y Evening Post p14 D 4 ’20 1250w

“The memoir has the unusual fault of being too brief, but it does
justice to its subject and adds a new and interesting chapter to the
history of English publishing.”

+ Spec 122:81 Ja 17 ’20 1650w

MUSCIO, BERNARD. Lectures on industrial

psychology. 2d ed, rev il *$3 Dutton 658.7


“A book principally composed of a series of lectures given to

general audiences at Sydney university.” (Survey) “These lectures
discuss such topics as fatigue, muscle coördination, individual
differences, scientific management, motion study, and other
applications of psychology to the life of workers.” (R of Rs)

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