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Psychological violence

What psychological violence is?

It refers to the phenomenon by which one or more people verbally assault another or
other people, establishing some kind of psychological and emotional damage in the
assaulted people.
It can consist of abandonment, humiliation, indifference, rejection or threats.

What damage does it cause?

Feelings of shame and guilt, phobias, panic disorders are built in the victim, there may
even be total physical inactivity or suicidal behaviors may occur. Unlike physical
violence, whose traces are visible and tangible, psychological violence is manifested
through hurtful words, derogatory gestures, emotional manipulation and coercive
control. These actions can occur in the field of interpersonal relationships, whether
within the family, in the couple, at work or in any other social context.
Psychological violence can take various forms, from constant contempt to the veiled
threat, from social isolation to excessive control of the victim's life. These behaviors,
although they do not leave physical marks, leave an indelible mark on the psychological
an emotional well-being of those who suffer from them.

How can we avoid it?

To prevent psychological violence, the essential thing is to educate in values such as
respect, equality and communication, educating in norms and values, informing about
the danger that surrounds them.
Educate society about its manifestations and consequences, promoting relationships
based on mutual respect and equality, and provide support and resources to victims so
that they can break the cycle of abuse and rebuild their lives .
Ultimately, eradicating psychological violence requires a collective and continuous
effort on the part of society as a whole. We must work together to create an
environment where all people can live free from fear, oppression and mistreatment,
and where respect and dignity are the fundamental pillars of our human relationships.
Psychological violence, although invisible to the naked eye, it is an abuse form, that
leaves deep scars on the affected individual. Often underestimated and overlooked, this
form of violence has a devastating impact on people's mental and emotional health,
undermining their self-esteem, their sense of personal value and their ability to interact
in a healthy way with others.


Los tipos de violencia,

de_Violencia.pdf. Accessed 9 May 2024.

“¿Has escuchado acerca de la violencia psicológica o emocional?” Gobierno de México, 25 August 2017,

emocional?idiom=es. Accessed 9 May 2024.

“Violencia Psicológica.” Congreso del Estado de Chiapas,

invisible. Accessed 9 May 2024.

“Violéncia Psicológica, cómo detectarla y prevenirla - Auria.” Auria Psicologia, 20 November 2023, Accessed 9 May


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