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Name: _______________________________

Unit test 1
1 Read the text and then answer the questions. 2 Complete the dialogue with the present simple or
My friend Mark sends me voice messages every present continuous form of the verbs in brackets.
day. He sends them when it is morning for him. He Ray What is (be) your favourite subject at school?
lives in California now so it is morning for him when it Sam I 1 ________ (enjoy) Physics. At the moment,
is night time for me. This is what his last voice we 2 ________ (study) interesting things about
message said: space.
‘Hello Jason. Guess what? Our teacher is sick and Ray I 3 ________ (feel) happy when it’s time to do
there isn’t another teacher for us so we are having art. I 4 ________ (paint) a picture of a forest
fun in class. Some of the boys are watching a film on with birds flying around in my art classes – it’s
hard work!
a tablet. It sounds like it is a very scary film! A group
of girls are singing a song – badly! One girl is Sam I really 5 ________ (like) birds. Can I see it?
studying – she is always top of the class. Some Ray It isn’t finished. I 6 ________ (do) it slowly.
people are drawing a picture of the teacher and it’s Later – maybe in a week!
quite funny. I am taking photos of everyone.’
I like hearing about what Mark’s doing at school
when I’m in bed and it’s dark outside. It’s nice that
we have technology to keep in touch with our friends
when they live far away. I miss Mark a lot. He’s my
best friend, but it’s okay because he sends voice
messages and at weekends we talk on the phone.
We also use social media to upload photos and
I live in London. Mark usually lives in London, but his
parents are working in California for three years. I
like hearing about California because there are so
many differences between California and London.
Mark’s parents often travel to different places for
work and Mark goes with them. One of the best
things about it is that I sometimes visit him. My
parents say I can go and stay with Mark in the
summer, so I am very excited about that!

What part of Mark’s day does Mark like to send
Jason voice messages?
When it’s morning for him.
1 Why was everybody having fun in Mark’s class in
the voice message?
2 What kind of film were some of the boys
3 How many of the people were studying?
4 How long is Mark staying in California?
5 When is Jason going to visit Mark?

Name: _______________________________

Unit test 1
Choose a word or expression from the box to 6
complete the sentences. 6 Choose the correct alternative.
usually now always often Example: Please write in your notebook /
today every day at the moment ringbinder.
1 She wrote it on the interactive whiteboard /
Example: I usually walk to work but I don’t walk when
it’s raining or when I’m too tired.
2 Look at the timetable / clock to see when you
1 I need to go ____________. My bus leaves in five
have your Maths lessons.
3 Turn to page 47 in your tablet / coursebook.
2 I ____________ think about my home country,
4 She put her rubbish in the bookshelf /
but not all the time.
wastepaper basket.
3 ____________ is my birthday and I feel happy.
5 I make straight lines with the ruler / projector.
4 ____________ she is busy. Wait a minute,
6 Use the paint / dictionary to check the word.
5 He is ____________ hungry – he never stops 6
6 I phone my friend ____________, even when I 7 Match the questions (1–6) with the correct
see her at school! responses (a–g).
a Go right ahead. Here
Can he join the it is.
5 Decide which sentence, A or B, is correct. team? b I’m sorry, that’s not
1 Could I use the possible. We’re
ruler? closed.
A Felicity is so kind. She’s always thinking about
2 May I enter, please? c Of course. He did it
other people.
3 Could I speak to you well.
B Felicity is so kind. She’s always thinking about
now, please? d No problem. Here is a
4 Can you help me? ball.
1 A Sue’s got very long straight hair. She can sit
5 Could he do it? e I’m sorry, no. I’m busy
on it!
6 May we play tennis at the moment.
B Sue’s got medium length curly hair. She can
with you, please? f Sure. What do you
sit on it!
2 A Max isn’t very friendly, so he’s got lots of
g Sure. He’s welcome.
B Max isn’t very friendly, so he hasn’t got a lot of 6
3 A Mary always gets freckles in the summer.
B Mary always gets glasses in the summer.
4 A Ask Fiona for the answer – she’s clever.
B Ask Fiona for the answer – she’s sporty.
5 A Len’s got green, big eyes.
B Len’s got big, green eyes.
6 A Sally is so funny – she always makes me
B Sally is so friendly – she always makes me

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