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Once upon a time there was a photographer. He took a photo of a cat.

Suddenly the cat

spoke and said, "I'm hungry." The cat tied a mouse and was still hungry, so he caught
another mouse. The photographer was really surprised. Then he spoke to the cat: "Why
can you talk?" The cat replied, "Because I'm a magical cat. If you bought me a bottle of
milk, I'd bring you a new camera." The photographer went to the market and the cat
slept. While the cat was sleeping, surprisingly the mouse survived and began to take
revenge. The mouse reads a book of magic drinks. Suddenly, the sun came out so the
little mouse quickly became the photographer, the cat woke up then saw the
photographer without realizing that he was not actually the photographer, then the little
mouse, who was now the photographer, gave the milk to the cat. , who innocently drank
it and was converted. into a small piece of cheese and then devoured by the little mouse
who was now able to take revenge.

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